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Durham Review (1897), 29 Dec 1938, p. 5

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andCodSav ' INSTITUT‘ MEETING WW1 only " the min - unity Sinai" M 29, 1938 They bring was con Institute t at the shut-ins my even Id pm"! t the an!» . the att en Rm: my hen leap patr PIT" en will M an Mtt 'o r at if “:51 'l P. RAMAGE,Agent,D. Find In Car Ancient on llamer Street rm.) Runday evening at snub it 'rc.'ler of Mam and Queen Ma. in I _F- an: and ot Hanover on Dec 4th " te srrttled in court to fer a the i chuay Trattie Act was teamed. 'n vim night in caution two Loa- youths. Herbert Penner M ' "Jar Rushmore in company with .. Hanover girls, Thelma Bell and ' m1 "ppertshauser, were driving In main street and when up , mun-l3; tttteen feet east ot the James llranthwa'no Am as and Con- After Acetic»! ("la-ff" My ' 'f. . ' A. "ifi?iiiifN . " "m/r)'Xy/ -' .‘ . . ' .", #319 , P. B, - " .TT?"irN1's 'NC,]'.", ' '., ' ':r/flr', "F ",tE?r?i?W,;T:?"iyrr' ' t.. si' 9., . . _ T "'det'i's':i:jCfs. V539» V Ar intersection. . cu- driven mm- Braithwaite of Durham vacuum: no, mo AND. while we're still in a fanciful mood, let's famous throughout the civilized world for the success suppose he has suddenly become seriously ill- and efficiency of its medical and nursing staffs and . for the low cost " which it is operated. Then, imagine yourself to be in financial difficulties . . . --your income. never more than $900.00 a year, has And who Pap' for this humanitarian work? The ceased altogether because the factory has shut down doctors gore their time abso1utt1y free. The Ontario temporarily. Government pays 60c per patient per day and the patient or the ptitient's municipality pays $1.75 on the You think your little boy may be dringr-tht doctor same basis. That leaves over $1.00 per patient per day orders you to rush with him to the Hospital for Sick of bare cost for which we must appeal annually to Children - you learn it's Pneumonia of the moat humane and generous citizens. This Hospital does serious type - that serums alone will cost over $400.00, NOT share in the funds collected by the Federation to say nothing of the special graduate nursing and for Community Service because patients are admitted expert medical attention required, nor of the cost of from all over Ontario. hospitalization itself. This rear, over $83,000.00 is needed. That means Could you be turned away because of this? There over ten thousand donations if they were to average ls only one answer to this question. It has been the $8.00 each-or over twenty thousand averaging $4.00. answer of the Hospital for Sick Children for 63 rear.--, Certainly, a staggering total! So, please make your a youngster" real need for hospital care and medical gift " large as you possibly can. If you Cannot afford attention is the only ticket of admission required. r-nore--rernember that even a dollar bill helps pay Race, creed or financial circumstances are not consid- for the care of somebody's baby. cred. We know the people of Ontario want n that Kindly mail your donation to the Appeal Secretary, way. 67 College Street, Toronto. We cannot afford to use This Hospital has met every emergency which has any of our much-needed revenue for canvassers or other developed during the 63 years of its existence. It is organized effort to collect money. AND. while we're still in a fanciful mood, let's suppose he has suddenly become seriously ill-- Then. imagine yourself to be in financial difficulties --your income, never more than $900.00 a year. has ceased altogether because the factory has shut down temporarily. You think your little boy may be driner-thf doctor orders you to rush with him to the Hospital for Sick Children - you learn it's Pneumonia of the moat serious type - that serum: alone will cost over _$400.00. to say nothing of the special graduate nursing and expert medical attention required, nor of the cost of hospitalization itself. Could you be turned away because of this? There ls only one answer to this question. It has been the answer of the Hospital for Sick Children for 63 rear.-, a youngster‘s real need for hospital care and medical attention is the only ticket of admission required. Race, creed or financial circumstances are not consid- ered. We know the people of Ontario want it that that He’s YOUR BOY: This Space He Bned the accused $25.00 and costs or " days in Jul and cancel- led his driver‘s license for sh months. " COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO extent. Braithwaite'a counsel pointed out that the accused had never been In trouble before and come from t good family and and his Honor to be u lenient as possible. The We said this sort of reckless driving Ins ell tooprevnlent where motorists tahe chnncee and cut coders ' and in this one two cram “no then. The Mar wu Bell having her was" broken and the boys were mien up and both were damaged to tt ocusidersbie Lated by THE DURHAM REVIEW '.-"re---'" --t-.-.--- .. The S.B. entertainment on Friday Proved equally clever and well acted in the various acts and dialogues. Me entrance of the Shepherds in their various odd garments. amonga group of singing young girls. was a grand number. the shepherds too, joining in stentoriously. Drills and singing by some dozen young R. S. girls. proved very interesting as a nucleus of future choirs with altos already well developed, in ones so young. So many other good things were given, we find it impossible to mention any but a small fraction of what was given. Santa Claus soon appeared, after the names of those who hadheen diligent in church work work during Jubilee month. and throughout the year: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weir and Mrs J. C. Harrisov as organism: Miss Belle Weir in F School work; w. G. McBride, in urer. and W. W. homage as chm leader. The two latter voiced their thanks to the congregation thro" the Managers, for the gifts, which were presented to each. in recogni- tion of services. manna in its earlier days at the Pica. Romans. Vikings, their mode of wen-{are by swords (wooden) and shield: (cardboard) were well repre seated. with running expltutationa by Principal Bell. The 'mock trial' was a humorous skit. The judge. with a claw hammer for a gavel, binder twine for a handeutt, aflrrmlng to tell anything but the truth. by the wit. ness. and the climax of guilt proved. when a white chicken was brought in as evidence against the coiored cul- prit. were side-splitters. Other items were all good. There are some fine young singers among the scholars. The recent school entertainment. held on Tuesday the 20th, posed off equally succeutul with former con- cern. The gradual occupying of Scotland in its earlier days at the PRIGEVILLE Much sympathy ls felt for his sim tor F'torenee who lived with him, to Ms brothers Perry and Wilfred, and sisters Bertha in the West. and Am- anda. wife of Mr. Sam. Patterson. popular reeve ot tho township. ll' Miss Laura MeArthur of the Glen was also a visitor with her parents. It is again cur sad duty to becalled upon to pay our last tribute of re- 'spect to one of Egremont's ttttest young men, Alex. Renwick, who in the act of cutting a tree, suddenly dropped to the ground with a heart attack, with the axe still Mandingin the snow at his feet. His team wait- ing, started and turned into the farm of a neighbor, who knowingthe team and suspecting something wrong immediately drove back. and found him as above stated. This has vast agloom over the entire neighbcrhood. Alex. was popular with all. and faith- ful in the discharge of his duties to home, community and to Amos ehurch, of which he was the chair- man of we Managing Board. Dili- gent in his duties wherever required as stated by Rev. Kaye in his an- nouncement. Visitors tor the holidays were MissI Anna McLean at her parents' here;', also Mr and Mrs Rowe: and daugh. ter Mrs Lucas and Mr Lucas: and the Misses James, at Mr. and Mrs, H. B. McLean's. Mr. Ftmtuhar McKlnnon. caretaker of the Presbyterian church herewi- tered a fracture ot the leg in carry- ing a table upatnim. and falling. He lay for same time till his daughter came to see what was keeping him from supper. Mr. undue McArthur to keeping‘ about the some otter the recent; mote, sustained about two weeks' ago. No Improvement. any: the tron' home from the Wert. Rev. H. E.',', Wright and Mrs Wright. the mum's; daughter. have undo occasion-l vi. THEDURHAMREVIEW AID VICIIHY More than 1000 bales of clothing and bedding have been sent to Saskatchewan within the past month for distribution in some dir tricts where grnsnhomu-r, rust and drmr:ht ruined crops thin year, " “as announced by Rev. Dr. R. n. Cochrano, secretary of the Board of Home Missionsuf the United Church of Canada, who is aim chairman oil the National Emergenry Relief cel mitte ol' the United Church. We quanta are pouring into the com mittu-‘n olnce from church organixa tiunn asking for turn to attach to bales of clothing. An appeal has gone out from the committee to will ministers of the United Church at} Canada to bring before their con- gregations the need tor clothing Ind bedding and used bcokn for the western urea. local tsommltteestusve been set up in Western Canada to prevent over-lapping in the dim trbutlon of supplies. Shipmentn will be mad" only to designated centres le the Prairie Provinces. Again this ‘year the Canadian National Railway 2am: Canadian Pacitie Railways have ism-red free transportation tor bales lot clothing and books when they I": Whipped by recognized church organ- (i,ii,ij:,'i,s and consigned to United (Church representatives in any ottho ithree prairie provinces. On Monday night St. Andre-w",- Sunday School F'musrtalntuent wan held in the chutwh. lll'v. Mr Tay0sr presided. “imitations Wow given by Jackle McMeekln, “my and Joye“ Tucker. Xman rmullm: by Jamie Huthortand. A short Xmas play was glvon by tho you"): people and was much enJoyod. Santa; Claus arrived later and (listrlbutml gifts ott awo-Il huh-n true to all the boys and girls, and "ach boy and girl received: bag of randy and nut". UNITED CHURCH SENDS IMO SALES TO AID WEST Mrs Aldcorn was hostess on Tues any to the W.M.S and W.H, Sort vties, with a good attendant-e. Miss Mary MrEut-horn presided over the meeting. Tho roll call was ttttsweet by the. Xmas Hemmer ot prose-tits Mrs T. Nichol gave a very itltrrest- ing Xmas reading. The vim-lion at oilivors took place:- Pros. Mrs Jack Whyte, Viii-Pres.. Miss Mary Mt'l-lzwln-rn: St-orvtatry. Miss Margaret Nichol Tress. Miss Nellie Mt'is'nll Mrs Ir. l.. McArthur, and Mrs Wm. Mroum Wert' appointed to make out the progrnlnnws for 1939. " was tltcided to bt'llli Miss Elizalwth Brown in Toronto ll Xmas gift rm iwr faithful survives as organist in the church. Mrs Sutherland ptvsided ovvrthe W.M.N. Artortho usual opt-hing exercises, Mrs Sutherland read a chapter from the study book. The nuwtinz closed with singing: "Joy to the World" followml by prayer. The January meeting will be hold at the home ct Miss Nollie Mr Lean. .Lunch was son“! by the hos toss and hor assistants. The llohmml NJ“. W. o. Out, meeting was held Tuesday at the home or Mrs w. J. lllncks.. Messrs. Donald and Tom Aldvoru of Toronto. visited last Sunday at their parental home. Mr and Mrs Sam McDarmld, visi tetd Sunday at A. L. Him-Rut Mr and Mrs H. R. McLean visited Sunday at Mr hackle McKinnon'u, S. Line. Mr and Mrs Dill ed last week at H Mr and Mrs Eldon Rancimnn and family and Misa, Mary Ruxwlmm ot Toronto spent the weekend at their parental home. (Intended for last week) (arrived too last tor last week) Merry Christmas to Editor. ms and readers. Mm McMeekln returned home " ter spending a tow dnyn in Hamil- ton. Jun. t--Htutonrer at Kincu-dlne. Jan. 3-4rtteatey " Durham. Jan. 4--Wtoeruat " Hanover. Jan. tr-Hanover at Cheney. Jnn. 6---DurUm " Kineardine. Jan. Hhouley It Walkertnn. Jan. 1tr.-Kirseardine " Hanover. Jan. It-Atta-e' at Durham. Jan. "-Mn- at 00mm. Jan. t3--Wauerrtort at Chum. In 16-ittearOte u Cheater. Jul. tr--Durttnm I Walton-m. Jan. "-4u-u, " “mum. Int. Hockey Schedule t week at H. R. Melanin. and Mrs Eldon Rum-1mm and tty-Kincardine at Wnlkerton MF-Durham at “mover. Mrs Bill Hill. R‘rgm. visi- Prlcevlu" Corr: We ttrt' wry ptotused to mm all our youmz ['1va- home from tholr. dim-rm" "Inn-H of le-urnluir and other anlnynwnl' Minn Ann-m Harrow from HIerm-d Normal School, Mina Mame Tryon from Med foul Svluml ' Toront u. Mhmvr. Edna Kerr,rusott, Myru M- lmun. Margaret Tryon trom "wen Sound Cattvgiate and Minn tpnilras Watson from tho Flu-unity of Educ" tlon, Toronto. Swinton Pnrk Corr: Mom-1m Jno Aldvorll, Hum. Kqu G. G, Wlluon. and It. ll. KImn-ll allomlc-tl tho Fat W'k Slunw in Guelph. We wish to mun-mutt- the Dur ham students who "tended the Hanover Model School. The n- sultu came out tant week and white two tailed out of a school of forty. the fourteen who came trom thi, town manned and will smug.- HR tttttchem. P‘dlowinx un- the tttttttes of those who [muse-d: Victoria At Joe,Alex "MLJuliu Clark, Vivian Crawford Sarah b'ttltott. Nathan Grimm-on. Sush- thwy. Margin-vi Kerr. Rubi Marshall. Emma Mann; lteUe Petty Agnes Petty. Emma Ritchie and Morrison Smith The Horm- and l'rmlucv Fair Ill'ld on Thursday Innl wax " ttt'oat nuv (‘c-ss. Sulllrlc-m snow fell to maln- it {vol Illu- a rent Christmas ammo" and tho farmers and lowing people alilu- llurnml out by huudrmla and tttado it mu- ot the trotst days I?! bunim-sn lhlu town has awe-n for ; Inn: time. Merchants slam- llml they did a great 1rtule, romping: mu vrul hundod (Inllnl'x tthove .llw urn-r ago shopping (lays. I’uhliv School Junior “In, Slvlln Mahala Edna llrownilm (‘Iun-nr MrGirr byhvl Whitmore, Ralph Cat ton. Wm. Ititchi" Fyige lllll Curr: Tmir-hers "pond)', their szm holidays at tholy homes here nrt-z Minn Muzak! Firm. Bolton. Mr and Mrs T. Firth, Lindsay; Minn Mary Edge, lmy10n; Mr J. W. Greenwood, Novar. Mr Murrhum Sulllh min-u up thr m'llool at Welbewk tttlet' Chrirutuic;. We Mull him o-vvry Mum-mm W'. l'tiy is his first venture. Among the Mmtet Hllkh'llIM who have lulu-n schools an- Ernu-n! Mr (Hrr who gone to Swlnton Purl: Morrison Smith, to the Wettreck school and Mum Victoria Aljm- hm: boon mmngml near (‘hc-uh-y. Mr amt Mm Hum. Ailon arc- spvmlim: Xmas In lluln-villv. Mr." Atom'" mother, an nlzml lady Inc-mim- ttte century mark, in m~rlounly ill and mi' unborn-d (I) “wow-Ia "his Lily “Mt-Mr, Sunk, mum-houn- on Monday night to "irvnd the. Mn [M W”. her [\urvnIH, Mr and Mrs Maintain Corr: Mrs Jinn-n Swan Mon unnounmen the vengnm‘mvnt " her (humor. Sun-n Elle": (Eula) to Mr Hugh [hawk-k, of (mum. the marriage to take pun- qulc-Iay the and of tho month. On Thursday but, " the home ot het non. Juneau, on the man can there panned away one ot Katre mont's pioneer: In tho perm; " In abella Elliott relic! of tho um John Benton. (from Review ttte Dec. Mth "ttt In": Win Boreo and John Baird of thin town have leased Che u“- mlll at (nonrandom trom Mckerhitse mos. and will operate the mill thin wEnter. In summer It in the Inton- Iton of the lemma lo run it for chopping . FARE AND ONEQUARTER for the round trip Gnod 20mg December sn up to pm, .lnnunry 2 Return limit In IN DAYS OF YORE. Good going December bt up w 2.00 Pm, .Innuury t Return limit (nus-w- destination not Inter mu midnight Tuvuday, JmuIry 3, t939. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Good min: Tuesday, In, 20 to Mood”. Jan. ' melanin. Return limit to have destination not Inter than mldnlxhl,&wrdly. Jan, T, 1939. PREPAY A IMLWAV TICKET An Unucual New Year's cm MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE: a Full Informant» from my - r. M. -- “an AM Canadian Pat in: Reduced Fares NEW YEAR'S all Point. tn Canada " VIAI. A” 'ARIO ARCHIVES M " "men Swan " the home of ' To rc-nmvu the can” of diam-no, try Chiropractic “juntmonto. M- nae and Ultra Violet In”. C. 6. AND J. L. titll m. MAL, M.c.. PS. (Mum and 1totudettce: (‘unwr (in. (can and lambmn Stu-Mu. Durin- Shim ttthett on 't-etartrte wru- mm: url‘uuuud ll "mud 0am. "m. dnlh. also through Durham “a“... and bNonuerto" Advunm. ”no. I. Duncan. Dundtlk. Phone 12, r (I. W. e. PICKEBIUG. ttos " llonnr tltatduttte Toronto Ilnlvmlw, Grandma» Royal Coli. Urinal Harmon- Rooms: "var Roy-l "Ink "tttaatm. emu-o hours: ' lo " In. tae I. 0 pm. 7 to I tcm and." um one. Noun: I.” to on p. In. I.” to O.” p. m. Veterinary Medicine, surgery and Midi, Prompt, mum-mm A} omctont mum). DURHAM a HOLSYEIN Phone " Phone 7 Durham (Mum-z Khmer Manama. nation And Play-Ion] W. Spud-l Count tor Admired peptic. helium-c "and Cultum mm Age, 0min- b Rlnnertt u locality. Kinder“ method tor rhitdrmg of on no” me. "ours I to C p. I. Licenced Auction.“- tor any County Conant-y In all on If.“ X RAY GAS EXTRACTION. "ttlee: Mitt levul, llllltllAl, "to. "ttutrio . lumnulon land Hun-1.1 Raglan-Nd I'mnvulonul KrtEletoe. Surveys. Ramona. Italian-tun, "a. Tell-phone st, Quantum, on Honor Pout Undo." Alma PM... Pup“ “Puma" ”out. A. A. C. o. B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. B, I t L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. d£appy and Proswsrouo Wow Bar, Sue your low! Chlropnctorn l S. tkluthml GEORGE E, DUNCAN REPAORINO " UBUAI J tt. Mc0tlMtitir. it. A. O .Uil'. 'ILL OOIOUO'IO. OOCIIIICI'. IOOCII I0. I... IOVM-OI HIV. 0". “I. an not! C... O " t... 'll. at. - OI ----s.. T. tt. SNISATN. M, D. F. M. EM LESON W. PIERCE l:l.l.lS CHIROPRAC'I " BESSIE McGILU 1V to all our Friends and Patrols. DURHAM

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