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Durham Review (1897), 11 Mar 1937, p. 4

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t I m l; We are glad to learn that Mash-r Gan MacDonald non of Mr and Mrs It. A. MacDonald is recovering from his recon: illness and “ill shortly be able to rpttnrt to his home from the [Mr-ham hospital. Mr. E. Jackvon and sister Miss um ot Proton Sutton were guests or Mr no! Mrs Andrew Hastie on Sunday. Mr. Archie MeDouttalt of Toronto ' as a weekend visitor at the home ot his atmt. Mrs. A. McDougall. The C.Y P.S. held their regalarl "seeth. Ftb. 25th at the home or lP-rb Livingstone. Mott call was an? mcrml by a place in the Bible and something that happened there. The lupin 'The charm of the Enxllsll may was ably when by Miss Mild. red Flt-Morgan and readings on tho topic were also given by Mary Lis. iagatone and Mrs G. Hastie. Poems were read try Alina Anderson and neverloy Boyce and Mrs Edgar Boyer mu- a aplolvlld reading on the life at o. L. Moody. A note was sung by Florence MacDonald. Next meeting will be at the homo ot Wilfred Wright on Much mu. The W.M.S. met at the home ot Mrs James Malling" lain Wednesday with a good attendance. The presi- dent Miss leGilllvray presided over the devotional pat! ot the meeting. Arrlpturo lesson was read by Mrs G. Hustle. During business plans were ctade to make a quilt for the Bare. The remainder or program was un- i" the leadership ot Lynne Fish" who mm» the topic trom the study book. A short Bible study followed Wilh several ticking part. Mrs. (it-o Hague otrered not home tor the April ranting. After the clone ot the meeting lunch was sawed by the home”. sSpeeial Music Special Attracth, s Modern & Old- ime Dancing '; Admission, 35 nts . l Dancing Starts at 9.00 p. mu Ollve Robertson. Owen Sound spent a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs J. J. Robertson. M.. and li..; Wm. Corlett. Hilly mw- “are recent VII-mom with her In ' "t Mr and Mrs Wm. Runninzs. and Mrs Rom. Lockwood and t " sons, Mr and In Bill laugheo'l. t a Sound and Mr and In Wm. It " Mann and funny. Holland Cen. tre, visited Sunday with Mr and arts H. NeCrackon. [Ell on St'. Patrick's Day Wednesda' , March " TOWN mu. , DURHAM Every body turn out, have a good help the Community Club to finanee munity Park. Mr. Albert Livingstone has treated Durham Pontiac Sales CANADA'S FINEST LOW-PRICED -r:::s;/kapae, WWW: DORNOCH CLUB DANCE his family to a new Plymouth Mr and Mrs Chas Monkey, Dur. ham, visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. H. Davey, We are glad to report Mr Davey is teellng much bet. ter. Mr. I". F'. Murdock. Mines Jean Renwick R.N. and Catherine Mae Lean were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Art Macintosh. '1 he Ladies’ Aid of Latona church are having a croklnole party in the basement of the church, Wednesday. March 11th. Everyone welcome. How much interest do you take in Civil War in Spain, and who ha: the best of It? " you know please tell us tor It is more than we can "ure out. One day we read the Rebels drove back the loyalists and the next slay we read the Loyalist; re- pulsed the Rebels. Agnes Maophail has been ad. dressing a lndles' organization in Quebec City and incidentally told them a few things, nmong them that if she lived in Quebec long, she would soon know why she couldn’t use her tranchlae. Knowing her as we do, we believe she was speaking the truth. At the rtrst Cookstovwn Old Boys Association annual reunion party in Toronto last week, Jimmy Fax, the veteran star entertainer ot tall fairs and other concerts one or two gon- emtions ago. was on hand, "doing his stun". And, the report says "how the old boys and old girls applauded him!" Fax is now " years old, and never wears out. A Kincardine youngster now knows the taste of alcohol but next time mil not be. so anxious to investigate. His father wat, testing the anti-freeze in the car radiator and apparently during the ensuing conversation, the youngster-'3 curiosity was aroused as to the taste of the liquid. Taking advantage of a moment when his fath- er was absent the lad put his tongue against ‘a drop of the liquid on the radiator. Being one of those frosty mornings, it wag with considerable surprise and not a little (right that the youngster found that his tongue was stuck fast to the car. He has no turther desire to increase his know- ledge of alcohol and its taste. _ c' . ,5 will 435:; gig; _ . 4‘- ::L+;,' f _ T " i T 35;, 52:: it; 'i'isy, T 1 F, 'ie2ii:iij, l '. '5 f:, "ij, 0.0.0. ime and me Com- car. my: a...,.’- Mascara-armame- P. RAMAGB. Editor and Propduor " slink W Vime A GOOD BUDGET I Premier Hepburn bu brought die‘ tinctlon to himself and the Liberal party, in the wonderful budget of On- tarioU financial standing he brought down this week. There is something in it to please everybody, not the least being the abolition of the tV musement tax. wh:ch has been an unpopular :useesment from the start. A sensational scene occurred last'. week in the local Home. when Prom I ier Hepburn rose to his feet and read: out ot the Liberal ranks one of Lil, own followers. Dr. A. D. Roberts 011 Sault Ste Marie. Such was " tut-; precedented event in political life; and a stunning rebuke tor the memb. er. The premier chased he had been guilty ot “unethical behavior" and had attempted to “blackmail" theAigoma Steel Corporation, while Dr. Roberts accused the premier ot allowing " private financier (Sir he. Dunn) to announce public policy," while he sat idly by. According to reports reaching our ears. Premier Hepburn was quite Jasstiited in his action. " seems on contracts let in hie riding, Dr. Rob. erts demanded a rake-off, or tor any Jobs secured, again there was a graft to his benefit. The friction be. gun. we learn, over road contracts' awarded by Minister of Highways. T'.) B. McQuesten, and the premier hadi the sympathy and cooperation ot the Liberal Executive in Sault Step Marie. before detiuiteir barring Dr.l Roberts trom the ranks. l Neither the premier nor the public will tolerate one who uses his public position u an elected representa- tive of the people, to line his private purse. We were rummaging in the archive department of this once recently and turned up circulars and other prin- ting that carried the aroma. ot prac- tically titty years ago. Just as styles Ind fashions of titty years ago would carry the eccentric and odd look, so did the printed circular ot that per- ird. Likely too. the men of that day wore becomingly the goatee and side- burns. But remember that was 50 years ago. " EPBURN EXPELS FOLLOWER One special program from the ar- chives attracted us. " was that ot I “South Grey Teachern‘ Association" program, held in Fiesbenon, in 1887. Here were the "icem in that tar. gone date: President-- C. Ramon. Vice Pres.-- R. J. Oxenhaln. Management Cont,-.)'. K, Reid, Chas. McArthur. Malcolm Clark, W. J. Sharp. R. J. Ball; Sec'y-Treas .--Wm. Irwin; Inspector of Behooia-N. w. Camp. ttell. The sessions were for two days and embraced topics tor the teachers' btrnettt much in similarity to those of the present day. The Inspector was nicely into his new work from teach. ing himsell; the Sec'y-Treasurer was in that year presiding ove r the den- tinies of Hesherton scholars while the President was at the helm at S. s. No. l, Normanby, with Vuney in his post omce. The ottteia1 list are all familiar names in the teaching world of forty or tirtr years ago. One ot the notice- of the program rather amused us: "Atl teachers pay- ing the Association tee of Me, will be entitled to rebate on educational papers." Evidently 25c was 25c in 1887! THE FLIGHT OF TIME , F.'.'.' ' aFA ..11’3‘, - A 'Wr5fgYsfi?'rf:7M o; 6rtE8 - ~ F,.1liitll CFC. 5:'. ..--z. w“... "Ar. v"... p 7.». ' "H4 .v. Y " :1ti.".e?ci'i: CCs.Tut'.; . ttjjiCgf:ffs CP. ma, RYM " - yjiii)iif'jf: 1'jrcifff'ir?.jel, '.'tiiiifi;iiia?a'la' 'itirit?jji?)fi?, M8 ,. I , - . " " Mrs's "53%:342' '32~2371:135??:?2'.15lf§$' ';1j3jijjji).if. W:.) $9? ' ~ Iii. 5533'}: -)jj.jljjjj'.ij'aij':j','(.t) 'iii:.",""',"",':"? 'b5ii:'it'iriiaia_Ait,fa" - Fn NI ‘ "eijjijjjj...i)jii. 'i1)j'viilti'if:':5..it.t.j).i i,i'ifi't.8ii:'d, "2-224 'Cf:',""' ::iC;.ii:i1i"i,'i':J Br. X 'jijii'(y)ji'ij. 'i:f)a"stf:jji':ji,?, 'ift?j5'i% 'eji.ifi M- ES' " l ‘.: 1:21, :."xjifi'atgf,eirt yyt'cy..yA: EW; {Ir-4 yd: ..o ..v. 'iiiifif8i'il 2:52:132-‘2'42: .?.' 8;:t.?iXrd My. tOB I ..-.A V (iifif.y.iirf4 i,?iii'ii('gItif,'si:iiri. Ks." 31..” Tij. .333..- ' 'bijiiyjyia" y,iifi?fP,. 'rk.liffifstt?f; ir. .352. 'cr'.' _ . ,. ...5':251‘:9,. ..,, . 53.329; t"eeta' 'i?jfi?yxr:':?r%..sfF.'iFdi I... T 'p', “(522135" _ 2.272265.- :12" tt Wiy,?yf,if 9-11.54. "':ifrrv. '..-' r" . .. ._ '.i?.??ii:?, ; , 2 , f: '.o' - . PB;;; fki. P Fd ..r . 'iiefi?.i: Jx. war-2W '.iffi?f.ii) 222”“: M 'iijjjti.'e'ii.'i"aWi1ti/ri': ' 4;jff.pjffi?; ':'?,5i?yt.?ye?: 'gi:tb'i'jfii, Citric?',? 'i',ijiiiij'jgfi.'iil. 'tjrji?s?(i.f)j. ti R ' C E D , R O P..'fio"rsi' tty/Wi)':. 4.13926 ,.-.’.~ 2-5: f"ie'i?/e?re. b'.V.tt ', man's; ;.~.1r_,..-, '..C1'i": 3 tiiiitifi'si. 1:75:29): 2.2.1:... 'i,tjijijifii, 'r?gtit)?, 'fii'j'/.C: . ;.i'jjij?.yt;ff4 4O'l:i', Nr."; F" '.obP.kT2F.' o-'1'ik:'oe (:)jjiji.:'s.jjiii' F,ft,W,i:t 'i'ts.:'iir,ii),, r'ij.fi:.)jiiii':.j,'i, (i'iif.'i':ji'ji.Q 'i':,':),)..::)'))'.)".'.'.'; 5:22;... iiiijijjifiij'r.8, ' 'ff:rerj: , 22:52:92 'rij.: C 'f:".??. 'iiijfjg)",2it r, " (:; w'r_'cr ' F 1 92%.; 232.432"; 3;; ':ifriff;, Wr ;,,;‘;., f (:?.ies, . _ _ RN yr ':ef; u, tti,tl?y'fj:, YV. of "j?, , ir, ' V,.' C. fiiis'xu'iii:'f.'ii"if2tjt'ii, Ty 1 :25 ii';.j.i.4:i'i.'i, _jsj'ifiiie:e'ji, $524 'E'ii)i'i't' = 'Sy::??. yf 35......» ttifaiiifiE'iiiifC4i, ' r 4.: rcN1 iitl"ij'ir5"g' 'frtdi?s%'iit _ -e. 'i,fji,r5,ritjf 22.52)? wr- - brift1 ?er,i4 ae ' M. 'ts/trt, 'a “A 21.3.2392 K/?y:?i. _ 'auNt' " s'sr;e??aamN if " =."..'-:.": :'.:--'-1"f 7 ' ':'rt5iT'fe ' 9,395.24". kaiaalE , 2'”; , "p ' i,eyer.yi; .. 553mg, , ”4-: " 2w... " wiv-'-"". " " .. r ' . v, m. a r I r , " - ’1‘ , mm th‘s r, ,A I V“. L- / M A. V.PRICED CAR __ -- - -- KELLAR & BLYTH, Proprietors THE DURHAM REVIEW mu In: Millie's Vinny Letter Mm Miami, Florida. Miami, Florida. Petr. 27th. 1937. £12m it is near the end of the month, two months since our arrival in this delightful place, 1nd still new places to nee and things to do. Sundny. as per usual, I went on an other Interesting trip. This time by boat, tad oh how I enjoyed it. Be hug the only one in our party who likes to travel by water, i took this trip alone. The day an usual was lovely. thoth a tritte windy, but what does one can for a little breeze, which adds to the thrill of sailing. when you enjoy boating so much. There is a certain impatience about waiting on 1 bolt to lift its anchor and sail away. but " last, af- ter a great deal of excitement, (which I Doll“ Park, is the next point ot Interest. and Is the spot where old ‘Fort Dallas stood for nlmoat a hund. [red years. What strange tales this (histories spot could tell. Here were taught many battles with the Semin- ole Indians. Now in place of the old tort are imposing hotels and apart. meats. I Lummus Park. the next point ot in. I think all trttuors and trainmen take a delight in) the boat is out in beau- u‘tul Biscayne Bay. What a wonder- ful View of Miami's skyline can be had from the Bay; also a View of Virginia Key, the Brat Ind most nor- ti-crly ot the Florida Keys. Passing by beautiful Baytront Put, " have already mentioned about this park in a previous letter) our guide. points out the spot where a few years ago l Lummus Park. the next point or in- !terut. then the $350,000 Scottish Rite I,cattsedrai, i1atutries, yacht sheds and a view of Miami in general. The boat passes under many bridges which open up to permit I" boat: to pans under. It is interesting to note that boats have the right away over cars; the result being n hold up in " attempt was made to umlinate President Roosevelt. car trattie every time a boat puns under. It is most annoying to motor- ists to wait ttve to ten minutes while a boat with an inch or so in diam- eter of mast passes under. Slowly up the river we so until we arrive at Pirate's Cave, in the edge of the Evertrudes. Here the boat dock: and alt passengers so a- shore. tht the landing la a monument to Chlet Jack 'l'egemnll, the last Indian to be killed at the lands of 3 white man. This monument. I think. could also be a monument to the lat of the feuds between the Pale Faces and the Indiana. First we no to Coppittger'ts Tropical; Gardens, the tropical masterpiece of the late Henry Copplnger, Miami pio. near and Florida's most renowned botanist. It was his life's ambition to create a jungle of tropical Bora, which he collected and Imported from all parts of the world. When one views the hopes and ambitions of such a man, how true are the words of Mr Chris. Wren "For his works look around you". So tony, Coppin- ger'a Gnrdnvs sand a monuument to his genius. Hivine always been very much In- terested in plant life, I was greatly taken up with these garden. I will not so into details but will tell you as briefly as I can about u few ot the pleats that interested me most. The Sapamla from which chewing is propumd; Lipton's tree, so PIONE M, BUIIIAM tr%rmatqettreh-rtFtmetaet UA' nu.-. ---- -- be also many other rare (reel, numb! of and Bowertt from all mm ot the tro- or- weal warm. hemp ly this iriiu" uved hundred: ot lives; the Water Pipe or (in! bun- boo, used try the Indium: u pipes. Next we enter Pirate'n Cave lndian' Village. the ttrst Seminole iodinn vii-ll loge in this section and where the Indians have amped tor nenrly iii a century. What a. strange feeling I had as l wandered around the Indian village. Here I my! the some nights as explorers saw live hundred you: ago. A few hours no I ind been in possibly one of the moat anoderninticE cities in the world. now I m st tt entrance to the. Everglades, where men lived us they lived centuries“ ago. The Seminoles have t"et') an uneducnted race through their) own stubborn preferences. A very few Seminole men have adopted white men's trousers. but the women still cling to their own gaudy, but dir tinctive starts of many colon. Their religion is tmstrie;.ther believe in n Great Spirit who (nerd: and protects them. They Ire hellthy. happy peo- ple, living their own lives in their own way, asking nothing but that they continue to do so. This Indian villsge I speak shout consisted of several lodges, (homes of the Seminoles). The lodge is sim- ply a platform mined two feet shove the ground with a pslmetto thswhedr root. Corner poles support the roof and there are no side wnlis. Gslly colored blankets sre hung on the windward side. The lodges were sr- ranged in the form of s square in the centre ot this square stood the cook house. built the same as the lodge, minus the, floor. In the centre ot the icook house, is the are built on the “Hound. Their camp tire is very pe- icullsr, a number of long logs are ar- [ranged like the spokes of a wheel, the fire being the hub. The ends of the logs project into the Are and us they are consumed they are pushed [lather into the tttmea. Over the are hung on iron kettle containing tsttnttt, the standby of the Seminole. a stew ot meat, meat, grits . nd vegetables A wooden spoon in used and each one dips out a spoonful of the new whenever the indlnntion strikes them to at. It certainly did not in the least tempt my appetite. The Seminoles are of I bright cop- per color with straight black hair. regular features and rather Intelli- gent heel. The men wear I brightly colored shirt, density: logging: and momsins. when hunting. but nomad the camp they RO In “retest. A col nrod ugh is wound around his waist ,nd seven! tmsderehiets encircle Imm- q-re.-"'- --" - never "at! shoal. I could not In! I have my desire for one at their dru- ms. Moat of the [Ml-u In a”. wexe squatted on the Boo" ot their lodges. the women busily new“, the men n mud ldly warm. They are - an mom nee. I could not learn not, but I an Inclined to think they don't. After 1 and deal of notion: and gestlcuhuolu I was wees-Ital (after showing I few penal”) in - AL- q-ae-.. \Iwu BB.-.""."""-"- telling I mp of some of the [Mini children. Unfortunately it didn't Gid out van well but good enough to letl you get a men! Idea of mm‘ worn by children. Nan l rewind y bor wrestle with a huge dilator, a most remarknble and thrilling tea to View. However. were I I tuhter, l Shaun c1toaqe a dittereat milieu to um with. The Indian (min More or trading post vac very interesting. but not the prices. However I mused to secure some very tine souvenirs. This istore in nun try some white people, the ‘lndiam main: in their good- tor lpouibly gum, gun powder, whom. etc. Mark on board the stht min. we conilnue'onr way luck down the river and out into the Day. " wu very rough and choppy, linking mat ot che passengers feel n bit squeamish. It did not home: me in the but and l was complimented on be!“ " ett. collent “not. From the Day we aw nuny batman! home- including the matptitieent Deering Esau. consider- " to be Cue ttneat In the Weutem Hemisphere and ttttMt" one of the ttn- eet In the world. m from at tu- es- boat, copied after I “all” one In Pentax, China. There no 64 moms m this home and 34 luau. One bath- room In duet! with walls ot (old. The boat house alone would be a delight- (ul home to own. " the our. beam to not we turned our wuy homewards. Row lovely the ocem was with the temetiott of the 'setting sun cu It: wuteru. Coming be- hind u were a long tine of boats. red and gold. colon“ " the setting sun. l Mr. Duncan Reid of Owen Sound. spent a few any: recently at the ittome of In. Duncan lemma Today Tue-day is quite wintry with some snow. The fur-er: wanid like much teaming hnr boen done on ac- count ot the balmy weather. Quite a number ot children we suffering win: an stuck or the mumps The school was closed for a few days. Ilia: Louise Nebula, Durham. w“ I weekend vinlmr with her cousin was Georgie liner Mrs L. lieu-m spout Saturday with In John Aldred and other friends in town. was Mary Town wu a moon! vis- Itor with Mrs. Bruce lche. Mum. etch member to Male en. Ite." mun-l to make two tmttergies. :The club also decided to but: . so iota! night. “It. Fred Torry ave I. gamer on 'Bt. Patrick's Dar", reading gby Mrs Mfr-ed Bailey. “The vote: at 35031“; leading by In Edward Bai'.. iev, 'A ant-key number's ulcer: Mr and In Addie Symon and mm. lly of [nation were weekend visitor: with relativel here. the home of In: Humid Male on may afternoon of this week. Mr and Hrs George Ink: and “may at Midland - visitor- this week with Mr and In Ju. Killer. Mu. Neil llama spent swam-y with Mr and Mrs James Slander: The March meeting wu held " the home of Mrs Geo. 1113mm with a good attendance. Roll call. 'how to take cue ot - out for scalar was very Interesting. latter- of than: were read from In Gut Wise, um lurnm Petty and Mr. John Cont“. Com-Milena from head ofr'sce was read by Mer. Club decided to at lumen-l to make I reading by Mn Alum Rear, 'le~ mm m and m» CtNtutgts " tdi" _ rleillllRallliilS that Bailey Mm Edward Bailey no! In Geo. Alexander. In Alexander a" m, ”we. for the Int two "m HEIIV‘I’EIIAN W.W.A. non In man, In many and mu nursery Pickering was rr \ In Geo. K. M1 in!" I. My on to the Presbyterian Y.W.A, "I" ladies. Lunch Va and by the hut- Dm‘dent braided. Mitra utdintttwr' 0- and uni-tum. Next noun; led In payer and In N. Idiom” Will be m " the use ot In nu. man the scrum-n- leuon. Mrs (aw i) " “I 00 A)!“ Sad. inundated , bountiful plum solo. M"; -------------- i What took the Ionic "Huston W!" In. nAn - A. - iht Ollhrio "no“ the Ukrattittmu ".' I The U.F.W.O. Club will meet ll PM ML! " “If , ”and Mia-co. on In. It. ALLAN "ARK U.F.W.0. OLD. ROCKY SAUGEEN Mr. Idnmh is one of the moet distinctive no. in the Home of um. "-" h malice. Well mm tut feet In hint, he curries tunnel! -r- em. wtth ll! white halr van-fully in.“ was him an arm-mu; CW It. launch. ILA. lair on! -- (or North Battleford. l, . in" Boot who Mal-led lire :w " who! W and want to Weston. Canada that he won nun-ass in the mum-5r to“. In 1025 he um "ltst-t- ed to Parliament and relevml m the 1980. * and '85 campaiglnn. The. North "ttterrors' mematm- " both active and enorgmic mm " ell-lulu of the Handing t'omutrttvo on Mal “(I tetternatioual n-I~ Ttte number for North Baltic-ford Wu ion at Domoch, Grey County I no of Donald McIntosh and Mary Cinema. lie belongs to the clan ot It. m of any. Bruce and "" and the “dumb!!! of (Helm-n If. City. Mr. “ditto“! If“ Mural ed at The Brick and {mom Publw M. Oil-lu- High Ind Mom-l We, Owen Sound Collegian mute. Norm-l College, Ham and Queen's butvemity. Mr. launch mutt in mm mm mind. of Gmy and Bruce Comm» Windy ntter he manual trem Queen's with the degree at Bach-1m of Aria. He was mildly.) of the Am ems Public School and the Moth-I School (mm 1901 to 1007 and how. ed the lacking an! at the Perth Public um Model School from 15m: on!!! “no The non-bot lot Noah mulch.“ can" the disttggttttant of being (In iinrt m o! polo-aloud lluinm: In 0am but. every teacher m “all: 1mm” III public tichou, will a View to the devolopnem m " idir, III it-rttrt. Mada, factor.; 'ot speech and poem-nun for hum-l .0110th eitteatmshitr In after yumu is“ Modet or New Trmnu.; 58cm it had “his!“ reams nu ;er equaled In any other school." Mr “chm MM the call w New Cars“ In "it 1nd Maud: "shod tho North Buck-ford Suw- the “mm Wteoed Ind the Fr, II I." the -- for North Bat that! m Inn-N to Pearl, damn I” i “I'm Irwin, formerly m' in.“ “4 later of Whmirr; "tre' have "m chlldm. largarvz lr iv“: III-I e and Cameron trwin K1122 l In. "" tmtit 1.35 Mr lenuwh m I MW of the National ("m “I. WW Newamper Alison“ mu N . mauve of the nun .m’ cm“; of the Aenecluion m' ' --n adtan Clubs. He was I momln' v: the All-Clutdlam Weekly Press , lt 'tuttbm't' trip to Belgium. ham. ad the British Isles and the bulllew-Mr of France In “It The North Boulel'onl membo-r b7 a _ Litremt, Pro-Winn, and live-: an. The following upon. of the late J J. Tuber. Inspector of Model School Tom-to. 1005 than the cumin": oh mined hr It Helm u . Mum Bcttmtt mm. "I the work do; by him In the [enchant " tho Atl, Walker: Tim. He not only acts-" " Wu - Water And editor a» well. and - MM all th" con-lumen d ”bushing tt and comm“ of [minimum a I“. ml? Metering was r',tt 1 on to the I’m-hm“ Y.W.A, 'Hw 'trests-t Mel. I“. [Minimum " II M and In N. Newman ”.11. In“. It: . ttmt-de was W" Th. his Prayer I. Inlm otoiwd tie new and I“. Pickering rad uni-tau and but. (m emu Journal) a Face in the “use [in " In Runnmu re t. CA 25$ until uptown“ m,|9311

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