West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Nov 1935, p. 8

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_ ‘ , m V" FD In”. all tired out and just the ten- ce between us. What a fellow will united try Cowan's orehua. " “on please bring pie or tam. couple of weeks winning in Caledon Eli! and Toronto. Mr. David Hooper Sr. In talking in a. Royal Winter Fair at Toronto at The hunters are keeping the deer on the move this week. While plow- Ing we new tour diluent deer in two days, alt within 15 rod: distance. on " fellow with a line set of Women's Institute in Rune]! is]! on My evening. Nov. 26th. Admis. Ila 25c. plus tax, Children 15c. A BANK C know we never could have been as lenient on credits if our own credit were not so good " the Bank of Montreal. The Bank permits us to borrow in substantial amounts during our busy seasons. because we are in good financial shape-have m excellent ash position and a reputation " paying bills and loans promptly." All. mum: "Thatgood credit idea is " the very $imndatiootof New merchandising Ind modated me on purchases, Mr. Manufacturer, enabling me to supply my customers with the best and latest merchandise, and l have met your terms of payment pretty consistently, too-havent 1?" MR. MANUFACTURER: "Yes. The relationship has been clean-cut and mutually satisfactory for many years. We appreciate your business and you seem to like out any of dealing. Of course, you I. II’ICIIN'I' IANKING SIIVICI.....TIII OUTCOII or c‘WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANDISING . MR. RETAILER: “Yet; have consistently accom- CANADIANS AND THEIR INDUsrRiris..-AND THEIR BANK. . Allan Even! the put the Nay, music ESTABLISHED "" . HEAD orncr. MONTREAL new. (Sub-Am): Mr. G. McKelvey, who was ill with plural pneumonia the past three weeks is some better at present. Mr and Mrs Leith entertained their brothers and sisters on the evening of Nov. 15th, on the occasion ot their 30th wedding anniversary. A. non; those present tram a. distance were Mrs Thos. Knox, Mrs Bouok, and son Bobbie and Mr G. P. Leith, all of Guelph, Mr Geo. Leith remain- ing over for a longer visit. gar. former residents of North Egre- mont some " years ago, were killed in a motor accident. We extend symptthy to the bemved funny. Mr. Lorne Allan, deputy game warden spent a. few days with Mur- ray Allan the past week. unu .4 WI: shocked when 'over the radio that Mr. trade: Commercial deposits; savings accounts for customers and employees; safekeeping of securi- ties and documents; discounting prime commer- cial paper; loans on notes and warehouse receipts; letters of credit; telegraphic transfers of funds; financing exports and imports and domestic ship- ments; foreign and domestic credit and trade infor- mation; purchase and sale of exchange "futures"; special wire facilities reaching the important ex- change markets. affording prompt action; nation. wide service through more than 500 branches. Some of the Bank's facilities for the mercantile goes all the way through the business. Our cus- tomers are either cash buyers or have good credit. Most of them have chequing or savings accounts at the Bank and are sure of their ability to " on our terms before they make purchases on their charge accounts." ', WON-y and Friday. in, may SUCCISSIUI. ops-"non Kincardine will have an intermed- late 0.H.A. team this year, a new departure for the soul‘h Bruce town. No word has yet been received as to their grouping. Mr. Walter Kerr had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable cow last week. Mr. Oscar Rahn is in Kt'ehener, visiting with relatives there. Mrs Andrew Picken, Mrs James Picken and Miss Jean Picken. visited one day last week with friends in the village. Miss Dorothy Bogie who has been in the hospital threatened with ap- pendicitis, returned to her home yes- terday. We wish her a. speedy re- covery. Mr and Mrs John Ritchie attended services on Sunday and visited with Mr and Mrs W. G. Blyth. Misses Iva Saunders and Margaret Marshall spent a day recently with Mrs Jae. Leeson. Mrs Wm. Caldwell dressed as an 'old lady with bonnet, shawl and hoops, won the ladies' prize and Mr. Stan Rahn dressed as a negro. won the gent's prize. Contests and crokinole were enjoyed during the evening, also tsinging and tine violin music by Mr Berry. Lunch was served at the close. The Women's Association held an old fashioned social on Thursday ev- ening or last week an the home of Mr and Mrs S. Mountain. Many fashions of years ago were in evi- dence and caused much laughter. Mm Erie Anderson ot Bridal: Col- umbia visited a couple of days with relatives: Mrs Albert Keller, Mr R. Morrison and Mrs Samuel Patterson of Durham. Mr. Anderson's mother was formerly Sarah Morrison. sister of Mr. Richard Morrison. and Mrs And. Nmbull, Maxwell; and Mrs Barber’s ulster Hazel, New York. Mr Melbourne MecKay, proprietor of general “are, Mr Clayton John, atom proprietor ot hardware store, and Dr. Dorie, all of Inwood, Middle. sex Co., are visiting with Mr. Bert Barber and enjoying the deer hunting sinners, Mr and Mrs D. Henry, Tor- onto; Mr and Mrs Endlay. o Bound; Mr and Mrs Fred Barber, Fleaherton; Mr and Mrs Kendell. Maxwell; Mr. This week is deer hunting season in Grey Co. and a number of portion are busy enjoying a, hunt. Several deer are reported shot, in these parts. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs . Cecil Barber recently were her parents, Mr and Mrs Morrison, Singhampton and VARNEY TORONTO to at PM!“ and expects to for tom an; ...u moan: 11mm] visited 1 few days last week with friends in Wir- Mitra T. Byers visited Int Thun- day at the maven home and atten- ded the old the sock] " Mr Stan- ley Mountain's. I Mrs Wm. Carson has been ill and under the doctor's care. We sincere- l ly hope that she may soon be restor- ed to her usual health. The Mission Band and Y.W.A. met in the church on Saturday after. noon with a good at endance. Mrs. Meams presided. Miss Susie Mush- all read-the Bible reading. Ann Wil- ton led in prayer. Mrs Mearns "Ml trom the Annual Report book oom-I paring the membership end giving ot the different societies. This he: ing the closing meeting for the yen" Mrs Marsh]! spoke briefly, flanking: the children for their interest "mi Miss T. E. Byers spent Monday ot last week with Mrs John Marshall Sr. l The meeting of the W.M.S. was (held at the home of Mrs J. M. Mar- shall on Wednesday of last week with an attendance of 22. Mrs ‘Smallman led in prayer. Mrs Ron- ald Sm’th read the scripture lesson. Mrs Harold Barber read from the s udy book in the Bhil field, India. Miss T. E. Byers gave a reading on "TIthitttr." Others taking part were Mrs McAlister Sr., Mrs J. M. Marshall. Mrs Wallace read a letter from Mrs Wller, Mount Forest, Pres. Trees. The hostess and helpers ser-' '96 lunch. I Miss Jean Picken of town visited over the weekend with Mrs Andrew] Pickon. Mr cud In Harvey mu Mr l Mr. Clayton Whittick of London. itrpent the tirtt of the week with his lwife and daughter. I The girls of Fidelis Vega C.G.I.T. had a very dnteresting meeting on Monday evening, Nov. 18, in base- ment of the church. Elma McGuire, ‘presu presided over a program con- ‘sisting ot songs, readings and atria. "rho guest speaker, Miss I. Griffiths, travelling secretary for C.G.1.T. work, gave a very vivid and instruc- tive account of lite in West Africa. and the mission work in Angola, showing many curios illustrating their native dress and customs. Mrs Morden of Mt. Forest and 'several, members of the W.M.S. were also‘ very welcome guests at this meeting, After a musical game conducted by Miss Griffiths lunch was served ' the girls. The meeting closed with Taps. i Mr and Mrs Norman McLaughlin of Hamilton spent the weekend wtfh her mother Mrs C. Drumm. Mrs Andrews ot Corbetton is visit- ing the Burrows family. The sympathy ot the community is extended to the McMillan family in their recent sad bereavement. Mr and Mrs N. E. McGuire and family spent the first of the week with her parents Mr and Mrs Geo. Ritchie ot Edge Hill. Mrs Miss Ruby Kerr of Toromfo went the weekend with her mother Mrs Jordan and the Buller family. M‘ss Estelle Swanston of Mt. For- est spent the weekend wt"h her sis- ter Mrs Wm. Troupe. Mrs Greer is visiting her daughter Mrs. Holliday an. Gleneden. The dance on Friday night Nov 15th, was a splendid success. ""-- t The sympathy of the community is extended to the Henry and Brown families in their recent sad bereave- ment. Misses Inc: and Vera Allan went a. few days the past week in Toron- to. The community circle held their meeting in the basement of the Pres- byterian church on Tuesday night, Nov. 18. Scripture reading was giv- en by Willard Stevenson and current events by Jim Calder. An interest- ing topic was given by Ken Allen, who led the community singing. and Bill Arum the games. Meeting closed by singing National Anthem. Miss Esther Godd of London, spent the ttrat ot the week with her moth. er Mrs Gadd. Government ded Shropshire ram 2 and ' X, to sale. Jan. Stand Holstein, R.R. 1. Miss Marjory Johnson of Listowel was a recent guest of her chum Miss Vera. Allan. I LOCAL AND PEMONAL i HOLSTEIN LEADER THE DURHAM REVIEW KNOX CORNERS In David limbs,“ Mttrshattttsin my Williams and With and". In i In the Matter f the ESTATE ot , JOHN JAMES WILTON. late ot the Township of E remont in the Coun- t ty of Grey, F mer, deceased. f NOTICE is he eby given that all persons having y claims or de- I mantis against the! late John James . Wilton, who (“all on or about the . eleventh day of A rll, A.D. 1935, at the Township or) Egremont in the Province of Ohm” , are muired to send by post mango or to deliver to the undenigmsd.‘ solicitors herein iorvElyn C. Wu ' surviving ex- ‘ecutor and tmtee nder the will of (the attitt John I Wilton. their lumen and addreu and mu panic 'uim in writing at hetir china and Imminent. of their to and iii) :nature of the securi a, it any. held! i Mr. Geo. Webber's threshing out- tit tinhshed up the threshing season Iin this part last week. I The funeral of the late Miss iss- lbella Laidlaw who had been a INV it'ent in Durham hospltal for a num- ber of months took place here Mon- day afternoon from the home of her niece Miss L. Mather, Priceviile, where a short service held by Rev. Mr. McDonald, also Rev. Mr. Tag- ‘gart omciated. Quite a number of relatives and friends followed the re mains to their last resting place. The; deceased was the youngest sister l Mrs. Sharp Br. of this place. Mr and Mrs Burrows Smith and family ot Moorxstieid were visitors at Bonnie View recently. the home of the Itrtter's. parents. Mrs. Boddy and daughter lsabelle returned with them after visiting friends in Ayr,’ Gait and Toronto, these last fewi months . NOTICE Tio CREDITORS Sympathy is extended to Mrs A. MacLean, who received a telegram last week informing her of the death of her brother Mr James Watt of Victoria. B.C. The late Mr Watt was a well known HampdeniLe and had lived here until a number of years ago when he moved west with his family, later going out to reside at the coast. Mr M. E. Reuber, teacher, was the guest of Mr and Mrs Jaa. Har- grave ot the Lake on Tuesday even- Ins. Mr and Mrs A. McCabe or Vurney visited with Mr and Mrs W. Gordon on Monday. Mr and Mrs A. McNally of Zion, were renewing old acquaintances and attended St. Paul's church Ber. vice on Sunday. Death has again entered our neigh- borhood and with sorrow we publish the passing on ot a good friend and neighbor in the person ot Mr Thos. McMillan. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to his children Betty and Dougal in their bereavement. Mrs Isabel Marshall of Toronto is Visiting with her relatives for a few days at pmsent. St. Pun A.Y.P.A. met on Fri- day evening last " the home of Mr. R. Morrison with a tine trttendanee. Scripture reading and prayer by Rev, Thompson. Election of omcers took place as "Iowa: Patron, The Rector; pres., Min C. R. Morrison; ls: vice pm... Mr Normsn mallow: 2nd vice, Irwin Matthews; fgee'g- Miu Vera Johnston; Treaa.- Mr. Carman Humvee; rec. Bee'y and press reporter-Mm Queen; program Com.--Mr M. E. Reuben Misses Mar- Jorie Tucker and Norma Ferguson. Mr. Wallace Matthews; lunch com., Mr: Ferguson, Mr: Johnston; pianist --Mrs J. C. Queen; aatrutaat-Mr. Reuber. A reading by Mr Reuber was much appreciated. Lunch was served by the hostess and assistants after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Miss Morrison and par- ents for their hospitality. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 29th " the home of Mr. Earl Matthews. soon to a. farm near Guelph. We wish the best for them in their new home. the neighborhood and expect tomove ALLAN'S CORNERS latter f the ESTATE of JAMES WILTON. late ot the hip of E remont in the Coun- Grey, mer, deceased. E is he by given that all having -y claims or de HAMPDEN late John James on or thou! the ril, A.D. 1935, at Atrreenont in the i, are named to 5 visitors the home 'tr. Boddy "ned with I in Ayr, last few municimitties .... .. Licenses, ....... ...... House of Refuge ...... Hospitals ..... ..r... .. Bank interest ....... .. County property .... ... Administration of justice Mr. Melcer stm‘ed that it us his intention to call a meeting ot " u- .sessors and tax collectors in order that he might discuss with them mat- tera pertaining Co their work in ord- er to reach some uniform. system. The report was as follows: RECEIPTS Bal. in banks Jan. 1, '36 t 6,728.72 County roads ....... ......46.739.94 Suburban Area Com. .....14,783.08 County rate ........ ......257,687.50 Taxes collected for After Mr. Mercer had preaented his tintuteitU statement ‘he had a number of suggestion to make and also circled some explanation: which c1tyridled certain points in connection with the county tinancett, One of the suggestion: had to do with the aim~ lplimlng of the work of the county jtreasurer in his relationa with the municipal: lea. Dealing with the mart. ter of the payment of tax arrears he stated that in order to avoid sale of properties tor taxes Mr Mercer stat- ed that it would be well to pay the tax arrears farthest hack instead ot the taxes for the current year. He also informed the council that there were many sums of " and under, owing for taxes which could nat be collected through aale of properties} and recommended that the try-taw'; now in existence be rescinded in or? der that these sum. can be collected. ' It was also pointed out that part payment of taxes on propertiea ailer- eded for sale because ot non-payment of taxes could not be accepted. It had to be the whole amount. Grey County is in l Emile! Irimseial $tasdisig Mr. J. C. Mercer. county troun- er. presented the ttmt report adult with county finance! since his up; pointment to that position in June but. " Wedneodny afternoon’s m- sion of the Grey County Council. He presented I clan-alt and compre- henuve report, showing the Manding of the county with regud to its re- ceipts and expendifureu for the pm ent year up to October " the un- ount of the debenture debt of the county, the sinking fund to meet it. and other details. lion that so far this year it has not been necessary to secure any loan from the bank- and Mr Mercer nat- ed that everything points to the poe- nibility of getting throth the en- tire year without renown; to a loan pointing out that during the year $41,600 borrowed in 1984 had been repaid and that 864,042.76 had been paid on account of the provincial highway debt incurred in 1934, which included the laying of the pavement on Provincial Highway No. 10, be. tween Markdale and Dundalk and at the close ot the month of October, there was 811,000 caah on hand in //l I iii) j') Whenanwmm ‘stldlool... contained the Infom- . on... Mu", t1)ik','liiqteht,rit,vatut 1rat'guFtLceiiirdi'e"UhTiu"2 '2fgtauaiiaraGUdh"',Ug ""'"'Cct'"Pe-ioni, -"ndeheuiiarneeUieils' 3,889.58 ..306.00 1,920.41 5,144.93 . .886.66 ...50.00 6,372.09 HI. lordship asserted that th, 'rurhage mod to he one of mu. valence or inesonvenieetee and thu' he didn't know Jun: how to describe it.-41odertet, Bur. - On the land. Keller admiuurl knowing of no wrongful actions on the part of MI wife. Mr. McIntosh of the am ot suns, McIntosh, Soho BeM and fumes, for the plaintiff, wad mad from tn eliminllmn ot endow cc given by Mrs Keller, who mun MI not the “and and more In the with o! the Iu’ement. Gordon Sunk, Mullins was named as m. monument. Charla John Keller w“ gamma dqetoe In! from " wife, Utie Kellet of Kitchener without payment of can. Keller, . Howick township tum laborer. mrrled his wife on February 23rd, 1924, at Durham we lived with her for six months when the left home. He And his wife hare lived toceher for short periods on Ind on line {then an the last time in my 1084. They have two children. Ttie "In! I'll. Supreme Court casual Godot-loll. With the coffin year as the “be for new licenses. the [Inn-- am all an. Christmas will probub» Ir be a no: of "" mrkers. and In yet have not had to borrow any money from the bunks. l with to (law your attention to the tact we have paid out $41,5ort In but loan- borrowed in 1984, al so “we.“ on account of prawn int highway debt Incurred in 191;; " The tom! ddeni‘ure debt of the county in 8525.000; sinking fund in. vestment ot the county, 825mm” (mmJ Raul-try (tales .... Chlldren'l Shelter ... luau-trial school: ... Municipal government County man ...... Mathew ulownnces . Old age pen-ions ... Sinking fund levy ... valnclnl highways ' Bank loans. 1984 .... NJ. land and and had tax tod-thte' ...... ....5.947..\~ 1!de ..... ......7.243.61 Hooplmll .... ...... ......11.422.5:. ”but”! ........ ........149.bt County My ..... ......2,672.93 “mutation of Justice ...19,925.15 School- ...... ...... ......48,678.99 Ptututq, m. poct’ge .....658.93 Division Conn fund .... .....183.33 unannoun- .... .... ......708.1n had and “(In ...............662.6\ Bounty once. .... .........870.70 Children‘s Shelter ...... ....4,236.2H Joan-Ml win-uncut. .... .. mm, “lulu. our“ .....soo.oo Division can fend ...........47.37 City at Owen Sound. ’84 ....8,680.65 City at Owen Sound. on m1,“ .... .... ....6,900.00 Tu Mdey my NOV. " "" .........l7.81 3359.625 ...l50.00 ...86t.'N ...105.6‘i 4.286 . 20 .. .672 . " 3,545.35 31.425 . 00 15.847 .50 £380.25 45,817.50 56.0!236 4i,tr00.ott 11,6519 " 7 U O Re ht. Br Pi

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