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Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1935, p. 4

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be ttil ttet-r {caveman . um... null] Io loo: beyond the troub- les of thin present time and to know that neither We nor death out sop- mto us (no. the Can otGod,whlch Is In Christ Jesus our lord. to whom with the in." and th- ' IB-a-a, all who Proudly mo those near “a dear u the {mum ted. 339m.!.lhom h them faith to look ttt les of this mount ti that neither lite nor 0 than!” God. who art a strong tower ot *ogeteee unto Thy serum. agains' the (ace of their enemies; we yield thee praise and thanksgiv- ing for our deliverunce from thooe meat and ”when auger: where. with we were comm-ed. We ack- nowledge in thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them; launching thee um to continue such Thy men-Joe towards an. that " the world my know that Thou Amour Soviour end migh- ty Delivers-r; through Jesus Christ our Lord. PRArrgR--mr. c, God. our help in not put. h." hope tor your. to come. Be thou our snide while troubles last And our eternal home. The. like an ever-rolling am M‘s alt it. Ion. any; , L-y Br, [man as ' dream, i s " the opening day. Comfort. o Lord Balm? the hills in order "ood, Or earth remind her frame, From everlasting Thou art Gm To undies you: the name. Thy aunts hve dwelt secure gunmen: is Thine am alone, And our defence is sure. 0 God, our help In not put. Our hope for you: to come. Our uhelter Iran the stormy blast And our atom! home. Pnneath the shadow H YMN---'h If you tell it well, your ad. will sell Memorial Service at the " Lord, we pray Tttoe, mm mm the [on of Ind duriothem cam“- REMEMBRANCE DAY I935 " , 6.45 p. m. DURHAM. ONTARIO Chairman ---- Mayor II. W. Kress and the Holy Spirit " brothers dew. by Thr love. Give H . Smith. PROGRAM of Thy throne Help in stream. B""lDrc'rtoN--.rtev, ROLL lulu: any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall teed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and God, shall wipe away alt tears trom their Area. ADDRESS-au,. David Gowdy. DEPOSITION or' wREArHtr-aw. one desirous of depositing a wreath is respec‘fnllv “Au-4" - They shall hunger mint any more. he Therefore are throne of God, and night in his amen: on the th montr them. blood of the Lamb knowest. And he said are they which came tribulation and hum " respec'runy at this time. 9 The succesa ot Premier Swing, Amen, blessing and glory King in persuading Hon. C and wisdom and thanksgiving and to come into the cabinet at honor and power and might, be unto of Finance was, it I. felt our God forever and ever. Amen. a master-stroke. It shows And one of the elders answered, ot tttintra.. the mm: ot DU saying unto me. What are those ice in Mr. Dunning, the t which are arrayed in white robes; in the King Gov't dbpbye nnd whence came they? 1..-... uh“, .. - And all the angels s‘ood round tV bout the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their (was and wor- shipped God. Lam b And cried with a loud voice, say- ing, Salvation to our God which Bit. teth upon the throne. and unto the .__L NEW TESTAMENT LEMON-chap. ter7, Verses 9-17. RevJ. T. Priest After this I beheld, and lo, a. great multitud: which no mu could num- ber, ot alt nations and kindred:, and peoples, and tongues, stood before the thtone, and before the Lamb,' clothed with white robes and palms in their hands. l Monument, MillStreet Posr--Reveim, . I said unto 'f waters and God, alt tears from their _Rev. David Gowdy e are they before the God, and serve him day in his temple; and be that the throne shall dwell tV or' WREArHs--Any. of depositing a wreath ly requested to do so "to him, Sir, thou a said to me, These came out of grant hare Washed their , them white in the more, neither i. Hubert the ,V --v.q. v. n. "ergu- son from the High commisBioetersttir, in London, revives rumors that t he will reenter politic: u leader of the iOntario Comm-.1" mm. The 'colortul Mr. Ferguson puts in the 'Bhade moat numb for that Inn-:- 'o-treopened at homo, talking to the her kitchen, addressing political meeting, mam es: or mixing with tn tintutee. Mr. Dunning has often remarked that to b2 a successful minister of finanee it is essential that a. nitu, be both a good politician and a good business man. This rare combina- tion of qualities is happily found in Mr. Dunning himaell. He in sum-"v we - m" L was also aerated. He foreswore politics and went back in- to business. He ran the Seignory Club for the C.P.R. He reorganized the Consolidated Paper Corporation. He became president of the Canadian Equitable Lite. He took over the Presidency of the Maple Leaf Mill- ing Company to reestablish its lin- ancial position and went to the Board of Barclays Bank. f nun; m persuading Hon. C. Dunning to come into the cabinet as Minister l of Finance was, It is felt generally, a matrteruattoke. It shows a number of things: the aplri; of public serv- lee in Mr. Dunning. the Conmienee in the King Gov't dlnpluyed by the (new Minister, the determination ot 1):? Prime Minister to leave no stone unturned in grappling with the prob.' lem, of the day. I In 1930 he wits defeated in M and the Gov't was also defeated. foreswore politics and went back ___ - _-... m... m. b. momu, Teacher of in?” 'lf,',',',?,,'"' Jr,'lit the ,2t s.s. No. 2, BENT. & GLEN. mug” in: 'tll g is": " Jr. Iv-Alex Miller; Jim Veggie. 'ld; orn a "m; ' " ., at? Sr. Hr-Elsie Miller; Ethel Veggie. "Fed Cl"',:"",:":',,,',":',': in i IF Br. II-pred Noble. Sr. l-Doris 'll ll :sbacer lor andnthu: l', tang: Noble; layman Ritchie; Vera Ves- e e s .. , ',n' feet accord with Premier-elect King. 5,3,7 Pe Miller. Jr. Pr .--Oottn I Due to the acceptance of Hon. J. "hu'uhter, Premier of Saskatchewan, to accept the Portfolio of Min. of Agriculture, in the new Liberal cab- inet, Hon. W. J. Paterson, Minister ot Natural Resources in the Saak. Cabimt, has stepped up to the Prem. ier's chair. In so doing, it is the first occasion where a native-born son SASKATCHEWANS NEW i""'" uennltely retires. The Ontario Vrdeetorate hope that the rest and [change will have the desired effec‘ ion Mr. Hepburn, allowing him to |Head his party through the coming 1888810!) with as muck vim and vigor in of the 1935 session. DUNNING A MASTER In this matter un'll next session. or until burn detiniteV retiree oleetorate hope that change will have the I on Mr. Hepburn, ttnos lead his partv thrmwh recall ot Hon . irrespective of party, the people of (Ontario have heard with regret that ‘Hon. Mitchell Hepburn iinds it ne- I cessary, owing to continued ill health 'to retire from active leadership at ffhe close ot the 1936 session of the lProvincial House. He he. been most aggressive in his party's interests, and only loyalty to the Liberal cause Jhas kept him at the helm as long as he has. He is troubled with a bron- ,chinl affection that will not lewve him, and his doctors have ordered 'him to Arizona tor heat end rest. 3 Who will take his place as leader of the Liberal party, is at present Vvery vague. There is plenty ot good material, but no: many are willing ‘to take up the great task for such a tickle thing as party politics proves itself to be. It requires a leader of rugged constitu ion as well as will power and these are hard to tind.' Hon. Arthur Roebuck and Hon. Daw id lel are strong cabinet men in the Hepburn party who would be equal tor the Job. But be one, only surmising as nothing else will hedone one doe or fawn, or they may take one buck each. A party of eight hunters is not permitted to take more than two does or lawns and no party may exceed the lim- it. ‘ Ttte Buy“. imam. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL ONTARIO'S PREMIER C RAMAGE J Proprietor: 'l HUNTING REGULATIONS This rare combing. is happily found in melt. He is equally to the farm wife in reatsirttr a small-town r. managing a basin. new are hard to tind. Roebuck and Hon. Dav- strong cabinet men in Premier Mackenzie tue naboba of "ty who would be b. But be Pm, only ling else will hedone ttttHI the dose ot until Premier Hep. STROKE PREMIER TO RETIRE Mm: Well, m cat's had . s.s. NO. 3, BENTINCK Sr. IV"Howard Bailey; Br. m-- Wesley Burtman; 'Wlltred Wise. Jr. 'lr-irons, Mather; 'Norma Racy ‘lsla Brown; ‘Helen Andrew. Jr. Il-Mas Andrews. I-"8tuiie Reay, ‘l’nnneth McCulloch. Pr. --Nnez Brown; 'Mary Andrews; 'Chester Lawrence; Elsie Wise; Jean Torry. . denotes perfect attendance. Helen M. Malian, teacher. wunua; Clarence Lynn. Br. m-v. Goldsmith; Bill Davey; Ruby Miller. Jr. m-Howard Grierson; Oliver Goldsmith; Cliff Noble; Jessie Mae. Donald. Br. Ir-Delia Lounds; Amy Lounds. Jr. Tt---Elsie Ewan; Ralph Davey. Pr. --Jean Grierson; Mor- ence Goldsmith; Met. Goldsmith. ' C. Madam, teacher. Davey; Ken MacDonald; Margaret Lynn. Jr. rV---A. G. Goldsmith: J. Lounds; Clarence Lynn. Br. m-v. Goldsmith; Bill Davey; Ruby Miller. Jr. m--Hownrg can...» I‘m-m fat ; Jessie Brawn . S.S. No. 3. GLENELG V-Jack William. Sr. nr-Marte aret Williams. r. Iv-Danny Edge; Billie Anderson. Sr. m-Alvtut Vaug. han; Stephen Brawn; Beatrice Ken- ny. Jr. m--Mietsaet Kenny; Jean Williams. Ir-Audrey Macinnia; Ar- chie Brawn; Mnmret Sheldroth. I ---Bruee Macinnis. Pr.--Ruth Mot. tfo; Hugh Miller. McKechnie. e' silver wedding of Mr Ind Mrs J. . is; tit, maybe invented in ' ‘MoGirr on Friday. . I wows: I':,,,,',':,?,."',','.'.';, i Mr amt Mrs D. A. Cunpbell and will“? ttMead ott "P! quietly el MacDonal¢ tht m--r. Mountain; "tunur motored to Goderteh on Bat, M“ V initr. A 'ttmatter of m“ Mardorle Mountain; Donald Campjurday and spent the day with the f,,",,", or. paid viaita to the diagram, bell. Jr. til-loom, Eidt. Br. II-- farmer's mother and sister Mrs Croft 1rl','(',,,'lf mind the “and good, Lam Shewell. Br. I--un tsnrmeu.ir'riends ot Mr. Croft will be planed c m ”mum”- but . couple or Sr. Pr.-vernon Goldsmith, inanei to hear ttttrt re. hat, received promo- our: tater the grentoat I"'"?"? Bolton. Jr. Pr.--r'lorenee Bolton. (tion and is now stationed at Brant- occu. Id When " earthquake trem-; Best in Bpeuing--geasie Campbell. l ford. gr :hook the houses, made lamps tUtd, Hazel MacDonald and Isabel Mmur) A jolly event ot last week wu the , 05 ”“179 ettutring much excite tain. :Halloween party given by Miss Mot, tTPcttt. It Watt a distinct chock tr', M. C. Mount Teacher fat in the schoolhouse. Everyone Sour or live minutes, however no , that! a good time and not trot to bed amaze was done here. : s.s. No. 2, BENT. & GLEN. (in time ‘o enjoy the mm. or the lit- F'mtrtreat consmtull'lona are "3 Jr. Iv-Alex Miller: Jim Von-In tt, -__..__.._. _ ‘ . _ on. Kenneth MacDonal d B--Peart t'itrttt when, in Innounclng ellmlnl wisoif.. Ivan Davison: and Glorla'uon ot all liquor “venting in Al ‘Rimmer (equ v, Jean Alexander" C. berm, he says: "We feel tttiq udver T . . ' ' Mains is a. wists of expenditure; T rattord; Jean Patton. I there is no need of it " Dorothy Pickering, Teacher . ---_---- Jr. Pr. A--Bruee MacDonald; B.’ The Bible continues to be the Farrell; Madeline Canon; Vera Crut- world's beat seller. In London, Eng chley: Bill Becker and Betty Bryon’land, recently there were sold 100,000 (equ.). B--Ttsetnia Cluchey; yittt.eleopietr. Yes, but is it the beat. Glay; Wesley Wysrille; Isobel Whit/read book.' more: Gordon McDonnell. I I Norma Gagnon, Teacher,' U s.s. No. 3, GLEN. & BENT. WELBECK Sr. Iv-Stella Marsales; Wilfred ----- Molosh~ Lorene Koepp. Jr. nr-mhy After the downpour of the last el Ireland. Br. m-Alfred vtuitrhan;itwo days the ground should be well Hath: Braun: Roberta Braun. Jr. l picpared tor the snow and it looks m-- Ruth Mortley' Hamid Komm.lutis Tuesday morning as it it were Jr. II-ivan Max-sales; S’nnley Mar-, nearly here. sales; Mayme Koepp; Johnle Braun;! Mm Hugh McArthur, Zion, and Melburne Braun. Jr. l-Jessie Mort/ Miss A. Allen, Toronto, were guests ley. Pr.--vera Morales; Vera Vang-4" Mrs J. Crutchley on Tuesday of ban; Velma Mar-sales. {last week. Emily Hunt, Teacher. and gun." he said. "The "can Br. II A-Eileen Teeter; Jean Iaur farmer could chop " on min ftN Mr; Reta Heft; BOND Lowe; Hub 4 cent: a bag, when lt now out! art Hay. B--Wesster Cuff: Ray Me. him 7 and 8 cents a bag " the emu Queen; Norma Harrington: Orvtu roads chopping mill." Hopkins; Bemlece Randall. l Joseph Gibbons, Tomnto, objected Myrtle Hartley. Teacher. to thlg View. on the ground that the ‘ Jr. ll A-Vera Dewar; Margaret farmer would be using metered pow- Greenwood; Lorna. Town: Bernice”, while the chopping mill operator, Lockstead; Ronald Watt. B-Norma although he might operate only two Wyville; Jack Randall; Leonard VoI- days a week, would he paying for lett; Hazel Styles; Ruth McEachnle. rower " days of the week. Mary E. Mar on, Teacher.l ----_---...... I A-Adele Noble; Marie MeAutitte' - Frances Cluchey; Ivan Mighton; K." Premier Klng ia haibed today as a. McCallum. B-Elmer Lake; Ger- national political hero. Five years trude Thompson; Loudnea Lure; M. {from now, tl t1CK!o. electorate will McDonal d; Gerald Monk. lprohahly be clamoring for hit, ome- Mae MtueEaehern, Teacher. ial head. Sr. Pr. A-norden Noble; Terry) - Hamilton; June Turner; Nancy Brrl,?iem'."r Alberhnrt of Alberta ig, nr--trit m In we: cruel-it). _ ‘u m . maul- Irw- ---Vera lander: t%die Olbome; G. ' to hm hmer hers We wish the. Incl“. an! ml Audrey Wen- (cam); J. _ . »â€"- ,w. mu than wealth. Mtvedonahi; Jean Town and Margaret EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER , We wish an (old In no": die 2,2,'r,e,r... 'i,l',"t'ord,'".""r; [slab-3| As printed in Int week's Review. ',2ff,'d ttttT 2,1',' :3!” ' . there has been . hydro nte redue _ _ George A. Noble, Ten-char. tlon for tum power users. the new Br. m--Wirat ten in order of mer- rate schedule becoming operative on! MULOCK ',tda1t.':i,,t, Caswell; Ste": Connolly Nov. 1 i A roklnolo new under the on. e . . , . . l c - Incl: ('v'C,'i'g,.oodirant,'""g.:,d',C,:r.,; T. Stewart Lyon, Hydro chairman I [ices of the ladies' Aid wu held Agnes Atkinson. Hamm'n Eraifiii..' snaking " Brampton announced re Friday evening " the home of Mr. Alex McDonnell" Norman Robbins, titte ittmg to rurat eon-rtrttt 20% and Mr. Findley McCtinlg. The Gordon, C Rennie Touche]: for fume" in the Clean ' and Btw- guests numbered about 60, ll tabla} Jr. m 2LGLiiiiiiiiiiii.. hm“ erloy divisions would become etree- playing " games. The ledleo' prlne‘ Scott: John MeEachern: ' Donald tive, with reduction of 10% for farm was won by Lena Ellison. the [entail Snundera- me 7riiiiiiiiiiiii.' PM. 11Beti' below the Cla" , tttautdarxU. by Geo. Bun-ell. Baked beam, and-' aid Dewdr- Mary Gagnon- Marie He strongly wvocnted the further wicheg end ttte were served " the: Morton. W’1lfred lake: Rob'ert Mlgh- introduction ot Hydro power lnto the close A hear y vote of thanks was; ton. ' ' 1_'1'11f'1'ec'f.',rt"1r will nuke no tendered to Mr and In MoCuolgl THE DURHAM REVIEW . yo., 10, BENTINCK John C. Mekeehnie, teacher Evelyn Ross, Teacher o" than what the I . Ritchie, tetusher. Jr. Pr.--doan Mr ind Mrs ‘Sunday afternoon Ross, Teacher Duham. I ou the I” Violet Rotter“ Joined hut d nudhecrt with 't"maatorureii'ii2" on 1'11ng .0.-_,, - Rev. Dr. me! In Boudmu and daughter let-lane, spent and” am noon with the Hillel McIntosh and ttmths. Mrs D. Morrison tn the and nine members were 1 Mrs Peter nanny me with Mrs E. Dergavel. been friends for the In: Mrs Tithutr is " you: Dargavet " but; how 1 old friends are left! Old “ck to the m.‘ ".-va., W. M. te, Monday, in meeting wa per to a f last week. Lswe, Miss Inez ara Falls. Visitors with k,. Dnrgavcl over the l and Mrs Lorne Me Many people nmund Dornoch felt the Earthquake on Thursday night or rather Md” morning. It wu very slight. Br All account mother slight one followed. show, after. We hope it was the lust. l Mrs John Goldsmith. Mamie, I: the guest of her son Gordon. Mr and Mrs J. meter and family were Sunday visitors with Mr Ind Mrs J. Watah. Mrs J. Stowart l will Mrs J. MOU,. tu, earthquake. Mr and Mrs Peter 1 the weekend with Mr McLean, Clarksburg. A jolly event ot last week wu the Halloween party given by Miss Mot, fat in the schoolhouse. Everyone had a good time and lust trot to bed in time ‘o enjoy the thrills of the lit- tu, aluminum of Mrs J. Crutchley on Tuemy of Mr and Mm G last week. Chrk and daugh Mr and Mrs J. Crutchley attended Hampden friends the silver wedding of Mr ma Mrs J. Mr. Geo. Bun HOG!" on Friday. tt new radio rm Mu Hugh McArthur, Zion. and Miss A. Allen, Toronto, were guests of Mrs J. Crutehiey on Tuesday of last week. The Bible coitinnes to be the world's beat seller. In London, Eng. land, recently there were sold 100,000 copies. Yes, but is it the beat. read book.' Premier Aberhnrt of Alberta is right when, in announcing emulat- tion ot all liquor averaging in Al- berta, he says: "We feel this adver- tising is a waste of expenditure; there is no need of it." Joseph Glbbona, Tomato, objected to this View. on the ground that the farmer would be using metered pow- er, while the chopping mill operator. although he might operate only two days a week, would he plying for rower " days of the week. T. Stewart Lyon, Hydro chairmen snaking " Brampton nnnounced re- duclcns to run! connumercof 20% for fnrmem in the Cine ' and sno- erloy divisions would become elec- tive, with reduction of 10% for term usels below the Clam, , studsrds. He strongly advocated the further introduction of Hydro power into the rural mu. "Hydro will nuke no money merely lighting a. farmhouse and barn," he said. "The new farmer could chop his own min tor 4 emits a bag, where " now cost: him 7 and 8 cents a bag " the crou- roads chopping mill." l there bu been . hydro rate redue tion for hum power users. the new Hydro Rates Lowered t'f11f",u',AC'l'dr,'l." _ to Farm Power hm I','e",U, It,',',,',',",:',,? . McIntosh sue tt few ot her friends, __ --v, nay! wun her Ulster acmw-n gave I. fowl tMr. Ilrl Andrew Fulton. w at her friends, one day A number attended the umivernry jserviceg held In Unl‘ed chumh, Han. held their meeting on over on Bundaor. the church parlour. TheI Utto Helloween social evening at ' opened by the president No. 8, Wag, hasta ““‘ ....., ' __ ‘1' Tiffany aut . Dargavet. T DORNOCH N ONTARIO AKUI'uvag TORONTO Iltllllllll- Peter Mountain spent manning: . w. Hem spent with friends in Spending n week Present . . night Icy have Mrs Neil "' nun The U.l'.W.0. m .0“ ll - monthly meeting-tumult. an 390m I tow dars Anderson returned tor a week’s visit. Mr and Mm ronto mo‘ored Winning of the mack of . [harvest congmtull'lona tended to Miss Verne Men _ est daughter ot Mr and It . vyn. who came second out _ the public snaking conte- nection with the school to: County, held at Mtrkda‘le Her topic VI. "A Bower 1 a. run,” winning ttrat pl: ‘school fair held at huh: I The wnca. held I lug tunutrertmr nu church, Oct. 27th, win ot Hanover was Um m The wet I are short of Most everyone felt the I early Friday morning and ing to one another the t feeling of being rocked tn of their numbers. ROCKY swam ' Miss Evelyn Henderson of Ramp. den, was the guest of her ulster Mrs George Torry but week. Mrs s. Swluer and sons Welling- ton and (fl-mace and In Geo. Ad- lam, Toronto, were recent guest: at the home of Mr “A "-- " ... char Mrs Davis of T out visiting " the Mrs Bert Davis. Inn-luv 01 II" Do In Wilfred Myers of Holland Con-I WM” Oct. tre, was a welcome scent at 1eisood attend-racer home of Mr and In Geo. Torry and In charge of the j Mrs Chrk Torry “at week. I‘Iuerrwho opened with many friends were pleased to me her; ttue main; watt at church on Sunday morning. ' lucQuame ft Mr and Mrs w. J. MacDonald of John McKechnie a Harrow were guests " the home “Enidenble business Mr and Mrs A. C. MacDonald 'aatlcroeinoie party is week, Mrs MacDonald returning "tthlhome of Mrs Jam them to Harrow tor a month’s ”Oli'idny evening, Nov. day. -- ' her Which dancing old and young. and Erma Mignon. Pastor Homer and Bernard Alleson acted as Judges, after which mes were played un- der direction ot Mrs Thus. Adlun. Later refreshments were served. Mr. "a. McRoneld was in Toms- to this week attending the funeral of his cousin. Mrs Cresewell. J About 30 or the B.Y.P.U. memb- ers were entertained " . Halloween social " the home of Mr and In Homer, Tuesday evening last. Ab most everyone wore special (way dress and prizes were handed fol- lowing a march. The prize. for the best costume went to Earl Anderuon by Geo. Bumll. Baked beans. and- wiches and Ne were served at the close. A hear , vote of than" was tendered to Mr and In 1100ng for the use ot their home. Next meeting of the ladies' Aid to be held It the home of In Joe Rear, Nov. 14. A crokinolo social under the m nice: of the ladies' Aid wu held Friday evening " the home of Mr. and In Finally McCIinlg. The guests numbered about 60, 11 tables playing " games. The MIOI' prize was won by Dem Ellison. the genu' - u... we. “may we IMON'Md, of Rocky Slugeen. me: a: m rm. cousin. Mn Cmowell. {home of Mrs Donald McKnuhnu. tr' m- Wilfred Myers of Holland CN‘lWednuday. Oct. sou: with a \ _',s a, wu n welcome snout at 11!?me "tendnnee. The meeting “.1 m, of Mr and In Goo. Torry and tn cum of the president. Mm 1:. _ " Clark Torry lut week. Huel'l’who opened with prayer. Tho- 'm'."', any friends were pleuod to me her; a", main. w" given by Mm , ' church on Sunday morning. Ibo" lacQuarMe from palm I“? M, Mr and In W. J. Human-M Mr - . --, look!!! M owen Md. WI than much “WI. tttma" IDS” Will give than of Mr and Mn Goo. Torry and dwsh'er Andrey v he” F r ithy evening, on tumvext out to a in and frolic. Not " were maaked, Ind thm rtng meeting in an 37th, when Mr. Pllkey Thus. Hancock of To. Mt to the Maples the Verne Mervyn, rocked in the midst Iocond out of " in in: contest In on... school an. a are, ', a bettettt . usek. Mia. Nellie home With them with her F,2'Cr,t/s?:ea8lt,,', N ur; 1.. Toron'o is " pres. e home ot Mr and and In Geo. Ad: t) recent guest. It md Mrs P. Tonya? and In G. the “RI-dune Yer' Interest. Bentlnck ' young- visited who ex- W- I . Tdin V, 'a/Nrrer' prize: I Visitor. I'm: [rand Mrs P.s:, may '0!" Mr. A. Ho1uttetrr, l lc. Senator. Ila-ea Ruth ' m D-tttar Schweitzer, can. hat Monday evening the Y r h.“ . "I? moccaful Htmon, may uthehaneoflr Geo I' or mtet room- were tasteful!) _ orator! for the oecninn Brom, of Che: visited with re 1 friend: Mime ell! with her Twamar, . ' CRAWFORD and Mm D. Hum with Mr. Duncan I ot Haber-mum " all . Mr 1nd Mr. Runyon Fiddls. 11mm tn. spent and” with Mr um Mr, A. Rude Ind In Archie Mach”):- Mr Alvin !home of Mrs Jame: idar evening, Nov. liittht ot All. In Ve. Vorlte hymn, "The I“... Beit nve a van-um: lite." Ttve special numbv' son our prom wu given by Mn AC. Fletcher Md took the tmm il {two good 0011083“. In Harrison u: Shallow Luke wu present and mu: meant-nun: word. to the work u: our Aid. In. D. C. Mckechn), an . demonstration on spinmnr Mm choduue Ind “chums sen " INN-hunts and a social hal: but in: enjoyed by all. Our my W110! I. qt the home of Mr, AI.-; l' .- Christian lite." The on our prom w... C. Fletcher and too two good column. 1 Shallow we Watt p “wow!!! word: 1 Germs of Mr I Weekend vluum wi h Mr 'Fned Keno; were her state: I'M now were her sister Mn I A. lick-on trmn Gummque; M: (H In C. I)...“ and funny, tlttrrrs., Mr and In In. Ylke and dauph'. If“ lube]. lander m the Mist prize and " P. Oliver won the men's. Arm couple I.“ my a bounteous mu was mod and w departed for th, _ hm feeling that 3 social 6'hetiHr., llke this lute. A nice break to, 'l, runl people. The We" at the L' with their umuu spent . ' an; at the home of Mr um Cutaway. Nine able. or on Hm In. Wu. - left {or hro, Ill-o to Mill after "Vending an. not for In“: With her dauxlu., In Incu- [mania The "diem' AM will link! I (TORI; ole noel-l. Tuesday evening. No, -' st the hon. or In James mum Mr Ind In I. Crutchley and fur: " were visitor- the ttrat of the u.-., with Mr And In P. Oliver, I'm. In Donal cam, “summon Vit, . meent ttue-t with Mend: at th, Art . McIntosh, Dornoch no“, NOV. 18. A. tttia is 7th» u, Mumvohnlornxood m "willing, reeen'ly, worn M " Witt HAW-m and Mr ( . m te Visiting at pr. In June. Mulbugan " by In Ednr Boyce an Rude about I few (Lu) With Human friend, Ruth. In D. Htuuie. Mr cult]. "Isl MOGHIHIZI‘ M 3mm In: week lhl NOV. T, 1935 M liar Plialey lie Karts visited [Gown]; ' Nov. 1211:. To mm d, I" Valle “In! her Ian “The model chum; I." ' BPiendid paw-z Wanner began hr Wine “on of proxy-9M. we "CLO” iii - were gut-513 v I“ If. w. And: " Gland Prayer. c, m V” dealt with. riatotretseviat, “the! Mitler on Tu, A. Hustle 1nd Mr 31' .iayed mm: Ill! homing tsill q"'tintr n Mr “uteri-m Lam. [who and sis" “Vlnmone at Archie Machouu unique Hooper. I. Ind Sil- M. - I visitor frrr " matter Mrs. "May the: Ind Mrs F a trick tr.r'.w.,, . tttity "H “4 Mrs J ll 3nd If} Mt th 'ttt M on " ll th I The quirem time prmte books promp Mr. GUSTO Phone I Cl arms “our (in tter SI?“ UNI onf lot to R ke n

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