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Durham Review (1897), 22 Dec 1938, p. 5

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e.qney. GG 318.81. oetrned to no“- - day of Juan. at 1' K: Dec. 26 i, rcltttAht dance one. comm""""" " svtary 3903 3.M. cuv ax notice: 3153 J 126‘ and Mi“ 'M.M" '4 relief 1|th :mwn, rnreeahor a”: nald. acted att-eff. CE DEN Annual MAS I. ION. Orchestra aura lady Munich“ has been vin- solf having so- with his water :5 held - ‘lo-d and m at “In!” part was m -m. Mill M. lure the 23rd Multan We Psalm, bond :9 Ree. Will- Miss Violet on "The Third Minn Mild- Carried. 'll That 1W mu tendered W n. ot Bonn-cl. municipality “I we aeeept ”1 etteet at Cw Carried. ell: Tha' If.“ "ll: That '1 ms cal-cum ouncn! D um Ind- " as diseas- _ " New}. 150 of Noun ;on Her Pttirtg. "can Sound We wish A SHOE prepared attendance nds abelle I." where In. otored tern. Mm returned mam; a week) " ied Mue "on Dent the " pie-ell. my pollen ot rend. .uncil It account! be posed louder: " be 19.01 bent the Clerk no that the of ' th their in Rotrt ."r gfrt " '1 *" REVIEW, DURHAM i . >UNTER CHECK BOOKS Welt. it worked. Jim did get bet.. ter. and he walked out at the hos- pital with a strong back on on two -turdy legs. 1Te's up home Iain. In the bush country of Northern On- Mme. ',It physicians And surgeons m . ,sunto were there. They took JG ', :3, made blood tests and "sec- , u." and found that Jim had 1 :zly-rcular spine. They took him v: fairs and put him to bed. whhe y a father and mother stayed around (-r a few days and then went back t " Irrth. Privately. the docton thought that Jim hod scarcely a chance to get bet- ter. But they worked over him un- ceasing”. tuned loose ill the magic cf modern medicine-tor (out long years. while the little boy ticked on hit_trrtltdars., __ - - - - PARENTS DIDN'T PAY CENT And because today's hospitals BN t r '.anized In an especially mellow mu.) Jim's parents didn't gay I :"u? cent tor the tour year: of ex- n 'rt care and treatment. “is muni- I '),'l'tv paid the Hospital tor Sick (‘n1"ir'cn the Public Ward nu od :17; n rlay for every day the sick )ul'ruph'r was laid up and the On- tarto Government paid tho statutory r' t“ of Me. But it cost the hospital nt lrust 51.00 g day more than the P if)" The Hospital for Sick Chil- .' n invested $1,400.00 of its own , v m Jim's recovery. "“nv do things like that every .v. the week. The doctors who , .ul after Jim tor tout years ind thc'r services. " they are .nmlly doing for helpless young- who come to them with bad I 42“- Parents Don't Pay question. "How about it, now; don't , _ "he doctors and hospital make some 1 .931! , or Expert Care of this back from the private patients . , lwho can afford to pay?" i In! rreatment “Would it h. "oure" h. -3»... Boy Leaves Hospital - Under His Own Power W Four Long Years A " supply them in any quantity at lowest prices , mln‘ every year. the doctors " , vilmc gave the little troy I thor- (in examination. Some ot the , xm-year-old Jim has gone back F ' nutta country alter {our years ',,m Mn 9.131 tor Sick Children, _ m1). He walked out. carrying , -..n nandeg. A , )curs earlier. when he was 3; mum's my. a baby. his patents ' the Img journey down to To- ,. '. brzn'un': Jim with them. They _ :21 in the out-patients' clinic an Hosp.tal for Sick Children I my! the doctor that Jim had a V f but. A,' may do with thousands at other ’n bones come in tor setting. J, v ho aren't feeding properly. vE'Yer children whose teeth ( been attended to since they t Mm. are looked after. The V men on the hospital's staff n their daily clinic in the - r1 dxagnose troubles. and live 'ol rate operations and can to l ho are already in ttoqsitat. . 'tnr. for instance. the highly 1 physician: and surgeons on "At of the Hospital for S'eh 'm mve tree of charge mot. Hoot) hours of their valuable Put a value on it--- 85.00 [, which is too little-and you ' ' are than 32M,” worth of ' services given any in I ' "“pltak- . tins? IN PUBLIC WARN DECEMBER SS, ttutr ph '. poor eyes. weak chests. Jury diseases and a hundred ni!m:entg. ', Bower. Superintendent of ptal, listenod m3ertty to the weak chests. Over '83,000.00 is needed this year to meet the unavoidable deficit. Even small gifts are not only wel. corned and appreciated but are the Hospital's assurance from the people of Ontario that they should continue the great work of serving sick and crippled children without regard " to race. creed or financial circum- stance. Your gift should be mailed to the Apnea] Secretary. The Hospital for Sick Children. 67 College street. To. The Hospital tor Sick Children does not share in the funds collected by the Toronto Federation tor Com. munity Service because patients are admitted from all over Ontario. So there is one reason tor the size of the great daily clinic. whieh hunts out the " ot thousands of young- Item and results in upwards ot 100.000 visit: a year. _ -.._ . 100.000 VISITS A YEAR “There is no statutory provision for establishing an out-patients' de- partment in my hospital." said Mr. Bower. "But municipalities through- out the province have come to real- ize the importance of our out-pa- tients department. since a very large proportion ot the patients treated there would otherwise be occupying beds in the hospital. And that would result in a much increased financial load, for the municipalities." Of on the hundreds of fathers and mothers who brought in their ailing youngsters. a few. who could. paid 50 cents. There might be bills o little higher tor X-ray and other special work, but the majority paid less and many nothing at all. Look closely into the heart of the Hospital tor Sick Children, and you'll find not only kindness and superb skill but an organization that is almost unique in the world. It " a children’s hospital for everyone in Ontario. drawing its patients from every municipality even to the tartiw est corners of the province. "We are a public hospital. and like every public hospital. we are re. quired by law to accept any patient who comes to our doors in need of treatment. We give them everything they need. and it's not unusual for the hospital to furnish from $300 to $400 worth of serum to I single pa- tient suffering from pneumonia. Whatever the cost to us. we get only our regular allowance of $2.35 a day. per patient." " The oat-patients' clinic was crowd- ed by 9:30 this morning. Waiting room and corridors were filled with parents and children from infants to adolescents. Several hundred come here every day. meny trom outside Toronto. Ws pretty obvious. then, that the pospftal has to make up its operat- mg loss some other way. This is the reason for the regular annual uppeal to humane and chari- tattle citizens for donations. "Would it be news." he asked. "that out of the 434 beds in the Hos- pital (or Sick Children. 414 are m public wards? We had 9.000 patients last year. and less than five per cent. of these were private patients. Some serum, are given free to the hospitals by the Provincial Depart- ment of Health: the others. not on the tree list. must be paid tor. Sunday evening, Dee. 18th in her', Mr end Mm. Wm. Freeman C ninetleth year. Until the accident Teeswuter were visitcrs with Mr. or a broken hip bone Ithree months and Mra Oren Pear-t one (by recently no, this wonderful lady could get Mitra El" Home, “whet ot B. B. about with sprightly atop, always No. 5, is hung 2. Christina: tree taking a keen interest in her family entertainment in her school Thurs. and friends. Her home radiated dar afternoon and tttut invited the true hospitality. Immunity to attend. One ot Hopev0ie's most highly esteemed and oldest resident, Mrs Mary bezel] passed peacefully away Sunday evening, Dee. 18th in her ninetleth year. Until the accident abezell relate to us the startling istories of wolves and other wild (animate prowling around the little hog shanty. Her husband the late Hahn Bezel] died about twenty years ago. Sm-vlving to mourn the loss cf a faithful mother are six dautthters Iand (our sons: Mary, Mrs McArth- P", Ethel, Mrs McGregor; Jane. in”. McLean: Ed, mbert. Will.. lend Alfred. all in the Win [West and B. C.; Annie, Mrs Steph- ien; Era, Mrs George Christie and ,lliu mm. " Boon-me. l, The mural held at Bethany ,Ohrlstian and Nissionsry Alliance Church where accessed m a. faith- :ful member and worshipper on Tues- !dsy will be conducted by her pastor During her illness she has been; tenderly cared for at the home of her daughter, Mrs George Christie. Her last illness was borne with the same ccurage and cheerfulness she faced all of life's diMeu1tiesr. There was no complaining and the many friend. who and In her tick bed will ever remember her cheery. "good bye, come again". The late Mrs Bezel] was born in the Township of Hope, February 16th, 1848. the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Kinnell. She came to Proton at the age ot eigh- teen, the family settling on what was known for years as the Kinnell homestead on concession 14. In 1870 the late Mrs Dozen was marrled to John Dezell by Rev. Donald Frazer, Presbyterian minis- ter stationed at Priceville, who at that time preached In the old lor church near her home. Her sur- viving sister. Agnes, Mrs John Me. Murdo. Brampton was bridesmaid and the late George Russell was grocms- man. Mr and Mrs bezel! started homemaldng on concession ' which was at that time almost a. Wilder. ness and well could the late Mrs Mrs Walter Benhnm and son Wal- ter were called to Toronto last prr dey on account of the illness of he- dnughter. In R. Bell, underwent an operation the same evening. M‘s-es Helen Gilles and Yvonne Christie were the humane winner- of the 2nd and Std-specie! priser manner. attemCoatthr Ploton Township School Mr. A number my at my ab tended the he!!! genie-I of the we ctt+ Green on m. tn. Rev. A. Brcdle assisted by Mr Roy Langford, Herkdnle. Thu: one " one the pioneers we on leaving fond memories of lives of Christian courage and hos- pitality: Qualities of chmcter we feel the present generation do ttot measure up to u we should. St fRIcEVILLe as. MR8 JOHN DEZELL HOPEVILLE We extend congratulations to Mr: and Mrs Reuben Paylor, who were recently married by Rev. J. T. Priest in Durham. After spendinga few days in Toronto, they have re. turned to the groom's home on the sixth concession, Glenelg. Mr and Mrs. Stewart Jackson of Glamls were week end will»; with Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook. Mr and Mrs W. R. Jack attended the school concert held in 8.3. No 5, Ncrmanby by was Clara Jack. teacher there. With the help of the young people ot the section. she put on an enjoyable 'stgttertninment, th school children taking their parts well. (still born). was Katie May Firth ot Durhar was a week end visitor with Mr and Zion Women's Institute met Tues-' day. Dec. 13th It the home ot Mrs.‘ Thos. Glencross. The vieea,reeidentl Mrs Bush McArthur, presided. After; the business meeting, Mrs J. C. Cook gave a fine talk on the meet cookery project and shoWed a. picture of the) different cuts of meat. Mrs. Victor', Williams gave a demonstration Ott' the war to cook a piece of tenderloin with dressing. Christmas carols. were sung by the members. "The Christmas dinner and ways of serv-i Ing it" was well prepared by Mrs} James Peart. Mrs. Adam Anderson' gave a splendid paper on "Shtru' _ children believe in Santa. Claus t" Roll call was an exchange of Christ- mas gifts. There were 25 ladies and children present. Mrs. Glencrosr Born-tn Markdale on Dec. 14, tr Mr and Mrs Herb. Timmins, a son. Wishing the Review staff and rea- ders a Merry Christmas. Mrs W. Pamnn, Mrs John Mc- Eachnle. Min Violet Ferris and Miss Catharine collected in their immediate neighborhood tor the Canada Bible Society. Total contri. buttons amounted to 813.85 her mother the lste In befall during her Inst hours. The young people are looking for- ward to the concert to be held in No. " school house, Thursday even- lns. Dee. M. Hopevzlle District extends to Ye Editor and sll renders the seuon's best wishes for s Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mrs Fraser MsoRse was s patient a few days in Mt. Forest hospltsl. having an X-ray which proved very encouraging as it revealed no seri- ous ailment. and naming served lunch. The next meeting will be hold on Jan Itth " Mrs. Herb. Allen's. Canada has been devoting . great deal of uttention to the development of her poultry Indus”. There no a- bout 39.5“..000 head of poultry on with her comm. In Witt Ridden." A LEGEND OF MARENGO FACT h WEEK AMUT CANADA a Stephen who nu but“. on ”at". vero- Inn! in}; In: John Run-ell mace n w ther many-l” are. 'milDtmotttiaatiNir ZION VICIII‘IY -Icorttouo Irma” mum. ( Monday Evening, Rev. W. HAhniUt ‘In the Presbyterian Church, will con- 'sider the theme with mlerence to ,the Bible. Monday- Presbyterian Church. Rev. tgrnith-PThrough the Bible." i'u""r-'o"" United Church, Rev. , J. T. Prfettt-- “Through Faith." 'iwedrus.dar--aasttut Church, Rev. 3. 1 W. mrt1e--"Throutth Prayer." rrhumdar-$tueert 8t. Building, Rev. Miss MeDermand, director of Women's Institutes in Ontario, is resigning to be married. Her succes- sor wm be mu Mary A. Clark” now on the stair ot Mnedonald luau-f tute, at Goeiph. She is a graduate of Toronto Normal School. an hon.' or graduate in arts and home econ- omicn at the University of Toronto. and has taken a post-graduate course at Columbia University. She begins her work the beginning of theyeer. Her home is in Palmer-a ”aware tmnntoeItutdaMmegt 'trtotartaeo-t- "rarue. With than Interlu- NWM'umm_ ‘on'l chef had tottphotd his new»: Mr. “4 In. cm. um and may with the Invent! on “my next for r Mr Joe Walker has returned to'hia home in St. Catharines. Mr George Scheurman Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander accompanied him. Miss Margaret Kenny in assisting Mrs Melville Anderson for . month. Mr and Mrs Edward Bowman and Mm Wesley Bowman of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mrs R. Kenny; also Mr. Justin Murphy of Owen Sound. NEW DIRECTOR OF To editor and no, and readers of the Review, a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year. Mr and Mm Hunter have returned to their home. Messrs Walter and Fumes Keir. fer and Joe Dodson spent the week end in Kitchener. General Theme: "Haw to knpw JAN. 2nd to 6th, inclusiva, " a pm. The chicken. were but“, kllled plucked tad out into MI. Mean. while on wu being heated on tut Improvised stove. and in no time the pieces of chicken were brown- ing and simmering. With A few drops of brandy sprinkled on top, the dinner we: served end was highly praised by Nuclear: and his Baptist Churetr--Rev. B. W. Hinle. Presbyterian Church-- Rev. W. H M. H. H. rurr-"Throtttrtt Service” Friday--Attgtieart Church, Rev. J. S. Harrington, Bible Society. SUNDAY, JANUARY ttth, 1939: EXCHANGE OF PULPITS Knox United-Rev. J. T. Priest. Angina Chumh---Wrv. M. H. Fur. 'heeewattthtttnvetote. Dunn. sputum“ 13mm NOTICE or nonunion MEETING Week of Prayer TOWN OF DURHAM GLENROADEN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Inn. popular tucker. intend: lowing for her home near Paisley on smur- du. We m sorry that she dom not intend returning that that Wan”. l Pricevllle Corr: Mia. In: Mty - A- _m ALL “I“... " n- Pricevllle Corr: Mia. In: Me. 1asan, a agave at this village In to have the distinction of receiving the gold medu tor general trrotieieney Mn Kulsley. Kn R. Burnett, and Miss E. Willln. Music. Min Mme. dith. In” Mecor all "In Kelly. Welbeck Corr: Min Iccllll‘vary. at the Owen Bound Collegiate. The community " urge are Ntstir prom! of the honor this young girl but brought to the village by her brilli- ant success. What can be more deslnble then Ito be able to say not I single ser) man or woman in the village. _ Holstein corn: At the trial held Monday before Mngystratetr, Mein- nes and Swanston, Mr V. Volnln of Holstein was lined 820.00 and $10.98 casts for violating n, chase in the Local Option Act. Inspector Allen prcueeuting sud Mr. Geo. Calder for defendant. Mr D. P. Coleridge, Fred Me Lnughlln and R. Irwin attended the funeral at Herriaton of the late Mr Keane who Wu killed by our itaet with a. live wire while engaged ln telephone work. Mr Kearn- bud Linen, Mn Hartley, In R. Torry, Mn Manulty. Homemade cooking Mrs Henri-u. In chuley. Candy, mu Bum. um M. libre- Mrs T Cook. Doll. and mull wnres, Mlu R. Knmey. and . bevy of In- Big”. Bank. to visit her tor a abort time about the New Year. When it in aid that sum ot 8230 wu nude at the 2dar Bumr, which the “of Guild of the Ante licu: Church held tnat Wednesday and Thursday in Celder'l Hull. it in sumcient evidence to show that tl 1uutua1iiUd success was reoorded. Not I. “lechle thing rm lett. .1 Following tn the booths And those who had charge at the nine: Fancy -work, “in E. Chadwick. And her calm, In Panama of user lbrdwich were mu of In Range Tue-any. They have been vuiting anon; rtietttu and relative. the put month we are pleased to me In Petu- grew still retains herald time cheerl- In telephone work. Mr Kearn- had been in tthe employ of the Bell Tele- phone Co., tor some yearn. John 0-min- ot Mn. on Wood” next for Human when they will spend a couple 0 t months with their hunter. In. Huang. (lam the, Doe. “a. 1m) Irmumcumhu Praretanedthet0eaemtiwesttse IN DAYS OF YORE Don't ”out well of ttthem only to be wall spoken of. Would you have a friend? Be one. Evil shun- thme who lack goodneu. No "tiauetion like M at work Beturrtomadnetthtnettmtterm" We'- “we FIRESIDE prnt..ostwtaae " ALFRED IIOOI -g-r-tiet-ee. ‘me ONTARIO t ml- ot lit-E i vutting mongl n the out month see In Patti.) J. L. SMITH. M3, M.C.. H," "i-_-r-N.'.- ..__ "'"'""'"""n (induce new Coll. Donn! 8m Room: OverRonch-kbuh. mum: "tttrom-m. "ttto".-. oncouMBuMuoe: we.» tessnndurt'trtemstmet.,gt- 'NBmrttotuw.atortaactmto Prompt. com-tam 1 olden! am DURHAM C HOLI‘I’I'JN Durham OtBee: Dates mum n Roma 0000. l.- die, use through Dunn. ROM. Licenud Auctioneer for any Cum I... and UM M Ian. Be. your local Claw Honor Post Grimm. _ Col. Pupil» of knell norm. A. A, C. o. PM. Veal. Thor]. In”. I. cum sud Physical out... H Course for “and m be!“ Hand Culture and All and. b on“: mu Strut. DUI-KAI, on. Oahu-Io a Dominion nu Bum Engineered Prob-aloud 'llrtet- -.Hotua1to6p.m. L F. BRANT. 0.0.8.. p.n.. , to D “a. W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary “an“... “new and B. M. cannon, A. A. a. u t Good quality LAN" - Q WOOL “CUE, M m a "e. Weet um... - NEW. HEAVY A FINE ”CK. from ....We to - REPAIIHII " 0.0“ Wm Footwear '0' Fer -thtttl In Willa on "LVEY coma he can down. It“ or has. HEAVY sumo. WIR- OHOES and ”In noon for Torque" the” of“ c. (i. M0 AIM.“ 18h.“ "tn. LSAT“- - “10". Win-nub...“ J. l lclLRAITIl GEORGE E. DUICAU J n. MCQUARRIE. B. A. A “I... I.“ 0......“ .“VIIIII'. I”... I” u not“... - on m m “ MC O " I.“ “I. u w a We. Matty Weather T. H. SNEATII. M. B. Tu$tH0Tt0t-Tqt Platinum s-t F. I EAGLESOI BESSIE t$tnit.Ltusett ................

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