West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1936, p. 4

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" JJ TORONTO Clferaetuttrutr" Damw..1n. DMW...1 yr. Damn-admin. Cl'utu-trhaoetq LA N A ii"i0i""iii"""'i"i' "ii" 'n o N A"i. I Home Magazine , yr. balmy Q "Nth T-.- ___ ..... - v. 3..."...- Low ttrat clan round hip rail lam hon Dec. " b Feb. tSth. Return limit, April Mth. Stop- over: allowed at inhmlediate points. Special wink: rates available at hotels. Fat Low Rail Fares to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, tht., and SEATTLE, Wash. in CGGda's new " a real oIrer that will save you money . . . Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment ind enter- ti',ttt'h the whole year through . . . This is all you ave to o. Here is“: tttl offer. thet will)”: rr' money THE DURHAM REVIEW SUGGiitrrs YOU "' Winter vocation this year chm. h 1383ng !'u.rsromtd. 9olf,..tennis, , riding, Mandi; . . . eniisy éllyouv 'ttdetest sport in this land of simian: 3 EVENTS.. Winter Golf Vidaia, Feb. 17-22, 1936. ......1yr. In” blown-Hon from you local It“! TODAY Playground STREET OR RID. ...... TOWNANDPROVINCI .. f?tfemeet:leneio-t...........". three magazines checked with a ”your hamper. Pleau clip list . no... 'fe,'UPggipttttt.utesFi; {WWW- CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS Speed, Dcpgnéability, EXPRESS ALWAYS Safety - - "i'"" V'mn-II' - . m out coupon on”! a good fat Job themtselves,---some of the fatness yielded by the very sys- tems of relief that me causing the condition-are they indittr- We feel she is not far from right in her indignation. We wonder it those largely responsible tor this at. titude of mind know what they are doing. Or realizing it,---and having Says this Heath-ck writer: "it's going to be a territie mess, when a generation grows up that knows no such phrase as ‘earning a living' and rises to its feet only to thumb somebody for a lift." 1’ A lady writer in Bentlnck Town- ,shlp, who contribute: much interest. fins materiel on many subjects to dit. ftexent periodicals is much concerned _over the future place in the sun. of (many of the owned cltlzens. who (have the tendency to shift the bur- den that could and should be born by the one to whom it belongs on to the already over-burdened shoul- ders of someone else. Through thit' means the shirtless get off Mot-free, while those who are bravely strugg- ling with their own troubles have the troubles of others added. -. ,_V V "e'"'..""--"'- PVC-.." - .. __-__ ""7" , . ' . , Dundsik village is “Rating for the :6 Yd,),,',',',,',,,: SON. Editor. end erection of I combined shuns and l "-"-e.-""---"."--- 'cnriing rink.to be " lent 70x115 ft. Jn size with " feet It one end tor n "TERmFttt MESS AHEAD" ‘waiting room. Committee: were ap- ------ 'pointed to sscemin costs end menu - A lady writer in Bentinck Town- of financing. For a rink ot dimen- ahip, who contributes much interest. sinus proposed, the cost will be plenty. ins material on many subjects to dit. much more we believe. than 1 vii- ferent periodicals is much concerned loge of 700 population (an successful- over the future place in the sun. of 'iy finance and operate after it is many of the smiled citizens, who completed. Many towns of (mm have the tendency to shift the bur- 1500 to 4000 people and their rinks den that could and should be born to be a "white elephant," and unless by the one to whom it belongs on the town possesses a. winning hock- to the already over-burdened shoul- ey team to produce big gates, it is I. tiers of someone else. Through thiir'dimcult proposition to “break even" mggnn OLA -Lt-n--- A,- - _ CAP Bushy... "ui‘w'DUNDALK mums A NEW mun ..r1etreimethe ilizing ic-iid-ii/Ci" Uh they say it's growing colder, ev- , themtselveis,--some of ery day: That the winter‘s growing bolder ev- alded by the very sys- (WV day that me causing the: Sinee the woodchuck's gone to they indifferent? i b i sleep ""'"""-----. In his cavern dark and deep, l There’ll be six weeks more snowing or breezing and blowing every day. But. the days are a little longer ev- “ ery day, I ‘And the sun's a little stronger ev~E Ills ( ery day, i, illlh , i It we're patient for awhile [I llllt t I; We shall see the summer smile” 'lit l, And the buds will soon be showing) Ill' :For they're growing, growing every! Bil i day. Bend in Your a counts. If we [ charge nothing for Since 1893 we have been fully handling collections for er increasing number of clie Surely this Indicates that l emeient and manna-INA Readers of the "Review" are get- ting a bargain in 1936. There are 53 publishing days this Fear. -' _V_., an“... the historical setting of the State and its tuteetrtm---an by way of tree insertion! There is one thing about these southemers. - they certainly were not born with a modest air. The State of Texas pu {is a live one. That Sta met and fall from June ber 20, Is going to hold exposition, and just by lng some of the fine 1) affair, they mail to the two-page foollcap clrc the historian shtvlno I! wanting to put one there, but as Sam says. who wants a summer re sort cluttered up with drunks? More power to him. lor from opening up on Centre land, Toronto. The wet faction wanting to put one than: hm Mayor Sam McBride of Tor is doing his beat to keep a beer Since 1893 1 If there was one thing more than ianother that atood out in the many kindly referenoes made re the pass- ;[ing of our late King,it was the kindly attitude in all the write-ups in the American press. While they sit under a different system of government, the American people also realize the no tont [our the British crown had in their welfare. Even the great Hearst: pu; “onion, the Detroit Daily Times, makes the following kindly and terse comment: "Many Kings in England’s history have been greater than King George'; in the ordinary meaning of the? word 'great', since William the Con-1 The Collection ORANGEVILLE‘ 1890. No Cone The ture and Scandinavian a; ergy upon the original BI There have been "grew "an kings, but there has BETTER king, than Ge Fifth, none more loyal to pie and his duty, none mo ving of his people's atfet gratitude. " BRITAIN'S SORROW ALSO THAT OF UNITED STATES And the birds will soon be singing every day; Northward now they'll soon be wing- ing, every day; Though. the frost is in the air, There's a feeling everywhere That the skies are growing cleat, er, 1 And the springtime', (ilawing nearer every day. I . u we fail to collect nothing tor our services. KELLY & All!“ let alone leduce a mortgage. But-, ing is not the revenue-producing pats-' time it was some eight or ten years ago, and curling does not bring in a: large revenue considering the work entailed in providing suitable ice. We wish Dundalk citizens good luck should they proceed with the ven- ture, but we would advise them to "go slow". COLLECTIONS o THE DURHAM REVIEW his indicates that ad responsible. Your list at notes, going to hold a Centennial came to graft Norman cul- d Scandinavian turtttintr en- md just by way of tell. the fine points of the mail to the "Review" a of Texas publicity bureau . That State next sum- tlon Specialists. Taal, ONTARIO. COIIection-No on. IN FEBRUARY more loyal to his peo- iut,', none more deaer. people's atfeetion and McBride of Toronto, original Britoné circular, giving than George the "-m- l No. 13, nutmeg been successg v-Jessie Campbell. IV me for an ev..' McDonald. Br. m~lsabel I ot clients. fCoony Eidt, Martoru Me,..... "greater" 6 to Novem- we are Charge 30- I Is- Iciles hanging from good "mutations of no tences ----N..F. 0-. III '--atin Davey. Ruby Miller; Velma AGoldamlth. Jr. m-Howard Grierson :Oliver Goldsmith; Jessie MacDonald. ySr. Ir--Detia Lounda; Amy hounds. Jr. tr-Elsie Ewen; Ralph Davey. Jr. tPr.--Jean Grierson: Florence Gold- Campbell. Br. Ir--q I-lan Campbell; Jr tmtith; Pr. Irene Bolton. Beat in Mountain. 5 s.s. NO. 3, BENTINCK _ Sr. nr-lo-d Bailey. Br. m--.. a Wilfred Wise, Wesley Barnum. Jr. m-Norma Rear, Dorothy Mather, I. Brown, Helen Andrews. Ir-Ada An- I drews. I-Sadle Rear Kenneth Mc- . Cnlloeh. Pr.-tnex Brown, Chester , Lawrence, Mary Andrews. Jean Torry, Elsie Wise (absent). I Helen M. Milligan, (sachet. f s.s. No. 10, BENTINCK _ Sr. Iv-Jace Chapman; Kenneth) MacDonald; Leonmd Davey; Mug". iet Lynn. Jr. Iv-Clarence Lynn; A. p. Goldsmzth; Jack hand-. Ar m Pr.--lean Grieraon: Flor smith; Melville Goldsmith '3 Under the Act Mr. Diekson will Jassist farmers in this county in dunking arrangements with their cre- _§ditors. His tirtst hearing in Dur- /ham will be on Feb. 12th on behalf j of an Egremont farmer. A farmer ", himself for many years, Mr. Dickson : who now operates a garage at Am, _ nan. has an intimate knowledge of -' farmers' problems. , , The new ottieiat receiver has been,! iprominent politically since the for-E tmation of Progressive movement. :He has been secretary-treasurer of [the North Grey Progressive Associa- ticn since 1921 and has taken an ac- I tive part in election campaigns, bothl before and after the merging ot thei Progressive forces with the Liberals1 being a member of the Joint commit. I tee of Liberals and Progressives dur- _ ing the last election. Mr. P?o.enl, served on the Sarawak Township'. Council for six years, three of theml‘ from 192:: to 1922 innIn-lun -- ----, Mr. James T. Dickson of Arman. has been appointed by the Dominion Government to succeed Mr. Thomas Fhotrt of Owen Sound as omcial re- ceiver for Grey County under the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act. Mr. Dickson assumed his new duties, on January M. JAMES T. DICKSON Then Mr. Woodsworth kicked over the traces. He refused to sit with Mr. Stevens. Mr. Steven: didn't lmind where he sat as long as it wus {not with the Conservatives. Sock! Iowan pmy objected to the c.c.r. {encroaching on two of their front; seats and so the dispute was on. I Social Credit were the first group! to prove cooperative. They main- tained their lights as third largest, gloup, then conceded the upper strip to the C.C.F'. "It doesn't matter! where we sit," said one Social Credit member. "it's what we say that counts, not where We sit when we; say it." I It looked neat on paper. until Mr. Bennett returned from the west. The Conservative leader didn't want a compact block; he wanted the choice front seats for his members. with the Liberal overttow pushed to the back. ', Rose Gray, chief government whip, drew up a plan giving each opposi- tion group a compnct block of Heats. The overflow of Liberal speaker: was placed in a block to the Speakers left. Then came a solid block ot Con- tservatives, then Hon. H. H. Stev- ens, with J. S. Woodaworth and the Independents and C.C.F. behind them, and then the compact group of Social Credit. With all the social (rill: cut out,' the New Governor Genenl. Dunn! 'Pweedsmuir, will rerd the speech; from the Throne, the highlight ot the Opening. Pierre Cumin he moved into the Speakers' quarters. indicat~ ing the government's intention to) nominate him as speaker. l 1926 to 1928 Inclusive Dominion House Ams Thursday of this Week SCHOOL REPORTS Br. m--itsattet Mountain ",, Marjorie Mountaun. D. all; Jr. r-Vernon Gold- Irene Bolton. Florence but In Spelling. Isabel n conceded the upper tstrip LRF. "It doesn't matter sit." said one Social Credit "it's what we say that ru---Bturit showed." GETS APPOINTMENT buildings m “upended sen Loundl. s/ m w Tucker ---Haxet “n " reeve, . Br. mun. mu mr Ihort o! l _.._, mull can of maximum. .wm. I com-n of nun: ”unaud- or donu- to nth up um no: on ova-mu 'ttttart, we "R that you an on Settpedr" In pg ma 1Ptiklii, need [our It“ to the won: 1t9t.iriG Dam... all l Com-u Street. Tm a. _ manly. - _ ..‘-"\I Mr. Samuel uthcrbough lly wish to tha their rr, neighbors for t if kind during the Illness and dead Putherbough. tor ir kind and those who so ndly lo: conveyances. V ,_-‘~y WI)” Only ‘ ,7 v. mam.- beach “a. in Drops: "unmet" u, can. ' It is In ordet that than Institution. [ an, be enabled to can on um- worth wt) te work um. " In "My to gnu-ll, I make an upon; tor hands. for the mun- j on manner. I'm-"M tatt mr Ihon oi t the mum can! of nut-naming. .wm. I I detirii or Inn; ”mull-uh or dtittam" to Isl-r up nm IN": on One-Mn- ---- we all: “no -~--- ‘ . prayer as tribute of sympathy and . respect to our late King George V. ‘Ialso to the lately bereaved family ot' iour church. Scripture reading was? given by Miss Banks hom Rom-mmI ‘12. Prayer was ottered by Mrs A., Boyd. After a lengthy business dis-1 fcusslon, a splendid prognm was xiv-5 len. Miss S. McConnell gave twol very good contests and Mrs A. Bord) gave a. brief but very tttttttint' sketch of the life of our late King. :1 The specie! item on our program was; given by Miss Laurine Methae and took the tom of on original Ttrr) ‘in Ontario' contest. Delicious Pre l ments were served by In "corn“ and committee in curse end a loci-1' period followed. Next meeting will” be held " the home ot In Hole-elm? McKechnle on Wednesdny, "hrtr. “A " which the ladies ore holding of. bazaar. ---Mr The Ladies' Aid met at the or Mrs McCrae on Wednesday, W» _ iv. a splendid attendance President. Miss Bell amid-n1 I for it Misses May and Emma Scheurmnn were visitors this week with their uncle. Mr. Win. Hill. Mrs. Turnbull. In Weir 1nd In Lawson spent an alter-noon thin wot-k with their old friend Mrs Fred Kelsey. The young people are intending to tux. on a play in the church in a... elg Mr. Mitchell McLean spent with Mr. Gondon Mon-sol...“ The L'.F'.W.O. will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday. Feb. 12th at the home of Mrs. Harold MoKtrhnie instead of the home of Mrs. Joe Crutchley as had been pre. viously arranged. no The weather still continues cold and stormy and toduy. Tuesday, the sideroads are almost blocked. The snow plow keeps the highway in good shape for travelling. T ”w“ ___. W, l The hog mum held steady Arrttr" 1nd illustrated lu-r Monday on the hull of 8.25 f.o.b. an: message by a m-n and 8.50 to 8.66 for truck deiiveNetr.iheauth chart BhOWimr the Today. Tuesday. the make! hu treenitood a person should I'm-r1: active and from 10 to Ilk higher. (inancy to Old Me. A hearty Prospects are that hog prices wllllthanks was given Mi,ss F, not be any higher Just now. [her wail nremred and trtnr' i The lamb trade held Ictive and steady under I. light supply, the bulk Yo: the choice Imb- selling " 9.00, others " slightly lower prices, IC- cording to quality. Best light sheep brought {mm 6.00 to 5.50. The cull market wu slightly easier. choice veal selling {ran 10.00 to $11 fair to good from 9.00 to 10.00. com; man and medium 8.00 to 9.00. I " Lucille Trafford. of a couple or days rece cousin. Mm fu-.... I Live Stock lath! Kenn; Br was a an“. In, Tm' In Henry rm; Sr. ii, In mm, visiting with her dlughlm' M! “Am Over three than»! cattle arrived Coon” tor I couple of mm}, m tor nanny. mu and than u. Httdmt. Byers left Satur‘m um u an demand for all - of eat- In: tor tet. “thermos to l'-, 14., bF "a but nrim wore not hill! (2th ttme Among reutives. a CARD ' young people are intending to " a play in the church in the {mute and are busy Preparing "a ""'..%q "b"t' to tha their friend: and s for t ir kind nuisance he lllneu und death of Mrs. ugh. tor ir kind sympathy a who so ndly lowed their men. Samuel therbough and ROCKY SAUGEEN L‘nell new“ spent a week Gondon McCracken, Glen. tie, 'I'ralford. of Durham, Ne of days recently with Miss Georgina Miller. s' Aid met at the home me on Wednesday. Jan. Bell presided. Silent THANK. "Dough and ttun. their friend: and "“" ""- , Established 1893. L [ Ir holdin t e g 1inton Stock YudsJorurm nuisance The rpetmon by “leaner; of {fence who are well able ,mally shrewd buyers. J. l. Russell& Son Dunn ik Levack "MT Lth'al‘tLK “the“ Live Stock Prices Don't forget those old Shoes and Rubber, can be made " good " new. Just Yes. you can tram- that old Hnrness v11 that new one you aw tuttieipatirg buying. Of Yours is Worth Real Money to hm It you have Bohir-llriu,,r Jr . Mute, why not sell u: A u let In the Review mu; tinrl " "asqrtrte with the scripture hrFOn “When Jon. I... a boy." Mm Flor ence momma told of the Loarmae of the White Men. The story n! a Lion Hart and something m tlr, luv and work of David Livimts:or, m her well prepared and praz' A reading by Alma Andi; followed by a solo by M. "MUG, "We'd better bid,, Mu Kramer thanked the H. condolence sent tter. Mr, I le:ieiiiiiiit a contest, Miss lMachnald winning. Lulu .. ived at which gram: “as , .: /meeting will be at Mr ll. )1 on Feb. 19, the topic "1" din authors will be chm, Geo. Hustle. Mrs Wilfred V the pmmzn convene:- The Minion Band met av l of Maurice Anderson, Sam-d 18th, with " in ntiendaxm Boyce told the worship w. the Bible cine to England lure lea-on. Duke 2, 40:57 u mam-duly and explained I Boyce mud n beautiful m home of In. Dave HasHo- l Meta-nu I'M the 25th Char low. I!” Lynne Plshm' $'tr', for health, chose her my]. Health" and llluatmled hPr ll, ing message by a wellpo hum: curt showing the km (Arrived too lute for last Wednesday afternoon. Jan goodly numb" of tnombvr, , tom of the Immute mm HAVE A QUANTITY OF WOOD can SALE Middaueh House Sundn; NOTICE FEB. 6, was CRAWFORD ”I!” of long t'hrrefr toll Able to cope with m next 'shipment stock Iold ttl com oe e Wu “in... sum“. mmlven .\l tom. 'ttNm ad vettty, te of from Matt It.) whit can blow my ‘Fbr out mm riding can. idea. he" the Nil: mt of Ind tho GUSTO CO W Gu Ro PR 0N Al ke le

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