West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1935, p. 4

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PP. . “"“l ta'alMilh " Ai'ittigs u, _:yi?s"t".Q' "E58iMtN . , ' 8SgrNESttllhgr, .A r’ 'lEM58iKtllNh MINhN {#4, 'i't.'aBtM - - , 'liters"" '.; MllMrlmtlMlt - T . A was?! ri,r.'saillililtitli8iliiil, MM . u , ily , Ci:3a. » 'lll8llll Iili& MU:, .4. tgMlgltl88g8g8gllt 4.31.35 7 Sbs.? "Pr't _ '22? '8Mto 1 ' . 'tkr. 'a " ‘ , Brly Witt. . I ‘ H _.;:..;. MP,. Yo j ‘3'“: .~-:,:;. . iNi!iAttd Cir)" t a, F.' iililtili. it r ‘ ty " +5 . "alN e 'NiB!llI _ wr , . _ , , ‘c ZW.. _ g88tllMl' , I; . _ f Yi' FV M t 'RlilitllltN T . . - o' I y, .2-1‘; a}? " “7 1 . , t mit. ' Ilk . - , alMrllrlilll . , . :7 , . ' - 'l-lil.. I , ' -- q +1.1 C _ ' ' B idk _ A k . , iq _ _ _ l Me 7 A - ' ' ‘ . - , t? . _ _ q sr"-' b I . i _ .. ;.'< _ A -{ _ f _ W‘: ~ " y x . 3 . t _,yr,' ex y . as? F i ___ v“ "e-e" --------, If _ l, v_r . , A a=T=taiir-r------ Tb, Luthexan church a have manned a new I coating 82000. made was ' nersnity ot a former cl ber, John A. Rettinzer nl ‘inlster of new Macl COUBNER CHECK 1f3di)itNlCt!iiit Duplicate - Triplicate Carbonized - Carbon Leaf Every Book guaranteed a perfect book 3""- "_"--- - The Durham Review and all popular Styles and Sizes When it's their anniversary . . . and you’ve been away along time . . . and you can't be there in person to congratulate them . . . Send your voice instead, by Long Distance. {gm s.tfiii/1l"rcrj1 '.., Ir-rd -atf.:Cji"iijiiii'i vr of National Revenge in the Mackenze King government. HON. w ’2000- made possible “QUALITY BEST” An item of importance that we can supply promptly a former church Lem.. Rettinger ot Kitchener. .Nothing but your voice can give just the right touch. And as the rates in the front page: of your directory show, you can talk loo miles or so for as little as 30 cents. Place your orders at home. mrch a Walkerton new pipe organ- “I , i:iiiisi's)'li;.i'i'j-'i'lrl.i, imflg} Fteixt, ci.frsr"...'.'.. EULER Atttit I - 3,1,. 3’”? (0'? Z ._utsti)"'t', t,r--:'htrr,)? A - by the LEADS QUEBEC MEMBERS Hrn. Errnst Iauroirt'e, right hand man of Premier Mackenzie King and acknowledged leader of the Liberal contingent from Quebec, who in again to become Minister ot Justice, 8. post he held in the last King government. OATS WANTED 100d mining oats, any t 2| p:"ro for Good Quality W. Ewen. Phone 114, 'r any quantity. Durham rather than thing. ly Mtuenees our I we always have I ttuenee is worth I responsive reading tum and prayer; u: close or the meeting a social hour was enJoyed by all present. Thanksgiving Service. The Thanksgiving service held in Queen tr'. United Church on Thm day last had Rev. R. G. Hubert in wo-..-, - - 'he close of the preside: The sectional meeting them portion of Sauna: on the fifteenth anniversary of Mr. Smith's successful ministry here, he having been reminded of the event throutrh the columns of the Review. Giaiiii'iiisai:s At the morning service in Knox church, Sunday, the pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith, referred to a letter he had received from Rev. .Dr. Farqu- harson, of Toronto, former pastor. Dr. Farquharson mentioned his mum was improved and etended ecagratulatiom, to pastor and people Extends Greetings on Fifteenth Anniversay f It is rumored that W. P. Telford, 'newly-elected Liberal M. P. for North 'Grey, may be ottered a seat in the kennte, to open the riding for Hon. ‘Chas. Dunning, the new Minister of cost of each vote polled last election Ineluding the publlc expense and that of the parties, averaged 81.60. How many people would have voted it they had had to pay that much be. fore being given a ballot to mark. queries the Dundalk Herald? Some folk aspire to tame; And some may reach their goal; But I aspire to nothing more, Than to ty ir a sleeping soul. if I but cause a tear I Drop from a stony eye, Or give a word of cheer As I am passing by. Then that to me is fame; Then that to me is Joy; Though I be not acclaimed, Nor lauded to the sky. l throw my humble light Por those that care no see; And give with all my might What has teen given to me. --Phoebe Hendry, wick on Home Helpers; Mrs Me. 'er on Y.W.A. and Mrs Gowdy Hrls’ Work. Miss Lamont. tuid nary. was present and gave an as: on the why and wherefore, actions] meetings. Her meme full of Inspiration. Mm Lauder Milverton Sun-A year ago a mem- orial in the form of a garden was opened on Young st.. Toronto, in honor of Alexander Muir, the poet- teacher of "The Maple Leaf," our na- tional Bong. A critic after viewing the beauties of the garden expressed regret that i-, was not garnished by a single maple tree. No doubt this has been an ovexslght in planning and will surely be rectified at an early date. The memorial picture can hardly be complete without some maple trees. NOT A MAPLE IN MUIR GARDEN the Markdale Standard place it at 1535. Wha ever it is, Agnes made i1 without a recount, " in West York wtrr.e a Liberal, Col. Strelght, slip ped in over the Conservative. We we.e not surprised at varying major. ydes published the first week, a cou- ple days after the election, but 1's a new one to us to see three differ- ent "ofricia1 figures" has been figured out that Rev. J. R. D pad in over the ( ve.e not surprised Lies published the 6tte lea, Mrs Howell and sidi gave musical numbers. At JY he Worth while The bh' WHAT 1103 v. J. dt. Thompson led In endings from the scrip- Iyers. Rev. W. H. Smith's thunkmmsu for persons RAMAGE A Proprietors he old saw “H no more conlua lea Macphail’a recent election “shed It to be the Retvmmg er I. Phtmoauuitr _ lives, he Nd, and ”mu- When In- la. ever it recount, Liberal, l IS FAME. Pnail's correct election tray. t to be 1484, l rmmg Officer; ise has it t, Flesherton Ad ariorm AGNES whether we. "How Musing old MAJORITY t 303i.” Editors is t] bonnet rod, suede utter 'tte couple left on a. trip to New York and Connecticut. the bride travelling in u butane! rod French - ---q= ' . - white the a- -_..-. uvuquvt Ul Johanna Hm tones. Mr: Fred Me- Lean, alster-In-law of the gloom, who also received with the bridal party. was in black hoe with French rh. hon hat in white and carnage of widen ---- In ‘he Colonial mom of York, the bride's mother in a gown of mum- -- Clifford, Roms, K. Allan, brothers ot th ceremony a r - "u... -.. ylsuhUDE , litrv2ss, the shl‘rred back forming a 5 graceful train. She .wore a three, _ strand pearl necklace, gift of the ‘groom. Her veil of embroidered tulle was draped over the head in a Marina Coronet with orange blossoms. She carried a large nosegay of rap- ture roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs stewar'. Graham was matron of honor and Mrs Ted Wharrie of Ot- tawa and Miss Pat Anderson bride's attendants. They were [rocked alike. matron ot honor in turquoise blue velvet and the bridesmaids in coral and rust velvet. They were fashion- ed long with titted Jackets with El- izahe han collars, the full skirts for- ming . train. Their bats were of matching mivet. The matron of honor carried talisman roses and the bridesmaids, rapture roses and vio- lets. Mr. Tom Kern-Mir --- '---‘ later ' he ‘ The marriage took place in Runny- (mede United church, Toronto, on :Sunday afternoon of Hazel Mae, fdavghter of Mr and Mrs Edwin Al. Han, Toronto, and granddaughter of Mrs Thus. Allan at Durham to Mr. W. James McLean, son of the late Mr and Mrs Wm. H. McLean, Rev. Murdock McKinnon omeiating. The church was decorated with bronze and yellow mums, palms and terms, and the wedding music played by Mr Watson. During the signing of the register Mias‘ Violet Murray sang "Because". The brldp um. -1"-.. '- marriage Hydro la a public utility and is such, the consumer in Grey Coun'y should not be at a disadvantage to the consumer in Toronto, or Hamil. ton. While thanking Mr. Lyon tor present (Wars, it is to be hoped he goes further light ere long. 4‘cuauuiL, wnlcn were paying exor-l __‘* . . ibitant rates. New the axe descendsl‘lBy DUNN a LEVASK' Ltd., Toronto ‘again to help the farmers' pocket. 1 Almost 7000 cattle arrived for Mon- This is all .0 the good. But Jus- day's market, over half ot which came t'ce won't be fulfilled until a flat trom Weslein Canada, consisting rate for power prevails throughoutl mostly of stockers and feeders. The the province. in costs .no more tol market opened slow for killing cattle build transmission lines for power) while breedy smokers and feeders 100 miles tsom the source than it' changed hands quickly at remarkably does ‘an miles away. In“ --r-, "' ‘ ' sun. mm with in}: lamb, ring “in". and black we” . "ttteauumoderstri2 Neustadt, which bltant rates. N again to help th gown of fuchsia. velvet ”with an; velvet hat and bouquet of , The present service charge is'a nice at home. N bugbear on the farm power con-' Mr. Remy was a good neighbor, " tracts. in fact it has interrupted hy- ways ready to bend a helping hand, [- tho expansion to the side roads and and will be much missed in the neigh- tr concessions. Mr. .Lyon poin'ed out bmhood. Three sisters and one bro n that rural lines power should be used they John survive. f for more purposes than lighting’ The funeral Sunday afternoon was , homes and barns. It should turn the largely attended by friends and g machinery of the farm in grinding neighbors, who gathered to pay their I grain and should lighten the toil of las: tritsuto of respect. Rev. David r farmers' wives. In New York State. Gowdy preached a very comforting ; he said, farmers, were assessed $1.00 sermon at house and grave. The rest , tor a service charge. He hoped to mine were interred in Durham cem- see the service charge to Ontario etery. The floral tributes were farmers greatly reduced in me near, frmn the family. the ladies' Aid, the, future. He said the Ontario taraner,Yountr People's Society, Miss Ada should pay tor actual current ussed,,iBtutkss, and Mrs. Malcolm. t and not for service charges. 1 The fitMver bearers were Archie f When the proposed reduction goes'MacLean. Herb. Miller, Jimmie Bell' I into effect. it will be the third oc_fa.nd C. Reay, and the pail-hearers ' easier: rates have been lowered tsince'"-' s:x cousins or the deceased: te, Hepburn regime began in Ontario t Messrs. Harry Rear, Chas. Rear, Geo i. and the preteen" commission control-”max Chris. 1tetty, Elmer Reay, Joe t led hydro bowel. First there was i/Peay. " general cut and then the commission' ------- i ("line to the relief o? man small; villages like Priceville, Holstein and,' LIVE STOCK REPORT f les...-.-.. . . - 9n That a cut in service charge on rural lines is pending. was a wel- come announcement recently made by Mr. T. Stewart Lyon, chairman of the On ario Hydro-Eiectric Power Commissirm. Mr. Lyon did not say whrn or did lv, say how much, but ruzal censumezs. especially farmers. will arp;::uate a reduction from the present heavy rate. Hydro Service Charge Wi” be Lowered R URAL SAYS se". The bride was given in go by her father and she wore ,vn of plush satin on princess the shl‘rred back forming a I train. She .wore a three- pearl necklace. gift of the have posses-ions or not. Rev. David Gowdy’s prayer wu that of Thanks- giving and the hymn: suns had he thanksgiving theme. have THE DURHAM REVIEW harmxmm , rapture roses and vio- Tom Kennedy was best the ushers were Messrs u. Kenneth and Hubert MeLEAN--ALLAN HYMENEAL [ HYDRO CHIEF-WANTS POWER EXPANSION tf the bride After receptbn was held mom of the Royal CONSUMERS ed with bronze swingers sold readily at from $40to palms and terms, $55 each. The bull trade held steady, ttgic played by Mr choice light bulls " to 4e, bolognas signing of the 2.75 to 3.25. let Murray sang In spite of a liberal supplyoilambs ide was given in prices held strong. choice ewes sell- Ier and she wore ing at 71/4 and bucks 6%. Best light mm on princess sheep 3 to 3%. The call trade was back forming a. stronger. espsclally on choice light e .wore a three- veals from 8 to 8%, with I, few tops Ice, gift of the at M; fair to good from 7 to 8; com- of embroidered won and medium 5 to 6%; heavy can? ' the head in a Yett very slow 4 to 5 cents. i orange blooms. Hog prices have taken A min-n.- :kets with .El- Full skirts tor- hats were of :e matron of mace and the receiving TO BENEFIT begt large top'e Large app'e growers of the Thorn- bury, Clerkaburg dletrlct ere complet- ing the picking ct a Inge crop at apples this week and estimates place place the number of barrel" " 60,e ooo to 70,000 with another 25,000 tor the rest or the Georgian Bey district“ The handling of this your: crop In: meant employment in the nelghbor- hood of 800 binds, molt of whom have been busy tn the onhu'dn. The balance are engaged in fruit hm. evapomton, cider milll 1nd trucking ' mg and we would min uh our readers to look "the label and if it ll dated prior to Oct, "35. then you are tn W. Your attenlon In the matter will be -.-., yucc- nave taken a toboggnn slide during the past week, md it is felt they have now reached the bot- .om for the time being at lent. Mon-7 day's sales were made on the basis' of 7% Co.b., but another dunner def Cline was registered Tuesday, sales: being made at 7% f.o.b., 7.60 for truch deliveries 1nd 8c. weighed off cars. A great deal will depend upon supplies. American market: are much louver, also all Canadian markets and packing plants are experiencing hea- vy receipte. I "ow trom your “ninth; to the ROVIOW tttandt MI ‘m needcd to been the g.r.g. Went- ln- --- -- _ I Some of the best s‘eer- sold from ‘55; to IN. while choice hmdywezght ibutehem ranged trom 4% to 5%; fair fto good from 4 to 455; common and jmcdium " to 3%; boners from Mi Ito 3.15. Choice baby beeves sold at (trom 7 to 8 cents. hut them was a ‘wide range in prices on medium to good from 5 to 6%. Selected s‘ockera and feeders Bold at from 454 to Sc, others at lower prices according to quality. The cow trade was slightly easier. especially on common kind, choice from 3% to 3%; medium to good 2% to 3%; cannera and cutters 1% to 2%. Choice much cows and swingers sold readllv at (um um. wane oreeoy smokers and feeders changed hands quickly at remarkably troodrpriees. Choice heavy steers were very slow of sale, but those weighing around 1100 pounds were readlly ta- .ken care or. There were no cattle shipped to the United Mates, and Old Country markets are not at ell favourable " the present time. i Some of the best s‘eer- sold from 5% to IN. while choice handyweight lun..l..__~ ,, - _ from Weslem Canada, mostly of stacker: and I market opened slow for I while breedy stacker: a changed hands quickly at troodrpriees. Choice heavy very slow of sale, hut tho around 1100 pounds were Jren care of. Thain nun- NOTE TO SUBSCRlBEIQ rm A”- -----. - APPLE CROP etery. The floral tributes were from the family. the Met Aid, the Young People's Society, Miss Ada The funeral Sunday afternoon was largely attended by friends and neighbors, who gathered to pay their Ias: tribute of respect. Rev. David Gowdy preached a. very comforting sermon at house and grave. The re. and will be much missed in the neigh- bmhood. Three sisters and one bro they John survive. we let: to moum the logs ot a lov- ing husband and father. One son Royden died six years ago and two e'aildren died in infancy. The family are Stamey, Mrs Clar- ence Thompson (Pearl), Mrs. Addie Symona (Lottie), who live near by, and Howard, Clayton, Maud and Ber- nice at home. f (By our Rocky Saleem can.) z The community was shocked in Thursday evening to hear of the death ot Mr. Thou. Rear, which oc- curred in 'tte.Darham hospital. He was in he 58m year. He had not been in the best ot health for some time but. went to the hospital only on Wedncsdar morning. He was the son of the late Thos.Reny of Vlckels where he was mined to manhood. In 1901 he was man-led to Miss Maud Alklns, who with a newly of seven a liberal supplyoflambs strong. choice ewes sell- .nd bucks 6%. Best light TORONTO THOMAS REAY -77 w--...,_-‘ M. A. Rear _ m... =... be calf trade was‘ Dgln'thforget the croldnole loch] , on choice light at t e ome of Mr aad Mrs Findlay, -'----.--, I. with I. few lop. Mecuau, Friday evening in charge‘ GREEN GROVE from 7 to 8; com- McCuaig, Emily evening in an,“ to Ir16; heavy ear' “n” the What Aid. Admission 10eta. i Mrg Ralph Ramon and Mrs hm; I 5 cents. I Phased to have as our guest this tield of Woodstock spent last “PM taken 0. tom“ week, Mrs Archie MacKinnon of with Mr And In Wm. Weir, Mr " week, and it is Walkerton 3nd Mn Mary Emkt oti,Uroietd and daughter came up it' melted the bot, Elmwood. fSnturday ttttd att return-"d to [ht-u In: Ct lent. Hon-5 --"_--..- Pomes next day. an]- -- .. _ _ PICKED tMutttttod. In Recent visitors NJ: Mr and In. Mitstt Maud L. McLean were Mrs J. w. Her ly of seven Kechnle. In Joe Cmtchley, Edrth " Of I lov- and Jessie, In Jam-13 Ledlnghun One Bon rnd daughter Elsie, Mr And Mrs Gan 30 and two don McClacken and Darleen, In J. Monison. Durham. ' Mrs Clar- Mr and Mite Malcolm McKecluue $40 to nation Carried. Wells-Bum; That ail eluding Voucher No. a “d Chane: Issued by Carried. Mturwoodoairer.. county, treuurer tax ale lot 33, co lots 47-49. Chum.- Bantinck townahn Monday, the 21sst With members all p last meeting were I iroraity, Hamilton and Mrs Archie MacKinnon, Walkerton, were guesfs at the home of Mr and Mrs A. C. MacDonald over the weekend. Don't forget the croklnole loch! no ' c-- - -- Mr and Mrs Homer and daughter Joyce, teturned from Toronto Mon- dar after a, plenum holiday with friends there. Professor Parker of Mun-nim- "m A goodly number of the mv.i'Cv. members were present at the lulu- nlonary meeting held It the perms Tuesday evening in charge of pu- tor Hemer. Next meeting will be a Hallowe'en social in curse ot Mrs. Adlnm. Mr and Mrs A. C. MacDonald, and daughter Ule. spent Thanksgiv- ing with Mr and Mrs J. Winch-m of Dcmoch. A - ~--~'-‘"-_j In John McGIrr Ned. fday with friends in wry-Bailey: That By-luv No. 18‘; "mounting elocfbu one“, Non-l m In? L- L" _ [mosh on Friday averting. l hm Art. McIntosh with her babyl girl, was able to return tuber home. [ Mrs J. E. Plan! ot Toronto, ell-j Joyed the week end " her summer: home here. , Mrs Wm. Smith an stone were guests of [mosh on Ptidav mm l1 Thanktaivintr panned ott very quiet- 'ly in Domoch. Borne of the young , men enjoyed the day hunting for a I tune. There was now in the My morning, which melted very ttuiekly. The t1tutett were 171:); at (inherent times, just to mix: us th‘nk winter is not for oft. Years ago we. had church on Thanksgiving, but plenum H's ‘he only thing In these dnys. . ; i Miss Reta McIntosh with threel friends from Toronto, spent the day) ‘with the farmer's mother, Mrs. E.' l McIntosh. I Mr and Mrs J. O. Dug-val and daughter Ethel at Hesherton. Bun. dayed wink " mother. Mrs T. O'Neil entemimd a few friends with I bridge purty on Fri- day evening. Mr and Mrs Smith and family of Kitchener were Thanksgiving guests with Mr and Mrs hmes Miller. Mrs J. W. McKechnle left Sutur- day for Toronto to spent the winter with her daughter Mrs Alf Hineka. Mrs Thos. Lauder Jr., with 1wo children are spending a. short ttme with Mr and Mn T. G. under be. tore leaving for Toronto to take up housekeeping. and daughter Joan attended the hm wral of the farmer’s cousin, Mr. no. Gillivmy in Push-y on Snturdly. Mrs Arch. Thompson hemmed " ter spendlng a few months will [hf-ends in Pittsburg and other [rho ea. Ronnie-t mutilation: we ex- tended to Mia. Elsie Miller In via- ning t1rst prize tnthe public-puking contest in connection wi h the school fairs which was held in Winkle last Saturday. About thirty took part In the contest from all over the county. Bentinek Council township council met on id) let day or October. ROCKY SAUGEEN MULOCK DORNOCH present. Minutes of I read and adored. That clerk notify to withdraw from m. 2, w.c.n.. and; I St, 1ilttnwomt.V “more”. Bun. We are having beautiful warm, other. "a " write all. Tuesday. We hop, and Mm Lum- _ it Madame. to be mud " it shor 0-1” of the lluel Me. ' “D the Winter. treasurer . - “count... In- "round. want. over the , her "ter. In Witt I Mr. 1 vuittne -'_ev uln| " 'me, "It had Mrs All Bailey entertatm., the Institute and club members an Mme- to n very aocinble time m My evening of Int week. Th- clllb m auo entertained an evenirr, may nt the Mlle of Mr and hir, i In; and (Adler. , In Clark Torry of Mulock and Edau‘mar In Wilfred Myers of Ho) [land Centre, were Sunday guests at :Mr and In Gut Wise. l, Mr. Dave Robin-on or Markdalr Ind Min Hutu-ct Petty of Durham viMtod may with Mr and Mrs H A. Bony. Mr John Ray. Mr and In George Buy and dnughter Gram were also sue-u m the sums homo Mr lad In John Hodgson and family of Durham spent Sunday our ning with Me and In Grat Wise. 1" and Mn All Bailey entertatm.d the Institute and club members an" amule- to n very sociable Lime or. qu.-.- - ed with her tuutthter, We extend our banks! t'onmar Nation- to Mr and In John Leduc: Inn. Durham, who III! week (IFI‘ili|" that undo Mes-dues: was n1 ,)" Mr and In J. Crutchley (netball-Ind Mrs R. H. bun. Durham on Sunday. My mum-a " Fred wen In J. Heir, son and d: M, and In W. Middleton an all of Durham; Mr James m, of Banach. I Mr and In J. Walsh Bpem F, icky with the intter'a pnren‘s Ill , 'W. Mr. E. and ":38 M. Slum. /iCiiiiiu with than tot a wwk's l; in. Ill-m Glady- Gnhlmn and In rich nectar. were weekend gum“: lp their friend It“ A. Heitt. Durhnn In 1. Stuart In: returned um home when she In enjoying a mu needed not "ter I your of nursm ' Visitors at Mr. Duncun Mon-mm 'the am or he week were Mr. 1:.- ilu Currie and son, was M. Mm hon all od Golllngwood. Mr, Jul :lorrilou, Mun; Mr. mum. t, m; “in mo anham, Toro (to; In J. 1asdittghsutt, Mr and M I]. lord-on, of Durham; Mr and If (Wm. mum of wiiuntntrrortt, M Pe! In Nubia and two PhIIdH-u. ‘Culedon were 1.110 rec-em tiriitru, ' Itha above home. Mr and In G. Goldsmith and viewed over the weekend with m. at Inme. Mr and In Hayward, Mr and Mottht "ot Milton, were imam: Mr 1nd In J. Corlett last um next day. 7 Hurry Wluhml of Caledon I r with his madmo‘her Mr, We at very pleased to hoax thit u the [wt hold on Monday A; connection with the Hadley, “'hm-I. aeedmt, mm Hartley was PM!" Grated from all time. It”. the M a] of Nov. at lo o clock for new when. 5” .0: " -x a“ In wm Puttegon OCT. 3i, 1935 In Wm. Weir. Mr. W"? time up or. " return-ed to them M unduy and let Thttrrday with Mr Each. of Dromoro. 1"an Clupmar. .. (dead; to progrw “My night. VICKI-IRS . Toronto Bond Silly recommended Whale“ Ind tttttt in M. dutrict. ”nary to u... nt position In Drona. Box Aoyd of Owen went last Thurs I and hummu- with her (laugh. II It Fred Heitc, Ir, MNt and daughter Middleton and baby If I!!!“ Rober'sm J. H. Chlttick weekend wit h ttd Mover, Visit 'r, In Jtur. Itmiy Piano WT I beloved hu, Hem. Durhan [Adina Rea y Wt Clerk qum pro tum bod pr: Le d Pt, cu

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