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Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1935, p. 8

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Dan-“Mania!"- Cl ......1n. tntrdta'ttera, - - 4 mm "marmauon. Return Limit. from Agents. ASK FOR HANDBILL -- . ------., ------ T_, in; -- lit}; ZWLEM'E' ‘5" Tickets. Train Information. Return Limits from Alum. - " n - - - - -- yourself and veekhahi/iiiitiii"i i%Gi7gi'i%id" UC2' air-men! the whole year through . . . This is all you have toalo. tlet/it/ey offer. that trilryave y_ou money . y . Give THE DURHAM REVIEW SUGGESTS YOU 7- ----.. 7-.-- '9e'ttcoty, Care Irrrseetee" 0.01.3. sun... 7.... huh Inlnmnoi..- 17...... 1:, ., - - -------- n " ae?, " " 34.15 Mr and In In. Hum: with Mr and Mr: B. Davin of Fergus, visited " to the Dom Choosing the moat costumed when. Games. contents WINDSOR $4.20 DETROIT s4.25 'ma" on RID. ........ TOWARD mom .... toremriaGiiUG.'" Plcac cup etth."oeyitttereheekisq3ruirirc “undated. 'utouteotoemeambtti. are. m-tnes check“ with a ”an Won ---- " eta, were indulged in . Lunch was served. The I dismissed by Nntlonu "e'.....-..-........ Cot-Olooocluou Dupls. servxces .....,........ 56.00 Neil Calder, tress. Egremont Plow- menu Ass'n, grant .......... 25.00 Mrs W. Hustle, supp. re relief. 10.00 Stamps for tax notices ........19.35 Clerk's services re tax notices .40.00 Dr. Hergott, attention re indigent } patient, 50 % of bill ........ 19.55 ‘Jas. Nicholson, re taxes ........ 1.00 IWA. Reeves, pt pay't assessor 110.00 iW- MeDougau, meeting Road Supt. I y at MeArttu1r's bridge ........ 1.00F Wm. Aldcorn, meeting Road Supt. I at McArihur's bridge ........ 1.00) Members of Council, att'ce at I meeting to date b.........,. 12.50; R. Christie, use of room, te. Carried.,; Cowan-. McDougall: That Council adjourn to meet on Monday, Dee. " at one o'eloek to receive tinaneiat' statement and general business. fy) David Allan, Clerk.', m.0., Gordon Lelth, Clerk, at lot 19, Icon. 20; Div. 8--Wm. Rogers, D.R.0., Hubert McDougnll, Clerk, at Aalhll lHolstein; Div. 4-431arertee Rose, D. lR.O., Glad. Molnnes, Clerk, " lot 15. ;con 14; Div. ir---Neil llea, D.R.0., Joe. Burke, Clerk, at lot 4, con. 5; Div. 6-Ed. Rmnell D.R.0., William lMcArthur, Clerk, at lot 21, con. 7. I Patterson-Cowan.. That the sever- al banks be Instructed to take any portion of taxes and to charge penal- ty of 2 % on remainder not paid at- ter Dee. 16, 1935. Carried. l ! Ptuterson-Aideorn: That the toi..), towing accounts be paid; l Murray Adams, sheep claim ..$5.00 I Ranald McEachem, sheep claim, 6.00 Thos. Rattle, sheep claim ..... 3.00 Supt's. services ... Neil Calder, tress. 1 Wm. Althea. inapectlng sheep.. .60 John McPhee, into. sheep .... 2.75 Selectors of jurors ............ 9.00 Mun. World, supplies to date.. 44.17 Pay Sheet No. 11, for expenditure on Roads and Bridges .... 699.08 'o"...-..... Poll Clerks are: Div. 1-9oha Brown, D.R.0.. Wm. Allan, Clerk, lot 1, con 20; Div. 2: Wm, Leith, Council met Nov. 4th. tttrel "V“; I =' ', inil preoent. Minutes ot but meeting, - ‘wcre rend and adopted. '"--'"-'-""-"---'=---------..--e'a---..Pie, l AMeom---heDmmap.. That the NIH -totr-- "n Port of the Bond Supt be "oniuas"d,L.u'.cAh. em P"."?"."), and adopted. Carried. I AMeorn-comuc That nyluv' No-l Mr and Mrs Geo. Shield: of Lon- - to provide a place tor holding don spent the weekend wtih Mr and nominations of candidates for muni- Mrs D. Alhn and family. eipal council, 1886, be now read " Recent guests with Mr and In. first and second time. Carried. F. Allan and family: Mr D. Umulurt MeDougau--Ptrttersoa: That Brut" Detroit; Mn Mary Johnson of No 14 ot 1985 providing a. place tor! Montana; Mr and Mm J. H. Htrrding holding nominations ot candidates tor(and Mrs Thos. Allan of Durham; Mr: Municipal Council and appointing der Bert Watson of Knox; Mr and Mrs. puty returning ommrs and pollclerks: Peter Hutch of Yeovil; Mr. Robert be now read a third time, signed, etc. McKenzie of Woodland The Deputy Returning Ottieerts and EGREMONT comm: $2. Carried.) It is again our sad privilege to “MOM. friends and neuiia t “d "mutiny. use fo we. extended to than in and Durham. Interment took in the family plot, Reid's ce Iago. Also surviving are three sisters VARNEY SCHOOL {Mrs H. Reid, Holstein; Mrs C. G. Sr. nr-Joyce Keller, Orvle Bry- TMcLellan, Montreal; Mrs Wm. Stan ans. Jr. Iv-Faint, Keller; James hing, Hamilton; and one brother, Geo. Wilton (atm.). Sr. IU---' Barber; Jon the homestead Marion Kerr; Wilma Bogie. Jr. Ill , . The funeral which was held on the --4Jlive BMW: Stanley Pickers. Sr. 28th from his residence was conduct. Ir-Lorne Blyth; John Eden; Rotrena ed by the Rev. Robertson Millar otPrtutt tabty.). Jr. Ir-Erma Bogle; ’Mount Forest assis‘ed by Rev. Robt.I Laura Kerr; Cavell Bryans; Mervyn Honeyman, Dromore. it was lugegRavvn; Irene Finnigan; Eddie Bryamc, 1y attended by old friends and neitrtr' Br. G-Willie Barber. Clifford Bryans (bots. Cty Stewart. Jr. r-ra-ence Finni- The pallbearers were Alexander gun. Pr. --Bruee Keller; Allie Mew. Roms, David Ecclee, George Wen": Jean Kerr; Jean Bogie, Joe Alexander Merchant, Arthur Eeeieslv1tutisran; Vioiet Madden (the). and Earl Reid. Number on roll-te. _ Tho beautiful ttoral tributes receiv. H. E. Heard, tougher. ed from relatives and friends were -----,- borne by Wilbert Schenk. Kenneth' IN "E“ORM". Ailes, Campbell Watson and Frank BARBER-m l ing Memory of our Ecclea. dear husband “that. Richard mend: and relatives were Pment Barber, who any seven from Toronto, Hooked, Homilton. "am "rt. Nor. , 1933- Pulmontou, Mount Mat. Hum..- Treomaa an...“ - ; Born in the township ot Egremont, 71 years ago last July let, of the; farm adjoining that upon which he spent the remainder of his life, I') neer hardships were not unknown to him. In reminiscing his boyhood days! mention of a team of oxen never ‘failed to recall fond memories. De, ispite the terrible handicap throughi [Incident some 36 years ago of thei lloss of the use of his right arm, he 1! proved himself always a zealous: "worker and was never happier than/ when planning together with his equ- ally zealous belpmate, improvements _ ito the place they loved and which istands today undisputed as a tine ’landmark to their untiring industry! l Lett to mourn the passing of a'\ 'kind and faithful husbapd and fath- I er are his ever devoted life partner' 1 whose maiden name was Mary oki,ll I mie; four daughters and two sons,l( namely: Mary, Mrs W. A. Benton,“ inromore; Georgina. Mrs W. J, Mac- A ‘Eachern, and Bessie, Mrs A. J. Seoul A Toronto; Ethel, Mrs J. G. Leith of E Drcmore; John C. on the 14th con. and Huber at home. Their youngest son. David Alexander, died 7 years ago. Also surviving are three sisters Mrs H. Reid, Holstein; Mrs C. G. McLellan, Montreal; Mrs Wm. Star. at ling, Hamilton ; and one brother, Geo] Th on the homestead. M Mrs Valentine pay tribute to one of our old friends and neighbors In the person ot Mr. Valentine Alles, who passed peace- fully away on Friday afternoon Oct. 25th. Miss Macphall’s supporters in Eg- remont held a reception In the Ag- rieuiturat hall on Wednesday, Nov. 6th. An enjoyable time was spent. Mr Chas. Fursman ited the tuast of the Smith family. Miss Ruby Watson spent the ttrat of week with friends, In Toronto. and Mrs Howtutt'Ritettie and little son Donald of Zion. Mr and Mrs R. Henderson, Guelph are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Smith and other friends. Mr and Mrs George Smith and Mrs Manny ot Durham, spent the first of the Week with Mr and Mrs E. Smith. Recent visitors of the McGuire ta. mily: Mr and Mrs Bert Tasker and family of myth; Mr J. McGuire and Mr H. McGuire ot Belgrave; Mr and Mrs Geo. Ritchie ot Edge Hill; Mr. l Mrs Hamilton of Fergus is visiting 'ihis week with her sisters, the Mia. lia Morrison and Mr: Johnston. to “We“ um Miss Ruby Kerr ot Toronto spent. the week end with her mother, Mrs Jordon and the Buller family. Mrs. Morrison and Miss Jean Brown ac- companied her back to visit Mrs J. Manary and other friends. Mrs. Johnston of Culbertson, Mon- tana, who has been visiting her Ila- ters, the Muses Morrison for six weeks. leaves for her home onSatur- day the 9th. Miss Jean Em; of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Dr. Mr and Mrs Geo. Shieldl of Lon- don spent the weekend wtih Mr and Mrs D. Allan and family. Recent guests with Mr and In. D. Allan and family: Mr D. Urquhart " Detroit; Mn Mary Johnson of Montana; Mr and Mm J. H. Harding and Mrs Thos. Allan of Durham; Mn Bert Watson of Knox; Mr and Mrs.; Peter Match of Yeovil; Mr. Robert McKenzie of Woodland. _ HOLSTEIN LEADER CARD O\THANK8 'mEDURHAMttEvtENt? THE ROLL CALL VALENTINE ALLES Fursman ot Hanover via. week with the Hanover I yearn ego, Nov. h, 1928. Tree-urea thought; one so dear, 'Oiten bring a silent ; lThou‘hts return or t loving put, Chit time rolls on, t memories int. BARBER-an ll, dear husband Barber, who i s.s. No. 9. EGREMONT _ iv-Mary Reid; Florence Reid; D. Williams; Alice Drimmie; Richard Irvin; Willie Drimmle. Sr. m-G. Aberdeln; Carman Lev-e. Jr. m--- Dorothy Drimmie; Myrtle Horsburgh Charlie Irvin; Raymond Bilton. Sr. lr-INT" Nicholson; Alice Reid; A'ox Reid. Sr. I--Charue Drlmmie; Anna Irvin; Hugh Dodds; PearlLove} Elroy Williams. Pr. Ethel Irvin. Best in speuintr---cttarue Irvin I M. B. Sharp, Teacher. U. NO. 10, GLENEIK} & MRE'T V-Sadie McKinnon. Jr. "r--Ada Eekhardt, Earl McKinnon; Alex Smith; John McKinnon; Joe Eek. hardt. Jr. Hr-Annie Smith; Eval- ine Eckhardt; Sr. Ir-dean McKin- non. Jr. H-John L. McKinnon. I-- Albert Jones. Altken, John Brown, , Robert Cephenson, Fern den Haas. Jr IA-Biuie Morrison equal. Jr IB-- Pr A-Valerie Brown. I ley Stephenson, Gwynne J Long. N. J. Rhe J. Morrison. Harold Long, CUttorxt Troup. Jr Ir-Ruby Moore, Dorothy Long, Phyllis Long, Shirley Long, D. Long. Sr I-Arlene Brown, Eileen Allkeu. John Brown, Vivian Rice, DAL“... ENe__. - Sr II-Et-la Reid, Betty M1 Ian, Harry Aitken, Doreen Eccle: Buller and Audrey Eakett equal, Br m--Oougait Mchllan 95, Olive McGuire 87. Kathleen Eccles 85, Row Dyer 82, Jean Leith 78, Fred ElthS Lorena Fldler 50. Jr m- Minerva Mercer M, Alex. Aitken 81. Harold Gibson 80, Hugh Cockburn 76, Doreen Thompson 75, Jean .Ecclee 67, [slay Seaman 66, Jean McGuire M, Daisy Dyer 62, Bert Long 64, Russel Ellie 62, Jim Stevenson 61, P. Ellis 52. _ A. Dyce, teacherl SENIOR ROOM Br Iv-.. Blanche Reid " Wanda Stephenson M, Hazel Leith tu, .Lyln. Smith 87, Bert Gadd M, Norma Smith 83, Bill Morrison 80, Vernio Thomp- son 73, Lloyd Gibson 70. Jr nr-a. Buller M, Bernice Pengally 90, Jean Cockburn 85, Bryce Mercer 76, Aud- rie Brown TI, Bobbie Long 69, Lloyd Seaman 50. . Mr. John Nicholéon of Yeovil bu moved in to Mr Dan Boake'a ham Mr and Mrs Smith at Tia, also Miss Kathleen Smith, teacher " No. 13, visited with Mr and Mrs David Hooper last Friday evening. They were there in time to sit in tongood supper with roast goose. HOLSTEIN SCHOOL REPORT Halloween was celebrated as new in this burg with earthquake thrown in for good measure. Miss Hazel Moon visited the put two weeks with friends in Brampton. Mr. Geo. McKelvie has been bed- fut since last Saturdny with pneu- monia with Dr. Sneath in atten, dance. Mr. Clarence Moore who but been threshing since August with Roy hwrence, t1niahed up Int week and is at home again. I. couple ot numbers, followed by sues. lunch and may. No. " held a Halloween pert! in the school In: Wedneeday evening Oct. M. The night being tlae there was a large utenduwe. Min Mar. is! Watson. chairlady, had a program of Minions, dialogues, songs, etc. Mr and Mn Reg. Ramage also sang H. E. Heard, tencher. ---..-.., IN MEMORIAM '.--rn 1 his memory of our atattand (Ether. Richard , who "VI! seven NORTH EGREMONT Anna C week. JUNIOR ROOM Larlma Reid, Betty McMil- Jr IA-Biuie Em; June lual. Jr IB-Elmer Ellis. MeEaehertt, teacher. Eccles, A, a.» I.- w Mr and Mrs Franl children visited on St: and Mrs Bert Watson a] at times drums " head with his paw for lieu. ml but]. The trem- on woke him and he blamed the dog's mm for the disturbance. He shoved it outside the door and de- cided to give it a bath next day. The most amusing one heard Wu a bachelor who permit: " collie dog to sleep In " room. The anim. al at times drum. hi. 5...: mm- H. l A widow in town felt her houseI ‘sluklng and decided tt wu hon! pluylng helloween punks. Another couple waking from their sleep dug- nosed the trouble correctly and he-I' cause they vote dttrereerttr, he de- clared. “Sena them right tor turn- ing Bennett out." Two brothers tut uleep woke up,I "Qult shaklng the bed," all! one.‘ "Quit it yourself," he blamed the other. The morning new-purer solv-' ed their dispute. l 'Sturt., of the able. The We sent it crushing to the noor, which awoke her. “It was the nut prize I ever won," she moaned, "and probab- ly my Int." A lady returned from a bridge pu- ty at midnight Ind left the prize she won, a. cup Ind nucer, on the A Glenelg lumen wife felt the bed shine and woke her hunk.“ to tell him that I. mu m under the bed. The ll-yeer old Ion shouted from the next mom, he one tell shaky. The husband luvestlgnlod but only found his own boots under the Comedy wu we produced nnd In this nude are tome Incidents head about. some unmet examines: And-men'- throwing at Mr. Harold “canon: " “an“: www- on Mum-y. ---.-- I The Y.W.A. held I special mm: Lut may night's earthquake Ing at the bone or Mrs C. McAr. mm mm and: not only emu-Per Wane-day of Int week. Th, ;. ed . lot ot fear "tttM then 'ho'were " present Including a numb-v- telt the tremor: hut also Bgottaed n ot WJLS. members nnd mm lot at mu: alumna: anon; aaiir, Hum! presided. Miss 1m dean. It provided an entirely new), Petty led in prayer. Miss Susie 5L, thrill, produced . “not, of "“1le mad the scriptuw lesson My, dons and ave s new subject to an, c. MeAIUter save an immw.: _ dents. it provided an entirely new thrill, produced . vuiety of reac- tiona and gave a new “Meet to an: about. Everybody bed . diluent m- action to the quake and added color was given beau” it lappened on Hallween night, when spirit: and spook: are at play. Our stock was new lit aged. All must go ata ver Owing to an a, we will hold a Wate Earthquake Candy KNOX CORNERS The Dundalk Dlhiar Store (“one or mun TELEPHONE I: 1081' WHAT You MAKE IT” Frank Ecgleg Ind on Sunday with Mr lhlatht Salvage Sale Thursday, Hockridge a'nd Werry erflow tap above the Vaivage Sale, com men . Mt., Nov. 6th Devil [ennui end Mr end In A. {Eu-lull were nieo Invited. We wish Mr. mum; my my return- at the dar. Quite e number from our newborn hood amend on may evening a: lthe home at Mr and In Win. Mar, ishell, who have may moved lo a our line. Useful me at [run and poultry were donned. We Join with the community In within; them tlw It“! in their new home. Mr Ind In Am Sunday with Mr KNOB. Enemont Mr tad In Bert W: on Monday With Mr and Aitken Jr., of Etrremont In John MAmttatt also spoke brim str. In C. McAHuer dazed 11.. [mating with plum- alter which in. “but of Y.W.A. nerved lunr!.. l In Hooper of Gland; and Airs Hopkin- ot Banana visited on “an: Inc-day Int with their niece Mrs fi ‘Wuhon. Mr and In Bout. uwrenor son: of Gland; were vinltors on day with Mr and In Harold Ion. Mr. Join mun Br., celeme-lf " Nth birthday on Wednesday "l Int and he and In limb." mm the my IN (“WIN Men entertained for supper at the hon... of In mun Wilton. Mr and Mr, it is only water-dam. \low price. mm; In. A. C. Marshall In C. [cutter sang a duet, I; an In Y. Wm visited on Gilli-l with Owen Sound friends. It Du“ MAmhatl tinisshed thr Mi than at Mr. Harold M commencing In Bert Wat-on Tisjtt-d on the NOV. 7, 19M m i'4rll Baht. IAI‘rence and e "Inor- on Sun In Harold Wat store Irwin Fe: Rot Bye an Thu- l of a“... Ville'l (a tn the h an. an a Van! n an. n between “one. a (tilted " of that. b ranch Y"?! W n H th Kin; MR. HE Hound Preeertt tr, Inn “(can Han tteh, mot" 10c u M's from fruit en actor The Knox result dar II prev io in tht IN“! Mr ' mu NW Drug M ttnaa com The " for Dr

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