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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1936, p. 5

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13, 1936 which nun-'- 'ae, Pat? our. m dine, Km. “on. PM; Pod my. WM 1: Council NAIL r3. Bellow . .1 e. Mt. ‘ 'ampbellfujd. 'aford, Bonn. 1h 8.37.an manna. my. bought: Leo. Goodyear I 190 lbs. ml " 'oN-Pt- " HM" RSION nnery And erley Boyce. pkins, mm _ gr. n-- b r ..‘.....10_u “in: ~---"-ll ned to no” . Ayton on n, metal ”'30-. Fortune. Chit. VAC“...- phoning mph” '" Pime- . " (tick, Clerk ........n Klan]: Ito-um ......:Iz 'uce Boyce: Noble and meld. Hogs z by-Iaw be]; the 5mm pent on mad., to be Imam. Public M lo M new m " -nd tho con. at Torooto. iays nun- th Meuan. whim. Rog, tN W. P by Riley- , be named Icy. Ch Edna Por- . Mignon. uncan Me. r. 'tr-M.. , Arthur law '0uncil loot each loath are "qthmr. f to 3'3”!!!» "formed the NCK Monday. an all Dre-at. t were read than. P. leen oin- than“ " were M W. Joseph P. Archie 'hon. n... do GLEN Ron! Teach” KGRE' T Ada Eek 'rkhar town , order a --43arrtmt her No. 1 3 be m teacher work Monday do 8168 Albe No.. 183 Car” non " I3 ill” " " Mt 00 M " 00 00 It so 10 " 30 TH E REVIEW, DURHAM ) CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. on our price. Mr. '0an on. when. " will pay you. FOR we" mag UASTRONO] Ct.ly,r't:",re'lt?tAgrtit': ty htPtJt mi: tLtt "we 3am...” -- -- .w Ill. unn- ,,__V_ - - m Mu. tt will all. be! ttt " may tom“. Rat mam 'IIC you 'ttae."',','.". iiiiyi'is'ii'rk' 'it'? mothe- m IDA). M n- . and.» no a o . mmmNOXWm-mwbhhhmmhn "a"t'"itt'illl",'i At nil drug stun. I," w“, McFADDEN’S onus STORE We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock A DDRESS NAME Lio- Pharnucy. llRO Second Ave.., New York City, N. Y Gentlemen: Pncloaed and 3.... treatmenta of the fame A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar .with the trettMeiat effecte of thlsnatural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it nt once and convince yourself. If not satis- factory, monry refunded to you. Alla In tablet form. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. One week treatment $1.00; Six weeks treatment $5900 In order to avoid mistakes in gettlng the genuine LION (ROSS HERB TEA, please tilt out the attached coupon. upon your system. and In safe even for ehiuirG. Plume It tregnt like any ordinary ten. and drink a. ghuful once a day, hot or cold. . have not used any ,rtii%iadiCfiriiiFiaii chemicals or drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest mountain peaks where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. It is composed of " kinds of natural leaves, seeds. berries and flowers treietntitiettl1y and proportionately mixed and is known as LION (moss HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious acts wonderfully have not used Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Canada' " 0m Pilot " C Since 1799 thousands of people have health after you: of uniform; from tr types, such as constipation, lndlgenuon der. exhaustion, pressure. and body, pains m the back, liver: which are the Also dainty confections to suit the most 1oritieal-minded, Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods JOHN McGOWAN Ice Cream Bricks HEN DERSON'S BAKERY THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Oldest European Discovery Against Stomach Troubles and Rheumatism Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests FLOUR For your Afternoon Tea, Bridge Party, etc. rh€umatlsm , 13.1936 basic loss?! sleep and ”new: ....... for which please send me famous LION CROSS HERB TEA {detox-s of L periodic headaches, pimpies of people have regained their normal sullen-1n; trom stomach troubles of all won. indueartiort, gas and sour stomach fiAFrRoNox Dept. 10245 such mum-e; Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED PROV. DURHAM. ONT. and bladder Shorts as high Thdoe sufferers on disor- blood face Bend in your "at of notes and ac counts. If we fail to collect wt charge nothing for our services. [21.1.7 & “I!!! . 'The Collection Specialists. ORANGEVILLE. ONTARIO. Est. 1890. No Coueetion-No Charge. Surely this Indicates that we are etS1eient and responsible, Since 1893 we have been success- fully handling collections for an ev- er increasing number of enema. Instead ot writing that weekly let- ter to distant friends, why not have the Review tell them the new: of the district. Save yourself the trouble ot worrying over what to lay each Week for 83.00 for a whole yen. Wedding anniversary guests are prrplesed as to what to present when the year rolls around to mark another milestone in some couple's married life. In case there are some readers who would like to know the appropriate gifts, here they are: 1.-AJotton 2.--Paper 3.--Leather 4.---r'ruit and flowers 5.--Wooden 6.-Sugar 7.-Wootien 9.-.Willow 10.--Tin 11.-Stee1 12.--silk and Linen 13,---Laee 14.--tvory 15.--Cryitat 20.-Chine '25.-Silver M.--Peart 35.--Coral 40.--Raby 45.--Sapphire Mr-Golden 55.---Emertud 60.--Diamond . 1 The following executive was charge: Jessie Campbell, sec'y; , llannam. pres.; Mrs. Palmer lips, Mrs. Davies, W. J. Mei and Booth Wilson. GIFTS FOR DIFFERENT WEDDING ANNlVERSARlES and Dr. Jameson, Durham. were In attendance. Glad to report she is ‘much improved. F Mr. Robt. Stephenson spent. week iend in Markdale. Swinton Park folks and their friends in Toronto and district made Hurry, dancing, playing cards, renew- ing friendships. at Ramona Gardens on Bloor Street, West, last Friday evening, when the Old Boys' Associa- tion held their annual Winter Social. A Floor Show with Marjory Phil- lips and Marjory Campbell in artistic costumes tapdancing and Grace Frances. Campbell doing the Sword Dance, was a special attraction. The prize winners were, as follows: Swinton Park Special, novelty dance, Florence Kinsman; Lucky man dance Mis. Palmer Phillips; Bridge, Mrs. Glendenning; Euchre, ladies, Delis MacPhail, men, Charles, E. Smith. LeRoy's Orchestra provided mualc for modern dancing. Joe Black and Madeline played for old-time squares with Gordon Sackett calling ott. home ot Mr. Alex Carson. Mrs Tom Nichol is with her dau- ghter, Mrs Dan L. McArthur. No mail last week for three days owing to the stormy weather and roads blocked. FLOOR SHOW AND NOVELTY DANCING FEATURES SWINTON PARK OLD BOYS REUNION The Assessor. Mr. Fred Roland. of Vandeleur made his annual visit last week and stayed over night at the home ot Mr. Alex Carson Miss Flora Neeley, Toronto, is spending the winter with her aunt. Mrs Jim Underhill, South line. Mrs Ray McLean and son Glen, visited last week in Shelburne. Mrs Allie McLean visited friends in Toronto fitnst of the week. Miss Jessie McDonald returned home Sunday after spending three weeks in Toronto. Little Elaine Cook was seriously ill with pnuemonla last week at the home of her grandparents. Mr and Mrs Dave Nichol. Nurse Mabel Moore Miss Minnie Simpson is ill with pneumonia. Miss Marjorie McLeod,' R.N., otVSwinton Park, and tl Sheath of Durham are in attendance. Miss Beatrice Walters ot Mnrkdale visited recently at her brother's. El. ford Watters. Master Jackie McMeekln week with his aunt, Mrs fourth line. The W.M.S. and Wiling Helpers will Bold their monthly meeting, on Tuesday, Feb. 18th at the home ot Mrs. McMeekin. when all ladies are cordially invited to attend. Master Jackie McMeekin spent inst PRIcEVILIIé COLLECTIONS PRICEVILLE Mrs. Palmer Phil, B. Irwin, McLeod as in ; Herb and with their enormous majority of 111 or 112, anyone they chose would undoubtedly be Speaker, though in theory the Speaker is chosen by the members of the Commons. Ordinarily the Opposition agrees with the Gov- ernment choice, making the election of the Speaker a purely formal pro- cedure. but in this case Mr. Ben- inett and Mr. Woo0swo.th npyosed ithe selection ot Mr. Casgrain as Speaker on the ground that before his appointment he had in a most arbitrary fashion, assumed the dut- ies of Speaker and had exceeded his authority even as such by dismissing some hundred and twenty employees ot, the House of Commons, some of whom have served tor many years. But after administering a stern re- lbuke the motion passed 'on division'. alts to the left ot the Conservatives and the Social Credit - to their left again. Mr. Steven: occupies a front bench on the right ot Mr. Woodaworth end I on his left. I It is a strange looking House with Government members sitting both on the immediate right and the Immedi- ate left of the Speaker and the forty Conservatives taking exactly tour double rows of seats behind end tV bout Mr. Bennett. The C.C.P. group By the length of time it took to read the Speech from the Throne I ‘expected a rather extensive legislative programme, but a later examination of a printed copy of the speech did not reveal much. Parliament will be asked to approve of the Canadian- United States trade treaty and of a. national commission on unemploy- ment and relief. The Bank ot Can- ada is to be slightly reorganized giv- ing the Government a larger interest in its ownership; relief camps main- tained tor single unemployed men are to be closed as soon as condi- tions permit; amendments to the Bri- tish North America Act are to becon- sidered and consideration is to be given to new financial relations be- tween the provinces and the Domin- ion. Railway legislation will be brought down affording the Govern. ment a greater measure of authority in the operation of the Canadian Na- tional system. Though the legislative pregramme seems short the session is not likely to be. With more than a hundred and titty new members we are assur- ed of many resolutions and much speaking. . would like to hare at between Mr. The new Home met in the tore noon ot the 6th to elect a. speaker. It was known betorehtusd that the Government had decided to place the Hon. Pierre 1v'arait1 in the Chair ded to the dignity and beauty of the opening pageant. Many women were unable to attend because of the ex- era cost involved by the requirement of all black clothes. Ot the tour young ladies who were to have been my guests, not "one felt she could purchase a. second costume for the occasion. The same problem evident. ly faced may women, or at my rate that is my explanation of _the empty seats on the floor and in the galleries. Contrary to the opinion express- ed by society writers, I did not think the dominant note of dull black ad- it black was mourning for women, why was scarlet and ermine mourning tor the Judges ot the Supreme Court? Why, too, was the gold encmated Windsor uniform of the Prime Min. ister an adequate expression of the grief ot the tirat citizen? It was said the judges had "weeping cutie” and I dare say they had, but from my position at the bar of the Senate I could not see them. The opening was quite unlike any other I have seen. Papers in the Capital city carried the heading "Court mourning worn by ladle: adds to general colourful note". And as an explanation of this curious state- ment: "Black gowns form vivid con- trast to uniforms of omeerts and members of the diplomatic corps, and the purple of the church dlgnl- taries.” House of Commons, Ottawa, Feb. 8th. 1936. A full House gathered the day " ter the formal opening to pay loving and sorrowful tribute to King George V. The Prime Minister and Mr. Bennett reviewed the work ot the late Monarch both " a sovereign and as a man and expressed in the form ot a resolution the genuine sor- row which memhers of the House of Commons feel, which resolution will be forwarded to Queen Mary. Mr. Woodsworth, Mr. Blackmore, leader of the Social Credit group, and Mrs. Black also made speeches of tribute and condolence. A resolution expres- sing the loyalty and affection of Canadians was passed and is being forwarded to King Edward vm. Impressions of Opening of New Parliament THE DURHAM REVIEW I"? . as YEARS AGO l'raken from Review fyle, Feb. 'Ill i, Durham defeated Hanover in hock- 'er, 11 to s, and lead the district _with l wins and 1 loss. Owen Bound is 2nd, Chesley 3rd, Hanover 4th, Paisley 5th, Walkerton 6th. Heaherton has withdrawn from the Centre Grey Hockey been". an . result of the Leena having declared Cyril Proctor, one of their leading players. lneleglhle. n he had played I gene with the Owen Sound Olm- pica. The Green Grove eye-openers held their debate on Wednesday evening last. They debated that the license liquor law is more beneficial than lo- cal option. The negative side won by one point. Alex Aljoe and Robt. McFadden were speakers for anima- tive side, and John McGirr and W. Lawrence the negative. Judges were, Misses Annie Scott and Julia Weir, also Robt. Scott.. The program was prepared by the boys only: violin selection by W. J. Young, Durhamzl mouth organ selection by Robt. AL; Joe; gmmaphone selection by Murray} Ritchie; solos by W. Patterson "d, Ernest McGirr; duett by E. McGirrl and John Greenwood; song by the; boys; barber scene. two dialogues;i recitutions by W. Lawrence and A.I Heather; also three editorials were) read " W. Lawrence, composed by] Bella McGirr, Maggie McFadden and Innis Weir. I The members of the new Library Board appointed under the provis- ions of the Statute for Free Librar- ies are: Rev. Dr. Muharson, Mea. srs John A. Graham, C. Range, J. Kelly, Jae. Lenahan. A. A. Canon, and the Mayor ex-omcio. Miss M. A. Twamley has complet- ed her course an nurse In Buffalo hospital, and arrived Tuesday on a visit to friends and relatives in Dur. ham and Crawford. Mrs Newton, returned to town on Friday last. from Hartney, Man.,nnd is the guest of Mrs. B. McComb. while recuperating here. After a long time or ittvtrlidisrn, Archie McLean, well known " Rocky Saugeen and at Tobermory, died at a ripe old age on Tuesday Int. The Durham horse (airs. so Muy cessfully promoted by Mayor Black. are becoming well known through- out the province and now also in the States. The residence of Mrs. Cummings in Dornoch, was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday during the night. A small grocery store, run also by Mrs Cummings, occupied the front. Some of the furniture we learn was saved. |8tevem and Mr. Wadsworth but it I could not be mama. good sermon to an appreciative con- gregation. In the evening " an- nounced. Mrs. Rice took charge. Holstein corn: On Sunday mm. the Presbyterian pupil was supplied by Mr. John Snell who gave a. The big Knechtel factory in Han- over was damaged by are to the ex- tent of $8,000 on Thursday morning. in a thrilling battle on Durham ice, Monday night, Durham won their second home game in the Senior Northern League. giving Ran- over the short end of a r-5 score. Durham team: goal. J. Allan; defence J. McLachlan and Farrell; centre F. Mcrlock; wings, M. Saunders and McNamara; sub. R. Saunders. The public meeting called for Thursday evening to consider the Memorial to the fallen heroes of the war was poorly attended. A sum of about 83,000 is Already secured. the municipalities of Bentlnck and Dur- ham have each contributed and we think a. canvass of the town and neighborhood should result In pinc- ing a sum of 85,000 in the commit- tee's hands. Mrs Thou. Allan was called last week to her mother’s bedside in Eer- gus hospital but reached there too late to see her in lite as she died a few hours before her arrival. " YEARS AGO Taken from Review tyle, Petr. 1071 the recognized minority on child welfare. end Winniired Kydd. the re- tiring President of National Council ot Women. were two of the interest. ing and congenial group. It is de- lightful for me to have Mm. Black in the Home 1nd to and that her oMee is opposite mine. ed. We had n ttatttty hour visiting before the are In the bountiful draw- ing room. The Semtor Ind had a blrhday the day before and she had saved some of her birthday cake for the ten party. Charlotte Whitton, unnll but very enjoynble tea put, the My before the Home opened. to which In. Buck and l were invit- IN DAYS OF YORE AGNES MACPHAIL. New nix-roamed dwelling on Elan St. Durham. with m conveniences. Garage, and quarter are tot. Apply at Brown home (southmt of Bapuat Church). or " Bevin Omee. BToP0vERs--within limit of ticket bith going and returning-- at Port Arthur, Qnt, Armstrong, Ont., and west; also at Chicago, Ili., Sault. Ste. Marie, Mich, and west, in accordance with arms of United States lines. Full partieuUm from my mm. r. M. McVADDEN, Town Agent, Phone 21, Durham RoUTEi-'rieuts good going vi: Pt. Arthur, 0nt.. Armstrong, Ont., Chi- cago, m., or Sault Ste Mule, re- turning via same route and line on- ly. Generous optional routings. Jive Suck lath! Report To ALL STATIONS m WESTERN CANADA Plunge Tlckcu alto on Oil. ttood irc.- oo Mum! Ilnplng can at approxi- mately “Ac por- mllc. plug rog- ular berth fan. tb) parlour and standard unplug can " npproxlmltcly Int; per Intel, plus regular “at or berth tare. our market bu weakened under a steady supply, packers bids being from " to Me lower. Monday's sai- es were made on the basis of 8.50 for truck deliveries, mast of the hogs going to the smaller buyers. Today, Tuesday, dosing sales were made on the basin of 8.35 for truck deliveries. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Following laat week's sharp ad- vance in hog prices, which showed a can: ot " per cwt. at the close. With a light supply ot lambs. the market recovered some of the de- cline shown last week, choice 1mm: selling from 8.50 to 8.75. with n few extra choice at 9.00. The sheep trade held active end steady. choice light sheep from 5 to 5.50. others lower according to quality. The cult trade was active and strong, choice calves selling from 10 to li, an to good from 8.50 to 9.50. common and med. tie were 3 little disappointing. The movement in choice to prime been steers from 5.75 to 6.50, felt to good from 5.00 to 5.50. Choice but- cher cettie sold mostly " from 5.00 to 5.25 fair to good from 4.50 to s, common end medium 3.50 to 4.25. Fed calves were in good demand, choice from 6.50 to T .50. others low. er “cording to quality. The cow trade wu active end strong, choice ttottt 4 to 4.25, fur to good from 3.25 to 3.90. common and medium 2.75 to 3.25, canners end cutters 2 to 2.65. Choice heavy bulls sold steady at from 4 to 4.50, bolognas 3.50 to 3.75. Suppllec ot cattle were moderate for the opening market of thin week and with a. Mr demand, price- held steady, although sale: ot butcher cat- By DUNN d LEVACK, Lt: "Gdo)chicties. _ ' . - FallW/numngm tMMIM NATIONAl Canadian Pacific SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES mi? (1) 50min sleephg can may? Lsciide" tie -eiGdj ii, Rockies Ind Vuoouvcr in one or both directions at no um cost. Aft I!” aboutk_9u9d Trip c_x_cur- dock!“ and limits for" tickets beaches, and delightful accom- modation unit you in this land of blue skies. Here is rest or re- creation, In ideal climate for your Winter Vac-don. Okecnpture summer with its tgHeien" wand: cod color. Paw-Hm! s9licsww. broad Good for 12 Months Dally Feb. " to March " Return Limit: 45 days. REGI OENCE FOR BALE Approximately ONE CENT PER MILE Good In Coaches only GOING DATES ONTIS TORONTO cation and Pay-led Mm. 8m course for advanced WWI. Including Hand Culture at! Ann Gouchu. no ginnem I special!" mum method for chum of pro-Mm H". commenced (aching. - ov- er P. umnoe'l “an. noun t to I Honor Poet (Ir-dun. Alma Coll... Pupil " Pat-Mil Morris, A. A. c. o. To remove the an. of at” try Chimpnctic attNetmeettr, In Ontario d Dominion Land Survey" Registered Professional Engines: Bunion. Reporu. Elllmmec. Plun- Telephone " ORANOEVILLE. om. no. and Ultra Viol“ Rays sues when on reasonable term. Duh- umngod u Herald once. Dn- date, ll” through Durham new“ Ind Manhattan Advnnce. Goo. K. Mean, Dundalk P.0. Phone " rt! Moon.“ Auctioneer for (Bay County new In all It. lunch. x RAY GAO EXTRACTIO. J. L. 5mm. NHL, M.C.. as. Graduate Roral Coll 001cc tad Residence: Corner a-- tau and umbton sum, Duh Lam” St, Durham. om. OM Noun: 1.” to (N no; " to “I! . a. W. C. PICKERING. oos, L08 0000 hours; ' to " |.In., 1.80 b O Pan., , to ' pm, Bandu- new once: mu sue-c. mum. on, REPAIRING " UBUAL The Down Town Shoe Store c. 6. AND B. M.A"4ARLTON, A. A. c. It; “Iowan-nun“ cadmium a. F. can. 0.0.5.. Notary Paul.» G HOURI: 2 -0p. m allEi' LACE BOOTS ROYDEN BUnMjl l, M. o. if“. our Royal Bank, Durham use: tt to IO, Clearing Price ......, AT ONE PRICE - " you are thinking of pun chum. I CLUB BAG, AERO. PAC, or SUIT CASE, no can before purchasing. Two trr TM” "in. To clear J. tt. McQUARth. B. A. 0.00: Our 7m. In“. GEORGE E DUNCAN l i. McILRAlTH After Stock-taking P. F. tiaehll1'llilll T. H. SNEATH. M. o. CHiR0PRAC l K. BESSIE Mcb‘ILLI WM ' '. M. EAGLESON LOO a pair Few Pain of Toronto valued",

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