tt Sumnn' rr. Brantford, Ont. ‘uldt 1m“. mama and aim my Children “‘2? .. I ahâ€): found the KNEW help ', "1 Ir he's lune-ix: Prescription. P.9ft , th q medicine. at such mm I comb! n t, at mum and felt too ml to be all I! I"! I hardly had Im’h and: I " acour.d but the 1':th Ptarertoeimt' - ulzmd my mm .4 an In OI I. my 'tretsgth to an" on." In I0" iOl!liil MOTHERHOOD tl SORE HANDS f .. if (f 3 T ' b l . if»; _ e ot t " the the The Fergus Some END PAIN - Soothe I! r, had Kill! Kill! Kill! Iowan. l Flood Stories in the shelter of a group m that Sundny afternoon. [nu troru the rain, and nu upper can ot the ice third concession of West There is a valley that w] tor a stoma: cam Just from Fergus. u'ttiug on his back nap vine a cold, wet hen. the " bird ot a tloett ot tit. hmlmuse now under the W it he had a! “D ll News-m cord Recall: of the Queer Incidents hat am 1N :8 Wt " who dread m o t h e rhood, w h o s at f e r irom backache and nausea, can be helped by the u s e of Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription. Read what Mrs. T. Roberts of WOMEN we hat th his family in a u eteet above the Yet rising quickly ms warned to be t he wouldn't go. persuasion would would much care- ad to. It In only ale along the Ohio Jul ot their houn- h h " il muting high on " d lady got to con 'it and mak he belongs tricks play. places where [ and Indoor re ads say). carried sixty the grad men the but th, ity when way through u attempt to do h ti a pouring piling up Mtom, Ite. d Yum ll " away clos that right htm! xpect ads keep Gosh Why that Ids on away. upside cho. thmt that. from w own 2und hill in; tt tt " the u river re is Farmers Attention-Spring is nearly here. Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Slaw Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Stiico [math-T (lands (luillv'l'. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Collars. Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trude Mark) Goode. 3nd you get satisfaction. Made only by: Samuel Trees Company Limited '" King St. West, Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE When Lights Fail-and Fires Die Before our marriage, he told me we'd never live in gloom. He sail the sunshine of my smile would always light the room. To tell the truth. I smile no more. I've lived with him two years, And he'd so disagreeable my smiles have turned to tears. m said that we would not need heat on any zero night, Because the warmth of his deep love would keen our fires bright. Bad I depended on his word- my; what u situation I'd be in now-in darkest night - and in refrigeration! Wife ttelcphontng)---I wish you would come home dear; I think the baby ha, swallowed my pencil. Hubby-4'1! be right over, dear. In the meantime what are you do. ing? Dad-What? You've been very quick shout it. What did you do'? Jimmy-lt was easy. I saw old Mr. Brown going for the seven- thirty train, and he was afraid he would miss it, so I let our dog loose, and Mr. Brown got to the sta- tion in time.. Dad-What quick shout i Jimmy-lt Mr. Brown 1 Jimmy 1 Well, Dad, for the day Little o'link.s, No. Only a row with my wife. Bookkeeper-- What! You surely didn't 'tome to blows? Little Hinks--0h, no. But next time I wash my teeth I'll remember to take my pipe out of my mouth. dent HARNESS AND COLLARS the ohiec with 't 1 his upper dentures Bookneeper--Hur' lowing paper:- killed He had and a clothes. People often pt Tom-. Is there any difference in meaning between sight and vision? Harry-l should say so. My girl is n viiion, and yours is a sight. and never no rain. When I put out to see I'll tell the world I Mtw, Now she rules over me; I hold my hands in awe. MARRIED When I put out to sea on matri. mony's boundmg main I thought it all would be sunshine and never no rain. When t put out to see I'll tell the While " is true a tot of money is spent each years for fun, there are some folks who never seem to have my. Wife Kicking is about the only exercise some folks take. A tip Don't give her a Must on thr hrwn! Wh 'w.' Did, 't her fender nick ours when she swerved? I believe it did. Thank moat particular about the milk she heaven she didn't lock fenders with us! It might have caused an acci- dent. t hate women drivers'. Cut around that fellow. Sewer mind the curve. There isn't anything coming. Little Hit have they they that over where he belongs! I thought for n minute Bi' were going to turn turtle. Look, there a nether aeei. dent.' That car 13 on its top with its wheels In the air', Looks Ilka I bug on its back, doesn‘t it? There was blood on the grass. Some one must have been badly hurt. Crazy fools. they don't know how to Ilriw, yet they get right out Into trame. Watch that woman.' She is driving all over Issue No. 13 - '37 Where am I? What me, doctor? My leg me, ott HAYE small Kale m M (at breakfast table)-- l've done my good turn AEXRD inks presented himself at with 't noticeable gap in the thh the ambitious:-- your system reek with it In ich In experience are in spot cash. Sod voo nls handed in the fol- hlstory examination ml Braddock was "evolutionary War. n‘svs shot under him went through his 0 p fountain pen " bitter weed " an acci happ been tak The belie! was firmly established then that it is not possible to take a. hog for a brisk walk; that belief we hold today. The hog does not under. stand what is meant by a brisk walk and we do not know how the thing could be explained to him. That is unless hogr know a great deal more today than what they Were driven from the village weigh wales to the shipping yards of the Grand Trunk Railway. there to be picked up and attuched to the "mired" train which departed at 7.15 in the quiet hours of the evening. ot the market square where musi- cians tooted sweet sounds on 3 Sat. urday evening: firgt time they had ever gone up ','v, street that led to the whitewash t yard where they entrained. The first and the last time for all these experiences. Recol. tlon is that the pigs never did go at a brisk walk; it was always something like a dog walk. Appar. cutly they did not know whose they were going; it was the first time they had ever seen the main street of a village first time they had ever passed the hand stand at the edge 0n the days when they used to ship pigs from the village there was opportunity to come into contact with a little cash recompense for ex. ercising the degree ot physical et. fort necetsary in driving the pigs trom the village “eigh scales to the cattle yard at the station. There was a dit. ierence between the amount paid to the experienced pi driver and the one who was just learning the busi- ness. The 'oy with experience came with his own gad and he knew some- thing or how to yell at the pigs and engineer 'heir turning at the right corner. He could earn 15 cents per shipping, and it was paid in cash. The driver who was yet an amateur in the estimation of the shipper: had to be content with 10 cents. the Department of Scient'.tie and Industrial Research in Britain is al. ways nindiug out something or other. The latest bulletin say it has been demonstrated that it u pig is taken for a brisk walk ot half a mile or so before being killed the baron it, ut ter “More†The walk is said to make the pig'ts tissues more alkaline and this has been found beneficial in the curing process observes the Pct. erboro Examiner. The trouble would be in taking a young pig for ' walk. One could do that with a horse or a cow, but a pig is different. It doe snot seem to an predate human company unless at meal times or on some occasion when when one might be inclined to scratch the pig'l back. Looking down on the Hudson River and the surrounding country at Bear Mountain, N.Y., is this huge bronze-plated elk’: head, pre- sented to Interstate Park by Commissioner Victor H. Herman. The head is 14 feet high, 219 Bay St., Toronto, ADelaide 4966 i "'"o--'-o----------o---------.-------.-= Taking A Pig For A Walk Majestic Sentinel FLOWER PLANNING For instance, little plants must not be hidden by tall things, and there ehould be " much bloom in the garden as possible from early June on. The most satisfactory pinning, also, will give plenty of material for bouquets and there should be some plants noted for their scent. A good flower garden reflect the individual preference of the ownu' and there will be some- thing to fit cvory occasion. NEW VEGETABLES With literally thousands of vege- table sarieties and types available for gardens in nearly any part of nation in planning a real garden, authorities state, " only with auch knowledge can a comprehensive and practical scheme be worked out. ARTICLE NO. s. The seed catalogue is I thorough- ly reliable guide for any gardener. It is iilustrated with ectull photo- graphs. Those catalogues put out by the large tivms: contain much more than a more mention of the many flowers and vegetables avail. able in Canada. They specify im- portant points, tuschoas time of planting, resistance or lack of re. sistance to frost, height, color, sea- son of blooming, whether scented, and also the suitability of the tlower for cutting purposes. All of these points should be taken into consid- W I points the way to a raufw' mining development. Ontario's Martin Bird property. Quebec supplied most important news during the past week. The Quebec Manitou property, better known as the Golden Manitou, encoun- tered high-grade gold-zinc are in diamond drilling. it has been known that the contact that appears to be responsible for the large embodies on the Lamaque continued easterly through the Golden Manitou and Fleming properties. The tittdittg ot the wide vein containing the above. mentioned high-grade sulphide are know: tered diamc that 1 team] "r-----------------..--. - -- Along Canada’s Mining Highway French Moreno. The world exports when divided into British llnpire and Foreign countries tor the tire-year' average (1931-35) amounted to 330,166,797 bushels (British Empire) and 863,. 352 bushels (foreign countries). In 1931 British Empire exports were 329,282,424 bushels, while those ot foreign countries were 417,597,330 bushels. in 1932, exports of British Empire countries exceeded those of foreign countries, the former being 353,445,624 bushels. and the latter 281,436,436 bushels. Again in 1933. British Empire exports were greater, 310,113,523 bushels against 251277,. Mit bushels from foreign countries. During 1934 and 1935. the opposite situation developed, although the u- cees was of a lesser degree. Cantula is the larpetit "xpot'rer of wheat in the world, according to the live-year average (1926-1930). Can. ada's average ior,the tive years was 256.862.886 bushels, rompared with the Argentine art-rage tor the same period “149,785,696 bushels. The United States was third with 116,. 210,230 bushels. During the last tive years (1931 to 1935. inclusive) wheat exports (roux Canada averaged 189.- 779,S90 bushels annually, again plac- ing Cunada as the leading wheat er. porting country. For the ttrat tive, year period 11931-35», annual aver- age exports from Argentina amount- ed to 144,481,566 bushels, placing Ar. gentina again in second place, while Australia replaced the United States as third largest Wheat exporter with an annual average ot 101217.302 bushels. The other principal wheat exporters in ordvr ot annual average during the last tive-year period (1931- 35) Were as follows: Soviet Russia, Unitvd States, Hungary. Germany, Romania. Algeria, Krantt' and French Morocw. maximum in the years 1927. 1928, and 1931. when “0.453.820 bushels, 781.002.518 bushels, and 746,879,754 bushels, respectively WPPe exported. Yearly declinns are elm“ in wheat exports for the years 19.1.: to 1935. the result largely of importing coun- tries taking steps to become self-luf- liclenl in w-gm-d In Mum produc tion. Awarding to tlie international In. stitute of Agriculture, the you world exports of wheat for the IO. year period 1926-35. reached their Canada Has That Distinction; Venn ly Decline. Since 1932 Largest Exporter Of Wheat in World Hrere are n few uncommon edibles which can be easily grown, and variety adds interest to Vege- table gardening:---. leek--a fine onion-like flavoret for noupe and stews; marrow .--is delicious when fried; clicory, or French endive -- for winter "lads: salsify or oyster plant-t root with n distinctive flavor which can be left in the ground cver winter; and there are many others. Look for them in the new catalogues. This may not be new advice to the gardener whose huge, luscious tomatoes take prizes in the Fall Shows, and whose corn in known about the neighborhood for it: sweetness, but to those ordinary amateurs who grow a pea, bean, corn and tomato garden, with no variety from your to year, it should awaken I little curiosity. Canada. it is a good policy to add at least something new nnd un- familiar each season. located a few miles to the west ot the Quebec boundary, supplied other important new. The tiniting of high. grade are on the tirsd level west added impmxnmly io an alteady imprelslvo lp.p:rc, tummy mine development. ----- Member. the “anon anon reed u well u the bowels. sod name I at kidney wonkncu are: Getting up twiee durum the night-tttttty eye- m 'eg--tsaeirari" AM no!!! puma. But In our: and a! GOLD MEDAL Ill-mm Oil Captain-m mm! and genu- "be-net" "on Ila-m- h Houndr the wit-c " mull 100 eerttrr, the gmd mum's u.†tg,. nu mu! oxpu-uumn. 1mm the wny to bring about Ito-um My your". Ind may that Minder Irma which on; um scanty pun-axe I will. and burning u wen u rm nights. sale. In" and hlmleu diuretic and . lam-uh mr mud Mod-D Harlem on sum and mm " one. to my: Mano: wane nutter “turned mm was poison. When Poisons Clog ORIGINAL. SENSATIONAL practical may ot [mung and ukulele. by matehing r own, but ttte wnrld‘u “up! Mutt. No tenl'hcr nr Insult You on play tmmy ttre _ Write fur free Bumklel mw qmttteet, with Crriritc_ rem Dimplly Instrument». mauled Wat. Torunlu. Kline M 200 not tree. Pawn! Am Canada. Pattern." Roland 1Lâ€: Department Wm, outrem B 12A 5 POUNDS QUILT PAT'tt pump). Prints. " Wuhan! '1 uert" he luau-um» Peder-Ami Te V w --. - -. m..- m w.-. .u. an. mm Ir. o. th 'riii"ii5"tWiigi n. mum-I who the 1M in. Clear, M!- uni ml.» 1--am. that, NI? not: lawn- new; I- MIy. A 350 trial tic " dr More. 'ruvmit-- Chaney but 'i'd'/lrllh"d"ilih"lGrl'r'a1 " orrumi on. mini 1fGiii7 "535.1? TIL; th !uto.d tr. o. th mangle»: 'lPid'f,' " rm In A Minute rur tp, relief "on th helium d at“. Um !"e1tyttleeu.t.txhtsut. rub. and mm 'kttt American, are reminded of a scl- dom-noted blessimtr hy the experi- ence, in no way unusual. of I trav- eler who has Jus' arrived in London from Istanbul. He patienty compiled a toe of official inspections endured at the eight borders he crossed, by two sets of inspectors " each. Six- teen times his ham-rage was ransack- ed, his passport 'nspected, his moncy checked and counted. Twice in the Balkans he was searched for fire. arms and explosites. In the '2,000- mile journey. 42 offiriaht looked him and his â€longing": over. He travel- ed by deeper train. but there were no scruples about interrupting travelers“ alumina-s~ ()1 I' tlvvrhw passed all tho inspections successful. ly; otherwise, he might now he languishing in a foreign jail. All this is commonplace in Fit ope, The "See America First" 1thttr paignetv, could I,rmefit their came and show up some of the domcutitr fttuluimbrs by calling attention to. fault-finders by telling: attention to our cittzens' freedom from offielnl snooping. Classified Advertising wishing LINE h our.“ To “any TNT-17 and Irritate Bladder I tetuttmt Ill vent KIDNEYS A Lot of Snooping or are "tisin' to "an In now“ try ogden's with "cttaiecter" or "Vottue" papers. Thu com- binnion will teach you all there is to know about pleasure in tolling your mun. 15c Bugs a ts. bigger package ram rm tlEtcCCie Ogden . I an a Fine Cut grand! Frag- rant, mellow Ogdenu-tttat cor. nlI full smoking enjoyment for roll . your . owners. Whether you‘ve nlgeady an old toll hnnd HOUS rents TtFUL Malena PURE FLA "QUILT PATCHES"" FIVE POUNDS SLOO HEX I) Flush Them Out For 40 Cents {OCSEHOLH mm mus“ cd "0". 273 Bunk tl fl N E C UT My! to-dly and g Mt IN V â€TOMS HAM mum it: Bt ' Wet railing attention to- culling: attention to eedom from otfieinl ONTARIO ARCHIVES To! tlttrtutte moun- mtce " «any: restless vmml w, nu llllwa, VI Iiving in Winnipeg ie higher than that which they can roach in their own communities. This is the m-n- en! experience of .11 Canadian rities; and it cue-ten . very dirfi. rult prohlerr.---The Winnipeg Face Press. A member of the Legislature In dot-laud that fatriirs nave tnittnc ed to Winnipeg from the mum: with the purpose of qualifying {1 relief bee-use the telief stundu'd 1 ly The Hettde d . keen mire HI " At dawnit here i Anolhvr d But “l Fret not for me. my friend, Ihrll I am laid Deep in the earth that I have lewd no no": Green fields lone roads, new friends, have been to me As I new wine, that quickens in my veitw, And every [musing mood of Nature giver: alu- Dup dv New; um all ordu tor 25 )‘rurr shown! Hun whale there had born only um May It, without same lulwllinv. it mimd mu " ot the 25. making it I mile bet. ter than In own chime it will mm on the, day Klnc George and Queen Bluebell: are crowned. The Drift To the Cities tion ow: Every glimpse in: Ma: in; out yearn a on May “:9 or mm Tl 'asttdon,--The threat of rain. with it. attendant Mibiiity ot tinanctat Ion. worried Great Britain at: it cut a collective eye at the wraihor for Coronation Day-even mouth it In two month away. Everyone who Mil siriw for a (litmus of the pronssion Batt hots. Hope Sun Will Shine On Day of Coronatiem Not Mod "If tr: These. Have I Had 'tt my " tor the past ' on" any: you are going to don't target your 1mm: and umbrvlla." The E' ttCD Ms at lirll to 33's hen “from; wing k Life. oi the prom-"1m: “as hop- " would be dry. Just dry- "ter the wettest winter In It! glancing at the weather " toe the past 1'5 yrnrs the m any: it U "rt d Sh to tte wrong. Mncotit,