West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1935, p. 8

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4. Asked what her husband, children and neighbors would think of â€" her trip to the east, Mrs. Doan said, "Oh, they‘d say, ‘That‘s just like Ethel Doan‘. 1 do everything. _ I‘ve milked cows and I‘ve ridden horses." _ She didn‘t think much of eastern women . ‘"They‘re too fussy," she said. "They would never do what I have done, for instance.‘ "Did you get a good price for your cattle?" Not as much as I expected." "Does the fact that you are a woâ€" man bring higher prices for your cattle?" _ "I don‘t let i'nybody put anything over me. I usually get as much or more than men dealers." In all her experience, she has nevâ€" er met another woman selling _ or west," Mrs. Doan said. "We have 300 sheep and 35 horses. I used to look after them myself, but now my children are grown up, they do the work, and I superintend. I have two sons, Llioyd and Carl, the latter beâ€" ing 19. Helen is 18 and Pearl is 15. Pearl is taking a hairdressing course Mrs. Dean, Biggar, mans a | "wees.. 5. ... Cattle Car to Toronte "*."** * * since I went out to western Canada 25 years ago." She was born in Durham. Her father was Robert Pettigrew. _ "We have a threeâ€"guarter section in the She left Saskatchewan a week ago’ Friday. She and her 27 cattle droppâ€"| ed off _ at Winnipeg for two days . She visited friends there. "I travelled in a day coach with dozens of men," she related. "They were all nice to me. They even| made tea and toast for me." The cattle? _ "Oh, they were no trouble. One of the men lost one of his calves, but mine were no bother at all. I‘ve lived with cattle ever Union Stock yards, Toronto, were startled the other day when a woâ€" "My husband said I couldn‘t bring the catitle to Toronto and I said 1 | ~CCCBU Cattle dealers and salesmen at the always bofoues : Bsc . acees P [_] Canedian Horticulture â€": _ & Home Magezine 1 yr. [~] Canadian Magezine 1yr. [Z] National Home Monthly ." she told the Star. "It THE DURHAM REVIEW SUGGEsTs You ......'"u |_ The Thanksgiving senvice at st.|°°© Who was conducting anniversary ‘Pauls church Sunday, were well at., B¢*Y!C@® in Priceville. tended. Rev. J. R. Thompson, g;ve’ Miss Marganet Leeson, Mr and Mrs ‘two inspiring addresses, both afterâ€" James Leeson with relatives in Gr. ‘noon and evening. The choir “.m_.Vfilley and Mt. Forest. ed by some of the Trinity choir, renâ€"| MU) sympathy ig extended to \ dered two pleasing anthems. On the t°°%¢ Who mourn the death of the following _ Monday Evening, a fowl late Mrs Elizabeth Wilton. 'uupper was served and ltterwards,g: Quite a number of friends met at play namely "Antics of Andy",sponâ€" t"° hOme of Mr and Mrs J. Leeson sored by the dramatic club of Droâ€" ‘° 8P¢nd the evening of Oct. 25th, more, which was much appreciated with Miss Margaret before her deâ€" 'and enjoyed by all present. St.lparture for Calgary. | Paul‘s people tendered a hearty vote M‘ 404 Mrs G. Cupskey attendâ€" |of thanks to the Dromore club for ed the funeral of the latter‘s aunt, ltheir entertainment. _ The Lake or. ‘* Wilton, last Monday. | chestra provided some snappy music Mrs. Jas. Bryans spent over the during the evening. Proceeds were WC°kend at her home, also Mr and | $60.00 Mrg Jas. Robertson of Fergus, at Mr | Pleased to see so many from our 4"9 MrS C. M. Leeson‘s. neighboring churches present at the RCYâ€" Mr and _ Mrs H. Caldwell Thanksgiving services on Sunday, and two daughters Mrs Vanatter |also Monday evening, which was inâ€" and Mrs Kerr attended the funeral :splrlng and also encouraging. _of the late Mrs. Wilton. | _ Mr and Mrs Wallace of Durham, Mr and Mrs C. Rahn and family |and Mr and Mrs W. Kirby of Orâ€" Who have been living in W. Bogle‘s |chard, were visitors with their par. house have moved to the village to ‘ents, Mr and Mrs Davis, and attendâ€" Miss M. Leeson‘s house. ed the Thanksgiving services. | on t n Rev. J. R. Thompson was the guest of Mr and Mrs Thos. Tucker. and family on Sunday. Deep sympathy is extended to the bereaved in the death of Mrs Jas. Wilton, who passed on to the great Beyond. It also was a shock to the community . Mr. Wesley Andrews has purchasâ€" ed a farm near Mt. Forest and has commenced fall ploughing. Mr. Mervyn Reuber, teacher, visâ€" i‘ed with friends in Harriston recentâ€" ly , Mr and Mrs Joseph Robinson of Toronto, . spent Thanksgiving with their niece, Mrs Queen. Mr and Mrs Otto Reuber and dauâ€" ghter Florence of Clifford visited with Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen on Sunday and enjoyed the services in St. Paul‘s church. Mr and Mrs Oren Peart and baby Lorna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Robert Barbour. Mr and Mrs Thos. Andrews of Mt. Forest enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with their son, Mr Wes. Anâ€" drews. is a ‘next year‘s country‘," Mrs Doan put on pretty clothes later, and went out to visit her sisâ€" ter, Mrs Geo. Hess at Hensall, Ont. ALLAN‘S CORNERS for feed, butâ€"then there‘s STREET OR R.F. D. tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $............ Please send me the three magazines checked with a year‘s subscription to your newspaper. Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publicaâ€" 0 6e 8 se n 6 en e e n a n e a s disappointing, # 0 w en e es e es ce e 000 08 8 000 8 00 86 a 66 wa ae e e e e ee n e se e e n e 6 88 n e 8 a n e Three students from McMaster Unâ€" iversity, Messrs Bristol, Locke and Armstrong, were in charge of the services at the Baptist church on Sunday. Mr Lyle Bristol preached the sermon at both services and Mr. B. Armstrong sang a solo at each serâ€" vice. They were guests of Mrâ€" and Mrs Allan Bell while in town. Mr and Mrs Church and family and Mr. Watts of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Thomas of Guelph were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs F. W. Thomas. Miss Jean Webster, Guelph, was a holiday visitor in the parental home. Mrs A. H. Jackson and Mrs R. Macfavlane are spending a few days in Toronto. Bobbie and Betty Milne, Toronto, were weekend guests with their grandmother, Mrs R. Milne. Mr. Gordon Grant, Toronto was a visitor last week in the parental home. Mr and Mrs G. Cupskey attendâ€" ed the funeral of the latter‘s aunt, Mrs Wilton, last Monday. Mrs. Jas. Bryans spent over the weekend at her home, also Mr and Mrg Jas. Robertson of Fergus, at Mr and Mrs C. M. Leeson‘s. Rev. Mr and _ Mrs H. Caldwell and two daughters Mrs Vanatter and Mrs Kerr attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wilton. Mr and Mrs C. Rahn and family who have been living in W. Bogle‘s house have moved to the village to Miss M. Leeson‘s house. | _ LOCAL AND PERSONAL â€" | Mr and Mrs Ernest Leeson Jr., and family of Chicago spent last week with the Leeson families and visited with other friends in the village. for Rev. Mr. Johnston of Priceville, had charge of the services on Sunâ€" day last, in the absence of Mr Merâ€" Brantford on on Tuesday, where she with friends before leaving VARNEY for sMALL FARM FOR SALE On Lambton St., one mile east of town of Durham, 5q acres, well watâ€" ered, containing sugar bush and mirâ€" ed timber, hemlock and cedar. Good brick house and frame barn. VHC mile cast Durham, containâ€" ing one acre la; good brick resiâ€" dence. Good barn, With stone founâ€" dation and cement 4 Apply to Murray or Bert Ritchie,\R.R. I, Durâ€" Lot 25, Con. 3, Egremont, 100 acâ€" res. Apply to R. Pollock, ~R.R. 2, â€" Holstein. (1 sow\FOR SsALE Government s t York Sow, due to farrow Nov. 2nÂ¥. Apply to W. J. Eden, Varney. Order your job printing from the Review _ â€" Letterheads, envelopes, statements, billheads, invoices, auc tion sale bills, dodgers and hand bills, wedding invitations and an nouncements, etc. Rev. D. â€"C, »4cGregor, _ London, (husband of Marion Keith), has â€"reâ€" signed from the pastorate of St. Anâ€" drews _ church, comple®ing 21 years of service. CA Rev. J. R. Morden, pastor of Mt. Forest United church was presented with a black silk pulpit gown by the Ladies‘ Aid _ of this church, at the Anniversary services held recently. The pallbearers were Messrs Ted Morice, Palmer Patterson, _ Gordon Grant, Earl Mead, Harry Caldwell, Elmer Fee. Floral offerings came from Dr. Backus, Hanover; Wm . Backus, Normanby and Alex Smith, Durham . â€" | The funeral took place Monday, from her late residence on the Highâ€" way to Maplewood cemetery and was largely at‘ended. Her pastor, Rev. R. Mercer, Holstein conducted the funeral _ service. Rev. H. and Mrs Caldwell, Thorold, were late in arriving, due to misunderstanding in time of funeral service. Others preâ€" sent from a distance were Mrs Danâ€" etta, Fenclon Falls; Mrs Arch. Kerr Acton; Mr and Mrs Buck, _ Georgeâ€" town; Dr. and Mrs Arthur Backus, Hanover; Mr and Mrs Harry Wilkln-‘ son, Mr and Mrs Carlyle Smith, Mr and Mrs A. Hooper all of Mt. For-' ost. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. One mile east Durham, cof The late Mrs Wilton possessed a genial disposition and had the faculty of making many friends. Her pasâ€" sing at the comparatively early age of 55 years, calls for the expression of much regret from friends and neiâ€" ghbors. For a time she was actively identified with the United Farm Mcvement in her community and also was active in the work of Varâ€" ney United church. Mrs Wilton was formerly Elizabeth Fee, daughter of Mr. Edward Fee, and the late Mrs Fee of Normanby. Her public schooling was received at S.S. No. 1, Normanby, later attendâ€" ing Durham High school. She at: tended Model School in Durham, unâ€" der the late Thos. Allan, and taught school for a short time at Williamsâ€" ford and S. S. No. 14, Normanby. In 1902 she was married to Samuel Caldwell, residing on his farm on the 2nd con., Normanby, and later farmâ€" ing in Western Canada. Mr Caldâ€" well died in 1915, leaving three chilâ€" dren, William, Marjory and Dorothy, now living in Egremont Tp. In 1920 Mrs Caldwell _ was wedded to J. J. Wilton and of this union there was one son James. There are also three sisters and one brother: Mrs Wm. McCalmon, Guernsey, Sask.; Mrs C. Anear, Prince A®bert, Sask.; Mrs J. Morice, Varney and Elmer Fee of Egremont, also her aged fath>r Edâ€" ward Fee. MRS. JAMES J. WILTON Death came with startling suddenâ€" ness to Mrs J. J. Wilton, of Varney on Saturday last. While her heart was known to be weak, Mrs Wilton was quite able to get around and was shopping in town on Saturday afternoon. While in Robt. Burnett‘s store, she became acutely ill from a heart attack. Medical aid was sumâ€" moned and she was driven home by her nephew, Harry Caldwell. Everyâ€" thing possible was done for the paâ€" tient, but she succumbed about an hour after reaching home, at about 5 p.m. Her husband died last April under similar cireumstances. Mr and Mrs Livingston and dauâ€" ghter, Betty returned to Detroit on Monday having spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs T. C. Ritchie. Mr and Mrs G. Coulling of Guelph were visitors for a few days with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs J. Mr. Clen Rowe, Toronto, was a weekend visitor at his parental home. THE DURHAM REVIEW Clen Rowe, Toronto, was a nd visitor at his parental home. and Mrs Livingston and dauâ€" Betty returned to Detroit on y having spent the weekend Mr and Mrs T. C. Ritchie. FARRNM TO RENT THE ROLL CAL tel o0 . C200 09 AAAGAIIC AGCAFLDUT â€"<of l The Ayton Dramatic club gave Fergus spent Sunday wth the latâ€" their play in Russell Hall last Friday ter‘s mother here. night to a well filled bhall. It was a Mrs John F. McDonald and Mary good play well acted. Ayton always -mtudayhuweotwlthhernr- draws a full house when they come ents, Mr and Mrs J.; A. Ferguson . to Dromore. | Mr Wm. Watts, Proton spent Sunâ€" Mr and Mrs Harold Atcheson of day at his home here. Toronto spent last Thursday with Mr Kenneth McDougall, Blyth, vis: mmu,wmhmmmmmmnm. spent Thanksgiving week at her old home with her parents, Mr and Mrs The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs Arthur Renton and Mrs Gordon Leith owing to the death of their father Mr. Valentine Alles. bout thnee months this fall. Mr. R. Taylor and Charlie Smail are leaving the beginning of â€" next week for New Ontario in search of deer. The Watson brothers threshed for John McDonald on Monday. Alex Ecâ€" cles and Thos. Gordon finished on this line at Arch. Clark‘s, Monday morning. Alex will be threshing aâ€" A reception in honor of Miss &. Macphail will be held in the agriculâ€" tural hall, Holstein, next Wednesâ€" day evening, when her friends are hereby invitd to attend, and have a good time together. Ladies bring sandwiches, cake and pie. Miss Agnes Macphail. Everyone welâ€" come. Roll callâ€"bring a cent for evâ€" ery day it rained in the month of Ocâ€" tober. near Mount Forest. It “n'lck'; rm;;; l On Saturday evening the sad news spot, the door came unfastened, and ®P"%24 &@round that Mrs Jas,. Wilton he was jolted out of the open door of "44 P288ed @Way qu‘te suddenly from the cab. He had been attending the,a’ heart attack. The deceased grew plowing match at Wm. J. Aldcom's.'“p to womanhood on our line and atâ€" tended school at No. 1. To the aged father, the brothers and sisters and DROMORE the family who have within such a The regular meeting of the w j | short time been bereaved of both will be held at the home of Mrs. Parents, we would extend our sincere S$. Patterson on Wednesday, Nov. 6. S¥®Pathy. Life is uncertain, death is This meeting will be addressed by| Sure, and we need to be ready. ‘ Mr and Mrs J. Ellis and family of Kitchener spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs W.P. Ellis. NMr .: W. 3. Thompson, wellâ€"known war veteran of South Egremont, met instant death last Wednesday from a broken neck, when driving his truck near Mount Forest. It struck a rough spot, the door came unfastened, and he was jolted out of the open door of the cab. He had been attending the plowing match at Wm. J. Aldcorn‘s. Mrs Mr and Mrs Bert Eccles and Mrs Morrison visited friends in â€"Owen Sound the first of the week. Mrs R. Christie and Mrs W. Brown are spending Wednesday with friends in Varney. Messrs R. Scarlett and B. Lynch spent the weekend in Bobcaygeon . Mr Bert Edwards of Toronto is visâ€" iting the Ellis family . were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Habermehi. is and Mr Sandyfur and Mr and Mrs. Blackburn and daughter Ruth of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown and Mrs. Morâ€" rison. Mr and Mrs Henry Patterson and daughter Florence of Bentinck, and Mr Charles Habermehl of Hanover. Mr Lyall Mercer of London spent the holiday and week end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Mercer. ter which a number of games were played.. Taps was sung. The sympathy of the community is extended to the relatives of the late Mr Valentine Alles. The funeral took place on Monday and was very largeâ€" ly attended. M Mr and Mrs N. E. McGuire and family spent the first of the week with Mr and Mrs McMurdo, Dromore taken from 95th psaim, and was read by Marie Aitken. The 103rd psaim was read responsively, The roll call was znswered with a Thanksgiving poem. The work period followed, afâ€" Mrs McLellan of Montreal and Mrs Starling of Hamilton; Mr and Mrs. Melvin Reid of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs Merton Reid of Seaforth, visited Mrs Henry Reid and attended the funeral of their relative, the late Valentine Alles. Mrs Renton of Dromore was a reâ€" cent guest of Mrs Hastie. Miss Isabel Hastie of Macdonald Hall, Guelph, spent the weekend and holiday with her mother, Mrs Hastie Mrs Myers and Mrs Cameron were guests with Mrs Hiscock and the Misses Morrison. | LOCAL AND PERSONAL Saugeen C.G.I.T. met at the Presâ€" byterian Church on Oct. 23rd. Miss Nora Shortt led in prayer. After HOLSTEIN LEADER ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORoNTO and daughter Ada Dunnville E Core en (cou ul oo hess s Commnnenr se AMDIRRn nR s ' men as dead and immedia ely they lay . | A number from around here have‘ backed down to Priceville for the five been suffering with colds. Mac| doctor, and on examination it was i her Wat‘s who has been under the Dr'a.’ found her foot was all smashed to , Anâ€" care is, we are glad to report, on | a jelly besides other injuries . itln mend arain J LCC “WMMyw&h the latâ€"| is ter‘s mother here. by Mrs John F. McDonald and Mary spent a day last week with her parâ€"| ic ents, Mr and Mrs J.; A. Ferguson. | cit I Mfo ayy_â€" se io i% | the mend again. | Mrs Mollie Johnston of Montana, ‘who is on a visit to her sisters, the ! Misses Morrison of Holstein reront. | _ Mr and Mrs w. Ferguson and famâ€" ily of Clifford _ spent Thanksgiving IDay with W. P. Horsburgh‘s. | The funeral of the late Mr. Valâ€" entine Alles of the 16th con,. takes place today to Reid‘s cemetery. Mr. 'Alles was well known in this localâ€" ity and to his wife and family â€" we extend our sincere sympathy . ‘ f A number from around here have been _ suffering with colds. l.c‘ Wat‘s who has been under the TI»‘« Mr and Mrs Lachie MceArthur â€" of Fengus spent Sunday wtih the 11. girlhood days. ly Mr and Mrs H. McPhee and little son, Hclstein, recently visited at P. McPhee‘s . Mr. H. Lamont and McInnis Bros. are busy winding .up the throshing in <his locality. We don‘t know whether this is Inâ€" dian summer weather or not, but we know it is nice and we are going to enjoy it and make the best use â€" of it we can while it lasts. Quite a number from around here attended the Fairbairn anniversary senvices on Sunday. Miss Margaret Marshall entertained the girls around the corner to supper on Friday. Mrs David Marshall and Mrsâ€" « son visited on Tuesday with Mrs Petty of Bentinck. Mrs John Marshall Sr. attended sectional meetings of the W.M.S. at Mt. Forest and Clifford last week. Mrs Falkingham of Egromont visâ€" ited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Petty and attended service at Knox. About 75 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Fee on Wednesday evening of last week to spend an evening with them before leaving for their new home. During the evening they were presented with two chairs, and an adâ€" dress was read by Mrs C. McAlister. Mr.and Mrs Fee both replied, thankâ€" ing all for their gifts. Miss Eleanor Marshall of Shelburne spent over the week end at her home and Mrs McDougall entertained the younger married folk of our line on Monday evening. Mrs Clark (Lulu Dickson) of Mount Forest, visited last week with Mrand A large number attended service at Knox on Sunday. The sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper was d‘ispensed, and our pastor gave a good message, showing the benefits of this ordinâ€" ance to the true believer. Jesus, in company with His disciples, held the first communion service shortly be:â€" fore His crucifixion, and by washing the disciples‘ feet, taught them the true spirit of humility, and He inâ€" stituted this sacrament that the chilâ€" dren of God might be fed with that spir:tual food that satisfies, and it is well for us if we have been fed on that bread from heaven. Our S. S. closed for the winter on Sunday, and Mr. Honeyman spoke a few words in praise of the work of the teachers during the summer, and of the regular attendance of the bible class, especially of the young men. Mrs Bert Watson visited the first of the week with her daughter, Mrs. Hubart McDougali of Holstein. Mr. The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supâ€" per will be dispensed at Amos church on Nov. 10th. Mr. Thos. Henderson left today for Toronto where he has secured a cles. The latter who nad been down spending a week with them, returnâ€" ed that day. The Mildmay trucks are drawing logs from these parts at present, and intend cutting and drawing some from Jas. McGillivray‘s before winâ€" ter sets in. for Toro position . FLOWERY FLATS KNOX CORNERS at old home of her _ Mr Geo. l“b' my of the Sitir. ican Sco and formerly a prominent come a citizen of Durham. He has bought from the Jackson estate the store and residence in Upper ‘Town (known as the old Big 4). CUGiH N ol nz t atvtsinady ... .. 3 to the New Liskeard hospital with the same‘ trouble while Miss Risto is down with it at home attended Mie Pims icancclia oo a severe kEpsORC .l emee The day he was able to Clark and Master Willie O AAWSUTTCE. Word has been received from Cochâ€" rane by friends in town of the conâ€" valescence of Mr. John Clark fram jumped on a flat , Mather was picked «t the happened to _A Caughter of Mrs Glenelg, on We wh.‘> coming fr way home the ai in progress and founda‘ion work will soon be commenced. A very sad And SerIAN. ansataac. _ On Wednesday of last week the High gehool Literary Bociety was onrganized for the present term. The following officers were elected: Hon. pres., Principal Allan; pros., James Farquharson ; wiceâ€"pres., Laudell Lauâ€" er; sec‘yâ€"treas., Arthur Backus; REdâ€" ito:, Chas. C. Ramage; Ass‘t editor, Mary Backus; pianist, Helen Ireland. The Furniture Factory is at presâ€" ent working a couple of hours every evening, the object being to keep their s‘ock up to the usual dimenâ€" sions, the demands of late for their goods having thinned out some deâ€" partments. The excavations for the large new building to the west â€" of the present building are at present Mr John Sn=ll took the service in the Methodist church here and at Zion Sunday morning, and afternoon and Insp. Campbell in the evening . 25 YEARS AGo Taken from Review fyle, Oct. 27 Yeovil corr.: Last night our U.F. 0. had a successful meeting, â€" the hall being well filled. Dr. Leeson, M.P.P. was present and reviewed the work of the past Legislative sesâ€" sion and discussed some bills likely to come next session. Mr and Mrs Thos. Moffat are again sojourning in Durham. After 24 years of service with the C.P.R., he now re ires with the reward of faithâ€" ful servants, a substantial pension. The wedding takes place today, Wednesday, at the home of the bride‘s parents, 2nd con., Normanby of Miss Neila Marshall, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Marsball and Mr. Elgin C. Wilton, son of Mr. J. J. Wilton of Varney. Sunday morning last the worshipâ€" pers of Dornoch Presbyterian ehurch added to by many from beyond their and collapsed .dead. _ George always keeps his borses in â€" good conditon and will regret the loss, as the beast was well worth over $200. Mr and Mrs Finley Graham have returned to their home after an exâ€" tended business trip to Montreal and the Maritime Provinces. memorial service. _ The war left its mark at Dornoch as it did in many places . It sent at least sixteen of Its young men to the fray, and of these, one, John M. Ledingham, fell in hbis country‘s cause. To his mamory and to those who volunteered the congreâ€" gation felt that recognition was due and very heartily they united to acâ€" complish it. The church has had adâ€" ded to it an attractive tower, . in which also has been hung a bell, a chewan and Alberta. This was the day first promised Ontario, but she was juggled out of it until next Apâ€" ril in the interests of the liquor trade. British Columbia voted wet, at least for government control. While working at the show grounds last Friday, Mr. Geo. MeMeekin, dray man, had the misfortune to lose one of his fine team of horses. The Taken from Review fyle, Oct. 28,20 At University of Toronto sports held last week there, Mr. Alex Bell sustained his record as a sprinter by winning 2nd and 3rd places in foot races and also was on the winâ€" ning team in the relay race. Little and McDonald, past pastors »of the congregation were invited. Both were present and added : the interesting days. Four provinces voted ‘dry‘ * very sad and serious â€" accident ppened to M‘ss Lizzie Mather, ighter of Mrs Mather, south line, nelg, on Wednesuay of last week, "2 coming from Ceylon. On her y home the afternoon freight train ne along as she was nearing . the Arch McDonald‘s above Priceville. horse became unmanagable ang wulflltwbohlnd. Miss M s c E7 ' IN DAYS OF YORE 15 YEARS AGO Cked up by the trainâ€" and immediaely they o Priceville for the able to sit up Mrs . S1, _ pnos., James s., Laudell Lauâ€" ir Backus; REdâ€" e; Ass‘t editor, , Helen Ireland. 710 served the ities incluj freight _ ag years. _ He Brantford in neket agen! named agen Mr. D. M. $. D. CRO innounced f1 Well R M Sut operty Natior Drus M VO U D n EC Ca M CH £ Phi] PFTC oV A Jent M Anti

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