(aaa DALL. of . my. will day. 1935 IED hoax SOUND comm: Sci 1. fl, 1936 August l URES LL can. at 6 Maya: AUG. hi Party in G. we"... no no ttt Barre West om vouozn "In wyc k DMZ wit! Case #3(),3I ost 3,4 lute' heatre Services hief' Con eotr mac: Grey will Retain Present Firth Family Reunion System of Tax Collection Held at Haywards falls VOL. LIX. NO. 31 Grey County Council at special session in Meaford lest Thursday, Voted unanimously to ssh the Ontar- io Government tor legislstion rstily- ing their current system or collect- in: taxes. Now taxes sre levied in current yesr to collect for ensuing your end this bylaw wss quashed as “but when the Town at Hanover took the matter court. The legal system ot levying and collecting some yesr nouns more' confusion and much - interest Chartres, which wss opposed try Co. Tress. Mercer and M. L. Cummings. Deputy Minister of lunicipsl Aliens, who explsined the two systems, agreed that Grey would be better ott tintui-- cielly tot continue " " present. Un- der present system, Grey is in best ttaanetat shape ot any county in the province. Reeve Riley, Mentord, and Reeve Angus MeArthur, Glenelg, moved that present method be re lsined which was carried. without dissent. The council later took its annual tUhintr trip on Meatord bay. JOHN MeNALLY A lifetime resident of Glenelx town- ship and Durham, Mr John McNally panned to his rewvd, Monday morn- my at his home in Durham, in his 79th year. He has been in falling haul": the In: two years,. being cliucnlly m In! winter but recovered someth In the spring. He was born on the McNaily home- stead " Edge Hill in Glenclg town- ship and spent the greater part of his lite turning on Lot T, con. 7 in Zion mmunlty. He was a public spirited citizen anxious to serve in his church and disttict to the best of his ability. At Zion church he was long a member of the omeitu Board. he was trustee in the school section and [or many years served as a councillor of the Township. Nineteen years ago. he removed to Durham and here he has been an active member of Queen St. United church and a town councillor for three years. De. ceased was a large-hearted man, whose sympathetic tmtreltutt dispos- ition widened his circle ot friends a- mong old and young. He married three times. Hits itrgt wife was Martha Cook, and his sec? ond wife was Mary Stewart. The tamily are (Mary). Mrs Hugh Mc- Arthur; (Kate) Mrs R. L. Summers of Vancouver. B. C.: Roy. at Alsask. Sash.: Stewart of High River. Alta; and home and (Ella) Mrs James trutchley of Durham. A little over a year ago he mar- ried Miss Agnes Dunn who survives“ Two brothers and the sisters survive also: William " Lamaden and Joseph on the old homestead, Glenelg; Mrs Peter Campbell. Saskatoon; Mrs H. McKechnle, Bethune. Sash; Mrs. Wm. Cooke ot Elmwood: Mrs Geo. Ritchie, Gleuelg; Mrs W. J. Cook, Gleuelg. mine “We: 10e Soda .... 10e Matted Ink 15c Mania: Ieeeoidetrinuse Chainsaw elm. Caider's Drug Store The funeral service was at his late residence on Gel-Una street on Wednesday at 2 o’clock And " 2130 at Zion United church. Glenelg which could not contain the Inge assemb- ly of mourners. Interment was made In Zion cemetery. FRED GAGNON 1 The death took [loco on Thursday last in Atlanta. Georgia. ot Mr Fred Gagnon. brother of Peter Gugnon of town. Deceased was stricken with turpersdieltis and though the operation was successful. resistance was too weak to pull through. Direct mourn- ers are his wife arid small daughter; two brothers. Peter of Durham; Chou. of Wutortown. N.Y. and three gluten, Mrs Penetier, Fort William ' In. Jinn. Beattttarnois, Que; In Boot, Philadelphia. ‘md' was a resident of Durham. for about 18 months, caused by the Dept. of Highways, winning for Ima- self many friends. From here he went to Chic.†where he in em- played with the General Motors. and the put year ha been in Georgi; On receipt of word of his mung. Peter Genoa new "on Chime to Atlanta, to return with his brother": rennin: to Detroit. In P. (upon and nephew Jack, Mr ad Mrs Ink Saunders and Mr. the Niierat Iron 1mm. Deemed was " you: at m. In fountain and Ice Cream Parlor OBITUARY Nearly a hundred ot the Firth con-I nection assembled at Hayward’s Fella on Monday, August 3rd tor another, comingiing with relatives from far and near. A happy day was spent byI all in social conclave and viewing the, rugged beauty of the locality with its waterfall, rocks. caves and groves.; Baseball and races were indulged Ll in afternoon followed by an abundant supper capped with ice cream for all; In evening dancing was enjoyed in' the mill to the music ot the Sharp. orchestra. l, Nearly a hundred of the Firth con-i in Durham, on Wednesday of this' m†"m†m' g "' "mm"! nectlon assembled at Hayward's Falls' week, the golden wedding nuptial of. Bryon). and Bon mmem' m trix, or 3 on Monday. August 3rd for another. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Patterson were:Mulwk' were bully attacked by they coardngling with relatives from ttteelebrated under the happiest of eon-P"nilr. Scotch collie. on was†even-; and near. A happy day was spent by1 ditions. One year "" the smorediity' last. which trim? several; all in social conclave and viewing the, eouple were not in such good iteintr/,',h','e','.', in] tlge woun ' each, to', rugged beauty of the locality with its as today. as a result ot a motor Wi "ll,'.,'," 'sn',',",',',',',',; w“ ttrmmrintr iam‘ waterfall, locks. caves and trroves.,eident then. But skilled medical: . . I 'on the hack of her kitchen range| Baseball and races were indulged ln care and attention, coupled With Pro.) . in afternoon followed by an abundant videntiat goodness and grace Laloout 5 p.m. Fruit) last, with her) " . l . ' lit 'young son Cameron and the t'll1'l supper capped with lee cream tor still: brought than .to that Mage in _ near by. The dog bod never been In evening dancing 'was enjoyed in where everything carries, a golden known to ttttaetr,-ht fact was very. the mill to the music of the Bharirhue. On this occasion, Mr and Mrs. fond of the McDonald children and: orchestra. lPatterson were surrounded by fourl confidence was placed in him. Sum: Letters were read from some in of their tive children. the son Boy in denly on hearing . strange noise' the West unable to attend and Mr.:Edmonton being unable to leave h15:from her son, an. looked up, to find Jos. Firth of Durham, the oldest man, work. The other members of their the dog over Cameron on the tioor.i present and the sole. survivor of his;family present were: Will, ot zndlattacking him on the forehead, andl level was called on for a few words.ieon. Glenels; Joe, of Chesley; Mos, cheek bone. Sensing the situation in: Relatives B ere present from Shel- Mrs. Albert Keller, south of Durham" hurry, Mrs McDonald, with super- burne. Rivorview, Keldon, Toronto, Eliza, Mrs Stanley Mead, Unity,Sask. human strength, caught the mad dog Berkeley, Walters Falls, Owen Sound, Twelve of the fourteen grandchildren, by both ears, pulling him ott the by) and Waterloo. lwere also present. For this the dog turned on her, ttiv-i Officers were elected as follows:1 Fifty years ago, on the 7th of April ing her a bad gash on her hand. A. Hon. Pres.. Mr and Mrs JOB. Firth; [ to be exact, Sarah Ann Bradley.'doctor was hurriedly summoned andi President, J. W. Firth. Toronto; sec.'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brad. mother and son were taken to Dun! Dan Firth. Edge Hill; Executive com. ley of the Gravel Road, was united ham hospital, where wounds were Hugh Firth John G. Firth, Mrs Geo. in wedlock to Samuel Patterson. son dressed. Mr McDonald was in an ad Ryan, Durham; Mrs Hale, Shelburne; of the late Hugh and Eliza Patterson/joining field with his horses, when Mrs more, Tisdale. Sank; Mrs Car- of the 19th con. Egremont. by theme heard a loud scream. Thinkiugi ruthers, Toronto; Joseph Fox, British late Rev. Wm. Lake, at that time there was some trouble with boiling Columbia; Press reporter, Mrs J. pastor of what is now Queen Streetijam. he rushed homeward to find the' Hamilton. ll'nited Church. Without a. honey- above result. . I ---_--- (moon or any other fuss, common to. it is thought the dog was annoyed lpresent day bridal couples, home- by some ulcerated tooth as it had! HYMENEAL 'ymtiyr was started the day of the been noticed on previous days, he The maniage of Miss Katherine wedding, on the 19th con. Egremont.l,chewed his food on the opposite aide Margaret McAuliffe, daughter of Mr. Here the "PB and downs, Joys and to the supposed bad tttoth. The tgush-i and Mrs Michael MeAulifte, Durharn'tsorrows, gloom and “Whine. were " are bad, and a “w days will e"! to Mr Joseph Cyril McAlpine, son of woven into the warp and woof of.apse ere it is certain no infection Mr and Mrs Michael McAlpine, oi' their married lite. The pattern “hm“ get in. I Marysville. took place at 10 o’clock‘day shows a beautiful blending l) ---_----- : Wednesday in Our Lady of Lourdes colors. that represent hard work,l church. Gladioli in varied hues decor_eatienee, sympathy tttd many other lk. ward Lrels I ated the altar and church for the dyes that go into the weaving of srl t . ' ceremony which was performed bylhappy home life. In 1900, the)" GOV! l)ireetar at Hallow Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. L. Ferguson, as_.moved to 2nd con., Glenelg. wherel ----- l, sisted by Rev. Father Gerald MoAl- they farmed until Mul, when they! The Ontario Government is leavingI pine of Houston, Texas. Mm Bartiey/iecidtd to take things easier, and;no stone unturned in the 'trJr.l'u'f.eli l'rausar. "my“. thas “1.2.“..- mm“; bought a home in Durham. lot experiments as to the whys andl The martiage of Miss Katherine' Margaret MrAulitre, daughter of Mr.; and Mrs Michael McAulifte, Durham to Mr Joseph Cyril McAlpine, son ot Mr and Mrs Michael McAlpine, ot Marysville. took place at 10 o’clock: Wednesday in Our Lady of Lourdes church. Gladioli in varied hues decor-, ated the altar and church for the ceremony which was performed by, Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. L. Ferguson, as" sisted by Rev. Father Gerald Mam- pine of Houston. Texas. Mm Bartley; l'nser played the wedding music} and Miss Mabel Rowe sang Gounod'sl, "Ave Maria" during the mass. Thei bride given in marriage by her lath-i or looked 'Farming in a gown of del-'; phinium blue lace with large French felt hat and shoes to match. She car- ried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and baby's breath. Miss Cecile McAd-i line of Durham, sister of the bride) ‘was her only attendant. flocked in', orchid chiffon with hat and shoes!; in oyster shade and carried a bouquet) of Briarcliff roses. The best man way o" P. T. McKenna at Hamilton and} the ushers were Mr J. D. McAulifle,i brother of the bride and Mr LeoLan? _tran of Chapleau. Following the eeref lmony a reception was held at the Gray Gables, the bride’s mother re- ceiving in a gown of navy and white printed chiffon, navy hat and a cor- ‘sage of Johanna Hill roses. The tgroom‘s mother who assisted her in ‘receiving was gowned in navy and _ printed chiffon with white hat and ac- ;‘cessories and a corsage of Briarcliff ,roses. After a trig to Buttaio and lAtlantic City Mr and Mrs McAlpine :will make their home in Cobalt. For ‘travelling the bride wore a {rock ot ;mau\'e chiffon with embroidered pink [dots and pink hat and accessories. Mrs C. v. Pickett of Hamilton en. tertained Thursday evening at her summer home at island Grove, Lake Simcoe. In honor of Miss Kathleen McAulihe of Toronto. a bride-elect of thlc week. The party took the form of a cup and saucer shower and when the guest of honor arrived she was handed a special delivery letter.i which ingttueted her to look under a couch for a gift. Enclosed with the) gift card was a map which when correctly analyzed nave the clue to where the next gift was hidden. As- Isisting the hostess in looking after her guests were her sisters, Miss Mary Cronin of Detroit and Min Clare Cronin of Toronto. The upper 41th was piettlly armed with pink inlet. blue connowers . and baby’s y breath. Mr Alex Sun. Holstein, with school friend from Kingston. were alien at the Review OtBeq Wedneedey of this week. These young men are 'do. my Grey County in the historic cov- cred wagon method, drawn by the faithful home. They app. ued to like the my “ahead In and we would judge it an ideal way of seeing E tit itil Ittligttiii, Ream. i On Wednesday the bridal couple‘ lwith their family, were host and hostess at areception to their friends ion this occasion. The living and 'dining rooms were decorated with streamers of white and gold, while the dining room table, from which re- freshments were served, was prettily idecorated in same colors. On the :centre of the table was a beautiful "ttree-storey weddin tr cake, made and (decorated by a grandson, Arthur Pat- lterson, Chesley, as his special gift. Golden Wedding of Esleomed Durham Couple l A steady stream of callers, after- inoon and evening, extended congrat- (ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. ,The family presented their parents with a Phileo radio and also a huge ;sheaf of fifty rosebuds. given them {by little Marion Patterson. Another :gitt that brought much pleasure was 'a large sheaf ot gladioll with vase. [from the Women’s Missionary Society 'ot Durham Presbyterian Church, of Ewhich Mrs. Patterson has for some !years been president. Two dautrhteririn-ltsw, Mrs Joe and Mrs Will Patterson were in charge of the ices, while three granddaughters. Edith Kellar, Wilma and Marion Pat- terson waited on the guests. Mr. Geo. Bradley, Mt. Forest, was/ present at the reception Wednesday. It is an interesting though somewhat sad commentary on Time's passing, that he was the only guest on Wed- nesday who was present at the ttttr year ago wedding. Mrs Margaret Brown, a cousin of bride, also of Mt. Forest, was also present at Wednes- day's reception. It is the hope of many friends that many years yet together will btrtheir portion. Hampden United church held their annual garden party " the home and grounds of Mr Andrew Fulton, My evening last. The night was favor- able tor an outdoor event and a good crowd was present. Rev. W. H. Smith B.A., pastor, was: chairman ot the evening's prom and la veil gave a talk on "Apreeution", which merited the appreciation of all who heard it. Nude-.1 numbera were giv- en by the mun Fur-men. lire Schneider of Renown In.) Ethel Derby, Wilfrid Anderson. In Curl-. ton, Athe Nlcholln of Durham; the Henderson girls, game. Put. In sol- os as well u duet with Mo daughter. Ugh: retreehmeetta were Need I- mund at the close. HAMPDEN GARDEN PARTY DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1936 With which is “commuted the Holstein luau Family Dog Attacks Mother and Son Mrs Carlyle McDonald, (Maude Bryon), and son Cameron, aged six, of Mulock. were badly attacked by the family Scotch collie, on Friday even- ing last, which required several clamps in the wounds of each, to properly close. Mrs McDonald was preparing jam' on the back or her kitchen range‘ about 5 p.m. may int, with her) young son Cameron end the colliei near by. The dog had never been' known to attaeh,--ht (act was very, fond ot the McDonald children and: confidence was placed in him. Susi-1 denly on hearing a strange noise' trom her son, she looked up. to find the dog over Cameron on the tioor, attacking him on the forehead, and! cheek bone. Sensing the situation in a hurry, Mrs McDonald, with super- human strength, caught the mad dog by both ears, pulling him on the box: For this the dog turned on her, “Ni ing her a bad gash on her hand. A doctor was hurriedly summoned andi mother and son were taken to Dun! ham hospital, where wounds were dressed. Mr McDonald was in an ad- Joining field with his horses. when he heard a loud scream. Thinking) there was some trouble with boiling jam. he rushed homeward to find the above result. . l As is known perhaps to few iu' this northern stretch of Southern; Ontario, tobacco is rapidly becoming. one ot the major products of Canada, and home-grown tobacco in the last two years has been used more and) Emore in the manufacture of Canadian (eitrarettes. ot all places in the Dom- 'inion, Essex and Kent counties are ‘most rioductlve of a good yield, des- Ite the fact that the tobacco crop can be attacked by any one of 100 diseases, many of which cannot yet 'be combatted successfully. At Har- ‘row, Ont., the Government has an lexperimental station where experts 'under the direction of Dr. Ward Koch itt Durham boy, are carrying out ex- (i:/iiii.iii: The annual tieid day was at Harrow last week, when visitors from all parts ot Western Ontario icame to the farm and inspected the 'lwork being done on tobacco. dairy products, soy beans and horticulture. The Ontario Government is leaving no stone untamed In the: carrying oat of expetiments as to the whys and wherelors of the many varied diseas- es that affect plant life in Ontario. i, The following students have been promoted from Form II to Form In: lg. Braithwaite, Vera Collinson, Myr. :tle Hodgson, Rose Kearney, Clyde McCallum, B. Marshall, Margaret iMoore. Doris Pratt, Janet Robb, Wm ‘Seabrook, Lucille Trafford. Lois Wil- EWllson, G. Young. Dr. Koch Is now holidaying tor a couple of weeks at his home here with his mother and brother. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS, FORMS I a " Form II medal \warded to Map guru Moore. The following students have been promoted from Form I to Form ll: A. Allan. E. Alice, F. Bolger, E. Bryans, T. Connolly, M. Dewar, E Edge, L. Erwin, Marr Jamleson, R. Keller. Laura McGowan. L. Dachau C. McMeekm. G. Movean, Jean Mur- dock, W. Noble, E. Pinkerton, V. Pinkerton. Philip 'rpertinq, E. Stew- art, J. Stormy, G. Traitor-d, I. Tur- ner, E. Wells. P. Wilson, H. Wilton. Form I new awarded to Emily Pinkerton. In Robert Tnylor. Dmmore. lett Wedneuluy for a trip to the Mlle Cont which will Include Vilnius en route with friends. as well u on re- turn trip. was In, Tulan- who)“ Western Canada the put M month- and utterly with In a. Lind (no. Ell: Benton) at Vancouver, will - turn with her. l Mrs Walter Wilson of Peace River. Alberta, who has been visiting Owen Sound friends, was the guest of Miss [Winnitred Park over the week end, fbel’ore lemming to her home. l Mr and Mrs John Renwick and two ,sons. Toronto, open over the week ‘end with his parent: Mr and Mrs R. Ii't'2w"i,',i,", Br. Misses Kathleen and Helen Renwick returned with them 51.0 the city tor a holiday. Miss Jean Lane of Brandon, Mam. hm been a visitor at her uncle's Mr Donald Mdlvride of Normanby. Mr Edward Kress is in very low state of health at this writing and causing his family and friends much anxiety. Mr Jim and Miss Helen Milligan, Arthur and Miss Ethel Derby ot Ben- tinek, Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall of Hampden attended the internation- al baseball game ‘at Kineardine Tues- day on the occasion of Old Home Week there. 5,000 saw the game be. tween Syracuse and Toronto. Mr and Mrs Jim Wilson of Gram: Valley spent the weekend with Mr. Wilson's sisters M13 A. Middleton and Mm Wm. Bourne. Mr and Mrs Belt Willis and son Percy motored to Tobermory, thence across by boat to Manitoulin Island over the week end, where they visit. ed daughter and sister there, who resides near Little Current. Their daughter Miss Reta and her friend, Miss Helen Young, who had spent a month there, returned with them. Mr and Mrs Allan Bell and daugh-l tars Misses Audrey and Susie, and Miss Marlon House, motored to Lon- don last week where Mrs. Bell is remaining for a tortnlght's holiday with her daughter Miss Thelma. Thelma will then return with her tor a three week vacation at home. We are pleased to note Mr. Bell is stead- ily improving in health after hlslong illness In spring and early summer. Mr Gordon Brown and Mia? Ada McLean of Toronto were guests over the weekend at Mrs Mepttertson's. Mr. Brown rendered two tine solos at the mor‘g service in the Pres- byterian church Sunday and also sang at evening service in Priceville. Mr and Mro Harry Scott and son Jim attended the funeral of his uncle the late George Scott, at the old homestead in Proton on Tuesday, burial taking place in Esplin ceme- tery there. Deceased died at the home ot his sister in Mount Forest. where he has been an invalid for -;ome time. Mr and Mrs Dan Campbell of Price- vllle and the Misses Campbell, Mon. treal were visitors lately at the home of Mrs McCannel. Miss Winnifred Linwood, Simeoe, is a visitor with Miss Florence Mc- Ilvride ot Normanby. Mr. James Renw‘lck of Westlock, Alta., who has been East with his parents for the past three weeks re- turned westward again on Tuesday. to resume teaching duties at this point. Messrs Donald Campbell and Car- man Noble are spending a holiday motoring in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Daln. Fort lauderdale, Florida. and their niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Card, ot New York State. are visiting with the Henry connection in town and country. making their headquarters with Mr and Mrs John Henry. With many others they "tended anniver- sary services at Amos church. Dro- more, Sundny end were delighted to hear the son of a former much-es- teemed pastor. the inte Rev. George Kendell. Mr and Mrs. H. A. Mchcken ot; Dornoch, nnnounce the engagement of. their daughter. Muriel Christen Mtrr-, Karel. to William John 1arugheed, non of Mr, and Hm. W. J. bougheed. Ruttwen, Ont., the marriage to take place shortly. =0=0=‘ JULY 30wAUGUST 8 We have slaughtered the prices on all oc- casional and small pieces of Furniture includ- ing Occasional Chairs, Rugs, Floor Lamps,Ta- ble Lamps, Indirect Lamps, End Tables, Centre Tables, Mirrors, Cushions, and many other ar- ticles which are ideal for presentations,giftr etc. See our window display for a few examples: Reg. $6.00 Mattresses, sale price. . . . . as." Reg. 8.00 Mattresses, sale price... . .. 6 " A Genuine Guaranteed Way-Sexless Spring 16 filled Mattress, reg 22.50. a real buy at. . . . 4 Other Spring Mutttesus at spa ial prim F from $13.75 up 2 only Sliding Day-beds with cretocnc cov'd Waitresses and three cushions to mud). Reg. 12.75, only 10.5. Funeral Directors DURI SUPERIOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Pure Paris Green, brsenale Lead ' Line Hot Weather Needs Black but 40, Cyanogu, Paracldind all popular Antigenic: Face Powders, Face Creams, Beautificrs & Deodoranls McFADDEN’S REXALL Drug Store CARA NONE FACE POWDER 2Se, $1.00 and $2.00 All Shade: of this Popular Powder. GARDENIA. 50c & 81; JASIINE 50c & $1; JONTEEL. Mc, 500 and ti', SHARI, 25c and $1.00. Quickly reliever the discomfort of Sour Smmnch. Acid Dyspep Bil, Heartburn, Butuienee, Gu oo the Stomach and Nnuaea. Safe. Prompt and Etecuve. 4 oz. tor Tbe; " ct... $1.50 Double D1p..5c: Bricka..20c Furniture Specials Published Weekly " 83.00 c you In Manes. To United Rum $2.50 a you In “moo. C WAGE h SON. Putnam-n ENGAGEMENT8 BELL & BENNETT For Stomach, Liver and Blood Ice Cream, Ice Colds & Sodas PATENT a PROPRIETORY MEDICINES All the Popular advertised ones at Low Price PERFUMES in all these odors BRIGHTON HEALTH SALTS Bedding Specials iii) ARCHIVES TORONTO Bisma-Rex "'1,t'ld,'E't' IT'S TIME I) TAKE DURHAM tOtt Tablets. .40. an Tum. .Ic 100 Men contain tune Vitamin B mutant u MI Minn cakes ot moist comm-cued Yen-t. Plenum to chew or swallow whole - Calder's Drug Store The Preston Fertilator Can be attached to your present Grain Drill. Will etBeienttr sow high Italy“: Fertilizer. Also Agent for CoCKsHUT"r FERTIUZER DRILLS DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Prop. DURHAM. ONT You NEED VITAMIN I t Brewer's Yeast Tablet: Choc. Inked Illk..2 for 'oe AN ANTIACID Mac-5.55% eetd= - . 6 ounce bottle for 25c. zuIMISOc WE DELIVER Phone 4t I695 PHONE 14. _r'i,i,,jtlt