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Durham Review (1897), 19 Dec 1935, p. 8

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4) 1} Low first class round trip rail fares from Dec. 1st P D F to Feb. 15th." Retum limit, April 30th.. Stop. EXPRESS overs allowed at intermediate points. Special @ winter rates available at hotels. Sp“d’ OUTSTANDING EVENTS: Winter Golf Dependability, Tournament, Victoria, Feb. 17â€"22, 1936. Safety Full information from your local agent Tess Low Rail Fares to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, Wash. in Canada‘s [_] Canadion Morficulture & Home Magazine 4 yr. ur Winter vacation this year choose ‘s Evergreen Playground. Golf, tennis, g, riding, motoring . . . enjoy all your e outdoor sports in this land of glorious THE DURHAM REVIEW SUGGESsTs YOU wurboy srbey Playground M8, Cw CANADIA N NATIONA L TELEGRAPHS ALWAYS STREET OR R.F.D. .... TOWN AND PROVINCE to your newspaper. * «es eae n a e e e e n e e 0 6e 8 n e nas e 8 6e s e n e 1 The Rev. Mr. Court, formerly of ‘London was inducted on Monday, ‘Dec. 16th as minister of the Presbyâ€" terian church here. The Presbytery |tock charge of the meeting. Rev. | Mr Gowdy of Durham occupied â€" the qpulpit. Rev. Mr. Killen of Drayton |gave a splendid sermon on "The Pilâ€" ;Iar of Salt." The Rev. Mr. Ia.w-‘ | rence of Rothsay, addressed Rev. Mr | Court. Rev. Mr Honeyman of Droâ€" | more addressed the congregation. Ar-' iter the meeting a delicious supper ;was served by the ladies of the con-l gregation . _ The annual meeting of Egremont Plowmen‘s Association was held in Yeovil hall Thursday, Dec. 12, when prize money was paid out to winners at the plowing match, and _ followâ€" ing officers were elected for 1936: J. A. Ferguson, pres.; â€" John Scott, vice pres.; _ Frank Cowan, 2nd vice; Neil Calder, sec‘yâ€"treas.; Clarence Ross and Frank Cowan, auditors ; . W J. Philp, with the secretary _ and president, were appointed a commitâ€" tee to procure a field for next year‘s match which will be confined to ,the township, with ane open class in sodi with an extra prize attached, openi to all comers. Sixteen directors were appointed distributed over the town-} ship. After all accounts were paid, Don‘t forget the entertainment to be put on by the Public School on Dec. 19th. There will be a community Christâ€" man tree here, Dec. 21st. Bring all the children out to see Santa Claus. Miss Eva Gadd, Toronto is spendâ€" ing a few days with her mother. The sympathy of the community is extended to the Rice family _ in their recent sad bereavement. Miss Doris Troupe spent the week end with the Watson family. Mrs Herrgot and Mrs Troupe spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Trinity United Sunday School exâ€" pects to hold their Christmas enterâ€" tainment in the schoolroom of the church, Manday evening, December 23rd, instead of Dec. 28th, as it apâ€" peared in last week‘s paper. Mr and Mrs W. J. Robertson and Mr and Mrs B. F. Windrum of Torâ€" onto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs D. Allan and family . Mr and Mrs N. E. McGuire and family spent first of the week with her sister Mrs J. T. Brown on the twentieth. «0 e a0 060 000 e wa en e a 8 e es e e e a e e HOLSTEIN LEADER AND PERSONAL â€"| TORONTO The getâ€"away of the new cars shows a lot of power. So, for that matter, does the getâ€"away from an agent. KIRBYâ€"In Noving memony of John W. Kirby Who died Dec. 17, 1934. God saw the was getting rough, The hills were rd to climb, V. Matthews; 1st sec‘y, Clarence Moore ; 2nd sec‘y, Jas. Hargrave; Sr. Committeeman, W. G. Wilson. A few brethren from 1192 Glenelg were present. meeting â€" Thursday evening last and elected the following officers for 1936: W.M., Thos. B. Moore; D.M. Milâ€" ford Matthews; R.S., Jas. Ferguson ; Chap., Jno. McKenzie; Treas., E. Mr. Lloyd Brown, son of J. T. Brown, was on his way to Durham on Tuesday, when at the bend in the road on Lambton St., his car took a skid or two and landed upside down in the ditch. There were six in the car and nobody hurt, we are pleased to report. The car will require _ a new top and two new panes of glass. Mr. Geo. McKelvie who is a paâ€" tient in Durham hospitaal is improvâ€" ing slowly. Mr Jas. McKenzie from near Rockâ€" wood, and Harold Eurig of Mt. Forâ€" est spent Sunday at Jno. McKenzie‘s. Mrs Will Moore is doing nicely at present and is staying with Mr and Mrs Chas. Moore in town for a few days. A large number from this vicinity attended the two sales the first â€" of the week and report good prices. Merry Christmas to Publishers and all readers of Review. On Sunday next, Holy Communion will be administered in St. Paul‘s church. _ Rev. Thompson purposes holding a Christmas service â€" and singing of Christmas carols. Mr Isaac Hooper has sold his farm to Mr Harry Grasby and the former has purchased a chopping mill in Chatsworth . A social evening was spent _ at at Bobtown, where a large number of friends and relatives gathered in honor of Mr and Mrs Clarence Daley who recently entered the bonds _ of matrimony. They received a showâ€" er of gifts and all spent the evening dancing. Mr and Mrs Daley are at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Andrews for a couple of months. Mr. Alf McCabe of Varney _ has been around this vicinity installing radios. The Christmas Concert will be held in Allan‘s Sehool on Dec. 20th. Proâ€" gram is being prepared by _ teacher Mr.~Reuber. Lunch will be served. Admission 10c. Ladies bringing eats free. St. Paul‘s A.Y.P.A. met at the home of Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen on Thursday evening of last week with| an attendance of 40. Scripture readâ€" ing on the "Coming of Christ" folâ€" ’lowed by prayers by Rev. J. R.| Thompson . A very interesting ad-| !dreas was given by the guest speakâ€" er, Mr. Webster, manager of the: _Bank of Commerce. His address was based on money and banking system | He passed _ around for inspectlon.‘ Russian, German, Chinese bills and several pieces of gold. Mr. M. Ei Reuber gave several jokes and A reading entitled "A Welsh classic‘, which was very humorous. A parcel was packed for a S. School class of 25 in Cochrane, with Christmas gifts donated by the members; also money for a treat to be sent to the Rev. f Cathcart, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Cochrane, for distribution. The pres., Miss Morrison, capably entertained ‘ the members by various games until ; midnight, when coffee and edibles were served. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the host and _ hostess for their hospitality. I Mr. Norman Treleaven, son of Mr and Mrs R. Treleaven, York St., took over the Creamery at Holstein on Wednesday. "Nib," as he is comâ€" monly known here, has been foreman of the Palm Cleamery plant for the last two years and also acted in the same capacity with the United Proâ€" auce Company after that firm purâ€" chased the Palm Creamery recently. Mr. K. Treleaven who was manager of the Palm Creamery until a short time ago is assisting his son _ at Holstein in the cream business and his wiée and varied _ experience should materially aid Norman in his new venture. â€"Palmerston Observer. there remains a snug balance on hand for next year. Takes Over Holstein Creamery THE DURHAM REVIEW NQORTH EGREMONT ALLAN‘S CORNERS 861 held their â€" December MEMORIAM weary eyelids a number of »â€"us tives and friends ¢ dance Officer +*1%x%%11%>++4 +Â¥ 2200 |__MceDougallâ€"Aldcorn: That the reeve . vacate the chair and Deputy Reeve | Patterson occupy the same. Deputy , Reeve Patterson read the following: | "At the closing meeting of the year, _ we the members of Council and Ofâ€" : ficals of the Township desire at this | time to tender to our Reeve _ our _ heartfelt appreciation â€" of your servâ€" ices as head of the Coucil, and we | wish that the Municipality continue {to return you as their Reeve to this ‘Council so the County as well as the Township may receive the benefit of | 'your Municipal knowledge and may’ | we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous \New Year." Mr. Hincks was born 72 years ago in Paisley Block near Guelph .Mrs. Hincks, who was Jennie Mason, was born a few farms from where they Mr and Mrs John Hincks celebratâ€" ed the fiftieth anniversary of â€" their marriage at the home of their son, George on the 15th of Egremont . A fowl dinner was served and â€" . the table. EGREMONT COUPLE â€"Signed by the Council, â€"S. M. Patterson, _ Wm. Aldcorn, Henry Cowan, Wm. J. McDougall . Council then rose. meeting to date ,.........,:" 12.50 Reeve Hunter, services nrk84+s» .90 Robt. Christie, use of room ... . 2.00 Dr. J. J. Hergott, salary M.O.H. 62.50 PaySheet No 12, exp. on roads 202.53 Supt‘s. salary ha%r 4ss3 2s : +% :+ .76 Victor Adams, duties School Attenâ€" The family presented them with upâ€" lstered chairs. ‘They also received number of ~useful gifts Trom relaâ€" Oweun Sound .:...;%.. ..A /. #, 3 .00 Clerk, half year salary ...... 150.00 Clerk, postage acct. to date. ... 2.50 Mrs Rachel Long, nursing the late Thomas McMillan ........... 7.00 Members of Council, attendance at \we~. hawn, sheep claim ...... 6.00 Geo. Burrows, sheep claim.... 19.00 Nelson Carmount, sheep claim.. 5.00 Wesley Holliday, sheep claim.. 5.00 Geo, Hunt, sheep claim ....... 24.00 Wm. Aitken, inspecting sheep.. 3.00 Jno. McPhec, inspecting sheep.. .75 Municipal World, supplies .... 17.52 Co. Treas., re hospital acct.. 145.50 N. E. McGuire, relief .......... 3.65 Treasurer, half year salary.... 72.50 Treas., preparing fin. statement 12.00 Treas., postage & stamp acct.. 8.01 Treasurer, attending meeting in McDougallâ€"Aldcorn: ‘That Byâ€"law No. 16 appointing Victor Adams, Nic hol McDougall and John McPhee, School Attendance Officers for 1936 at a remuneration of $0 cents per hour while engaged on duties, be now read a third time, signed and engrossed in Bylaw Book. Carried . McDougallâ€"Patterson: That the folâ€" lowing accounts be paid: Carried: Wm. Hattle, sheep claim *% + » + â€"$2.00 Jos. Dowling, sheep claim ..... 8.00 Gec. Rawn, sheep claim ...... 6.00 Aldcornâ€" McDougall: That Bylaw No. â€" appointing School Attendance Oificers be read a first and second time. _ Carried. Pattersonâ€"Cowan: That Bylaw No 15 appointing Matthew Hooper Colâ€" lector of unpaid taxes at a remunerâ€" ation of 30 cents per hour while enâ€" gaged in his duties, be now read a third time, signed, sealed and enterâ€" ed in Byâ€"law Book. Carried . Patersonâ€"McDougall: That 500 ft. of snow fence be ordered. Carried. Cowanâ€"Aldcorn: That parties in need of relief must apply either to the Reeve or the Relief Officer. Car. Aldcornâ€"Cowan: That in regard to services re Weed Inspection, that John Wilkinson be paid the sum of $5 and Robert Keith be paid the sum of $2.50. Carried . Pattersonâ€"Cowan: That Bylaw No â€" to appoint a Tax Collector be now read a finrst and second time. Carried Aldcornâ€"Cowan: ‘That J. Duke be refunded¢ the sum of $2.50 re his bus iness assessment. Carried . on Lot 25, con. 21, Township of Egâ€" remont, and that the Clerk notify the Co. Treas. to that effect also taxes of of lot 14, Main St East, Holstein for 1933 taxes and penalty amounting to $24.04. Carried. Patterson â€" McDougall: That the Treas, be authorized to pay the folâ€" lowing sums of money when due: Co. Treasurer, County rate $20,130: : Sch. Section, Treas. Trustees levy, $4 016,37: S$S. No 3 and Union S. S. No. 9 debentures, ,$700.12: P.V. Holstein Trustees levy for current expenses, $210.15.~ Carried. Council met December 16th with members all present. Minutes adoptâ€" Aldcornâ€"Cowan: That the report of the road sup‘t. for work on roads be adopted.â€"Carried. Pattersonâ€"McDovgall: That the aâ€" mount of $20 be erased from taxes wedding cake graced . lst, 1885, in Mount 50 YEARS MARRIED David Allan, Clerk 00 M. G. CALDER, Town AGENT JAMES SNELL The ‘Review‘ referred in a brief manner last week, to the passing of James Snell of Dromore, on Tuesday week stating a fuller obituary would be given this week. There is really little one can add, beyond the fact that the deceased gentleman lived at all times the Christian‘s life. He was born on the farm on which he died. An industrious farmer in his working years, his home was the heart of his life and he did not seek municipal or public office. Mr. Snell was a member of the oneâ€"time Ebenezer Methodist church, later attending serâ€" ltlle Review and all its readers _ a | most joyous Christma and very hapâ€" py New Year. We are soon to celeâ€" brate the birth of the babe of Bethâ€" ‘lehem and the King of Kings, who ‘came to bring peace on earth . and ‘good will to men, and yet the world ‘is °in a state of strife and unrest. led in prayer and lunch was served of last week with Mrs S. Keonig of Hampden. | The W.M.S. met on _ Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 1l1th at the home of Mrs John Birr with an attendance of 19. Mrs J. M. Marshall read the scripture lesson from Luke 2nd chapâ€" iter; Mrs Wallace gave a Christmas reading; Mrs Watson read Christmas in our western misssion _ stations, Mrs C. McAlister â€" of Christmas in foreign lands. Different reports were given _ and Mrs Jno. Marshall Jr., presided for election of officers _ as follows: Pres., Mrs T. McAlister; vice pres., Mrs Wallace; sec‘y, Miss T. E. Byers; treas., Mrs. C. McAlâ€" ister; glad tidings sec‘y, Mrs Marshâ€" all Sr.; home helpers, Mrs J. Marshâ€" all Jr.; welcome and welfare, Mrs. J. M. Marshall. Mrs C. McAlister, and Miss Susie Marshall gave enâ€" couraging reports of the Y.W.A. and the Mission Band and _ Mrs. Mearns, president of the Y.W.A. alâ€" so spoke briefly. A hearty vote _ of thanks was tendered Mrs Wallace who has held the office of Pres. for three years and also to Mrs Birr whol has given her home for two meetingsf during the year. Mrs Bert BarberI was appointed Mission Band leader.: The allocation of $75 has been conâ€" tributed by the W.M.S. for the ryenr.l Mrs Mearns and Mrs J. Marshall Sr. Mr. James Picken is at present in Mt. Forest hospital with a broken leg as a result of being kicked by a horse on Saturday last. He will be unable to get around for some weeks but we hope he may have no set back and may soon be able to return to his home. Mrs Harold Watson and baby visit ed on Monday with her parents. -â€"-m*uuu&â€"â€"â€""-â€"y,m *TARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP on nnine Lh W e EN owb .2 Miss T. E. .Byers spent Thursday ~_-â€"â€"â€"-_“.."".’fi' -TI‘.‘- Minimum Speciat e Fares: Adults, 50¢; Children, 25¢. CANADIAN NATioNaAL Good going Friday, December 20 to leave destination not later theo _ Between all Points in Canada *uumnqonmmmmm Mhintt Fohaee B cCc t s oo Am\v()m{img}\\(cj Northern Buslnnggs College KNOX CORNERS OBITUARY OWEN soOUND, Fleming, F.C.A., Principal What better can a parent do than give a Scholarship for a few months tuition in the Northern Business College this winter? not lave, «ies o io eeer ts tempay 1 inclusive. Reture limit College Opens for Winter December 23 up to and aimot later then midnight Thurmday: iPecunper 20 Tous es se us to sndladiutine Weinesiny Jnar i Educaticonâ€" Caxnnot Be Lost Is Easily Carried Lasts a Lifetime Ye son. Sr. HIâ€"June Smail. Jr. IIIâ€" Colvin Geddes (H.); Betty Taylor (H.); Kerneth Leith; Annie Dixon: Dorothy Harrison; Alex MeGillivray . IIâ€"Hector McMurdo; Hazel Francis Douglas Nott; Calvin Nott. Iâ€"Violet Moore (H.); â€" Arnold Smail; _ John Harrison; Sr. Pr.â€"Ross Taylor (H .) Roy Eecles (H.); Royden Harrison . Jr. Pr.â€"Audrey Whitmore. K. Smith, teacher | There is a little boy in this town who says he doesn‘t care if Christâ€" mas is nearâ€"that there isn‘t a single thing he wants. _ Now you tell one. $.8. No. 13. BGREMONT Vâ€"Lorne Eccles, Alex MeMurdo. 8r. IVâ€"Muriel Watson, Dorothy Mcâ€" Nalty, Ruth McKenzie, Charles Watâ€" $.8. No. 14, EGREMONT (Report for Fall Term) Vâ€"Ross Hill, Mary Weir. 8r. IVâ€" Vera Wilson, Vera Hiltz, Dorothy Hiltz, Christine MacDonald. Jr. IVâ€" Marjorie Kinsman, Vernon MacCanâ€" nell, Lila Harrison, Grant MceCannell, Orval Harrison. Sr. HHIâ€"Mary Macâ€" Donald, Betty Hill, Billie McNalty. Jr. IHIâ€"Betty MacDonald, Herbic MacDonald, _ Lorne Hiltz, Ray Macâ€" Donald, Lorne Hiltz, Ray MacCanâ€" nell, Clarence Kinsman. IIâ€"Margery Wilson; Lorraine MacCannell; Marâ€" garet Weir; _ Leona Hiltz, 1â€"John Hopkins; Teddy MacCannell; Bernie Hartford. Pr.â€"Eleanor Hitlz; Verna Kinsman; Donnie McDonald; _ Elizaâ€" beth McNalty (absent). day fr« ment in With ev dozen cabinets we are giving two Photos, also two 5x7 with smaller s . We develop a film and make 8 prinpts for 25¢., reprints 3¢. each. Leave \film with Mr. Sar ney. Jeweler, _ s @r . o D. C. Town. â€" We work appointment . Phone 609â€"413. F. W. KELSEY. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS sANTA CLAUS DAY FUND Last acknowledged .......... $63.10 De., J./Lâ€"* BWMR s,.>,â€"..+%.. 108 W ; JÂ¥ VORett‘...s;:,.....~«s 108 ter Susanna, (who died a year ago), their home was made the centre of much hospitality to several of their friends, but the "old order changeth." The funeral service was held Friâ€" Write for further information SCHOOL REPORTS DEC. 19, 1936 M. Campbell, Teache Xmas Special. , interâ€" $72.60 glsâ€" 18 FR M

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