at . try. scum mono 1 ret :0 Mint (nurazvd on any gtttgtter. Vaal Martin. the scholarly, - ar, Lax-ml monbor for Elm-ht, ammo-v! wry rmnvintingly I. hm OI awn-11mm- of nal‘ollll use“. for huhimming students. My urratrle m rolmnue their m, He f‘pl"5brd the betiet that c ought to be vaunted, not 'dat to their Manon but their eaeltr. 'tnd. furvhvr, in the complain, d 'modorn Mr, the beat "all“. d th. um. up...“ 'Arty News“? in “r I. then- station And, halo-r, it modem tste, m mt brains wal thar' my MAR. t, m7 " ts ",'t “44 tom weeks ill- a... [ri' ol Knox. Mr, Wttthew Barber " n "1' th- part week with I" u 'r,' Mrs w. ' Allan. . w, "tent! deep sn’â€â€˜ .1: 2 Mr; Robert ARI... “nub ot.' infant son. 1.'rurtors "ith Mr and III A" Lu- nu Sunday won It I†I" .\h-I;mrv- .md tan“, d “I Mr and Mr". Jack - d " of lru.ham. " H Hwy. Inf only 31â€,“. I thet' nun be rem " tot an HUM-"1m - _ _ m favor d .. r"-' rpeht tor m crhoola, rather [- - â€.1 There Is on†'s-. cuturnstanee. M .,r'.'t' Inn-am: on in MO 'h" unmunt. and yet tn n >~v.~l pubhr- opinion (and i- uriuruun‘ In tttin 0.0, ‘n! :u'mxy. " My! te .0 “Mid not be too 0...†Ah- a! 1 ANS CORNERS Mir tr all" . I - om! Cami! W" H t',r 1 Crt cord o8 woe" ioaA e:-. M. H. Part.“ D“. Ruin-r1 Davis has W M a.“ Ins week! VI!) Mr. ' malts- mph " an". oar ab" m-rmany. Jinn. b ,mmonweaith at A... u Imam"! were net at. " ulnbarrass“ to inpmsnl of their W .qu that, the arm! not be advanced. I]. 'r Hu- mum" of 1355 'n 'he natlonal do be Mr. Watrrht, C-. br-r tron: lonlrt‘jn- Immn, Gn theft w" duo- support In the [' my Haw Mn: it Bet of National C. Agnewâ€; :xisbandem you}. And I. h IN“ ce :' Lawrem VII sith Mr and Mg, hum" who u -. "'1 “Manual"! - 'isirrovintt vary - Hut! Lena I†Mk City. who u mun! of the - ml women ot " He trtsowed that It was MACPHW ot St. Paul: pub! wrmnal menu I “why evening. "P, lock. March Sth. u. I to provide lunch. u-rsun. Hunter. Dads ' " tery unjoynble . Jung bee at new Allan revealâ€. In» "murmur m home of the h tt'tave. Cabinet MtgtuterB' on Wednesday. “I: at the week. It tbr nus. with M! thi Immdrawt me the ' Inu'rnatlolal Ilk- (‘unmla Ind m Luly Astor - I (‘onxroaam Car \\'.~'hingm‘ the upon ttavi" been Inuillm- m l“ " HI the SM!" he was the In: . car. atthews and , and Ruby Vi. Kerr [ti-“y. .r the “PM; of '" " hope she ml! - or usual health . Ind Campbell ttttttO. nub I pom-out \uus that I W, broadcast " H rumional out "n , years and the local maria“! clov- of Wait“! from joy to “tn! ml the all"! ID‘ MVI.‘ m mh Mr. . ot “I“ her all. Mo, Br. ,. A '- it “man's DRUG Ponce" wnuvl Queen St. Y.W.A. M. Patrick's Mauve! will be bold Tue!- my. March 16th in the schoolrooln f,, the church from G to ll jun. Ad- mission 35e ard Me. The Junio Insulate and Junior runners will id I concert. emulat- ing of anllu. d' B, song, cm, in Edge llill " e, on My. _.------'"""""'""" "LVETTA BALM--A ttte In". FREE rim and Me - March There “we no lea-s than ninety-two trarraienty vigited \Valkertoll dttrhtq Vo-lnuar)’. One. who and. I unmi- lur nuisance ot Mum" " m to LINN“ begging. drew " days In tsit. Calch " Chatham. my rhantr.a, W. ghowen, son ot M, (I'M Mrs P. W. Showell ot sidea- hum Hmnulup, who has been in , ero' oi the work ot the Chrlltian , 7-10 M, sionnry Alliance at Hopevllle l my thee post war, has “cartel a _ mil to bot-onto the pastor oi the ‘.ii'.riw- ‘l'nbnn'icle at Chatham, an! in,- airway entered upon his -.. v, 4".'lv-r. Prior to his going to L:.;- inâ€. in- was engaged in work m: u.» 1iliHtipe in Western Canada. Lu ;'.triiu"" column in this paper will ' mum an advertisement by the De- ;..m...~nv of Agriculture calling at- mum)“ in the danger of farmers us- ::.: wed without having germination r-lc, urulo- of it. A carelul [usual of t', .5 advertisement my be ot 'very meat uilua- to may at our tameâ€. Wa. know that most {amen are par- Itt'ulrir about sowlnx good and free Hutu “out 'seeds and with a high ger- uuuation test but sometimes these manna aro leit all until it, is too inm- Honing lime to have these PM? ~miy made. and so this advertisement mt: inst call their attention to the now-salty ot having this work done in smod tim" before seeding begin. Presbyt '_'. ban Don't forum the Happy Can-Ina uncvrt Pavy in Durham town Bull :Frirlay March 19th. Get your "l:' ls early. ASSESSOR MAKES Assessor Robert Peart of Gteneltt 1 In omrv,rtrat.ort "is work of assessing hm townsttip for 1937 and as the or. ' um -I "er-nn'o-I' of the assets and lia- hllilirs ot tho “weâ€. carries much .- mnnsihiliuy 'the unusual thing about this yearns as,,essntettt taking to the fact that the work was all done by mr in tho middle of the winter. This, we think. commutes a record for any assessor in any year. In mst years, the cutter, buggy. car m4 ~'hank's pomrs. have all been used and often under great handicap. u "H the Job completed. Glenolg‘n unc-timP veteran assessor, the late John McDonald. did most of his work on loot, and his visits to the sidelin- " and row-985mm of Glenelg yearly. \"sro afterwards recorded faithfully!!! the 'Review'. It became with the years. more than a duty to John A., rather a labor of love. And no than our recelved a more hunter wet. come on his annual round. The many relatives and â€lands ot M, and Mrs R. W. Dixon of 321 Wehi mom! Ace., Forest Hm. Toronto. sympathize with them ln their deep â€now "ver tht parting with their titteen month." old son. Robert James Perbles (Bobby) alter a brief illness. mm little s'..,ter will also min him. “a Dixon “as tormerV Myrtle Al- l.u.. .lauzhtrr of Alex Allin Joiner!!! J"' Hzremon'. Mrs Dixon before her marriage was a atenocnphor In Dttrs ham Furniture Company's 0M. 27th Rexall Birthday celebration TlGo woman: E CREAM BI'CK' mus mo panorama tun for Pd, at 8 p.m. Briten Tooth Paste :ian Y.“ . . no holding I ', " bak in Home)» nt More. San: y after. .2 yth. CHEST It). 2.: 2hr PASSED IN TORONTO 29c Wâ€! It . t PICS' "US$31" tef, A RECORD ROUND :Imlsaion 20c. 10 25 Envelopes Linen Pad Cometo iil,ruuamsaes DRUG STORE Party MRS. CHARLES McKINNON "Mt "‘II- "um-mum Last week the Review published a On Tuesday afternoon. March 9th, briet biography oi the above lady, the death took place " her home. ti previous to her Mth birthday this cuttinghutn SI... Toronto, ot Mrs. N. e \.edneadny; then she was in good McKinnon, at. " years ot age. While i health; today. we rotrrettully record death come: as a shock " any time. i her death on Sunday after a brief yet its force is ooftened when we i illness. at her home on South line, see the patient hnget" between lite 1 Artemcsla township. and death tor months as did Mrs. ' Mo. McKinnon was born in Harris, McKinnon. Once BO full or life and i Highlanag, Scotland, in 1839. She vitality, “tenth like to think of her 1 was eight years old when with her 5* she WtM' when in henlth. For ttine. l parents, Murdock “a Christen: Me. teen years, Mrs. McKinnon has been , Queen. she sailed tor Canada. After 3 gesidettt ot Toronto and white , eight long week; they jaded and resident there her husband, the iota settled at Waterdown,0ntario, where Neil MCKWBOH muused ortt-Rer"r- her (other obtained employment In a in: their memory are three sons and mill n a weaver. Later when the two daughters: Hector ot the Torin railroad was being built. they moved Board, Dept. of Finance. Ottawa; Dr. to Fergus. “here many more High- Neil and "Bohr". ot Toronto; Misses land Scotch loll had alreedy settled, Ella anal Laura, Toronto. Another and here they built a humble home. son paid the supreme tsaerifiee over- A number oi years later, Mr. and seas. Three sisters also mourn. viz Mia McQueen and {may come to Mrs Wm. Walker. him A. McCain the Queen’s huh and settled at and Mrs A. Muir, all ot Toronto. Prieevitte. l The late Mrs McKinnon mm adau Mrs. MeKintton "88 twiee married. ghter ot Sandy Brown, a Scottish pio- In 1863 shevhecame the bride ot Hen. neer of gamma; Tp.' She t1rgt saw , ry .Reott ot Eiora. and they lived for the light of day on con. 9, Bentinck, , Bt.rvert PH" " Elorn. After Mr. on the farm new operated by Frank Boott's death. ttht widow, with two Twamley. After a period here, the , children came to Priteville. on parents and young family moved tar l March 15th. 1876. she married the late 3mm. in Sullivan Township, and lat-' , Charles McKinnon, and resided on er removed to Durham, where the t the farm near Priceville until her father entered the mercantile busin- death, a period of over sixty years. (2-15 with the late John Cameron. I She itt survived by two daughters, Here Mrs. McKinnon spent part of l Mis. Joseph McKee. who lived with tut whoa] days, later removing to _ “M at tho timo oi her death, and Prim-ville. when her lather received iiir,ht Barnum Ream. hits. McKinnon was twice married.' In 1863 she, became the bride of Hen. fy Scott of Elam. and they lived for seven years " Elon. After Mr. Scott’s death, his widow, with two children came to Priceville. On March Irrth, 1876. she married thelaie Charles McKinnon, and resided on the farm near Priceville until her death, a period of over sixty yearst She is survived by two daughters, Mm. Joseph McKee. who lived with ho-r at tho time ot her death, and Mrs. Wm. Aldcom, Pricevillc; three sons. James of Montana; John ot Peace River District; Ben of Alberta. .0704 you A son Henry and daughter, Mrs Buck- ham of Priceville, are also her family of the titat marriage. _ The funeral was held on Tuesday, March ttth, at 2 p.m.. from St. Col umba thureh, Priceville, to Pioneer Cemetery. Moxxluy's dailies recorded the death of John havens), early Sunday morn- ing " his home in Toronto, in his ttitntnttt your. John was the oldest- ot a family of nine sons and “so datt. ghters ol the hue (onductor James Lavone, who was in charge of the Grind Trunk so long on the Durham. Palmerston run. ' _ . Primille district Passes Far 27 years John has been aims manager tor the Alfred Rogers or,' Ltd. ot Toronto. but recently has been m for some time. He was born In Stanford and lived in Durham most of his boyhood years. The next brother Charles died about 15 years ago. John was a member of the Toronto: Board ot Trade and the old Toronto; Canoe Club. Surviving are his widow,, immerly Mary Benn Parlou; tour daughters, Mrs Charles Rogers, Miss Audrey Lav/vile, hire. 0. D. Shortly and Miss Atrreda Lavene. all ot Tor- onto; two sisters and six brothers. The funeral service was held trom A. W. Miles Undertaking Parlours. 30 St. Clair Avenue West, Tuesday. Folowing an attack of fttt which (29-: wloped into pneumonia, John Huddy' of Artemesla Tp. died at his home on. Monday. at 23 years ot age. Since a} small boy decuued has been a cripple' but had enJoyed good health generalg ly until his last and fatal illness. mi addition to parents, there survive onn sister Evelyn and one brother Aux-- Drone. Funeral was held Wednesday to McNeil‘s cemetery. Priceville. i I BORN BELL-m Durham hospital, Tuesday, March 9th, to Mr and Mrs George A. Bell. Gienvlg. a daughter. JOHN LAVELLE JOHN HUDDY one the pound Made with M CFO!†and Cream“! W bag Been mints or fttt which de- Gators Candy Well-Known Fume: hire. Warden titmrrtd by villeile Passes in Toronto Glad; Council MRS. NEIL McKlNNON On Tuesday afternoon. March 'th, the death took place " her home. tuninghum iv., Toronto, ot Mrs. N. McKinnon, at. 78 years of age. While death comes as a shock " any time, yet its force is softened when we see the patient linger between lite and death tor months as did Mrs. McKinnon. Once so full of lite and vitality, Mend-s like to think of her a; she was when in health. For nine- teen years, Mrs. McKinnon has been a resident ot Toronto and while resident there her husband, the lete Neil McKmnon passed swsy.-Bever- lug their memrry ere three sons and two daughters: Hector of the Tariff Board, Dept. of Fluence. Ottawa; Dr. the posimastership ot Pricevllle. As Elizabeth Brown the subject of our sketch became widely known through her ability in this department of cl- \le service, the same service being under-ed in her late husband’s per- tdd as Postmaster ttidre. tter family were all born at Priceville, and tho tips which bound them Vt this village are yet very warm. Mrs McKinnon wu tb ttmt"grtnMr in the true gene of the word and her hospitable traits are yet a tender memory to many. The reaming are being brought to bt. Culumba church, Priceville, trom where' after service, inn-mien: will be made in McNell'a cemetery. i Acton and Gravenhurst were our =selection tor Int. B finalists this sea- Ison, but when Acton lost their home (game in Galt 'il-A to Simcoe Tuesday Might, their chances of going further 'do not look any too rosy. Whitby, Blast year's finalists against the Dur- it,.':.',',', champions, have also been slim. inated, by Belleville. ( liutcn. Durham's old opponents in semi-finals the past, two seasons. dis- posed of b'lora by Il---" in second isemi-firtal round, 8-8 in Elora and 8-4 at home. q The \Valkerton Htrratd-'rirnes be- lieves Durham's elimination by Etora “as due to the absence this year ot Raybould and Trushinski. the two Walkerton aces. Their loss was sure- ly felt, arvt partially accounts for it. The balance ot the explanation is the attack of the 'ilu' tsttttered by flve of the regulars before the series. which kept Elvidue, Durham's shiftiest stick handler, out of the line-up both gamea while the others had not refrained their best form. ; Dick Payne" o. Sound Sun-Tlmes 'sports editor, tells Wham wbeware next. season! Olympics are importing an entirely new crack forward line, iincludlnz Sheody ot St. Michaels and {a Gravenhurst star. In such a case. swe’ll hove to see that Owen Sound is shoved up into the Int. A class.where a city of 13,000 certainly belongs! AM Durham might also do a little importing ! DURHAM, THURSDAY. new ll, 1937 Hockey Gossip which " Incorpo'ihd the loma- Lenin PATROL" AN'S BEATS COMBINED Met in the Tp. Hall March 6th for general business. All members pres- em: minutes of last meeting read and purist-1. rue tollowin; woman were passed and payments made accord- Ingly: Relief acct. for J. Jones and Mrs Dyre 825.49; Hence General & Tmuee' levies for 1936 (approxim- ately halt having been paid It Dec. meeting) amounting tototal 83172.60; Clerk [or registration of births, mar- riages on! deaths “11936 87.50; Clerk on union $40; Assessor on usury, 845; Payment Voucher $0 , tor " Ing mods 437.20; Glenda Mun. Tele- phone System. balance ot mainten- ance tax, 8241.75. Patrolman were appointed for the current year. In making these up- pointments, it was decided to colu- bine two or more ot the former beats or sections as follows: Con. 2 end 3 E.G.R. (Road No 1): For Sections No: 1 and Hoe Kielrer; for See- tione 8 and 4--Wm G. Mrth; for See. 5. on Road 1 and Bee. 1 on Reed 2-- John Hamilton; For See's. , and 3, Puretest A.S.A. Tablets Rood 2-Normatt McIntyre: tor Glen Road and Sideroada '20 and 30 North and South from Con 2 S.D.R. to Con. 2 N.D.R.- Leonard McKeown: for all of Road 4 (Con 2 N.D.ii.1-- Harry Comm; tor all ot Road 5 (Con l N.D.R.V-Dunean Dunbar; for all ofRoud o' (Lou 6)--Joe Qulliinan; for Road 7 (Con t')---Charc Connor; for Road 8 (Con. 10) Sections 1 and b- iNitnriLeite.h; Sec 3, Road F,---.)? Norris; Road 9 (Con. 12) Sec. land ‘Road 10 Won 14) See. 2---Jno Vasey; -Road 9, Bee. t and Road 11 (Con. ' and ' S.W.T. & 8.R0--Dan Mcuar. my. Townlmes Glen. & Hot. and G. It Art. to'be in charge of Road Supt. 'Geo. Common tendered his resig- nation as School Att'ce OMcer and W. A. Linda“ was appointed in his tstead. F On motion of Messrs Robinson and erehley, the Reeve was asked to vacate the chair and Mr. Sullivan was asked to take lt. On behalf ot members of Council and employees. Mr R. C. Robinson presented to tho, Rnevc a fountain pen or! pencil, as a. slight token in recognition ot the honor he had brought to the Town. ship and himself in being elected as Warden of Grey County for 1937. Mr McArthur expressed his surprise and appreciation ot the gift in a few well chosen words and the chairman and members ot Council all added a few brief remarks, after which Coun- cil adjourned. I00 for 4% c. LOWER PRICES SEE LARGE BILLS Misses Annie and Julia Weir, Mr. and Mrs John Burgess. Mr and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, Mrs William Smith and daughters, are in Pricevllle to- day, Thursday, attending the funeral ot their aunt, the late Mrs Neil Me. Kinnon, of Toronto. The same group were in Pricevillle on Tuesday " the last rites of Mr McKinnon's step mo- ther, the late Mrs Charles McKinnon. SUBURBAK PROPERTY FOR SALE 6 roamed ttage on outskirts of Durham, with , acres land. Hard and soft water. hen house and garage. -Apply. '. James Ritchie. Telephone 610, r 1-5, - Durham. pea harvester: ---Applr to Mr FOR SALE Singer S in: machine; 1 set of light Diamon barrows; grind stone; H. H. MacDona'd, Clerk m the Lucille Jones School them olnted for the tor n m monthn' course In hnir dren- Iklng these " In; and Beauty Culture. eclded to COI- In Peter Hay was (unlined to bed he former bolts tor n month with nerve nad heart 2 Con. 2 and 3 trouble. and "It: ukely getting armed I For Sectlone when she became a 'mf victlm. she alter; for Sec. It now making satisfactory prom-en Firth; tor Bare. Hrs. (has. Seymour will address 1 on Road 2- the Ranger Group of Girl Guides, See's. , and 3, Hanover, on Monday, March 22nd, in ntyre; tor Glen Hanover, on an imaginary travelogue l) and 30 North vullllwl "From Hanover to Pekin." tt 2 ty.D.R. to Mr. Hugh McCrae is seriously ill nnrd MCKQM‘: at his home on Bruce St. and his Mt 2 NP:'1cl-r many triends aminurly await better ot Road 5 (Cull news. Mr. McCrzw was taken down en cook stove JC. Thomson. L. B. ll. Cold Tablets HIKER'S Mitstr Elsie Ledinghlm left loudly The agitation for improved outgo for Chicago. and will spend tt couple in; mail service from Durham. has of months with relatives there. been heedvd try the Post on" Dept. Mr. Cttaq. Mchrlane. Butteitt, at Ottawa, which hu advised the and sister. Miss Margaret Toronto. local [30931 oltirt that a contract Illa have left to see their sister, In W. been mad» with the Armw Coach Beth, in Alberta, who is In poor With Line- to an I mull lug " 3.40 p.n at present. daily at Durhun pmrtotBre, commen Mr and Mrs Hurt, Atkinson W cm: on Wednesday. March 10th. Thu vacating their (m W tttttter Durhun mail will clove It 3.30 here, not) tht Road and this Tuesday In mom"! bag will be delivered for sorting u into town, to the home tortrtetrtr oe. Guelph panama, thus walla; ninth erNed tre Mrs. Weaver. Herb h“ mails nom Guelph for Toronto. Ha rented his farm to Arthur Davin ot mllton or elsewhelv. Cullnvllle. an Enqtistumut. I couple ot Thits new service thou-s 1n oxtn in" resident in 0min. hour in utter-noon tor posting outgt Xian Lucy Thompson louve- Thtuw ing mail, 1nd gives opportunity t _ day tor hatcwel. where the will env post an answer to letters same do - _ _ -. WA ___ _---.....A um-.. n... Armn- bu with the 'ilu' the ttret of week, and appeared to bo mastering it, when other symptoms developed, from which he has lost his power of speeds. REV. J. T. "RIEST WAS GUEST" SPEAKER AT INSTITUTE The Much meeting ot hm Branch Women's Institute was ac the home ot Mrs R. H. Ledingham or. Thursday last with a good amend- ance. The president. Miss Winnie HM): presided. In the holiness session, ptau' won made for the an nual "At "one". which win be a comedy play. to he staged try Hol- stein Dramatic Club on April lat. Plans wen also made tor Miss Slichler's demonstration in house turs nishing to"a class ot ten , whose mun- os wew chosen at random when all were placed lam-then This will take place April 21. at home of Mrs E. J. Schenk. A colo. entitled "Yon Can Smile", was remitted by Mrs J. P. Giles; low“ nitit, m I'M], I'ottent orctt.ttt, Mrs John Sharp; com- Reserved Sent Plan " MN 's Drug Store ments on thc mono by Mrs W. D. K AOMISS Karin; roll on". humorous story; le several morons by double quartet at YOU'VE HEARD THEM ie,s, AND girls, Gladys Grny, Mariotie Middleton TO HEAR THEIR NEW " 7 PRO Muty Baum-3. Freda Ritchie; Phytlis' oo-oo-oo-ooo-oo-o-tttffl. Wilson. Vera Lauder, Bertha Class. LUacu..----------------""'""" Clara Tnompsou, accompanied by ooo-o-ooo--""" Miss Leah McComb: piano solo, Mrs . David Gowtly. ii Rev. J. "r. Priest was the must: speaker for the nttemoon, taking his" atur ay pe topic, 'Our young people.' trom a prayer of Elisha, 'Open hits eyps that I he may tree'. Some points ho) ------------'"" stressed were the danger of not see- ing far 'snough ahead to realize tho} conquunncnc: that women cannot de, q ll-riomtu without taking men Ld Choice Blade Roast Beet, thrm; temptations for youth have] nn'ltimied in the past years; when. picnic “am fresh [no Sh we we out of sympathy with youth we are old Ind of no use in the world: much derrstds on the guide pasts of homo and the church, as young [wank are often inspired by Christian ideals. The speakt-r con- cluded with the reading of a suitable poem A roman was oniored by dividing tro croml into groups tor compe- tition. An exullent lunch was sewed. lunch and progrun being planned by group having Mrs. J. P. Giles for cmwenor. I96 farm on up?" Durham mail i Tuesday In mom“ bag the home formerly oe. cue .. Neavee. Herb Ind mai m to Arthur Davin ot mill Englishman. I Mine ot T All Next Week, March 15th to 20th French Balm {or CHAWIO 8K!" lic&39c RIKER'S tere. been tseeded by the Pool once Dept. Buttetti, m, Ottawa, which llu advised the Toronto. local pool: oltirr that I: cannot his r, Mm W. been made with ttte Arrow Coach Ator health Line- to lift n mull bag " 3.40 p. m. daily at Durham Penance. commen- "ttton are (in: on Wedneulny. lurch low. This " Dun-bun mil will clue at 3.30 here, and the 3 gnovintt bag will be delivered tor mung to ortorty oe. Guelph poetoMee, thus curbing mum Herb ttnn malls nom Guelph for Tomnlo. Ha- Davis ot millon or clown". ' coup|e ot Thits new urvlce allows 1n extra _. hour In “lemma tor posting mum we: Thurs- lug man, all! given opportunity to El hmm Bus New Cuties post " answer to lower- same day as received. When the Arrow bus resume: “a summer schedule. this outgoing mail " our!" will be open tor two hours Inter-until 5.30 pm. as the couch then lave: Durham a- bow, 6.4:. duly. ed up to 2.30 will be derrtsatrited try afternoon trains. but the new outlet, we puma, will any on Manning amount of null matter, an it become: better known. The train and†will yet any the bulk of the outgoing mu. u all post- a ONTARIO ARCHIVES BU FOR SALE Registered Ho Ion! Bull. 16 old. Henry Eckh vtt, RR. 1 Prieevitle. - one 6105 Luis J", . ard South half tart M, con. 3, S. At. (Hench: Township, 125 acre-r. to .erly ocupled by El- mer Hooper, d ..ued. For further [articulurs upp to: John Eckhnrdt, It.R. l, Pricevwl ' Gordon Geddes. R.R. s, Durham, mlnlstrutors of Elmer Hooper Rata or l. H. Me. lerrle. Solicitor. , Ont. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Russian Mineral Oil wwmutwtnnuumu. “out!“ â€amt-“nun. mw.mtum t “UARE me 605, r , Cups and Lil wanna. ONT. m Me he .... m MAM "I an.“ Wm!“ ........ 16: Km Id. (00") ...... - Choice on: Oats, salable tseed. - 3. W. twat, PM Barium. Cockshutt Machinety Tho m-v: No. it Fertilizer dull has grain dl'hr guns ettclomd in on bum. Hits new lIlyh‘ single ditw boot, Hyatt During-L Ale lubricanou. Be sure to we this drill. â€INA. IMMIIE moo les, AND WILL WANT new " , PROGRAMME CIGARETTEC I rooms Dlmcult Cues EASTER Permanent [lemma easy when the ere' um “muddy estmined. Thole [rmbkrms that the on fashioned otrtsrian “mun mrive ham chm to me modem op- ulmeu'm. (mun-m study and mam!» keep“ “r - date. For awful whim, maul: 'J' PATTIISOI, ID. Swank! In Rye Examination. st C. Stacy's more DURIAN. Wednesday, MAR. mu. t " p. a. oser Mortock's sun‘s, Dun-h $3.00 -Work Guru t and by appointment ADMISSION, 35 CENT! RUTH IYLES I... W for .... “.mhr .. m We (of .... Wallpaper dritt tor '" l“