West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 May 1937, p. 4

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Mr. Hammm was a warden of St. Paul's Anglican church. Singhunpton tor more than 20 years. He .1210 took I keen Intonat in sports. While at- tending I softball tournament it is mailed that last yen he was struck in the Inca with a butth ball at Inlay Put, Duntrmm, and knocked uncon- “has. but insisted on seeing the rent of the game. WILIJAI ”AIM”. A resident or summon (ll-Met tor over hall 1 century and a well- known mun-n. William Hunmlll died at his home in Singlmmpton after a brie! “Inns. " moved with horse and wagon to I homestead on the Blind Line a- bout two miles southeut of Sin;- Gampton The Journey required seven days. Fifty years as) he married w. len Robertson, daughter of a settler who moved into the district trom Quebec. They pinned to celebrate their 50th wedding anniverssry m June. Mr. Human." was a tamer un- til he retired lit years Mo. Surviving are his wire, three dau- ghters, Mrs. C. B. Lawrence. Dur- ham; Mrs Joseph McCaslin, Durham. and Miss Alma “will ot Shannan ton; In boys. Roy, Bert, and John, “will of trintthamptott; Lawrence Human" nun “no and M Mam. mill of Durham. One sister. Mrs E. Woodnm. Eugene, Oregon, also sur- viva. The deceased who in: in his 81-! year, was born no" Sodom}: and at The 1mm wag held Sunday with services In St. Paul’s Anglican church. Interment took place In ttinqhampton cemetery. AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE When on the way home from lon- don one evening last week, and Just as ho was passing through the celery “ardent; east at Strnthroy, Mr. and Mrs Molhournp McKay, Inwood, had a lhrllllng experience, when n doe elm-r Jumped new» the fence and on to tho highway. directly In the path or the McKay car. At the same In- stant n large Amerlcan car cums a. long trom the West. The deer be- came confused by the brilliant llghts from both cans, and made mother leap, but was struck fairly by the American car, throwing it in trout of the McKay car. It all happened so suddenly that both can had gone a short distance before stopping. When they did no. it was found that the deer was dead. death being instan- taneous. loading the deer onto his bumper. Mr McKay took it to Strath~ my and handed it over to the town constable there. - Alvinnton Tree “55-899195“ {Provincial Election in B. c, " c. Idechie ll-red Nipuasmg or'ER Al INT, REVENUES: District Power tk/d to Private Companies and Customers ' 241,565.83 Power Supplied to Rural Power Districts.... 5 658.87 Total Operating Revenues.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPERA PIN!) EXPENSES: Total Operating Expensel........... NET OPERATING INCOME: NON OPERATING INCOME: Income trom De eciation Fund Investment. Interest during i32,'22't','d'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commaeuon's Interest Adiusttnent. . . . .. . . . GROSS INCOME DEDUCTIUNS FROM GROSS INCOME: Contingency Provmon tor the vent:- Principal Amount. . . . . . . . . . . ........... Interest on Reserves' Balances........... Tot: Deductions Iron: Caron Income. 8 " 032.35 ' NET INCOME tor uns, ' 64,439.49 ' --ttg===t " DISPOSITION OF NET INCOME: Sinking Fund Appeoeriatitmy- Pv'mc‘npalAmul...................... 11,621.38 ttsteeiseoetReeers'Bai-........... 705.35 "r" To“: A-ri-tttet.......-. ' 18,331.13 ' SURPLUS (a DEFICIT) AFTER SINKING FUND APPROPRIATION: ' 66,t06.N l Dcpncnanun l'vovumon for the year.- Powe, Purchased...............:.......... ()gzglannn. Maintenance and Administration H.E,P.C Debentures. ' . . . ......... Ontario Government Bonds. . . . . . . . . Exchan e and Commissions:- H E 5C Debentures. ............. Ontario Government Bonds. . .. . . . . . Amortization of Debt Discount. . . . ... Miscellaneous Interest Deductions. . ' . . interest on Long-Term Debt:-- i in Blitisb Colonials a xenon] el- ection has been coiled for June 1st. At lent six parties. it is reportea. will likely be in the twat. indications are that the odds invor the Pnttullo government, the wide diversion in the ranks ot the opposition being no attraction tor the electors. To quote the Vancouver correspondent of the Finamial Post, “Fortune seems to m. vor the party in once ehietir because it is in nTiee, and because the oppos- ition 33 still disorganized. The gov- ernment has seven] awkward issues on its hands, notably health Insuran- ce and the handling of the Hediey Amalgamated Gold Mines scandal. but to onset these dimttulties it has the spending of " millions on roads and public works in its control and a well-knit political ortraalaation at its command in every section of the province." 'Expenses Principal Amount. . . . . . . . . . . . Interest on Reserves' Balances: This is your day, o Mother Mine'. I wish that I might cull The sweetest Bowers that ever grew And send them every one to you. But even the fairest mtwers that This is Four day, o Mother Nine! ', l have no ttowen, nor sons: Only Devotion'a gifts so trtte-. A heart that loves and honor: you, The thought that all the sky la blue While God's in Heaven 1nd I um have you, This is your day, o Mother Mine! I wish that I might make A symphony of glorious sound Which, echoing all the world around. Would tell of all you mean to me, And all you make me wluh that I could be, o Mother Mine! Rev. J. R. Wolsttmerort who has been the pastor of Hesberton Batr tist church tor the past eight years. is being transferred to Oschweken. on the liranttord indlsn Reserve. Rev. Frederick Ashton, who has been in charge of the Oschweken circuit for the past six years, comes to Flasher- ton. Oschweken lies ten miles south of Brantford. Anglicans. United, and Baptists have missions on the Brant- ford reserve. blow, Only a little of my love could show, o Mother Mine! BAPTIST PASTOR Total Provmon............ Total Proveuon . . . . OPERATING AND INCOME ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEARS ENDE THE 31st OCTOBER 1935 AND 1936 fora'. Non-Operating Income o Mother Mine! -Alice Roger Collins. Walkerton O MOTHER MINE LEAVES FLESHERTON POWER es,g,,,,sg,,,itttg, IN NORTHERN ONTARIO (Operated by I e Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario) PRovN~ICE OF ONTARIO 3 Before leaving him A lugs number of friends of Mr. McKechnie met " the schoolhouse of U.CB. No. t, Glenelg and Ben. tinck in the evening ot April 29, to show their regard for him before he left to take up his new duties at the Durham Public school. A program of music, song and reading featured the early part of the evening. The following took part in the program.' Sharpe orchestra, music; William Kenney, song; Chas. Weppler. read- ing; Crawford Sharpe. song; Miss Bolen and Mr. McKechnie, music; John and Alfred Vaughan, song. At the conclusion of this program, Mrs. James Crutchley. Chas. Schaefer and Mr. McKechnie were requested by the chairman, Chas. Weppler, to come to the platform. The address was read by Mrs. Crutchley while Chas. Sc'haefer presented the gifts. Chas. Weppler then read an address on behalf of the trustees. Mr. McKechnie in reply, expressed his gratitude for the. honor shown him on the occasion. He said that my of the homes in the section were to him as another home where he always found a welcome and where he could get a meal or stay the night just as at his own home. He expressed pleasure at the treat- ment received from the trustees dur- ing his term as teacher and appre- ciated the help given him by the people of the section and others in making the Christmas entertainments a success. In thanking his friends lor the gifts he expressed the hope that their friendsth would continue as in the peat. "For he's a, jolly good Iellow' was then sung followed by 'God Save the King'. The ladies then served lunch after which dancing was enjoyed for a few hours. We your friends of this community, have gathered here tonight to express our regard for you before you leave to take up your new duties as teach- er in Durham Public School. Dur- ing the time you have spent m our midst, we have learned to know you and value you as a friend with whom it is a pleasure to associate. We so preciate the part you have taken in the social activities of this commun- ity. You have enriched the pleasures of our social life by giving of your talents, especially " a violinist. Al- though we will miss you among us we give you our best wishes tor success in your new duties, and hope that we will continue to enjoy your friendship The following are the addresses: To Mr. John C. MoKechnie: ' 247,224.70 Sudbury District ' 390 060.33 ' 390,060.33 28,822.17 269,780.82 1,148.93 9,743.63 “44. ----_s In the future. m will: our n- tmrrttorrouwer-idaahrmto'"t" copt this wrist witch and fountain pen u a. tomlnder of your friend! and the am, you spent In this com- munity. Signed on behalf of the communi- ty, Colin McIntyre, Chas. Schsefer, J. Crutchley. _ To Mr. John C. McKechnie: The undersigned trustees hereby wish to express their trpprecttrttttn or your services as teacher of this school. During the three years no eight months that you have taught here, you have given your best efforts to sdvsnce the educational interests ot the scholars under your care. We wish to thank you tor your en’orts in furthering the best interests of this school and for the help you have giv- en in overcoming the problems that confronted the board from time . to time. It has been s “ensure to deal with you and although regretting your departure, we wish you every success in your new position in the tle1d of education. It was with regret that we learned that you were ieaving our school. We have enjoyed] having you as toucher and we wilt not target the way you have worked and played with as these past tour you“, max:- lng our school "in a pleasure. Many tlmes we have tried your pattenee, but we hone you will overlook these faults and always remember your tirtrt school. On Friday. April M, 1937 the pup- ils of the school presented Mr. Me, Kechnle, with s purse and mechani- cal pencil, as a. mark ot esteem for him as their teacher. The address which follows was reed by Ruth Mort- ley while Alfred Vaughn made the presentatlon and Harold Knapp acted as chairman. [about School. April 30, 1987 Dear Mr. McKechnie: -Chatr. Weppler, Clue. Schleter, John Koepp, trustees. We ask you to accept this purse and pencil as s little remembrance of the days spent " Lawns School, and we ttll wish you every success in your new school. Signed on behalf of the pupils or Luann school: Ethel Ireland. Ruth Mortiey. Harold Koepp. Alfred Vaughn. Ear, Harold Koepp. Altredl Mr and Mrs Lance Rumble nod son Vaughan. Bob with Mrs. Jock Lawson of Tor- ---- onto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luvson. BORNOCH l Sorry to hear Mrs Arch. Thomp Mr and Mrs A. D. Mseintyre and. son has been quite ill and under the Robert ot rTesttertotg were visitors doctor‘s care. We hope she will soon on Sunday with his psrents, Mr. and be feeling some better. Mrs Colin Macintyre. um. Neil McLean. Hrs Wm. Ben Mr and Mrs Irving Picard and and Mrs lame Mchlly have all or- Ralph and Mrs. J. Picard ot.Toron. rived at their homes after some time to, spent the weekend at their sum. spent in the hospitsl. We hope they am home here. will soon be feeling better. Mr. Art Macintosh left on Monday Mr and Mrs Addie Symon and tam- Mr and Mrs A. D. Macintyre and Robert ot rTesttertotg were visitors on Sunday with his punts, Mr. 'tusd Mrs Colin Mmlntyre. THE DURHAM REVIEW District S 4,160 16 4,160 16 135.85 10.52 Patricia St. Joseph District District t936-36 S 100,827.S0 ' 88.858.73 $2,236,679.7t ........ ........ 5,65887 lm.827.50 ' 88,858.73 $2,242,238.64 ”are; 3531922 322.9199: TORONTO The Joint meeting of the Mies' Aid and the W.M.S. of Burns church met a the home of Mrs Mch on April 2801 with n splendid attend- anm. Miss Dell presided and the scripture reading wu given by In. w. H. Smith. The sec'y treuurer's reports were adopted. Um] busin- ess discussion took plsce st the con- clusion of which s successful gub- bag ssle was held. Mrs A. Boyd presided for the W.M.8. Prayer was given by Mrs. Vessie. During the business discussion pleas were made for the Presbyterisi to be held in Durham on Mar 19th. Mrs. Rev. Gowdy gsve a spendid report of the Provincial meetlugs in London. Mrs. Miller read the 3rd chapter ot the study book “Fellow Citizens'; in splen- did article entitled ‘Songs of the heart' was given by Miss Vers Stew- art. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Stewart on Hey Mth, at , p.m. Mother's Day will be observed in the church hen next Sunday end the service wilt be followed as outlined in the bullet. We hope tor I good attendance. Mr. David Wetson is spending a few weeks with " brother in Tor- Mr and Mrs. Stanley Easy and lit. tle son of Wnlkerum were recent visitors with Mr: Rear and family. Min Georgie Miller went the week end with relatives in Durham. Mr. Archie McLean is ensued with Mr. Nelson Macintosh. Dornooh for a few ween. Congratulations to Mr and Mr: F. Hopkins on the urn-I of . little Sunday School will open next Sun- dar. m, hope the potent- wilt make an effort to lave the chlldnn pres» eat. ROCKY SAUGEEN $t,684,376.06 $t,679,366.0t 5,020.0s 1934-35 557 223.76 638.82 557,862.58 a, at “on. m W with relatin- but Bum Y.P.s. not In the 92.99%?! Th0 nudist Aid are holdlnl I Cor. ontlon on u the home oi In Jot. Buy on Thursdw 9mm Mar 13. In. Patton Ind “not Patter-on visited with Wen friend. tNndnr. Mr and Mrs Gibbon and In: Lol- In and W lighten and Mr. Wm. Bailey visited friend: In thallium on Sunday. In" label“ Rude ot Che-Icy was I. guest ot her friend, in. D, Rune over the weekend. The B.Y.P.U. members are hold. ing . crounolc social " the home of um Input bunny may even- ing of this week. Mm. Wm. Porter of Hunpden was I gun: " the home of Mr md Mrs. Findlay new; on Sunny. Br Pr.--ooteen Ledinglmn and Cam" eron Inbound soul; Kalle Camp. bell, Florence Bolton. Pr.-Clu'enoe Mtuuterow; George Wu; Betty lighten; Duncan KW. Jr. " -A3trttttr not; Arthur lighten, June: Potter, Luvruwe lawn]; that. Br m--Neerley Boyce; Meryl Noble No. 18, ItNTlNCK v-Jetngie Cunpbell. Br IV-Ht-l unbound; Jr Iv-matter Mountain Donald Campbell; undone Mountain. ti-Un Campbell; Br I--ltqtte Bolton. Noble. Jr m--uodr lawn-.13 lbs. Br 'r-ANttttn Noble; [my Gib- bona; Doneldu Hopkins uul Bruce Boyce oqttal; Eileen moon. Ir " Br I---) “ovum; Pyer Jonathon Eileen John-ton; Ivan inbound; L. Mutton; numb” Hopkins. Jr r-.. Keith Saunders; Pr. A-viou luc- Donud; Hound Gibbon; Douala Mmuum; Emerwn Mignon. B-N. 8.8. No. I. EWING! Br Iv-N-t Lynn; Janet Put mt“ mun Mr. E. MI and Mr. C. , Nattr and cm 00: spent a , m In 0'. loud. We“. Ink - coon be rum: 'd Immune-tad“ tr- can: In m. If, P. h d If. C. mtfr _-I " w. “I Wodnwdll MN m In prawns and an III-on an all my getting the Ind may all “In: an comm-m- M.'aq Bernice Wine went the Vri)t end with her an and uncle. bit .: a In Elmer Baker. near Hunov. ,. emder . [In Annie of Durham spent mu weekend with the farmer's son (,rso and In. Tttmbatt. “than with Kr and Ira Gunn- Iuchton over the weekend, ‘W‘n- Mr ntrd In Willi-M Rebound and ',', no son Inn-w. Hep-worth. and , 'e, no non lumy. Heyworth. and l 's, One: of Tomato. It and In Wm. IleCunocr. xl .4 dunner Christine Ind son Rpm» V mud by Mr. Norman amp null. - the weekend In Tan% Mr. New Maul of Toronto . at pm! vtritinq with Mr I In. Ben Conn- and family. when some Ml! dean ladies tlitt [ mad I. can! of chumduh par" 'rl or :11 color- n the home of Mr,, : "dwhiuttten-wentin an out Md the afternoon Wu all rm Knuth Vaughan. It all In Wilt Kenny spent RF . day In Owen Sound. [In M-ret - Accomnmmi by Ill..- “be. Wanker i In“. In. - ”any with 5'" Ca-tthue'" to It and In ti, Human JP. on the birth ot a mu» It Ind In Me: Grier-0nd Boutlt munch. spent . few an Int We. ', with their daughter In. Ted “an The Bttrhttr tttotkottertru.r mow" L' VII held in the diurCh last Sum! , evening. um Me0itlivray pm»: 1' 1 Scripture lesson was taken I), Ly ', when The will!" of ttte i‘\'"“‘1 “in been by Kin Emma Dfrstur, o",l 3|an who limit In insrr Us ”We blood on the ‘anurwNn-n. lilo Annie DirBtiett rendered 'trft bountiful ' The members ot mo W.I.B. the indeed very gmtrm tsw the Mina Dinuen for their r! l '1 did assistance. The meeting “its , trs ed with my". In. E. Mun. Jule! Pan” a. lad Mr. Fred - all of Mum. bt “are "out: of Mr and In Andy.“ Fulton may. Mr. D. J. MacDonald tittt+ Guy mmry meeting m Il on Tuesday of this week, Next Sunday tt Mother's Coronation new!” will bv In the United church ttere the nick along un- line this v,r't, - to M In. I. Hemp 15 vs " wut, “no In. G. Boyd. It and In Kenneth Dunsnm“ l - - Sunny with Mr -. Mr M In. M Brigham, ' 1 little no Bruce of Toronto, "vvr-rrs - mmn with Mr. and v ,, In. W VII I Weekend tl..'sr' with lunch trtemdq. Mr and In Wm. Growthvr .. .-l daughter It“ Don Ind granddum l tar IMO. att or Niagara der'h', with Hudson Bren. who has Haw the winter igt that bodily, ”1020“". up And an! the weekend ' [out of the lawn um hm, w, the Ind “an In high and MN ' m much mum. Bone hm.- “In l, can: used. The out sunny day l,, ' out . - and mm; lppmmm- mu- ll: -t. Public trehttttt [Albedor Pelltln! " v,” “we: visited the school last " Cr's'% any. Mr and In. C. chirr and It., _ ward Boyce of Durham vtr.id _' ' A. Macho-M’s on Sunday. One of those old time quillinp. 1M took place lat Wednesday 1"Q'Hmv.'l Mr Ind In Henry Kaufman u: in ttoit, were weekend visitor, their maven ground here and li,' Kuhn-n mulled to visit fur _ ' _ With her mu. Mr and Mn 1. N um Glady- Alennder ls It at In James Vaughan "rr ' dw may mun Mr. and ', .7 [In Alan Anderson of Hum lent the weekend with her In, CRAWFORD in Alexander 1: “Huh: l, It and In Georc" Al- I ht y dnturhtor obs: Roweo '5 vi W nd MI THE With the above - W tor an evening a the Int is "no“ man the none oi Res. Wm. Med with an. trio. It I lemming that an a col Presbyterian church " may evening lul. In Inn has until may Mom-1m Board Prod Toronto. but now dam! ruin Willie and the - platform. cent bur-yo the true I in. and white . maids aim 1913, his hurt " Conan!“ changes (yen ”in I card “on cl maul“ tum all to qr.T PATTI] Neale“ will damn: hm repair F Pl'l. and COMP” service. mtttsttlt DUKIIH. "I! ttth, t - Spochlul itt Feyo st C. Sunny SPEClh Con Coronation “a by “mom Vision " Be " HEN MAY Buy an FOR t chic met " p pm! Colored baud Merl

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