i, " on of " la ot ca tie th int tir th tht la! Ian Met In r Ind by the . um Tritt the land Tort, side " t' PRESIYTEIMN Y. P. 8. The Presbyterian Y.P.S. met in the churrh basement on Tuesday evening tor their weekly meeting. Mating opened with a ang 56118 with Mrs. Rev. howdy in charge. D. J. a"! a bruvitifut uttteen comforter. the bandhxork of the ladies of Glenn; Centre Famlrt church and presented to the pastor and wife by them. The hoxology and benediction brought to a close a delightful evening. School. lt was illustrated with 25 lantI-rn slides by James Tilt and W,'tR row! by the pastor. The peak of the naming" however, according to the little tortts, was the rollicking ent/ance of Santa Claus, who distrib- uted gifts and sweets to all the pup- iN and was kissed by a very young man. and was also very wwlar with the ladies. He presented a large Christmas goose to the pastor and nil». from the church members and the older members Poor! “HI-on. Ertqn Bone and Jon Bore. the latter two elm singing very delteotely 3 Christina Coral. The aeolor “new at the Primary. was Thain. Print me n radian tor the midi“, mom: Ham and her In"? gi-ee". This ta dis- tinctly and expre nively read and we! "hunted by " “out! lantern sl’des. It†loht's clou ot boys were tired at being good Ind were longing for December 26th. Mia. C.) Thompu-n'l elm. tin dialog“! “I cidod to become Sutt- heben to some lo I fortunate children. Mini Redhtrtl't, clan oi young ladies pre- sented, "O Little Town ct Bethle- hem," In pantomime. The pastorI showed some very thte colon-d slides. on the Advent ot Christ, up to the life at Nazareth. The Bible 6333,] under the 1vsderstrrp ot a eote.'.1tttl three, Mrs. J. F'. Giles. Mrs Wilfridl Thotnuson and Mrs W. D. Erwin. pr“ i‘and a pageant of the Nativity.| the rh.nactéra being taken as fol-: lows- Joseph, T. MeNiece; Mary,l Mrs W. It. Erwin; Shepherds. Mr.I Flank linwns, Mr, Arthur Rimnwr.i Mr, Wm. Bugle; Wise men, Mr. w. l’. Firmi'i. Mr. Chas. Ritchie, Mr. A.' i'nl:.w.~'. HomM, Mrs. Walter Bailey _ ml»? t Mrs J. K. Giles: orsranist, l w. Thmnpsun; rmulo-r, pastor I J: '. J. T. Pram. the Bible Ma 5 l w-nrhvx. Tho (-hmrl: choir assisted , n tlo. mm] stinking. "Scronuo's l i'l:r, mm†Cont Iri.ckpri.u' ('hiistmm t' I " 'tus grimly apprm-iuH-d by t The prom-gm was Tenth], urled but "uncut. Bobby Thompson pre- sented I letter to Santa Chm in true Thou-Man Mylo. A bell drill was (kindly pared by Pearl Wil- son, Filmer Bog'e. (norm Runner, G, Levi. Jean Bogie and Murine Rim- mer, neonatal. by Wesley Wyvllle, no: and they would have consumed a less delicious tare than that which awaited them. _ UOIIf. junior. and lotion. Mr. wk. Bode rural-bed the hon. power. with jingle beiU for the obligato. The sleigh 'Ho sharpened youthful appet- The Dawn - School had a happy ms. at chain-u: Chi-tau treat. Festivities began with a hllu- ion- alelph tide pm, In two Jet;- YOUR oorir/yi!,f,,?,,t,",i'i" "1iii'i"'i,') MAY "iit?!liii, A iLtrtilll 'iii, not Inu- - ever knock m THE 'ii"isi"ii"i"i'y,y,; FOR The on of modern health app""""" - other costly but vitally necessary item! cannot " provided oat of the Hospital’s fixed allowances for only patients. _ Ad‘d Se! appreciated by of the Sunday illustrated with James Tilt and ' donation max“ chance for health “I: in vain at the it makes, at the Gov. .. sure that no needed expense is spared. ient's future depends on treatment and more than is contemplated by the fixed Provincial and Municipal Governments. V ""‘ Reds are in Public Wards. rl The following resolution will be in store for us, will take a wiser sent to the Rural Hockey Association man than Solomon of old, to tell ug. as the W.O.H.A. executive feel that, -Fq -- -- these tuo bodies could work ttar.' The Dundalk Herald last week,-- moniously together for the better. Christmas rush and all that-came ment of good hockey. "That the W. P out with a special rink edition, that O.†A. expresses hearty appreciation' does credit to the progressiveness ot at the ct'iorts being made by the O.R. its editor, Frank Macintyre. The edi- H.N for the betterment of real ama- tion was to mark the oi1lo'al opening teur hockey In Western Ontario. and of Dundalk's new rink. that tho W.O.H.A. executive feel. The Dalo greenhouses, Brampton, that inasmuch as its work is along disposed of approximately 175,000 the 93m? lines, that a Joint meeting, roses for the Christmas trade. It of both executives would be eondue.' would be interesting to know how ivo toward extending such ettortt, ev- much money these sales put in cir- en further." ....u...t.... - makes sure that no child seeking health or escape, from deformity v " --r- .3 this institution. The e-onvenr-rs of all groups must hold their meetings and have sched- tiles drum up try Saturday, Jan. 2, so tho leazuo can get under way as early in January as possible. " In past 'rears, there bu often been " hnloi up at the end of the playing ;'sch~!ulo when some teams. through i'lar‘k of ice. or blocked roads. had not I played an their games. Bo the follow. In): resolution was passed: "Any group that has not tlttitrhed its settesr ' or declared a winner by the clos- 'in date, the executive will have the; f'lmhority to order the leading teaml Ito enter the playdowns, and in case two trams in the group are tied forI "itst pinch a was of a coin must der iciur, th ' w'nner." I r The quostlon of whether to play under the old rules or adopt some of the new ones was discussed. The new ru'o to allow body checking in the centre ice zone was voted out at ant-w. as most of the teams in the W.tt.H.A. p'ay on a small tee tur- (are. rue penalty shot was favored by some, but as the majority ot ref- (r-w in this district are not familiar with lhr rule, it was decided not to try it an year. So this year the W. O.H.A teams will play under same rules am last year. x committee was formed eontsitsrt'nghrt J. l McDonald, A. Donnelly, J. N. 'lnrdock and H. Lucas. to meet a ithe latter'. ottlee in,.ruuover on Wed- nesday to receive any late applica- tions and entries and to make my necessary rearrangements ot group- tings. " vus decided that all groups in the *rtermwliate series must have their "nodule finished and ready to play the first round of the playdowna on Monday, Feb. IF, wh‘le the Jun- iors mum be ready by Monday, Feb. M! are I paper on "The with of Christmas". mam Jean and Du- atttth Harding “Jim the III- dlonce with a duet. Mia. Alix Tobin gave a - "The worth of a Hallo". mu Mabel Shau- in her usual wit. ty manner gun P read‘ng “Mick’s Simple Prayer". A hearty Note of links was tendered all the former member for their nutty cooperatlon " this time. A social hour ot games and comma: lolloved with refresh- ments served at the clone. brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. m were»! manhum new read the scripture lesson and Jean W. l II. h. (in-pings door Continued from we 1 TORONTO The Dalo greenhouses, Brampton, disposed of approximately 175,000 roses for the Christmas trade. It would be interesting to know how much money these sales put in cir- culation. . What the year we are entering, has in store for us, will take a wiser man than Solomon of old, to tell us. l Onlthe whole, the put year has been a kind you to Durhamites. Ot course there have arisen many un- lpleasant situations. no great fortune l (to our knowledge) has been amassed G any citizen. On the other hand, no plague has entered the town: the relief situation is less heavy and there are no extreme cases of hard ship. If we look at conditions in the, proper perspective, we have reason‘ to feel 1936 has not been such tt bad) old fellow after all. The world at large,ceapeeiauy Eur-I ope,- has led a bombshell existence1 and Spain in particular has been bad l ly torn by c'vil strife. The abdica-i tion ot Edward VIII was also a cruel': blow to many who placed such con-l deuce in him. But even in royal Cir", Mes, no one is indispensable and we) now have a new King, Without any! bloodshed, ---thanks to the British! constitution. l, ' When this issue of the ateview' is in the hands of the annuity of it; readers, the thtant year 1937 will It) With us. He comes with mixed teel- ings ot Joy and sorrow,-ioy because we want to drop our old tttttidle con- ta ning the disillusipns of 1936 into. the d%tard and forget about. them;' sorrow because we have parted with! many good friends in 1936. l good will that can hut-arise when citizens give they: town some sem- blance d! Putrre service. Almoet (our years ago, Dr. David and Mrs Junieson reached the golden wedding period; the 27th December, 1986, will stand as a day apart to their son and his wife, Dr. D. B. 1nd Mrs Jamleson, for twenty five years have rolled by s nee the vows were plighted at Southampton. We use the verb "rolled" as the most fitting word to describe the passing ot time. In these twenty ilve years both Dr. "Brad" and Mrs Jumlelon hue adam ted themselves into the town’s civic life so nicely, that were. they to leave; ---bar for instance,--- there would be perhaps no couple more muted, quite! apart from the Dr's professional “(NH The reception on Sunday Int was; evidence of this tact,nnd their triende' hope for them With their ttne tttmttri' of children. in the next twenty . dire years. the cont‘nued blessings ml It: â€rt... Stub. DR D, B. AND MR8 JAMIESON MARK A WEDDING ANNIVERSARY P. lump. mm at W; “am HIVES THE NEW YEAR The annual Christmas concert of l Mulock Baptist church was held on Thursday evening of last week with the pastor Rev. C. N. Saunders pre/ siding over a lengthy program. labeli Hopkin. gave the message of wel. came. The reertationa and exercises gave the little one 1 chance to thaw their mm, on the platfomi. tn espociully pretty number was an ex- ercise “Voices at Christmas†by a class of little side. A number of pantomime: “Upon the Ilidnixht l Olll Gue u at the home of Mr and Mrs A. C. MacDonald on Christmas day, were Rev. and Mm W. J. MacDon- ald and baby Joyaume of Harrow, Mr: Bert Ledingham of Calgary, Aita.;l Mrs Robt. Ledingham, Mrs McMurray' Mr and Mrs John Ledingham, Mrs. Charles Lawrence of Durham; Mr. 1 and Mrs. Howard Lawrence of Hutton Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ledlngham and family ot Welbeck and Mr Donald MacDonald. _ Famlly gatherings “are quite in order on Christmas in spite of tho, down pour that prrvailed and now alter a three day rain the cisterns should bc well filled until the January thaw i3 due. Mrs Sharp and grandson Calvin Snuth ate' Christmas dinner with the Smith family. Miss Mae Fulton of Hanover also spent Christmas and holiday Week end at her home. Miss Evelyn Henderson of Toronto enjoyed a. few ho!idays at Chrt Runs In the parental home and among friends. Miss Marjory Koenig of Durham, spent a few days and Christmas at her home here. Mr. Bert Rahn and Mrs. Rahn and daughter Rita are severing their connection with this locality and mov- in: to Kitchener this week where Mr Hahn has secured a position. We wish tlwm “100.951“ ttt their new life of activny. A farewell gathering is being tendered them Tuesday eV- enlng. M135 Mary Ford spending the Iii-"I: Fore's. wr. Pauli spent the holiday season at hm hon-e in strutford. " l'to nanny u the nehool wu well ill- ied and good order reigned, W. Sleighlng and Medicine Seth le dnlged in end the crowd - It. far end our. The - m' lwas well rendered and the new i children doing ther port- were n cre- 'dlt to the teacher. while the young {people excelled themselves on the itrtattorut. The school children per- itormed their numerous drill: in good ‘order. The wedding of he! and Jiil, Ewes almmt perfect and the ttttwer :drlll by several girls we: tsplendid.; Mother Game Mth ell the much- menu was good. The lines Betty and Jean Henderson snug n duet. awhile-'3‘“. Nichol ind daughter In ! TLitt supplied the music for the men- I ing and Mis, Helen Litt'l tap dancirg' 5mm excellent. "Too much matri- (mor-y" and a "Mail order wife" by (the young people were qulté up tol the {hi-Hi of former years' teleht und 'tth it's new: lute 1t Hampden. Exit-u. Claus war there will; a new red Cel .wttitr' calm, T Lo-Ipzng to' dutrimt'el parcels from the well laden end been? tirut Cln'stmas tree. The school chNren exchanged presents and 'he' teacher had an exxra tor each one! Lunch my: served with a splendid cup of coffee " (or. finish. Quit} a†nice little sum was realized to help 3 furnish necessary requirements for" entertaining the totumunity. (I but {Tuesday evening proved a "Mfume-uni night's went mEDURHAM REVIEW MULOCK mum was " ex-' Mr and In John Install cud m- Zhrlsunu" by a the son of Normal!» Intent Chrutmu . A number of "r with It Emma's lure-u. It of Holste'n 'u days at Mr. W. ,__.__. w-.." "um unusnwr L go of wel-‘and Ila: Moreno Id exercise; Were Christmas . no to show tick parents. Mr “loud. to Cy. In. an ex. Mr 1nd In " Midnight and In _ Mr and Mrs George Hodgson and family, Durham; Mr and Mrs Elmer Baker and daughter of Campbell's Corners, and Mr John Rear spent Christmas wth Mr and Mrs G. Wise. ( Those Irpending Christmas with Mr land Mrs George Mighton were Mr and Mrs Willard Macdonald and little Xson of Hcpworth; Mrs John Mighton .and family, Mr and Mrs Joe Dawson and family, Durham. ' Mr and Mrs George Tumbuil enter- "ained,to Christina dinner, Mr and (Mra Thos. Killian. Hutton Hill; Mr and Mrs Alex Knuley ot Glenelg; Mrs Knisley and Mr. John McKenzie Io! Hutton Hill. I Misses Audrey and Aileen 1"edoe a‘xi of Hamilton are holidaying with: their cousins, Misses Jean and Adar Rosy. I Miss Levine Baker is holidaying With her parents nan!- 'r-..-. _ Mr and Mr: Neil Interline and little daughter Lorne of _ Buneeun. and Ila: Florence Bailey of Toronto, '.itt,"l Christmas guest: " the home of . -1- d, ' _ Mr and Mrs Wickea and children of Buffalo: Mr and Mru Norman Hor. ton, Guelph; Miss Gladys Alexander, Toronto were holidays guests with their parents. Mr and Mrs George Alexander. Christmas: is over again with dull weather and plenty of rain Donald and the teachers presented gifts and candy to the children and the program was t1tuntrir closed by the pastor. Mr. D. J. MacDonald took charge of the remainder ot the program and two amusing plays were given by the Young people of the section, namely. "Two old maids and a tub" and "Married in hmte". After the clos- ing number Santa Claus apparel and distributed gifts and candy to the children after which a bountiful lunch was served. Last Tuudar evening a splendid Christmas program‘wu presented to a well filled school by the pupils ot Crawford school. Master Allan Kingston presided over the llrt part of the progiam which was staged by the pupils in recitation, songs. drill; and a very lovely pageant entitled "When Christ was Born". Miss Kltup es is in be mngratuiated on the cup- able training shown by the children. Mr and Mrs Jim Summon of Port Eltrtrt are spending the Christina holl- days with relatives, mound Crawford. Mr and Mrs Elmer Fisher and son Jack. Detroit were Christmas guns with the tortner'i "rents. Mr an1 Mrs Geo. Fisher. days' vittit. Miss Neon: Stineon. is spending a few weeks with friend. In .Tomto. Mrs. Dougald Mantle but Christ- mas (an. her patent! near Coiling- wood'aud is remaining for a few Iruea In new - m.m-w In. Slayers. were cum-a bau- mm ait'd irett and 1nd touching. an: ,t.qtpus.t.rryrthe mum's Hatir,Nsw Year te..tu'. ['3 '. . Mrhl'fFM’AndeI-non mud son†of Londoefiutted with!“ III-huts and broth? Will Ind until] ting-Int of this ndrteriur read.br um “cram: MAerkdatt I.“ gift [mud try [in Berruoh.wise In. Inbound wan and " mm but made a suit- able reply. thanking them one and all gttr'.the'.r x‘ndmss. ' at In Saunders. 1".t%tit Id the 8.8. “it gave a non my.“ and urged - the nar- enu the very desirable neeeuity of lending their children regularly _ to Sunday School. Special prise- were given for regular attendance and memory ver es. At the oboe ot the program the member. of Mrs A. C.' MacDonald's class presented her with a beautiful toilet eat as a token of their appreciation for her hulking work and devotion in the 8.8. An; . x Miss Muriel Hettt ot Toronto wul In John Ila-nu um lit-'holidny visitor Jhth her Intent. Mr. l )4me â€out Cttrtatasarand In. had Hem. I It lush-m â€In, Mr." In“ Beale Cahpbell of Toronto,‘ Wm. Hammock. gm: 3 to" darn with her melee. VICKERS 'aTraiirTGF, J“; ROCKY swam! and In [r and Mrs Prneriutwao :er of Catntrtreit'tr Chats. ohn Reay spanthero and Mrs G. Wisc.lF. Br, ,'ttrutrnaa with MriW. H l be w s a i u. J. newttson sheep. ........53.00 1m r a " 3ank Twamley sheep .... .....9.00 the Starlight. " y , ' ' . . the Sabbath I Vi ilfred li right, inspecting .....3.00 AC, McDonald rcliooi attendance 7.25 with special; endance while-“L C. Mercer, costs re tax sale 2.39 iMunicipul World statutes ..... 2.47 ray Twamley. . iw. J. Adlam, stamps ........ 83.00 1r Stinson, C. 'W. J. Adlam financial statement 4.00 r Boyce receiv-. . W. J. Adlam auditing roll .... 10.00 norising scrip-. *W. J. Adiam salary ...........3l.00 the summer IDr. J. L. Smith, salary M.0.H.tM.oty Kr. Alex Mac~. . " presenteilu' H. Chlttick, salary. $90; postage children and! on tax notices 82); mailing tax gly closed by notices 26 postage and express 3 $18.00 ...... .. .. ..... ...154.00 IR. Brunt, solicitors fees re relief and assessment. appeal .. ...31.50 tS Ist. H. Buckingham. mm to library " gain with verylL. Chapman relief supplies .....9.44 y of rain. 3 McCrea Bros. relief supplies ....9.90 l and children; W. R, Bartman relief supplies 2.75 ' Norman Flor-3 Geo. Reay relief supplies .. .....70( y, Alexander/A. A. Aljoe relief supplies ....17.35l s guests with . Can. Aer/t Stores relief supplies 12.65 d Mrs Geortreieno. Clouston relief supplies ...28.30 lOscar Hahn, board .'.......... 4.00! Hodgson 'utdytor Lamb; Pay sheet .. .......4.273 " Mrs Elmer. Lawson Hopkins pay sheet ......7.203 st Carrotreit'tr,'chtu. Potty pay sheet ...... ..4.zol Reay sttmtt'Newton Davis pay sheet ........3.601 Mrs G. Wisc.3F. Breutig-am pay sheet ........9.81 tune with Mer. H. Mather pay sheet ......ssz n were MrandiNorman McRonald pay sheet ...2.10i‘ , and littleiHenry Meteatte pay sheet ......1.80:, John Minton 1 Ph'lip Schmidt pay sheet ......82.70 I Joe DttvitsoniEdwirt Bennington. in! sheet ...3.42 {Findlay McCuaig pay sheet ......2.16 Flu-abut! enter-anL N. Campbell. my sheet ..1.u user. Mr “dim-0.12mi†pay sheet ..........l.801 Mon Hill; Mr W. J. Campbell pay sheet .....7.56 'of Glenelg; p. A. Campbell, team grader ..12.05 Dim McKenzie. P. W. Schmidt, team grading ..21.R7 'Ed. Bailey. tum grading ......15.75 lleen Maedon.1H. Patterson. salary .. .... ...27.20 blidayilx Gr/au, Grierson team grader ....l7.60 Dan and My?†Potter team grader .... ...9.45 pr. H. Mather, lumber ..........60 s holidaying Fred sauna, bridge covering ..l._50 Hanover. ng. Jackson, hook handle, ......25 ‘Rosehart of Wm. leCncksn m sheet .....2.u Saturday at Boy C. Hopkins per sheet ......5.oo r’s sister. Ill-i Council adjourned to meet on lon-' l lr. day. Jan. 11th at It o'clock. 5 Maths. and. J. H. cum MA " . I.---., John Bail, urea .. . .... .... ... D. J. Hewitron, sheep. ... Frank Twamley, sheep . . .. Wilfred Wright, Inspecting ment .... ........ .........A G. H. Miguood, commie ion ...1 Chas. Bang}, coluhlon .... ..1 Aiox Hopkins. commission ..... " Jun. Wells Commit-hon .... ....3 Wm. Hudson, interest on debenr naiterHoPkins: That I grant ot $5 be given Elmwood public library for the year 1985.-- Carried. Accounts: One meeting of council ...... 112.20 Geo. H. Maltwood. "ml-Inn 4.... Bailey-Brown: That all accounts. ‘ncluding voucher No. It, be passed and cheques issued by treasurer. - Carried. Council met on Tuelday, me Itrth day ot December with ntl mambo†present. Minutes of last meeting wcre read and adopted. . Miss Myrtle McLean full-nod to Toronto, after spending a low days at hm home here. Mr and Mn Brut-9'“ up“ Christmas Day with Ma‘mu Jn Menford. - .Mr And Mm rank Horetsis and family. tstretttechritstmaa with â€have: It Aberdeen and Hutton Hill. with medd- here Mr and Mrs Addie Swan and family. London, were My guest- Mr and In Neil Helena and (un- ily, were Christin“ guest; with Mr. and Mr. Gordon lokaem'_ l Mr and In. Godh- loCm . 3nd “wily an holidaying with 'qbttvet' "rt manhunt. ' Co', _ l Mr m " Mind Hm fwd Marilyn at Mata were WWI-- “on With ttieatdo new. . Mitts Laartne mom ot million, visited this week with her "other, Mr and In Brute. Iche. , Mr “a In unanimity uncut (3th with In nudist-lo ourrie an up"; ., l! Guests over the holiday “h Mr. and Ma MOM. Lawson - Miund Mrs Luce Bumble and nu Bot, In: Jack Lumen, um “the! humans" from Toronto. . Mr and Mrs George lean-um and funny nUo In .Wm. - ot Durham were Chum mu with Mr and in: Malcol- New. - Mr sud In (Ila-em Thompson .entem'ned at a - dinner on city when a number of M - visited them. In M 1" from Toronto, Mr ad Mr: Tod flip [mm Detroit and son Fred from Kirkland lake. 0 Bentinck Council mg or council .......812.20 Magwood. prepu-Ing aute- New Year lime um. , I“ -" - . uncut: may? Mr. "a. Vas N I'M IN msaisare. .c"bta"r, vulu {Alibi ., an Bottle-Mack. t. Law-on - tirund m Mr and M I saw. ....... RN! Bheet ... "totteet...... 11.9w sheet .. Ply like! ..... sun grader ..1 â€I.†â€2.16 “I.“ .1.80 .7.56 12.95 21.87 15.75 27.20 17.60 .9.45 4.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 rtnutr--m In: memory or a,†father who d on Jlnuar) 2, was The tlowing at of He mllr, oh But still the m m chair. Racial: the love. t voice, thr m. A. Ot one who once t there, --E'eere menu. by Fm: an “at. Mr. Chmuce Elvfdxe of UN: Mr MIMI Dwyer had Chm: dinner with the "06le and Bell Ities. dear. - For we know we've tried you MH'v-l mm: the main: Mm: If you only Inn-w how bird v. t "tcd to be both good and tt " You’ll accept our little token and m the nu too. , Wed tn behalf of your Imp. lPtutt me. Gavin Ray. Mr. luau Noun spent Chr, 't with his when Mn Moran ol I lad Centre. H In. E. Maehtterdt and Nslson, In: an In Ill Bettildroth, Mn J“.- uld Md and Mr mm. ,',m do christian dinner “11va “4 In Bryce Ins-um. W. Joe Kathy spent (‘hrwx with sander family. I!“ nation Boyd and friend l Abbot and Ills Heather Boyd, all Tomato, spent Christmas with l and Mrs Allan Boyd. “In Blanche Mekertinie m ' to and Ihend Mr. Kenneth w ot Oshawa, spent Chrn at the {owner'- parents Mr aw Jack Ickachnie. Mr and In Will Kenn) um rm Christmu :3, hor Mr and Mrs Dan +111â€) ot l Min Dorothy Fchal'er ot went Christmas at parental Mr. Nichdu Meloshe an spent Christmas with " 3111 Calm McArthur or ()w. MOW“ BROS. Wing tone. " It†“as: Mist another l'ttIe gift to our rho hon-Inch school ttoht i'ssir (Shim mo Ind Monday any â€. At'the Old of the Dummy“ Gnu appeared and distributed an. mu. not forgetting the tram-y, I“. V.. Idea, who was prrw-mwd At this festive tim" of the year we wish In extend to all our many patrons our very has: with†for a w miie. mm! Wert. Sun a“ viattats with [rand Ira Fred W , It. " anâ€. "s nnd nun 'r'sr Mt." visitor: with Mr allt'. M I, It.“ Vac! and family v.1†boa“... value: with Mr and My. I“. Annie CM of Toronto 11M Mr. m lord-on. Oshawa, 'lriteti "a Mr lid Mrs Ehmean .Mo-rnior, m: the â€In†weekend. ~19 .4 Ir. I'm. Smith mm Mu, n, n I M h†Viliilinx Pttl, Mr a Mm Wilfred Bnoun u! If and It! Bl" SCMIdrolh of Tor, out. 'tBitqd oven the holiday with m Aeee, Mr. Nehon MM‘lmogI mt-ttttq In 'l'omnm with them fo: 5 (our dun. It 't" In Howard 3mm. Mr uh, In M “than and Illilyn Me Chat-u dinner at the home, ol Mr, mu Wilder-won *‘u In J. J. In: Happy and Prosperous New Year Phone 8, Durham GLENROADEI I Greeting at six doling an MEMORIAM q "" dinner Che. Irue Pr. tat Sr. Md In Sr . tv---. Jr. “in tbr. ttb-Vt TA [EB " can“ ttAME,