N" Ti (st, ; ( If} )3- is. LI m- _ I. loam Mud with If "an -." _ and In. Mon, Dunn. "may; Juana --"Did your watch Mop Mrs. Mtaairnmttgtst all children of when rm dropped .itt" St. Catherines are visiting with Mr. Cute-ttrr --"Wott, it didn't ., all and Mrs. A. m. the way through the noor". Mr. and Mm. J. J. Robertson visit-; ----_--- on recently with bestow Mum. l " Bttndte ot old um onty " Miss K. Boleu was a weuendi " “Wk" once. Juat a" than. (at m. an air-.1. n mem 'tsit." "'"' ---_--- on a no mum-corn". Tomato, Tucker tin -ptty ct-r-- Iln. A. D. [ulna-h and “In Naw all anyone til no when we were -tts "May with Mr. and mum?" WITH the greatest roll call of features ever announced in a popular-plied car, the new 1938 Oldsmobile stands out as today's smartest buy. Oldsmobile steps ahead with dynamic streamlining that sets the new style I Its big 95 Horse. power engine gives you flashing action and more miles to the gallon , And Olds. mobile again gtrorides mute that's new and moved in fine-ca: tenures. The safety of an All-Steel Tunet Tor Body by Fisher - Super-Hydraulic Beau. - Tim's adWu, J,IlCrGlSlrr0(i-ilfirilrii Durham Motor Old-.9511. " do. “In“. h MO A.r. light-Cylinder nodoln. {Wailing w "s..r-_.LC...,.d Bic bundlc or old my"). only " u Ito-mm once. Jun the thing to: lighting has. laying nndor cum visitor with he: - at Kail- Km!" limo bor-"Yes, when"; Safety Glau all around-and Center- Control Steering. The comfort of Knee Action Wheels-Dual Ride Stabilizers- Fisher No-Draft Venti lation-and roomy, luxurioue interiors. The economy of the Vacuum Fuel Saver-Automatic, Choke -and Pull-Preeeure Lubrication. Never has your money bought so much an in the new 1938 Oldsmobile --"The Car That Hae Everythingâ€. See it on display . . . and ask about low monthly payments on the General Motor: lnetalment Plan. froraf Wm Keller " Birth, Mrs. B. E. Rita left Saturday to spend a week in Toronto and attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Maher. Mrs. T. E. Blair is spending a few days with her daughter in Toronto. An event ot interest took place at the home of Mr. and Mm. James Peart when the iamiiy of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glencroes entertained their parents at a surprise party on the oc- casion of their Mth anniversary, we- eentins them with a chimes clock and a bouquet of cttryatusthemuma. A fowl dinner was enjoyed. The wedding mire served m made by the eldest daughter, Mrs. Arthur Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith were To. ronto visitors this week. Miss Kate McDonald who is visiting friends in Toronto had the misfor- tune to break her right arm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heughan and son. Caldwell of Mllverton, were recent vlstors with relatives ln town. ins.., Margaret Aldred, Toronto spent two days with her father, Mr. J. A. Aidred and Mrs. Aldred. Miss Phoebe Wolfe closed her house and left to spend the winter in Torom to. Mrs. D. C. Town. Mary. Fred. Jane. and Lorna of Oriiht spent the week- end with the former: parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. w. Kelsey. in: his any In town for the speck! service: In Knox church. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hopklnl and family of Dromore were weekend meets at her patent-s, Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, Verney. Mr 1nd Mrs Wm. Common and family moved on Wedneedey of on. week to a {mu about ten miles from Dr. and In. David Julian m PHONE " 0-1.6 TORONTO boiler. Allow Giiiiiii7 iiiL2"Ci' " the lune "In. h-ag-.. " __ . " my "ttte time beating tt up to prevent It from becomlni lumpy. Add few drops nnnh em Allow tttix. onn A- -._. - - Sugar. , cups Milk, , tablespoons Corn Stitch Pmrdttri--rteat up eggs. corn lurch. "in together thoroughly; add milk; Mat together Iain. Plan- In A...“- Cunard 8am tngredieuts-.a Exp. 35 cup Powdered a.-.“ - wax paper, place in refrigerator tut. tit hard. Cut In slices. Serve slice on top of plum pudding. Sauce, made a tttttoi-. _ Hard Sauce Ingredients-N lb. latter, It tb. Powdered Sugar . Procedure-Mix butter and sugar Int“ the mixture becomes snow white; add t few drops of lemon extnct. Roll in _ Procedure Mix the dry ingredients together thoroughly. then add the beaten eggs. milk and brandy, nnd mix nil together thoroughttr. Grease inlide of pudding thoroughly. Grease inside ot pudding ding from sticking. it pudding bowl used. cover bowl with noured gauze tied tighly around bowl to keep mois- ture "my (mm pudding. Boil pudding for three hours. Heat thoroughly be tore serving. then unm‘ould on dish. Serve with sprig or holly on top. I Serve with either Hard or Cunard: Sauce, _-._._ I". - I - J hem“... and. I--. It! on“ In to thicken. 80". hot our m- 2llt Bout In IW‘M‘B' but wi as. 5,, I MI: 1'i,t,tt,,t',tt.,taoerrtet.re m rm M. Ont, . Home. unmask! plan was». tth, Ingredients 14 lb. Bread Crumbs, Ih lb. Beef Snot. 2 oz, Flour. % m. Brown Sugar. , oz. Mixed Peel. Pinch Salt. 'A teaspoon Baking soda. Grated Rind and Juice or half of :1 Lemon, 'd pt. Milk, 313m. '4 tb. Sultans, 14 lb. Raisins, quarter tb Currants. lk IM. Cinnamon, '4 oz. Nutmeg, 1," oz. Allapice, 1-15 oz. Brandy. Here is the reeimr--an old English one-tor a familylaize pudding. It wil make two and a. halt pounds, ten generous individual portions. Working in the tiny kichen-s of two dining cars. one at Montreal and one at Winnipeg, Canadian National Rail. ways chefs made a ton of plum pad. ding to be served to travellers this Christmas. THEY MADE A TON Dr. MacLachlan announced have now been shipped to Suntan;- wan by United Church congregations. Ontario and Eastern Canada sent 382 cal-loads westward it was stated. Garlands cent by other Provinces came from Saskatchewan. B; Manitoba. 189; Alberta, 106; British Columbia. 151. I A roeve who cm get there in one' (election and stay there with-tttree laccismations, is a pietty sate bet tor' the Wardenship ot the County. Such !a record has Austin Ball of Hanover} who is seeking the Waldenship of 1Grey County for 1938. He has spent sixteen years in municipal life, the; last four as Reeve. He has a widel knowledge of municipal alfalrs andi 3is not afraid to express his views.‘ Socially a better candidate could not I be found, and we hope to ace him thus elevated thirty years after his father,' the late R. J. Ball, who was Warden of Grey in 1908. _ 834 CARLOADS, 4000 BALES I CLOTHING SENT To SASK. ( The total number ot carioads of fruits and vegetables sent tor relief ot families in the dried-out sreas in the West has now reached 834, no cording to Rev. D. N, Mcuchlan, D. D., Secretory of the Joint Committee of the Churches tor Western Relief. Dr. Mcuchlnn stated that the orig- inal objective was 500 cariosds. I Sponsored by s Joint Committee of the Churches of Canada, the Presbyterian, Baptist, the Roman Catholic and the United, the relief movement rspldly took hold in communities throughout Canada and in may instances civic: committees aided the churches in fitting tho cm. . af V. luck). Bereuo M "an: As in " we can leans, this veer is the tht time in the history of Glenelg township that tour men are allowing their tune on the bullet for the once or reeve. It been“: I henlthy interest " the retepeyers in the Interests of the mwnehip.. even though the tour candidates my think differently on policy. All'ot tlteeatt- didntes have previous experience in Council, and I" ere sincere in their desire to serve the ratepayers faith- fully. TmgDtntBAM1tEWEW AU8T4N BALL FOR GLENELG TOWNSHIP i ' ' M“! y... --. - BAHAGE. um: and Prom-hut ttttht My with much. OF â€HIS PU DDI NG GREY WARDENSHIP belting tt up to MAKING HISTORY ttig-ii---------------'--'"----' i Vane. it But the clowning speech by the qworthy chllunln. Rev. W. H. Smith, meek and héuinung u be felt in In- 'tmducing Ntnaeit, on “Gunman Na. .tionnllsm" was well deserving of a ,capacity gathering In Massey Halt. [Forsooth than I. most masterful " i, fort In claiming ind proving Cun- .da’l nut non-mm. " B--r, -- an great poo-smut, of bowling the lending union of the world. Certainly it m tt most sumptuous feast ot fowl and eetnbleo. carried out without a hitch, m mum; all the time by the good Mien of the congmgntion. " ret1eeta much ere an on all connected with it. The neat, spicy little program one also a pleasant mm. The nddreu by the honored Rev. Dr. hmuhnmn. witty and interesting, was much enjoyed. Ind hope: of having him own with ,ua, are oncoungins. Editor Durham Review: Dear Sir: We wk sham the 'Great War' and the great this and that, but what a- bout the 'theat Fowl Supper held in Knox United Church on Monday lut? B.B. Mo. a. BBNT, Grade Inu-- El“. ', Ladies and Gentlemen: As I have served you th yam in the past as councillor. i not in. tend to make a personal ca vans. I now take this opportunity t solicit- ing your support at the poll on Dec. 6th. If elected i will serve y u to the best ot my ability as oounclll r, Your: incerely. FRE 'I‘ORRY To the Electors of the l Aa Councillor, l we tried todo my ‘duty faithfully an in your interests. [and if elected to e highest position which is in your power to boom, , I can promise the me close attention to affairs municipn in the future to in the past. """"T'LC".CT.2"."" Imam qtd the 0m Dr. "mer In: My with m; a}; To the El n of Glenn: hum In no" 0'81!!!“de - here. Ladle: and ntlemen: liLi it '“ . pleuue to litttmg ttt m If Herold Mckechnle was [an u out late tor the noon-mp delver " flne new M - unau- " the um. Cot of Mum]: f Glenelz. and n such may memorie- o t the due when he - In Tinto tart week. would at to your Iullngee on 'te mm of Km qhtgetg, l‘rlende here will lympum day ot Dece next to '$ett8tr6 my] MI" Hum Bron - ll" Ir and In Du: locum, vs election. luv sened on the Cour, week with her Mend. “I“ Olive ford, In the loan by tire of an ell Board of a Town-up tor the Nowell. Glow:- ton-bu- ham. ..' pest three you: I {eel that I m cup-l Mr. and In. John Hell-hell. Ir. end Mr end Mru w. J. Wataon able of hmdll the an!“ ol waif-mil! ttf NOMD)’. - thmdar D. L., Tomato, also Mr. a; mlclndllv end an In closer temehlwith Mr. and Mn. Wm. leCulloch. Walter Clerk end dluzhh-r MM "reotttttttretattite, I ; -v -'-e "-"h l, Signed on behalf of the members. One of the painted audience. of the Women's mew..." n... um: SCHOOL REPORT Respect lly yours. JOSEPH F. CR TCHLEY In ttle you to Imptr (Ilene gum! we a unite in wishing you av _ and even Inn-u.-- "- -- or, 't - - "-""'"'"' - Saugeen we are glad to have you with u: min†We wish to “to this opportunity“ amazing our Appreciation of your services In the put. You have been mud um mum: member. In our Societies and in the cam. The following In the address: Dear "ietuu..-- A: tetlownnembeta ot the Women'- Miatsioesary, and ladies' Aid Societies of Burus' Presbyterian Chum. Rocky fellow A pleasing feature took thee utter the close of the meeting when the Misses Fletcher, now of Durham were called upon and presentations Vera rude to than of tn electrlc (outer and I hot Nate. [been Hotelier mm- ? Mrs. A. Boyd presided for the Women's Missionary Society and opened the meeting, reading Psalm 121 and after, ottered prayer. The Beerettwy'tr and treuurer's reports were adopttd and the toil call was re. sponded to by a verse of scripture. Prayer “as given by Mrs. Davey. Eollowing a brief business discussion the 10th Chapter of the study book on"The Problems of indie. as a country" was given by Miss Smith. Articles were also given by Miss V. Stewsit on "The Peace River Projectâ€. and "Missionary service" by Mrs W.‘ H. Smith. The Lord's Prayer in unison closed I. very profitable afternoon.. Refreshments were served. The n! mu! meeting of the societies will be held in Lhevchurch on Dee. 29th " ' IURNS' LADIEO’ AID and W.M.S. Burng' Presbyterian mater Aid met Women's Mummy Society not Jointly u the home of In. H. Mac. Donald on Nov. 24th with n splendid attendance. Mrs. Ewen presided for the Ladlea' Aid. The aertptum rad- lng wu given by In: V. Stewart ttotn Psalm 112. The 3W3 arnd treasurer'l report. wen adopted and the roll call was reoponded to by tk, verse on "Peace." l Illa We ulddloton, at Durham and friend, Ir. Stanley Sewn]. ot of Humane, were guests " the home of Mr. um Mrs. Harry Rear on Sun- thy. We must congratulate Mr. John Rear on lining leached Ma eighty- Ilut birthday on Sundny lut. w.-- '""'"""" WWW ....n.. u, 'rrTht'r mm new minister, Rev. Mr. mm... t, .. Hm we hope for a good attendant-v, Teacher and pupils are busy '" tatrxtrrtitedChtrret,Dt_nttho Ammonium-mum ttadthe 9|de tqrtqr. Hawaii SALE Misaioetar, and the , caucus, out-mm, f "0mm tgTrp,',th"t.',"etut __ 1T',rflsu'tu'gt iii7ii1.hS'i't'rl'irii',i, t "III - "no! LT all molt-3r; ' 2ee.eekiaLeiiciiTri;Giiir. t mulls“. Rhub- 1eCrtterFuiiunii"i7aN",'ri7. ' bug-u. Inna-“m rice" Wats wen Woodland young people in thevnchool home Int Friday night. In Gibbons; solo by Menace Mac Mould. Meerttng closed with prayer by In Sounders. I Mr. Wm. Marine and son Ploy n" _ Beaver Valley spent several days la, week “the home of Mr. ma Mr, Spence Hopkins. The B. Y. P. I'. held their regula. meeting in the church Tuesday mm: ing Nov. 23rd. In charge ot use Hop km. The meeting opened hyatnglngn hymn followed with n payer. Tho BeHtrture lesson was read by Reta Davis. Minute. ot [at meeting war. read by Kenneth Easel-.13. tonowed by roll all. lawman; Indian wm'given by In Hopkins. George may Ind Lona Kuhn. Topic by "ir-Gui. - "iiT7iu"., an " Inn-7. III-em. A av*-v $72 'iii'?, "m - "not LT at! â€J3 - h Inna. â€an, “a. m "in a! (In. I h 'trr-trt. - “it I - nub h - - M - a. " bs. '.'urll'tff, m M2tt " Mau 1?... a: b't ".e"e,.toeoaWtai.' may. McFAOOEN'S DRUG trons in and In John Lynn And hum? of Aberdeen wane guests at the hom. ot Mr. 1nd In. Howard McCalluz' Sundny. We wish to congratulate Mr. D. J MacDonald on being elected Reeve (N' Begum town-hip by acclimation. Mr. and In. Mum Hume 5pm: never“ dam last week with rm ttds 's',' Hamilton. and also visited over th. work end with the chuffy family v".' Collingwood. Mr. and In. A. C. MacDonald am daughter Pin visited Sunday after» noon with Mr. and In. R. Bell wnd tally of Cbecley. spent an evening recently with Mr and In Ben law. We In - to report tint Mr, Gillan Bord tell ad broke herwr:sr Hope the will soon be better. The Docket “out: that Mrs. P Mr um I“ hang. Mr Cecil mm to mam-due; Ir Joe lcNdly for the Winter. Km Beatrice Kenny spent Sunviw with her mother, In E. Kenny Mr and In Hm vm Jr Mr and in Walter saunter a: »: daughter Ellubeth spent Sunday with hits W. Ir C. Sounder. Mr Joe Kenny spent Sunday 1: Kr and In Ed. Sumer- and tarrciy apcnt Sum, with Mr and In: Jo.. Kama. We Are sorry to lone Ir.McAmm " Reeve, but we hope the elects,:, pick " good I mm to succeed hm We hope they chase mo Counm'ln and Road Supt. tor good roads. [in Rule kettnr its spending week with her cousin. Mary Barr: w Holland Centre. ting may tor the Christmas com-o- We were very sorry to hear rm: old MerM, In. Gillan Boyd. (HI-1. Men. not with an tuttottauute hr damn. hacking her wrist. We hop, the my noon be feeling better. Mr Herb. Killer, Merlin, spam " low ml at " home here. Next Sunday we expect to haw: It and In but locum. Williams. lord. In the loan by tire ot their com. bluue MIR. i Kr and In W. J. Wluon andmr. D. L., Tomato. “so Mr. and Mn, Walter Chit and daughlvr Maxim. m recent visitors with Mr. and In L. new and family. It and In 00m loom ttttd - m not and viatitors mm It all In has. McCray, "atom. Dr. Donald Young, ot “mum†my swam mr, . 2, "tt may "The Civtt Ser DRUG STORE â€Ilium“ mu; . tow dc y. Kitchener, mower Ind "I In " Convention Tomato bytho by Authoriz d t â€(WC one. two and l W MOSHES and a a and Cloth EIPPERh, - OVEISHOES x' m any. “no one to W“... of Fur-tro a.“ the cum mu: also 8, W3. 4. 6, 5'.,, W Moe of :1 so JULIETTEB and Bow mgâ€. (or Lubes h - now Acropncs Ir" s P REPAIRINO " USU , for Cold Das, Quinn's Gel WC My. 0 "in LAD‘ W. on my you wrt Idler. Nines or Scientists amp and bones Rere mu brought Oi', by no mean: mr mention GI†your etni Iâ€. at " yt' an of your on - of Inc a " alder Esta J. l Hurduv ' . r' f "'"allt r' 'l'" m". C. so/a’ bi, HENDE ord Ile w\ A [IN acne ydn “0.65 "s“ Less†m 'u.ttt " . um “(OR CAL lip SM 6 to