West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Nov 1935, p. 4

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Prederri ck Roderick was sitting on the curb "Shhucka!" said Billie, "my grand- crylng when Billie came dong and 21tl""2tet'11edtl',2, geek and you sked him what was the matter. . a “Oh I feet so bad 'cauae It)" is Frederick slowly rubbed his eyes. . . and lookin u sald d irin I : dead-rar use ble collie," nabbed ..,,,_ mg 'd? ..- P"" u Chas, Norm Hoduon. M. . Allin. r.........., Allan“. J. ....... Becker, A. ........ Cowman, Violet ... Gibson, M. ......... Wells. G. .. Wilson. P. . Wit on, H. . Bmittomite. J. . .. Town, P. ..... Trafford, G. ... stun. I. .... Syn-ling, Philip f? A N Atri0Ciii""""ii'i"j'i"'irf'i"rii"jt'i. Durh- lligb School Examination Results ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS l - From DURHAM Friday, Nov. " to CHICAGO 'troo . ----- - WV-â€" ____'_'_ -. u..."- "I". can... ' Who-'0- remetaeitrGturaTaGiTirtGGrEiatit. ASK FOR HANDBILL . ll - ' n - '_- -- - -- COUNTER CHECK. BOOKS Duplicate - Triplicate Carbonized - Carbon Leaf Every Book guaranteed a perfect book and all popular Styles and Sizes The Durham Review “manhunumuccfinsm 7.... 3nd- LEM “QUALITY BEST” .... 69 .... " FORM" Literature ........ " ........ " ........ " An item of importance that we can supply promptly M, " 74 84 cCASKE Place your orders at home. 67 " 70 $3.05 wmoson $4.20 tt"4 DETROIT $4.25 " " " Arithmetic 58 att 84 " 87 " " 81 87 TO " " 88 " " " " " 74 " " 74 51 54 " " 48 32 " 70 " 72 57 67 Pirh, J. ........... " Grant, Joule ........ 63 Greenwood, Morenee.. 48 Henderson, Betty ... 57 Howell, Boyce ...... 55 Mom". Joan ........ 57 Home. Delbert ...... " 54 tit " " " " Renwlck. Kathleen... 50mm). Janet ......... "Beatrrook, W. ....... " Simmons, J. ........ 60 Trattord, L. ........ "Yes, but you didn't raise. grandmother from a pup." FORM IV. Bubleet---Phrtriea. Helen Gagnon 46, Gordon Graham 78. Olieda Hahn 50, R. Hopkins 5]. L. MacArthur 60, Betty Macintyre 22 Kathleen McFadden 59, Robt Milne 65 A. Nowell 43. Thelma Priest 39, Jean Rowe 43, Clark Saunders 30, Murray Smith 59, Margaret Sparling 60, Clara Thompson 48, G. Veggie 47, A. Wat- son 75. FORM V. tNNeet---Altrettra. Mary Firth 93, Norman Greenwood 88, Ed. Hunt 15, Elsie Kearney M, Abbey Mucus]: 62, Marion Moore 90: R. Rudd aim, Dorothy MacDonald 78' Freda Ritchie 78, Betty Rudd 38. I Thomas, Eleanor .... Town. Mary ........ Tucker, E. .......... Vollett. Grace ....... Dupvel. Aileen . . . . Edge. Margaret . . . . . Braithwaite, Geo. . . . . FORM m Latin Algebra , . . . . " 45 " 52 63 81 " 85 44 48 " 70 81 87 37 35 33 M) " 84 81 " 38 40 " 18 " " 47 " 50 88 " 50 30 54 " 47 45 " " And out of the 1 in: brigade. - " the zero no" under " {In to we: the holidny‘l which took time by the {unlock 3nd laminated n.- -|---~~ - *‘ In]. sum mus . my set war: for Thanks to the Almigh'y for his goodness, I: to become n nightmare to my when and children for pro- at for the liquor interests and the government, the nuthormea in Walk. anon doubtleuly mum»; that the sidewalks wouldn't be wide enough Curlew Doll and Liquor all... “Synchronizing wlth the action of Premier Hepburn and Liquor Commu- szmer Odette, um & consultant: with the Model-won league, to mow booze to be sold in the beverage rooms of Ontario on matching Boy. and thus I. by not totut for cipea at salads. which were demon- atnted " the mining clan. ’The lunch was served by Group No. 4, with Mrs C. Klnm u Convener. Mr! John Burgess was appointed to attend the annuol convention held In Toronto In November. i The regular meeting of Durham {Women’s institute was held Thursday ‘afternoon in the home of Mrs John Lloyd with a large attendance, the president presiding. Roll call was answered by the care of house plants during the winter months. MissAlix Tobin, in her very pleasing manner, gave a humorous reading. entitled 'the Women's Institute.' This was followed by a very inter- esting tant by Rev. W. H. Smith, on 'Reading.' He stressed the fact, of teaeh'ng boys and girls to reed in the schools. It is an educetion in it- self. Secondary education, in a lib. rsry, serves for the rest ot life after ttnitaing school. To make good use of our own public library is s univer-.l sity education. Ho computed the' choice of books with the choice k friends. The best tuttion writers in the world are in Genesis, our own! Rev. B. ll. Smith Addresses Women’s Institute i One of the most important prob- r lame to be discussed by the two Minister: is the Penn Loan situa- tion. Ontario stopped farm icons some months ago, due to several cir- cumstances over which the province had no control. Last May the Fed- eral Government stepped into the picture and began inching sums of ,money to farmers. But now that ithere is a new government at ot. ,taws and one of the same political (faith as Ontario's. there is every [likelihood that a. Nan will be worked gout whereby Ontario will msume alarm loans with money supplied by 1the Federal Treasury. _ Ontario has all the necessary ma. fchineny tor the lending of money to ';rarmers, and omeiala ot the depart.. (ment Bee, no reason why all this machinery and the services ot a 'competent and experienced stat! shoult remain idle while the Domin- ion Gwernment does the Job. , "There will be greater coopera- tion all along the line," one omeitu declared. "We can look forward to getting things done during the next year that could not even have teen considered before." the former government and the On- tarlo government did not cooperate. The sltua don now however in entire- ly ditterent. omeialt, at Queen's Park admit freely that much can be done in the future to aid the agri- cultural industry, now that a Liberal :cgime has begun at Ottawa. Attempts made by the Hepburn Government to create a close rela- tionship with the Bennett Govern. ment in all matters pertaining to Agriculture were almost entirely un- successful. Whe'her this was due in part to the fact that the govern- ment at Otutwa watt Conservative and that of Ontario Liberal is not the point. The fact remains that I Toronto. Nov. B. With a Liberal Government in once at Ottawa, oilic- iaia of the Ontario Department ot Agriculture am looking forward in anticipation of close cooperation be ‘tween the two departments in all matters amecting arming. Hon. D. Marshall, Minister in charge of the Department, is at present in West- ern Canada and he will confer with Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Federal Minia- ter of Agriculture, and former Prem- ier ot Saskatchewan. mu Birth an I number of IFtse autigum innit!!! a tumor. & son. Editor: and BY THE WATCH MAN In Queen's Park 'tttheetutmrat TORONTO madam-um}. when Thanh-ine but at totut for he: by for m. lntt tr nightmare ove dun for pro- ins entitled tretur Jaret pry inter- Rita hnith, oiwietr; fact, of! Dee rad in mccti "'erua.-Ther qrit1 my muinrk. It you hm "new“ you no not Imirtg. Why not an m A mu " '"'nthouvuwmnrturGTri7. friends mutated a second, then and, "Come into the drug ion and qro't1 talk it over." They did lo, the man order. ing two Aveeent drinks. When they were pheed on the nod; counter he Jumped to In. feet, saying. "I must move my cu. Rubi G. - -----= " "a never hemmed. ttoleitor paid tor tl to the sidewalk when n dashing over tutd “bed his wallet. He locum]: the contests Ind the tel handed it aver to him. hesitated a second, then into the drug rote 1nd , over." Thor did :4. oh- A new low level for Canada’s meanest man he. been Bet. A tame solicitor for the Canadian Ntrtioetal, Telegraph, report. that he we; croo-1 smg the intersection of Yong: and St. Clair, Toronto, when he an . wallet lying on the street-car been. He picked it up and found negotiable bonds amounting to seven! hundreds! of dollars and currency to more} than a hundred. He had Just crossed attendance ' NEW LOW LEVEL FOR CANADA'S MEANEBT MAN l The pastor, Rev. D. Gowdy, spoke on a message left by St. Peter, "As .every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to an- other as good stewards ot the mani. fold grace of God." Mr. Gowdy em- phasized the need of cultivation of ‘talents and assuming responsibility in the missionary work. Mrs . H, McFayden read a paper on Thanks- giving. Miss E. Calder. Mrs. A. Derby and Miss A. Renwick took .part in the devotional exercises. Mrs Young; sec'y, May Braithwaite; trons, Allie McGirr; pianist, Marty aret Smiling; devotional com. oonv.. Rita Willis; citizenship com, W. Ren- wick; social con., Anna Ritchie. Decision was nude to hold the meetings the tirtrt and third Tues- days of each month at 7.30 pan. Devotional exercises opened the meet- ing and B sock] hour followed the business mien. There n. n n...- The Y.P.S. of Knox United church held their tirtrt. meeting for the sea- son on Tuesday evening and elected ofrteers as follows: Hon. pres., Rev. W. H. Smith, Peter Runny-3; prom. S. Pa."terson presided. A quartette of ladies, Miss A. Renwick, Mrs G. Sharp, Mrs C. Howell and Mrs E. S. McArthur rendered two numbers. A good crowd was present. The thankotrering service of It: Presby'orian W.M.S. was held ir the tsettootroorn of the church or Thursday evening. The members ol the Y.W.A. and friends of the min slonary cause were also present. THEDURHAM REVIEW PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. HOLD THANKOFFERING he aims at, so will muons if they was mun-led to the men of her prepare for war, most likely hatihoiee by me name Rev. clergy, who WN'. Thet tfngultu' thing chant tttF conilrmed her. namely Rev. Mr. mun neture is the feet that they Schultz ot Neustndt, while Rev. Mr must prepare for the worst. ttterrmar Melville assisted " the gathering on Prepare for the best; What folly , Tuesday. when he voiced his mm What a lack ot faith t ilotion ot the gathering in a. few well As one of the listeners. we feel’chosen words. He then read a con- wholly incapable of expressing amen gmtuntory address trom the - fringe of the sermon, which for eloqu-Iwhne Mm Wm. Cooney ot Durham, enco and knowledge could not beam"! presented the 1).an with n well passed. The thought occurred to me filled puree. Later the neighbors end that if every pastor throughout milltriends of this esteemed couple great nation of ours could present thejgathered and at the midnight hour/ fade as fully and inspirineg " didIMr. M. Byers called order out ot the Rev. gentlemen. I very "eimerriment, and Mrs Noah '"ae stride would be accomplished toward I came forward with mother well wor- “Peace on earth, goodwill to men-"idea address and Mr N. Schenk ww' 'Twag e soul-stirring eermon. Md‘sented another purse well illied,shw- well worthy of a. crowded house. i ing the friendliness of an. “my A Knoxlte. Icoume in the neighborhood. The ---_--.- merry time w" kept up until the eer-. - ‘iy hours ot the moruing. I (2aiiiiiiiiibus edit to read "prepare for peaee",tutd hour when some 80 which of "F, In John nuance. in the coune,of a. very forceful Bets treshments including I. three awryl Min View!“ All” ot mer'“ non, held the fairly large connect can decorated by oro of the grand- n meet over the week end " the tion wellhound. " “(Mud into the eons. The table deeotntlone were in home or her brother Alex. folly of peoples Ind nations using keeping wiith the melon, whiie' Congrn‘ulnuonl to Dave Alice end the slow “name for war if Youilnrge boqueta of white cry-anthem.“ Allen on winning fourth place wish for pence" The two Ire en- mmnl mood the bullet with the. In the Judging competition " the o. tirelr " vnrianee with each Owen'gold candles. and the streamer- wereU, c., Guelph. Int week. and decidedly inmtntdtttegtt. ; purple and gold. Mr. Fritz, whoee In J. C. Hamilton visited recently As I sportsmen tries to otrtairvwut_maidea me wu Margaret Heuhn. with her hitter. In. E. E. Cook in he him: at, so will amount if they was married to the nun of her Kitchener. prepare for war, most likely ttaviettoiee by the nine Rev. clergy, who' Mr Allie McGirr nt‘ended the Y. TOU'. The Jamil" thing about ttu-'eonitraned her, namely Rev. Mr. P. meeting in Trinity Church, Kano man neture In the feet that they Schultz of Neustndt, while Rev. Mr ver on head”. must prepare for the worst, they my Melville assisted " the gathering on. Bor-ttt Nov. 8th, to Mr and In prepare for the beat; What folly? Tuesday. when he voiced " mm'Proeper Porter, n eon Gully.) " I An event of unusual interest took' L.0.L. No. 1m new their in"! m on My. Nov., so, when wives “a triends to s tow: - "" end In Henry Fritz. ar., oolo- in their hell on My anoint. A- Dear Mr mm; hnted their golden wedding with m 150 invited - sttended. A Those “tending the serviceinKnox their unity of nine children, md- short pm m disposed of with Uu'ted Church on Sunday moming, children and sweat grandchildren in Mr nobt. Whitmoro. district meter. were unanimous in their opinion that attendance. ‘u chsinnsn. A few hours were spent the. Armistice sermon delivered br, The worthy couple who hsve been in dnncing. music being supplied by their divinely-gifted pastor. Rev. W. residents of this commonly the bet. [on] orchootru. H. Bmith, "I . motrt murm' M- ter part ot their lives. spent the um Mr and Mm Will Hittite". Owen fort. Mn; his text from insist: to: temoon exchanging socisl chst with Sound. yum” the am of the week 8; "Prepsre " the wrry"; he chanx- friends and neighbor: until the tea at the home of her sister, Mr. end edit to read "prepare for pence",and hour when porno 80 mm of re: Mm John uwnenee. in the course Arf a. very forceful Ber- freshmen“ including 1 three atorr, Miss Victoris. woe of Toronto,wu man, held thg fairly large 0011598" cake decorated by or.) of the grund- A guest over the week end " the tion tnretlttourtd, " hedolvod into the sons. The table decorations were in home of her brother Alex. kl Jit Ct". g- The K NOX Y.P.S. M EET Har, vice-pres . ' Helen td lubed It that me' WM]! describedi d the telemph man) l. The telegraph the two drteaa. to Your lblent in Mr tad In Wood " London W m with Mr and In w *__ -..- w- none. 1_nttrtereseturoiilir' People-c. commuted mu Bea" ,0 M I Mr and Mn Wilbert Bl, Sunday with In 3M Br the ttrrut"'"rurever with who Rev. Mr. Mercer closed the n with prayer. Lunch we: new the hostess and her daughter. Mrs Dolphle uwrenoe and Maude Picker: visited on load 'ernoon with In James Lee: Miss Venn: Birth in in In for a month to complete her Stanley Mountain. The maiden read about the life of the author a the hymn “Forever with who lord” Rev. Mr. Mercer closed the mum Mn Joseph Lennox murmured members of the Women's WWII on Wednesday of not week. Sever-.1 visitors were present also. A node! recently. Mrs Wm Thompson tad io Thoa. and Mae mm. The merry timem kept up until the smaller stretching Into Inger one Mr and Mrs Wilbert Bira, Vnmey visited With Mm Slurp and son Alex Thursday evening the youth and beauty ot the community were ton]- Ir entertained at the home of mu Bernice Koenig when guest: from Glenelg. Durham, Vamey and Knox young people listened to some very tine music provided by the rum: Bros. Mr and Mrs C. Brlrghun, Mr And Mr and Mrs James Byers and Miss Isabelle Ful‘on. with Mr Wilfred Am demon as chauffeur, motored to M. Cathy-mes, returning Monday. Miss Nellie Anderson returned with them after spending the past week with Toronto friends. The farmers have been tutiatstntr up the taking in of the turnips. Armistice Dar, Nov. 11th, was very quietly spent in this locality. Some of the local sport; were. over by Bervie on Friday to have . look " the bunnies and captured a num- ber to bring bane. On Monday evening of this week 1 farewell party was tendered Mr Gor- don Ford at the home of his brother Mr Will Ford. Gordon, who hasheen a Westemer for a few you-u. was parts Wednesday. ceased some you: also; Mrs. Wm. Nuhn (Em) and Mrs Henry Wag ner (Minnie). Altogether there were thlrty-tour grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren present, also a brother and wife, Mr and Mrs: John Realm ot Wiarton. er with their families who were pre- sent were; Mrs W. Cooney (Chm), of Durham; Mrs Matt. Tone (Ania). ot Gait; Alfred of Chester; Reuben and Norman ot Hanover; William and Henry; Mrs Albert Kraft (LY- dia); Mrs John Becker (Pauline) all] of Hampden. Two daughters prede- nttendnnee. 'u chum“. A few hours were ”out The worthy couple who have been in and“, music being supplied by residents of this commonly the bet. 10m mtg-u. tor part of their lives, spent the nf-1 Mr and In Will Howie's. Owen ternoon exchnnging will out with Sound, visited the tht of the week friends and neighbor: until the ten " the home of her sister. Mr. nod hour when some 80 patent of reg Mn John uwrenoe. lreehments including o three story" mu Victim: Alice of Toronto's- caka decorated by or.) of the ttrand- n guest over the week end at the none. The able decoration: were in home of her brother Alex. Young Midi The members of the family togeth ot VARNEY ‘r " the home of In visit, and leave. these VII ”Wed by lighten. Douala HSQIQ. " r-ae. and may Gibbons. Charlie sum. " 1--tEtrr. bk- ----., - --- - - Monday ar. her “may erley Boyce. MerrtNotsie, lute Hon In... label Hopkins. Br tr-ire run viaited Noble, Lloyd loom. Jr It-HM-ut. ., My. Noble and Bruce Boyce will. Eileen President her cousin author of Rockweod. Mitus w. E, MM? Booths. irG.U%7iii'. Donatd, Dtmgnht locum-n, How-M Br m-- Sr t3r---Mae, Hopkins, Maurice Brawn Bobbie Hinton, Edna Porter. " " ~40.th Plasma, Ihmean McDouml Alfred Slum (uh-em for I cum.) m- ... I " the home of In. tnah] in“ mm McIntosh is which; her cousin. mu Colon emu of I Voucher No 10; H. McCormnck. pay sheet. $8.O; N. Burs 10.60; H. Metcalfe 2.52; C. Welnnler 15.12; J. Rier 7.38; G. Duke 7.02; J. Stlnlon. 18.84; A. Rankin 18.81; D. J. Hewit- Ion 12.60; P. W Schmidt 22.04; Ed. Builey 6.36; E. Hum 12.60; Henry lPhttertsms 36.80; D. A, Campbell l0.50 p. luckey, wire fence 7.50; C. Cot. !ter, wire fence, 13.25: J. E. Dnvln, te- pairs to grader 81.00; C. Schub. ne- pnlrs 1.05; G. Goldsmith, umber 4.50; on My with Mr end In Dun- een Morrison. A lovely time we. spent together! (or n few noun. mu Hebe-n teacher of the brick echool spent the weekend with Hr: E. Durant. - uomoon Smith or park; m: In B. Dunne], enjoyed I fowl dinner The tumors In busy plowing. We hope tilt. weather win - with In for “has yet. The lumen November has seen wonderful we» ther so far. Saturday In I ma- tul dar, more like luring than all. w. E. Hodgoon, timber 333.00. V Council adjourned to meet Monday December M, for xenon] bus‘neu. Weiu---rorry; That n by-lnw being, troduced author-lain: the treasurer to collect all unperd taxes which appear on the collector'- mll for 1934. Car.‘ Bailer-Magwood; That by-law No.' 185 be read . second and third time and tltttuir paged. Carried. i Torre-wells; Tint nil Icoounuf including Voucher No 10, be weed and cheques [med by tron. Carded Accounts; J. G. Corbett, one lamb. 86; Jno. McKenzie, inspecting. 81.50; Relief supplies $40.78; Lovell & Co.. stationery. $2.38; Fred Torry, com., 81.00; Councll meeting 812.10. Mazrwood--'Nrvy,. That Clerk notify Co. Tmmrer meme mars of tax. ca on " book. on lot: 30 and M, Con. l, N.D.R' Carried, Beatinck Council met on Saturday Nov. ttth, with members Ill prelent. innate. of last meeting were rend and adopted. Some of the people of this neigh- borhood took in the emu! wedding of Mr and Mn Will Audubon. held " their home Friday night last. Mrs Wm. Williams in a patient in Durham hospital. Born-on Nov. gth, to Mr and In Prosper Porter, . con (mum mu Thompson of Knox spent ov- er the west end with her uncle, Mr In J. C. Hamilton visited recently with her tutor, In. M. E. Cook tn Kitchener. Mr Allie McGirr u‘ended the Y. P. meeting in Trinity Church, Hum tn their hall on My 'reettinq. kind the man a. tsoattsotnvttod-attmttud. A'eunoettoqartthttpt non pron-In was disposed of with‘ Mr. Ed. snap-on Mr m Wham. district munf mum! of MI br u charm. A for hours wen spent KCehener recently. .s. No. a. BENTINCK GREEN GROVE ;--w uvw no M. C. "mm W hum. for . DORNOCH ttr Pr., i. not. Ultimo. Aunts McKenzie on Wednesday " m--quv. Mr m Mr. Joe Mnknvnv {L M In. Witt museum; mm»; were visitor. a "mes (‘mtrhlvy'l M M- Mr And Mr: J ("nich- ler. - Sunny with Mr al " In "m MeArttmr, Tion, and a MM the m " tho late Mrs, Hanks. Mr. [M ”II. Latona III m 4.4 In " home on Monday, mum‘h'lldhuanmpoof In Her Mr Ind If. Bout. Honky wound up the “our. (bushing with it day and ' - a had Ken's. I“. Mlle. Itobertrurn of mr. - In! tgntsmttsy “llh tter aunt m and on n mnntn‘r or Ber eon-munc- And expressed hm " Woo and thunk» (u: the aux» m Mven her in the Trick! 0ch son m' This qmeriouts an of mm “W for” one morn 1m; tn the dill- " Moe which binds us to - blond If. spent m My morning ail outdoor' . m m u: tcy shoe' mam F m enrettrtt, lest Hfr loose otlr ”MIDI-lull. It "(I In George Turnbull wen “I d In leRonald m [MM on My Int. Cd-ttttatt- to Mr and In 000'“ [than Jr. on 1hr mm: a . little WM? I couplv “1ka "o Remembmoe Day passwi quietly In our burg, With m, (It: Icahn; hack to rm m m ”hf AM and frll‘hdh on MI! n net-.1 evening at th" helm at It ad In June: Milk-y, rum. to. tnum of 'mterettttive (TOklnolp m tn Mar. mu Cathwuw up. w m the high prize for lathe: - Mr. In McDonald for men After a - of hours play, a boum um lunch wu tented and all de. M (or their homes teethue Well M with the evening', out“ out . m WM vlulmrs mm the" “a It and In Robert Laumu In Thus. under and son Allan an bola-m in Toronto at "res. - WI Mesquarrie is blwndms un- '45.! In Tomato. If “I I" "nee Rumbl" and an Bttb also I!!! Ink-ll Laws": mil.” Invehnda good “.9. to Bet mtt plowing done, It. It. ”you attended the M of " brother-in; m Kim may. Mr. AUtt “VIM is 5 mm 1m. and with Toronto relatives ©e-atxtutten" to Mr and Mr: A. - OI the birth of I young son. "I. M chonnld. Ame-enl on: My evening with 1:», lea. chef, teta. We McLean. In Albert Word and mm. non Int C ettqqle ot days With hm Shh Mill-III, In June: Miller M Ma, Agrttvi Matobail, m It and Mrs ll hunt. I. W on I number of her ROCKY SAUGEEN NOV. 14, W35 WELBEC K VICKERS new. wnnummd, n with her brother Ntt weather My that, Great W; off my The L cus pr: t1 Co bo tlul We Ch "Cl pr and

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