West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1939, p. 5

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.‘n‘ARY 5,1!” HULOCK _ A l )GEEN Don who In teetw'q .wlcmle mu _ the bonday. ”paid, stedqat " ma spent the het. f her parents. Ir l’ 1ronatd. ytls from lbbsoe- v-rson. Marni-u funny Ehttaad -n Monday xv. mills attending ovr.r, Later In '1 K0 by but "In Sch H." parents, Mr aha has 1 Mastic [or q leaving u m work tor W as 1rtey Mrs Bailey ha ve been hutch I“ were men- n: a non- ml Mission Christ-Anti "In- Supt. athtts “I mogul. Patterson with Mr . Hampden, credit is t such . u a goon! it.r. Ttte Mrs Wit I two p- hrxatms.’ tre, be tall and an tsappy trte and Hi It! . holiday M r and I!“ a Xmas and Mrs a 93m trk ttte me con- ce Muh- Cam- Ming bt M) exer- ' Sun " very then Ia he made aha" at I Burns mam Toronto. - no.» mm ot " db- 1 after pound I truNts n lunch spent. tent ot m ttr minute ristgrtas M "_'.)"---")')"'-)'-",'"--,'-"--."'-):':'::'--", V ' that He’s YOUR BOY: today I wan aw (on! I and re for " td the atabtw l" winter minor: prim Mon Mat with .1st held 'Nth part his new Mr Pa" ano for to 'V T 1... "-" c. I. I. 't,tkats In the Min. Invin- cen, Pan. od 4ltttrArrt I" Mich. PM - Id., Nova Semis Jechltrt 'ttttbam am; " llama 'sd., to Round Trip Barttatirares CAN IT BE DONE? - Dynamo» Ticket; QUEBEC Dog-tMr-ot-tit-_-oth'.-"- per CANADIAN HATIONAL damn»! 5.1m mac cm at.“ " no. A... do Mo. $14.55. - I, "res, M 1‘ all liar-nun In. mu. TNA end We GG the PJP" of ontario want it that Kindly mail your donation to the Appeal Secretary, my. ti? College Streets Toronto. T, cannot afford to use enc which has any of our much-needed revenue or canvassers or other “This Honk-l 'xtr',gh"flrPg'lfC2l' It is organized effort to collect money. AND, wilt we’ll still in a fanciful mood, let's cappu- he has My home manly 'tii-- M imagine ”and! to be in financial difficulties -__ "-- ”M a can! h). aunt. """6"""" '-- -e- -yot8r income. - more than $900.00 I year, has mood altogether been» the factory has that down You think you! little boy may be drinr-th? doctor orders you to mall with him to the Hospital for Sick Children - you lam it's Pneumonia of the most 2'iiriCirrF-GGfiie_1tl.eelle'd",,'2,', 8400.00. tn lav nothing at the special quintet net.!! te, We}: - you I“ oetetr,,r,it,fh' to u, mrpert mamw Walk.” itrttt. to eeym a u- IP35- .._.__-_ _ - expert . attention required. not of the cost of Could you be turned away because of this? There oi"i"r"i;A"GiFeRiopeg,ie.ett; Itheebeen the new oldie nodal to: Sick Children for 63 pare I young“. real need for begin! we and medical attention h due - W ot admission required. Race. creed ee- Ihendel circumstances ere not consid- ered. Th'2,i71rriiaiiGio-n'o-tit that my. This I!“ he met new emergency which has odl'l'ld'"'irit"iTirirrru"8"""'"" his This Space Jonated by THE DURHAM REVIEW " COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO let’s Miss Marjorie Stewart is home from Toronto. Mr and Mrs Will Scott, Ion: Al. vin and Everett were visitors with relatives in Toronto and Brampton a few days last week. Mr and Mrs Robert Black of Gann- noque, visited with relative: in this locality. Miss Bessie Wale is on nursing duty in a private home in Durham Bethany Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School entertalnet the scholars to a programme am treats at the Mamse on Friday afternoon. Friday evening the United Church Sunday Sch. had agood attendance at their annual concert. A varied pro gramme was enjoyed. The school presented the Christmas story in pageant, song and pantomime. Mr. Geo. Wale was with his par- ents Mr and Mrs Chas Wale for the Christmas festivities. . Mr Witt Fettee, Hamilton. visited his father, Mr his Fettes over the holiday. The McKinney family spent Christ- mas at the home ot Dr. Ellis. Hot. Wat, M. McRae, Port Elan, went Christmas vacation at the home of her brother Mr Fraser undue. Mrs Jas. Ridden bu rammed home from Markdale Hospital M ing somewhat Improved. .. . Mrs Love and family wgre Chris- mu guests at. the home ~of her par- ents Mr and Mr: Joseph MeMittan of Bethel. , Mr and In mammoth tron spent Christmas with Jun pu- out: Mr. until» (John Deena. Messrs Alvin. and Dalton Soon In home from Gnu-noun. 11th they were employed with the" 0mm Construction Co. .. . _ T mu Doreen Scott. Toronto men! the holiday week with.her 'gtMsttter Mrs. James Scott.- ". . And who pays for this humanitarian work? The doctors give their time absolutely free. The Ontario Government pays 60c per patient per day and the patient or the patient": munici lity pays 81.75 on the same basis. That leaves over 'ttIll per patient per day of bare cost for which we must appeal annually to humane and generous citizens. This Hospital does NOT share in the funds collected by the Federation for Community Service because patients are admitted from all over Ontario. Christmas was . duty celebrated famous throughout the civilized world for the gucceu and efficiency of its medical and nursing staffs and for the low cost at which it is operated. This year. over $83,000.00 is needed. That means over ten thousand donations if they were to average $8.00 each-or over twenty thousand averaging $4.00. Certainly, a staggering total! So, please make your gift as large as you possibly can. If you cannot afford more-remember that even a dollar bill helps pay for the care of tsomettody'tt baby. (Too hie for hit week.) 'l.... In The United Church W. M. s. will meet for their regular monthly meeting Thursday, Jan 5th at tin, home of Mr: Bert Scott. Mrs George Shand. Br. entertainc-i all her family at Christmas, alum-r. J. I. McKeown. Duncan atom-- keeper. finds that cowtr-at least one Cow-mar be truued with money, not its own . This past week, Mr Mekeown"was unable to find his wallet contain- ing $115.00 in bank notes. A thor- ough search ot his store and ttttuse tailed to reveal the wallet. which lu- wanted to change a bill tor a cus- hcmer. With some concern he tried the stable but with no results un- til he disturbed" a fine tat COB, which climbed as tier feet, There the storekeeper found " precious bill fold, well pressed but undamag- ed......and nothing missing -- Thornbury Review Herald' lines Laveriter, MeEttetutie ot Guelph, and Tana Christie, Toronto ate Christmas dinner with the home Mr and Mrs Elwin Hood spam. Christmas Day with her parents. Mr and Mrs. R. Baney, Shelburne. Hoodludlted 8. tr. No. 4 books Tacky ovum; " the home of Mr. J. Slack!" . ; 'mrtrhtt-bttthtrtrrltdnrtutd Mon. m and Wu and thinking of all the kind friends In one of the tum-he pathos. The man! school meetings will be held this week with not too " “In“. of OM DIM only W, I tacft In! the all. for In . am - dwi- MERCHANT ‘BEDS' HIS COW WITH CURRENCY as am a mm“ ? Ind Elwin lo at the home of Mr and Mrs Adam Anderson, Leona and Adeline Me. Nally and Mend of Hamilton, with Mr and Mrs Arthur McNally. Reta Glcncross " the home ot her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Thou. Glencross. _lvan Edwards of Btsettturue, W. H. Edwards ot Toronto, Spencer and Mrs. Cari Atkinson and family ct Berkeley. also mu Atkinson ot Dundalk and Mr "under. of Wat. ter's Falls with Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwards; Elsie and lube! of Mil with Mr and Mrs Ben Mars. Clan. Jack of Ayton with ‘Iruad In W. R. Jack. Mr and h. puma: Baker with Mr and It Herb Allen. Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook and Bhir. ley spent Xmu with Mr and Mn S. Jackson, Glam“. Mr and Mrs Geo. Ryan and Mar. 1y of Durham were guests with Mr, and Mm W. R. 3aett CW Mr. Mr Geo. Ritchie and liner. June spent Christmas with Mr and In Wm. G. Ritchie, Durham. Mr. Wilfred Barbour of Durham. spent Christin" with his mum Mr. and Mrs Burnout sad Mr nnd Mrs. Oren Part. Charlie attended the runenl " we late Mrs Wesley Stormy. Sunny“ Mr A. Robinson land the misfortune to lose I two-mun” colt recently The colt got out on themed end was hit try a plum; car, breaking the colt's leg. Tthose from a distance who spent Xmas at their homes here were, Ethel and Aggie Anderson of Town- Mr Ind Mrs W. 1. Greenwood. Mr and Mrs J. H. Robson amt non Mr. w. J. and Percy Greenwood attended the funeral ot the late Robert Picket: Int Saturday. Mr A. J. Maynard went Christmas with friends in Guelph. There was a jolly evening spent last Wednesday when friends and neighbors met at die home of Mr and Mrs Rueben Paylor welcoming Mm Payior to our community. Many and useful were the gifts given them. The evening was spent whit music and dancing and lock! chet. (too late for Int week.) Mr. Ed. Embury of Greenbenk mas a guest with Mr and In High McArthur tor the Kama halide". Mr and Mrs Jan Crutchley ot Bor. noch were also guests " the same home for Christmas dinner. Mr and In my IoCIockun :1 family and Arthur McClockHu I their Christmas dinner sum-d Mm Mr and Mm. Wm. Campbell. ham spent Christan: with her ulster Clan Jack who spent the holiday- t.t their home: here returned to re- sume their duties in their school- in Angus and Ayton. Min E. Home of Ripley also returned to her duties in 8.8. No. 5, Gleueig. Mu my IcClocklln went Christ- mu "tar.wittt Mr and In Hun. W. T. Greenwood and Cameron Robson left Tuesday to attend the funeral of the late Mr George Robertson of Moleawonlh who pas- sed away on Sunday evening, Janu- ary lat. Deceased had not been well for some time having suffered a woke a couple of years ago. from which he had never fully recovered. He was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Alexander Robertson. Forty- eeven years ago he was married to Angeline. Greenwood, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Green wood. He leaves to mourn. hla wire, two sons and two daughters. Cameron G. of Btratheiair, Mam, Blrka of Greenock. Mrs Gordon Edgar tAn. ule) and Mra. Glad-tone Edgar (Mable) of Cattle. The funeral to be held Wednesday afternoon to Moleeworth cemetery. Mr Wm. “wally ot Maiden. Sank, is at present visiting with his sister Mrs W. J. Cook and brother, J. B. McNally and other friends. It is " years since Mr. McNally Halted here. Mr John “Inn of mm use up In! Wednesday to weld a few days with hi. friend. Bill Glencrou. returning home loud-y. wards. Jun. Pent and by Icebox- lin, caretaker mall Davin. cm. Timm- In to apply the can: tor " a. cord. while Even u to supply the wood " 82.65 . com. R. T. Edwards. secretary-treasurer. ' maul Fume School new“ w” t.teid In B, B. No G in: was“. day morning with t tair IN. Mr and!" Wm. Bulb. Mr Crawford: We understand Mr. Andrew Milne In sold his two hum dred lore turn to Mr Bob. Icon- tin. We no any to lone Mr lune u neighbor Ind church worker as a leader in choir and elder in church. He does not know yet where he will be loathed Again. Holstein Corr: Mr C. C. Ram-go of Durban. will take (nurse of the of Mr Andrew Henry, mu eon. in honor of their Ion, Downs: no his bride on loudly nlght. About to we": were present and enjoyed the evening right royally. ter before the warden in a mldM'euern [mo-em. The print - " old. Mr Alex lehohlun, while at work in the More on Sunday evening, was stricken Wm: a paralytic awoke, the attack being chiefly centred a bout the hoe. Rev. Geo. Kendeii oi Dromone has been extended 1 unanimous can by the Presbnerian congregations ot Dundnlk and Ventry, to become their minister. nu was the only when her daughter, In Filling- hun (Sunk A. ' we: named to w. Dan Stewed. d Thine-twine. Rev. Mr Hills, ot Dornocll. performed the ceremony In the presence ot lmnedl ate "shaves. The couple will reside In Melville. I!" Susie Kelsey bu been engag~ ed u teacher In the 2114 book in the Public School here. Illu Vivian Crawford will pmlde over the dos unle- at No. 9, Event. um Belle Petty will teach near Neuron! tor 1914. Mr Alex. Bell lulu charge of an academy nenr lllverton. the We he practiced on the out need plenty at not: to do my unmet " kind at work. Come to think of it, the who. 11rd would be the arranged. New "in In your occupa- Uou t" The -- tgeared In lllllckl. “I'm It We.” be 706400 "And no wed-It! In vole M' l" Durham Indus rink. ha. arrangad I hockey match to take place in 'he local Ice arena tor Thursday New Year'a night. The exhibition is between the hmdway Y. M. C. A. hockey team. a awerior Toronto septette, and the Durham All Mats. The athletic Drowns of Mr. Jun Mcuchlan again dlatinguiuhed ittwif last Saturday morning.. He A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday. Dee. 24th at the home at In tr. Putherhouxh. Betttinck, R. Y. and: Wu chain-n. A the close of the mn- hum Clans unwed and named the we XIII "can. TN mounted to over "ti. IN DAYS OF YORE was looking out of the window ol the Cement Otttee where he works. when he noticed a runnwny delivery rig speeding nonhwnrdu. Quick a: a (lush he left the building and dart. edncrou the yard and on to the road and Jumped Into the rig at right angles in " Wu t1ytrut mat. anling over the duhbourd he got control of the helm and soon brought the excited animal to a full stop. Miss Winnie Greenwood accom- panied her brother John to Ncvar and will spend the winter months . an. A. (from Review tyle. “any I 1914) Manager Joseph Brown, of the the but we: be“ In th- church. The and". - recitation- and singing did their m well and the pun. lino in their mm well. Mr. treee-etmreehnraaheMtts the The ‘IHIQM nodded. EX'LANATION at the home mu con. in " ( Surveys. out!” and Physics! Cum. - Course for advanced ”at. helm "and Culture and Ar- m. It 'Mea"dttttretNo%trtag_ Onutrio & Dominion w lam Regtstered Musical ”not We! arr-nun a mtraM on“. Illn- ka auo "1M Durh- m, ad Haul-ton Adm. Goo. B. Pup“ “Parnell Marvin, A. A. C. " Durham Olloe: Ktnnee Building Licenced Auction“; he any County J. L. 5mm. n.0, n.c.. PS. Honor Gram Tm» tmtvsenitr, Grunt. new Coll. Dental Bum Roan-a: Over Ron! M Durh- W. o. "mu. DDS. I.” mum: ".t.qa..m. "ot.".- onumnocuaoe: Cornea- was.“ "aatttmt.tmetn.D+ Ollie. town: .001] “"1300. Honor B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. I. I . To move the can. at _ C. an“) t. F. WIT. 0.0.3.. LAM, W. new ELLIS Yetertetary “WM. “Gory and D... t to D p... Wow your ofAivwy and my I. " a. m RAY GAB EXTRACTIONO GEORGE E. DUNCAN ttpt, mum- & ancient service DURHAM c Montana J. S. llklulhml A ”on. 'CtL coauonb. coca-tun. .001.- no a... '00Nh-e. mu out: I." an - . an a u an an no. - on 'er-ltr-a.. RIPAIIIN. A. 0.0“ J. ll. WARE. B. A. F. . EAGLES“ IESSIE IGGILLWIIY "tttl-met)

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