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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1936, p. 7

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d Words Harald USE 'lbo an " It IL " H _ _.. 'tE "sh.tie mum m m- toil: edteet 'iDr.PtewrrGGiii%GGi '3 _ c' WM and offices sick for an Willa and mm as. body of rs' n; . ttte-tant-tur.)--- "'irit days due to common course. that it In Aha law the :c:1, t'ce sinus infections, 'ttN i'flhdt'2M?gg'hhtt'gt'i,iiitet _ ( r “aluminum any.” "r 'rnfluenz.a, and pneumonia ttsq “chug." "hm 1fi"'W, 'I‘ r'low or begin " colds. in: the "can: use med-d. in! t ', "Iran losing time at school.” Navigable-mun“ “a.“‘u ",; :rhty thousand more deaths be- " October and April. the m" '-y nsxnciated with common cold: I rhvix vomrlieations 'Tam million wage earners in in- "y, stores and offices sick for Evan: eight days due to comm _ ani the sinus infection, not. war. influenza, and pan-mu m method of writing, according to his daughter, Clara Clemens (in "My Father: Mark Twain”). Some- times he made out the skeleton of a plot beforehand. Attain, he allow- ed the plot to grow " he wrote., Once he said in . letter to his virus "I am trying to think out a more “wry, I've got the closing sentence of it all arranged and it is good andi ltrnnr. but I haven't got any of the] nut or the story yet. I don't know, when- to locate it, nor what It in to' t,, rs',. ...-v v")? Arnold “It: then other -ir:xhle effects of coidl during :10 winter: Yr "e" ~~v an" lnx a gardener, he naked him they were produced. "Well," said the old fellow, begins hundreds of years ago, we cuts and w. rolls, and w. Ind we cuts, and we keep. CI Ind rollin', as Pm rollin'; and t how we gets 'em, air. Quite simple, you In. MARK TWAIN had no deter or! method of writing, accordin; 1m daughter, Clam Clem-n- ili'AGo.--The United sum t,' ~ncozing bill is n 8100.000.- n, figure to sneeze at. at amount for autumn of $ 1 00,000,00o Sneeze, Hy jingo! hy wingo! and by finkat isn't that delicious? AT THE TIME Mark twain got his degree from Oxford University he afterwards went for g stroll in the University gardens and WM much struck by the velvety, billiard] table-like looking luau. Approach-I Ins: a gird-n..- " an”, .. . ed an lm' I friend of amount for treatment of ram until spring declared Lloyd Arnold, of the Uni- of Illinois College of Medi- pm: often consciously praised Atl work. And why not? Boon 1. < poem "Maud" was publish- , mm! with the Browning: and unquished company, and after i' read them the entire poem, ‘1‘: it in the early hours of the ng. Overcome by his own} " he paused at intervals to u- I xix audience, “There's . Tee touch."' or “Than very tend-4 ur even "How beautiful that] hem] of the poet's - Min 'n - tells how Tennyson on- t her for a long Sunday mor.. alk and recited "Maud" to hot I” stop suddenly and " her -. - ‘We the cats and by jinn! the very n. "able: in their garden! They wor- Ihipped them because of their use. The Sun, he made things grow, also the moon, Ibis, he killed the you: Crocodiles and therir On]. The eat did the same thing; " also destroy- ed billions of rats.’ AND IT GETS even better as it Brre1 along: , "When people dyed," note. the' yuan: historian, "if they had been grand all their lives, they were wrap- pwl up tightly in linen and after centuries the person becomes " hrlun as black walnut but if ther vim-.- hull they were buried with no Lynn-4 , no matter if they were l.» h' nr common men . . . These C, 1.3.. were called mumies and they "ml them in temples, ruins or pr- xl- uh ' . . Ramese the Great was v n of the greatest kings of Egypt.; I. was brought up with 1700 little! rl, that were born on th. “In": A.... you think Browning could 'hat line? Do you think he could?" al" only v -- - od priests ttnd Menu kept their ned priests and Manes hm their customs and worshipped their (ads. I'll tell you about them. First, the Sun. the moon tad u bird called Ibis. Second, the oxen, the dogs, the cats and by jingo! the very vo- rnfnhfnu i.. "o,.'.. _“" . - "The first real king of Em: In: 'Memes' and be aimed about 5,091 "n. 130. H. enlarged his eonn- try . lot by building dike. along the Nile which overflowed in the end of Spring. Before None: their "ttrn- od priests and: Mane: kept their and nrinn" “" ‘l’ . - "__-. .u v";- tnal composition - spoiling and all --written by the future President when only nine yen: old. It is on "Ancient History." "The first real king of Egypt no anmDI' -...l 1- -_S_, - . . n at King Arthur's Court' for time in more than 80 yet". otliu:iously pleased with it-- 'uu':ttif.vimr surprise." H RECALLS the fact that Pithy e m Thebes. These H ' good friends of his am ml to make his kingdom The working people had . . The kings made so hard and gave them I at by wingo! they nearly 'Id by jinks! they had 1 clothes so thev died in HERE IS nu “the I] comm-inn“ - ttren n ode, often ll'. I read 'A C crally gardens and was ck by the velvety, billiard, looking lung. Approach. ”m" M" "a“ "wr h Ifl you have catarrhal deafness or e . em noises tro to your druggist and It Browning (e.ul.d get 1 oz. of Parmint (double 'lf,',, Do you think,Gtremrth), and add to it lk pint of lin. hot water and a little sugar. Take I y truthfully answer, , tablespoonful four times a day. chuckles Miss Harri-' This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathe ---- ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It " L000 Sneeze, essy to prepare, costs little, and is "------ pleasant to take. Anyone who hes eatarrhal deafness or head names the United States should give this prescription a his“ letter to Chm Clem. Of the 1%th y he naked hr]; atest kings of Egypt. t up with 1700 little horn on the slme day es'. These kids be.. 1.r they had hardly they died in quad- ttlla, and we rolls we keeps cuttin' rollin'; and that's they nearly-itil; 'onnectieut fact that determin- and they 1 great rl noth- them so litt- and W HY FEAR lf YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES co shoulinot seem-such a miracixl- on: thing." "When we stop to consider that all of life, as we understand it, springs from I little seed, then a progression of life beyond this present experien- Additional interest is given to this) year's calendar picture by me fact that plans are now going actively forward for a centenary celebration next July. f Was Canada's first railroad open- ved in 1836 or 1887.' Were the can ‘hauled by a locomotive or by horses on the inaugural run? How big was the locomotive and did it break down or not? H _ m...“ nau- In} :32“; as it,” Gil/Ji en I Wat of Genuine mm! Milk of Madman PH I LLipsa 4/514 (70% Mao In [duet tom: Phillips MukmMam-a “but: are now Th, sale at all drug new everywhere. hach tiny Placing tle equiya- A ." -- .u-vvv “I” . . . often in Inmates! Simply take Philtipe Milk ot Magnesia alter meals. Almost ins m lately this act. to neulralize the stomach acidity that brings on your trouble. You "forget you have a stomach!" Try thu Mt once: Take either the familiar liquid TryLLirii;"i' or: now the convenient new Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablet. Rm L- Cure you get MOTHERHOOD? --dhse art Add-Form... a.” 1eeerTaiJiiriiri Stomach" .43 Tim... 1., New to Rake... nouns" ‘hatlnuchofthen. called 1uftuit,t,,.'s tmen which no "my ot Im suffer. is really and "tat. diguu'on . _ _ hm...“ -L, . . " You Eat Starch" Meats. Sweets Read Thin ' THE perio.d --Mary Pickford u 'nuine nee., Take either the upHILLlPS» ", or: neat new Phillip: ia Tablets. But be tine "PHILLIPS a. queue; "Each yen- I go any to be closer to my husbnnd." --0% Patron A remarkable fact is that the out- er London districts are probably al.. ready more populous than the county itself. The latest figures or. 4,170,- 800 and 4,230,201: respectively. Within two year: from 1982 the gap: had been reduced from more than! 400,000 to 59,200. - _ In "London Statistics" nearly every branch of London's activities is reduced to figures. Use of the franchise, the steady migration to outer London, wages, public assist.‘ ance, public health, drainage, hour ing, town planning, par-kl, enter. tainments, police, education end fin.. nnce. [included in "London Statistics," pub.. lished recently. ! Altogether 73,867 acres are devot- , ted to agriculture within the county iot which 694 acres are under the plow. There are M acres of wheat, {five acres of oats, and M acres of mangolds. Clover and rotation grasses account for 42 acres, and a further 1,807 are: are devoted either to grass for hay or to rough grazing. I LONDON.~Londc agricultural workers, milking cows, and, prising, 105 acres I These are some ol lilting to the capit; industry which have by the London com included in "London lished recently. , Potato Planting i' Quite Popular 'l The carload quantities of discard- ‘ed Playthings involved were gather.. (ed by the Scouts and Guides from (many Bources---in many places by {house to house collection. Large iquantities were secured through ’public school "toy showers,” and Pore Saturday morning "toy Shop I matinees" given by the managers of ‘movie theatres, the admission being !one toy, old or new I A number of Scout troops in the "London Statistics" Shows Interesting Figures in Every Activity 1" Latest reports record the l;tion of a chain of 159 Scout t ll mas Toy Repair Shops, atre‘ ' from Sydney in the east to l l Rupert in the west. While the distribution of reconditioned "things was made in the cities jii2'lt many thousands also I lent children on farms, with e ‘ ial attention to those on p iliiiiai"i"t"e'l2'. To help their br lscouts at Regina, Moose Jaw i Saskatoon meet the heavy del (from their areas, the Seoul ILondon. Ottawa and Mnnhml' q -, ...... A'AVllll‘EIl mac Tsubstantinl bulk shipments of re- paired toys to those points. As in former years the Girl Guid- es and Brownies took on the task of "newinsr" and dressing the dolls. Many thousands were distributed lo.. cally or mailed to other less fortun.. ate girls in every part of the Do-: minion. v. "curly nine per cent. greater in 1986 than in 1934. This year the excess of exports over imports was $130,684,265, compared with $108,- 852,569 for the corresponding 10 months of 1984. Contributing to this favorable posi. tion in the primary and processing industries were exports of newsprint which in that period this year totall.. ed $70,204,70tj against $65,859,989. Exports of nickel rose from 29: Kne -----_ - " mans! 'increue was not so spectacul [undoubted gains were Ichic most of them. Canadn atom among the trading nations world in that period. Her i and exports had a value of ' 258,937, compared with $967,8 or nearly nine per cent. grea 1935 than in 1934. This ye excess of exports nvnr inn-‘4 "our-.-“ "sun “I! ‘corresponding 10 months of last year. Up to October 81 new con. struction in the Dominion in 1935 amounted in value to $40,680,687, against 322,813,170, 1 gain of close to M per cent. OTHER ACTIVITIES . IN OTHER lines of industry the increase was not so spectacular, but undoubted gains were achieved in most of them. Canada stood sixth Imong the trading nations of the World in that period. Her imports and exports had a value of $1,042,.. 258.937 --..-u_.., im-w-- - 9rrAwA---canadau world lender- Ihlp in improvement in the can- Itruction industry for the first 10 months of 1986 is refleeted in the total nine of buildings authorized for that period, compared with the f.-.-.- 41” - - which have been collécted London county council and Gain i: Building lit Coma; Leads The World! the eapital's ha; known r~~- r“)‘ was made in the cities and nany thousands also were ldren on farms, with espec- Ition to those on prairie tds. To help their brother tRegina, Moose Jaw and n meet the heavy demand sir areas, the Scout: at! Ottawa and Montreal made .I Lullr . . --London possesses 273 workers, 1,879 pigs, 822 i, and, even more aur- acres potatoes. , compared with tsiiir,U'i,%' J" -s-, u exports over imports was 4.265, compared with $108,- for the corresponding 10 of 1984. buting to this favorable posi- the primary and processing 1 s were exports of newsprint t that period this year totall.. t {14,700 against $65,859,989. i " ..:..I.-| - is 83 p.c. In 10 Months Total $22,313,170 To $40,530,687" morning "toy Shop by the managers of the admission being of the figures re- lg 10 months of last to October 81 new con- the Dominion in 1935 a value to $40,li30,687, .313,170, a gain of close thin the county are under the acres of wheat, 159 Scout cikii.. rose from b2s,iroi(.' the opera- stretching to Prince the chief tted play- closel} eonstruad" bii the temperature is too , “V. "' U. Borted out. The best storage tem- fit 'ayetuttttg t {literature is from M degrees to Jt6 nine months tl degrees F. Storing potatoes in the "710,000,000 basement of a dwelling house " not 458,000,000 l es A rule, satisfactory owing to the period of 1984, difficulty of providing proper "nu. lumen new latfon. Many thousands of bushels benefit :31qu of potatoes m lost “Ch YOU: 832411300 mm I. When going into storage, pounds should be as dry as possible. All di.. oued or dtueirmrtutrers should be em it himself. For th;s Tirrr/ii the small five-pound and ten-pound Canadian Stilton should be featur- ed. be made to gratify this taste. But the well-ripened Cheddar cheese is hard to come at, unless the connois- seur buys a whole cheese and rip- "-- " L:_h,un - --- - -___..' v: wDLc aor cheese in this country. There is the taste for "green" cheese, and ap- parently that is not very widely in- dulged. Then there is the "eultr. vated" taste which goes after cheese of foreign make for the most part --Gortronzola, Roquefort, Camem- bert. With proper handling and ripening. our Canadian Cheddar can The per canita consumption of cheese in Canada is only about one.. third of that in the United Kingdom. Something ought to be done about this. aumpuon ot cheese and milk in Can- ads. It is estimated that 70,000,000 pounds of cheese will be produced in Canada this year, with approxi- mately 3 value of $6,825,000." Branches of the Federal Depart.. ment of Agriculture have unann- taken a survey to discover the con- sumption of cheese and milk in Can- ads. In an address on "Scouting as a World Peace Movement" before the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Cathedral, the 8th Saskatoon Crew passed the Saskatoon, Rover Squire Shrader of point of individual responsibility to show friendliness. There are two kinds of taste IO , uAuLlng public skating rinks. i Toronto Scouts and Cubs will on January 18th, Saturday. repeat their big city-wide collection of used clothing for the various Neigh- borhood Relief agencies. Last year the collection of clothing and foot- wear made by the organized effort of the Scouts in one day surpassed all previous total collections during a year. Rev. G. Kendell arranged for a visit to Bond Head, Ont., of his for- mer Boy Scout troop in Toronto, as a first step forward toward organ- ‘ ization of a troop at that place. Thirteen clergymen of as f,.',',',',?,} churches of different denominations in Kitchener and Waterloo met the Executive of the North Waterloo Scout Association to discuss exten- sion of the Movement in those cities. 1 District Commissioner L. L. Laing cautioned against the creation of new packs and troops before suit- t able leaders had been secured. In an address on "Scouting as a “In-pl: D‘““‘ ‘I N small communities in of Canada are again t crating public skating The bulletin showed general im.. provement in other industries as well as building. Industrial activity in Canada increased nine per cent. over the same 1934 period. l The leading increase was shown by Russia, 20 per cent. Italy followed with 19 per cent. The United King-f dom figure was seven per cent. l In national currencies the value of imports in October, 1935, increased over that of October, 1934, by 12 per cent. in Canada, and 37 per cent. in the United States and BFIUIIIM m.,, we! am lost and: ya: "M,yr0,imiriia"reii, storing in faulty _col!lrl. and an incl-nu " Storing Potatoes leoal and coke production. GENEVA REPORT GENEVA,--canadtt led the world in improvement in the building industry during the tirgt 10 months ot 1935. u compared with the corresponding period of 1934, according to the monthly statistical bulletin of the League of Nations, published recently. Canada', increase was 88 per cent Next came Australia, with I 50 per cent. increase, and the United States with an increase of 45 per cent. The United kingdom', increase was 17 per cent. I Consumption Of Cheese In Canada For the most part the primary in- l/i';.), of Canada have registered marked production gains in the put 10 months. Precious men]: have tut.. nnced considerably, while a note- worthy Increase has bran shown In coal and coke Drodurtinn , _ v- -." ' law mobiles and their parts from 318,- 060,275 to $22,231,663, and wood pulp from $21,129,298 to $22,648e 624. 988 to $29,705,583: copper, from $18,217,688 to _$24,232,129; tuto- ion of clothing 31;;wa by the organized effort uts in one day surpassed I total collections during Kendell arranged for I again this winte; ent denominations Waterloo met the North Waterloo to discuss exten- em; in those cities. and reneies the value of ter, 1935, increased ber, 1934, by 12 per and 87 per cent. in and Belgium. The 'nited Kingdom was various parts for the ap- In Income the tit poymont. combined for the tint nine months of 1986 have totaled 84,710,000,000 compared with 84,- 458,000,000 in the corresponding period of 1984. Of this rear's total, lumen recoived $406,000,000 in benefit poyment. compared with Suitor tttund1yy--gusst " air! Why not let mo take her " your human? Sarcastic Flther - My daughter doesn’t want to be tied to " idiot all her life. Also it in tho wise crack that knowl it' own father. Irate cuAotner--uel" That was a sheet! Lattmiryman--t can’t see myth wrong with your lace table cloth! op- so much, Just as long "- ii lln't broke. The Waiter-Did you have a vanil- la or a strawberry lee, Madam? The Girl-lt tasted like glue! The Walter - Ah.' Then it wu Strawberry. The vanilla taste: like paste. 8-1" by us. farmers Men are mostly known by the way they walk, tale, and balk. - Russian. Movie Extra-What is the matter with the new leading man? He seems to be completety fttrored. Second Ditto-He was showing oft his Spanish, and a real Spaniard came along and thought he was speaking{ ".....p-, book Ottt often wonders whether these women who give cooking lessons over the radio, really know how to cook themselves, or whether they are Just reading that tutt out of a cook I Jutiior---Mother, whc will it so to heaven? Mother-No, Junior. Junior-When the c tro to heaven? Mother-No, Darling, Junior-Wen, will l to hell to get milk? Most girls do not mind tt bad as; ed automobile license Christmas. - Sana l most houses on time . . if you want to out it ‘ Ch-") “mum. sney're as hard to break as bad ones. - Where would the average woman be if she took "No" for an answer. - If some of us got what we deserved 'we might know what trouble really is. - Five minutes of thought is- often equal to an hour of hustle. - Today, when you say a man's word is as good as his bond, it's rather 1.t doubtful compliment. - If there is no hell most users of prouanity have wasted a lot of breath. - An ideal wife is who had rather hear her husband say "I love you!" than "Here's the fifty". - After a man makes the ttmt down payment he says to his friends "Come up to my house". - There's no report yet of a reduction in the Wages of sin. - The only person who can tell your fortune correctly is your banker. - Only a few know how many receiv- ed automobile license plates for us. Fun Revenue NEW YEAR STARTERS - The man who looks down on his neighbor! is always surprised that they don't look up at him. - A lot of men who "ride the help" at the office have to walk the chalk line at home, you bet, - In the minds of men the future already exists. _ The 'irst, duty of every man is to-pay his own q way. - Form good habits. They're' an hnrd 'es L---‘- . i Josephine-How on wi_th George? Katherine-dbh, he's a most appointing. I purposely blew out electric light fuse before he e over fast night, and he spent whole evening trying to fix It. ls but a trust, which in m', Must be ucounted for " - high. '1 nm going to try to l l each hour, With all the force and 1 I power l Which the Creator gave II um going to try. l I am going to strive to live along life’s way, _ I To sing, to laugh, to work, to play and pray,, I To let all envy Ind all malice die. l I am going to try. I IO lot Year. The figures lama. tt $137,000,000 1m going to try to feel the u... - cant! man: got in buses on time . . or on credit, Want to put it that way. HAVE going to try, Isles during . ch; LéARD " users of prouanity lot of breath. - An who had rather hear Iy "t love you!" than RESOLUTIONS! ', when my dog dies Slut: Claus got ' he'? , most dis- qOO cow dies will It see anythlnx we have to so and Irene. table cloth! are and all the loving to live each day, you getting my custody i'irte Jiri,. " One onllplom of lm me to upply. If tl mum “not" - (40 You-f Bullneu Succus) M. "I! “A an.___; _A -- It the came the life in Producers from all thn proposed to divert over-s crowded markets to some ket making the diversion y They proposed through this means "o facilitate orderly flow of stock to terminal markets. reducing glutting and eliminating " terminal markets what they call abuses arising out of injuries, trucker and transient drov-‘ er competition and generally reduc-I ing waste and excess costs. I OTTAWA-ru Dominion Mur- keting Board has nnnounced accept- ance in principle of livestock marker. lug schemes proposed by produeera in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta, but emphasized they were still subject to revision. Alberta and &tskatohewan pro. ducers proposed restrictions on free handling of livestock to regulate at country points initial nunmbly of’ stock from producers, who shall mar-' ket small numbers It I time and to insure as far as possible the lowest, transporlatlon .t'ost by full car load.., ings. l u _congestion ind quiet throbbingnerveu. At tclit"',":';"";' m 35c. f'ttlll WE" f) "I -rrHur"iiG'iCi'l a: Millions have found Omen Oil the quickest and lure-t relief from deep-seated gain. Entirely different tom ordinary 1inimenta, it work: down deep to broth “2 congeuion and quiet Issue No. 3 - 'i Marketing Board Favors Principle of Scheme For West Accents _ There is a veryjmall area. it is believed, where soil-drifting cannot be out tout minimum and a water supply provided. _-Between now and spring the Water Development Com- mission will aid farmers in the con- struction of dung Ind dugout: to e6nserve precious soil moisture. They END IT THIS WAY . A muhine designed to crate I“wind" conditions Iimllnr to thou lthnt deposited tom of tilt our vast areas of southern prairie land in re- "rent years will be set up. The mark- Multiple "e;i>‘e.rviments in growth under all conditions It cupy othrrptemtrern, of the h _ The new research station will be ' equipped for experiments in loll drift Ilug and allied problems that have harassed the prairie farmers tor 'years. A hm staff pf engineers and other members of headqtmrtere [per-gonna] have already arrived. Ire" or aouthern prairie land in re- cent years will be set up. The mach- ine will be directed against small plots of land allotted for research work on soil drifting. "e'-""""', Dull. - A! large laboratory of the loll to which I farm problems my be taken for so!- , ntion in taking definite then. here. Hi' is part of the federal government'l There g $750,000 first-year experiment to N T b reelnim the Prairies. When com- pleted it will be the finest of ita o o acco ikind on the continent. q . , The new research nation will be liki, Ogden S equipped for experiments in soil drift ‘lrm run! an“ eh“ -- d will ai/ii? Eiiar. all three provinces ion project has been . the experimental te tMed to distribute acre- sown to Vege- Producers supply from e other mgr. I " large an UN I AKIU "rT%-rTg . - TORONTO IF”; “kWh-Hr Telephone Luann-It 1143 "I mrimat IAmII 00.0an couran. LI!!! LIVE STUCK (‘UMMISSIHN DEVI Unto- Itock Yuan. West Toronto Shipping on the m been Productive of Benin: on the open 7.1“. for the owne with us. ne new!” caning. 0|me memvm have "That's why ter our l m cm". tera' that t Adm?” if! it akteanrt pc . trapping v Entirely any" Sump for par Suit. vscon’s EMULSION I tor miHéHKJn references. Supe Catherine We“ . PROGRESSIVE e..- w-) - - . . . AN OFFER To IO tcity ',i')llc,iT,et List of wanted Inu-ntlnnl and In! Information sent tree. m “In! Cow-3. World Patent Attorme.sri, an Bnnk rut [III-1““. n..~' 7‘. . "w... " Bank Eire“. Ullaw Classified Advertising TIMES MORE QUICKLY DIGESTED THAN coo LIVER ou. _ Euly in August. the crop suffered from ex weather and high humid tend during July. uu reported in nevenl dist: crop was harvested later ber than ulunl because 0 from took its toll of In: layed the storage of u been. Liver Oil. Alt plain oils u. hard an digest: they mm be emulsified in the mat. We "rmisifr the oil in on ["1850th hence it in ready I . li li do. and nah um ISHI'JR'S situation from this point The stand of been this year cellent although the tonnage up to the avenge of other 1 LIVE STOCK MARKETING Tilbury. - Ten thousand m - buta were harvested in than last you, a survey of the 'cienmhasdiscoveeed Sam's hairline of ttr, P1tr,,Pi,iitaGrei.itijTi . D. D. Dennil‘ bqnid Pn- Ou'ipu'oa. nude and gunman-ed by P"et.ktrs.ofCreLu huh".- “-1.th My to keep prices t unduly depressed. In this connection. they a speck! levy on I" live-s Rated to compensnte indivi er: of diverted stock in the final sale of their anima bring smaller prices than ceived on the market from diversion was made. .!9r0rii0ll 10,000 More Acres Of Sugar Beets Crown F I N E C ll T Your Pipe knows Ogden's Cut Plug =e-----l, OGDEN’S "That's why "roll-youv-omn" arming are getting back to O 'mte.Gt-Vii"i2eictCL" that cigarette satisfaction. Andwzn's costs so little that it doesnt pay to deny Yourself the but tobacco. You'll " Ogden'l best with "Chantadet'g or 'Vogue" cigarette papers. 'tg SCIENTIFIC METHOD or 15. Wolves, Coyotes, nnd_!‘°l. a an... ..,A . _ LGZ'TB WAITSD “weaved later in Septem- ulull because of new In! ‘I_ 2a A .. A Bupercrairt" i "st, Mantra IIVBHTOII I " comm-rune plan M. v. of upland"! mung. open market Incan- real owm-ru. Get In touch “A!!! " ttt t. cat(:.r.er"ttG%Grt." ulna. Fisher. Holboll. an ax outer years. an“. the lugar beet from extremer hot high humidity encoun- 'uiy. Lu! blight was wen! districts. Tho keep prices from bun; 'en thousand mm at BU re men of sugar antic}: of Butrar in the nt Mtori anun. Clown; "is? -enl. Quebec. all live~stock mn- te individual own. tlt in the event the , animals ahouu 'el than Were u. et from which the NTtt - WAN-HE) 9ntystre Wu not vested in 193‘ u of the beet point revealed, " 10H“ was ex. proposed

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