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Durham Review (1897), 14 Nov 1935, p. 5

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lend visitor. m Mr and If. M " hos. lander and an 1hr?” In Toma, at Dance In, m " m our tmeat. with my, h In! but to tho Great . nual meeting of the 0.2%. old at the home of In. I. on Friday. Nov. t, w” . wudance or members - . nrs. Ttv, meeting on“. I manna]! by "ru-A.-. " “I, recent bride. The no.“ t with si min; 'God i... P meet unin' ”which" the hostess and daqhhr isted by Mrs Jon. Rear. 1|. meeting will be M a of Mrs Jo.. Brown. in. . he being Mn Wm. - George Alexander “In r. The roll call will b by “Suggestions for " ~~ I ler rncently. Alex Law-on II l M m nth Toronto ninth... ratulations to up a“ n,- a.' on the birth at l m Jessie New A)”: "aesdar evening with htte - liss Catherine It“. Albert Tram ad but. - [ couple ot day! m h. " w, Mrs James um». Mabel] New?“ iq I“ ok in Toronto. nd Mrs knee 2mm. --- Mics’ Aid and 1 zoom "0313‘ at ' Mr and In Mount].- ied and an enjoyable av.- pent. We Join in m rs Helium may in" -edded life. Mr. George Ttarntmlt - In New in mrNrl. last. but!» to Mr. uul II.- xhton Jr. on the In“ d hear . couple - - . Mr and " 3. Sunday with Mrt hut. 2100. and; od tho bl. Mm OCKY SAUCE? Nes oe Who m play. In» an"... “a ttte Man who for 1 . Ken Mono-nu for couNe at m “I. a It]: "I served hid " For their home. fun“ with the evening'- n... intust-oo'"""1'U. howl-OWN” tre enjoying h. “I N a farmers my. - . 1 to get [an Ntrwtrw Arte, Ed. 31mm .m ot his brother-trss.. t. Honky wound " - mhlng with 8 dar d . rd Ben's. Irena Robertson oe w I Saturday with tter " Istine McCulloch. and I. the bride 1nd groom. - gifts among them m_l om the Club. Maui are Bay, with n a!“ n- read by Miss cm My mom!!! all “M with u by shoot - what loot we noon - nd Mr Ms ot Nnr. Mrs Joe ”wanton. wm Middleton. 3" n at Juno- can LI' Hem. William“ w any: with W W bk Mia Agile. one more link in - etrurtee when btndr " " WELBECK Mr and In R. "F.-. med on a nmraber gre n I and expressed tter - and than tor a. - her in the reoent oteetr. This gracious act ot n VICKERS [an evening at tn. I. Mrs James Miller. h; . 14, 1935 hone. 10.11.. "W. out mama. if and - aard gun“ W. In; Run. M109“ "in-law : alt , CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out j while you turn around. Check up on your supply of Letterheads, Statements, Account Forms, Envelopes, Invoices or any printed forms or counter check books. The 'Review' is ready any time to supply your printing re- quirements. Work is neatly and promptly done. Mr. Business Man - We have a full line of Choice Pastry, Fresh Groceries and Confectionery always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty an our men boron punk-Mn. on. when. " will pay m3 was livestock sues-ca WNCE 1893 Br, UNION STOCK YARDS, To Dunn & Levack Ltd. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock e Review to New Subscribers to Jan. I, 1937, only $2.00 Royal Household Flour Bran '0 Canada' " os Pilot " C Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods HEN DERSON’S BAKERY Try liendersson's Bread IT WILL PLEASE YOU JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE's MILLS Ihrdl th was re Hiring ortilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. 'ou, reap FLOUR NOV. 14, 1935 DURHAM REVIEW When you make use of our highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. A FULL HARVEST Phone 6 '_-.----'- Oat Chop Crimplod Oats FEED DURHAM. ONT. Shorts SINCE 1893 TORONTO who... . Rev'a. Johnston and McDonald. Mr and Mr. H. B. McLean and daughter Anna, Mr and Mrs W. w. Range, went to Metrherton Monday morning and paid 1?ribute to the honored dead by their presence at the Remembran- ce Service held lathe United Church. Both ministers led in prayer, Rev. Miller of Mondale giving the ed- dreu. Rev. Woletencroft reed the scripture and ave the benediction. helpful paper on the motto "a stitch in time saves nine." Miss Beatrice Watters gave a splendid instructive paper on "our dominant mood," de- scribing each kind of mood. The meeting closed by singing ,' he Na- tional Anthem and a social half hour was spent while a. dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assist- silence sounded. and 'God at" the may Mnmlm. any afternoon " the home of Mrs. J. P. McMillan. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode and re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs MacMillan presided and was el- ected president of the Society, the former president having resigned. After the business part of the meet- ing Miss Catherine O'Neil favored the Further improvements are being " fected in Karatedt'e store in the mak- ing of a tine display counter. Im- provements during the past year are worthiiy notable. and rank the store with those ot Toronto. Mr. Elmer Wa'eon is the ettleient builder. The union pmyer meetings are not as yet crowded. It is quite desirable, dear' readers, that they be better at- tended, for the good ot the cotmtry, the town, and onesselt. The next and fourth meeting will be held in St. Columba on Wednesday night at 8.00 The new site of the skating rink just north of the monument, in Mrs Buckham's orchard, has been by many willing hands. all levelled Iby scrap- ers and grader. A well at the side is planned tor. Mr W. G. McBride, the energetic promoter and planner, desires through Ittetse columns to express his warm and thankful ap- preciation ot the hearty response made by young and old in the com- pletion of the work. or a recent sorrowful death in the locality. This is well and highly commendable. Miss Ella. Eckhardt and Mr J. Ram dle Joined heart and hand on Wed- neaday last, and will take up real- dence on Egremont townllne. near Eronezer. Mr. Mattie MeConkey'a car, left here, has been repaired by brother-in law, J. C. Harrison, and shipped to him in Detroit, or near by. The proposed S. S. entertainment at the Ebenezer appointment has been indefinitely cancelled on account Mr Neil Shortreed, banker, ot Kes- wick, with his wife, spent memorial day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Shortroed. Litt'e Misses Shirley Parker and Barbara McKee. Toronto, were re. cent visitors with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Rd. Everint. Mrs D. G. McLean left the first ot the week to spend the winter in Tor- onto with her daughter and other friends. Dirndl" At St. Column services Sunday. we were pleased to meet with Mr. Waiter Elliot ot Saskatoon, accom- panied by his son-m-lsw and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman (nee Jean). Miss Marion Muir, teacher " Oro Station, and Miss Sadie Me- Kinnon. Toronto, were also up over the memorial holiday. e The Women's 1natttute met Thart Mn Fred Rusted! WI! banned by the death ot her mother on Sun- day. Mm. Am. Sine! Flemhg. who audience with two delightful 90- Mrs Jack Whyte guve a very PRICEVILLE um [spam Br. l-Jane Karartedt; Isabel Weir Sarah McMillan; Lawrence MeArttr ur; Mack Watson. Jr. I--aatur'e. McKechnle; Vern Beheuerman. Pr.-49heiah Weir; Marie Weir; J. leAxthur. nesday, Nov. 6 h, of Alice Mae, dul- ghtor of Mr and Mn John Eckhum. Mr and In "tr. Alina and mm. Gleuu. to Wm. Know. son of Mr ily of Detroit, viaited Sunday with Jacob maul ad on me In. Mr tad In J. C. Cook. man: of Preston. Rev. Mr. John. Mm Philip lam-on uni "on. a: no; at mun. Dortmund the Swinton M m Imam . my Junior Room Br. ur-on order ol 'rerit)--Botr ble Sutherland; Walter McBride; E. Johnston; Julia Boheuerantus; Kath- leen McArthur; Sam Sehsueranan; E. Turnbull; Lorne McArthur. ii-Virginia McDonald; Donald McMillan; Clarence McArthur; Mar garet Johnston; label Seheurerntus; Percy Stonehouse. Jr. m-Beatrice McDonald; Betty Watson; Isabel Karstedt; Jean Ma, ther; John McMillan; Viola Monar- mid; Angus MqVicar; Hector Mc- Lean; Jack McConkey. Jr. IV-Bobbie O'Dell 70; Dorothy Watson 67; Bernice Conn 54; R. McConkey M; Kenneth Nichol 63; Douglas Weir 45; Doreen Teeter 44. Elan. B. Frook. tencher. PRICEVILLE SCHOOL, Sr. ROOM Form II-dame Sutherland 88%; Marie McLauchlan 66; Tom Aldcom 64; Evelyn McDermld 64; Jack Me. Arthur 52. Form r-Ari, Bturroek 62%. Sr. Iv-a-ie Sutherland M; T. Mather 78; Winnlh-ed Mchnkey 76; Emmmon Watson 72; Bill McBride 67; Gwynneth McLean 65; Gagheld Teeter M; Donald Nichol M. Miss Emma Oliver is supplying for Mr Oswald Dingwall, who is teaching school at Swlnton Park, while Mr. Dingwall la ill with pneumon'a. ' Mr Neilburt McKenzie returned home after visiting frierndsin,tamdon. Mrs. Neil Norman and Ruth, of Dundalk, spent the week end at Mr. Colin MacLean's. Miss Margaret McArthur netumed home after visiting Toronto friends. Miss Margaret Mcoougan of Niaa guru Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Donald McDougall. Mr Angus Clark is spending a few days visiting in Toronto. Mr and Mrs A. L. Hineka and hunilr,vitrited Sunday with Proton friends. Messrs Allan McLean and Burnett motored to Toronto day. Would the parties who lifted Mrs Kate McDonald’s gate on Halloween night please return it. Mrs Angus McLachhn and baby returned home from Markdale hospit- al. Mrs Andrew Dingwall is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Colin McLean took Mr. Jack Meinnis to Toronto Saturday to vis- it friends, before leaving for N5 his home in Alberta. The U.F.W.O. Holdlast Club will meet Wednesday 12th, at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Benton. Mr Bob Stephenson spent theweek end in Muhdele. The ennunl fowl cupper was held on Friday night in the Presbyterian church. The man no ideal and a. large crowd was present. The tables were laden with all good thing: and an abundance of fowl we: left over. The concert was held in the auditor- ium ot the church. Rev. N. Mac- Donald acted u chairmen. A peg- eant 8 act. were well given '"I'he, Shining Years." Messrs Sim and Fox of Toronto rendered a. number of musical trelect'om, on piano and Vic-f lin, which were much enjoyed. "God Save the King" brought a very any joyable evening to a close. Proceeds were nearly 870. I Min Josephine Mcuchlan of ml C. Waited Sunday with her unelea' Angus and Jno. McLachlnn. 'r, Misses Annie and Agnes Harrow of; ZION Owen Sound, spent the week end! with their sister, Mrs Wm. Beaton., Mrs Annie Alton spent the week [Evert-t and Mr. Alan Snags. Tor. ;onto, motored to event the weekend iwith Mr and In Ed. Everut. Mr. Henry Riehnrdaon ot Toronto spent Saturdny here. In D. G. McLean returned home with him. Mr.' Budd Him, end Beth, and Ralph Ough. 1100 Mr: Liable McKin- non, spent the weekend waiting with friends in Toronto. Mm Sadie Carson ot Toronto. Mr and MM Neil spent the weekend " her parental William John upon lbs Donald: Nichol In vis’tmg friends in Inndon. The W.MM. and willing helpers will Inset in the church, Tuesday, Nor. 19th. Mic by Mrs Wm. Mc- Millan on Peace. RANDALL-Ee-tDr THE DURHAM REVIEW AND VICIIIHY Mather. Teacher Archie Satur- 4m " the Nelson In... and Mrs Wm. Burl, rolonter, -vuiird Monday evening with Mr and In. Mrs Martha Smith tad Ion Charlie and Min Rebeca. Blah visited the tirrrt of the week with Mr and In Kenneth Vaughn It Arthur. A number ot the young people It- tended the croklnole been] on Thun- dny night " North Glenda. Min Olive Allen spent 1 few days with her friend Mrs W. Ellison. Mr and Mr: Howard Ritchie and Donald spent the ttrat of the week with Mr and Mn Nelson McGuire, Holstein. ily. After spending some time with her daughter Mrs J. C. Cook, Mrs Allen returned to her home in Cher ley and Miss Catherine Allen is now staying with her sister. Lut Week's Item- Mr and Mm W. R. Incl: and Clue attended the funeral of the late Mr Lynn in Owen Sound on Setundny. Mr_aud- Mrs, Ben Cantu, Bentlnck. visited the tirtst of the week with Mr and Mrs Jro Edmuds and fun- Mr and Mn Will Ritchie of Dur. ham and Miss June Ritchie were guests of Mr and Mr: Howard Rit. chie on Sunday evening. end with Mr and Mr: Will Ellison and attended the funeral of the late Airs R. Banks. Mr. Ivan Edwards ot Shelburne spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwards. Miss Vina Paylor spent. Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Wm. Paylor. Clara Greenwood returned home on Tuesday after nursing in Markdne for a few days. Mr and Mrs R. E. Bryan: cele- brated their 22nd wedding anniver- sary when they entertained Mr and Mrs Frank Patton and Mr. Lindsay of Walker-ton. Mrs M. Smith has sold her farm at Z'on corner to a real estate Co. in Guelph. Mrs. M. Davis, Jennie and Bull and Gladys Firth visited Monday with Mr and Mrs Harold Lawmnce, Egremont. The Young People enjoyed a. party in the Grange at Edge Hill last Wednesday evening. - Mr and Mrs Jim Crutchley of Dor- noch visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Hugh McArthur. Mr W. Poynton, student poster " Hopevme United, who is In his grad- mtlng rear, culled on seven] tam, ilies in this neighborhood on Satur- day. Armisttco Day wns very quietly spent In this locality. M is: helping Mrs Bert Scott. Sorry to hear Mr Robt. Crawford he: been under the weather the put new duys. Mr and Mrs E. Hood were recent visitors with her perents Mr and Mrs Bailey, Shelburne. The mum: family, Toronto were Amhtloe Day visitors " the home of Mr. Cheater Fowler. I P6rtttatoeeaaionttsetrtderrores Helen Fowler and Dorothy MeVie. or who have been patient. in the children's word " Granville hoa- pital, come home Saturday ntternoon. We are glad to know both ore mab lng tt good recovery. William John spent lat. Thur-day In Guelph with their daughter was meme. BORN-on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, to Mr and Mn Walter Storm . daughter. Immediately following the eere many, Mr end In Randell left on I short motor trip to Kitchener. Tilt. mira, Fergus end other points. On their return they will reside in Egre- moat. Her out n: of blue tree but with Mays spent Int week HOPEVILLE Kinsman is " present mt The Queen St. Y.PM. Dalian, mpg. hotel-tuned the You; Mule to u ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO zoo 3cm, Iart 15, con. , and M, Township ttt Rumour. E00 oom- foruble home. good w r, neu- school und church, More. bl'nchmlul For nonhuman, apply to In. [oth- M. R.R. t, Vol-nay. Ont. ', (85-35) Loco] Agent for 1‘ Toronto Bond Home, must be " y recommended " to honesty and o alveneu and bear I good reputatto In his duthet. Experience to not n ry to the right men. A be at position I ensured it PM"! are raven Box 230. _ (but!!! (”WANG BUS LINES NOR rttBOUN0, leave Dnrh’ll 12.50 noon 8.06 p. m. On Imbton St‘. one mile on: ot town of Durham. :50 mm. well wu- ered, containing I gar bush and, mix- od timber, hemloct ma cedar. Good Hahn Hot-c, Tel. No. as or as central Hotel, Tm " " I Will be held a Township Hall on Friday. Nave 22nd, 1985, com- ;menclng at One 'clock in the after- noon, for the e of nominating (e.','.','".'!?.?."' for once: or Reeve and tour Councl or: for the yen £1936. Should . ll be required, it tt be owned at mlne o'clock l.m. "torttinuintr open tll 5 o’clock p.m. 'on Monday, December 2nd, 1935 " (the noun paces. (454m mow BUS SCHEDULE FOR SALE on To RENT. One mile out of Durham, contain- ing one acre had. good brick reci- dence. Good bun. with stone toun. dation and cement floor. Apply to Murray or Bert Ritchie, R.R. 1, Dur. ape FOR SALE Governm t select York Bow, due to furrow iF' and. Apply to W. J. Eden, Var-u . Lot M, (10:3. 3, Ettremont. 100 cc- res. Apply t R. J. Pollock, R.R. 2, Holstein. (1 Going Nov. M, returan Nov. Mt mm Information from my ticket Leaving Nov. " to M, inclusive Returning up to and including Dee. , p0rtt800N0, leave Durh’m TORONTO Travel by Arrow Catches Royal Winter Fair Mr. John Thiamin- and mm 81- an visited with In W. Kenny In! OOMUL'I‘ LOCAL mm Mutt Clan Jack. tench" " No. 5 uchool. treated the pupils ad the junior children of the section In a Halloween Duty luv. “and” " felt In an. loamy only but may social evening on load-y night. Tumor- ot the out]: we veto T. M. McFADDEN. Town Agent, EFFECTIVE MAY 6, "" Canadian Pacific NOTICE TOWNSHI" 0F GLENELG ALL POINTS IN CANADA “DIM smu- and Xenon. 'w-Aura-or" SMALL FARM FOR SALE Nov. " " " 1935 H. H. MaoDONALD, Clerk, Township of Glenelg REDUCED EARES Your Convenience" FARM To RENT WAN‘KED ll OF GL AL Kama " n Town: t Mud, 2 he 'clock 1 a p e of ktr oMee mac! or: for " P. In. I. burn. Apply 'tttttOrt-tHt-aut-ttr-r "t'umeroradvarto.drotu,tne- 'undt3tt'ttsmandaanoemeucn. 'r"ttsttdroretitama-etroi- Banwm mm... cr.nmu'um.nonnluo try trhlrmrraetie ailment, I... an mm We” Run ram. 8t, ORANGEVILLE, om. Ontario a Dominion Loni Stu-vow Itaqirtared Prolooolonol “an”: "nor Post Graduate Alma Con... Pull d Pam.“ norm. A. A. c. o. Buo- taken on ransom]. at... Date. arranged u Hamid on“, a... date, mo than“ Durham Rom and “cannon Advance. Goo. a, Honor (indium Tomato University. Grants Boyd Con. Dentat am of Ontario. Room: Over new Bunk, Outta. ARAY GEORGE E. DUNCAii Licenced Auctioneer for Grey Count} Btreealist, Eye. Ear, Nose and C. G. AND B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. C, um" St, Duran-.013. 0M0. Noun: I.” to 6.0 p... r.8tt to I” . a. J. L. 5mm. M.B., one. and Residence: Con tau and lambton Stream “Um... d-“m 0.00:0urdeu'ohu-o. "M* l, F. GRANT, 0.0.8., LIL ROVDEN BURNETT, M. 0. otnoq our loyal luau, Dom. HOUII: 2 - O p. m. '"ttr Mb, mu The Down Town Shoe Store '. C. PICKERING, DDS. L08 J.tt. MIQUARIIE. B. A. Inc. noun: ' to 11 um, 1.80 b O tran., T to a p.m.. and." em Rubbers an! Kinetics u "all" prices. to not you MWenu. 00.1! and look P. F. METER " PREPARED mm YOUR sum-u or RUBBER FOOT. wen to KEEP your Feet Dry Just a Reminder-- J. S. llkll,llhll'g 'tEPAtttmtt " any“. F. M. EAGLESOH CHIROPRACTI. ”unsung BESSIE tdoGiLct v " t ‘. H. SNEATH, M. o. DR. c. P. PARK neuter I: In: In all it. Cum 0A. EXTRACT.” P.0. Phone " rea

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