West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1935, p. 1

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OF YORE . at has "tate a. “not Twin , AGO ' 193; M the Ame! PM MM after 51 years of service, it was ty. She 1713 mo a worker in ithe announced Saturday. Mr. Crott Ins Women'. Institute. sewed the C.N..R. in various emc- m tunenl was held on Tues- itin including that of travelling day afternoon at 1.30 o’clock from height mm for the wt 25 the in. residence, Countess tstreet, yours. He unmet hi. duties " into-neat being made In national Brandon! Mich. cemetery. Mr. S. D. Croft, recently C.N.R. ticket Ment a Goderieh, bu been Inn-oi agent at Maud. to succeed Mr. D. M. Johnston. who retired On Friday afternoon. Rev. W.H. Smith of Knox church. walked out to the MeGirr home and presen‘ed the 25-year bride and groom with a handsome United Church Hymnary. on behalf of the Hanging Bond of the church. " was suitably inscrib- il-ugmve presented them with at Sheffield silver cake plate. Mayon- as'e bowl and silver mounted pyrex pie plate. These beautiful‘ gifts “are warmly acknowledged by Mr. McGirr. who looks upon their acts of neighboriiness and kindness as service any worthy resident migh’ give to another. There was plant supplied for the ti followed. by the Ritchie orchestral as a sardine can. But they were a good natured crowd and the earth- quake shock of that morning. seem- ingly had little effect upon them. Mr. A"‘X Aljoe. the mnmrm- n! On Funny night last. the residents of s. S. No. 9, Glenelg, turned out on masse.---14tt in round "ttri-to honor their fellow residents. Mr and Mrs John McGirr, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. To speak plainly, the house was packed full of people, and as ‘tightly in Well Remembered on Anniversary Occasion where. Council is offering a reward for conviction of the miscreants. Property Damage on Hallowun. There seemed to be hundreds of the youth of town and others sur- ring around Halloween night. Many were disguised and did little more than can on homes for contributions and parade the streets. Mischief Went too far however, with some in the destruction ot property. Street lights on Bruce St. were turned ott, broken.. windows mashed in C.P.R. station and some West ward residen- ces. part of the library entrance mason work torn loose and the rall- ing over gully on Durham Road knocked over. As will be seen else- where. Council is offprint n MIN-A The Ladies' Aid of Durham Pres- byterian chutch held their November meeting at the home of In Hear burn on Friday afternoon. The my ual routine business was attended to then plans were laid for the annual bazaar. A social half hour mum-M mucu- me any”: partial or "te You don't have to go to Reno for business meeting was devoted to ar- 1 quick divorce-trom your earns. ranging for the Veterans‘ Supper, Just tro to your drugtrist and ttet a which the Chapter annually give. It tube of NOXACORN. Sold at Mc- will be a fowl supper and they are Fhdden's Drug More. catering to eighty vetenns. Mr A E. McBride, Toronto, conven- The Chapter will trUo tell poppies' er of the Missionary and Mainten- next week and every home is expec- ance Committee of Toronto Conter- ted to do their bit in this "rmgrd. ence ot the United Church, addressed A presentation was made to " do. Knox congregation Sunday morning. parting member, Mrs D . c. Town ot a handsome walnut living room table Knox Church Mi ion Circle will as an appreciation ot her work in hold a ttttle ot home king in Red the Chapter. Miss Hunter introduced Cross rooms over M chlan's tstore, the' “we”, Mrs G. Kearney made 'Aututdary, Nov. 9th, tr 3 to 6 o'. the presentation and the fellow mam-l clock. A We. afternoon ea will be tem sang "For she's g Jolly good terl ttetvtnl. low." Mrs Town expressed her sor-' Thu Ladies' Aid of Durham Pres. row at leaving her trienda.in the byterian church held their November Chapter, as well as thonks tor the' meeting at the home or Mrs Heir gift presented her. A gift of n mega-g burn on Friday afternoon. The us- zine sand was also presented to Mrs! Mrs D. C. Town accompanied her husband to omn- lut week, and se- cured a Inc home there, returning on Sunday. The var veteran. will attend divine service in n body " the Anglican Church next Sunday morning, Nov- ember 10th. Mr. M. G. Calder has pointed town tiehe.t mm National Railways. once a Drug Store. VOL. LVIII. NO. 45 CROFT APPOINTED AGENT AT BRANTFORD Calder's Drug Store _ V__ --. ......... m Mot Water " ”c Ami-hoe» 'at,1',ht sealed 1.25 Bat. CHASE’S NERVE FOOD .... 49c Ph'lllpo' mm of mullk PPUNDER't, TABLES ..... 84.00 OVALTINE ......... 38e, 68e, "e Jenny Una Choooulel. ttt....60e. was plenty of good music for the tight fantastic which by the Teeter. Sharp and social halt hour (allowed 35$!" them with a plate. Mayon- mounted pyrex beautituV gifts P.3it" WM. Will Again" Itil."!?'] Banquet " Veterans l for Can. MISS MARGARET McGIRR GIVES at Central POLITICAL HISTORY OF GREY COUNTY A (math Occasioning widespread sorrow occurred on Sunday morning uhen Mrs John H. Gibson passed away after 'ruttering poor health for .1)“ past tuo months. which became $‘Iiulla‘ only :1 week ago. The "eaetuasett was formerly Emma Elizabeth Mc'Clune and she was born m-ur Kimberley in lxxv. daughter of tho late Mr and Mrs William Me- Clung. Twenty-six years ago, on Nov. 17, her marriage to Mr. John H. Gibson of Fiesherton took place. Athw Hung in Flesherton tor eight years and also for some years in Markdale. they moved to Durham to make their home nine years Mo., Four daughters survive the passing of a devoted mother, namely Mrs N.,) F'alltintrtuun (Marie); Mm Carman, Roseborough (lrene); and Marguerite‘ and Muriel at home. Two skiers, and three brothers also survive, Mrs, John Wrvilie and Mn John mum Mr. Amos McClung and Mr. Joseph: McClung all of Mathilde and Summer ot Heattseote. I ThehtoMnGibcoumamcm- her at Queen Street Unmet church, and rtt"irtttteudueAuaoese tr. Show also a worker-1n ithe, Woman‘. mums. I This is bu: an extremely brief sketch of an interesting resume and which the members present enjoyed. MRS. J. H , Schmitt in absentia. I Miss Winnie Blyth favored with a ' solo. accompanied by Mrs Krebs. The special feature of the evening , was an address by Miss Margaret McGirr. on the “Political History ot , Grey" from earliest days. This was _ in 1844, when Ontario and Quebec I were Upper and Lower Canada. At ' that time Grey County was unit-) ed with Simcoe and Wellington, and} Hon. G. Blair represented this see.l lion. it was not until 1854 that Grey! had a representative, in Geo. Jack-E son. At that flret election Mr. Jack-' son ran as a Liberal being successful” over two Conservative opponents, R1! Carney ot Owen Sound, and Chas.} Rankin. merge Jackson ran again' but as a Conservative. In 1875, Grey} County was divided into three Rid-I ings, North, South and East, and ial these years hare we been represent-’1' ed in both Houses by many promin-l ent citizens. Abraham Lauder was South Grey‘s first Provincial tepresri" ercative. Dr. Landaerkin of Hanover: was M.P.P., for 24 years. before' going to the Senate; Dr. Sproule of Markdale was East Grey representa-I tive for 35 years; Dr. David Jamie- son, in South they, 24 years; 1.13.5 Lucas, Bast Grny, 21 years, in that', period being prov'l treasurer; A. G. i McKay of North Grey served as Opal: position leader tor some years, am!" at present Agnes Macphail repres-i ems us in Dominion House with al, record of 15 years and P. R. Oliver'l in local house with nine years re?! cord. ! ' Much the largest portion of the business meeting was devoted to Br. ranging tor the Veterans’ Supper, which the Chapter annually give. It will be a fowl supper and they are catering to eighty veterans. Canadian Greys Chapter I.O.D.E.~i held their November meeting " the home ot Mrs W. H. Krone. 0. good! attendance of members being i,"ii2I eat. The Regent, Miss Hunter, pres ; Idea. The reports of secretary and treasurer were heard and respective‘ ly adopted. I . GIBSON DIED SUNDAY Em El atlii"tgt Ream. f is offered by rham Council for! information leadin to the conviction’ rot parties reopen: le (Or damage done to public.or ivate property in the town on H can night. I - By o er; ' 1 B. H. um, Clerk. The A' Home of the Aberdcon W. I, was held at the home ot Mr and Mrs George Twamley. Sixty-five neighbors and friends gathered and a very pleasant time was spent. Games, a contest and dancing were enjoyed by all. The Institute quilt being finished and tickets sold, Mr. 1wamlw was asked to draw the Ilucky ticket. Mr. Earl Noble was 'the holder. Refreshments were serv- jed. All Joined hands and encircled I‘Mr and Mrs Twamiey. singing “For IThey are Jolly Good Fellows." this ‘bringing an enjoyable evening to & close. Min Nora Stewart. Sectoral, was the gum lut week of Mr and In. i The capital citiy, Helena of Mon-41pm _tttrta, has been badly hit, it Ttti m; (ing a few weeks apart its secondgms‘ 10eatlrdealing earthquake. Damage, tor ‘is estimatnd there at $5,000,000. , The suggestion ot Bailey William'cu“ iemiritus professor of geology, Stan-, C,", ford University that the recent earth But shocks had their origin in a new"Wm .mountain now in its geological in- 80in Ifancy on the Atlantic, found qualln ing fied credence from A. P. Coleman,; professor emeritus ot geology at oil _ University of Toronto. I Fltr _ "Although it is possible, and Bali; cy Willis is a thoroughly reliable? geologist," said Prof. Coleman, 'al, M am doubtful in my mind that the Albe cause can be attributed to that." Itrier Mountain building, Prof. Coleman Wea emphasized, is a matter of 10,000,000 year even 20,000,000 years. He rather at/ to Je tributes the 'quakes to changes inlans formation going on under the ocean. est ' in 1932, there were violent earth-il'ime quakes followed by tidal waves at sirux the islands ot St. Pierre-Miquelon/little and Newfoundland. Soundings show-1and ed that there had been extensive/inter changes An the ocean Mor. In the) know opinion of Prof. Coleman, similar:and changes under the Atlantic are ymZOI‘Y in progress. ,ithe A Jim Hunter, talkng rehorter of the} Tororro Telegram, in his eight o'~I clock morning btoadeasst, gave the, mws to Ontario of the quake, was it] fully brought home, what we had; gone through. l the old earth certainly tremored and the townsfolk knew it. We have heard of no one becoming pannicky here, though a few Bought the front street, none too warmly clad, to get information and senor. Not until i Durham citizens were nicely into their that sleep. when the quake Irudely awoke them. In fact some ,were still up watching tor any dam. age to their property that might come through the tricks of miaereant youth. The tremor lasted about 15 seconds to be exact, but it was trood; value for the time. The most com-l men ettectt, it had here, were the beds shaking, windows and dishes rattling. Some Jumped out of bed! to catch that mischevious youth: 0 hers thought it a bad dream, "Ph omens were too scared to move. But Ito be "ttCt,-Atte Province of Ontar- iio shimmied Ind tthook, from an _ earthquake that is since considered' . to be as severe'as the last in Cali-i “or-ma, but fortunately was not een-l fired in settled Part of Ontario. But it; iwas of tbumcient strength to give thel 'residents of Grey County a bad ,scare. It is all very well to speak’ Nightly of Ht now, but Durham citi-; 1lzentr,-at least most of ',t'?Cy,rti Iearthquake conscious tor that day at Ileana A second one with less in- _ ‘tensity occurred at 9.30 a.m. Batur, day and while this was also felt by P few, it did not give serious tense-X lions . RESIDENTS SPEND A NIGHT OF VARYING DEGREES OF WON. DERMENT " TO THE NATURE OF THE SHOCK Durham felt the Early Friday manxng taat/-.a.ixr, ABERDEEN w, 'to.ah REWARD Earthquake Shock With which is incorporg'tcd the Holstein leader DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOV. T, 1935 ' v.- nv-w-u Lulu, m memories “I HORN the ray. are most plenum. Mr Mo. BLACK-gn Durham Hoopla), Wed- 1mtetsuattemtnmaderotthe 'te, nonunNov. ',toMrarsdMrsg. view tor may yen, and an keeps Black. Prioevme. . non. (Simian) it well mid In advanee. When asked how conditions were in Albert this year, he readily re- plied that "Newer better,--t expect to have two Aberhart cheques tt- waiting me when I get home!" Mr. Mclnnis is not wishing anything but good to the new Premier. while he is sceptical of the new government's pla‘tnrm. and feel: proud ot his home ward in thitdoetlon. as the only ward that didn't give Abel-hut a majority. The Senior and Junior Editor at the Review were hooplb ably entertained at his home Jrttiler on western trips, and memories of the I'ly. are most plan-Int. Mr In? i Mr. John Mclnnes of Midnapore, Alberta, is down East to visit early iriieiids, associations and haunts.i We say "early" tor in the tar-gone" year 1883. Mr. Mclnnes left Glenelg to Join his two brothers in the new iCanadian frontier. He was the youngg est white man in his part at that Mime. This is the third trip East; 'since 1883, so the C.P.R. has made little " him. While still interested' and active in farming and ranching interests, he does 'take it easier'. Toi know John Mclnnes and his trials: and triumphs. is to write the Met-I ory of Alberta,--in 1883, known as? the "North-West Territories". There is not a better historian in that pro Vince, we venture to remark and Mackenzie King lost his voe this gnar. simply because he was away from home. Naturally he finds, great changes on the Durham Road, and the generation he knew of the Nich- ols. McLeods, McLeans. McDonalds, and many others are sleeping their last sleep or removed from the dis»; trict. He is making his headquarters while in Priceville district with his cousins, Mrs Colin McLean and In Mclnnes; f [ [FIFTY-TWO YEARS IN I On Tuesday evening, ex-prlncipal ' J. A. Graham was nicely through his tea, when In responding to the door-bell ring,' in trooped his former 'suit of teachers. In a few choice words, his successor, Mr Geo. Noble gave the explanation why they were "here and Miss Emily Hunt present- ‘od to Mr. Graham,' as a gift from Ihis staff, a beautiful electric lamp. (Now Mr. Graham was a surprised i'man. but with that ready word, which he does his full service to the school. But now things are different and with this new reading lamp, he 'is going to have a good winter ot read- ing in his den. Mr. Graham tells us that in the past years he has had little time tor reading, beyond what the school currlculum called for and the news- Papers. A teacher has not time it . ,_- ..--_ - .yuu; quu, "mun is Charade“ of the Highhutdpeo- ple, he expressed his appreciation ot the lamp in a little speech. I' Council took a serious View of the a greater property damage than usual l, this Hallow-eon and are offering 810 K”reward tor information leading t o " conviction of guilty parties. ‘ Board ot Health report advised . cleaning up the town dump and ' commended dairyman C. Lauder for ' his installation of a. patsleurigation ‘plant. The health of the town is in 'tlrst clue share, the boat of any [time since hem been M.0.H., re-‘ ported Dr. Smith. l 1 Accounts totalling $395.57 were massed, also relief bills for $60.61. l gThe County noc’t for hospital patients Mr. J. Ctalua is Recipient of Staff Gift _ "___ - -eeV _.-..........,..W.... was passed. sin-act to being checked as correct by clerk and treasurer. 3 It was a. heuy one - $969.50, I ( At Monday's session, Durham Coun- (eil decided to observe the public iholldsy next Iondsy, Remembrance (Dar and also to take charge ot the ‘memorial service at 6.45, referred to elsewhere, .1th in a. body and de. posit a wreath. The School Boards and Women's patriotic organizations are also being invited to attend. V ter the service the war veterans will be banquetted at Town Hall by the' I.O.D.E. Monday a Public Holiday Council Decides WESTgRN CANADA New; The amusement are very unfe- tul to the motorists who last winter supplied {use transportation for the team to the various ttttbot-town games‘ A motion m paged expres- sing this appreciation. also dunking the public of Durham and unwound- ing country and town: for their splgndld patronage Int winter otricera were elected as follows:! Hon. Ptmr., Coi, F. F. Hunter, and: P. Gagnon; was" Dr. D. B. Jamie-) son; vice pres., he. Munchkin:1 tree'r-treaa., Larry Miller; 1"tyT and coach, Dr. R. R. Burnett; Com. mittee. C. 2mm, J. B. Dumeld, M.) G. Calder. I Since her election on Oct. 14,) Miss Agnes C. Macphail. M.P., is; doing what she can to get back to; i her normal lite. After a strenuous i ielection campaign, it requires rest! and more rest to get back in'o con-f dition. For that reason. she has der' clined invitations to speak on Rem- 1rliiiliis' Day in both Toronto and,' ', Hamilton. About the middle of De? I camber she leaves for Baton Rouge,) Louisiana, where she will. speak for? l the fourth consecutive year, at the' 'State University. Christmas will be; l spent in the South, and around Jami l, 15. she will give addresses to the Civic Federation in Texas. later she wilt address the National Btudents' Ped. Jera. ion of America at Kansas car.) Miss Machail expects to be Back in time for the opening of Parliament. i same line-up back this season, rein- forced by a couple new players, to again like a determined bid tor the top "In. An enthusiastic gathering of hock- ey fans assembled in the Library on Tuesday night to reorganize for the coming season tor entry in the Inter- mediate 0.H.A. With a team that travelled far towards the ttnah, last winter, Durham hopes to have the Re-organized for l "e--"""""-""'"""-"--""""'; The death took phoe in London I" Mr. Gordon Rennie or Durham hoatritnt ttn Sunday. Nov. Md of C Public School mu m. in Hanover Mitm Nettie Watt, formerly or Nor- e Sunday last, rendering solo. on the m”? and mm. She “I “out tt amnion of the anniversary of Trill-{55 your. of Me. She won the see u ity United church. Iout! eldest child of the Into George H Mr. In. Run-ell. Ianigheed, Alto... “d Mrs Watt of Nomnby Tower B trrived in hh old home town, Dur- ship tutd her Fouthtut year. were I ham, on Thursday int and will in all we” on the tnd con. of that ‘. _ all proutrility my with the town. gtownlhlp. Durham citizens came to I Mr. Raymond 21ch to " mutant know deeeaaod, when the cune to ,' acting aa Secreury to Agnes Mae. keep home for the late Samuel Scott. I phaii, M.P., her tanner tunenttennitr, Th" Btte did in l thithNt manner t Miss Lot ie Whittaker accepting a. for man, years. mixing the tut ', permanent position in Toronto. P". of thit: "Wm merchant very . Mr and Mrs Ernest McGirr ‘nd'comlormhle. While in Durham, she [ children, Niagara Falls; Mr antr"tentied the Blptlst church. I Mrs John McLean and children, or) Five “"er autd two brothers re- Shelburne, with Mrs Thos. McGirr'mam ofth, watt family. maximum and daughters, lsabelle and Margar- Radburn, Northern Ontario; Annie, et, of town. were guests of Mr and Men, FYrrretrter, Guelph; Barbara, Mrs Mrs John McGirr at a Mth unniver- Doeutatir, Durham; Nellie. Mrs F. nary wedding dinner on Saturday Cleans, Lmdon; Hattie, Hrs Hintze night. JElrose, Sank; Robert Southampton; I Misses Eliza and Mary Calder pur- ttttd John ot Durham. i l pose leaving shortly to spend theI The funeral took plture in London winter months in Toronto. ,0" Tuesday. . an invalid. We hope to hear of alien dy improvement.' MISS AGNES MACPHAIL TAKING THE REST CURE Mr. John McGowan has been in) poor health the past week trom tut' attack or as'hma and other ailments.: He is somewhat better, and able to walk across to the mill, but is yet) Mr John McQueen is spending this week with his sister, Mrs McCannel. in Toronto. Mrs Arthur Jackson returned Tues- day from a. visit in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Norman Koch and daughter Betty, Kitchener, were week end guests ot Mrs H. R. Koch. Messrs Arthur Ramage and W. E. Loucks, Thornbury. spent Sunday In town. Mr. Raymond Momm- is ct present acting as Secretary to Agne- Mac. phail, M.P., her former tunentteruritr, Miss Lot ie Whittaker accepting a permanent position in Toronto. Mr. Jag. Rum“, Ianigheed, Alta., arrived in nu old home town, Dur- ham, on Thursday last and will in all probability any with the town. Mr. Gordon Rennie of Durham Public School stat! wag in Hanover Sunday last, rendering solo. on the amnion of the anniversary ot Trin- ity United church. . 0.H.A. Hockey French Balm ........ Me and Noxema, for rough skin, reg 25 Lyndon Balm, 13 or. ......... Frost Cream for rough hana.. IOrient Fire Powder .......... Forget-me-not Perfume . . . . . . . ot Egremom, and tive sisters: Mrs. Thou. Bothwell, lslay. All; Mm' Thou. Harrison, Egremont; Mrs G. Geddes, Benttnck; Mrs Victor Adams in Egremont 1nd Eva at home. An- other siater. Mrs Hardy Harrison died seven years ago. Eckhardt, who with infant daughter Lorraine, mourn his death. Also be- reaved are his mother, Mrs Abraham Hooper; two brothers, Will and Isaac SEE and HEAR the NEW ROGER S' MAJESTIC RADIO ranch Balm ........ Me and We Wampole'e Estrtuit .... oxema. for rough skin. reg 25.,15c Asprtn ...... ...... M, rndon Balm, " or. ......... Me 2',",t,','t, To?“ """"' rout Cream for rough hands” 25c Re: l, gm '2: ve i'." rient lice Powder .......... 15c 0'18",“ 2ll','l, :03:an ' btttiFnotPerfttm ....... 25c ses,er\e ..., rge e e Too h Brushes .... PJc, PURETEBT GOD LIVER OIL, as selected tor Dionnn Qu % ttr troe. 1 ttt " 19mm $6.00. See photograph of the Quit The funeral was held Monday from Save with Safety at your Rexall Drug Store lild?hlBlih'i DRUG STORE FALL AND WINTER SPECIALS THE ROLL CALL M ISS NETTI E WATT "THE REXALL STORE" Published Weekly a t2.00 5 you in advnnce. in mum sum. 82.50 t you tn Nance. C. RAMAGE . SON. Publisher. ELMER HOOPER Me 25c l5c 25c date. AU perms wreak-d Noam note the change. (45) Will meet on "inlay, November 9th, instead or No her Wtt, owing to County Council ‘eetlng on latter If ttve weather " (emulate. a par. we will be formed at the Hull. go- ittg south on Queen tp. to umbtou. thence out to Gentran, north to Mill and thence to the Monument. l.0.D.E.; Red Cross; Women's ltr mum; School Bounds; Town Coun cll; Durham Band. On pogo {our Appear: the pnogrun ot memorial service to be conduc'ed by the Town Council on Remem- brance Dar, Nov. mu " 6.45 p.m. The Council wilely decided at their Int tension to make it I civic serv- ice in honor of our valiant dead, and plan to have uvenl arguin- liom attend in a body. The veter- an- wilt of our”. hepresenl in full nien‘th and the following are asked to moot " Town Hall at 6.30: The Service at Monument at 6.45 Monday Flower boners were rim. Wallace and my drew and Joe Eckhnn Robin-on. nonl oBertttgss were from his wire, mother Ind sisters, brother; - and nieces. Mr and In A. Hooper and Alan, Mr And Ira John Wt and (canny. Mr and In. Funk Tea and In Ten. Toronto. Flower boners were Elmer Hur- wall, huh Ten, CIIu. Robinson Chm. “when Arch. McClain. hla late residence to Pdoeville cano- tery. tenses: being conducted by In. I. W. John-ton, Prion-me. There m a large attendance, nth. cred to my their Int respect: tat one who In lite wu esteemed very highly. Mr an) In Funk Ten, of Tomato were protein at the penic- oa. an bearers were lucr- Anna. Dem and George “up". Ed. Ding- We on - da of att kinds ---Anthmette. Amrrta, Mower, etc., Order har Cal Nu W. Calder Estate PHONE 21 Ptomot Delivery Wham. Cunemn Qu-Intupk Quinn. " Mbe, 25c ...... $1.00 50. 450.9% 8ttth95 $1.00 49c 25c 25c 50c

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