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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1936, p. 1

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the - Marl plch Phi“... tttat for a! the my my“ m" '""v'l't'if. no tee, III n-Iwmvd "I: “a the run- i"n‘..ii‘..ih2~ __ Witt Ind by MI. 0 he to the NM N. 16, 1936 may up". ‘s Inert... CORNERS rm fur In". I“ it"f, t,to%lf T "re"tto 0* r‘llllnhl um " trom subor- prr _ silt. "a! Sauna“: nun _ o. mhrstt 'lata i'tun atm-OI' m the uphi- t'.'t?,'dt'A' " t an” u'lliM etuge., If other ”I IIIM‘IWN'K-I. I mum (Hz: "rd and Ithe al workers Ink-ring in 3use ot ts.. AND LIVE ROM NOW ieclaro. 'OM onward Tens. of have timed confined Ireland . the dry the tat his of the mutually pictures Weekly adios or" en o Ink-I Ma out in. not. laughter M ' muss!" " homeot ham . BPt hir M Ht Mar )llow bone M M Ifte son M Mt an be ad Returning from Galt hockey game in Walkerton, Monday night in the snowstorm. Mr. H. Blake. driving E. Kress' new vs, ran into a truck ownel by Tanner & Goodman ot Wnlherton, parked on right side ot highway without a tail light. Mr. Blake, travelling about 25 miles per hour. noticed it Just too late and swerved enough to avoid n direct head-on collision. A: it was, heed- Iights and radiator were broken. Cnder crumpled and engine damaged, requiring over $100 repair bill. None at the six occupnntn were hurt. end the truck driver. we lean. line u-i sinned All liability for. nnd out: oti the eccident. Meanwhile o. Moon's.‘ A. Sim-pi. B. Innlnnd'e cue hnd' come along end were perked behind Knee: - while viewing the ennui. wh- t M driving hie oer. heme? welt. M tell light of nnother car nheel he moving end etrneh it tin-sing hie tender and running head. end humping the other art nheed. Form-nay there were no “new” other then the can and the eh In - sede- eecnred rldeeI hone with others. I Can in Colliuion Near Hanover. Mr and Mrs J. P. Cmtchley were hosts Wednesday evening to mem- bers and friends at the Agricultural Society for a euthre party " which eleven tables of plan-n "rumpled. The prizes were won by In T. G. Lauder and Mr. J. Teeter. An hour's dancing was enjoyed to music now the Teeter orchestra. Over 810 was realized from the night'u enter- tainment. A hearty vote of than“ was tendered the President and Mrs Cmtchley for the an ot their home tor this event. A tieltehtfut run took place at the hom- of V. w. Allan Kohl-lane on Wednesday evening. when about fifty young people gathered In honor of her daughter Dorothy, who re- cently became the bride of Mr Allan Hemmer ot Neustwlt. Mr George A. Noble read an address to Mr. ttnd Mrs. Hammer and Miss Isabel Jam- leson presented them with 3 china dinner set. Both Mr. and Mrs Ham- mer replied. A social evening and refreshments were enjoyed. Host. to Fair Society Bl Patented w,th Dinner Set A delirium! v'\-_.I' took Fire Nippod in the Bud. On Tuesday night about 10.30 p. m. the tire alarm sounded and cit}. zen: shuddered at the thought of I tire in their midst, amid such 1 bliz- zard as the elements were Inning up at tlw time. Mr. Herb Sills on Upper Durham Road was having I Hanover Y.P.S. Visit Knox. About 25 young folks and the pastor of Trinity United church, Han. over, enjoyed a social night of pro pensive crokinole with the young people of Knox church on Monday night. Miss Blake and Mr Granby of Hanover were the prizewinnera. Con. tents and lunch followed. it had been the intention to have a sleigh. riding party together, but the stormy night changed plans. Arthur Village Council still holds its reputation as a weighty body. The one newcomer to the 1936 coun- cil, Prank Green. is a 215-pounder of hourly ' feet in height. When the full body that sit at the council chamber is taken into eontsideration, --the reeve, the council and the eierh,--it is found that they average 215 pounds and are of an Henge ot ' feet. Rev. Robert Bryan? B.A., nu- ton ttd Trinity United church. Col- llngwood. since July 1931 Ma ruin- ed his chum. owing to ill health. The resignation was received by the congregatiOn with sincere regret and - sorrow. byterian church ill hold a. anentlne The annual meeting of the pr, 7.. on Friday. . 14. Keep tttig Pair hoard WM held in “ in mind. ' Hall. Fridny momma, Jan. 17th. . _ President J. F Crutchley presided. I Union Prayer Service " the PI The sec'y-treuurer's report showed list church on Wednesday. in. 29. a marked inereue in receipts for that at it p.m. Rev. W. H. Smith will your an compared with recent years. 'tddretrt, the meeting. ”The expenditures were niso higher' Overland C h tor ssle, w1926 than um]. leaving a smell bank model in good ning order. Will balance of $17.45 on hand. accept good body ood or cash mi The grounds committee convener; payment. A. Wyvill Durham. imported considerable improvements: Rev. Robert Brydon, B.A., ”thawing been performed on the Fair? ton of Trinity United church, Ccl- grounds, the race truck had 'heen put iingwood. since July 1931 has resign- n excellent shape, , Judges stand ed his charge, owing to ill health. "We" and yards tor tsheep and The resignation was received by the tswine constructed. The report aleo congregation with sincere regret and "h.owed greater amount paid out m great Borrow. prize money, as compared with re. cent years. a total of $445.73, while Arthur Village Counril still holds that paid tor attmctions totaled $226, its reputation as a weighty body. 60. Union Pnyér genie. " the Bap- tist church on Wednesday, "n."ttt, " ' p.m. Rev. w. H. Smith will address the meeting. The [Adlai d of Durham Pres- byterlan church m hold a Valentine Tea on Friday. . 14. Keep this In mind. ' VOL. LIX. NO. 4 Ealder's Drug Store Pu. Cod Liver on, " a... 81.00 Wunpole’l Cod “var 011.... $1.00 Kepler's Halt with C.LOit, 96, ISO Puke Dav1l' Cod Liver 011..”.00 Nynl Cod Liver Oil -tea..81.tn Puke Davis & Co capsules 50for 1.25 Catetum A capsules ..l.25 & 2.25 Puke Davis Hnllver oil . . . . . . We PukeDavis Hallver with Yiosterot " VITAHDNE PREPARATION. sho.ttT,tiiiillN Agricultural Society ti9erct, , Has Good Year Hughes. The aideemen were left to be chosen bt the executive com- mittee. tNT, The following members accepted once: People's Warden, A. L. Bald- win; Rector'a Warden, J. P. Crutch. ley; Bee'rtreaa., G. C. Webster; by delente' to the Synod in Lon- don; Robert Burnett, P. J. Irwin; substitutes, Erben R. Schulz, Robert There was a discussion as to a form of memorial to be placed in the church in memory or the late Misses Mary A. and Eliza E. Edge, who had been most. faithful work. ers and to whose legacy to church was largely due its freedom from debt this year. A committee was ap- pointed, Meurs A. L. Baldwin and Robert Hughes, Mrs E. Kresa and Mrs. w. Firth to consider the form ot memorial to express the deep gratitude of rector, wardens and con- gergntion. Mr W. G. Barley we: vestry clerk. Mr G. C. Webster, treasurer gave the financial statement showing a balance on hand. Mr. George Juck- sch reported for the Layman's Asso- ciation. About $100 had been raised which was spent in repair work, es- pecially in the chancel or church. Mrs T. G. Hutton reported the work of the Guild for the year, showing something over $200 had been raised and a small balance was on hand. The Y.P.A. report was presented by Miss Emily Hunt, receipts and ex/ penditure being in the neighborhood) or 3100. The Sunday School report) was givun by Miss [slay Allan. War-g dcn Baldwin and Ward.en Crutchley; each addressed the congregation onl the work ot the year. l A very planing lecture of the; evening wa- the burning ot the ree-i tory manage. This little ceremony! was conducted by the rector in al brief meuage and prayer and the! out“! message and prayer and the watdens and treasurer then burned the mortgage before all present. The annual veatry meeting ot Trin. ity church was held in the rectory and began with a hot supper. Rev. J. R. Thompson conducted a wor- tship service. TRINITY CHURCH CONGREGATION BURN MORTGAGE Memorial Being Pfanned For late Misses Edge The omeers, for the coming year are as follows: Hon. Pres., George Ritchie. John McGin; Pres., J. F. Crutchley; is! vice pres.. J. C. Hamilton; 2nd, R. C. Robinson; Dir.' rotors, T, Bell, A. Lindsay, W. Fery guson, W. Bayley. A. Derby, J. Mtv, Girr, A. Edge, M. Wilson, C. Ban: ber. Lady directors: Mrs J. c.! Hamilton, Mrs N. W. Whitmore, Mrs A. Lindny, Mrs A. McDonald,; Mrs W. R. Clark, Mtg J. Nichol. I The Fair board made a special " fort in 1935 to make their fair more attractive and educative and feel they accomplished this quite satis- factorily. As a result of these extra expenditures and the weather on Mir day not being the best, there are some bills yet to be met, which the ofrteials, hope to clear up within the year. '. O.H.A. DISTRICT STANDING (if, te I Galt: Goal, G. Tremaine, Defence, -----_-.-- ' 'ro. Kent and L. Hubert; centre, Ben- M'LVERTON DROPS OUT (nett; wings, Bryan and Rhodes; Failing to make a showing in dis- =subs. Kelly, C. Hubert, Lema, Fow- tridt games and taking a IF-d trim- ‘ler. Oliver. ming at Palmerston Monday night, I Durham: Goal, MacDonald; defence Milverton has notitied the O.H.A. 'Trushinski and Wilson; centre, Ray- they are withdrawing for the tretMbort. tough bade Arthur an Durham here, that Durham m phyed Per- sun the previoul night. Norman Dean, Durham's shitty lit- tle wingman, had the ends, of two fingers mangled in a machine, while at his work in the furniture factory Saturday. He did not play Monday against Gait in Wtrlkerton, but hopes to be in sinpe for the Owen Sound game here on Friday. . Vernon Eividge, In old Durhnm boy now in Inuineu in Mondale. got into hockey tog: int may and played tor lnrkdnie in Chatsworth, his ttrat some for " "ttr-tnee 1917. Chat-worth won, t1--r. Durham: Goal, MacDonald; defence Trushinski and Wilson; centre, Ray- mum; wings, Cassidy and Bolger (Moses): subs: R. McGirr, Schutz. Rennie and C. McGirr. Moses .) Galt-Bryant (Fowler) Galt-Bennett. Penalties: Bryant, J. Hubert, Oli- ver, Schutz, major; Oliver, major; Kent, Muses maicr. THIRD PERIOD Durham-Cassidy, (Raybould, Schulz I)urhaiu---Raybould. Durham-Cassidy, (Raybould. Schutz Galt-Kent. Durham-Cassidy (Raybould) Penalty-- Moses. FIRST PERIOD Galt-Fowler (Bryant) Du. mm *.‘~AU.“-PS (.Raybould) Galt-Kent. Duihatn--Mosea tRaybould) Penalty-Oliver, i In the fastest hockey seen in this Durham and Owen Sound Int. locality this winter, Durham‘s speed- teams. the clan of the district, will ‘ing Intermediates took Galt into let it out for top place in Durham camp at Walkerton last Monday by rink Friday, Jan. 24th. Neither team a 6---5 count. Gait is in Intermediate has been defeated thits season. and ‘A company, a grade higher than excepting their games with Arthur, Durham, which is now renowned as both have outclassed their opposition one of the best Int. B teams in the try one-sided scores. Every minute Iprovince. It was wide-open hockey will be keenly fought, and the tam, and close as possible the first two may expect the beat game of the frames. Each team scored twice in winter. If you want a seat or even first and once in second. In the standing room, better be on hand third, Durham tlrst took the lead early, as a capacity rink is anticipab when Cassidy made it 4--3 on pret- ed. The new gallery and tiered ty team play, Schutz to Raybouid to seats furnish much more accommo- Cassidy. Durham made it F-3, then dation and better view. . Gait took last 2 to end the game tr-- Palmerston piays the last district 5. Durham had the majority of shots game here 'e", Wednesday the 29th on goal, but could not beat Trem. and Durhaml tintyl game before the nine m Gait nets unless close in. play-oth, is with. ..f'"n Md in McDonald also played a tine game, 'va""'""':...',..'.?,:..,.'.?': but in last frame (which abounded in enjlilmltn. and fights) he was cut Palmerston fated . , l f :(‘.m‘- the eye by a tlying puck ., . l' 1mm put him out of action. It is Durham Winning ll--? ., p V :len optic will be bet, n-r before Friday night's game. In Palmerston last Friday night, Sbout In” to 135 tans accompanied Durham Int. O.H.A. team contin rlu- wan] to Walkerton and were de. ued its winning ways by defeating, Hahn-ti with its showing. the homesters Il--? thereby main. FIRST PERIOD taming their unbroken winning Galt-Fowler (Bryant) streak. Durham played poorly in Inn-n. mun-S (Raybould) Opening and were lucky to have a an”, Kent. 2--1 lead after first period. In the Durham _Moseg (Raybould) sccond Durham struck its stride run- Penalty-Oliver. ning in three counters, while Palm- SECOND PERIOD erston scored their last when Mor- I The beloved 70 year old monarch passed peacefully away at Sandrlng- ham House, Norfolk County, (100 miles from London) at 11.65 mm. i(6.55 p.m. E.S.T.) i The King was suddenly token ill only Friday last. His last appear ance in public was on Wednesday. However he has been in delicate health since 1928, when he contract- ed bronchial pneumonia. Only a "miraele" of medical science saved his life then. News of the King's death anicklv Referee-Martin Lauder Durham Wins (her Call In Exhibition at Walkman News of the King's death quickly spread throughout the Bxitlsh Em- pitr?,---in fact in a short time the news became world-wide news. An Empire Mourns the Death KING GEORGE V FINAL ILLNESS AND LATER DEATH, SHOCKS THE NATlON.-FUNEttAL WILL BE OBSERVED " DAY OF MOURN. ING THROUGHOUT BRITISH PoME8StoN8.--THE PRINCE OF WALES ASSUMES THE TITLE OF EDWARD VIII. Britaiu's new king, Edward Vlll,lsl DURHAM, THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 1936 "I prompted by the With which is incorporafid the Holstgin luau Elnmam ijiiltgitittt gan picked the top of the net, while Wilson and Dean of Durham were both benched. In the third frame Durham displayed the prettiest team play of the season and ran wild to score 6 goals. Had it not been for McCrae's good work in Palmerston nets. there would have been several more. Kemp, Listowel refereed and give Durham 5 of the 9 r.caalties. The Durham goal-getters were Dean 4, Cassidy 2, Rennie 2, C. MeGirr, Tucker, Raybould. of a Beloved Sovereign Palmerston plays the last disulct game here next Wednesday the 29th and Durham's ttnel game before the play-offs is with. Own: Sound in Walkerton, Jan. 3lirt. Durham and Owen Bound Int. teams, the clue of the district, will tight it out tor top place in Durham rink Friday, Jan. 24th. Neither team has been defeated this season. and, excepting their games with Arthur,! both have outclassed their opposition! by one-sided scores. Every minute, will be keenly fought, and the tans: may expect the beat game of the, winter. If you want a seat or even' standing room, better be on hand early, as a. capacity rink is anticipav Owen Sound Ulympics " Meet Durham Friday No monaich in world history was ever closer to his people than King George V of Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Dominions, beyond the seas; Emperor ot India. In no nation or group ot nations were mu- tual respect and affection more mani- fest. 41 year-old bachelor, the Prince of Walea. and the most popular man a.- mong the 500,000,000 persons who swear allegiance to the British tlag. In the words ot another great Brit. on, the late Rudyard Kipling, Ed- ward of Wales “could walk with Kings nor lose the common touch". and it is this attribute that endear: him to his subjects. Deceased was an active member of Lawns Presbyterian church, Dor- noch and also one ot ita Bond of Managers. The late Mr. Mills was in days of health an active mun, possessed ot a keen intellect and a. well-developed sense ot humour. He was a great reader and raconteur, and was most entertaining in relating storm ot pioneer days. and in converging on world events. Widely known. and everywhere loved Ind highly respect- ed, his passing brings regret: from a blond circle of friends. Deceased was the son of late .1110. and Hannah Mills, and a pioneer of Sullivan township. where on the 4th concession, two miles north-west of Dornoch, he was born on April 14, 1859. In 1892 he was married to Christen. Stewart of Bentinck and they resided on the old Mills home- stead until their removal to Durham in 1924. They had no family and she, and one brother Wm.. Grande view, Manitoba, survives him. Two brothers. James and Robert are de- ceased, also one sister, Mrs Ju. At- chison (Maggie) formerly of Aber- deen and later of St. Helena. After a. lengthy illness of over five months, Mr. John Mills, died at his home on Bruce Street on Monday afternoon in his seventy-seventh year. Hardening of the arteries hastened the end, though for the past two years he has been in failing health. Over three months ago be spent a few weeks in Durham hospital, but he yearned for borne and as but little could be done for him in hos- pital, he was taken back home where thirteen weeks since. his wife has night and day been his faithful at- tendant and nurse. Tho Review acknowledges an invi- tation to the graduation exercises of Flames Estelle Watson and Jean Holmes Watson, (daughters of Ar- chibald B. and M13. Watson) from Highland Park High School on Mon. day, Jan. 27, in the Metropolitan Methodist Etrlt"eopa1Aettureh, Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Ambrose anan of Hamilton. visited his mother, Mrs Nicholas Faun a few days last week " the home ot his sister, Mrs James Saun~ ders. He was accompanied by his daughter Jean, who will visit rela- tives here, and also with her cousin Mrs Clarence Hutchinson in Mark- dale before returning to her home in Hamilton. Mr and Mrs A. Keller called on Mrs Jno. Thompwn and Dina at Mr Wm. Tttompson'ts, Lunbton Bt., r cently. Mr. Wm. Moore, Glenelg. Is a patient receiving treatment at Dur- ham hospital. Mr. Eddie McQueen in a pouch! was in Toronto General Hospital. His Mfg brother Donia wu in the city to then see him over the weekend. Son: Mrs Cecil Barber got a can home wen on Tueuday morning " her mother with is quite Ill. Hop OBITUARY JOHN MALLS city to their 40th wedding anniversary. Some. Utirty-tive immediate relatives JI home were present and patented them mother with an electric heater. In Robert Hopkins lead In adam- and Mrs. lied on W. J. Porter made the presentation . at Mr Both Mr and In hurl-em expmst St. r ed their deep appreeiaticn. ....Newspapers 'onld be seeking a new subject tor nt page news. Get, Nomcorn at chcn's Drug Store. ' If Haile Se ssie’s troops wene as effective in removing the Italian Peril as Nonco in removing coma Mr Philip Lawrence war a son of the late Mr and Mrs John uwrence ot Egremont and In Lawrence was the eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Anthony Lawrence of Glen. elg. They were married in the home of the bride’s parents January 15, 1896, by Rev. w. Connor. Mitttt El- isabeth Bell, now Mrs Alfred Hol- stoek of Owen Bound was brides. maid and William uwaenee, brother of the groom was heat man. Mr and Mrs Lawrence lived a number ot years in Egremont before moving to Durham. They have one daughter. Mrs H. Whitby, Toronto, and two g1 anddtuurhtert, . DURHAM COUPLE MARK FORTY YEARS MARRIED LIFE Aspirin, Nerve Food, Kruschcn. (ii. Pills. and all Popular Patents at low prlces. SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR Carin-Bile Tablas. " for Soc Samulnte the Bow of Bile. clams, CIGARETTEO. NEILOON'B cuocoures Puretest Cod Liver Oil Concentrate Tablets Vitamin Tested. plenum Mi It Flavor .... 75v hiphaatettes ----. Each Capsule equal to three. [vurlumnlulr Ayers! Cod Liver Oil. Boxes ._.., $1.00 and $3.50 Carr's Carmiotive ..----. tlic The Baby laxative - Rellevea 'Yveritshnesor. PURETEIT onucs The ANN AL MEETING of tlu, DurhamU.F.0. ivestock Shipping Ass’n at 2.00 p. m. A good an ROBERT Lchou, incident. PATENTS very pleasant loch] evening spent in the home or Mr and P. L. Luvrence in honor of Saturday, Jankry 25th, 1936 Puretttt Cod Liver Oil, Mc & SI Published Wterktr at 82.00 Rexall Drug Store NOW USED BY THE QUIN TLTPLETS Rich in Vitamin IF-the Sunshina Vitamin will be held mammal Library on McFADDEN’S REXALL Drug Store ONTA§T5 It My I. cross, give Carminalin I you In advance. To [mm Staten, C WAG! 1 SON. Publishers Mr truckers: who were charged with carrying ovelloads. their vehi, cles liming been weighed in by Pro- vincial Other 0. Momma and Wal. Ital-ton Town Chief John Ferguson over the weekcnd appeal-m; belon- Mlgiatrue F. W. Walkm- on Tues- day In! in Walked-ton. They Were found guilty by the mun and asylum- ed a line of $10 and ('Ohth. amount- ing in a total of some $15. Those M were: W. Knits oi Hanover; J. Smith ct Allin Park; Harry Lun. dy of “'alkerton; Bin and Smwm-y of Domoch. Lessor charges Pieter. red wins! several of these truckers were withdrawn try the otlicers, TRUCKERS FINED A Union lemorinl service tor the lute King George will be held in Knox United church It 10 on. Tuesday. January 28th. The service will ttrs under the direction of Rev. J. R. Thompson end the other loom min, later: will "tot. A brief address will be given. tt is also expected that the locul returned soldiers will utiend. All returned men are asked to ensemble u the Town Hall at 9.3- The Hull will be open and heated for " who come. As Tuesday next has been proclaimed u Dominion Holiday. the chunrh should be titlvr', to Cupti- city. Union Memorial Service In Knox Church Tuesday TORONTO A.8.A.. " um .......... Me Mandamus. ete Mr ........ 600 Hot Water Bottles ..“c III 81.19 Fitch's Shampoo t-Bmh. M 81.05 ".'.-.-.........r... ter Oc Ovutlne .......... u, " Ind 980 Irradot A .'.'.............. $1.00 Matt, with Cod tdeer Oit..t6e, 1.16 Aspirin .......... 26c.45c and Me ' " Calders Drug Store place is requested teen? BLYTH, Secretary FOR OVE RLOADI NO c. P. R. RAIL " a OCEAN TICKETS E STATnONERv it

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