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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1939, p. 1

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N UARY IO, 1939 as: Sensational le Feature Program of all Time! ‘IIIOI ROXY WN PATROL' low haying you Stand it? kreliey Schedule UN “run at Durham your " Durham. krr'on at Che-thy. arm.» at Chaney. SCOOP " at Durham Schedule Nahum CREST d tarmac STEIN e ROXY M9e hea o'n') The reports regarding shippingand work oi the fertilizing plant were v.17 eneatttrtsttintt. An address was ’mcn by R J. Scott, Toronto, presi- . debt at the Provincial orgaataation, on “Fertilizing.” The United lime-rs held their an- nual business meeting in the Library last Wedneaday, with the retiring president. Robert Lawson, presidinz. , Por election of omeers, Arthur Haas , presided and the folluwinx accepted omce: President. Joseph F'. Crtrtctr Icy; yieea'ret'ident. Murray Wells; Erectors. Thomas Hopkins, Herbert Edge.'..George Tumbull. vein Wilton James P. McGllllvny. This Board . yin appoint the tseeretarr-treatrurer at a later date. The Review wishes them all the good calms of life in their future years. It won't be long until their golden anniversary rolls around. The bride was Ada Whitman. daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Whitmore, and with her sis- ter. Mrs Corbett " Toronto, are the only ones living of a family of six. Mr. Schulz was born near Atwood. but came to this locality in young manhood. Mn Henry Metcalfe and Mrs A. Haywood of Bentinek, are sisters. '"'N%rBQ.6W" we noun tor the event, and the evening was enjoyed in 'iotthtt intercourse, games and sing- inx. Among many beautiful gifts re- reived was a mantel clock from tho family. Their pastor, Rev. M. H. H. Farr, expressed the congratulations rt all present, an the happy occa- sion , to which Mr Schultz suitably leplled. Mr Ind Mrs Schutz were wedded on Jan 17th 1899 " the home at her .vlster Mrs Donald Campbell, in Dur- ham by the Baptist pastor of that "ar. Rev. W. McGregor. and have over since lived here. Of those present at their marriage, two were present on Tuesday,, Mrs Gen. (ku’nlock ot Walkerton and Robt. Campbell of Durham. Specialist in Eye Examination. at C. 3 "may": Store -. DURHAM, Wednesday, Jan. 25th gains, LAN nuns. ..25c, soe, $1 on. can“ renew: roan .......... we can!“ “mam ............2N, see, - uuuows rm: account... we we. WI PATTERSON, 3.0. KLEENEX .... 290 Ohm” "e, 5M... 29e A.&A. COUGH DROPS with Aspirin ....1cc CAIN! 0000" SYRUP .......... 2Se, 50: KIDNEY FLUSH TAILETO ....2 do." 25: E. M. P. TAILETO for pain. . . . . SCIEHA LOTION................ KOTEX or MODE“, regular. . . . DB. CAIRO P01087090! TONIC. Need attention at regular in- tervals. Often they give n warning of approaching trouble Early care is important. Our CAREFUL and COMPLETE" nmlnation' will detect any de. (ecu that might eventually (millage the night. Consult Celebrated Their 40th Anniversary Vol. LXI, No. -', ALL nus Appointments r--5.30 p.111. About thirty "have: md friends McFADDEN’S, Druggists, Optometrists YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Prices for This Week J: . MW, 31.” Ming Martha McFadden who with the King and Royal Craft, responded her sister, Victoria, is spending the to by the National Anthem; to winter months in Markdnle with w’Grand Chapter, proposed by Comp. ( nether siMer, Mrs Wm. Ryan, met; McBride, and responded to by Rt. _ with a nasty accident recently,) Ex. Comp. Hughes. Grand Supt.,; Iwhich will incapacitate her for; to the newly-installed omcers, pro lsomr- time. In some manner, .Miss: posed by R. E. Richardson and re. }Marthn's heel ot her shoe caught: spended to by each of the ottleeav,, " piece ot furniture, throwing her) Several other companions also gave Ifull force on her side, and causing brief addresses. Itt painful injury to her hip bone.) ---_-----. ’Three x-rays have since bten taken; Mu: Harold Ramage ct Petrolla. {and the patient is forced to lie on has been appointed a member of the her back for a time. Public Library Board in that town. Mrs R. J. uvingMon attended the the funeral. Mrs T. C. Ritchie of town; Mrs Bry- an Byers and his only daughter, Mrs Walter Kabuner of St. Joseph, Mo. John J. Harley, son or Mrs W. J. Hewitt, formerly ot Durham. and the late Frank Hurley, of Omaha, Nebraska, passed away on Thursday -.3. last week, in Huron, South Dako. ta. in his tUty-third year. The remains were taken to the home of his alster-in-law, Mrs. Bryan Byers, St. Joseph, Mo. Those left to mourn his death are his aged parents, Mr and Mrs W. J. Hawitt, Warren. Mich ; also four sits. ters: Mrs R. J. Livingston, Warren, Mich: Mrs Lewis Castellani, New Britain. Conn. Mrs E. Baxter and Injures Hip-Bone. Floral tributes were from: the nt. mily; John Stcnec'use and family; Mrs McMeekin and t2truly; J. F. Me- pham and family; Marty and Chas. Mepham and family; Mrs. Martin Stonwuse and family; Alfred Hob-son and family; the granddaughters; Me. Eachern family. The fiower bearers were James Wilson, Ernie Mitchell, Elmer Harrison Brady Irwin, Duncan Smellie, Malcolm McInnis. A large number of friends and nei, ghbors gathered to pay their last respects. Interment “he made in Smellle's cemetery The Pall bear- ers were George Stewart, George Nowell. Jack Newell, Jack MoMeekin Leonard McKeown, Roy MeDermid, Bud Warnock and Alfred Bllton. The funeral service was held from her late residence on Saturday Jan. 14th, being conducted by Rev. Mr. Taylor. of Priceville Presbyterian Church, of “mid: the deceased was a member. home. Also two granddaughters. Bessie and Jessie Stoneouse, and two brothers. Dan ot Duncan in United States, John at Feversham. Besides her Borrowing husband she leaves to mourn her loss, two acne. and one daughter: Alexander on the adjoining farm; Violet and Percy at The late Mrs Stoneouse was agood friend and neighbor, and beloved by all who knew her, and her sudden death was a great shock to the com- munity. Her eldest daughter, Iva, predeceased her 26 years ago. There passed away at her home on Wednesday evening, Jamal-y 11th, Christena Stoneouae, beloved wife Alexander Stoneouse. The late Mrs. Fltoneocue was born about one mile from her residence in 1884, where she lived until her marriage thirty years ago. She was in her usual health until about three weeks ago, when she contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia. MRS. ALEXANDER STON EOUSE Q1112 JOHN J. HURLEV SCOTT'S EMULSION .............. 63e, tttre WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EX'QRACTU $1.” SAL HEPATICA ............ 306, Me, $1.15 NOXZEMA, reg. 03: for ...'........... 50c PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, .....50c, $1.00 (used from birth by Dionne Quintuplets) PEPTONA, for Energy and Pop ........ "tt RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL, " " ...... 49c BISMMEX, Stomach Poul-r .... Ne, 81.50 ITALIAN “I.” and Fitch Shampoo, KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE, nun... 2Se, SN C. P. R. TICKETS, RAIL OR BOAT Trens. -o. C. Webster; Prin. s...-.', E. R. Schutz; Sr. B.--w, J. Snell; Jr. S. w, G. McBride velltr-Cttag., Mount, S. C. Cooke, S. H. Eastman,) B. Ritz; Dir. oi C.--E. D. McClock-j lin; o, Ce.-2. P. Irwin. i After the ceremony, the eompan-) lens enjoyed a sumptuous chicken banquet. With the newly installed tlrst principal, P, Ramage, acting as toastmaater, toasts were proposed to, the King and Royal Craft, respondexli to by the National Anthem; to; Grand Chapter, proposed by Comp. McBride. and responded to by Rt.' Ex. Comp. Hughes. Grand Supt.,;. to the newly-installed omeerts, pro: posed by R. E. Richardson and re, sponded to by each of the ampere. ', Several other companions also gave brief addresses. l Z-Peter Ramage; Im. Past T-M G. Calder; H- Harold McKechnie r- A. L. Baldwin; S. E.-- W. 8 Hunter; S. N. - Mack Graham Durham Chapter, Royal Arch Mas. eons, held a tine installation meet. ins, Monday with a large attendance. After the Royal Arch degree had been exemplified, Rt. Ex. Comp, R. W. Hughes, Grand Superintendent ct Wellington District installed the new officers tor 1939 " follows:, humbly atternoon faund over thirty members of' the Ski Club as- mmfalcd at the club house in Glen. elg, Just south of the town. One of the features of special interest " the tea hour was the prrcentatfon of a pair ot gloves to David Sey- mour. one " their members who painted all the scenes hung in the club house and who sails as a cadet in the American navy this week. Bowman Jamieson, President, made the presentation. Next Sunday atter. noon the Walkerton Ski Club will be the guests of the Durham Club.} ROYAL ARCH MASONS INSTAL NEW OFFICERS Mr David Seymour left Tuesday to begin a ;;nilor’s lite, as a cadet on the "President Garfield.” an Ameri. can Government boat, formerly one ct the Dollar line of steamships. which sails around the world. He reports tor duty in New York on Jan. 19th. Last Friday evening sev- tral of his boy friends were enter- tained at a party held in his honor at his home here. David has, always had a hankering for the sail- or's lite, and being a willing and versatile lad, we feel sure he will have a successful career on the open seas. Remanded until Wednesday morn- ing for theft at Wilfred Thompson’s oar. three local young men Ray In. nits, Lloyd Long and James We": were sentenced to one year each m Guelph Reformatory by Magistrate Spereman in Owen Sound police court. Wells is out on suspended sentence, but must be in his home every night by 9.00 p.m. tor the next six months. DAVID SEYMOUR LEAVES TO BEGIN SAILOR’S LIFE local Youths Given he Year Sentence I91JfthAtt, THURSDAY. JANUARY I9, I939 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOMTEIN LEADER Goals and More Goals, when Durham hats Hanover 29 goals scored in a single hockey games. I? rt them in one period,-- what do you think of that.? Think what you like, the ttnal count was Durham 19, Hanover 10, here last Friday nicht, and the Review scribe almost ran auto! paper keeping tab on the superabundance of shots which lodged in the new. Walkerton -Goat, Bennlnger; de. fence. Trushlnslu and Johnston; can tre, Doughty; wings, Bruder and Wallace; alternates. Schmaltz, Schmidt. Girodat andeichardson. Retree--y. Auld of, Palmerston. 6. Durham-Moses 7. Wttlkerton- Doughty (Schmaltz) s. walkerton--Trurhittski Durham-Goat, McDonald: defence, Wilson and Noble; centre R. Me Girr; wings, Moses and Tucker; nl ternates, Kress, G. McGirr, Law rence and O. MchnaM. First Period l, Durham--. Tucker (Lawrence) 2. Durhtun--Lawreute (Gor. McGirr) Second Period 3. Durham-Kress (Tucker) 5 . Du rham--NoNe 4. Durham-Moses (R. Mom") ' Walkerton eattttht Durham Inter- mediates having I had all night when they trimmed Durham 5--4 here a few days use. but Durham rc. vealed their true form Tuesday night when they went back to the Bruce dnpitol, and almost whitewashed the Capitols. It was 1 sweet revenge, Durham leading 6-0 until a few minutes Worn the close when Hap McGirr drew a penalty. and Walker. ton stepped out to score twice. The Capitals dressed their beat team, even getting the veteran Len Trushinski back into harness. but he has Blow. ed up considerably. and while he scored last goal, was nothing like old form. "Punk" Mchrnald was in grand form in Durham nets, and had the Capitals baffled. On Walkerton's spacious arena, Durham's younger players were flying, and showed too much dash and speed for the Capig ms to cope with. l Decisive Win, 6-2, over Walkerlon Third Period Durham Presbyterian Church in- vite you to a hot Scotch supper. with baggie and program on Thurs. day, Jan. 26th, starting at 6.00 o'- clock Admission 25 eta. Bagpipes. Cheney ...... Durham ...... Kincardine .. Hanover ..... Walkerton ... Durham Juniors broke into the win column for their tirttt this sew son Monday night, when they defeat- ed Teeswnter here 3 to t, in a close but rather losaely pla'yed game. P. was enlivened by a general furttt in second frame, when Gordon Menon. aid, and McKenzie of Teeswatcr m'x ed it up. and In a flash all the play- ers and omchls were into it. The two starters got 10 min. penalties. R. L. Saunders was the referee. INTERMEDIATE O.H.A. STANDING Won Lost Tied Points Hanover: Goal-Lamont and Wink- ler; dcfenee--Domm, Vanslyke; cen- tre-Her. tel; St jngs--McGeath, Reutz; alt. - Paterscn. Weidner, Pollard, Magwood, Klemmer. Referee-Butch Bruder, Walker, ton . Third Period 13 Durham-Ovid-ge W. McGirr) 19 Ihtrham--Elviture. 20 Th1rhttm-Krmus (Wilson) 21 Durham-Noble (Wilson) 22 Durham-Moses, on a lone rush. 23 Hattover-Nterson. 24 Htutover-Hertei. 25 Hanovor-Klernmer. a Durham-C. MoGirr. 27 Durham-Hosea (Elvidge) 28 Durttttm-Etvidge IR. McGirr) 29 Hattover--Magwood. Durham: Goal-M. Selma detettce -Noble, Wilscn Centre-R. McGirr; w:ttgrr-Elvidtre, Moses; Alu--- Krona O. m.Donald, G. McGirr. C. McGirr. Lawrence. l s is: 19 20 21 22 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dnrham 3, Teeswatcr 2 Second Period Durhtutr--Krc.m (Elvidge. C. Me. Gin), Durham-o. McGirr (Lawrence) Iturhtun--kretm. Hanover-Herts. Hanover-Paterson Durham-o. McDonald. Durham-c,, MeGirr. Durham-Lawrence. Hanover-Weidner. Dun-bun G. chlrr. Durham-o. McDonald. Hanover-meta. Hattover--Patemon (M (McGeugh) FOR SALB--A arse, 1 gas engine 6 horse power. Bronze and Hot. land turkey hens. SKA'ZING PA. Y --e Knox Y.P.l'. will hold I slut party on Friday Jan. 27. Lunrh w be served at Queen St. church. A anion. 25c. CORN hronLE--rn Durham Hospital, Mon- day, Jan. Nth. to Mr and Mrs George A. Noble. :1 duughter. BEue-m Durham hospital on Mon dny, Jan. 16th. to Mr and Mrs. Geo. Belt, Glenelg, a daughter. KENNEY-ht Durham hospital, trn Tuesday, Jan. 17th, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Kearney, a daughter. Owen Sound City Council sre [emu-ding s resolution to the ted- eral Minister ot Agriculture urging Class B. ranking for the Full rtrir there, on the suggestlon of thelr Agricultural Soclety omclsls. The bl: ldes ls to secure an Increase in the government grant from 8400 ta "TOO, the emu. amount to co outln prizes. ed the new Warden, who at 29 we": of use, is the youngest ever to hold the odice. He has been 14 years in municipal life, and is starl- ing his 7th year as new. He is an Orangemm, a Buck Knight. and at tends Merkdele United Church. Want Class B Ranking for Fair. Reeve John A. Dav;- ot Artemesln received an neckmtlon u Warden of Grey County tor 1939, at County Council opening In Owen Sound Tuesday. Four other: nominated re- tired: Reeve Wm. Jack ct Proton, Reeve mu of Honcver and Reeve L. Himmler of NeusudI. D. J. Mae. Donald. Reeve ot Bentinck, ttotttlnat. In iiier a. Wade. is Reeve of Maui: Every Wednesday is Show Night in Durham " MS Wed. Jan. " -ch$puks. Claudellc Colbert Added Featurette. Albert EMOramdvmo Phone 140 Town Hall, DURHAM "imitation of Life" Pettiattodwee&trat$"0ageert-ee. loll-Int tetates,tu0armrittad-. Paula-nun,” Bronze and Hoi. DURHAM "LOUNGE SHOP mum Bepamtor, Adams Slviglm, and Noble m. minted and guaranteed MEIA9rt. emu): SEPARATORS. 1 Electric Walling Mine. 1 set Team Har- neas. New Cock-mm Faun Machin- ery, [Aster Cream Scranton also FARM FOR BALE on RENT. hot 2. con. It, Proton. Apply to John Aldmm. R.R. l, Proton. Ont PROPE Y FOR BALE- House and premises orly occupied try John 14-3119, doe and. For further pur- ticularl. app! lo ROBERT WHIT- MORE, hurl: Ontario. Friday, January N, 1939 Alt members an unwanted Mlllmd mo. HAMILTON. wh IMYLEY. President. Secretary THE A UM. MEETING of Du! Agric'l Society will be held it the Public Library " 1.30 p.ln. on he Afternoon of these can also be woollum. We are in 1: for u wank or two shown: Woollen Mitt 00m- lortem and A [up and to other cld woollen. an " um. under- wear, blankets. ta, eta. and make up one of iii'),')?:'::?, Cambium or Auto Run or such Coven tor La as, Listen . We are In Tt for I week or t Show!“ Chen y Woollen Mitt Cc Iortera and Au Run 1nd to no ADMtSIION 25: AND "e. SMALL ADS. FOR SALE te

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