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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1939, p. 1

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, ‘Red River Jan. Jan Jan Jul an . Red River Range' C" / PLI'< Persona! thseretary '" F00 Fob re MN. Ind D Ot 'Boots a. Saddles’ HE hoa” . Why at Winc. IHMM at Hanover ts-watt- at tttae'-. 13..»mr at ttttei. It-Aol/on at Chile!- tcart-ist"' " Che-k!- tr-Hat " Wallevton. 1””! at Kincardine. Lllmdine at W- atb-tttmuted xhibited It minnow MOUNT YORIST '-r-ater Week of Prayer ' Bordertown' Junior Schedule It ROXY Ripley I Walter Darn-w Durham "no" Pushy THURSDAY, JAN. It, t2th 0 GREAT FEATURE; Tout-tr .ancer any, at Paisley. Wm " Hanover [name " Duh-m m at Ripley, Tau-It" " Paisley MM Will-no: if... My ". Playing Mat " H HRS Walls Ink-y . Phi-k 'eetrwit" Ripley Mano " raveHer Spy' tover v0, at O Fr' Kincardin F PULPITS " ht ik an Phone " 9th, 10th Ftre and Light-W. R. McGowan G, McKay. D. McQueen. Property --B. Stoneouse. W. S. Hunter. A. Bell. Court of RerMioo-Whole Ccuncn, Reeve Huntl, Chairman. Board of Hettlttr--A. Bell Dr. Bur- matt, w, A. Glass, B. H. Willis, see'r. The Standing Committees were struck the am as last rear. A change has been made in Chairman ot Bond of Works. Conn, Don. Mc- Queen desired to retire after two years, and Coun. G. McKay succeeds him. These are as (allow: ttirtst named being chairman): the lent poulble expense be Incur- red, to promote a lowered tax rate and a revival of building activities. and hoped each Dept. would try to live within its allocntlon for the year. He looked for mother slight reduction in the mill rate, and twat- ml all would work in harmony fer the advancement of the town. Board ot Works-Geo. Many, D McQueen, Geo. McKechnie. Finanee--g. B. IhrCeld, W. S Hunter, B. Stonecme. T. M. McFadden was reappointed High School trustee for a , year term. A clause in the School Aer. now allows cnly 5 Trutttees instead of 7, cutting down the County an polntments from , to 1. The one to stand will be named at County Council next week. Wethtre-whoto Council. Geo. Me. Kechnle, chairman. Industriar--Art McGowan. w. s Hunter, A Bell, W. H. Kresa. C Moan-r, B. H. Willis, Sec'y. On Public Library Board, Rev. W. H. Smith. chairman, was reappoint- ed for a threeyear term and Princi- pal Geo. A. Noble tor two years. to an the vacancy created by the death ot the late J. A. Graham. Not even one rotepoyer was pres- ent to witness the opening ct Dur. ham Council sessions for 1939 on Monday night. Rev. M. H. Fur wu present to uk for Divine quid. ance over the year's proceedings, after which Mayor Bell made abrlef inaugunl address. He urged that Accounts totalling $2447.80 were passed, which inchidea 81950 tor half of County Rate. Also hospital accounts for $146.80. and tor $105.- " to complete amount owing for 1938. Renal accounts passed were $117 .58 for town and 337.50 tor Mountain family, which is refunded try city of Hamilton. "Rh Wm. Piper. mechanic. of Sealorth served notice through solicitors, that unless settlement was made. he would enter action for Gauges. for an accident at 9.30 Thursdsy mom- Council Committees Unchanged; Gr. McKay now Ild. of Works Chairman Vol. LXI, No. c s m were KLEENEX mm canon SYRUP ...... on“ FLUSH TABLET' ... IE P. nuns for palm... V EMA LOTION.............. ttOTiEX or MODEM. regular. . ------.- vnum IV - v. ...- - DI. GAINS PHOS‘I’ONE TONIC. . ' ... $1.“ IUMMAPI o........-'.-.."'" 500, 31.00 cannula, LAX nuns. ..2Se, soc, :1 DR. CHAIE’I NERVE FOOD ......"'.. 4.0 MYERS ”mam ............2N, SN, 98c NEILSON’S PINS CHOCOLATEC. advi I‘A .... - -..----.. 7 _ COUCH DROPS with Aspirin ....10c "A :n. ttsr"'"'", Druggisth Optometrists YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Prices for This Week Friday will mark the 54th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Andrew Schenk, well-known and highly es- teemed citizens of Ayton district. Mr Schenk, while in his 78th year, is still very active and keenly interested in municipal attain and in the wel. fare ot the village. He was reeve of the township for seven years and about M) years ago was warden ot the county. Mrs Schenk, who is in her 71th year, is also enjoying good health. Nine merpbers of the family are rejoicing that they have been spared for so many years. The family consists of three daughters, Mrs .Elgln Gerbraht, Waterloo. Mm George Widmeyer and Mrs Allister Damm, Ayton, and six sons, Norman and Ezra of Darham.Aarcn of Water- loc and Dave, Theodore and isadore, Ayton. The two eldest daughters passed away a number of years ago. There are 31 grandchildren and tive great grandchildren. SEVEN SIMPLE RULES FOR GOOD HEALTH During the past 21 years the Bell Telephone Company ot Canada has paid out over $3,600,000 in the form of sick bentsfitg to its employees. A study of the more than 40,000 cases of illness involved has revealed that ailments of the respiratory sys- tem--sueh as colds, laryngitis. in- ftuettr,tt, bronchitis, and totutilititr-- were responsible for, by tar, the greater part of this expenditure.. l! the experience of this com- pany is to be taken as a criterion, Ithe seven simple rules for good health during wintertime - about which Bell employees were reminded recently-should be ot general in. terest. They follow: 1. Keep room temperature a- round 72 degrees. 2. Keep air most .--nll radiator pans with water regularly. 3. Sleep with windows open. but keep out of drafts. 50th Anniversany of Well known Aylon Couple ed by chairman McKechnie, some ot which were granted. a maximum loan to Sinking Fund of $2000. If this is necessary. over. draft should npproxlmate $200. A complete Hat. of the arrears of taxes is tc be presented at next meeting. The Council afterwards went into session on Relief matters 'there be ing several new applications present. ture is $39,018.04 which allows for Mr William McNaily, Lumsuien/ Bash., accompanied his nephew and niece, Mr and Mrs. James Crutchley. to Elmwood to visit. his sister, Mrs William Cook. It is 19 years since Mr McNally was home to Ontario. Mrs G. Tracey left for Toronto last week and is a patient in Wom- en's College Hospital. Keep fresh {runs and vegetables on your daily menu. M%ar enough clothing when on- doom-not too much when in. side. Avoid going out into the cold when you are perspiring. If you have a coal tire, be sure gases are burned oft before clos- in; dampers tor the night. GEM Barnum SCOTT'S EMULSION 53c, 08c WAMPOLE’S COD LIVER EX'!RACT.. $1.00 SAL HEPATIOA ............ 80e, 59c, $1.15 NOXZEMA, reg. use for ............... 596 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, .....50:, $1.00 (used trom birth by Dionne Quintupleta) PEPTONA, for Energy and N9 ........ 796 RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL, " " ...... 69e BISMA-REX, mom-ca. Powder .... Ttre, $1.50 ITALIAN BALM and Huh Shampoo, KOLvués TOOTH PASTE, math... P. R. TICKETS, RAIL " BOAT In third frame with G. McGlrr off, Durham tallied No. 2, when Norman Tucker fought " way through, than passed out to Orval McDonald who beat Bennlnger. Gordon McGlrr from Lawrence was No. 3, only 1 behind, but Johnston made it 5-3 tor Walk- exton when he broke through the defence. Orval McDonald got Dur. ham's tinal counter unassisted, but Durham hadn't 1! 18 punch to bang in the equalizer, though they dominated the play throughout. Tucker, 0 Maelhaald and o. Me- Glrr looked. best for Dutham, while Johnston Dcughty and Bruder were outstanding for the Capitals. Dur. ham flashed the red light for two other goals, which referee, Jimmy Auld of Palmerston refused to allow, claiming the puck had not entered nets. Durham: Gcal-'E McDonald; de- fence - Wilson, Noble; centre - Moses; wings-Tucker, o. McDon- am; Alt.--Krestr, G. Meoirr, law- renee, Lloyd. . Walkencn: Goal-- Benninger; de. fence - Johnston, Schnurr; eentre-- Doughty wings - Bruder. Richard. son Alt. m-r- . Schmaltz, Wallace, Schmidt, Girodat. Goals By Bruder and Wallace gave Walkerton a 2-o lead In lat. then early in 2nd Durham couldit score with 6 to 4 men on the ice. Jéhnston made it 3--0 for the Capitals with a lift trom the blue line, then o. Me. took Moses’ pass for Durham's tungt goal. Doughty made it 4---1 tor Walks-non before second period was over. Hanover Juniors had an edge, though not so decisive as their 4--0 win over Durham would indicate, here on Thmsday night of last week. On slushy ice the going was tough, and the main idea behind both teams' play was to slam the puck around the opposing nets, then swarm in and battle for it. At this the heavier and stronger Hanover team proved more adept, and their scores usually came when a man was left uncovered in from ot nets. Durham Teams last to Walkerlon and hmm A 5 to 4 victory (or Walkertw here Wednesday night in Int. o, H. A. hockey was the visitors first win, Durham's tirgt loss. It was rather a loosely played struggle with only a few splashes of smart team play, and the locals missed Hap. McGlrr, their shitty play-making centre on first line. Bert Lawrence was out on second line while 0. McDonald was placed on first, and both turn- ed in good games. Harry Schenk. in his Brat tryout in the nets proved a smart goalie, and give him cmst the score wasn’t twice 4. Durham's ca-goalie, Ronny Watt, now working in Hanover, was invincible in Hanover nets. Itrt period 1 Hanover - Patterson 2 Hanover - Holman 2nd period - No Score 3rd period 3 Hana-er - K1eunmer 4 Hanover - Moore It was Durham Juniora' third loss. while Hanover ls out on top. How- ever the local boy: will yet find their bearings and expect to make the ptarMtts. The Paisley " Durham game scheduled here for Monday was post- poned owing to mild weather and DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY I2, I939 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLITEIN LEADER Master Clifford Mountain, the three year old son of Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Mountain is m in Durham Hospit- at with pneumonia. Mu James Lavene, Cleveland, Mrs. R. J. Moorhead of Palmerston were recent visitors with Mrs H. W. Wilson. . Press says: "While the bouquet are being handed OIC., the referees last night, Marty Lauder and F. Frawley should come in for their share. They did the ttneat job we've seen this year. Ask the coaches of the Dome and Ankerite teams." Wm. Bennett, Protcn tp., Is a patil em. In Durham Hospital. Mr Harry Simona, Shelburne, spent a few days with his parents in town. Mrs Peter Hepburn and son Merl. ing Miller, were recent visitors in Midland with son and brother, Geo. Miller. Mr William McNally, Lumsden Sank. is visiting his sister, Mrs Wiliam Cook, Glenelg. Mr Verdun Guerin, who was a holr day visimr with Mr and Mrs W. Cornwall. returned to Toronto. Miss P. B. Nichol returned this week to her duties an the staff of Malvern Collegiate, Toronto. Mr and Mrs David Erskine, Lon- don, were holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs G. Jucksch. Durham: Goal - Schenk; Defence -MitDorttud, Junleoon tNttttre-.. Mc- Domn; wing: - hm, Dow-en; alt.- Morgan, Kearney. Allan, Camp- bell. Iuderee-- Tory Gross, Kincardine. Referring to a game played be- tween Dome and mitrtuo Ankerite mines teams in South Porcupine at ens last week, the Thinning Da'lv Mrs G. Hayley returned to Blen- helm having visited with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs D. lamb, Aber- deen. Mr and Mrs Wm. Wilson ot North Egremont, went to Napanee, on Friday to the home ot their daughter Thelma, Mrs McConnell. in response to word received of the serious illness of their ffve-yeatuold daughter Shirley, whose sickness has required several blood transfusions. Paterson, Moos, Klemer. Huover: Goni-- Wutt; defence - Huenemoerder, Winner: centre - Moore; wit-- uclntosh, H. Hott. Parked on the street in from of! the Ford Gttrage,Wittrod -itiiiiii.i.i) new Ford seam mysteriously duuuri neared about 9.00 o'clock lat Mon-l day evening. He promptly s",,",??,!,'; Chief Seott. who wired to points on. No. 6 and No. 4 highways the panic-i ulars ot the car and its theft. About. 10.35, uppxoximwely one and a halt, hours later. Guelph police phoned that they had seined the cor It the’ north end ot the city, with its econ-g pants. who proved to be three keel youths, Ray lanes, Lorne long. and Jan. Wells. The young men claim- ed they were going to London to look tcr work, and had charged some {as bought " n Fergus garage on route. I Mr Thompson went down tol Guelph with Chief Scott and hloughtl his car home, while the latter took! the three direct to Owen Sound.| where the youths pleaded guilty 0111 'l1:osday morning to the charge of theft of the cu. Sentence will be imposed at Owen Sound next Wed-,,' nesday morning. 1 The marriage ot Miss Margaret Qu;iiinan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Mike Quillinan of the 6th con. Glen. elm to Mr Arthur Demon, took place at 10 a. m. Monday, Dee. 26th at St. Clare's Church, Toronto, Rev. Father Keoth ottieiating. The bride was dressed in blue satin with acces- sories to match, and was attended by her sister Cecilia. attired in wine colored satin. The groom was sup ported by his. friend Dr. Eugen of Toronto. The groom's gift to the bride was a line Hudson seal coat. Alter ashort honeymoon, they will be. at home to friends at 1252 St Clair m. w., Toronto. GLENELG GIRL WEDDED Quick Work by Nite Finds Stolen Car On Sunday last. Mrs shippam pre- sided at the pipe organ in Knox 1" nlted Church, succeeding, was Jean Priest, who has been on duty for the past two years. was Priest In that period proved herself an emol- ent and popular organist and choir leader and leaves many friends in the church who wish her welt. KNOX UNITED CHURCH MAS NEW ORGANIST hgitittt . IN TORONTO In Jan. Whitman or town cele hated her-90th birthday on My Int " the bone ot her auxin“ In A. Saunders. In Whitman In the oldest won-n rustling In Durhun and enjoy: good health It all times. During an Uterttomt and evening my friend. md neighbors called to teortttrntttiate her and she was the recipient of any gilt: or tlower. and other thing. loan . MORTON-qtt Durham Hospital on Saturday, Jan, 7, to Mr and Mrs Harold Morton, I. daughter. MeDERMtD--mt Durham Hospital on Monday, Jun. tr, to Mr and Mrs Roy Mcmmid, a daughter. DIED ANDERSON - Suddenly. It Emma Lake, Bank, on Oct mu 1938, Alex. Andaman formerly of Glen elg Ontario: Can. Greys pler l.0.l).E. will hold a Kimmy B gs. Thursday ev- (nlng. Jan. 19th at o'clock, in the Town Hall. Admlaslo tic. Durham resbyterhm Church 'tit. Vite you to hot Scotch supper with haggls In program on Thurtr day. Jan. 26th, rung at 6.00 a" clock Admission 2 . Bagpipes. O tt OF THANK. We wish o sincere”; thank the mny neig and niemhr for their deeds of kin can and sympathy expressed in the reavemenl of our husband and “the the we Wm. Noble. "\ Duh-'3 Oldest Reside-l FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 2. con. IT, Proton. Apply to John Aldcom. R.R. l, Proton. Ont Town Ball, DURHAM Every Wednesday isthow Night - in Durham at 8.IS Wed. Jan- "r---"."" Rooney in "The Hoosier Schoolboy" ONTARIO Al Added Featurettu. --- ....\._ c tt OF THANK! itsh 0 sincerely the at; 1nd niends g-ta-ur-trat'"'.-'."-. ICU-III tttntes,tt.60arnrttod-. Paula-cl.” withourd Family ”W15 Tilt Mimi. IEE'I'JIG of ht Aglic’l Society up one of th b-ttttrt Comforter: or Auto Rugs Couch Owen tor " be held m the Public unwary at 1.80 p.111. on we afternoon or Friday, Jammy N, I939 mo. autumn. wk, nun»: Prelim. Secretary COW for - Milking. due to Fresh”! in o spring. Apply A. Wrvitle, burnt. A number of mt! rut-aired. rra- pal-M and guaranteed MEUH'I‘IC CREAM WW“)RS. l Himml- Wishing “whine. I set Tenn "av nous. New Coclurhutt Firm Machin- ery. Linear Cram t4epatmtor, also Dela": Separator. Adams Sleuths, and - M. PROP TY ma SALE.-, lloum and prom! _ formeny occupied by John Legate, eased. For lurthPr par- ticullra, a Iy lo ROBERT WHIT- MORE. Dur ' Ontario. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP SHALL ADS. ADMISBION 25: AND "e. FOR SALE I40 DURHAM. ONT to attend

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