N.07 .1938 Roxy---- IUN'I" FOREST ke Palm: allay 4 ry 31. Feb. t. 1 ms at Sea’ db. 3, f, 5 DOUBLE BILL--. ban at Monte can? Warner _ have “hen, the Fathers" FRIOAV en "ominous 'avetqr tt w- Council to “in“ this baektrround " I. numerous eontruri. r arltilttogts to ttto M been t Control!“ , n received. Them further new g, Province with ido- WIND†SATURDAY F rancu 0.. eat Picture. DVESDAY MENACE ATuRDAY Phone " o'clock :urday 2.†od Prize. ', 9o‘clock Meeting " wactt or“. members d The follow. Welfare Loam I Ann "tMtlit 'encies _ We direct brook , local Victor ma ation M Com M a te tl ont tole 500i 'man all VD lilo. "an an ml " toe to In d ot of Manure Had Train " School. Thr. Snub Grey District of Wom- en's Immun- sponsored a Lay-M'- 'rtivittitur school on the project (Janus and Quilting. in the School- [mm ot the Queen Btreet Unit!!! Hum-h Wednesday, Jan. 26. Mus Edith Hopkins of the Department of Agriculture we. present. u were rrpmsentathres tron Anon - Mn. Baby mm. Whitney": South Gienrlq - mm. J. News"; Glen Eden- Mrs, W. Cameron; Allan Put - In. Howard Kerr; Holstein - In. trwitaer; mom - II†D. Me Numy; Zion ---Mrs. W. G. m: Aberdeen - Mm. J. MeuettINt; Il [urban __ In. J. Nichol. Ilium-y I no; of tho making of quilts, u to design Play Hugo " Ron Theatre and color. was the vol-h uto- nv. Mt. Forest Mon. Tues. - PH. - This ammo will be convicted in Bat. each week. 'ood win- --totgr -o. um: each hue! , mug tin lad three months, nmw In»: it G. Halbert, Queen St. (it m; be alzn- ill, union services at tio mu "ongregations have been En-h. A lettrr ot appreciation one! manila to itev. Mr. Smith and the Svsdlin “as read. nom the Session of 'tto on Ht. church, for their timely ind willing assistance in combining servieem being held inboth churches. A mi» or thank» and eontideateesr" r, and by the meeting to the p.ator, kcrv. W. H. Smith. for his brotherly ., n assuming the responsibility of tsitu-ul work ttmporarlly for the .1... u-ng:*~"::|tion;, which has been l JHlm-li with the consent and co- ',o .- an " tho Session and Man- Knox United Church 1 lone Goal Wins for _ Has Encouraging Year Durham in Kincardine VOL. LX, NO n In M ' Att election was held tor {our new mug» 1'8. In place of {our retiring rr " thive ypar term. Those - ’CALDER’S DRUG STORE Jun Gray Coach a tt.N.R. Ticket We. l balance on mm in an In Sandwich... Tea, M Hot Chocolate, Mama mm, WE INVITE YOU To VI“? on. LUNCH BAR a SODA POUNTAIN .4 m-n- Hvctor H. MacDonald. ti lint-hi0, George Multan, Thus. Whitmore, the latter being o-quo‘ml) platted chairman olthe l. Hm- Rams» was elected ,. [my hush-0 for a three ya.» and also reappointed as auditot. _ W, ' Young spoke in slowing ,' m the work of the choir also w Junior choir. and moved a at apprtiiation Thin was tily carried. Since combining an; services in Wen M. church. uninr choir has recently been un- d and missed at the evening ke. Trey are howen-r keeping ":u'lww. and will be heard latch, K nox I ot Manners. I' H Smith acted“ chair- 't '), Inn-ling. Mr. Harold r .' 'ouv,irgational secretary. l', 11w unions organizations [t pl "tttl adopted, all having a ' um “I" right tride. Dr. J. F. _ Sum n-porled tor the Sun- llwml uhivh has had a faithful of ttitters also many pupt% L'n‘ attrmdatuw was TI. The w. mind nn-zuly .3400 the EVOII‘ Auxiliary over $200, Minion and Mission Band not 830. “sun! " From law! supper and the. l.;ulws' Aid realized about of which 8200 In given to mee h ark i008 tt Mr Harold w on the right side was all brancth of the work 'niteet Church at the An- in: on Monday evening. he night was cold and good repwso-nation of the m turned out, but the rduw and tamitr to forw 124 day of Mr. J. N. Per m of the Board of Man an tarnerqt and active mu Gaw an important tlsrm in the repairing ot I ream-oration of church In: ove-r 31000, onwhlnh hr-t-u paid in in special and $200M yetunpald. ttrul out by two ot the 3:29.†was ralsml in Jr.--Feb. 11-iuttatn at Chesley. ,ud this year; $10t7.00 -- ---_---- a [or tho Missionary Mr Edward Pratt, of Glenelg, we 11- F'und, and a grand regret to say. is ill at present. :21. “as raised during Miss M. R. Morton spent Saturday hm the congregation. with her sister in Guelph. _ Mrs Thos. McAlister left on Satur- A;i,ith new†as chair day on a visit to Toronto relatives. rum-ting. Mr. Harold Miss Mabel Sharp attended the “UPKHUODIU secretary. t‘unnal of her friend Mrs Nolan \urioua orr,anizatioas Rounding (Margaret Arum) in Grand :uluplwl. all having a Valley last week. Mus-nu! t'trttttsr n pairs are nuling south root ot ; “in be undertaken for rm mum or Man- 'nent and active Che congregation] d Mekeehnie, was Md a unanimous athy, and appreci- Lt the deceased, the death "tt.-FYiday, Feb. 4-- Harriston at Durham. Jrv-Momlay, Feb. 7tlr--Walkerton at lmlhnm. Jr.--Feb. 11-ittttatn at Cheeky. Miss Betty Rudd of Owen Sound, formerly resident here, leaves for Wellesley hospital, Toronto, next week to enter training as a nurse. She was presented with a leather writing to!» Tuesday evening by the members of the Junior 1.0.D.E. of Owen Bound, of which she is Regent. Mrs J. McLean ot Shelburne spent the week end with her mother, Mrs Thos. McGirr. Mr Walter G. Rice. non of Mrs E. P. Rice of town, who is In his final year at Medina! Sohool. Toronto, than been accppted as an interne in Van- couver General hospital, at the end ot the school term. Donaldd Smith, son of Rev. and Mrs Smith. is reporter on the staff ot the St. Catherine Standard, his spvcial jurisdiction being the cen- tres of Merritton and Thorold. The latter town was the pulpit home of Donald's father tor ten yum previ- ous to his Durham pastorate. On learning ot Donald's appointment to the Standard'a reportorial stall, Thoroid Council did a union- act when they moved and carried a m- olution of than to that paper oggtlte appointment of one at their tamer Clwslty .. Durham .. Walkerton Kineardine Hanover ., Harrhston Say it With Flow n. Order your 11035. for St. Valen- tine'rt Day early, Hodils. Tulips, Sweet Peas, Camatio)‘ etc. at C. Sarney‘s. the Jewelry and Gift Shop. Can. Greya' Chapter helu a successful military bridge in the Town Hall last Thur-way. with 29 tables: in play. High prizes went to Mrs H. W. Cross. Mrs W. McDonnell and Mr G. R. Padneld, and low prizes to Nelson Clarke. W. McDonnell and James Rutherford. Lunch was Berv. ed after the play. Saying it Nicely The game was a tight-ducking con- test thtoughcut, and young Ron. Watt in Luzhnm nets. was one of the brip,".ttt 4 lights. Tmy Gregg, ot Kin (-nrdino, was referee. and the boys claim he was “awful." One glaring omission was when Hap Meoirr was tmoug'h for another goal. which was queued by a thrown Kincardine suck but no penalty was given, or goal al- lowed. The win puts Durham in second place in the group standing. Kineatu (Continued on Page 4.) Enjoyed Military Bridge. “villains won with only nine players, Elvidge not making the trip. He tock a guru» off to rest up from the battering he absorbed in pre- vuous games. A real million-dollar goal was the only one scored in the Durham--. Kineatdine game in the lakeside town Monday night. It came in the second period ort Hap McGirr'u stick, and it was enough to give lmrham the game by I-o, the smallort score this season. Durham might have increased the count in tht. last frame had they Kone after yous, but they (hose to take no "hances when leading, and played a tight ccnsnsive game. Moreovvr the Muhams won with only nine players, Elvlng not making the trip. He luck a guru? off to rest un from W.O.H.A. INT. GROUP STANDING COM ING GAMES iii', he Won Lost Tied points . 7 2 " H . 6 2 1 l3 6 3 0 12 o ) ll11llLl., '33.ijlrsal3lllllll" tur'o Hydro; Mrs Daisy Cooke; Joan . PV .lluhvrlmn: Harry Menzies; Mr. and 1 (Mis, J. S. Hutton; Harold Mills; The -- THE LATE J. N. PERDUE !Sulhulands. Silverthorn Pub. School, ----------- iall of Toronto; Mr and Mrs J. R. J N P d ll . (Horne and family, Sudbury; Mrs M. . . er tle, 'ir')lry, (Patina. Caledon But; Mr and Mrs. ‘ . H. T. Perdue, Winghnm; Velma Cea- ', Dull suddelly tht holat sai, Iy.ampton; Mr and Mrs. Carson T (Price, Holland Centre; L. o. L. No. I The town and community were 1261, Massie; Mannie United Church; shocked on Sunday evening to 1earnlchartotto, Shute and daughters, Hol. ,that Mr. J. Nelson Perdue, for theliand Centre; Holland Ag. Society: past right years registrar for south,'Antt.ony Slime; Mr and Mrs. Frank Grey. had (Led very suddenly atroutlili(dJ,' Mr and Mrs Ed. McKibbon; five o'clock. from a heart attack, Mr and Mrs Alec. Irvine and family, 'brought on by acute indigestion. 0m!“ of Chatsworth; Mrs. N. McKech- ily that morning. Mr. Perdue had "l nie, Mr and Mrs James Rutherford; [ tended serviee as usual in Knox. My and Mrs Vic. Noble; Managers of (church. and attep his noonday n1t,1,jre..s-.x Church. Durham; Knox United ‘romplaim‘d of indigestion, and took choit; Durham Bowling Club; Curling some Yoda to ieiieve it. He lay down I CM); My and Mrs Jas. Vollett and ‘on the couch and fell asleep, when l Lynn} Durham Red Cross Society. 501114 time after, Mrs. Perdue, alone - I __7, at the time. heard him fall off onto. thr “our. Rushing to him, silo was! OBWARY Vgl"<>l'-Htri"k('ll totind him unconscious 7., and summoned the neighbors and unediml aid, but life had already (16} JOHN A. FERGUSON pmtml. He had not been feeling At the home of his sister, Mrs. as. well as usxal for a few days, butlGcotpe McKechnte, Ituthttm, John still was amin- to the end in hislArmstmng Ferguson, died on Sun- dutivs at oillce, and in the home. 'irty morning in his 88th year. He was upon accepting the ofnt?e of registrar. Deeeasid was born at Guelph. and Forty years ago he was wedded to sixty-four years ago came with his liar-galo-t Jane McKessock, who sur- father ('3 Rtcky Raugeen, where Tivrs him, with two sons and thrvelthey establishcd a mill, and after his daughters; neynon on the homefarm father's death, he continued the and Lucas of Milner, Ross & Co., butiness until twentytve years ago, Toronto; Muses Elva and Vera otiwhen he retired .10 College St. Dur Toronto; Mrs. Walter Kerr (Mary) I ham, with his sister Belle and had a or Warney. There me two grand- fine garden. He was one of five children. thildren of the late Alexander and The late Mr. Perdue was public. Mary Ferguson of whom only one spirited, and a worker in many aven- now survives: Mrs. Geo. McKechnie ues of life. For years he was con- (Helen) ot ttywrt. nected with Holland Agricultural So- Deceased was unmarried. and was (:Lety, being for twelve years its pre- thc soul ot integrity, being known sident; in early life he attended the as “Honest John." He tor many years No them Business College in Owethad a large business. Will open- Scund; and he served both as a Pub.1 hearted, and quietly befriended and lie School trustee at Mannie and on'hellwd many a one in need. He High School Board of Chatsworth. MI: was of a quiet nature, and outside was an elder and manager ot Masai: of his business lite, was never before United Church. and for twenty five :ilhe public eye, wars. superintendent ot lts.Sundny] Three years ago his teirster ' Belle School. In 1929 he was the Conser- passed away, since when he has made vative candidate in South Grey, and his home with Mr. and Mrs. McKech- while unsuccessful, he gave F. R. use. ' Oliver his closest um. l The funeral service was held Coming to Durham, he identified from the home on George St on himself with Knox United Church, Tuesday afternoon, and weaconduct- and has been for several years on the ed by Rev. S. W. Hirtie. interment Board of Managers, being chairman was made in Rocky Saugeen cem- the patst year. He was an earnest etery, the pallbearers being 1110th chareh worker, took a pride in seeing McLean, Malcolm McKechnie. James the church beautiful, and last failper- Miller, Charles Moffat, Malcolm Me- sonally was energetic in its rcdecor- Callum and Wm. Hill. ation. dauglnvrs: Reynon on the home farm and Laws of Milner, Ross & Co., Toronto; Misses Elva and Vera of Toronto; Mrs. Walter Kerr (Mary) of Vainey. There are two grand. children. The deceased was born in Massie, Holland township, over sixty eight yours ago. and med on the tarm there all his life untll he removed to Durham slightly over eight years ago upon accepting the'omee of registrar. Forty years ago he was wedded to Margaret Jane Mckessoek, who sur- Yive14 him. with two sons and three He was also an enthusiastic bowler and curler, and luvs recently been se- tretary of the Durham Lawn Bowling Club. Always [deadly and courteous he will be deeply mined in the lite ct the community, as well as ln the home circle. The funeral service was held in Knox United Church Tuesday after- noon. with Interment taking place at Shiloh cemetery, south of Chateworth. Before a large concourse of mourn- ers. his pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith. spcke from Mark 13: 33: “We know not when the time is." and referred highly to the work and worth ot the deceased in church end community life. Two of his throritty hymns. “Forever with the Lord" and “He Lendeth Me" were sung by the can. negation. The honoury pallbearers were: Anthony Shite. Archie Chit helm end Joe Moon. Chet-wow; DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEB. 3, 1938 With whichis incorporated the Holstein Lead" The funeral service wan held from the home on George St. on Tuesday afternoon, and wasconduct- ed by Rev. s. W. HirtIe. Interment was made in Rocky Saugeen cem- etery, the pallbearers being Inchlan McLean. Malcolm McKechnie. James Miller, Charles Moffat, Malcolm Me Callum and Wm. Hill. ALAN EDWIN COOK On Tuesday evening the death took place of Alan Edwin Cook, younger son of Mr and Mrs Ernest E. Cook of Waterloo, and grandam of Mr and Mrs W. J. Cook of Glenelg, and Mr. and Mitt Hugh Firth. Durham. JOHN A. FERGUSON At the home of his sister, Mrs. George McKechnlo, llullum. John Armstrong Ferguson, died on Sun- (In; morning in his 88th year. He was widely known as m_lll_er at Rocky saugmn for about forty years. and was ill only since Thursday last. He grew weaker and remained bedfast. machinery of life wearing out. He was born April 10, 1936, and succumbed to scarlet fever. followed by pneumonia and compilations. Mrs Cook and elder son Hugh ore “so victims or starlet fever and Hugh he.) since had two operation. for ear trouble. In Cook's ulster, Mrg. R. E. bury WN., of Owen Sound, mu m “tendon". end is now III with mule: fever silo. The funeral of the little tad in from the home, 10 Devin St. Waterloo, on Wednesday, to Kitchener cemetery. Beautiful ttcral tributes were re. ceived fiom: Traders, Toronto Stock Exchange; Milner, Rosu & Co.; Alf. and Ming. Jossnnun; Art. and Inez Bowman; Treasury Dept. ot the On- Perdue, H. Mills, H. Menzies. Miss H. Sutherland, ot Toronto; Mrs. Robert Perdue, Mr Gordon Perdue, Oakville,' Dr. H. Holmes, Dr. R. Howey, Mr J. Herbert, Owen Sound; also numerous friends from Massie. Chatsworth and Hctland Centre. M. Hewitt, Ed. Mekitrbon, Frank Howey, Geo. Collins of Massie and Chatsworth. F'riends attending the funeral trom a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewitt. Mr M. Foster of Inglewood; M, E. Foster. Bolton; Magistrate J. S. McKessock, Sudbury; Messrs J. ONTARR5 "ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr W. J. McFadden reported the Building Fund. The congregation in- tend in a short time, to be able to The report ot the Senior Auxiliary,' Women‘s Missionary Society, was pre- sented by Mrs Geo, L. Sharp; that ot the. Junior Y.W.A. by Mrs C. 1tart'ootl the “raw: Ptsple's Sovivty by Elsie Ledingham; the Ladies' Aid by Mrs. i C. Moffat; the Mission Band by Miss A. Renwick; the choir report by Mrs! J. H. Harding. Special appreciation: “as expressed by the congregation to the choir tor they worship of 'ical, and to the untiring efforts ot their! Icader Mrs. Handing. i Particularly interesting and en i couraglng wen: n-ports given of the Sunday School by the secretary, Mr Frank Ritchie. The supt.. Mr. T. M. McFadden. olllcors and teachers grate- fully acknowledge the interest-shown} by t he parents and seize this oppor-l tunity to thank Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden tor the use of their com-, fortable cottage and grounds for plcf nic during the summer months. . The membership roll numbers 241. Attendance increased during the year. The minister officiated at four weddings. administered the rite ct baptism to tive. I .ilpeciai mention of "in Memoriam"i list was commemorated by ob. s€.\ing two minutes of silent pruy- 1 er. "They not trom they labours: and they works do follow them."; The tin-Ming Monday waning was attended by church official-s and representative members of practic- ally every mganlzation within the church. Increase in membership and income were reported, while a strong Missionary spirit was evidenced, the Allocation being met in the Ilia- sionary Departments and the Women's Missionary Society Ind Affiliated Groups showing increas- ed givings. 'cagtegraticd on Monday evening In the Sunday School room of the church. '"The arpreclation of the work of 1937 from a spiritual stand-point as well as statistical and the teaching that although we cannot measure spiritual glowth by material prosper- ity, yet we have the Saviour’s words to assure us that material progress may indicate an increase in faith for He said "By their fruits ye shall know them." In part this was the message from the Kirk Session presented by the minister. Rev. S. W. llirtle, moderator, at the Annual Meeting of Durham PresbyteHan Presbyterian Annual Report Shows Increase in all Dents. We are offering our on: make oi Pure Pork w When you can purchase enough Step. hy be Hungry ? plies for a few Dollars to do you for a long time. Take advantage of these outstanding value: and buy your requirements tor the tuture. tou will like them. PEAS, coo, 10MA'IOES, l0 cars for IU CHUCK ROASTS BEEF. . I. lbs. for t.00 Libby's PORK & BEANS, tt oz. cuts, ..... ...........3 tor 23c Lawrence's Saturday Specials KETA CANNED SALMON .. " cans for SI WHII'E BEANS..... ... 6 lbs for Mc Phone (Continued on we 5) Sausage at 2 lbs for Me 121 GROCERIES - MEATS C. B. LAWRENCE These Specials for Cash only. Oatmeal Mr. Lorne Aitcheson of Winqttrun, C.N.R. agent at Mildmuy tor the past two yoam. has been appointed C. NM. mum in Durham and will com- meme dutiu; shortly. He has been 18 years with the C.N.R.., six at Norwich. and ten at Elmwood. He will bring his family here when a home has been leased. Mr. Roy Gunther of Galt, is relieving agent at present. lake or Salt Herring Me dozen Mildmay Agent Comes Here In officers elected, the only changes made were in treasurer and standard bearer. 1938 ottic'era am: Regent - Mrs. Irwin; lat Vice - Mm. Kearney; 2nd Vice - Mrs. Burgess; Secretary - Miss Marion Calder; Timur" - Mrs. Duffield; Standard bearer - Mrs. Darling; Educational see'y---Mrs Krone; Press see'y - Mrs. Hendeluon. Mrs. Kress gave an itttereating paper on the industries, educational system and government of Australia. A cash donation to the school at Arabella. Sask, was made on request of Miss Weir. through the Teachers' Federation, Rene! needs are sezious in that drsttiet. Mr. Robinson, of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will speak at next meeting. Can. Greys' Chapter I. o. D. E., er. ,Clis2ii""'"' Burma: held their Pet, meeting Tuesda' at w" A _ ._' ._ Mm. W. Calder‘s. when 'Ile, J. N NO CE Weir. retiring treasurer. and Min Dr. Pnih, of Hamilton. eye. mr, M. Calder. See’y gave the annual num- and (hunt rpw'iahsl, “ill be reports. in Durham on Saturday mvuuu: A hcpe cheat contest is to begin lst and Hulda) tiil I: p m. Pub. full and March, to run 3 months. The lucky 6th. ticket will be drawn at the Birthday e,',':,'."-,,-'-',,,.,---,. tea the tirst week of June. Mrs KPH? mm»--~--¢o--‘- hey will be ticket (-onvem-r. -- - - A _ A A - I. 0. D. fi. Make Few Changes in Officers Mcradden's Drug Store REXALL BIRTHDAY SALE EXTRA Published Weekly " 88.00 s - In “mu. " 0mm am. 82.50 s yen in “moo. Mr Image. haw-her 61M. ..... Now going on at “\MBURG STEAK. . . . .. iO lbs. in! LOO ROUNDSTEAK ....".. 8 itrs.fort.00 “OME MADE LARI). . . . . lbs. lot 1.00 Ask for Large Bills. CALDERS DRUG STORE 1 Bay Ctrde Colt, rising , years 1 Black Clyde Colt, rising 2 year" 1 Grey Percheron cam, rising 2 ' l Sorlel Coach Colt. rising It yea 1 iron grey Colt. rising ' years , Horses, weight about Him lbs. 1 Mnre in foul. about 1400 lbs. l Drivlng Mare, good worker , Driving Noreen good workers Apply at DURHAM. ONT SNUGGIE PANT‘EQ to clear at ......r.... 23c BROADCLOTH SLIPB straight cut, hetr.stitched, to dunno Fast 'watity ART SEX H06: in the popular "Avenue" shade, sizes 9 to 10, per pair 29c: 2 pair...) N00 Chantal Foods â€81.16, “I Cod Liver ttlt with man ...... “c CIGARETTEB, Hm. ettqeoutq. I†FOR SALE 96 news. lot M, con. I. N.ID.R.. Glenda. I le out of Durham. Good building “(III watered, mwsus cleared. 'Witt -. l t'heattr to quick hm THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY FEBRUARY r-s at Not WM “an“. .3. out New, I... he he ...... We M Cod Liver on, " at... â€a Florence DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Prop. MILADY‘S SHOP“: Goods otbred at these Spe- cial prices are ot the bert quality. The Canned SPECIALS FOR SALE “do Atkinson. Murmur 23(- per pair PHONE 140 ttit' y [‘5