'" On Manners Not Placed moment u-‘s of life a. If inevitable is on m ot “1th amount: to u " me would "that lives than k. interfere with lit and convan 300. T was thus M people I" automobile, In nrhs. Th. m y aunt no enough 3 more m. g or the hen-kin. correct I during i may. "OM h we" be! h a " dur to u for per rec. In h udopt? There Is I the tsutrleet, ' "cultural Sm mulled my. Ada in tb, .clt bum“: charm" ll " What native VOICE Plum-41mm and séedin} operations gonemiiy may start in two Week! and wring “iii bring with it the full glory of the shopping on Saturday nights The sidewalks will be tilted with peoplu trom eight till twelve o'clock. Snurday is u long wear yday for the people in the Ihopa. Anyone who will try it for one day will cease wondering why tho people who serve In shop. are unable to attend church on Bun. day morning. But a law have “all. with good "lends on Saturday even- lnx and this seems to be a competin- tlon tor a week at hard work. In larg- or town» the farmer: have to do thelr 1l'r"/d,'"l, earlier on Saturday nights. or the shop keepers are compelled to clean: t-urlier. - Port Rowan News. To the gardener, amateur. or other. l, wise. March wows are just something which stand between him and good brown earth bursting into life In bed: and borders. Anxiously the real tlo- lover is wondering how the tullpo are doing under their cold whlte blanket. It really in earnest he is harassed by the thought that on down-to-zero day: long chilly tPagers mar have reached Iv. preclom bulbs, and cruelly killed tho jonqulls. Concern tor growing things ls deep In the minds of many quite uncon- Iclous ot the (cellos. Few pass I tlor. iIt'o display without I thrill of In- terest. something blooming on I win‘ dow alll never tails to appeal. A no den In full flower compels more than admiration - It makes lite euler to Iccept. - Ottawa Journal. Won’t Slide for a While There's a boy in Pontiac, Mlchlgan who probably has been cured of the habit ot 51min; down the school ban- nisters. The other by he wan lnduls- In: in his favorite pastime when a tellulold comb ta " hip pocket caught tire, blistering him in nuch I tll that he is doing all his studyln‘ an erect position. - Nissan Full: m ----' Al the fourth decade ot the twen- tieth century drawn nearer In close. 4te look back our many regrettable tare; especially the conquest of byssinia. but, I. an cowl. onto solves with the refteetion that when 'avttmr. THE WORLD AT LARGE $2?,900,000 Wham; ms or the case are that n cer- u McIntosh, who came to Can- rm, bought I farm close to Lawnmce In the county of which he subsequently ex- for the wast halt of lot No. ,, Iu'th concession of Matilda. The McIntosh Red CANADA was making a clearance property, he discovered I ple new which were avar- ime ot them was carefully his son. Allen. who propa- uvnloped the species since It) McIntosh Red and estab. lrscrv at Dundala which Smiles of Spring Saturday Night Ttiota-Gould Ontario ntre sh di a shack to which he o Mosh Rod and estab at Dundela which a tor McIntosh eu1 Red is now, of wminatcd. It In :rubly in its native nario. but in even n the Paeifte coast 1 the United States. led to contribute ta mon- than one con. ldl W I of Detroit. t an estate I ot succes- tes Govern- m the state Jar and of the ms r“. ate ot might hare been worse. So long " the nations reams the coat ot war they will retrain from embarking ranth on reckieu adventure. There is yet hope that they will perceive clearly the great advantage: to be gained by cooperation in promoting causes which concern the welfare of all. Greed, ambition and mutual distrust can produve nothing but disappoint- ment in the long run. Belfast Tele. graph. No Chance A Hollywood expert says that no man should propose who has not sesn the girl's lips wlthout makeup, as "the shape of a woman‘s mouth gives the whole story " her nature." On this basis, the true tendencies will seldom be known. as a speaker at a. Rotary Club meeting in Montreal, in dealing with the cost of cosmetics. es. “mated that in one well-known uni. u "rsity the coeds used as much lip- stick in one year "as would paint tour good-Mud barns." goodaized barns - Branttord RE. poultor. Not Ready to Rust The total number ot railway passen get: carried In England during No. vember was over one hundred mil. lions. Tho iron home is not by any means yet ready to rust on the scrap heap. - Brzmttord Expositor. Ban Them " A despatch from St. Thomas states that since the imposition ot the $.- 100 license fee. there is not one slot machine Init in that city. The St. Thomas authorities made it a point in their by-law to tax all machines whether they were in use or not. This provision is said to make the by-law doubly rifcmivo. --. St. Catharines Standard. Population That ropulation problems are in. timately tied up with economics nor. mally intelligent people have long re- cognised. But that does not mean that those who govern our proscnt system ot society have achieved that recog- nition. To them Mr. Koyneg has de- 1ivered a salutary reproof. A station- ary or shrinking population can, he said, lead to a breakdown in distri- bution, increasing unomployment. and tho final collapse of the capitalist system. Or it can make easy the rais- Mg ot “the standard of lite to what it should be." These Me the alterna- tives. Which road urn we to tread? --1,0ndott Daily Herald. For Higher Wages What Is the average wage in indus- try? Not many pull, club or cafe poll. tical arguments end Mthout a clash on that question. Now the Ministry ot Labour says it is 435 a week; at least that is the figure which results from a private census ot two million workers in those trades: Textiles, clothing. brick. pottery, glass and chemicals. The figures are sixteen months out of date, and there has been some improvement. But the highest wage making the average giv- en ll 8ht 10d, so that there's still plenty to do in levelling up wages.--- London Daily Express. PRESS The Right People Should Go Hungry TORONTO. - All the problems in the world could be solved "it you would make the right people go hun. l my." Mrs. Nelle McCiung. noted writ. _ er. told an audience recently. Betore any person served on an unemployment commission he should be made to look for s job for two weeks, sleep on park benches and have doors slammed in his face. Oc- easioaatlr, she admitted, people got good ideas but they usually took them to a. political party. "You can divide a good apple un- til it's nothing but applesauce." one said. "You can now a log so often it becomee sawdust. That's how it is with progressive people. it we could take one thing and act on it, we wouldn't [me unemployment prob. iems." Mrs. McCiung was at her best, how- ever, in describing the life she enjoys in Victorin With its "quiet dignity." A cross-roads sign in Ontario reads just "cross-road" for the benefit ot motorists. in Victoria it reads “inter- communicating highways." Where the sign reads "go siow†in Ontario. it says “proceed with caution" in Vie. toria. Someone bad told her he'd seen n dog chasing n cat and ther were both walking. “But you see. people come to see it these things about Victoria's dignity are true," she ssid. "Bo, year by you our tourist trade is rising. I'm trying to show you there'- I dividend in ov- erything it you have enough at it." THE EMPIRE CANADA THE EMPIRE Pension- a 40 OTTAWA-This week saw the bill to amend the ou Age Pensions Act, so blind persons at the age of 40 will receive pensions, was rushed through second and third readings at one sitting. IL View annug. Fnanee Minister Dunning, piloting the measure. said he was anxious to get it through so that Iction on it might be taken by the Provincial Legislatures now in session. The pension scheme in a joint undertake ing of the Dominion and Provinces, the Dominion contributing " per cent of the cost of pensions and the Province: 25 pm- cent for the ad- ministration. Plane Ambulance EDMONTON - "Scotty" McLen- nam Arctic trapper, rested in hos- pital here after flying 1,500 miles with Pilot Rudy Hausa in one of the North Country" longest ambulance tlights. McLennan, suffering gangrene fol- lowing freezing of both feet, was brought from Burnside Harbor, on the Arctic coast. Pilot Heuss flew 500 miles north from Great Bear Lake to get Me- Lennan. then rehaced his path, con- tinuing to Edmonton. Two hun- dred miles of bleak Arctic coast, most feared by northern airmen due to bad flying corditions at any time of Ideal Astronomer NEW YORK-The weary sales- girl neatly folded another Easter handkerchief and looked up with a tired smile. "My idea of the per- fect customer" she said: She doesn't push and shove. She takes her turn being waited on. She doesn't muss up everything on the counter. She doesn't complain in a whiney \oice to the floor walker when she returns merchandise and has to wait a few SHOODUS for an 0.K. on the return. And she never shouts at the salcsgirl under any cireurmta.nees." The “deal" customer makes up her mind, at least partially, about what she is going to buy. When the salesgirl asks hu- 'May I help you " she can answer. "Yes, I am looking for a nurse. I want it to carry with a dark hrown tweed suit. And I want something that is large enough to hold lots of things. What have you for about tr."' Canvassen Protected TORONTO-The Provinee's mini- mum-wage-for-mo legislation, be. fore the Legislature for approval, is intended to apply to workers on commission it was learned this week. An industry and labor board to cstnhlim rates and enforce the aet's prroiisiorts will be given power to deal with this snecial phase. Canvassers of all sorts who are paid commission will be affected. "And there will be no way of get- ting around it by having large cdn- ccrns, depending on door-to-door so- liritation, sell their goods to their salesmen and thus evading the the commission Angle," it was ex- plained. News in Review 211 Crossing Deaths OTTAWA--- Number of persons killed in railway crossing accidents in Canada during: 1936, was 211, ac- cording to Transport Minister Howe. There were 243 areidents, the Min- ister stated. At protected crou- ings 113 rersons were killed and 367 injured; at unprotected crossings 98 were killed and 822 injured. Taxi Not Fast Enough CHA'I HAM---Garnet Shuttleworth lost no time hurrying a colored wo- man to the hospital in his taxi in 1 race with the stork, but lost. The die yEar: were beaten. Manager Pie Traynor, It Todd and Couch Gooch (left to right), m "horse" around with the homhlde us they start )imbering up for the season San Bernardino, Cal. ty" McLen- sted in hos- 1,500 miles l one of the She birth took plaee in the cab, with Dr. E. E. S. Benttie, being assisted by hospital nurr-L-s. who worked with flashlights. Music in the Schools TORONTO - Sir Ernest MaeMil- lan, speaking in Toronto, and Ed- ward Johnson. general manager of the Metropolitan Opera Association. speaking in New York, criticized the school music training system in Cun- Ida. and urged wider education in this field in all schools in the Do- minion. IIIIIIIUAAO Mr. Johnson criticized what he termed the inadmuacy of music in- struction in the Dominion. and urged the buildirg of (encert halls in the cities and towns throughout Can- ada. His suggesiions met with very prompt agreement from Sir Ernest MacMillan. "School music in Canada leaves much to be desired,†Sir Ernest said. "hone will be more heartily in accord with him than those who are struggling pith inadequate fi.. nancial support to raise the standard of training. I am glad, however, that the present Ontario Depart- ment of Education is alive to the situation, and, judging by the pub- lic utterances ct the Minister and Deputy Minister. we shall see an improvement in this Province before long. Bot there is no sense in our expecting to develop an adequate system of musical. instruction with- out being prepared to spend money on it." OW luau. -e'" --" OTTAWA-- National revenue fur- ures discl'wse thme were 804 Carta- dians wit: immaos of more than $50,000 per w"" who contributed $11,051,000 m int-ome tax in the fiseal You! ending March M, 1936. Their average payments to the fed- eral treasury amounted to $86,367 ench. Total number of individual in- come taxpayers Was 199.102 and the total paid was tiy2,988,282. Those in the income class under $2,000 numbered 89,724 and contributed $987,381. In the $2,000 to $3,000 group there weep. 46.198 who paid $1,042,133. Doe Shooting TORONTO -- Shooting of does would he permitted in Ontario under an amendment to the Game and Fish- eries Act introdmed by the Govern- ment in the Lerrie1ature this week. The amendment would provide that two or more persons hunting deer together and holding licenses might kill one female of any age, or one male under one year for every two persons in the hunting party. Another amonlment would pro- vide for the commercial raising " pheasants under license from the de- partment. . ' ., - 3-.., " Our- [I'll L|l|\.ll u Destruction of the dens of fur.. bearing animals other than wolves, bears and skunks would be prohibit- ed by another amendment. The Government also moved to prohibit the use of snares for any purpose in Victoria. Peterborough, Hastings, Lennox. Addington, Fron- tenac, Leeds. Grenville, Peel and Carlton Counties. How You’te Going To Keep Daughters Down on the Farm Ames, Iowa.--1owtt farm boys went their future wives to know their way around the chicken house and corn crib. The Iowa egriculturalist, state college extension service magazine. said a survey showed agriculture students insist that their brides come from the farm. The students, the magazine said, also favor brunettes who are "not had looking." 304 Have $50,009 Income Jolly Pirates Play "r-u--.-- -.--u.-uCU.u, 500 Children Killed Ontario Grading Of Farm Products Wide Powers Granted to Govern- meat Inspector' Toronto-Repeal of the present Marketing and Pair Industry Acta Ind the Government grading of A wide page of farm products in pro- vided in a bill introduced in the Legislature by Hon. Dune-n Mar- shall, Minister of Agriculture. Extensive powers of enforcement are taken by the Government in the bill. Inspectors will be able to enter any premises to inspect m b' farm product or t'cey may stop any truck, boat or other conveyance at any time to make an inspectim. Samples of goods for inspection are to be provided at the owner's ex' pense. I1he inspector may also re- quire production of any books, bills or iccords relating to products. The bill authorizes the Provinvial Cabinet to set grades for animals, meats, eggs. poultry, wool, dairy products. fruit, innit products, maple products honey, tobacco 1nd such other natural products of agriculture as the Cabinet may order. The Cabinet is also authorized to empower the Agriculture Minister to establish grades for "sueh articles of food or drink manufactured or derived in whole or in part from any products " the Cabinet may designate." The Crown may tronfiseate any farm product of which the owner is convicted of an offense under the act. Penalties range from $10 to $50 for first offenses and $50 to $100 thereafter. False information, obstruction of inspection and mis- representation are punishable " fenses. An amendment to the Dairy Pro.. duets Act and the Plant Diseases Act, IMT, which takes the place of the Fruit Pests Act. the Corn-Bor- er Act and the Barberry Shrub Act were also intmd'wed by Mr. Mar- shall. Under the amendment to the Dairy Ploducts Act. it is provided that a building shall not be con- structed or reconstructed for use as a cheese factory. Creamery, milk or cream shipping or receiving station unless the Minister has granted per- mission in writing. The Milk Con- trol Board must certify that “mil 3 building is required. The Minis- ter may grant licenses for such es- tablishments and may cancel or sus- pend the permits. Violation of the licensing provision shall incur a 810 fine every day of violation. Under the Plant Diseases Act, per- mits must be obtained to operate a nursery. No person shall bring any plant or fruit infested with any disease into the Province. nor buy, sell or exchange such a, plant. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council muy upon recommendations of the Min- ister provide for inspection of nur- series, farms, orchards md market wdens, Ind my provide for nip - - .. I -iAA_ B"""""v ---- m“, . are. removal, destruction and eontts- cntion of my punt, fruit or con- tainer infested with n plant dis- ease. Horschel, Germany, requires new- ly-mu'ried couples to plant two fruit trees for the municipulity to celebrate their wedding. MANY PRODUCTS LI_STED MAY CAN CEL PERMITS of the Pittsburgh Pirates. It " the Pintes' camp at In Texas Oil Explosion Overton, Tez.--- than 500 children and severe! score teachers Were reported dead Thom-y night a. 1 result of 1 terrific gu expioc sion which shattered the New Lon- don school building near here. . . .. .“AL - - --.. -"ee" _ Some estimate. pieced the death toll in cxceu of 600. â€angled bodice were being held In a dozen communities in this teeming East Texas oil field. Hys- tericnl parents and a growing Army of relief workers choked the mode until martial last had to be declared. The explosion occurred It 3.55 pan. (E.ST. Thursday and by 9 pmt, two ehureres in Ovation and five in Henderson. as well as under- taking Parlors and school buildings were filled with bodies and injurpd children. A scattering " casualties also were reported in Kilgore end small- er communities. limping suddenly with such I force that bricks were hurled I half- mile away, the building wee torn apart and hours after the blast there were cont wed estimates of the dead. Principal Troy Durnan's figure we: Mo, end he estimated 300 bodies had then been recov- ered. Governor J1me: V. Allred of Texas declared martin law It the vicinity of the New London disas- ter after ordering troops to pro- ceed there. The Governor acted on inform- tion the State highway patrol and other officers were unable to con- trol the throngs that blocked hirrh- ways. and were reported impeding relief work. Sevepvlirlrmdred pupils an! fortv teachers were in the building- 4710.1 of them in the wditorium. Witnesses said there was an ear- hammering expmsion after the rum- blirg roar that preceded the blast. The roof then, they said, moved up, the walls crash-4 outward. and the roof fell into He wreckage. crush- ing those within. In tueee-uteiehs “do! Half a Mile Away Br Fence of Bust. Superiroendent W. C. Shnw theo- rized that accumulated gun in a space between the t1oor of the buil- ding and the around undoubtedly caused the explosion. The building was heated by zas-stenm radiators, and there was no main boiler. Raymond Bonner, clerk of the Tidewater Association Oil Company, who was standing on a porch near the sehool, said the building went up like a dynamite stump. world " "P aker Moody. 4. What u n amen record tur the mile.' - ' mm, and " seconds. tr. Wbst I. s birdie'. - Making a hole in under par. i."ihrtul his technical definmou at the word "green" - Twenty teet in any direction of the cup. T. Do you know the name ot the boxing champion who was I deacon ot a church and who recited to him. self the 144th Psalm before each com test'. - He was Theodore "Tiger" Flowers. who took the middlewoight crown from the late Harry Grebb. Now tor n few interesting facts that are worth pllctng In that old dogma- ed scrap books of youâ€. V“ “w-v â€"-vâ€"-- -- - Some your; no there In: I teather. weight champion named Eugene Cri- qui, who fought " way to n boxing title despite the Met that out ot his jaw had been shot "my In the Great War and he had a sheep nose bone grafted into the remaining port. That old time Miller. John L. But. livan. toured the country pinyin: Si. moo Legree in “Undo Tom's Cabin". "lull wstee nu yum". .v-_ .,r ,, It'g in tact, too, that Hunk Gowdy ot the Boston Nationals wu the first ma. Jor league barebIll ptnrer to cullst in the army utter Amerlcn entered the Great War. Bear me cut mascot - yes, the Brown University football team aw tually have I bear tor their mascot. And now friends in dating. here is I “Believe It or Not" that Ripley would bite his mill to (at. Yes. and speaking of null: - did you know that the use ot the (Inger-nuts on the Statute of Liberty are " ti. by " ta. "alga; ilenoeiin' on your door ---s0 Ions. Sporting Sew!!!“ By KEN eownmos 2. W h o w a s ‘ known as the “Fighting M n r . he"? - G it n e Tunney. is known in the (anin Spoil examina- tion day. my lads, How many can "you" answer? 1. Who was the ttrtrt person to swim the English Chlnnel? - Cap- tain I I t t h e w Webb of England In 1875. at“. you .Helen With, yes. the Parents Split ' On Education Sm “M to "New FM Wuyl of To.“ ROSLYN. Nt-m" “My. education" system ot ttavtng nul- bread baking chuc- u ttmeh to?! "ttttrnette--aq opposed " an one 'aatriem" “are. If." -erd--t" went: at all Lou - con-II- lty "tit In .ttthttr emu-overly In: week. A We“ noon“ at "' M bo. tore the board ot educate. Contact at the long-amounted“ "outa, with grim-Hope! tuudaurte.tatute - 4 their View. about “new-fumed" at 'tttgtttalutin" Innovations to no uncen- uln terms. Ru 'A'ttt' Micau, UTIIDXOI ot â€13 aint-progressives. wad nearly ti hours bad been spent one any to mad, I group of boy- in the Roslyn Height School how to bake nut hwnd. Ard t In a voice tinged with bitter Irony, he 1 ask- , to be Informed what poslmlo education. He stressed the word "nut" I connection uut.bread baking had with l In a manner to suggest he (an it sum- med up the whole situation. "Why." he said dlrkl: ed seven! high school they eoutdit even tell hwy wn.†“any w--. A ripple oi Applause swept the audio toriuln when Superintendent of Schooll Frederick Weguer explained “out nut-broad inking and attitt"rtetitt Nut-brad halting. said New. was I good my ot teaching aritttrrtettr be- - "it give. the pupil: [Incline in aiding and mulilplying ingredients." The explanation Iett some of the tundnmeninlilu cold. "You multiply tour egg: by three cups ot ttour, and will! have you got -e5'Plt adding nuts?" demanded one turtdatttrmtalitst lourly, in an aide to I twighlmr. The progressive method. adopted eight year ago " the unalyn Untott Free Schnui district and gradually ex- panded. drew turihor tire Cont Mrs. Mary Broadimrsi. who said sho w." cv,ttsideritv', tho withdrawal or " grunliviliid from the tstuond grade. The gz'amit'hild, we said, “a: not helm: taught to raid or write and “could not even divide." Other opxwuoum of the system mm- piained that the pupils wow “awfully lacking in history. spoiling. tradittst, writing and -.ves---mirt aritlittwtit', de. tspit" the nui-hrvnd balsiie, tlst-SCS, Ralph Tubby, prmidcul ot iln l ourd m...“ “u. M. __ Ralph Tubby, president at thr board a education. usxured the prolvsllnx taxpayers that the board would all. the matter careful consideration. Meanwhile the tov n'a bakeries dip. lomatlcully removed nut bread "on their window displays. It was I nor. topic. Will, Long Sought Proves Worthless Houston, brown-1c mum†philanthropist who dlod lar ber 29, (ended here when it nounced the mining doew been found-and lmmedint worthlesl. The wlll was in "amp-tend resid Houston died. ‘lvuntvu we__H_ Principal legume of the will "Minn Juiianu Hone, sun! at the First Lord ot the Admiralty. Mr Enamel "cure, and I close friend ot My Houston --trreeMed her in death In, about I year. Consequently tho emu; will be divided among numerouu m-phc-wn Ind _.-..,.. mm. mm boon Mindy-d Lady nieces Giiriiki, boon mum Houston's nearest kin. uls- "can is believed to pound of lune sum: tor the widow thrown donuion: t chuluel. The estate which I, had been calm-ted u t was understood to have ' about half that sum. Lady Houston was the the shipbuildor, " now-n She published the Salurdu for many years Ind was 3 h ady minder Empire Ewe Has Quintup'acts Twice Within a Year LONDON nude Creek, Meh.---' care on the hm of Dr. F. L. Hoffman near here has given iirth to the second set of quintuplc's lambs within the year. ' _ . __'.-- Luann. ".4 The lumbs are eptito I“ Ire being nursed by ewe, according to R. tenant on the "cm. Some sort of u rerun "In lamb births has h ihe H Arms chase two 1 ram from College. Ewes a! Inst your of twins one not tl the quintuplets. T have been . number born again. luv. one pair " eyes. so dinvJ that hntf of the (are Urns upwmdi to keep 1 lookout for damn. w' in- th. other hall M the “mar in Some tquutil' Whirligig heolk Houston t will and tcstatuot ot â€my tt, oeeentrie imperialist and hropist who died last Decom- , ended here wheat it Bu" am a the mining document ttnd ' lft the Order eett iieuareir. “I question- git school students and even tell III. Where Al- , births has been set on man farm since the pur- 'o year, 'e'At' of I purebred om the Michigan State do: Passed Away abet 29 but Year ired by the pure bred ram ' gave birth to three not: one not of nil-lots and ltuplets. This you: then n a number of sets of twins n In . strong box In restdenco where I man was tho widow at ‘or, Sir Robert Houston. d the Saturday Review In and wu n Dame Fum- h. Order of th" “mi-h behaved to haw dis- "III tor the ot-trits donltionl to mum. Tm to the old- ll sc-urch tar It of Lid, 1an! and lat "nevu- it wu an- previounv 35,000.00“ mum: to ruled on the JG tho Mr