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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1937, p. 5

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TOWN Agmt hon. 21, Ma NIX ll Sch” lNOCH FARES ' 27 1.80 he 'acitic SAUGEEN no " Marl . hi7 9.50 Haagbitt M Saturday Mr. Arets " m. . bane Show Wm plop" Ito-don came his! I‘M M with DOW no a! loch ot “In Md attend Mn. V wknnd run I In M Ming M Mille Det not of with arm, " on ble of "on “New W0" and In: arday Viv-s on! Mr Mt 'ttt roit lyn " " M' wt! hogs. the price may be consider- ably less. tn tho milk Industry rapid progress har been made In giving the produc- ers a 'trt'ater abate of the dollar. tn that connoction the Milk Control Board of Ontario Ms done splendid work, a tact now mllzed by most J no other a farmers, take action an! priman Farms“ are somewhat better ott today than they were. say. " yen: ago. But there is all“ plenty of room sanprovemes. In the liveotock Duane“. tor "xampte, prices ttttettr ate so rapidy that on n Monday it may be profitable for a tum-r on u 'thintt of paying low prices for " rtcultural 'ommoatties. Probably there a no other elaso or men so exploited .a farmers, and governments mun "Ike action to protect the all-import. ant primary pruducers. Mr. Marshal's idea is that ade quate publicity to term price: will develop public opinion to such en ex- tent tha' whole-sale itrana and oth. er: will be deterred from gouging the men who sell them the produce iron their farms. " in realized. Bow. w-er, that care must be taken in kovernmenf action to prevent :ny un- til)? 'ttttorterenee with amino-- Lud- Give your children plenty of the delicious, wholesome Bread we hake Eat it your-enwfor begun and enjoyment. And let no tote war-- of your other blkod good. nee tts, too. We produce a wide urn-1y of tine quality products. III. y. froth end perfectly baked. Scientists "no that properly made Breed in t and bones. Recent laboratory tut: prove this on test: brought out. that in children n diet high it by no menu uncountable with excellent calcium relentlon. protection tram Arms nothing of paying to, "cultural communitie- Six-akin: before the Ouurlo Whole ' Milk Producers and the commute!- Mllk Producers Auoclatlon the oth. or day.Hion. Duncan ”mull, Min. bur ot Agriculture. deetared that he was going to have published in the daily noaspapen the price- for farm commodities paid by individual Arma. This will live the public in he}: of who in grain“ the short and ot the (lull. Farmers are 1oronto. February ts: Something dethnite is going to be done at Int tot the farmers ot Ontario do»: the tine of exposing those ttrang that ex- plon them with regard to prices for tarm producers, 'tttld be interference with private brush COUNTER CHECK BOOKS H ENDERsON'tt BAKE RY ha Duplicate - Triplicate Carbonized - Carbon Leaf Every Book guaranteed a'perfect book and all popular Styles and Sizes The Durham Review ht Queen's Park IV THE WATCHMAN “QUALITY BEST” beet long {en that union ' taken to give the runners An item of importance that we an su; .ny promptly anmple, Price! tttttttu. that on a Monday it able for a farmer to priee may be consider- Place your orders at home. cCASKEY which think .RTOTHART--4d tender loving mem. ory of our deal devoted sister. Minnie, who pass away, Feb. 27, 1930. After the floods of last week sever- al of the villagers are considers“ building an ark. The young people ot the common!- ty enjoyed the dance held in the L. O.L. hall last Friday evening. The ladies of Varney and Knox met last Frlday afternoon in the Io-, ral churn to hold I prayer serviee.i Mrs C. M. Leeson and Mrs T. arc. Allister were leaders and conducted the program. A duet by Miss Janet Kerr and Mrs Meson wee much en- Joytvi. Lunch was served. Mr and Mrs George Constable of Churchill were recent visitors, with Mr and Mrs W. G. Blyth. I Mr and Mrs Jas. Meson ghters visited xecently with Mrs Wm. Picken. (Arrived too late for lat week.) The W.A. held a very successful Valentine Social on Monday evening in the hall Contests and community singing were enjoyed, followed by lunch. “a a." distributor! alike and tor this reason " is " important move in the right direction. I Mr. Martian, in lain address helm .the two minnow, alto informed 'gatherlng that he we: working out legislation for marketing of perish- able farm produce in much the some: way as the legislation now covering the milk industry is operating. This will be welcome news to the fruit and vegetable growers of Ontario. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture wilt also give fttll support to a 'Drink more milk' compalgn snort- ly to be irtsugurated. Success or, such a calnpnlgn would help produc-' ers and distributor: alike and tor: this reason " is an important mmm‘ ad In good for the tooth this conch-holy. Thou high In rettned wheat in calcium and phosphorus ' 'rretrpeetive of mum Ian. VARNEY ---BrottteN and sisters MEMORIAM Leeson and dau- Mr and stein. if, Mr and Mm Wnt, millage celebnt- ed in a quiet way their 5tnd wedding ___ --._. v..- tut "" Monday and cut her head. Dr. Milne wag called and did all he could for her. She was unconscious tor awhile. but " time of writing is improving. On Thursday night Mr and Mn T. B Whittaker entertained their neiglr born to 4 progressive euchre My. Mr and Mrs Jack Melanin won lat prizes and Mr and In l. K. Me. Leod the consolation prizes. A dainty lunch was served to all. _ Miss Mary McKinnon returned home after visiting friends in Hal-g Mr and Mrs Art Richardson and family of Swinton Park, visited on Wednesday at Mr. Alex Carson's. Mrs Donald McKinnon, south line, had the misfortune to (all on the ion Monday and cut her head. Dr. Milne Will be held at Sutherland. ers. Elmer Watson gave a reading. in was decided to have a coronation [banquet in March: table com., Mrs. Jack Nichol Ar.; Mrs McMeekin; Mrs Elmer Watson; Mrs J. A. Nichol, Miss Margaret Nichol, Mrs Hector McLean. Mrs Sutherland presided over the W.M.S. and gave a splend- did reading Considerable business “as deal: with. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Misses Mary McEachern and Mar- garet MeArtyur, Mrs McMeekin and Mrs H. R McLean. March meetinz On Tuesday afternoon Miss McLean was hostess to the V and W.H. society when 22 were present. Mrs Jack Me the new preident was in the The topic was given by Mis Stewart on the Ladin' Am A Mood 1ttondance is expecte Sunday at church, as it will I cided whether the congregation a student or to can a minister Presbvtery meets at Orangevm March 2nd. ( Mrs D. A, McIntyre of McIntyre, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr ard Mrs Thos. Nichol. Mr and Mrs F. R. Oliver, Mr and Mrs Jim Oliver, Mrs. Jack McMeekin (Mr and Mrn A. L. Hincks and Mr. ‘n‘Dnvid Hincks and Wm. Aldcorn at- .tended the funeral on Saturday of Mt', fro. Black Sr. at Swinton Park. 1 a A session meeting was held re-l :vently in the manse. CottaideraNe' business Watt transacted. Mrs Suth. Iorland was appointed Sunday School Sup't. I Mr and Mrs ited Sunday at home. Mr. Dave Him weok visiting his Harrison and Mr Messrs Dick Carson Stephenson attended a in Markdale last wee I Mrs Donald Campbell and Miss gMargaret Simpson attended the fun- geral ot Mrs S. Hill in Markdale on f Monday. Thirteen tables of euchre were en- Juyed at the Aldcorn home on Feb l5th. Messrs tl. Kirktown and J. McMeekin received prizes, while the consolation went to Miss L. Mather. This wan given under therauspicea ot the W.l., who are having installed in Priceville school,. a drinking foun- tain, individual cups and towels. W. G. McBride was chosen to be church treasurer and Miss Mary Mc, Kinnon envelope and tinaaee secre- tary. A aaclal time followed and lunch was served. 1 The annual congregational meet- l in: of St. Columba United church {was held on Feb. 18th. A good rep- ,' traentatton of members and adher- Iems was present. The pastor, Rev..' (H. E. Wright presided and Mr. v.) t Reiley was secretary. Gratifying fr‘morts of the various organizations;i fwere presented in detail and indieat.' lied a healthy condition, all obligations ihaving been met. A resolution of 'issympathy. appreciation and thanks? (,iii.i' tendered to Mr. Wright as pas-' P"; also to Mr. Ramage as treasur- er and cnolr leader, and to leaders and omcers of all departments. Let. tem of condolence to be sent to Rev. R. J. McCarten and Mrs (Rev.) S. G. McCormick, former pastor: New members on thc managing board are: Walter Williamson, Gordon Klrktown.‘ Albert O'Dell and John Ritchie. Mm . The W.A. are planning for a sup- ,per and entertainment on Mar. 17th. " good program is now being prepar- gcd. The chief nupper dish will be (lrich stew. The fame ot this dish, asj Emaue by the ladies, has spread a-l ' broad. oc the 17th at the home or Misses B. and E. James, and was well at- tended. Interesting stories about our missionaries “ere read by several members. Several pieces, of Chinese embroidery and other curios were on, display. mas James presided through-i out. (tHttditiiiiiL,ijiiTi,iii"i, The February meeting of St. Col- ttmba W.M.S. and W,A. was held ins his daughters. Mrs. S, and Mrs Chas. Tucker. Mrs Bill Hill, Fergus. vis the Ladies' Aid, last week. Hlneks ia spending this PRICEVILLE ean. March meeting the home of Mrs. Mr. H. R can a minister. The s at Orangeville, on R, Oliver, Mr and Irs. Jack McMeekin L. Hincks and Mr. I Wm. Aldcorn at- I on Saturday of Mr , fs expected next as it will be de. to the W.M.S Jack McMeekin s in the chair. by Miss May .1 and Robert a hockey match McLean's Nellie ladies Wants and --Erer Jeanette . Time takes a y the edu- of trial. But memory run back every lat. There is a link ' all: cannot sever, Love m1 tame mace Int torev. er. ANGUS n loving memory 0’ I. dear husband nd father, Jam Angus, who pass away Feb. 2m, 1932. , Mrs Lynan Jackson of Toronto; Mary 1 Mrs Robert Knox of Little Britain; and three sons: Robert of Toronto; , Wilfred of Black's. Beach; and George A. at home. There are 11 grandchild- ' ren and 3 greatgrsndchildren, and a host of nieces and nephews who all were fond of uncle George. All who possibly could were present at the funeral. When a young men Mr. Black bet eame a member ot ‘SWinton Parkl Presbyterian Church. He was slwaysf regular in attendance while in health) and consistent in its support. Mr and} Mrs Black were successful hommk- ers and everyone who came along en- joyed their hospitality. He always had a little to spare for those less fortunate, and he will long be missed, by the neighbors, who often sought! hfs advice and assistance. he being skillful in the care of live stock. 'l: Especially will he be missed by the remaining few old people who went to school, church. and nil social gather-j ings in this community tor 75 years I with George Black. Quiet of dispoe-' ition, but ilrm and reliable 'st all l times, he could say 'res'; he could I also any 'no', and his word stood. No 1 one eyer took offence. Our n-the, i one eyer took offence. Out-sympathy is wit}: the mourners, Mrs. Black mi mung. Mrs a Last week we mentioned the seri- l ous Illness of George Black: Now we t'report his death. On Friday morning l tPets. 12th he sullered astroke. and on .1 Thursday morning, Feb. 18th. he tt quietly passed away. He was buried '. on Saturday in Swinton Park ceme- t tery, ttttdertakers McMillan ot Dun. 1 dalk and Holstein in charge. Rev. [- Wm. McIntosh of Dundalk, conducted‘ F,iiei, at home, in the church. and lat graveside. A very large gathering "or friends and neighbors were present n showing sympathy and respect. John lgand George Haw, tttother-in-taw, and your nearest neighbors and most im 'l timate friends: Neil McMillan, .10th ”Lane. Samuel McMurdo and Ed. Heard, liiir.i,' pallbearers: By request there lwere no homers. While everyone in i that large gathering was sorry for the, i, passing of George Black, yet all could l, :say we beneliiied by knowing him! iduring his long, quiet life. I l Mr. Black was born on Dec. 16, 1861 ion the farm where he died, and basil‘ spent those 'iii years and 2 months in '1 this community. For a few years” when starting out for himself, he warll ion another farm close by. but return/l -un another farm close by. but return. ed to the old home. He was the youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Black, pioneers of this place. He had tour sisters: Mary, Mrs. Geo. Shill (deceased); Jean, Mrs. William Aldeorn (deceased): Annie, Mrs Mat- thew Hooper, (deceased): Henrietta. Mrs. John Wright of Rockwood, and one brother, Joseph Black of Proton. On December 25, 1888, he married Ehzabeth Haw, aiao of this place. To them Were born two daughters: Edna THE DURHAH REVIEW Mr. C --tgrtt'e and n who wen. J duty on school stat! owing to in returned. Misses Thelma and Susie 1 London, wr-e guests ot Mr t E. Rowe DVth the weekend. Mr and Mrs Mulkay returned to Detroit on Monday having spent the past few days with Mr and Mrs G. A. Noble. Sr. Miss C. Fettes and Miss Wale were visitors in Hopeville the tirtrt of the week. Mr. James Henderson. London, spent the first of the week in the parental home. Mr and Mrs Herbert Noble and family who were home for the tor. mer‘s parents golden wedding annl~ versary, returned to their home in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Shirley McIntyre. London, visited with her mother over the weekend. Miss Margaret Rica who spent a few days in the parental home. re turned to her duties in the General Hospital, Hamilton. Miss Cameron who spent the past' mo months with Mrs P. McPherson and sisters, left last week tor Town-f to. [anniversary at the home of their dau- ghter Mrs. Chas. Mahrugatt, Hoi. 'stein on Saturday, Feb. 6th. Of the original attendants only 5 Ire left. two sisters and two brothers of the bride and beat man on the occasion. Jim Ramon is still hale and hearty' at 87 years or more. 3 remembered» rite SWINTON PARK IN MENORIAM Thelma and Susie Belt, ot tunic and Miss E. Hunt 1 duty on the public owing to influenza, have 8113'! or Mr and Mrs .' Have you the habit ot thinking that “accidents will happen, even in the best regulated funnies"? " so, you have developed 1 sloppy hub- it of thinking that might - lend to injury. loan and misfortune. You ,can drive out such habit- ot thought; "by the better kind of mental attitude'; }which recognise. accidents of all kind: " the result of bad habit- such an indifference, In ot foresight, or :Innybe just pinin inexcusable ignor- lance. Cultivate safety in All your habits and you will soon have the 'lnblt of safety in everything you do. trying to explain how mnvoldnble 'ome accident was. In! to him: "-For get the alibi, accident- ue prevent.- able." D that is your opportunity to help the I other fellow and prevent an accident. ' Do you do all you can to prevent ac- cidents. If you don't, who will? Good habits ot work will produce _ a good product. and at the some time produce very few accidents. for after all, an accident is simply a .mistake. It is important to you, therefore, that you know something ;of the habits of those who worki (with you, or work for you. ll if you say "What bu oil this to do} :with ttabit.'"-.-' answer is "ttuitel is lot," because habits of mind are irnade by the . courses of your ’thoughts. You cm make may I habit which will save suturing to you and others. You can lesrn to do your work the right way and suddenly tind that the right wsy is the ssle war, too. You can also get the hab it or checking your own mental equip- ment - that is very important. Do you make s habit of taking a long look at yourself every now and theat it is worth while and will my divl-I dead; to you. I 1 the Chief point, then, bemmes this: I’Are your habits, good or bad? Do they _ help or hinder you? Do you get up IJune most mornings and have to ljrush your dressing, bolt your break. t fast and dash to your work. It so. I that is a bad habit, and one that will , tend to make you nutter through tic. lcldental injury. Do you use a wrench, Iwhen you should use a hammer? That; is a bad hablt. Do you think it saves li:;, in the long run to get first aid (for every scratch. It does, and that '13, therefore, a good habit. Do you! fthlnk it saves time to do your work. [the safe way. it does, for the safer (way is the right way. Do you think] 'it is easier to do some kinds of! work than to show someone eisel how? Sometimes it seems water. but! it Isn't helping the other fellow. If you are an Industrial worker do you use the machine safeguards pro- vided in your plant? You should, for they will make your work outer. Do you report unsafe plant conditions to someone in authority? You should, for Long inaction or failure to use any ability does not deprive you ot the knowledge, as for example, the use of a bicycle. There are habits ot 1nind and habits ot body, and each can be mined. Ot course, " is eas- ier in youth but not impossible with age. Hablts make your work smooth- er and easier. Habits take some of tho load on your mind. The more lie? tails of your daily life that are habit, the more your higher powers are set free ' Sow a ter." it not. Your habits, in many cases. are n the result of education, and in some l-I'cases are Just accidents. Do you put (iii Four right shoe t1rat or your left? {no you know which? That phase of Irri daily life may be a habit ox“ t not. Do you look both ways before} I you step off the curb to the roadway?I .ilt you do not, get the habit quickly} if!» you know what your habits are7i Pe you know anything of the habits‘ l’ol your fellow workers? Do you know} "that it is a habit of things to (all; i‘when they slip from your hands, or' are knocked oft a work bench? i I Are new shoes or new gloves cvrrI (quite comfortable until they get the] habit of your feet or hands? You; know that paper once folded, folda( (iii!, the next time. it has the habit: (You know an automobile engine ruin more smoothly after the timt thous. I and or so miles, because it has work- ed itself in. as we any, or, it has the {habit l You know that practice is necessary I for good work and reasonable speed. 1 You may not fully realize it but you t are either the victim of your own and 1 others' habits or you Ptotit from 1 them; losing by the bad ones and. x gaining from the good, every day of l I your life. As Charles. Honda no» The chief point, then . (By mammal Aocidenu Frevenuon . Association) I You have heard of habits all your Jite: that of biting your mils was a "trad haw. that spending a little less than you earned was a 'ttood 'habit' and so on. You are a bundle} iot habits, whether you' realize it ori lualIg oy the bad ones and g from the good, every day of Me. As Charles Reade said: an act and you reap a habit. habit and you reap a chtunuy l MEN WANTED l Have you a hundred dolls" to in- iveatt Share prohu with 600 other ‘succeutui businou men. Start 1 mo. 'dern business of your own sollinr direct to the consumers. Do not “it; -behind a counter. Variety of 20-)? guaranteed necessities. Sell. then or-i der. Experience not essential. NO, leSK. NO DEAD STOCK. No heavy :expcnses. Great possibilities for " tive, ambitious wanton. In. mtal. i one and details. no: m mi STATION "u" MONTREAL. ( “mum Itimttttiii" Full Hal-dio- uhRo-udTle "tttsreta" Fm .Imlu PM: OWFM thta..tuaso- AM ,7 roamed residence, on Bruce Bt Durham. All eottven'enems. Apply Alex. Morton R. R. l, Vnrnoy AGENTS WANTED Make " money mung goods that sell on light. A "sound home: In your dUtrtet no pronoun for our line of 200 household metallic». Experience unnemnry. sun to nuke bl; money at once. Write to Mlle: Products Co., 670 St. Clem. ent M., Montreal. tuGGiiiriiair.Tuiii, ikGrl mm.- and - Gun-n. w 1tpfttteA.qt-.t-tsesk.Cii 5mm to: ttdra+ not. and... ft',"T'?'dti'tits. H... In.“ mum at Arm m I. beside Mic. his." . spool-m. nun-m- titlC'd"a.sty'p"ra,t,tTdjei ‘uautormumumuuuu. _eiterrr-wt"auritiiitrG7a. an» we“ m “on Jd't'gttgt'tgictrt,itt {or P. lame“ In. I.- t I. O m“. and i ' F . M . 'hqrsr'istg Vm .d an; P. . " "att-ten “. fl---------.., 200 new, in Hound township, , miles north-emu of Domoch. Good brick house Ind barn, Ibo good or- chard. Soft Ind hard wntor can» vonient. Apply ttt Review once. Mar. lst-At LAT. Chapman'. Store, Durham, from IJII. to 4 pm. GEO. W TMORE, Tar Hector. R.R. 1, ricevllle, Ont. (tom lit, p.m. to 4 part. Feb. M--- Township Hall. Gleuelx. from 10 mm. to O p.m. I w I be at the following one” to receive yawn! of taxes: Petr. M At O'Neal'o Store, Dorm. OF NNUAL MEETING .. The :1an meeting of the Grey 1nd Bruce M mu Fire Insunnca Company will held at the Head OMee In the To ot Hanover on Friday, the 26th Mr of Fhbruary, 1937, n 1.30 o'cl p.m.. to receive repom, elect ttireeto And (run-act (wen! business. ab. 27---At Dept. of Agriculture or lee, Markdale, trom 10 mm. to 4 Mens’ Brown Romeou at ...... $1.49 Some Ladies silk and wool Hose sixes 81,3. 9, 1%, In shellgny and Sunk-n, " .... ..... What I. left of Juneau, $1.00 J. S. MIRA“ “LAW! or on “may ILAGK and BROWN VELVET amt amen JERSEY Fur trimmed Motor Boots at 82.76 GOOD FARM FOR SALE Mc. a pair, or 3 pair for $1.00 asummo " uowu. FOR SALE OR RENT WE ARE OFFERING TN! A LIMITED NUMBER op TAX NOTICE NOTICE William icevme, Ont, MIC. ONTARIO ARCHIVES Ontario a Domino” Land " Registered Proteuionu Eng! Surveys, Repom. hunt... Toluhono 8t, ORANMVILLE, “ma-nu“ admit-ant comma-nun... B-e-ta---. 0'0""! tn an m Dram ‘x In on (nutmeg. Um.“ Auctioneer hr “my Cum. Honor Graham Tomato Unwrap, Oman-to non: cm. Dam Bun-f. Inc-1m. In. an, Non an a... I. F. GRAN]. 0.03.. tuba. ll mm. - m Lambton St., Don-h. Oftiee Hours: tatt to RF. 1kdiltmllt J. L. 9mm. ML, on» And “News: Coma-M an.“ Luau-am,“ '"uottattm:'tou.acgset.. Fm., 7 ft ' Plannim J.tt Nltututttte. B. Banding- ruled and moved. the “one wtrit. almightnnod. Witt an my kind at tum stock in mm. For Manur- can on Hugh C. I. Lou. R.R. I, PMoevmc. ’. C. PICKEHIMI', 008. I408 office over Royal Bank, ”CURB: I - C . n. , - I . on. (ROME E. DUIGAI WHEN BURNETI. M. I anon on manual. um. trr-ti' It Her.“ new. "tt thrmmt, Dunn.- w when” Adv-nee. Goo. E. L, bundalk no. Phone " t“ .. our new Ink. Dun- T. n. MEAT". M. u. ', M. EM LESON I.” to 4.00 p. m. 7.30 to "tt p. m.

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