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Durham Review (1897), 26 Dec 1935, p. 5

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RNOCH CKERS I6, 1935 Ma i their parents, Mr. elsey this week. larshail Bruder and m Detroit were welâ€" AUGEEN iie and Mrs. loncay with urned â€" from a _ pleasant th her dauâ€" «sÂ¥ â€", 18 & mas . Torry ert Lawson « a couple poe she will bonds . Durbam 1 be relax us time paring for pros perous readers of Christmas en engagâ€" y for the litor hton Jr.. last week )sta ge ition McKech sion fee axed by is, who to the this enâ€" n in at 18@ lor hrough h ristmas eparate M parture on the Christ ursday large recita I with T ection _ Musâ€" irent is all lingly e anâ€" _ held the rated icher song union s, An ented child also a ham rate« omp 19 Ove rve her the Mr. ty held la dia our The 1°8 re UT OT 1 C060 O C000 64 t)% C000 50 50 Ot of 70 t (» JR | CANADIAN PaAcIFIC | REDUCED F A EF3 , CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Phone 8 1 es Good going Friday, Dec. 20, to turn leaving destination not la MINIMUM SPECIAL rarEs, Tickets and oomnlc.ne in vaye. q __ s ___‘_ CENUH gOME J ing Decemiber 25. Return limit to leave than midnight Thursday, December 26, 1 NEW YEAR‘3 HOLIDAY: Good going Dec ing January 1. Return limit to leave d midnight, Thursday, Januanry 2, 1936, FARE AND a THIRD For THE CHRISTM_AS HOLIDAY: Think of all the good things you want during the New Year\mu]tiply themby ten â€" and you will know what we wish you lor 1936 ! Happy New Year to ene and all ! Gunn‘s Fertilizer in stock CoUNTER CHECK BOOKS Royal Household Flour Bran *O Canada‘ hi Oa Pilot 46 ( Keep in Stock for Sale the our prices before purchasing else where. it will pay you. Will thase requiring Fertilizor kindly leave their orders as early as possible. JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE‘s mMmiILls Duplicate â€" Triplicate Carbonized â€" Carbon Leaf HENDERsOoN FARE AND Every Book guaranteed a perfect book and all popular Styles and Sizes The Durham Review Christmas FLOUR M c C A S KE E Y â€" "QUALITY BEST" Anâ€"item of importance that we can supoly promptly CA Place your orders at home. k for Samples and Pric PA & Th an, 10 Wed.,Jan. ; inclhalve; good to reâ€" ation not later than midnight, Friday, Jan. 10. AL FARES: ADULTS, 506 â€" CHILDREN 25e 6. .. »Mwbaireriorrmaoeny complete information from any agant A QUARTER For GREETING . 20, to Wed + z000 going December 23 to and inclut im limit to leave destination not later Â¥, December 26, 1935. : Good going December 30 to and includâ€" limit to leave destination not later than uany 2 1922 all Points in aud KewYear‘s going S BAKERYy Oat Chop Crimpled Oats THE ROUND TRip following Goods FEED Canada ROUND TRiP: DURHAM. ONT. Shorts The "Mechanical Man" was> well acted and clearly spoken by the youth and beauty cT the village. Rev. N. McDonald â€" gave a fine acdress on Christmas, its origin, its observance and its holy association. Rev J. W. Johnston acted as chairman. At the end of program, ganta made his apâ€" pearance. After some jovial salutaâ€" tionsto the little ones, he proceeded to hand out the prizes and gifts off a well laden tree. A bag of candies was given to each child. ‘Blest be the tie that binds‘, ‘God save the King‘ and the benediction by Rev. Mr. Johnston, closed another fine Christmas celebration. The joint Christmas tree in St. Columba church, held on Friday evâ€" ening, was happily and heartily carâ€" ried out. To give a verbatim report would be quite a contract, but suffice it to say, that recitations were given by Douglas Weir, five little girls ilâ€" lustrating the word ‘Jesus‘, Jane Karstedt, Jackie McConkey, Betty Watson, Mrs Thos. Currie twice, Isaâ€" belle Karstedt; vocal selections by Sarah McMillan in fine voice, six litâ€" tle girls in a lullaby; 8 girls and 2 boys sang "Merry, merry Christmas"; A fine pantomime by Anna McVicar, Aileen Karstedt and Doreen Teeter, with Miss Anna McLean in the vocal part; four little girls in a fine duett, with Isabelle Karstedt in the alto, well taken for one so young: the others were Eleanor and Maréamt Johnston and Betty Watson. Nine other girls gave a selection to the tune of ‘Yankee doodle‘, names not secured, though we dislike omitting any; marches, plays or dialogues by two Johnston girls, three Weirs, and Jane Karstedt; ‘a friend in need‘ by six boys; "Uncle Hiram‘s awful cold" by O.D.R. ?uptls was well given; "Strike on Santa Claus" by Billy and Betty Corbett. The Public School concerts schedâ€" uled gor Thursday evening as canâ€" celled by doctor‘s ordersâ€"measles. On Saturday afternoon our annual Xmas tree was erected,â€"a beauty, in front of the monument, with its two Mr and Mrs Joe Oliver Mr Mrs Bill McKenzie of Dromore, ited Wednesday at Mr. Ben Kenzie‘s. Miss Jean Hincks of Toronto is home for the Christmas vacation. Mrs Walter Neun of Toronto visit ed recently with her son Elmer. Mr. Murray McMillan spent past couple weeks in Toronto. On Tuesday night a presentation was held at the home of Mrs Wm. Aldcorn for the brideâ€"toâ€"be, before her recent marriage. About 35 ladies were present and the evening was spent in music, community singâ€" ing, Gaelic songs and solos. A mock wedsing created much fun. Mrs W. Watson acted as groom, Miss Mary McKinnon as bride and Miss Nellie McLean performed the ceremony. Mrs A. J. McVicar gave the bride away and Mrs. Joe Harrison played the wedding music. Miss Catherine McVicar read an address and Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn presented the bride with a purse containing nearly $20. Miss Reiley made a fitting rep]-y and thanked all kindly for the gift. A bountiful lunch was served and A most enjoyable time was had. Mr. Clifford Hincks who is teachâ€" ing schocl at Hudson is spending Christmas vacation here. Mrs Eliza Burt is a patient in the General hospital, Toronto. |_ _On Tuesday afternoon the W.M.S. and willing helpers held their â€" anâ€" nual meeting in the church. Mrs. Sutherland presided, and gave a readâ€" ing on the Child. Miss Nellie Mcâ€" Lean gave a reading and the treaâ€" surer‘s report, after which the elecâ€" tion of officers took place as follows: Pres., Mis Sutherland ; vice pres., ‘Misu Mary McEachern; treas., Nellie ’Mcbean; sec‘y, Mrs Wm. McMillan; ass‘t sec‘y, Miss Margaret McArthur. The Willing Helpers‘ meeting folâ€" lowed. In the absence of the pres. and sec‘y, Mrs Aldcorn and Miss M. Stewart, _ Mrs Sutherland presided .. | Mrs Henry Tucker gave a splendid paper on Christmas customs in othâ€" er lands. Mrs A. L. Hincks gave a _ reading, "How Christmas came to the poorhouse; Miss Nellie Mcâ€" ‘Lean gave the treasurer‘s report, with a good balance on hand. â€" The election of officers took place as folâ€" lows: pres., Mrs Wilf. Watson; sec. Mrs Boice; _ treas., Miss Nellie Mcâ€" Lean. It was decided to hold the meetings in the homes intead of the church. Mrs Sutherland kindly offerâ€" ed her home for January meeting. Mrs Wilfl. Watson, Mrs Boice, Mrs Congratulations to Miss Alice Reilâ€" ey and Mr Elford Watters who were married Wednesday. J. A. Mac Cuaig, Miss Nellie Mcâ€" Lean and Mrs Archie MacCuaig were appointed to draft out the program, for 1936. Mrs McMeekin and Miss Nellie McLean served lunch. PRICEVILLE t and visâ€" Mcâ€" THE DURHAM REVIEW We, your friends of the village, have gathered together to telebrate with you your last evening before setting sail on the sea of matrimony. May your barque be steered clear of anything that may mar your happiâ€" ness and prosperity through a long ‘and happy married life. Linch was then served by the hosâ€" tesses of the evening, Mrs. Aldcorn and Mrs. McVicar, and their assistâ€" ants. ‘Sailor‘s hornpipe‘ was danced by Catherine McVicar. ‘Goodnight, laâ€" dies‘, and ‘Auld Lang Syne‘ closed an enjoyable evening. Reporting that exquisite mosaics uncovered by workmen in the Church of the Nativity at Bethichem in the Moly Land are believed to be reâ€" mains of the earliest church built around the Sacred Manger. Read the article in Sunday‘s Detroit Times. During the past you have been a constant resident in our midst, with always a cheerful word and a smile for all. It is a pleasure to know that you are going to spen‘ your future life near your old home. Your unâ€" failing affability, your courtéous manâ€" ner and your unbounded social ability and friendly intercourse with all, has endeared us to you. We now ask you to accept this gift as a token of our best wishes for your happiness throughout your wedâ€" ded life.. We hope to have you minâ€" gle with us in the near future. Gigned by: The women of the Village. Although taken wholly by surprise Alice fittingly thanked the ladies. The evening was spent in social chat, community singing, solos in English and Gaelic, and a very interâ€" esting mock wedding was then perâ€" formed, which caused much merriâ€" ment. At the conclusion of the cereâ€" mony, the brideâ€"toâ€"be was called forâ€" ward to salute the bride. An address was then reac by Catherine McVicar and a sum of money presented by Mrs. Aldcorn. The address: Dear Alice: NEW DISCOVERIES ABOUT THE SAVIOUR‘S BIRTHPLACE On the evening previous to her marriage, Alice was requested to come to the home of Mrs. Al€corn; and upon arriving, found the house filled with guests. After the reception the young couâ€" ple left on a short honeymoon ‘mid showers of confetti. On their return they will reside on the groom‘s farm near Priceville. . /‘ "~ The home of Mr and Mrs F. P. Reiley was the scene of a quiet and interesting wedding when Rev. J. W. Johnston united in marriage Alice Isabelle, their elder daughter, and Elâ€" ford Mervin, only son of the late Mr and Mrs Hugh Watters. The couple were unattended. ‘The bride wore a pretty gown of monet blue crepe, with a corsage of gardenias. H On the 3ist December, a joint watchâ€"night service will be held in the Presbyterian Church, to welcome in the New Year. An _ extempore programme may be given before the supreme moment. AHl welcome and invited to attend. The choir of St. Columba gave a fine anthem on Sunday, "a song the world is singing" (i.e.) "O come all ye Faithul", with girls and boys reâ€" sponding in a fine setting of the latâ€" ter, by J. Lincoln Hall, as a chorus. More are expected on the eventful day of the year. We, as well as othâ€" ers are always glad to greet them. At a recent meeting of the W. Asâ€" sociation, a successor in her absence was elected to the position of presiâ€" dent, vacated by the former presiâ€" dent. Owing to pressing duties, howâ€" ever, she cannot accept. ~A way will no doubt be found to kesp this fine organization afloat. No names as yet allowed to be mentioned. Miss Marion Muir, the affable teaâ€" cher at Oro Station, is home for the statutory holidays, looking well. The rink has been placed in readiâ€" ness for its first arplicaticn of "aqua forte." Pump installec with all neâ€" cessary piping, and wires all strung ready to be fixed or attached. _ On Sunday, the two young beautiâ€" ful brides of this town, were duly ‘kirked‘, and were naturally the re cipients of many heartfelt wishes. This includes genuine ones from your scribe. . score or more of multiâ€"colored lights. A sight to ravish the eyes. Send out your chairman of Board of Works to see it. No charge, or patent on it. WATTERS â€" REILEY &A ND VICINITY Durham Public School pupils, teachâ€" e oR esn Ne TeE ers and their friends, jammed _ the G?od going ‘F”‘”“‘W 240 Wednesday, Janjah. ipclueixe.vRetren Town Hall last Thursday for the anâ€" ‘limit to leave: destia@fitionotndatar} e nual Christmas concert. A large than midnight ;FridafdalgnJald, 10369 $ tree adorned the stage, and Principuli mss aagess ds Geo. Noble was chairman over the ; M INI M UM SP BOIRE: ATARRScE s : ~ following lengthy program: chorus.i Adulits ©§0c500. Chitbrmar@be2se. D Jr. Pr. class; _ recitations by Inez| Full particularsaf@O®Rr@BY2A§eRfen: un Randall, Bobbie McTavish, Clare Elâ€" T. M. MoF ADDDBs NovinAg ongs~t, vidge, Pearl Wilson, Mel Barfoot, Isâ€"| obel Whitmore, Gordon McDonnell;i Oanfltfl‘h"“flllc Chinese chorus, Sr. Pr. class; duett | aomneergere by Norma Gagnon and Wilma Clark; Darkiec song, Sr. II boys; recitationsl RESIDENCE CTO R OBÂ¥A Is& . c by Cath. Trafford, Betty Bryon, M.‘ w sixâ€"roomedndiveHieBnon dilzetu}i2 Catton, Nancy Bryon, Jackie Pierson, St. \Durham, wwithit@) dnvententesoets Inez Lawrence, Bobbie ‘Thompson; Garage, ant qUart@rtacrec@ JotAPMyp!y dialogue, Sr. III class; _ Rhythm at Brown home «soÂ¥bme@staot Brptint 6 band by Jr. Pr. class; chorus ‘Good Church), or at Rewtewi®@MMO#hce King Wincelas‘; dialogue, ‘The Day‘ a wress |.........â€".â€"â€"mmmammmemmmmempmeneuumnenemmnemme 3 After Christmas‘; music, Veima Volâ€" \ lett; piano solo, Ishbel McCormick; ‘\ NmE T dialogue Jr. II boys; motion song, \ y Prompicnac * Jr. Pr. girls; _ stocking drill, Jr.| A mgetingider (tretpurporport n II class; duett, Marjorie McDomld.“M"‘ the munricinalpeMoi@ieia® trethe Billy Aljoe; recitations by Delford, !OW® Of\ Durbarkafor fhegiyeapeai9360}6, Davison, Bob Jackson, June Turner, | CODSisting of Martryditrateaix # Ronald McQueen, Ivan Davison, pg. | ctliors, "?""’Wm Herrington, Norm. Lawrence, Ralph 4"4 One PubMoilMilieitiGompmissineonâ€" Wilson; _ Black crow drill, Sr. I1 ** *4 "1 heldeln thetfRowesifeÂ¥LO® lou. boys; dance, Sr. II girls; Christmas Mon4ay, 3403 thethe exercises, First book and Jr. I1; b9U" Of 740 b‘clowkoér thetmét n motion song, Jr. I; nhadowgnph;‘ Should therrebe BB aPlePfienionthethe Sr. boys; _ Duett, Gladys Gray and POWinE Plateseâ€"DefMpuBetRoviesif»â€" Vera Lauder. _ Former principal, J. :‘:’: and| PolPolCleCter®bathdiP bes lag, A. Graham spoke to the pupils at : fOU9Y*®: the close. Miss Norma Gagnon â€" at| _ 8Wb Diy‘sionidieNolâ€"NostarMW f piano accompanied the musical numâ€"| P"P!!¢ 14 PolHaBirflaptice ; * bers. | colm McCalitinmBepmpuBetRuniegiQfâ€"6fâ€" Durham Public School Had Fine Concert way Monday, December 23rd. Altho‘ not in the best of health for over a year, her passing came as a shock to her many friends, especially to her husband and son Will of Toronto. Mrs. Fettes was formerly Christina Dunn, and was a friendly industrious woman. For years the family attendâ€" ed Esplin Church Funera) services will be held Thursday and interment will be to Dundalk Cemetery . not in the best of health year, her passing came as her many friends, especiall husband and son Will of Mrs. Fettes was formerly The United W.M.S. will 2nd at the home of Mrs. The Season‘s Greetings locality to Editor and all "The Review". LATE MRS. FRT Mrs. Geo. Gilkes Christmas with her Blackall, Toronto. spent Christmas with her p; and Mrs Neil McEachnie. Mr and Mrs Harry Scott of Durham, were first of visitors with his mother, Scott. Mr. John Armstrong‘s fine criving shed was destroyed by fire of unâ€" known origin, last week. Most of the implements were saved. Not so many years ago. consumption was the world‘s greatest scourge. 1t it still a deadiy menace but not so potent because of the effective means which have been taken for its prevention and Mr Geo Wale was home from Torâ€" ento for Christmas. C So many of the children have been sick with colds, whooping coughs, etc., that it is reported to have put quite a damper on the Christmas concerts, Sorry to hear little Mac Love, son of Mrs Harold Love, is very ill with pnuemonia. Mrs John Beckner spent a few days last week with her children in Stratford. Mrs. J. Ferris and daughter Violet are spending Christmas in Toronto, with her sisters. Mr and Mrs Albert Riddell and daughter, Fergus, spent the first of the week with his mother, Mrs Jas. spend World‘s Greatest Plague Being Overcome Stewart Sr. the winter 1 _ MRS. FETTES y short illness with pnueâ€" James Fettes passed aâ€" _ December 23rd. Altho‘ is spending this sister, Mrs. G. ‘., left last week with his son meet Jan. W.R. Scott. from this readers of ne from the s vacation. €, â€" Guelph, parents, Mr home 1 College the from ) for Jim . | consist‘ng Of MaXOLy JHfGTO®c iX ~ ‘ | ofllors, three PubMebifichDeAoGrUPteRIes , and One PublicilMiliWe®iConpmmiesiqetonâ€" 1 er will be heldcin thetfRoweskieÂ¥@2 on ; Monday, Iecomberbi9th01h93593#} &hethe :| hour of 7.*(1 Ucm l_hstlfi woon . of Rocky RESIDEDNCE TDR OSA isR . c w sixâ€"roomedndwe«HirBionp dilein St. |Durham, withig@@) onventontes Garage, anc quartartacreck@t JotApMy at Brown home MsoÂ¥kme@stba@t BAptist: Church), or at Rewtewi@MO#Rce Monday, NDecemberbé9tbo<h93§93| &h hour of 7.40; d‘cl@@kodr thetmét Should therpebe B# afplePfienionth polling plaves;â€"DePMpuBetRoviegi 12â€" ficers and| PolPolCleCker®baihdp bes follows : 1 Prov. Highwaydjoné, ©)«onigeiGoch night ThuradeyJalangasya$y 19364936 FARE »ANANA AHMARrp . FOR THEHREORNDONCRIPRir ‘ Good going:~FridagrgayDecDec20 240 Wednesday, Janjah. ipclueixe.vRetren limit to leavedestiaa®ontionotndat than midnight;Fridafialgnjald, 10369 Good going Decpmbenb80 to amdainâ€" cluding Jangaryaiy 1RetR@mulmitnite leave destination ipot maten thashard 1 + hw 19 ° C | a B M§ || . § Makatormme 21 | TR a (f § TheBetaf | & o T | an k is Wf To our ManvafyicAdends I h § W and Coustpretsmers (s }".. § and to thosnowhowhne arsot n F'?_ T §ff | yet numberssbriet aar aatnemsronf§é | 2 L. ® t ( se | i WE~MWISMISh WMAPMRPy, #B g fim t a Prosperque o bke W E WE ME A RIPR #11 ;_‘ We thankappuyofor fpouro "‘ n ce pg gonerous supporipéntthe thastp2<Â¥s ;’4 my ms, and assure wouyoh @ifr oomeorR® ".J‘., $F .stant «effortBortin &n faitbirs R |#R h# endeavorvcto tophaisholdliveliv }f ¢ is < stock valuesuthromgbogbothe +993 zes ar ‘coming yeamear, o #\u L j R yA ‘ x May ‘we wevaayeupourFirgtir K FL N | Shipment ciet tire thewn deaÂ¥rta iX F} I x N |Pâ€"â€"â€"= & DUNNS& KEVAUCKGKa..é5 s * DUNN®& EVA GiKa.: Jad w ‘Canada‘siFTealinglikéy@ive /s ‘ L o.s k Stock Brkl@penrhen‘ y apreasi 8 Establisbbdh£893 893 i § n Â¥% Union Stockollar®ar®ErGmten ue ‘ | [3 0 Mtrtâ€"n Reducedd FÂ¥#rer Between all pointsinim Gean@gasca FARM FORoRAt&L@RoREWENT Contain‘ng 4981ks WereereBl8tus00%B ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO NEWXN BALRB s FARE RNAND QUABDXAET cR FOR "THERORNO NTRIPR|p Canada‘siFTealinglikéy@ive Stock BR @teahen® EstablisbBdhe893 892 ion Stockodlar®ar®ErGnten pp 6. M. RHARkEQNo®A A E. M.;»â€" n | A. h, C, M. m kbnom RostoGraguate.+â€"A\ma, Golege ... ’I:Ln Pam#}+dftotrin. A, A. G. @. © Voonl.,Theary,Harmony, Clor,. pution icand. Rhysigal ~Guiture., ASpecial .; courserfor ; ad vanioed pupila, ; including .. Happ :Qulture, and, Arm â€"Gouphps. .Beâ€" ... he he 16, _ To memerse the;;pauae.Of ~A18MA80 »», Mry : â€"Chicoprastinâ€": adjuetments,, : »Mag .:. ‘“’unfi#mr&‘%:.â€"m ye â€" C. 6. ANQD UOntanin:& Rominionideand: Surveyor. . egtstered ; Profesgionad . Engineer . . ; BurÂ¥eye; ; sReports, »Estimates .Plaps. ; Teltphopme 241, QRANGECHIE, Ont. â€" 1y a¢ R« Hduoomfimma'ronu..,mtm GTM Royab Goll. Dental. Surgeons : : of @Qnt@rigwio . |RONOEDNEBUENETE; m. ©, | GEDRGEE. DUNCARK: ; thed forrchildzep; 0( prenchoo!l age «. Yh. commepced teaching . ,Btudig.or .â€" & Lawrepme‘s.matore,. Hours;i to @ ; 1. m. Phonge #5 .95 _ Dentblstrytin all its Qranohes\e» BAÂ¥Aay _ GARAxXTRAAcHON®» «C. CICKERML»ODSs)108 : E. GRANIND.D8:,3.,0.8. s. J. L. MeQUARRRB. A. a ffioet over vRoyab yBank, »Durbam .. OUBBrm:@: â€"+â€" 4. p; h n 7 + 8. m We m Seo: pour, local Shirepractore , entiend a Resiléence; cCorter ~Gouge : ‘b-umdmmsu-m.mm-.u. exThounion® to 1b ams 130: te 4> . mp.f 16 2 opnp. Aundaysexcepted : ~4 L. $M8TH] M, Bi, M, G4, 2.5:; A few (dinetint MENG\MIOSH s thawill w ithalkea imice, i oK m@in., reg@nd®in ( s _ RERRERMGINMG ABBUAL AL bo Havie#o whhoo dtoro J. 5. MAKRMIWHH Lamhtom:84., Qyrbast @nto ns . ‘tiblourmers :1.30 e 400 pom, 7.30 un 20008 mp. F. PM NE AGAESO®I : v Bundalk~P.0; Phoneâ€"42 143 .: CHWIRORMRACX1G 1¢ & specialty,| ; \sOvep vRoyrb yBank, «Durbam.. .». BESStE i Mb DR.0@. H. SNEACHJM. A PARK i; se n m m n , i wA «%

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