pl, sums. 1’8 in Bin Mays essional Sells Hinder Service I , _ o , "ii' I f it Wm MI.BIh' - .1 i f," M!lBiil , "lr; t , . 1:: 'tiii! "'p'..' l the ne . Inger World’ ' relatives m r "t advance. ded to new: " reminded on that it i. the ism out of hi. Hiding "do" m 'l every two ind can I ho lup- Remimkr met-aria Who can't a promis- WIS to of Arthur fork City. hasn't for. f anythzn. since he nth g... a " J ':" - .3 tir' te ‘t'n can: . " tt Phone. I day us to rt and 20m," 0-0.: new h One n n " Ch i~:.\ll:l<1l{ r",--There should be is slow and steady improvement in .' Mancini affairs bringing much more prosperity and happiness. ml lung journeys are indicated and you should exercise caution l: llt‘hllll‘z with strangers as you have a tendency to overdo things. V'l‘illtllil: I-You are extremely restless and should curb your .- nl desire to see strange scenes and visit far-off countries. You ', will receive some im ortant news from a long distance and much :t'n-l H indicated. h"etTv'l'.,' and friends will help you and you will t)rt through intellectual people. 1r'it'F',MPrF'aR G-Because you are a lover of sport and the open-air, vi <huuld walk as much " is your best tonic. While C ""l'r' are times when you can be irritable. without agguent reason, -: have a naturally jovial disposition. You should nefit through w new work in which you are interested and the year is especial y . ml for social matters. , -'y.r i-LMBER 6--You are inclined to be rebellious by nature. Guard it _ .1 illow your philosophical turn of mind to govern. You are hap- r,r when in complete harmony with ',S"'I surroundings. Some new ' s will come your way and there ll be many long journeys and ., :41 e. citement and adventure. my I EMSER C-Yoo are sincere, happy-go-lueky and. just a little bit ', has. Many visits to places of amusement are indicated also_ a 1oval of residence and a pleasant holiday by water. Love slam ', Y prosper. my: 1551mm ft-You are quick to - the importance of new ideas -':-E to adapt yourself to surroundings. Because of this you should Mia-w little difheuity in adjusting lourself to changes which are in- il".'\'.l‘d in your business strain. woman will help you in business 1'â€! you should be careful with correspondence. Intrusion}: spur. all Sagittarius movie you long tt mm. to 'xro new scenes and to know new people. There will be much -- ',' stability in your life and you should benefit try 'rr.o?trtr, and - -_- . Hâ€, .4“ L- no... gnarl fnr social and Itnrtt W YOUR BIRTH DATE 13 NOT LISTED ABOVE Ind war personal Horoscope, or if you wish th complete my date listed above. send 10e (Will preferred) to J w. Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Please print your nan mum DATE plainly. (i'.. â€within-n of the Son of God ..- “ms of men. A. Come unto me. There u love .1. n' imitation. and urgency, and a 4 musness of ability to meet the ls of those who will come. Come that. labor and are heavy laden. " unto Me, and I wilt give you " All ye that are like over-car- ! hunk. whose minds are burden- ,' vh auxivties and cares. or with imuvy and lumbering traditions m-n, who are nigh to being mlw l, living in perpetual fear of 'iislon, "'ome unto Me, and Twill , you rest.' tirg, t is that heart harmony with hich atutslities men for life’n en- cnts, for its ceaseless eonfiiet m-luvst. for its fruitful toil, and l nahlmt and highest purposes. LESSON X 'cn pest.-itthow "QC-3°; â€sun-m, Chnpur Odo" ;. c'. Come unto mg, All ,' ,r and are heavy laden, r")'." you rest. Matthew The Lusc- '. Our L l ,V'Hl snomu In: |7ulIqu an... 'iiiTiiiiii lon to trnvel to VENEER 9---Like all Sagittarius peope you 0 g . . Um» new scenes and to know new people. There will be mac: ',t cvtahility in your life end you should benefit by property an ~-"'.v people. The coming year will be very good for soeial and love C um uf your birth is listed above, Sagittarius, the ninth sign of “llnt', is the sign under which you were born. This gives you a My happy, carefree and optimistic disposition. " you err at H on the side of hopefulness and optimism, Mix Just a bit mnu-ntration and determination with your efforts and you will v rung higher on the ladder of success. ' '. OWN BIRTHDATE: _. In; J. Stuart Holden of qunlon" says of Matt. 11: this is perhaps the greatest 111' livangel. It is majesty . u' for the lightening of 1m! and fevered lives. It 's heart's ease for healing .: and sorrowful men. No in tho gracious words which {run his mouth is comm mun-{y hy the experience "'14 in every age as in this Imitation ot the Son of God Is This Your Birthdav? "r1c-r,ii'i'i'i, éuubay gtbuul Br A. R. WEIR What the STARS foretell for those horn on December 3, 4, s, tr, T, 8, and 9 on in In Sonia. Lord's words of invi- uttered in December. date of the writing of he Hebrew: cannot be rmined. It must be tlw fall of Jerusalem, CM A.O. Lord's words were nt- A, cast of the Jordan . Jwlava. The place " the opistle to the ‘cd‘ F2 18 NOT LISTED ABOVE and you would nKe pa, or if you wish a complete Horoscope for send 10e (coin preferred) to A. R. Weir, " to, Ont. Please print your name, oddreu and F, lama 44* This is what Christ came to etteet in men. This is the object of all His work und the interpretation of all His passion. Invitation to Rest 29. Take my yoke upon you. . . . Christ takes upon Himself the one side of the yoke, and He invites you to come and occupy the empty place beside Him. He is the meek nnd lowly one. He has been accustomed to the yoke. This is the divine yoke- fellow of whom you are to learn, mo- vine side by side with you, that you may imitate His patient endurance, His meekness and lowliness of spirit. And learn of me. We are to learn of the Lord Jesus first, by studying the portrait of him as revealed in the Gospels, and then by living the Christlike life, as the Spirit of Christ dwells in us, teaching, strengthening, svanctifyirvg and guiding us. For 1 am meek and lowly in heart. "The word 'meek' carries the idea of mild- ness and gentleness and the absence of self-vindication, and retaliation of injury, and so it carries with it the conception of unselfishness What is it to be lowly in heart? The lowly- minded man is down in I humble sphere, where he is content if he cen only serve.†And " shall find rest unto your souls. Here is a promise, but there are specific conditions which must be met before the promise can be fulhl1ed; we ttrat come to Christ, then we take his yoke upon us. and then we learn of him. When we have done these three things. we shall no longer be seeking rest. We shall have it. M. For my yoke is easy. and my burden is light. "The word render- ed 'easy' means agreeable and ser- vicenble. If Christ's yoke ever gulls the neck, it is because we do not work steadily in it." Rut For Christian Believers I. Let us fear therefore. "it is because we know the Father. It is because we are redeemed by the pre- cious blood of the Saviour, it is as on would like MILD BRIGHT CIGARETTE TOBACCO IN THE BIG PACKAGE the children of God and as the saints of Christ that we are to pass our earthly pilgrimage in rear. This is not the fear which dreads condemns- tion, bat the fear of those who are saved and whom Christ has made free. Lest haply, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it. 2 For indeed we have had good tidings preached unto us, even " also they: but the word of hearing did not profit them, because it was not united by faith with them that heard. 3. For we who have be. lieved do enter into that rest. Tho- mas Carlyle, in his life of Schiller, speaks of unrest as "the never failing inmate of every human breast." This is true of everyone outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, but in Christ, if the New 's'estament teaches anything. it teaches this, that, in believing, we are to have peace and joy. Here is one of the deepest, more precious themes of the word of God, some- thing which cannot be analyzed, but must be entered into by experience. Even as he hath said, As I swam in my wrath, They shall not enter in- to my rest. These words are taken from Psalm M: II, and they refer to God's words to Israel, especially as regards her entrance into the Prom- ised Land. Had Israel fully follow- ed the explicit instructions of God in the matter of exterminating en- emy peoples, Israel would have had a complete rest from the exhausting, taxing, rebellious invasions Ind up- xisings of these pagan peoples. But there is certainly a deeper meaning here. in the matter of rest - I rest for the souls of the Israelites, a true resting in God. Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4. For he hath said somewhere of the seventh day on this wise, And God rested on the seventh day from :11 his works; 5. And in this place again, They shall not enter into my rent. These quotations are from Gen. 2:2 and Psalms 95:11. The rest of God is the expression of the perfect, di- vine complacency in the perfect, di- vine work. A Special Day 6. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some should enter thereinto. and they to whom the good tidings were before preached failed to enter in because of disobedience. T. He again deflneth a certain day, To-day, saying in David so long a time afterward (even as‘ hath been said before), Today if ye shall hear his voice, hard- en not your hearts. 8. For if Joshua had given them rest, he would not have spoken afterward of another day. 9. There remaineth therefore a sabbath rest for the people of God. “We are not summoned to the heavy slumber which follows overtaxing TINS Dr. Clinton Joseph Ilavisson, physicist on the staff of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, pictured In his laboratory, after notification that he was a joint winner, with Prof. Georyre Puget Thomson, of London. of the Nobel award for physics. Dr. anisson and Prof. Thomson received their awards for their re- search in electronic interference. tttpt Wins Nobel Prize foe Study of Atoms Hello again - more gossip about those you hear on the radio. In an- swer to many requests, we are go- ing to tell you about the pr0Kram-- Ask Another. It is heard Fridays, 10:00 o'clock over CFRB and brings to the microphone such people " Howard Lindsay, he who ask an- other, Wally Armour and his orches- tra, George, the capable assistant, Miss Rhoda Howe who interviews those present who think they know the answers to the questions. and those who think they have tough questions to ask. Here's the idea'. You send in what you think if a dif- ficult question. If your question is used on the program, you receive a Prize Package. If your question is not answered by those present at the studio, you also receive a salute by the orchestra. The audience at the studio must answer the questions - and those who do, also receive a Prize Package. Apparently it's lots of fan, for th's program is in its second year, and is still going strong. If you wish tickets, just write to "Ask Another" in care of CFRB. Incidentally, the prize pack- age consists of a glass jar of pow- der, a giant jar of cold cream, a large jar of vanishing cream. and a bottle of Cream Lotion, so if you la- dies are interested in looking beau- tifur--arh, not send in a question? The musics] mysteries prom-um is back on the air ngain with a two- piano team. The station is CF33 and the time 10 pan. Frank Grant and Cali: Huston do the ivory-tick- ling. We have heard thin team work on many occuion: before, and we don't mind telling you that we think they do a fine bit of work. toil, nor to inaction or indolence; but to the rest which is possible amid swift sctivity and strenuous work; it is perfect equilibrium between out. goings and incoming, of life; it is a contented heart; it is peace that pus- eth all understanding, it is the re- pose of our will in the will of God." Lovers of sport broaden“ will be glad to learn that Wes. Meknittht'a sport feature is offering . new ser- ies of sport books. Tune in to CFRB 10. For he that is entered into his rest hath himself also rested from his works, as God did from his. 11. Let us therefore give diligence to enter into that rest, that no man fall nfter the same example of disobedience. "The essence of sin is that sin cen- tres in self instead of God. We try to help ourselves instead of throwing our burden of sin and care and sor- row upon the great Sinbearer and the Man of Sorrows, who was ac- quainted with grief. Now, when we come to Christ, we abandon all this self-help, and ask Him to be our help- er; we ubandon all this self-trust nnd lean on His finished work. We stop laboring to build up our own inter. esta, and we are taken up with the interests of His kingdom. You shall never find rest until you find rest in ceasing from your qwn works, es God did from His, and entering into the Sabbath of rest that remain: for the people of God, in this way. Musical Mysteries S": "‘ONIARIO RADIO HEADLINERS OF THE WEEK By FRANK DENNIS Mondays to Fridays It 6:40 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Sat- urday broadcasts consists of inter- views with hockey start, - and their opinions of the game for the even- ine are expressed. Interesting side- lights are also given. Incidentally, Wes McKnight's sport feature is one of the longest run radio programs of any in Canada. Man Francis is doing a vox pop during the intermissions at the NHL Hockey games at the Maplt Leaf Gardens. If you saw him doing this work, you would probably think the Man from Mars has descended to Earth. Stan wanders about the Gar- dens with a big bag of batteries on his chest and a box of equipment on his back, to say nothing of the aerial sticking up at his side. Stan sends his interviews by wireless to the gon- dols occupied by Foster Hewitt, and from there it is broadcast by stan- dard waves across the country. Short Vox Pop It Hockey Games The Dial Around " ADELAIDE ST. 'ali, 'U'ud Wm fwxmww GG Lama'sniyau"; as 'l,tur"g'.'.1uu',t'.'rlr.tT, "a": x 1 inch. Packed in In “trut- nu. no nun u “can m." in brown gift box. Publishers Agency of T059139 ARCHIVES 31.54 (like: this. Bible I pleasure-lo read. Although printed with P-, such easily read t.rptutU ttl- The largest steel ingot ever pro- duced in Britain has been made by the English Steel Corporation at its Vickers Works in Shemeld. The in- trot weighs approximately 280 tom, is about M ft. long by 8 ft. 9 in. across the largest octagon section. It required steel from four acid open- hearth furnace-I. A 250-ton crane was used to hun- dle the monster, which will be mule into Inge forgings in connection with the Government's defence pro- gramme. BERLIN. - Germnny consume: more than a million and a half yurds of amazes every year. Statistici- In: figured that out from the amount of sausage skins Ind casings required by the industry. anen can pick Stan up direct by tuning in VEQBQ. Happened to tune in to the Life And Adventures of Santa Claus, the finest kiddie’l show on the nir--tto blood 1nd thunder-no cops and rob- bers-but n clean Show with nonw- thine of genuine interest far the children. Adults, we learn. ure find- ing it a treat l‘s'cnirg to this pro- gram. The Station-CMT, Tuesdays and Fridays, 5:30 to 5:45. Inciden- tally we had an error in mention- ing this program before. The story was written by a woman and not a man - the name. Julie Lane. Measures It: Sausage: llSTEI.,. I ' . when they no this new OXFORD BASKET WEAVE BIBLE. No illustration coul adequately picture the tree of its warm-toned D BROWN cover with the un ually uttnctive baht-wen min. You, too, will be " prised that so beautiful I Bib]. an be sold for Inch . low prim. The cover is a triumph of tho book binders' art. Unique in Ippunnce, it of": a volume which it is I delight to on no matter how many Bibles you In†have. Not only in the binding beautiful, but it in dur- Ible an well. It ‘I made of the finest quality DuPont Fibri- koid. The cover is overlnvping protecting the rounded brown edges. Largest Steel I ngct THAT in what everyopo an Contains interestine ttnd inn!- uablo "Aids to Bible Study." and 4000 questions and am!!- er: renting to the entire Bible. t.tefl1rrr" , " J1i!iliA,icltg9d Th, bold, _hirek-teed typo The Babe! We." Cour ad a union-IV can! to coast network. IMPERIAL m3 INSPIIIIO mu Every Friday Night Interesting Help: Add “a PO“... 'th" only s,rite, - Ta8" Foreign Actors Speedily Educated Sara Masts. English Image in Bottle-Quick Time A word to the college student - take I tip from Hollywood if you wont to learn I foreign language quickly. With a new invuion of foreign film talent now in progress. the task of learning a human in a short time has developed to I tine art. Many I foreign star is engaged without knowing a word of English but in a few months it expected to take an Ettttlish-tsptmkintt role. Using the Hollywood t" “F , l the stars u.:u- an; are x3133 tor ty.v':e assignments. Learned it in Six “an " weeks ago. Isa Miranda, Ital- ian film star, could speak only I dozen or no words in English. Now she monks it Almost is well as Mae lene Dietrich or Greta Garbo. Upon her arrival she was placed under the tutelage of an English in. structor who clarified the most im. portant grammatical rules and I her on her own. Miss Miranda. 'u. stead of staying rloseted in her home, mingled with people. Pndined in Store- She spent hours daily in the stores- When she saw an object for which she could not supply the Fatty lilh name. she would llk the clerk what it was culled. After replanting the name several (men. Kuo Mir- nndn usually would purchne the or title. At home the spent hour. listen- ine to the radio and repeating words and phases. In addition, Ike fre- quently consulted dictionaries and gunman. Sale of Stamp Albums, Doe to Coronation. 302300 Per The moon! successful Sump Elk.- bition held In London, Enxlnud, brought to mind some Interesting (new. Penny post-.m- was tirttt lump duced In 1840; perforation. between the lump: In 1850; gum on their backs in MISS, Over 7,000,0fNh000 poltnge Mump- were Issued by the British I’m-Hal De. partment last year; 2.750.000.000 at three-humane, $500,000,000 " a halt. penny. and 1,090,000,000 " I penny. [3.000.000 books of Mumps were sold, Ind 800,000 roll- ot Matups used in stamp machines. 3,000,000.0t)0 Comnniion aiamps Were printed throughout the Empire, sud many new King George VI slumps have yet to be issuod: when tin-y nre. 70 pew stumps will have been added to British Empire issues. One London stamp dealer alone ro- celved I tirtrt consignment ot Coron- ation stamps numbermx 4,000,000, vat. ued It 8200.000. Stump collecting II more popular than ever among oll clones, the we of lamp olbuml showing on lncreue ot over 200 per cent. during the In! two yam. Match-Box Label Collecting Craze A new collecting erase-ant of swing mulch-box 1tstreu--atuty one day be u serious rival to stump col- lecting. Match-box label! have I beauty and interest that would lur- prise those who had seen only Eng- lish specimens. In foreign eountrieq rey put on into lubels. Japan, for enmple, an bout of no less than 30,000 varying much- bones, etch with I label of reel ur- tistic beauty, Austria, too, taken advantage of the humble match-box to reproduce works of an. Ottawa Only City With Lower Income In Rank. every “nibble EQUIP. inch of printed muter in used for propaganda. Ind much-box label. .et their share. Two collector: in Great Britain have topped the 20,000 unit. and n woman heads the list with more than 85.000 labels all tabulated and sort- ed. This collection includeo a relic of bygone "yir--the label from I but used by King William IV. A box of mntchea. in those dnyo. coat on. shilling. OTTAWA-ottawa was the only district in Canada to record ed income tax eoileetiortn for the fmet seven months of tiaeat year. it w" shown by the Department of hh. tionnl Revenue. Ottawa collection. for the month were $6,589,190. a de. creue of $307,790. Total collections were $99,202.- 556, an increase of “5.129.957. Collections with the increase over 1986 in brackets included: Kingston $28!,517 ($42.99!); Belleville 8556.- 856 ($141,981): Toronto $84,338,762 (85,710,994); Hamilton 06,1“,350 ($888,878); Won " 070.585 at.. 229.507»; and Fort Willi.- mam (â€8.963). Other Canadian Cult". Shiv 1-- cuuo in he... Tu Cent. G Two Year: ar