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Durham Review (1897), 14 Nov 1935, p. 8

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of apples in these ‘mn-"_‘q ut e Mr. Palmer Famamel. io we. P.tt‘m ‘mt & d‘y Mr Norman Schenk, _ Harold Barâ€" ber, Albert Kelier and Gordon Grant have all been up to the apple district around Clarksburg for a supply â€" of iamily, Mrs P Bert Barber. Mr. Campbel and Mr Roy spent a day re ther Gordon G day‘s hunt. Mrs Alex Smith of Durham Visited Friday of last week with the Wilton e ow o SW A Mr. Campbell Grant of Walkerton id Mr Roy â€" Grant of Mt. Forest ent a day recently with their broâ€" er Gordon Grant and enjoyed _ a y‘s hunt. Mrg Harold Watson and infant son ilmer â€" Robert spent a few days st week with her parents Mr=and & Home Megazine 1 yr. Here isua real offer that will save you money . . . Give THE DURHAM REVIEw sugaests YOU . Patterson and Mrs to the scarcity tives. | Mr Palmer Patterson, who has been ‘engineering David Marshall‘s threshâ€" ing outfit all fall, has now completed threshing for this year. Mr and Mrs. Ted Agate of Hamilton visited the beginning of the week with their uncle and aunt, Mr=and ,’Mrs Matthew Barber and other relaâ€" urham spent a few days recently with her friend Mrs Cecil Barber R. °_ "=7C mrs E. Rawn spent a day in Owen Sound last week, and visit ford have been assisting Mr. P. Patâ€" terson in shingling his house Mrs Cecil Barber, Mrs Be A full gas tank and a full driver akes in time a full cemetery. tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. g::t-nn.!-elantm.m-dmfie to your newspaper. former‘s sister, Mrs Alex well. A sudden shock, a Joss evere, To part with one we lovedl so dear; Our loss was great, we‘ll t complain But trust in God to meet in . â€"Sadly missed mother, sisters and\ brothers tell The pain of not IN MmEMORIAM LANEâ€"In lovinx memory of our dear son and brothet Arthur, who died Nov. 11, 1929. Six years have ed dear Arthur, Since you passed way, Yet the bitter pair of parting Rends our hearts affresh toâ€"day . Short and sudden w&s the call, Of one so dearly lov. by all, And only those who Rave loved can Miss T. E. Byers entertained a number of the ladies around the corner on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs Porter Sr.. is in town at presâ€" ent assisting in the home of Mr M. McFadden. Mrs Harold Watson and baby visâ€" ited the first of last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Palmer Patterâ€" Miss Jennings spent over the week end at her home near Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Harry Caldwell visited on Monday with Hanover friends. Mr and Mrs T. Wallace visited on Sunday with the latter‘s sister in Chesley. Mr and Mrs Robt. Webber and Mr C. Webber of Egremont visited on Friday of last week with Misg T. E; Byers. Sorry that Mrs Webber is in such poor health at present and hope she may be better soon. | KNOX CORNERS \ The thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the church on Miss Eleanor Marshall, Shelburne spent over the weekend at her home here and on Monday visited with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Walâ€" of prayer and Bible study. Missg Gilâ€" christ closed with the benediction after which lunch was served. &A Wednesday evening of last week with NT A saying\ the last fareâ€" TORONTO The 15th wedding anniversany â€" of Mr and Mrs °W. Atcheson was celeâ€" brated on Friday evening as their crystal wedding anniversary, with about 10q guests present to join with them in the happy event. A three’ story wedding cake graced the dinâ€" ing room, which was decorated wlthf colored _ streamers. Dancing and euchre were â€" indulged in, till midâ€" night when lunch was served, !ol-’ lowed by the presentation of set ‘ of Sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Barber from our neighborhood and we welâ€" come Mr and Mrs E. Fee of Knox Normanby, who have recently settled on the old Barber homestead. The Y.P.A. will hold their meetâ€" ing on Nov. 15th, at the home of Miss Ruby Morrison. A good attendâ€" ance is hoped for it being election‘ of officers for the coming year. ‘ Mrs Arthur Lawrence visited for & few days recently wi‘h relatives of St. Marys. | ’ Mr. E. Tucker of Stoney Creek, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr and Mrs Thos. Tucker. Mr. Carman J. Quzsen of London #pent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Queen. Mr and Mrs Frank Watkins of Toâ€" ronto, visi‘ed for a few days with J her parents, Mr and Mrs Woods. | _ Miss Ruby Kerr of Toronto spent | the week end with her mother, Mrs. !Jordan and the Buller family. Mr and Mrs S. Habermehlr spent a day recently with Dr. and Mrs Wildâ€" fang at Moorefield. Mr Lyall Mercer of London, is visâ€" iting his parents, Rev. and Mrs Merâ€" cer. Mr and Mrs Mervin Beley of Hamâ€" illon spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs C. Drumm. Mr and Mrs Cordick and family of Paisley spent the first of the week with her sister, Mrs C. Fenton . Miss Shortt spent the week end at her home near Meaford. Several of our re! tended the banquet in day night. l Decoration Day was observed on ‘Snnday. Mount Forest returned men Boy Scouts and Cubs, led by Mount lForest band, met at the Hall, and were joined by the returned men |from this community and the memâ€" |:bera of the Township Council. They _ marched to eithor end of the village, then had a service in front of the monument. A large number attendâ€" ed the service. Rev. Mr Mercer tooki charge and Rev, J. R. Morden, a re-‘ turned man, gave a splendid talk on the war and conditions ag they are] at present. At the end of the serâ€" vice the Last Post was‘ sounded. There was the usual two minutes su-i ence. Messrs Dyer and Moore placed : the wreaths, one from the Holstein’ veterans and one from the Govern-l ment. Holstein men served coffee and sandwiches at the close. The parade was in charge of comrade Clarence Ross. Several of our returned men, viz., C Ross, R. Keith, B. Dyer,Wm. Moore B. Dickson, N. Dickson, Jas. Todd atâ€" tended the Third Reunion of the 147th Battalion on Owen Sound on Monday . | Poppy Day was observed on Saturâ€" day, Nov. 9th. Several of our young girls volunteered to sell poppies. They were very successful as the people of the community responded very freely. Olive McGuire and Auâ€" drey Brown sold the most poppies. The C.G.I.T. held their meeting in the basement of the Presbyterian church. A number from the Womâ€" en‘s Association were present and an Affiliation Service was conducted by the leader, Mrg Wm. Aitken, followed by games. The meeting closed with "Taps." ‘ râ€"* â€"o00â€" 0i‘ been visiting with her relatives of | _ LOCAL AND PERSONAL _ | the neighborhood and assisting her [e*: » ‘a o woy m.o _ "#~~â€"® 1/ stster Mro Robt. Barber to get setâ€" | Mr Brown Irvin of Kingston, Spent tled in her new home in Durham. HOLSTEIN LEADER Miss Irene Ellis left for Toronto the first of the week where she has secured a position. Mr Jack Irvin of Lambton Mills, spent the week end and holiday wih hig parents, Mr and Mrs R. Irvin. â€" end with the Wa‘son family. Miss Ruby Watson returned home with them for a few days. Mr Campbell of Owen Sound spent Trin: the weekend with the Dingwall and last. Burrows families. l Mi Mrs E. Wooding and little daughâ€"| the â€" ter Marylin, London, spent the weekfmd the week end and holiday with his parents, Mr and Mrs R. Irvin. ALLAN‘S CORNERS THE DURHAM REVIEW our re‘urned men atâ€" Durham Monâ€" | Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson â€" spent j Sunday with Durham friends and Isaid farewell to her sister Mrs R. ‘J. Stinson who left Monday for her ‘home at Crichton, Sask. It is nine | years since Mrs Stinson visited here before. ; , Mr. Norman and Bert Dickson: celebrated Armistice Day at Owen‘ wos 3 est his l..| Quite a number from around here °C attended the reception at Holstein tâ€" last week held in honor of Miss Agâ€" ‘€ nes Macphail M.P. A very enjoyabâ€" n le time was had by all. Miss Macâ€" lphl.ll was presented with a bouquet tâ€"‘ of fourteen mums, one for each year 1 she has served us so faithfully â€" in I parliament. _A bountiful lunch was f served to all at the close, there being k about four hundred present. ' We are glad to report our sickfolks t recovering from their recent illness . , Mr Wm. Ferguson, accompanied by l-' his sisters, Mrs R. L McPhaden of / Mount Forest, and Miss Margaret, !speut an evening last week with Mrs â€"\V. Alles and son Huber, 16th con. [ "| ‘Mrs H. Lamont, who has spent "he | past four weeks with her sisterâ€"in-law[ \| the late Miss Jean Lamont, returned | _ to her home here last week. A numâ€" 'ber from here attended the funeral . of the above deceased a week ago. | Miss Lamont was well known in this locality, she having lived bere for a number of years. We extend â€" symâ€" pathy to the bereaved â€" ones . ‘ Recent visitors at J. A. Ferguson‘s | were Mrs Johnston, Montana, accomâ€" panied by Mrs McCall and daughter, iHo!ateln; the Keith family, Conn; , Mrs R. L. McPhaden and two daughâ€"| > i'tera, Mount Forest. , a Mr and Mrs Pe on Sunday â€" with Horsburg. Mr R. Pinder h ected recen ly. Mr Eldon anc Inday with the The young people of No. 9, Egreâ€" mont are preparing a play to be givâ€" en Dec. 20th. Particulars later. Mrs Neil McArthur is visiting friends in Toronto at present. * ious fowl suppers and other festiviâ€" ties over, the people have turned their thoughts to Christmas, and already many are making plans for plays, concerts, etc. | Mr. John Snell from Chatsworth and Mrs Beer from Mitchell spent 'lut week with Mr. Jas. Snell. The weather has turned wet and cold, so it‘s more than likely we will get snow before long. With the varâ€" Mr. W. Renwick has the roads in his division all graded up in good shape for the rest of the fall. The Young People of Amos church held their first week night meeting on Monday last and will hold them every two weeks till spring. weekend with her parents, Mr Mrs Jas. McGillivray. Mr. Sam Patterson and Will Hunâ€" ter are attending the November sesâ€" sion of the County Council at Owen Sound this week. Quite a number from those parts were in Holstein last Wednesday evening at a reception in honor of Miss Agnes Macphail and report a . Leonard Gordon of Mt visited over the weekend Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson from near Durham were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hooper on Con. 18. The W.M.S. will hold their thankâ€" offering meeting on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs John Renâ€" Miss Mabel Sharp of Durham spent the week end with Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Caldwell. Some of St. Paul‘s congregation attended the veteran‘s service in Trinity church, Durham on Sunday FLOWERY FLATS Pinder had a windmill erâ€" ORCHARD nc David Rahn spent their paronts of Varâ€" DROMORE Peter Cornish visited th Mr and Mrs N. Barrie spent the Miss Laura Henderson who has been in Guelph for some time _ reâ€" turned home last week. She went up to Durbam hospital last Sa urday ’and had her tonsils removed . We hope she will soon be herself again. Mr and Mrs R. Hendéerson, Guelph visited the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs A. R. Henderson last week. | Mr and Mrs Hallman of Kitchener | visited at J. D. Drimmie‘s over the| weekend . I Mr and Mrs Ed. Reay, Mt. Forâ€" est and Mr. Jno. Long of Orangeâ€" ville, visited at Dave Long‘s over the holiday. For of Oct. 14, 1985. What a victory l-thl the wish of all present." When the withered leaves were fall ing and the autumn winds were chill And the red deer sleek and handsome sped his way from hill to hill; When birds in flocks did gather to begin their southward flight, When the fields were bare of pasture and the cows ©ame home at night. Then we heard the autos honking like the wild geese soaring high, And we knew what was the burry as they rattled swiftly by The thing we long were looking for had slowly come our way; The fourteen‘th of October and it was election day. So the young girls woks up early a d swept clean all the floors, The young men did the same outside and finished all the chores ; The older man and lad‘>s fair eut short their morning chats, They shined their shoes, brushed their hair and put on their Sunday hats. They said they‘d do the same that day as oft they‘d done before. They‘d go and vo*» just at they ple ased; tho‘ Grits and Torries swore. And like true ruralites they did, and shunned the rutted trail, Their footprints marked the new Hizrhwar in wats Ene Wites apsccac m "Dear Miss Macphail: We have met on this happy occasion to celeâ€" brate with you our famous victory season was had there after who cared. large agricultural hall was filled. A lunch was served at the close, with lots to go around. A short dancing out appreciation of her ability and work in Parliament and the affection of those who have the ability to reâ€" cognize worth. A large boquet of mums was presented at the same time by Mrs Alex Aitken. The sonâ€" net by the same author was sung to an adapted tune by Wm. Ramage. Songs were sung by a quintette of young ladies; another by an equal number of boys, both bearing referâ€" ence to the one being honored. Mr. and Mrs Eric Sharp gave two due‘s in fine voice and harmony. Miss W. Blyth also sang. Speeches were ¢lv-‘ en by W. H. Hunter, chairman, A. Haas, A A. MacArthur, Reeve of Glenelg, F. R. Oliver, M.P.P. and Miss Macphail herself in a fine ul-: dress in reply. Recitations by Misâ€" ses Florence Patterson, Edith Hunter, Margaret Leith and Mr Archie Chrk' were much enjoyed. Two fine selec-' tions on a harmonica were given by +. Zieglar, Mt. Forest. A local orâ€" chestra of Miss Horsurgh at the piâ€" ano, Wm. Ferguson and J. Carson on violins and another Cowan vyoung man on the banjo, played while the large audience was gathering. The 'llm A. C. Macphail M. P. by ber numerous Egremont friends in the IAsflcultun.l Hall, Holstein. last Wedâ€" nesday evening, about 400 attending. The following poem by J.A. Ferguson Egremont‘s poet, was read by Mrs. W. H. Rogers, in appreciation of our clever Member. She was presented previously with a finely worded adâ€" dress, which also appears below. It was read by Mrs J. Hill, and breathes Miss Macphail Honored by Egremont Friends The address reads: A splendid reception and MAPLE ping ar member, the country had swung to Liberalism P. by her also that your riding had been ge,â€" is in the rymandered, making it very large i. last Wea. and difficult and of course the three ) attending. cornered fight. Still your majority is . ... ______ more than five times that of 1930. by those ~__Vâ€"Alex McMurdo, _ Lorne Boc " $Sr. â€" IVâ€"Murie] Watson; _ Doro _ MeNailty ; Charles Watson: Ru h Konzie. Sr. MIâ€"June Smail. ga H1Iâ€"Kennetp Leith (H.); Betty 7 \Jor (H.); Dorothy Harrison (H Alex McGillivray ; Colvin Gedd _Annie D.xon. Hâ€"Hoctor MeMu _(H.); Hazel m; Douglas No â€"Calvin Nott, Iâ€"Violet Moore (H Arnold Smail; John Harrison . f Pr.â€" Ross Taylor (H.) ; Roy | [ctes (H), RovAUah Hartinas /m Pr.â€"Audrey ; of this record merely for the assis: j ance it may have been to you, i; | being elected a member of the Hous« ‘of Commons for 5 successive term:s | but rather as an evidence of our n the beginnihk of your public life and that we, through no particular mer: on our part, have been privileged to be associated with a career that has won international recognition. Please accept this liitle token of love and may you be blessed with the best of health to carry on for years to come is the wish of all present." I *"We do regret that so many o your independent associates wll ho missing this coming session, but beâ€" | ing independent, you can support legislation sponsored by either the 'Gomt or Opposition, so long as it is in the people‘s interes!. "This gathering in your honor rep resents the residents of Egremon: township. _ We are proud of having polled your largest majority in the ‘recent election and also of our . v» cord for consistent support of you: candidature throughout your Parlia ;monta.ry career. We are not proud at the polls on October 14th. We are glad and grateful that our lo< bility to recognize the greatness and grandeur of true service and to ren der it the homage and suppor which have been within our power "This occasion is one of glad thanksgiving that you, Miss Macphail achieved such a wonderful | victors at the polls on October 14th. w "Your opponents were fond of te}}â€" ing us you had no party and could do nothing alone. We know wha: you can do and are not afraid 1o trust to your keen judgment, you, absolute honesty and your Christian principles in the legislation of ouw: mm‘"‘)’; Colvin Geddes D.xon. _ IIâ€"Hector MeMurd Hazel Francis; Douglas No: Nott. 1â€"Violet Moore (H .) SCHOOL REPORTsS NOV. 14, 1935 13. BGREMOXNT people think (H) . , teacher (H) 1. t Roy E: Bocles . Dorothy u h Mcâ€" Ji Av from HINCKS pital < 1ng on . their hon and Mrs Durham Burlingtot have mad three dai Galt ; A Clemens, vey, Burl Harvey 0 Gol #old« FTan bi W Phs: Wi

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