West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Mar 1937, p. 8

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“I “.31.. 'tMoot. “MT e has, B. Stephenson. - Jr 'B--Eitratr mm. 1 Br "--mgsao minor 93%. Bert 61“ 9t, uh Smith M. Bryce Mer. on 85. Mull Holman " Senna “an " Bill Morrison 80, Venue Thu-non N, Ammo Brown "Mean It IV-Rooe Dyer 89%. Curran - M, Kalhben Etch: " Glen About” 19. mm Icon!" 73, Jean "tttt 12. Iatrqtgta ndler TI, Fred Ell“ 61, am Snively 43. " Ill-Daisy Dyer 91%, Dowel. Tho-noon " Inlay Sumo Mt, Min. em loner .09, Jean lemme 88. “all Elm M, Jul Beds. 83. Hugh than Zeal" 70, J1. Stanton '0, Harold Gibson 66. ml; Prank hm"; n -Ariertw Brown; Eileen Mtken; Vivian Meet John Brown; Delbert Ins; R. J Stephenson; Arthur Bul- it; Shirley Long; Elm, Williams; You: Long. Sr b-Mme Morrison; laden Hun; Billie Ellis. Jr I-- has; H1171 Anion; In” Moore. h m-Betty He‘ll”; Etteagugt mum .000 " OWN-thumb law-lb. . 10mm SLEEPING CA” “hr-mud . STANDARD tqatEPtNG “38“le MACON! W tttet-tr-tArtur-e-AN-dx"" Tu3-.sr-cer-itsqts.Va_trafrx--tte. “MEMBER GOING 'ttuw-FEB. 20 to MARCH 6 Incluivo "I M! a by. Modernize your Home... ' or your Farm Buildings! "a 540‘ char. and]! account: are 10:16.00” Inna-mum“ BANK OF MONTREAL Check over this list . . . . You give the orders-we' can provide the money When you have decided on what jobs you want to carry out either in your home or your farm buildings, come to the Bank "ancigttt this work . . . our manager will be glad to talk over ”In,” your plans with you with a view to Hanging a loan Ci'i"iiliY. for the purpose. Lanna are repayable in easy monthly not l s.s. m u. mom mum; Bunk, Jr and Br nr--Nex Helm-do, cm. A. J. Howl-on Win-on. Lorne Boole... Dorothy Me. Andrey mm; Natty, Ruth MeKmuie. Jr tv-mme ml; Dorothy Bun". Br m-Betty Tnylor on, Cor Doreen Ecol"; Vin 00m: on, Alex McGllumy.Do-; ,rothy Ham-on, Kenneth um... Ar, Eileen Aitken; ' nie Dimn'. Jr "r-For Helm-do; Known; Delbert Calvin Noe', Dough: Note. Pt nr II; Arthur BuI-l-Violet Moore tm, John Harbour Buoy Williams: Arnold 81mm. M-at- Taylor tm June Morrison: Royden Hudson, Roy Ecclos’. Pr. Elihu. Jr I--- --Audrey Whitmore". . absent for', “18."wa ”km-lb. D. m m. “I. AMMONIA. ine Ellis; Joyce Loos; Eleanor Xe; ---- Guire, Ken Moore, equal; Jock long.‘ 8.3. No. 0. rumour Non J. aunt, an“. Iv-Awe Drimmie, Florence Reid; - Carmen hove. Br. m--Mrrtle Hors- . . burgh: Charlie Irvin; Dorothy Drun- " _ I” L 's.'s No. ". NORM Y mic, Raymond Baton. Jr. m--Etwrn Sr. n --Mariorr Goodyear (H.)- i. . ' Nicholson; Alice Reid; Alex Reid. Mchee tH.V, Raymond Hon-inn, R. H-Pearl Love. Hugh Dodds, Anna Weber (Mm). Jr. "- Florence Monomer tH.); Lorraine Kirby: Jim Irvin, Charlie Drimmie. F-Ethel Its _.--. .. ' .....A .-. Liu, win. Pr. --uttetard Ecol”, his Mi. v.s.s. No. 3. NORMANBY Br. Tv-Manor, Goodyear (3.); t. Mchee 0-1.); Raymond Hon-inn. R. Weber (Mm). Jr. "- Florence manner (it); Lon-nine Kirby; Jim Wilson; Duncan Walls. nr-Ht-t Harrison tH.); Gordon Weller; Dov- ereua Dickson; Willi-id Goodyear; H. Dickson. Br. ii -wre Dickson J. Horrigan; Don-dds. lemme; Marjorie McPhee; Jim Goodyear; Bevelery Walls. (Aim). Jr. It-Nine-ttt Hor. Dick-on; Ken Moore. Pr. -Doritt Moon (Aim). MFMM:EB.mmmg¢r "-eta.A-errtoeM-dBraradriWr. gi-taired "" Margaret um, Teacher. ”(cur-Dc. Mambo», was Hanan; Petty ot town spent my, An. Sunday " her Home here. Helm-do; Mm Jennings was on duty again l Pt nr on Mummy morning utter over a wannweek'a illness wnth the nu. '"., ton . Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Roht. Aitkens Jr,, in their and bereavement in the death ot their baby boy who died quite and- denly on Saturday morning. Their little child ii: are with the Heavenly Father, but they will sorely miss him in the home. Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter and chit. dren spent Monday evening with Mrs; Kerr and family or Egrenmnt. Mr. Albert Marshall visited over the weekend with Mr and Mra Arthur McDonald " Acton. Mr and Mrs C. McAlister attended the funeral of their aunt near Brant- totd on Monday. Mrs Con. Kreller visited Sunday evening with friends in Win-ton. Mrs. Porter Sr. visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. Porter. Mrs McAhster Br. went to Toron- to on Saturday tor a visit with her daughters there. Mr and Mrs Wm. Wallace of town were visitors on Sunday " the war lace home. Visitors with Mr and Mrs John Birr on Sunday were, Mr and Mrs. John Dirt and children at town. and or. Manny: Mr. John Kroner Ind son Clayton, and Mn Keonig of V tou, Mr and Mrs Con Kreller and Miss T. E. Byers. Mr. Albert and Mr. Fred Kroner ago visited recently with Mr and Mrs Birr. Miss Mnry Ford spent over the weekend at the Caldwell home. KNOX CORNERS M. B. 8m, Tomlin. mmmvmw The roads are in splendid condition now. the snow letting nicely pocked down and smooth. Congratulations to Miss Mule Att- ken on obtaining nut-clu- honour: In Harmony and Form "tuntttatioess,re cemly tried In Woodstock. The Presbyterian" at having the choir left of their church made over. It will improve the appeunnce ot the inside of the church. also nuke it mic}: more convenient for the choir. Mr. Jack ot Mount Forest in doing the work. Circle entertained the Dromore young people in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening. WMrs.'Aberdeui was so unfortunate as to slip on. the. lee and break her wrist. Mr Nelson Main spent the end ot the week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr and Mn Beley ot Hamilton are spending their holidays with, Mrs. Mr Robert Scarlett spent tt few days " Christie St. hospital, Toronto last week. Mr N. McGuire hast quite a large gang of men cutting nnd lending ice and shipping it to ditterent mm ot Mrs R. B. Dong and children spent the end of the week visiting her els- ter and other friends in Lintowel. Mr and Mrs John Teeter and two daughters, Eileen and Jun. Durham, spent the weekend with the McGuire family. HOLSTEIN LEADEB Congratulations to our popular! Reeve, W. H. Hunter ot Vnmey, in being elector! president of the Ontar. io Association of Run! Muniettrstities . recently held in Toronto. E Mr. and Mrs W. w. Ramars, spending the. winter here with their daughters. are making improvement in their condition 1nd henlth: nome- whnt slowly in the latter: case, but improvement noted. The community cut of here on the 16th were. daeply saddened on learn- mg of the death of Donald Hilton. 4- month old son of Mr and In Root. L. Aitkin Jr. A lone gathering turned out on Monday as an expres- sion of deep sympathy And sorrow tir the amlcted parents In their on- gulah. ', The sympathy of the whole cont munity goes out to the sorrowitttt parents and relatives. The services " the house were conducted by Rev‘s. Courdt and Mercer. ' "hte', the Now: End Inner. wu would and (in: by Walla» Ad. an. Mr June- Metrutee an and. 'ttgerasttMesttimesr. mm: "The The village map of the United Church Women' Assoclstion ore him in; a Molar Bo a' prom. end 1 box social in the chooiroom of the church on Thttrsda night, March 11. Ladies bringing box tree; gentle- men par 25c admin-1 which entit- les them to a ticket to I box. lat. dies without boxes my 25c also. Come and bring your boy\{leud. solo try Hugh Coclhurn: linear by Edith and Russell Bunnie, Elisabeth pnsented by the North End folks. was mided over by Rev. R. P. Herh cor, and consisted of recitation. by Bryce Mercer. Rune" Emu. Donn“ MncMiliun and I!" Grace Guy. A monologue “Oman. Stubbuu “the Convention" by In, Snively. was very well received and lime are u an encore “She stood at the crossing.” MulicaJ selection- were rendered by Xenon Han-ism. the 3mm funny, a trio with guitar accompaniment by Eileen and Jun Teeter end Jean Me. Guire: amount.- by Olive McGuire The Holstein Auxiliary 2."', Uni- ted Church met on March tn ' at the home of Mrs Alex. Althea. with 22 women present. The theme was "ge, sus, Lord of all" and this thought was followed in the hymns chosen, also in the devotion) period. Mrs. V. Adams read the scripture and Rev Mr. Mercer gave so inspiring talk. showing how Jesus is Lord over the waves. sickness and death. Area'ting by Mrs Stevenson, on the work of our mission hospital " Hearst, Ontario, showed the far-reaching ittitttenee and comfort brought to those people in this North country. In C. Penton took up the Mission study and seven very interesting talk of the work s- mong the miners of South Africa and of missionary women to other coun- tries, who by great devotion, have accomplished great things; else. the story of Kagnwa, the great Japanese Christian lender. was most inspiring. A beautiful solo by Miss llama: Irvin was much “Med. At the close of this meeting, In. Aitken served a delicious lunch, her hospital- ity being greatly appreciated. The February Soeiat under the nu- vices of the Women's Assoclntion of the United Church wu held on ptr das night, Feb. 20th, with 1 large crowd present. The lengthy pm young people of the Community Add ’nnouAL Bassinevme Uplift Society” present- ed " seven members ol the Women’s Aseochtlon in old time costume. wu very much enjoyed. Mr Wm. Cock- burn mg e solo. A my“. and sue the King, an! s very he lunch served by the South-2nd tom brought me- ttne entertainment to a close. Neil Calder, Euclid Road Superintendent Thursday morning lunch 'm, wr. Neil Calder, one of Emma tore- molt citizens, suddenly penned may trom u heart muck. new eer- ved his mum-hip u Councillor. dep- uty move for two yous. new for tour you". and wu warden of Grey County in 1928. In recent you- he GGto. He VIII unnurrled, and about 51 years of use. The tuner“ of Donald much. in- tant non of Mr and In Ruben L. Anhen of Egremont, was held front the home or his parents on Monday, March l, " 2 o'clock, with interment In Maplewood cemetery. The child, born dee M, me. mud from this life early Satan!” moaning. The sympathy of the entire com- munity with Mr. and In. Althea and their three-year old daughter, Mary Eteanor, in their [rent bemvement. wu remarkably awakened by the large number in attendatMxt at the tuners]. which wu conducted by Rev. M. G. Court of Holstein Pmbyterlun Church, of which his parent- are faithful members, ”listed by Remit P. Mercer of the United Church. The tiny casket wu borne by Don- ald MmEmchern, Roger MtMtEtuthern, Milton Aitken and .Waiter Althea. The (lower better: were Hem. lur- ray and David Althea, John Allen and Melvllle Watson. Beautllul floral tributes were rece- lved from Mr and In Wm. Aitken, and Mr and Mrs Geo. Aitken; Mr 1nd Mrs Robert Altken Br.; the uncle: end aunts: Mr end Mn Geo. Berridge of Toronto: Mr and in Archie Mae. Eachern, Toronto; Mr Mock (mm. The sympathy of this community goes out " this time to Mr and Mrs Baht. Aitkcns, owing to the death of their infant son. Mr and Mrs Joe McNuty and was Dorothy, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Stanley Wllllaml. We didn't expect to see Durham hockey team so am " econ. A number from here would have liked to see : couple more good an“. Mr Neil Cm, who we: struck on the heed with e um three week: Mroetusdtrtneettadtttetm,utretter awn um will new work this week Mr. Ind Mrs Will McKenzie have [rammed tbs Gal-son farm from That. Brown tad get possession right may. The W.I. held a nieces-Yul 'At Home' in Rune! Hall on Feb. 24th, to a well tiiied " Mr. Sun Putter- Mr and Mu All. loom visit It Mr. Thou. Shore's Sunday Int. the audience to order around 9 o'. clock. Program (zonal-ted or a reclu- tion by Mrs Alex Milne, tour songs by Harvey um, Amhle Bowel], Per. cy Rogers. Alex Mclurdo. Orvnl and home Eccles; orchestra. muslc by Mlu Edith Drinnnle. WIllle Ferguson and the Own brothers, who supplied music for the night. and 1 short play the 'Co-oo Nest' by Jenn McGllll- vny, Dorothy Tnylor. Muriel Wat. son. Lorne McMurdo, Alex Taylor. G. McGlluvny. The rest of the evening was spent m dancmg. In: Kathleen Smith went over the week end at her home near Turn. it and In Wm. Home visited on My Au Brampton. In Geo A. Watson and son Joe Mud mth as the tirst ot the week. L.O.L. “I are Raving a dance next Wednesday night Much 10th. ladies brill!“ lunch. tree; others Mic. Quite u number of the ladies intend going to Hrs W. H. Hunter‘- quilting bee this With]. FOR I on RENT , menu! ' on Dru. IL. NORTH EGREMONT DONALD AITKEN DROMORE to learn that eaNr (MI nus lunch 4th, Mr. Dies “Jelly TORONTO Dani-t "In." " Ite,:;,'.'." 'll';;;; TIA',',',', Once Charlie nun-m “- the mr. merl' srtoeesntot--ttte voice of the pmires--aveuem - pen-Ill“- but. Charles Avery Dunning. mm correct morning attire, W the Home tor two hour. and forty uln- me: In pronoun: True. the dance In. been gradual. but consul“. 1‘ng he itt . m of the world: very this. n be was in those old days. but with you: and emu-nee and a cannula. omen- celnnddtuon. Whereonoehemued.l now he stuply cum. All the It ?hl cernthle to the net-hen and the. crowds In the ulterio- u they Ila-1 ten to hie powerful speech. But, to thou who no. the chum: can be detected by though at which tseweatuttudeetrr. No.notnt n jitt; that would he dean-anti:'" " “Mums and all that. I mean an angle. the correct “do, with the c'uettttir brushed hur'out " either ride; with Just that smooth, Well- groomed look that one lees when the) princes of tttttttteq and “(any nthw er; or. by the Impressive, white. vol amnion: surf and the txtttirervative, eminently correct. tailored overcoat Not that he wore these In the chamb- er, you know, hut one sees lenders wnlhlng up the houlevnnd. But I lute Dunning. It's just that I'm telling you there have been two or them, ttttd I liked the tirtst one bet- her The budget weed: was 1 mm “cent exert. Fir-t, the Finance Kin. later (Mr. Dunning) reviewed the titttuteiat condition of the country. the change. in the Int yen. Then he went on to the budget proper.teil- in; how much money it was estim- ated would be upon: and when an: how he planned to get the necesuly revenue. And, after that, he pvt-sew- ed the trade agreement with the Utt. ited Kingdom. 1 think that the en- orgy of the Minister could well be saved try having the urn pm taken ‘as “and; a custom in Pariiuneni; meaning. simply. fun the statement be handed to the “ward reporters. with the unanimoiu cannon! of the Thin one will be called the fe'.',':." cheer' budget, because. in beginning. Mr. thinning said: “If I cannot bring you grater brevity than last year, perhnps I can bring you greater cheer." He went on to sate that ill, was the brightest dam since PT and that we were moving substnn tially along the road to economic ne- covet with Improvement in all branches, except building and anioni- turul production but in the lower compensation was found in increased prices tor farm products. The veloc- Ity of money circulation had increas- rd and the distribution ot dividends was 13% greater then in "M. The Minister issued a solemn warning a- xalnst speculation, which would. it continued, bring a collapse. but year. Mr. Dunning egtlatttted that the over-all aettett this you! would be 100 million. but today stated it would not exceed $87,395,000, while on ordinary expenditure, a surplus has predicted. schools. I think " the with. the ttttal mum amt was $700,000; than it not dttwat to In]! a all”. Year after your. the I.” "no! to: “my. Wad for it. It: “In deciding The British concessions Include con- tinuing ttee entry for Csnsdisn dairy products. Cumiisn hscon, Imus, (st cattle cud beef, but carry the right of quotas. utter mutation with the Csnvliun covenant. tor the protection or the British producer. A utter unusual featttte is that the trade casement went in!» elect by oeder4gbqxttuteit the very 'ur it wu brought down. 1 m I long was since I nu. ny‘ timt speech saint enact 'CUT Speaking of unemployment. the lion-e was told tint there was a dv- Creve at 8'% of heads of families and a decrease ot 5% in the total of unemployed pen-scum. But the die heartening feature we: the failure or the number- on relief to diminish trtoport1otuttpty with the revive! of business end ulna that those now sch ting work were, for the moat part, either unemployed persons not on m- tiet or young people mining out ot schools Ind unwerrities. The trade agreement with the Cum; ed Kingdom as amended tor threw yuan. but it's a revised “mom. uttering In . number of rug-ecu [mm the former one. Cumin “no“ Inn; to lower duties on some 150 it. em. 1':th will be manned, putte- and antique: - mucus deftttetd as numbing over a hundred you: old. except liquor. (That will let In 19ttt century Liberals-1n duty free.) There ll almost no clause In the method or degree ot nation. f. this W35 has. u to. diatotded--tttes. Pt" no - wanted. And so he at“ '" - hr any "40.0%. I lwmwulbemduoed bt 20mm. All a mm: number 5" I..." - in favor of the - m - for physical till-ht In “I. utter than mm. 'ury mill“. Them " (mummy. ‘mt In tut area-ounce. than your we were detected on the Tthe in reduce the amount. and w m h Hun-nu- perlod public opinion 1oiced If: continuou- Murdon. In [In .4". l W - victory. " Ba." io mo . WI. we In“ - be too easily dis, Pre". " any “at. " M m. the ocholurly, popul nu, M lumber tor Esuw um . - very convincluiy m hnor ot "Mtetnmte at national scholarships , for out-Mu 'rttadettr, finanriull)‘ I “I.” u ogmtfttt" their odtwutiott I Kt owned the balls! that child!“ I m a be rdttentrd, not “my” I In their nation but their tapacity. p M W, In the esmnpteruy of r nodnm Me, the but training of ttw, l. but - was necessary in orders e that I solution to at problems .. all“ be found. He shoved that I Gm! Mum. Gorilla]. Japan. Run. it, III. and the Commonwealth 01 Aim. t tmttn I.“ New ballad we” not m. F towing 11ttattrin1 mumsunwm to -. 1 smut um development or the ll' ultra Marv-OIWQICD" We. 'gltMttue at National de. to“. to“ I M a detachmen so! Mr. Hu‘dn “M that the m'runwm of m“ I'll-I“ not be minim-u! He was "ten-Eng te. the Increase of 133. million dollars in the udoual de. tence ecu-am. Mr. Walsh. Com vermin number In. lulu-4.110- omed ttre Mutton, {as there m wry emteidemMe ”I." in tire than. to! tor the (In twin: u not w. ..... w. a. A... We on.“ he. . Mn and In I...“ MIL-”m no Mathias: as. V”! m It and In Mum" ”-mmlrm Mrs x.) “it. - M7 at Hal-um, " Mrenl3eagtee-nesdturtrltr of Du“. A ln. $dtttheqr In." of MM. suit the M - with het Lan- Mr. lob-n. Davis in teen etur:.vrd for the “It few - with M " On "all due, I broadcast for thr In: “no: over " “Mutational huh In Gmat Ill-stun, Can-12a mu! tip UMM atatea. [My Asmr spears' from 'ilttetand and Congressman Cc oune (Why [mm Wttrehiuptott th, “Us!!! touched upon humu- bun nun-ted try the sponsors. I hum , my not be so net-vow that I Lab and winter. Any broadens! r" twr" with. but an International on m be "willful. In Arthur lawn-ca war " an: Muir with Mr and Mrs f luau In. and Carma Hum. ' In". delivered 20 out at wood to mg m, I". K. K. M. of [Mutant Hoodlum: Patterson, Hum»: mm. and Queen 'et u very otuo.voblt at term nt a ntutuntt bee u llr-Lum' of In. W. I. Allan -tttl.t Mr and In In. Hum-u» mm! on Sunday ll the home of IS!» in. mm Hal-grave. lean Pollock and Clmphrll I” m . few can In Tomato, and: 1mm In; with a ”or car. “I? Rotteet 5Utthews “In! COMM! Mare - Rum bi SM] with Ihe Kerr hum? Sorry to hear of the mm c Thou. Tucker And hope sh, a be unload me her usual 'rs,t pin. Mr. In. thsrtstto who Is mu.” tr' to Us in! will: blustery I‘m um The h.i.P.A. of Bl. Punk 1mm“ mil teott I devottil mwlim ttl (he "ittttctt on may evening. mm m; a tt o'clock. Imh nu. tad. " are em to trrovide luwh, AGNES MACl'H1 (I! " Y Mtott “is th In " 1m " Inn'- Dar! forum Conn?" P-r')‘ on Friday Ma tiekotts ear” _ vuvevi'i um . annual V1!" Patrick‘s WIMP” "; gg:srctt Hill! the (harm! tro “I“ 86c Mr! _ i., .'stis._.i)li' In. 0"- "r The Junta II M “IN tntt d drIIII. ur In W Mitt r l latch in. at k I 7W wel" no "up”!!! Hum-d rum-rt. "tte. “ a, uuuuulv ot , houn- bomzinr. li) Mr and Ir! P. mun (manhu- t." “I the towl list) I‘m-bump Ill [or the In»! pm "ttt " bocotto w MP.attt " Tab. 'V u " Pushy! LID nv‘t' dutke . "opt-VHF l [of up NIH-I In amblht“ "(I tte mqasA. an :m -ettt ol A caution It, tto II! wed with: ”a made ot tt thi- “venhwm m vattt.. to m We Illlou that m tiettMar lbIm: Hm tn weo.d mvi» mm mm In WI “1- Ion he" lowing mm my and». 1nd -' wttt ttou ctUt m. WU of [mu good tim" brfm- " "iii' ASSESSOR M A N Mn lowmllil ttt bill! it this yr: met u. on in This, ma In In new M and on: was the gots nun-nun" yt John Mcito a. mot, .III " and wm‘ lb: 'ite your“. t "(in , 0\OT " "In. ttt cane nu M at Err-mm Hm pant-xv M It. ham" " In Mn :11!) M 27th numdh Flt". AND ltr ttrt I n u Chatham I'll-H " " Th! “It Mu ' AX' tt Ilt at lnl he l fl" F1“. lb an“; dm w In]

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