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Durham Review (1897), 29 Dec 1938, p. 8

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.11. PETERS R. C. CHURCH HOLDS MIDNIGHT MASS Atlanta New was sung during the blessing of the crib wherein by the Intuit Jesus surrounded by Mary and Joaeph, the Wheaten and the Shepherds. Following this, Mass was celebrated by Rev. Putin-r G. Ryan. The that wu bumimily decorated with men and carnation: and many' votive lights. The Christina: Carols was during Mass were: “Hark. What Mean those Holy Voices.“ 'Silent Night, Holy Night," "Dear Little One. How Sweat Thou art," "Sweet Baerament Divine." than» Ryan preached a most inspiring mum on “Peace on Earth to Mon at Good Will." Famous Speaker Initiates New CAPTAIN ANTHONY EDEN, former British Foreign Secretary, speaking before members of the National Association of Manu- facturers during the 'ori?.g,'iSifr"e',',',' annual dinner " the Waldorf- Aatoria in New York. is address marked the first public use of Northern Electric's new versatile "eardioid" microphone, recently developed by the Bell Telephone laboratories. This instrument owing to its unusual characteristics, enables radio engineers to select sounds from any direction and to suppress the effects of unwanted noise .Gnndma they: was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain . . . but you’ll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- petience. . . you save real money . . .you get a swell selection of magazines and . full year of our newspaper. That’s what we all a "break" for you genders . . . no wonder grandma says-im'" GOT SOMETHING THERE!” ------Au.-rAMiL' OFFER-------- mus mun, 1 vpytyyN.?yy?.S.ro.1t"t" MAGAZINES -------sttrER-hfAutE OFFER-------- 1'HIS WAFER, 1 YEAR AND THREE MG MAGAZINES GROUP A - SELECT I I - 6390? tr- PET.?, __ PLEASE CHECK hate MAGAZINES DESIRED Cl ""Uoat's New... (24 3mm). Cl Rod and Sun, lYoor. IYoor. EI Silvor Scroon, I Your. C2 NoIionoI Homo MomMy. I Your. CI Another. Fruit Grown. IYoor. Cl Canadian M99013". t Your. C? Porom’. ' Moo. D ChoIoIoino. I Your. E] Amortet" Icy. I Moo. CI ”denial Roviow. t You. C3 Christie" Horold. 6 Mos. CI Candy“ Pfeutttre and Homo CI 0’." Rood tFor low). I Your. CI ”Wool. ' Moo. tg I". Story.. 'At. E mW-‘W Dawn-mm. CI te-ak-Ca-ks ' V“ CI 60.0“. tyr. D huh-IQJW- I w. 'u I w. uni. r, I You. t w. had spent a little over estimate,but it was uncontrollable. He tried to give good service and hits reward would be to be returned. Conn. McGowan stated Fire Bri- gade was now well equipped, and no immediate need of more supplies. Harry Kresa thought 1938 a auc- cesntul Council. He had not consid- ered running for mayor, but It so and elected, would give his beat. P. S. Trustee Wm. Erwin gave the speech of the night in a clear exposition u Public School business. Estimates were the same as last 3 years. Balance of $713 is due to increase in Gov't. grant. Ratepay- rrs would know the salaries paid- Principal Noble 81200, othem 8750. The Board spends money each year on upkeep ot grounds; this your a Durham Council Returned EI Urbain Masai”. " issue I . D Na‘iml Home Mont), t " Cl Canadian Magazine. t " D Mina. I Yr. CI 'ted and Gun. I Yr. to 53!". Sen». I Yr. Cl 'utorul "ri-. I Yr. 0 We... Frtftt Goo-0'. I W. U Mi“ Matthew. I Hot». D 6353.4 (is: Icy-l. I Yr. moo: t.mus.8............. “minding lulu-9h sNrdeiriritb-t'oAeeAMua't-per. _ UM Uhuv-Voluo “all. in“ m ............'............................ "Mike! .......ooo...-.........."..'..'. o................................'.'...."..... I Yr. new wire fence on out aide. The f' new form at study my be Ld1"d ' Ho parents, but in e your or t/ twill - tt u . step In natal-1 ',reem--to tit boys and girls hen ter to meet life Inter on. There are incw 260 plums, 10 or 12 non-resi- {dent; 4 male teachers in higher 'grudes; all teachers eftieiettt and iworking in harmony. He invited 1parents to trustee meetings, and to :discuss with teachers any problem they don't understand. {to parettttt twill I” ',reetlom--t1 ter to me inew 260 ha”... A I Hydro Com. R. Campbell stated there was a lot ct criticism about hydro. We don't own It and have little to say in its management. Lo. cal Cum. cannot even put in new wires without authority from Prov. w i.rett Ccm . High Sch. Trustee G. C. Webster amid the H. S. Board had to paint and eavetrough school this year. They were getting along with four tea/there. which has worked out well. Attendance was down. The Inspec- tor said new Dept. regulations de- manded Manual Training and Domes; tic Science, and to equip tor these new courses. approximately $3000 had been set apart in estimates. This and an extra grant received, accounted tor the large balance on hand at over 84000. The Board had got away without these new cow's. es this year, but would have to pre- rare for them. Mayor Bell Inter-, iected he learned they were not' satisfactory and may never be en- forced. The speaker believed in ed. ucation. but would like it cheaper.‘ Queried re salaries paid, he stated he had not "ures paid each teacher and did not remember, but average was 8176, about midway in salaries paid throughout province. There was nothing ito hide, and he invited ratepayers to attend Board meetings second Thursday monthly. BORN FtNNiGAN-At Green Point Hospi- tal, Detroit, on December Igtlt, to Mr. and Mrs James Finnigan of Detroit, 8 daughter. 53:0: AU. FOUR ONLY All. FOUR lld Tm: BUM 'ttttnm' at Mr and Mrs George Burrows Spent r. Christmas with Mr and Mrs Aw ur drew Funston of Riverview. vll. Mr Jack Irvin of Chatham spent so the week end with his parents, Mr le- and Mrs R. Irvin. 33$ Misses Hazel with, Dorothy *se Dyer, Marjorie Moore and Wanda ’00 Stephenson of Toronto, spent the as. holiday at their parental home. isd,l, Misses Aura, Elma and Jean Me- on; Guire spent Christmas Sundsy with ad Guelph friends. WM Veterinary College l spending the holidays ems. Dr and Mrs Ell Misses Ruby Kerr and Helen Buh ler of Toronto visited Mrs Jordan over the holiday. Mm Olive McGuire is spending Mr Vincent Ellis of the Mr and Mrs Rutherford Henderson of Guelph, Mr and Mrs Murray Hen. derson and family of Autumn, Mr and Mrs Harald McPhee ot Goderic-h were guests of Mrs James 5mm and Lyle over the holiday. Mr Robert Christie is spending a, few days with Toronm friends. Mrs Marthe Hooper and Lorene are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs John Eckhardt ot near Priceville. Mr and Mrs Wm. Cameron and Arthur, Gleneden and Mr and Mrs J. ‘A. McVean of Blyth's Corners spent _ Christmas with Mr and Mrs Simon Hatrermehl . The Women's Association ot Hol. stein United church held their annual meeting " the parsonage on Wed- nesday. The secretary and the Treasurer presented their annual re- ports showing another successful year. Rev. Mercer conducted the election ot ofBeMrtt: President, Mrs Alex Aitken; 1st Wee-Pres., Maw-.1- lace Adams; 2nd VicePrea, 1mm Aitken; Beer., In John Stevenson; Treasurer. Mrs A. mater; Organist, Mrs Victor Adan; Auditors,, Mrs. Norman Treleaven and Mrs N Reth- erington . Dromore Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting on Wed- nesday, Jan 4th at the home cf Mrs John Eccles. Speakers are Mrs Vic- tor Adams. and a report or the Con- vention wilt be given by Mrs. Philp. Mrs Nicholson tk 5 minute talk. R011 call to be answered by "current events." Music by Mrs ManuIty. Steel Bars Almoot Wonhku. The estate of the late Joseph Schmidt, at near deertcn, known as the “Bruce Steel King." last Mon. main for I. pet-Ion, Where one day offered for sale by suction over cured I. mutton. 30 tons of steel in blocks end hm In. luck spent Christan but u no bid higher than " e ton Mr and In Reg. Range tt was made. it remained unsold. One N. block welghlng eight tons bought In”! Ilene end lat-m two years ago for over $2000, drew “Guelph went Christine: . only a 326 Md. Schmidt who died parents. Mr and In Tttog. less then o. yea tttgo " the use ot Mr Elmer Met of Thorn“ Tlr, made - no», of buying In met. in and In Norm-n Tutor, and in mun“, he "mud . my." mo Chg-hun- visitor! 'iGroettrmttatutothemltth.e'i _-----.-- In all it is believed that annual cum mm” had purchased ,rett over $5000 'Gill The - of m w "of uteel, locum an, tunnel-MIMI! Burm- whh to our! - - --__ “In“ amt” m fHq I urn helper ad TORONTO l, but: and blocks. from - mandated from " [than u 'Momme In spending with her friend Lois DROMORE up: - ---" te received W the "tatdV.hr. also local --. kw“... I - VI III-Jung - .F--. “in... be refused . m‘wen mo Christmas mlm. I” he had than ttrsttnnd.i, ------- is believed that sensual Ono THANK. used well over $5000 worth‘ The - of m Wm. Mar. including an, Newman Bun-ran whh to - their In and blocks. from an. “more Imam Manda and of Mrs James Smith " Gueiph I lt, by "current passed on to the Great Beyond. The lanulty. funeral. was held on Tuesdny. - In. A. Hum of Toronto. spent. Mus. Christmas with Mr and In. Wm. late Joseph Gordon. Min Pearl Gordon accom- ertcn. known punied her back tad intends to re- spent On Thursday afternoon, Doc 2 we; Sharp and pupils or a. B. 9. presented I. very excellent gimme of technical. songs. choruses and l songs. choruses Inn m..-...-...__ to 9. very large gathering of parents! and friends. The children no to be‘; congratulated on winning mu Fell‘si maze for the school muting thel " . _ _-..-.-" tainment to a close. Best wishes for 1939 to the Edi. tor, and malt and readers. It was a white Christmas, despite all the mild weather, and a favor- able day for people to so, sad en. joy the Chrlstmas service in the several churches. _ munity gatherings Ire n daily oc- naturally to “our sin folk." Mr and Mrs Swnln and Peter Tc- ‘rcnto. and Mr and In Claude ‘wnhemw and Many of Nomwby, ‘were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Hutch. 1 Mr Clifton Rogers. is spending Credit . Mrs Mr and Mrs Frill Irons “we“... are living on the term recently pur- chased from Mr James Mclnnls. We welcome them to our midst and and wish for them a. measure ot prosoerity. Messrs Alex Sim, Lennoxvllle. and Arthur Hans. visited trlends' In To- ronto. and Guelph recently. Miss Mm Alles. Guelph, is spending the week end with Mr sud Mrs Kenneth Alles. We wish to thank alt thae have helped with new: items ing the year. Those far may look for the mum nunes in paper from home. Holy Communion wag administered in St. Paul's church on Christmas day with a ttne attendance ot mem- here. The rector's Christmas mes- sage was appreciated and conveyed spiritual inspiration to all present. The annual Christmas macert was held in B.B. No. , on Thursday at- ternoon of last week when a geodet- tendence of parents were present. The program by the children consis- ted of songs,drills and dialogues. A yrwtrttarpaeieatMet wu given byJim- my Pollock. The Christmas tree was prettily deconted and with the aid ot Santa Claus. the various gifts were presented to the children. Mr R. Christie received my nieegttta from various pupils and in closing. he gave 0. pleasing address of wel- come to the ntepeyers and wished sll the compliments of the sewn. The teacher is to be oengratuiated on the suecess at his entertslnment " It was considered one at the beet. Rev. and Mrs C. 1. Queen, Prince- ton, visited with Mr and Ilrs. J. C. Queen and Mr and Mrs Allan Bell in Durham during the holiday. Mrs Kerr and Den. Ate Christmas dinner with Mr and In Alex Eccle- ot More. Christmas at the home ot Mr Harold The sympathy of the community In extended to the relatlves ot the late Mr Alex. Renwlck who so suddenly Lain for I period, when she hunc- r In. link spent Christma- with Mr and In Reg. We of North grin! In Not-nan “unburmlhe Mud all the children not were mo cumulus mlm. {at with may and dietgtbgtad ml ------- minnow: mud CARD THANK! |Chrmnu (no. (In. In. an - Pom momma! W WnW-ummmmmmm‘ofin 'tsatire-rss/trea."" melrlwmhmmm pu- mom 1mm Mum ad'uu.un¢mmoaumm. mum-u: mdw;mu Mallard! VII nasal WED. autumn-do (Inga-”hum. (soro of the ot the holidays with his Mcbeun. and Mr McLean ALLAN 'S CORNERS S: YEOVII. rs mu from Alberta, C the Mm recently Pur- Mr James Melanin. We -.m to our midst and terittgtt ttre I. daily oe- .week, " " tttitt tMMV PW!!- In w. ._. --" very Queue" Gl/ We "tmsd sincere Imp-nu; w 1â€" - gguum, dhluuunul‘l Wm. Ellen In the death of "tere " and Instrumental: inter. In Wes. stormy of mu. I yum swaying of imrenul, The Women Association Wm hold “mm e children no to beEtheir meeting Waning-thy men " than" Elma 1 winning an. vellum-ac of Mm A. Ichbe. {and In school nailing the] Mr, and In. W. Bode and tum-i Mr an as: in instnunerttat lly spent Mondar with Mr and Mrtr.'Btity and e year. The prize‘Rllpll Canon In town. in“ dam picture, During the} was Mantle Kerr, ot Owen Sound In. Att ,,_. nL-hOm-l If. her home ttere, i The 32 of the community in 'B" If “I! .r- cm--,,__ _-- - a,.',,?.,,'.,':,,,?,,'.),,; and (sully; If and In srtestkiiGaitt, mm mm and Nadia M w; I“: AME. a-trt I! [Hill Ruby Elm of Tomato. Vere W- M Mr L, Dec 22nd,!Chrmmu questa of Mr. all In. im and cum t s. B. solimert Btrthe. iWe wen Bud to up: . . -1-..“ "-sran21tr tt II- M um the sister. my look in the with their who spent Christmas Mr and lira Harry cuaweu um ".- mily were visitor! Monday " the same home. was Dorothy Basic of Cedarville, is spending her nation 1t home. Mr nnd Mrs John Kerr were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Funk Hopkins and Mr Hopkins, " Mr and In Job: Petr, Mr. and Mrs' daugwen: Mr Monday W Mountain . earth pence, trood-wttt to men. Chriltlnu in put once “'0" many even "nt'" then we have been M a tttir Cttt longing tor the voice that 1: null. I Our sincere sympathy in extended to the “may, the used tether. the brother and enter: end to all who will mourn the main; at the late Mrs Wesley aorrey who died at her ham. in town on mutiny evening u Quiet. kindly um. I good friend and devoted wife and mother. sue spent nil of her school days at No. I. She will be sadly mined in the home. This in the third bereavement in the Wallace family in e little more than 1 year. We mould alto extend our sympa- thy to the Picken family in the death of their broiler. the late Mr. death of their hunter. the late Mr. Robert Picket: who paced any " his home In munch Int week end min to the friends a the hoe Mr. Alex Renwlck of Emmi, who died go suddenly on Friday: of In! Glory to God in the Nun-t and on “mung for u u sud! we know not the Son Mr and Mrs Joseph McCulloch ot Bentmok had Christmas dinner on Mond" with Mr and In John Mr and In David Mania“ and Miss T E. Byers enjoyed Chrhtmu " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christin“ Vishnu It the Petty home a: loudly were Mr end Mrs David Robertson of mrkdnle, Mr. and In Melville Petty and children, Remind, Mr and Mr: Arthur Petty 3 Mr and ur- Albert mun-n were visitors on Homily with Mr and In Reuben Noble of Bentinck. I The maul Chrhunu concert was [held In the whoa on Wednesday ev- ening. December 21, with u very “run! Kn §goad attendance. Mr John Marshall :was chum and ave several se- glecujcns m the mouth emu. A lengthy wast-In of dint-, chor- (My had Christan dinner on “only with Mr and In Keller n It Valley. Mr Jack Gunman of Acton spent Mr Jack Gunman of Acton spent Christian a the maul home. We wish the editor of the Review Matt and att It: readers a very happy new your. , -. emd sincere sympathy to}... and can! the plenum um. irm. lllen In the death " "tere we: tween-tour mm. In we. sum: ttt mu. I Walton with Mr and Mrs Stauley Women mum wttitsMd [mall on Monday were Mr and meeting “/9an next ntthengm Elmer mum of town and .1lr of Mm A. Mecrrtre. land In Jamel bee-on and (‘hildl‘vr __. .._. m we and tam-l Mr and um \Vllllnm Marsha» pron-um was cloud by the scholars mans. "Oh Come, All Ye mama" followed my! “God Sue Our KIM" mu Clam arrived at the close ot The Caldwell (“any celebrated Imm- on Monday with Mr. Ind mmwm.m We: hymn“. KNOX CORNERS L,, ml " an: cud-um tusasing the vacant chin and mu " her home hen. Harry Caldwell and m. visitor! Monday " the we need to be ready I Hopkins. weeotre"a,-seeaneut on Thursday m»: Mr. and In. "u'"Taiut rettort . I program. 1 Hill Mt Wilton was mu- A :the chandler! In the play. - --" l Ilia 'N-tts myth. is SIWh he v and u... -'.-'-"" ,_ neautt ettntr I Amer the m ems voice that In still. die- were attributed nrtpatttr in extended Chan. much wu urved the used hunt. the an: mortal and um at. 1nd to III who . e ttitgtr of 1 It“ We mum-y 59‘ nu the late -- -. on. nun-nu] home of Owen Sound and Inga-Qua an mum at uremia. aw. wen Mad to spend the day “no “unn- tr, - .." ‘10! the ml “mm m If - III - lush.“ on m - If and In June: WI, Wine; Mr and Mrs AME. a-trt and children at -eteta, and Mr um In Imam Em and Gordon. enjoyed Chtirt mu dinner on Monday with Mr u: .; In. AWert lorrlnon of EKH'lnnX' The new“ home from then [r nun-Mill. who“ for the \amtnm ”wave were lury chlllster trom To to. and Mira Eleanor Marshall , Sudhuy. Mitm Jen-1m In spending th" day- " her hone in Owen Sow. Mr and In John Marshall, .. _ I E. Wilton “tended the High SH, ' Wt on Thursday m»: tho helluva st her home. M. The children put on the an m. with the exception o', far when by mu Gladys Sm. After the will gifts and , din were attributed by F1" Chill. when U“ served and m» Italâ€"M mum-y we!" C: In. It the WW home. "in: noun tEettvrtde is in m 'see-tt with the nu. !m. Mr Waller Ptl'k was ' :clnlnun. Mr George Peter 11'ar 'r. 10‘“ WW and Mr Donam Mr. 'ttvv4de u mercury. Mr. Mrlli. Ernie ttes given may years at lu l,- ‘ful “we. Halon Hallway My, 'sr/ supply " oath of wood and ll-'? {mm 2 can}: of cedar. l (T00 W for Ill! week 7 " Mr Wm. Jones who has been L- "p' ( ing Mr June- Blythe for thes 'co-' Memrrdde ' I year has bartering . ”I.” a. "" In Band] Peel of [Hanan m to her home utter caring in! mother the put Week. In! Jude Calder spun l evening with Ghdys Sent-m. A number In this vicinity been busy ”In; wood. route. be W given set td lumen. R. c. A. Iowa Phone " n- '5eoqHte m MOW!“ _ A in THUR“ "tt., BAY. DEC. 29. 30 31 A-nt Md We: a gnaw L's: Am M you dtttw hm Imp-1' a.-.-.. M” Imlmd Russell RLYTH'S CORNERS Big New tear fe.. Frolic SUNDAY MODmTE, MON TUEI. ONLY, JAN. " v V in “i'h me taratr “I - Year . an.” ‘Otlmo does not I)" pom: III “won " , iuat thunk” aw “are "we, 12.05 p Fun and Fauna for Everyo - ON THE SCREEN - "a full - ot Hammn _ “The Citadel' Roxy------ In Paying 7â€" - - .m t F' “an ortgr--Jott , mo HAPPlNESS Induce Marvin u 2 30 for hat week.) I who lun- been 1 mm for the to Mum to .s' I ".3 held for 33' .m- courier. in Cy. ' tttttae on the "In Etvegt a robe all' twosome FOREST "Is hel Rosalind 12.05 p. rr Everyone w-un--- m. but, ard. Tor rettl at tl " their 1y

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