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Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1935, p. 5

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RHAXM â€" Damry . Prop., Q\‘n| CCT. 31, 1935 ANTED VICKERS illed modern equipâ€" 2ingz milk, anyone milk in its purest URIZE Us a trial WELBECK + GROVE lay of Nov. at il business . D MILK Tonto Bond ecommended siveness and his distriet. ary to the position is oven. Box H. Chittick, Clerk & D M ht with Mr romore . Chapman > progresâ€" Mrs Langâ€" last week ir . Mr. ham . f â€" Owen iledon is er _ Mrs. laughter ° daughâ€" ay in and Pat. id guests of (t, Durham. n Morrison‘s ‘re Mr. Bell, is M. Morr‘. Mr. John McLeod, Calâ€" ham, Toronâ€" Mr and Mr3 Mr and Mr3 M H iding our Reay and ved husâ€" Mrand Mrs e guests of ast week. ith and son with friends 1 with Thurs ford . Mr. » children of . visitors at congratâ€" in Ledingâ€" *k decided y was lay last nd Mrs3 to hear that Monday â€" in l*y, Wheeler d _ Heift‘s daughter, and baby, Robertson weather We hope shor‘ens up on their ittended . _ Reay ty ests of ned to her & a much _ nursing . pent Sun k _ and f Holâ€" 117 tained home . visitâ€" . Reay 3 an Grace nin Leding n 0. Shewell ‘k‘s vig and The on were exonâ€" 10 o‘. & 1 hJ â€" (+] Forms, Envelopes, Invoices or any printed forms or counter check books. The ‘Review‘ is ready any time to supply your printing reâ€" quirements. _ Work is neatly and prompt]y done. â€" Check up on your supp]y of Letterheads. Statements, Account T he Review to to Jan. & _ We have a full line of Choice Pastry, F; Confectionery alw Phone 8 CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. 'x 4 You reap Gunn‘s Fertitizer in stock UNIONX STOCK YÂ¥ AR Ds Dunn & Levack Lts, Canada‘s Leading SINCE 1893 . Business Man â€" our prices before purchasing elso where. It will Royal Household Flour Bran *O Canada‘ §6 Oa: Pilot ht * JOHN McGOWAN Keep in Stock for Sale V 11 tÂ¥i»ix rapairing actilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. HENDERSON‘s BAKERY THE PEOPLE‘S MILLs Try Henderson‘s Bread IT WILL PLEASE You FLOUR DURHAM REVIEW Wedding Cakes When you make use of our highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. +« 3!, 1935 A FULL HARVEsT Phone 6 0 mM 0 mss oL 0 LE . 1937, Fresh Groceries a nd ways on hand Livestock Selesm en the following Goods a Specialty Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED Subscribers only $2.00 DURHAM,. ONT Shorts SINCE 1893 TORONXTO pay you. | er _ of Tor | & longer Miss Hil week end Keep in o concert on g Presbyteria _ Mr. Wm that his ur passed aw; the age of | _ Deceased f a ville, was 0O B held in the many frien nt years ago. 6 years agr member of Iy mourn, two n Vera (Mrs. Ck 0 ching of L Leo on the by . One \y when quite seas with and was sp 2~ i ceased was C 6 many wgll ; hand for any good cause and has been greatly appreciated. She thankâ€" ed all kindly for the lovely gifts. A who has been the organist in the chnret{ and a member of the choir was always ready to lend a helping et full of pretty and useful things were carried in and Mss Olive Mc Meekin unwrapped them and the verses were read $x J. A. MacCuaig. She received many beautiful and useâ€" On Tuesday night the choir and a number of girl friends of Miss Jesâ€" sie Nichol met at her parental home before her recent marriage to spend a social hour with her. The evenâ€" ing was spent in progressive euchre and at an appropriate time, a baskâ€" _ Deceased who was born in Priceâ€" ville, was well known here and was held in the highest esteem by his many friends. He left here about 25 years ago. His wife predeceased him 6 years ago. He is the last surviving member of the family. He léaves to mourn, two daughters, Gladys and Vera (Mrs. Robinson) and Mrs Petâ€" ching of Le hbridge and two sons, Leo on the homestead and Bert near by . One daughter Lucinda died when quite young. Bert went overâ€" seas with the western contingent and was spared to return home. Deâ€" ceased was a mason by trade and many well remomber him. Interment was made at Lethbridge. I Mr. Wm. Watson received word that his uncle Mr. Herb Watson had passed away at Lethbridge Alta, at the age of 68 years. 4 Visitors at Mr. John McKechnie‘s over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Charles Lansborough and Mrs Robert Reid of Acton, also Mrs Jas. Gardinâ€" er of Toronto, who will remain for & longer visit. Keep in mind the fowl supper and concert on Friday, Nov. $th in the Presbyterian church. The wedding of Miss Jessie Nichol only daugh‘er of Mr and Mrs John Nichol, and Mr John A‘>x. MacCuaig took place on Saturday, by the Rev. | N. MacDonald. The immediate relaâ€" itives and friends of the contracting | parties were present. To Mr. Macâ€" | Cuaig, the happy bridegroom, and his |lovely wife, we extend congratulations ‘and best wishes for a happy â€" and. I prosperous life for many years toâ€" gether. The happy couple left on' ‘heir honeymoon trip to parts in Micâ€" higan and other points. _ The Women‘s Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, Nev. Th at 2.30 o‘clock at the home of Mrs J. P. MacMillan. All ladies are corâ€" dially invi‘ed to attend. Miss Hilda McKechnie spent the week end in Owen Sound. I' The anniversary services held in | St. Columba United on Sunday last, .'were largely aitended morning â€" and | evening. Rev. Mr. Mercer Holst.>in, |teok the services very acceptably. ;Ma.ny visitprs from outside districts | attended. Among the many we notiâ€" | ced Mr and Mrs Victor Adams â€"and [son, and Davie Hooper of Egremont, | Mr McBride of Bala, Mr_T. Casa, his | wife and daughter of Dundalk, andl | last but not leas", Mr John Mclnnes. | of Midnapore, Alberta, after many years absence, some thirty since he left. He is looking hale and hearty, and is on a visit to his many relaâ€" tives and a greater number of friends. The choir, fairly well ‘balanced, ac-i quitted themselves very creditably in four fine anthems, we are assured . I ( _A three point flitting has taken | place in town. Mr J. C. Harrison, having bought the house occupied by Rev. A. Sutherland, <he latter moved into the Manse, lower part, while Jimmie McDougall from there occuâ€" pies the house vacated by J. C. Harâ€" rison . Mr Joseph Ferris, having sold his farm to Mr Od»ll opposite, has bought the property in town of the late Mrs‘ Graham . Ane of Miss Lizza Mather where a |fine program was given by the childâ€" ren (not yet in their teens) of reciâ€" tations, choruses and duetts. Well done for ones so young, which we were please? to tostify to. Plays were indulged in, and a fine lunch was served at the close. The "own fathers have been having ‘the back street‘s sand hill lowered, | and giving it a covering of gravel. l | _ Mrs win Bowes of near Markdale,, Yigited : at â€" WNar Slaknue! 4ns Shu mt vis‘ted at her sisters, the. Misses James and Mrs H. B. McLean for several days, looking hale, hearty and happy . The young memb Pand wih their te Locial evening â€" on The second of the union prayer meeting series was held in the Uniâ€" ted Church on Wednesday evening . Neither was as well attended as they should be; wo are all needful of the benefits: the churches, the town and the country equally so. Canada should be a Christian country, but next to paganism exists in places. PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE s members of the Mission their teachers, held the‘r the union prayer‘ O8 Tresday the W.M.S. and wilâ€" Thursday at the : Mather where a ven by the childâ€" Mr. George Wale, Toronto, spent over Thanksgiving at his parental Mr and Mrs K. C. Clarke and sons, Toronto, spent over the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs D. Mclnnis. Mrs Stephen McMurdo visited reâ€" cently at the home of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Dingwall. Mr and Mrs Archie McEachnie and son Nelson visited early in the week with ‘heir daughter, Mrs A. Keith, Holstein. The W.1I. purpose holding a â€" soâ€" cilal in Stewart‘s Hall, Friday evenâ€" ing, Nov. $ h, when tickets will be Crawn for the quilt; also a good proâ€" gram of local talent. Lunch and silâ€" ver collection. Thanksgiving Day was duly obserâ€" ved in this locality with family parâ€" ties, hunting, etc. No doubt all were truly thankful for all good rifts. Mr and Mrs A. Langfield with daughter Olive and friend Mrs Ralph Pearson of Hickson visited the first of the week with their cousin Mrs J. Sinclair. United W.M.S. meet Thux;day. Nov. Tth at the home of Mrs Chesâ€" ter Fowler. Mr and Mrs Thos. were holiday guests at father and brothers in Mr Murray McEachnie and friend, Mrs McHardy and children, Toronto were recent visitors with relatives in this vicinity. y Messrs Colin McLean and John Mcinnis of Alberta visited Sunday at Angus McLachlan‘s. Mr Joe Harrison has purchased Mr M. McConkey‘s house and had it all redecorated. Rev. and Mrs Suthâ€" erland, who occupied it, have moved into tha manse. Mr. Jim McDougall and family who were in the manse will move into Mr. Joe Harrison‘s house. 6 Mr and Mrs Jim Thompson and bab; were recent visito1 McFachern‘s . Mr. David Hincks returned home on Monday after visiting friends at Invermay, Sask., and Carman, Man., and also called on his son Clifford who is teaching school at Hudson, Ontario. Mr and Mrs E. Cooper and of Toron‘o, visited recently at N. Mclntyre‘s. Mr and Mrs Harry Whitehorn and three daughters of Detroit visited recently with Mrs E. Burt and Mr. H. R. MclLean. Miss Margaret McArthur is visitâ€" ing in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Thos. Mino and Mrs Mamie McDonald of Owen Sound visited Sunday with friends here. Mr and Mrs Harry Whitehorn and Mr and Mrs Allie McLean and son and Mr Colin McLean motored to Owen Sound Saturday . ler and Mrs D. Galbraith of Carman Man., visited last week at â€"&. L. Hincks‘. Mrs Elizabeth Nuhn, Mrs Angus McCannell and son Jack, John Lefâ€" Misses Katie, Gladys and Annie McKinnon, and Messrs Alex McKinâ€" non and Dick Baxter of Toronto, spent over Thanksgiving at Mr. N. McKinnon‘s . Orval returned with them for the weekend . Mrs Stephenson spent a week vis i‘ing her daughter â€" Mrs Wm. J Hincks. Mrs Parker of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Jim Oliver. Mr and Mrs Hector McLean spent a few days in Fergus last week . Mr and Mrs Thos. Nichol with Mr nized and Mrs Dan L. MecArthur spent by Re the weekend in Buffalo. of My Mr Wm. McBride of Bala is visitâ€" in the ing his son Wm. at the s‘ation. and r Mi. Jack Mclnnis from Alberta is Jessie visiting at Mr C. McLean‘s and othâ€" riage 1 er friends. It is 26 years since he est soi was in Pricoville and finds many MacCu changes since then. The thankful for all good gifts. and Mrs Archie McEachnie | bountiful lunch was served ling helpers held their monthly meetâ€" ing in the church with a good atâ€" tendancs. Mrs Thos. Nichol gave a splendid paper on Thanksgiving and Mrs John Nichol a paper on The Ideal Home, both being enjoyed. Mrs Wm. J. Hincks gave a reading. It was Cecided to have a fowl supper on Friday Nov. 8th. ind Mrs Jim Whiteside, Mrs. son and baby of Collingwood, recent visitors at Mr. Heck THE DURHAM REVIEW HOPEVILLE Mrs Thos. Stewart, Galt at the homes of in she village. meet â€" Thursday, A ND VICIKI1Y ‘e Cooper and Betty to all. Mr isitâ€" ence Harrison, with Swamp College outht. Ten men were in the barn, working, sweating and eating their peck of dust. At the new house were Howard Wa‘son and son Leslie putâ€" ting on eavetroughing. Andrew Dow was fitting windows, Jack and Geo. Haw were lathing, and John Aldcorn #vening we noticed many of the old tin lizzlee were ou‘. Some of them were balky, and were being propelled by main strength and ‘ awkwardness, others flew to their assistance and towed theim up the grade, in fact some stayed out all nightâ€"the cars of course. The boys were all on the spot early in the morning, in the same old good humor. \ Threshing at Brown brothers on Monday were Bert Scott and Clarâ€" There were few at day. The day was to evening we noticed Mrs James Wilson visited several days last week with sisters, Mrs Paâ€" ton and Miss McMillan, also brother John S. McM‘llan in Flesherton. Mr and Mrs Ed. Heard and childâ€" ren, also Mrg Heard Sr., spent Sunâ€" day evening with Mr and Mrs Dick Heard in Flesherton. Mr and Mis Palmer Phillips and children of Toronto, were up for the bir bday party and visited Sunday at Kinnell‘s. Mrs Tressider and daughters of Toâ€" ronto spent the weekend at Dick Hardy‘s. Several of the mo hers and little folk spent Saturday afternoon at Ed. Haw‘s, it being the cccasion of Masâ€" ter Wallace Haw‘s fourth birthday . Husbands and fathers called for their families in the evening, all having an enjoyable outing. ? Just a sketch of the activities in ithe Park over the week end. |_ _ Mr and Mrs. John McMecken of Priceville called at George Haw‘s on Saturday. No one at home. Mr and Mrs Delbert Haw, accompanied . by Mr and Mrs Geo. Haw, had gone o ver to Bayfield for the weekend, Mrs Haw Jr. remaining for a longer perâ€"| iod. George was a little surprised on’ the Lake Huron shore to see numbers of men fisking with hook and line on Sunday, while boats were going and coming. They also had a view of: Goderich salt wells. | man was Mr. Murray Nichol, eldest ; brother of the bride. _ Immediately following the cereâ€" mony the bride led the way to the _ dining room which was attractively decorated _ with blue and yellow. streamerp, where dinner was served‘ to about 30 guests. The bride‘s table was decorated with yellow baby mums and centred with a three story wedâ€"| ding cake. Later the happy couple left amic showers of confetti, for a‘ | moto: trip by way of Niagara, Buffalo Pontiac, Mich., and othar points. The,r bride chose for travelling â€" a plum] shade rough weave crepe dress with high frilled velvet collar of the same ‘ shade and wore a becoming turban ofj transparent velvet to match . H.zr; coart was of tree bark suede with‘ blue wolf collar and black accessorJ‘ ies. On their return, they will reâ€" side on the groom‘s farm near Pn'c&l ville. | The br.de was cattended by Miss;’ Olive McMeekin dressed in delph‘ blue velva crepe and carrying a bou-{ quet of yellow mums. The groomsâ€"| est son of the late Mr and Mrs A. MacCuaig of Priceville. The bride entered the living room on the arm of her father and took her place beneath an arch of everâ€" greens and yellow mums, to the strains of Lohengrin‘s bridal chorus Played by Miss Alma Hooper . The br.de looked charming in a gown of sapphire blue transparent velvet made on long fitted lines wearng sll-| ver slippers and carrying a bouquet of pernet roses and lily of the valley. Her only ornament was a white gold necklace with matching â€" ear rlngs.‘ the gift of the grcom. , MacCUAIGâ€"NICHOL ~ A wedding of interest was solemâ€" nized at 1 o‘clock, on Sat. Oct. 26th by Rev. N. MacDcnald at the home of Mr and Mrs John Nichol, when in the presence of immediate friends and relatives, their only daughter Jessie Margaret was uni>d in marâ€" riage to John Alex MacCuaig, youngâ€" Thre> different lumber companies have purchased timber in this local ity and truck loads of logs roll past every hour of the day. er Mr Chas. Wale. Surrounded by "heir family and relatives, Mr and Mrs George Sturâ€" rock celebrated their golden wedding °l Thanksgiving Day. Congratulaâ€" tions . SWINTON PARK rere few at church on Sun-"’ Instead day was tou fine but in the ter to di: HYMENEAL Central ONTAR!IO BUS LINES TORONTO ter to distant friends, why not the Review tell them the news district. Save yourself the trow worrying over what to say eact for $2.00 for a whole year. jan United States and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL CAGENT Hahn House, Tel. No. 24 or 173 Central Hotel, Télephone No. 36 200 acres, Lot 15, con. 1g9 and 20. Township of Egremont. Good com:â€" fortable house, good water, near echool and church, store, blacksmith For particulars, apply to Jas. Lothâ€" SOUTH8OUND, leave Durh‘m HONEY FOoR saLce Finest light honey, new cro & Ib., in your own container Cutler, Elgin St., Durham . NOR THBOUND. leave Durh‘m 1250 noor 8.05 p. m. ARRoW BUS SCHEDULE For full information Ask for handbill. T. M. MeFADDpEN Phone 21. Travel by Arrow Coaches "For Your Convenience" ITINFERIES PLANNBED To ALL *‘ POINTS IN CANADA HON. G Who will Canadian Pacific EFFECTIVE MAY 5 Minis ef 10N. G. HOWARD FERGUSON ho will shortly return to Canada from London, England, where he has served the past five years as Canadian High Commissioner . TORONTO .. HAMILTON . WELLAND . DUNNVILLE SMITHVILLE BUFFALO .. EXCURSION Return Limit | chicken house, John Corbett November | â€" TO "~~° "CSuups, COokIng, stewing, all busy. It was an off day for the de‘il, as he feels more at home with the idle. ‘The weather is ideal for any work, and all fairly well. What more could you wish ? w way to Dundalk with daughters to school, John Lane with team skidding logs in Bil Campbell‘s bush; the laâ€" dies washing, cooking, stewing, all new Return Limit Nov. 4 FARM FOR salge of 1, Varney, Ont. _ (2535) without â€" Portfolio in the Liberal Cabinet. TORONTO them the news of the yourself the trouble of N, Town Agent , Durham to say each week November , new crop at 8e 340 p. m. coonsult agents weekly let $2.00 $2.80 $3.55 $3.50 $3.25 $4.15 4th bave er P. Lawrence‘s store. !ioun 1 to ¢ ginners a specialty. Kindergarter method for children of pre schoo) age. Have cution and Physical Culture. Special course for advanced pupilis, including Hand Culture and Arm Gouches Be Honor Post Graduate Aima Pupil of Parnell Morris, A. 4 To remove the cause of di» try Chiropractic adjustments, sage and Uitra Yilolet Rays See your local Chiropractors F. M. EAGLESON Ontario & Dominion Land Surveyor Registered Professional Engineer Surveys, Reports, Estimates, Plans Telephone 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. and Flesherton Advance. Geo . rl:. Duncan, Dundalk P.O. Phone 42 r42 Sales taken on reasonable terms . Dates arranged at Herald Office, Dunâ€" dalk, also through Durham Review B. M. CHARLTON, aA. Office: Over Vollett‘s S‘ere Vour petreonspe etHerte> C. G. AND Licensed Auctioneer for Notary Publie, Conveyance> Dentistry in all its Branches X RAY GA8 EXxTRaAcTions Office: Mill Street, DURHAM, Ont. Rooms: Over Honor Graduate Toronto University, Graduate Royal Coll. Dental Surgeons of Ontario. HOURS : 2 DR. C. P. PARK Hamilton, Ontario Specalist, Eye, Ear, Nose a In Durham every other 1 J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., ROYDEN BURNETT, m. p. IMice over Royal Bank, ODurham Office and Residence: Corner Counâ€" tess and Lambton Streets, Durham Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 1.30 to 4 pm., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays excepted P. F. MacARTHUR . C. PICKERING, DDS, LoSs The Down Town Shoe Store & L. SWITH, M.B., M.C., P.s. GEORGE E. DUNGAN aAt regular prices, to meet your requirements . Call and look them over. Rubbers and Rainettes CHIROPRACTHL J. S. McILRAITH BESSIE McGituivRa:® BE PREPARED witm YOuUR SsuPPLYy OF Russer Foor. WEAR to KEEP your Fe®t Dry Just a Reminder T. H. SNEATH, M. D. Lambton 8t., Durham, Ont. Hours : 1.30 to 4.00 p. m. 7.80 to 9.00 p. m. . MeQUARRIE, B. a. REPAIRING aAs We have a that wet, cold wealther is neir Royal Bank, , Nose and Throat good supply of Grey County USUAL

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