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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1939, p. 5

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NUARY 12, Dt er m 'RNOCH sympathy to (I. ti Iy, sisters and M Mrs hr! " ran funeral not ‘11 y anemooo to “2 t Mrs Alton rho Dr.'l cue RI, I," , FS vo “a l the job w ill been I win: the 10m My "aw sun Tt prop ,t IN J unor rent dur- w itt oUn n Jan 13, "--ro on“. 30.65; ovum: cm as.» To su- m Jul. t2 "'o C. Round Trip Bargain Fares from 003nm Mr and In Nell Norman and family or Drills were recent visitors at her father‘s, Mr. Colin Noun. Twas ennounced that the annual meeting of the congregntlon will be held on Monday evening, Jan 16th. Sorrowful reference was made of our minister. preceedlng Rev. Wright Rev. J. w. Johnston's death " Mea, ford New Year's day. where he, his wife and three children had retired, from Goodwood. The many Mend: of Mr Parqu- har McKinnon will be pleased to know he is resting easily at the Dur- ham Hospital. with his broken leg, sun lots of snow ground here yet. Some great banks put up by the Mr Innis McLean has purchued the General Store of Mr Ray Me. from a hm he had. Miss Margaret McArthur arrived home, after spending summing In Toronto. that veteran correspondent, the Into John A McDonald, Prtmrvttwt, noted writer. The celebration of the 50 yrs was held In Oct. month, for benefit of DWIQ better weather. even the hymn: sum " reported by years no that day. or near u my- be. The pronoun or the far :- ny date In. [allowed atrial! " n... “-w w.- luuoWOIl nnctly ll mime from data found In the col The services ”not“! " St. Col- umns United, mum the occasion of the opening of the new church by Rev. Principal Cum, Toronto 50 _ "i"G"'iiiiliijii,us, NATION“: PRIOEVILLE - Am "" mm! mm“ mm - . Bee and new-hm ”WT” mun-gin". “was? ' mg 54Aite',f, “$933333:ng C [t,?l.l,llltt,'.,iii,itlitili grim aw, in: food tor oriwe 'iiiia'es'l tiiiri11', the *-‘ mun op, testoges Tsee') . L.AanCe of grow” an: -ro (”but ".6St To Montreal 9.95; " n as.» To nu. me do W. 314.55. M m and lltmuol man - m nus“ -- m: sod 1ttriiikt s1'lTGirei? . B?h"T. t w . . . 'i'fiiiiilt,ii?iiiils,i,f,t',ii 'ti?:,'??))?:"" at Daet'f, 'irrerf, “m 4.. GooeC" I Wk. W. I. 3mm: In the Hum-c Provin- w Ihr- nmnlw wk. Prince Edward ld.. Non Seoul The annual meeting of St. An. drew's Church will be held on Tues- day, January 10th, when a good turnout is expected. Lean. A good tum out is expected. Mr and Mr: Jim stunock and family, Mr and Mrs McKinncn and son Donald spent New Years at the home of Mr Edgar Patterson. Misses Marjory and Elizabeth Brown of Toronto, spent New Years with their parents and brother. Miss Marjorie Whyte, o spent week end with Miss Carson. Misses Annie and Agnes Harrow, Owen Sound spent the Xmas holl- days with their sister. Mrs Wm. Tuesdny next, January, 17th, the W.M.8. ttndW.H. Societies will be held at the home of Miss Nellie Mc- Tucker. This Tuesday Evening. In 10th, the anus] meeting of St. Andrew's Church will be held in the Church. Mr Nellburt McKenzie in rolling some outs for the different farmers. He is " Mr Wm. McLeod'a, B. Line the flrat ot the week. Mr and In. Chas Tucker and lamliy. Mr and Mrs T. Harrison, Br. and Mrs MeNatr, spent New Year’s at the home of Mr Stanley Harrison. Tho Imam: Club meeting will be held this Wednesday a the home ot Mm Goo. Honor. Mr In“ In!” loam a few don in Toronto. been tn tum. We Will! Inni- - In A Tucker of Glenmt in visiting " the home of Mr Henry ,CW-l3 2 cupid! Baked " (each! at and). 2 oarfist9 ball gl'gttAi pent: m 16 pepper self,',',',?',?,.; let M ”it ' mph! " Combine “and "all. - crumbs. tannin s. “an "P. equine with milk and an: with tins. hm into " own (350‘ E.) toe M hour. Sons 6 to tr. Saw II- Guunh unlit pulley. "D "(IIHY Bernice Mr and Mrs Fred Madman spent Xmas in Toronta. Miss Katie Stewart, aux-sein- training in Owen Sound, visited last week with Mr: Sam MeDermid. Mr and Mrs D. L. McArthur en- tertained 17 of their friends on Mon- day for Christmas. Mr: T. Nichol is visiting her daughter, Mrs E. Bennett, Durham. Miss Monica Lambert, Toronto was a holiday visitor " the Manse. The deceased was a highly respect- ed mum and his death mused sincere legret from 3 wide circle of friends. Besides his narrowing wife, more are left to mourn, tive children, two to " iUgt wife, Mrs Hound ot To. ronto. along with Miss Fern, John- ston, Eleanor, lt, Magnet 12 and Joyce. 6 at home. Mr and Mrs George McLellln'. Ni. agam. Falls. spent. Christmas " Mr Dan. Campbell's. Rev. John Wesley Johnston, M. A'., " years of use, who passed a- wny at his home on Trowbridge street, Meatord was kid to rest in Lakeview Chapel on Wednesday. Deceased wee a retired United Church minister. He retired from active mlnlstry lest July, at Good. wood, nearUxtrridge, Ont., and came to Meaford to reside. For M years he was a minister in Ptetrtrrteritut and United Churches. He had we vlously preached at Bognor, Wood- tord and Pricevllle In the Grey Pres. bytery. and for three years was Chaplain in the Canadian csvslry overseas. Mrs Pedlar and daughter, Stella. Mr Bill Wright and Mia: Elsie Fish- er of Toronto, were Xmas visitors at Mr George Fisher's. Mr and Mrs Allan McLean spent Christmas in Flasher-ton. And we sun any on, though: thte wanker and road; no bud. Our mail has been very uncouth: since Christ- All were very sorry to hear of Mr P. 'Mcannon's accident, when he felt in St. Andrew's church and broke his leg. All hope for him a speedy recovery. mu, but we ere not yet discontent! and very soon the sun will shine tV gain. Matt couriers. ministers and doctors are chief winters, and we are thankful to uy the doctors as not much in demand, u general health is very good. The tractors and thou wishing tr Nothirq a“ doing m the M’I e, cant I vim from house to house. a my to than haul when there u . pod radio to m the More! - Mud. w.u.s. will not atoll-led Mit- Marr 3gemnnatt, BtttrthvtBo - REV J JOHNSTON DIES ship live stock also no luring dim Members or the Hincks families: spent Christmas at the home of Mr A. L. muck: when 24 were present. Mr and Mn Chas. Tucker and umny were absent, owing to the terrific storm that raged all day. Mr and Mrs Allan Mclnnls, Mr and Mrs Alex McLean. Mesys Ton and Donald Aldcorn ot Toronto. wore holiday visitors at their paren- tal homes. Mr and Mm Bill Hill Fergus. Miss Jean McLean and friend, and Mr Murray ‘MoMillnn, Toronto, Mr Git. vray Nolan and also friend of Kitchener were Christmas visitors at H. R. McLean's. Mrs T. Niche] had all her family their husbands and children home for Christmas. Mr and Mrs A. L. Black: and family went Saturday at the home of her sister. Mrs G. A. Black, Swinton Park. Mm and Mr: Alex Knox and tur. net, Mr and Harry Pedlu, Harvey and Dick. Min Sadie Cmon nnd Donald Carson of Toronto, Mr and Mrs he): Cur-en and non Jimmie, Vandelour, Mr and Mn Art Richnrd- son and family, Mr W. A. Richard. son, Markdale. Mr Ernie Jack of Hopeville spent Christmas: " Mr. Alex Carson's. Radios have been installed In the homes of Mr Ben McKenzie and Hector McLean. loamy. Drone“, were In“ Vinita" at his menu. Mr and In Alt. Hutch and Mar!- lyn, Aimed: mneha, Toronto. Hum Jean and Beth much of Lisle and Atwood, Mr and In C. E. mien, Wyoming were holiday visitor- with the 'Binetm bullies. mwummun MrWe-.tuMthat2P.rn.,- Mum‘s-mod M'IO'CII of "'"""""t"art-he"uritt,1tt"ty month, mmyumum OM70" mm (MN. far Inst 1...“ imam»; of Mt. Mt mm;tohmt. (too Into to: Int week.) In»! Now Year to an Mr and In mu nan-m. SWINTON PARK IN MEAFORD I My Int I". It Tub:- gotta and thrirttmtorsurne,eroartinqt-twar tors and byway. We have (man now on, the roads will be more fully muted 'i, HOPEVILLE Mr and Mrs Elvin. Hood hue had a very anxious tune with their little " months old can, Ronald, who is under the are M-Dr. Cnrter. He is new improving from I. threetened at- tlck of pnetmnin. A week of mild weather has been appreciated after the severe storms. We hear there has been a cor or two over the mad to Dundnlk. Un. less really neceeury we fancy ft would be no joy ride " the now was quite n depth in plane. Mr and Mrs Ed. Scott visited early in the week at the home of Mr Thou W. Wlluhire, South. Proton. Sorry to hear both Mr and am, Wtttahtm are in very poor health. Mr Anderson. a talented violin soloist. Pariah. acccmpnnied the student putor It Elihu. to the United Chumh on Sundny morning. “is violin selections were I rent pleasure. Miss Lana Paxmnn. Toronto, spent I few dun “and Chi-mm” with her aunt In M. Puma. Atter the fine Christmas weather last week was very quiet, but we en. joyed it reading some new books, gifts we received: first, 'John Mc- Nabb' by John Buchan; then. Silver wings' by Grace Livingstone Hill, a- long with 70 other remembrances by the way of cards, letters and gifts. from all over the Dominion and the United States and old Scotland. We thank all our friends andSanta Claus We often think of those who are sick in our midst, Mrs Knox, Mrs. McKay, and Jim Hardy, and some others suffer with colds. It is hard uthese days to get a doctor. Roads are bad, and doctors are not so brave to face the storm as in years gone try, and horses not so well fitted. her school duties our Anon. lining a tedious cutter rule of 21 mile- in the cold and drifted tends. Some ot our neighbors watched the old year out, the new year in, on Saturday night and heard those sweet balls from the town on Parliament Hill. Ottawa, ring over the radio very clearly. ' There was no service in Swinton or Sslem churches on Sunday, the roads helm: so bad it was considered too bad to have the ministers drive trom Pricevllle. so they were phoned Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Clark visit- ed their sister, Mrs Maltby tn Tor. onto at Ghrlstxnu, and had a trying experience in the storm of Tuesday. They stayed over night in Shelburne getting to Dundalk, then out to Ven- try Wednesday, and home Thursday night. And we hear of others from the United States who came to Canada for Christmas by auto, who may be long in going buck by car. We have room for more citizens. u mending . while with her dust- present. holidaying with her menu, Mr and In TIle Soon. At the annual school meeting of B. 8. No 4, John GMe VII the newly elected mm and Mr John G. Rune“ rearing. John Been" do.- the Mn: In "" tttr m and John Sinclair. - TN“- congmuuum tit It and In D. mm and“ osntv- In! Tun-.111. 8rd. “Wotan bright summer and fall, we think with more than the usual amount of are expecting as gcod in this, New Year. true t My good wlte, I think by mutate. brought to mind another old Scotch custom: "Set an extra plate on the table for whoever my come in, and there will be e. welcome tor the wayfarer all the year through." But we in the Pork have gone back tit) years. on only once did the mall courier so by last week, and the outlodt is not brigtt, today, as we have been watching at the window, to see someone go by, we wondered had everyone left the country but us. Yet we are ell thankful for the long (Too lute for Int. week.) On this Monday we celebrate the New Your very quietly in the Perk. Anold uylng u “whet you doonNew Year's day, you will do all theyeu" so I foresee 1 great “will; on gno- line. Molt everyone in st home to- dar. Will they pron that old laying tttl the ftetda and fences. mu Janet Beatt me home from 'l%tliRmErAMtttmtitw " 2.00 p... pod“ - Fame, at one of their mole has: was . champion-hip win. nor " the Ron] Winner Mr. He purchased e bred low from them and In the spring ttt 1929, she ruled a litter of nine flnet up which he registered and, otter IO may tenure- it In! he felt sure he won on the the right reed to 3 lucceutul enter. prise. He appealed to the Depart. metttotAgrlettltttro, Imam. for Id- vice an Manning of his mule neck. Mr T. s. Cooper wrote the Onurlo Livestock Bunch. mm. end they purchased one for the club service. as at "M tune the Government m placing hours out to (an: elm, to improve the stock of the province. The wine! punch-led mound nee: new”. she killed the entire liner of " nice chunks. Ten rem ego, he mule his am vial! to the Raul “In“: exhibited there , - "ter In IAM, Mr Weppler sold 80 pure berd mime“ tor breeding purpose- heeides thirty he marketed. Through the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, he sold a hour to the Eccle de anterie (vainclnl Deity School) st. Hyacinthe, Quebec. while another one went to Prince Edward Island. selected by a representetive ot the Department of Agriculture tor that province. Mr more were sold for club work tor the provincinl Livestock Bunch. Since September he sold 16 hours, beside I large num- ber of sows. Besides the hon at his own term. he has other, cut to friends. with successful hog mining bunt-mu. To improve " stock, he vaunted 1 now exhibited " full hum but I- ulu he was doomed to (“appoint- ment. He then pnrchued I mun eontlnued club activities, trartnq 3 Donna instead. Mr Weppler Ind hit, m graded and unmoved for bon- m wwwm um " mu new and awn-using, he soon gained . market for " the boy he could mine. He began exhibmnz at u" the mum. of tho district valanc- From early youth Mr. Weppler bu been very fond of hm minus. el- pecially pigs, and " 16 years ot use he purchased N- am pair of host. That time he decided to keep an lttemlzed account of what they cant till reaching saleable age and to his about, he just had 30 cents prom. However he wasn't discouraged but purchased a litter of weanling: and these he raised and told a market price, realizing a. scodly protit. A while later he purchued what was to be the sum of a herd but the anlmnl did not prove very we ceuful. From I. litter ot 10. the - rained only No. He purchuod tour more and, with this experience he soon learned tint brooding us well uteedlnghud: and. deattr. do mamautbeyumm . . 0 mtmu.nmmo ”Mm-“d ie-L-me-tir-r-d""'""'"?. . At the present time he has a herd ot 11 sows. all of advanced registry. His latest purchase is an unlml from the Ontario Agricultural Col. lege. Guelph, made " the disposal surplus sale on Oct. 18th. Her dam In Wall anle but 4, 183587 import- ed from England and her sire was Gogan manna le IS, 183575 ittt- hose on the side while helping his Sun Mchken, s. E, Sounders, Dr tnther operate the turn. During the Wolfe. intervening years he has had plenty School 'rruiett--N. Ward J. P. of mm and tribulntlonl in the hog Toward Eut Ward-John Mellow. raising busing“, but, through per- an; Welt ward-Robert Attoe. sevennce has won through tolucoeu Honda was I Very quiet day in until today he is one of the beat town and one would hardly have thoroughbred hog men in the coun- Judged thnt In Issue so momentous try. n a new High School on being Incl: Fan-er In Expert lkg Raiser tered hogs, is the emcee-Ital hust- neu being curled on by Alfred Weppler, native ot Hanover, “ho with his widowed mother, operate I him in GleneIg, ave mile: from Durham and eight mile- from Price- ville. Mr. Weppler started In the has raising busineu 20 year- up when t lad of 14, keeping a few has: on the side while helping " father operate the term. During the intervening years he has had plenty Mr and In “her: Stu-loch, Pet- erhoro were recon Yum-I with his than. In W. We“ nnd In Geo. H. on“. The my hat! Christan with their potent. Mr and In George Stun-rock. PhttetatCtrqrtatgnetat Rename. Junk vmmum III-lam church on load” night. In. Dort- Irwin was elected president; In: Kerr. Vice-president Ila no. Inn. mun the service- ot both mm and MeArthur but on of them only could be Ruined under present cir- Hot-tom Corr; An Adult Lunar Bible Clan was mixed by the The young men an the organizing itr. The ceremony m performed 'ttttteh-other.-. brRevGeo. Kendall. their outer. You" Corr; The municipal. cloc- Uonl for move for Mt on loudly Int resulted in the elation of John lumbar. by . handsome Edge Hill Corr: nm E. Me In enraged u catcher tor the coming year at s. B. No. 8, Proton, near decided. The vote come out slowly. it was a small vote when all told, only 226, but it wu decisive. more Linn t to one being In favor. " stood l54 tbr and " against. Unlock Corr: I: Alf. Redford ha sold " turn to Mr Chrk Terry and get: nonunion In March. Mr Red. ford And funny purpoae molding in Durham. Donnell Corr: It was cold driving north on may wun't it Brice t Priceville Corr: Min Ella Me, Kinnon bu secured I position as tucker ot the winery alum u Woodbridge tor the owning months. A jolly sleighloul of High School girl- and born drove to Dun-none on Friday and wen! " enjoyable evening with fellow students there. They were chaperoned by Mr 1nd Mr Rob! Pettigrew, 81ch But. arrived in Durhun on Sltul'dly " ter In thence of "out tour you-n. During that time he been acquiring property in town 1nd country and ha all the breezy optimism of the mum westerner. A. will be seen home of Mr and In Wm. Brown, Hillside Firm. Emma“. when the'r youngest daughter Mary. wu united in mm to Wm. A. lob Calder; ccunetttorw- Robe- Cod:- In our btrth notices he was twice over a mud“. in the cloning days of December. He II unending the um] three month- In Ontario. North Eel-mt; On Wednesday evening Inst cl 0 tr. m., Slat Dec.. a plenum. event took place at the Durban's ruler- tor the Mn! you. " elected by unclean-don. ere nun-a. Aileen-gum _ ""eteto'rtntmss-t,i,' mm. tHmetotest on nu, Immnummw‘ mud with no bum “Iver: "to u this.“ that...“ which-hominid. by the new. 'tteto6brtateN IN nus 0F vane ”Mario“..- “but“ INA. (“WWI-“I, (Id-Irma!“ Gama-mouth". lamb-demands. M-et-ether-er.-. mummy-u... tftiARt a. FIRESIDE‘ PHILOSOPHER It ALFIID - "ut mu.VoaLM.I-qu.- cubic-4W0“: H lecummm "momma-amount... D wallow-1000’... MdWMA.LC.O. J. L. SHIT“. M3, as" Oomoamhum 'taltemdpm6-i-nt- ocean-alum: was. “ambulances.” mum: "on“... int-Ola... W. o. mums. tttts. - """"'"".. oaariria Coll. m a“... Room: Over - m I!!!“ n-rr-tme-o-.," "?e_"othrma1smtrurnn-. W. mm- c 'tl85tgeqt only. Dunn“: ' MttoTem “an.“ Auctioneer for any M I. M. CHARLTON. A. A. s. I ' once: um Smut. am, an. L F. on". 0.0.5. an. Mesetteterw.etorr.ac1ma.t p.n..'lto09.nmm can“) W. PIERCE ELLIS Vet-mary Mutant, “any can liner & can...“ I938 Accounts are Now One Winsome-mull...- “magma... “duh-you“. "manta IIMIOWGLIAI B8tdrtattt Lm" of J. l IcllRAlTll W‘s-“Ohm GEORGE E. DUIGAI a -. C.“ “I...“ "com-nun... ”no“ MCIIIIKCI.“ “macaw-.- J. II. WARM ILA. RAVI“. "MINI. "88ttt6. REPAIR!“ " _ F. I. EAGLES“ . ll. SNEATII. M. B. BESSIE MLLWM' an. % noun. "d

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