West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1939, p. 1

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I. “an! fer M. iit Holstein Car Collision An aftermath of a collision on the main street ot Holstein over a year ago. when a Plymouth sedan driven by Milton Aitken collided against a truck driven by J. J. Stephenson. (which had just driven out ot his lane), was staged in Durham Division Court on Tuesdsy before His Honor Judge Morley. Stephenson sued tor $00 damages to his truck; Aitken ad mitted some nobility and had offer- ed 843, but titer hearing several witnesses on both sides, Judgment was given Stephenson tor $66.53 and Before Magistrate Spereman at adjourned Council Wednesday, Bert Bard. stock salesman of Mt. Folest,l was sentenced to 3200 and costs or; two months in Mit. He chose the jail term. Clarence Watt and Jack Lloyd were each given three months suspended sentence, on a 8100 bond. Miss Ada McLean. Toronto. a visitor last week with Mr: F phenom John Grierson. Bentinek and Jo aeph Duly at Mt. Forest both plead- ed guilty to n charge of driving in a manner dangerous to the public. as a result of their accident some three weeks ago, when dtiving with- out lights purposely in the dense tog their cars collided on No. ' highway. The minimum tine of " and costs each was imposed amount. in; to 8.75 and $10.85 and license: suspended for 10 days. Duly also paid s $10 and costs tine mulling "1.95 tor driving without a license. Francis Zufelt, a " year old Han- over lad, pleaded guilty to stealing money out ot nmerous milk bottles in Hanover last summer, and at. tempting to deitaud a merchant there, of shoes and socks, by telling it yarn he was working at Kneeh- tel's. The boy skipped out lam July and lately returned. He will be remanded for sentence until Jan. 12th in Hanover. hick Con-ind [at Trial Several actions were settled or adjourned before Magistrate Spere- man in Police Court here on Friday. Henry Pele): ot Clinch! who was chewed with reckless drivng in the in the accident at Letter Breen, Vol. LXI, No. I Nov. 20th when Wm. Evans of Mt. Potent was {tally injured, elected to be tried try a Jury and was com- mitted [or trial. Two sureties gave bait ot $1500 each. Prosperity tor the Coming Year Is our wish tor our patients of Durban And district. May we help to make it so by pro. viding vuion that will enable van to work with COMFORT v.1- nmxson. 3,0. DURHAM, Wednesday, Jan. ttth man's DRUG Stone} Have your eyes examined try a Speck-Mal = consult you to work with and EFFICIENCY. specklllt In Eye Examination. st e S "a a r's Store FRUITA‘NVII, '99. so: tttr e........'". as HALIIUT LIVER on. CAPS, reg .1 for one 'UIETIVI' COD LIVER OIL, .....Mte, 31.” g m SAL HEPATICA w..........."'."'. 8., we LVON.’ TOOTH POWDER .... "e, Me, Me I007" MILO!” loo- Son Throat .... 25c "CRUDE QUINN! for Flu .......... 2Se ”NU. CREAHC ......v..... tbe, 29c, 40c - 'IUIT SALT ....r...".". 47c, 70: [PHIDIDNI NOSE ttttoN......- Mk, Mht -.-=mqraWr" MILETI. ........290, 576 ”our anon): to.- sm Throat .... memo: comm: m m .......... ”no. can»: ......v..... tbe, 29c, Inc's now an ....r...".". 47c, IPHIDIDNI nos: ttttoN......- Mk, ALMLTIII MILE-rs. ....... .290, Appointments r-IM) gun. IMAttEYT" a STATIONERY McFADDEN’S, Druggim, Optometrists YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Prices for This Week 50: for .........'"' Mrs P. Mc- " ., rou- wc ...-.-.--. m -- ___ _ _ W"" ....Mte, 31.” o................"--".'" Me ..... a, gee mono tunes s............... "e, a0e "e, Me, Me DR. GAINS 0006" OYIUP....SG and so: "at .... 25¢ KLEENEX ......r... "a, tN. 'tttm, Me ......... as: 00008 KIDNEY PILL. .............. .396 tbe, 29e, "e GIN PILLt, no. so: he .............'. 39c '.... 6N, 79e KRUIOHEN SALTS .....80, Athtt - a: r.... Mk, Mht PAILUII .45: DIXTII-IAL'IDII, 066 ......206. '" RUulAN 0H. ................ 80, 40c, 00¢ “mum's rm: erttMMtLATM.... so: m. Durham. Mrs Frend of Toronto was here the last week and tenderly rated for her sister in her closing clays. and only illness of her life time. . The deceased was a faithful mem- bers of a. Peter's R. C. Church. where the luneml service was held on Manda, morning, conducted by Rev. Fuller Run. and interment made in St. John’s cemetery. The pan-bearers were J. D., and A. D. MeAutltre, Wm. and Jim Sullivan, was wedded to John Burns, who died on Tuesday of last week. Most of their married lite was spent on the farm, lot 30. con. 4, Bentinck. Six years ago they retired. moving into Durham. Surviving are an only son, David of town, and his two child- ien. also her five brothers and two tritv ters. Mia M. McGrnth (Catherine) and Mrs Freud (Annie) of Toronto; John MeAutitte of Detroit; Dan. of Glands; David Michael and Ed. of Mrs Burns was fermerly Ellen Momma one of a family of five, sons and tire daughters of the late David McAulme and Margaret Jones. She was born on the present Smallman farm in Northeast Nor. manby, and attended school " B.S. No. I. Thirty-nine years ago she Only four days utter her husband's death. Mrs John Burns ot town pas- sed any last Saturday morning, at the age of " years. She had been slightly over a week' m, and suc- cumbed to a heart attack. Lawrence Old friends in Durham will learn weith regret of the death of Mrs Jun Kllmer, whose husband was formerly a hardware merchant in Durham. They removed to the West about l' years ago. The “British Columbian" of New Westminster, guys: “Final tribute was pat-Id to Mrs. Amy Barthel] Kllmer, well known She was a member of Knox Church Norman», and her pastor. Rev. Mr Kare, will have charge of the tuner. al aervice at the home an 1.00 p.m. To them were born one daughter. Mrs Bull Peel (Myrtle) of Drayton and three sons: William, Walter and Harry, at home. Besldes the be. reaved husband and family, three brothers and three sisters survive: Stewart Means of British Columbia; Albert of was con. Normanhy. Wm. of Hampden, Mrs Alberta Six (Mar- garet) and Mrs. Cameron McKenzie (Isabel) of Alberta. and Miss Ptor. ence Mourns ot Hsmpden. The tate Mrs. Park was a true and hospitable neighbor, and was endear- ed to and revered by the home cir- ete, who will sadly miss the wife and mother from their companionship. on Thursday. Interment will be made in Hampden cemetery. this week. She was formerly Eliza- beth Mourns, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Matthew Means, and was born at Hampden tyixtrtive years ago. Thirty years ago she was married to Thomas Park, and they took up homemaking near Neu- stadt. After some sixteen years there, they removed to 2nd con. Nor. manby, which has since been their Following a three weeks' illness hom heart trouble, Mm. Thou. Park, one of Norm-East Normanttr's most Ititrhtrretspeeted residents, paused to her reward on Monday tttternoon ot MRS. AMY B. kiLMER THING”. MR8. THOMAS PARK MRS JOHN BURNS Wm. and Jim Sullivan, and Vincent McKeown. Gills iliiil_tirt_l'tt.ie,tiit _ mum. sun's ”mam ............aI PURETESY A. a. A. guppy... Quiet but My mum. mark. ed by the chin at (I. Yule-tide, were solemn“ a an Chase]: cl the Holy Rosary, mm, Thur-adv morning " " o'clock when Miss Eleanor Ito-tind out. “lighter ot. Mr and Mn Oar-elm- Garth. he- came the bride at Mr. Jam Alexan- der Paterson of Hanover. Ont., prom- inent tax-Owen Sandor The bride whose regulation took elect " the Christmas nation. ha: been a pop Mar and esteemed member of the Owen Bound c, VJ. Ming mu! spending the Chum - Witt. the Lamb m. m. Mr and In Thqttdtteq Priest and little dam”. "huh Ann, Strut ford, were holiday %qttrtm with the farmer's mt! it tho Nth! par- sonnge. Mr and In , A War, Lon don were New Your nuts with Mr: .MacGI'egor'l -nta, Mr and Mrs W. ' Glau. Miss Mun-um Derby, Strattcrd, was a holiday W with her moth- pr, Mus. A. Darby. chie is -reetmerati his recent “who. Mr Wm. J. Youth- been in Ator health the nu I“ "on but is somewhat I.” u this writing . Mrs Geo. may of Main. re- Miss Ellen lumen, Toronto spent a few at.” In the home of Mr. and Mn Baht. Renwick, Jr. Mr can B-tth. Toronto, spent New You’- W h the parent- al home. Mr Albert m. Gravenhurst, visited this week with his sister Mrs William Neill. who in recover- ing from an at“ of pneumonia. Mrs Wm. warm In no. Turnbull left thin not for Font hill, where they! will VIII their sister Mai-strum m, who is the ary presidents. In w. ti. Smith and Mn J. MM“: leader Mrs George Hay; -gtt, was Kath. leen .Renwick; V100 Manta. Misa. es Vera Landau- and lick. MaeDon. ald; Secret-17. It! lulu Aljoe; Treasurer, I!” We Middleton; Social convent, In" may Whit- more. li-tn Wham Hospital, on Janu- ary 4th to Mr and In Arthur Lee. Egremont, tdmhul. Annual 'n-tine o! the Knox Mia. sion Circle bean will upper in the church school roan. For the de- period Min Kathleen Mimic}: pre- aided and for election of om'eera Mrs J. Rutherford W. The otrittem for "" m: Honor. The late In. Rumor, wife of the late John Khmer, who for many years was mankind engineer of Co. quitlam. died on may, Dec. 9th at her home on Pitt River road. Port Coquitlam. She had been I resident ot Coqultlun for " yen-I." resident of. Pen. New. at the tuners! service held on may " temoon " the My residence. Rev. W. A. Olly “Mal the Ber. vice and Interment 'b.'" in the Ma. sonic cemetery. Norm Human. KNOX M23310" clncL: Pleased to heu- um It John Rit- PATE‘RCON - CURTIS N .........v, 89e, 90: ,A. for - q....... ....u for 80.1” for Me R s............... "e, 40: IGH CYRUP....8¢ and so: .... ”a, IN. Wt, 836 PILL. q......'.."" .39: " .....i.0tbet mama: 6mm, Tuuasomg JANUARY 5 .333 wm-I Wale" " " newly. from IMRGA N.IZED after "1 Ink 2 iilfitiitrrr, Cheeky mf., three successive yearsi our". were W.O.H.A. champions. Eand this winter, looking for wider 'ilelds to conquer, tranlfelred their 'auesrianee over to the Ontario , Hockey Alsoehtion, along with Dar. 'ham, Walkenon and other former iWestern centrea. On the form, shown, both teams are yet some dis-' tance ott from play-ell calibre. still the swan is young. and more tense gum! exoiting - may be display- ed before Jamar-y bows out. In ter. ritorittl play the team: revealed a int main; game, but bath were! gluringiy weak around the re:) Many Might scoring opportunities! I were loot throng]: wild shots. driving‘ into the game's nude, or poor pu- ‘aes near no“. .' Durham and Hanover hooked up in the opening intermediate B some " Hanover on Friday evening, which resulted in a 6--6 tie. The game which was played before an average size crowd we. lie in starting, hence no overtime was played.‘ The game m tut and exciting and new the lead lee-saw hack and forth no less than three times. The score our the end of the are! pedod wu 1--0 for Dalton, when Tucker slipped a rebound shot 0! Moses into the net. phy; ,rirt-Sehnieder. Shel; att.' D. Murphy. B. and A, Phillips, Gm“ per, Sanderson. 1 Durham: 43oab-K. McDonald de. fentte--Kett Wilma. Joe Noble; cen- tro-atarartstad MeGirr; witups--Nor Tucker wt. Durlnm's tronrgetter, scoring the Int 3 minute after play opened. heather souls were migh- ty scarce though Durham fouled some grand chutes. Well on in the 31d frame. with Joe Noble serving time, D. Murphy scored for Cheney " new!“ I loom puck on amusing attack. Mr minute: before the close Tucker nude . breakaway and sped up at lee unchecked to beat Mathew with the deciding goal. Harry Dainty of Walkman, re. fereed the game well, and sent g to the lunch, 5 Colts and 8 Durham. more was' little to choose from tand few mm: flashes of hockey in the am In: 0.H.A. home game here Tue!!!” night taint Ches- ley Colts. with Durham captured 2 to I. Tums Iright to 55 Tie Chesloy: Gotu--evtttt defence our Chesley Chaim.i THE 'anait MI £1 I An electric iron over heating. In Sherwood Rowe'l apartment- aver IChapman's store tattaed a blue Int tF'ridny, for which an mm was run: in. but It tortunuely was ex- .c team It to s, in n guns that end led In a rout forum visitors. Durham boys attribute a good shale in the win to the hometown referee, Leo Schnurr. and will hue no more ot the tuner-l of the [utters sister. with non: George and Stanley, 1nd daughter Mitts Ruth, visited their daughter and sister Jean in London we day last week. Mr John Noble. Ions ane and Reginald um daughter Bela, Owen Sound. attended the funeral service of the hte Mr William Noble. mu Lam Whmnore of tomato, equipment . Next evening an alarm was sound- ed for I chimney lire at In Doug. tttd Clark's home In upper town. which m the Mod without! W. than! the We wen onl TWO FIRE ALARMS had Mod the Ire hall to bring mgtham-A3oai, Falklnghun; de- fence. McDonald. and Patton; cen- tre, Kesmy; forwards, Juniewn and Allen: um. Dow-en. Me. Donn“, Gumball, Morgan. Tluiord the. and of the ttNt frame. Ripley who but tn the second and tanned the scoring nth ttrst pet-tot! and they counted two goal to Durhun's we, linking the score at the end ot the lecond period, M tied up " 8--a. In the last period Rip'ey really got going and shoved the umber put Falklnghnn In the Durhun neu no loss than three times, whlle the but Durham could counter with w Durhamnwtytoaoood In". when they counted two quick goals Mr and In Win. Moll“. were in 1teteree-Peppur of HInover . WALKERION It, DURHAM ' In Walkerton Monday night, the ON SUCCESSIVE DAYS my won why the sentence of the court mm not hemmed upon him m passing sentence. Msulunte Safer-Jun pointed out to Sled 21:0 seriousness of his crime. one that was punishable by We l-pdsonmem and expressed the hope that the sen- tence he was Imposing on him would serve u s Iesscn to himself and t: others that crimes of this Hod must GAYNOR-At the residence. 196 Bart. Iett Ave., mu). Friday, Dee. 30 198e, flu-pm Gaynor, beloved nun, was sentenced by Hahn-tel: C. Sperm-n 'in Owen Sound police court on Wednesday morning to rm your. in the Kinuton Penitentiary “the dime of armed robbeu'. and me yen- on the chem of earryttm e revolver on " person auratrte or being conceded while committing mauled (a sentence. He Inter plead- ed gullty to the second charge after tirat [wading not guilty and $15 also nemunded on that charge be stooped. Sled had nothing to sin for himself when asked it there "an $ldtlimlihan hrhieeihlklla, to run concurrently. Sled pleaded tru.itty some time ago to having held up with a loaded te- volver. Wed G. Kat-teat. Plioeville new. in " more on Saturday ulster of In Willi-m Sander-on: "“"“" ”Mm“ . “‘" N“ --- In W. W. new attd Mrs neon new, Cockshm hm Inch! Tomm- main, in her an year. "7- Ugtter Cm “mm- " mm; at chapel of xenounu Deuvet mm“ “m“ Stefgtt & Brown. " mn- Aveoue west and Noble M‘ (corner of Pinewood). Service In NINA. “A000"! - the chap! t p... loudly lumr- F. W. MOON, Pm. mt Prospect M. M "0 WI. ONT. June- Sled, " you old “shorten Town Hall, DURHAM Every Wednesday is Show Night in Dulu- nt " Wed. Jan. "----Buck Jones in “BLACK ACES" ANION” Me AND we. mmwamuuunmuum. hum tttntea,tuoagmrtrod-. Peers-,.-. N att our Friend! sud Custom". l CALDER'S DRUGS“ HIE Aux“. I!!!“ of on Acric'l Soda 1'l2t held I? at: amu- h',',"" my. 1.5., N, 1939 Canadian G " (hunter. I.0.DE will hold then (My meeting I Tuesday. Jamar oth. at the in. MIMWCn .uh‘pn. All when are _ named tome-m mo. HAtMLToN, i.c. “may. PIOPEI‘I‘ FOR BALE- Home and when I' erttr mud by John up”, d . he further III" dculnn. . to ROBIR'I‘ WHIT- painted .ud manned 'gEu3TNW. I CREAM GUARANBS. I We F Walling Machine. I at Ten. Hur- neu new, Cochlnm M mm "Nr, [Adar Cream 899.1101»..an d Pmtdell. Cnnulhu G " C will - their I Tue-day. Junta t new. numb. 0mm. " any and Pres- perou New Year Aunt-refund moth-ed SMALL ADS. ENT' WAVING by Mr. Mr. r 'l‘oronm. on Washed-y. In. pt Mrs. Vollett's my FOR SALE we will re,

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