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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1939, p. 2

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City Now Planned For Empire Youth b Heart a LII... Eula-ad -.Gromsdweteh my - Toul Coot 85,000,000 r A dream dating back to the Cor- onation - the foundation of a $5,000,000 Empire youth city in the heart of London, England-- moved a stride closer toward iealization last week. Before a gathering of United Kingdom headmaster: " the Guild Hall. and later to representatives of the Empire press, the Earl of Bessborough. former Governor- General of Canada and the prime leader in the movement, produced for the first time in public archi- tectural dxawings for the project and outlined details of what he dewri'uevl a“ a "glorious ideal". Sponsored By Lord Beuborougli The idea of a youth city. Lord T'.trroorotigh said, emerged from the rlmpix'c youth rally at the time of the Coronation, and the mm- projevt hai; been designed for youth by yuung people. Much groundwork already has been accomplished, but such I sital undertaking could not be launched until public opinion throughout the Empire has been canvassed, he said. The cost would be approximate- ly 35,000,000. While this enlargement is nat- ural or normal up to a certain point, the work of this enlarged heart may result in changes in the blood-vessels. kidneys or other organs. especially if there is any Weakness there anyway. Another symptom often present in overweight due to overeating is heart pain, either the vise-like gripping pain of angina peetoris, or the pain which accompanies breathlessness or difficult breath- mg. While i: has not been proven that fat cells replace the muscle cells or fibres in the heart, that fat cells can get in among the muscle cells of the heart and so wenkm the power of the heart is Art established Net. Heart Affected By Overweight "in obesity due to eating too much food, the circulation of the blood is increased. The intake and output of the heart is in- creased and also the blood press- ure. The overloaded heart becomes enlarged just as does any muscle whose work is increased." ln Obesity Due to Eating Too Much Food, the Heart Be. In an snide in The Medical World on the Management of the Heart in Obesity. Dr. Edward Pod- olsky. Brooklyn, N.Y., speaking of obesity (overweight) due to eat- ing too much food, says: Walter Pidgeon. son ot u wholesale me resume man. was born In St. John. C‘nnsdl. Starting " “to In a broker. nxa ttrm. he soon decided " was not for him. He then Attended a Dramat- te School and later Joined up with a 81091: Coley-3". tlt." you follow”! by ht,',?, on the New York since and then ollywood. Mr,' Planon'l In": em *eavor in with Hedy Lamarr Ind 'ttee., fury ln "1 Take This Thotivands of crows have horn killed but eight high- prismi birds. one of which would bring its executioner a £300 neward and another 8250 are szill " liberty. Prize bands were placed on mom last spring, valued at from " to $500 but when the pay-off came at the end ot the campaign December L only 8275 out of a possible 84,500 was traded. The $500 now; two valued at $250, and tive " 8100 In still “winging around the con- tinent somewhat-o". Rich Rewards For Hunters of Crows Hunter: have failed to gar- m" the richest rewards in the Sar‘fmtchewan government'., cmw destruction campaign. Thousands of crows have been killed but eight hitth- comes Oveiloaded, Enlarged PIDGEON’S YOUTHFUL AMBITIONS The girl entered the bus with a pair of skates under her arm. A man immediately got up and offered her his seat. 7 "Thank you very much," came the reply, "but I've been skating all the afternoon." Q. How run I break up nuts more satisfactorily than with the food grinder? A. Roll them firmly with the rol- ling pm. This also avoids necessity of washing the food grinder. “Your husband looks like a brilliant man. I suppose he knows practically eyerythinr/'. . "Don't'fool yéurself; he doesn't urn suspect anything." "Stick around awhile," he chat- tered, "und you’ll change your mind." Q. How can I clean plaster busts or ornaments? A. Try dipping them in thick liq- nirl starch. Brush " the starch when dry and the dirt will come on wi'h it. The plaster will be as spot- less and clean as when new. A. Place the container in a. dish of cold water. to which a. handful or salt has been added. The Arctic explorer knocked at the door of the Eskimo's home. The Eskimo answered the sum- mans. Pole "That's easy," returned the Er kimo. "You're at the North Pole The oxplorm"s eyes widened. He pointed at the icy waste. "You mean," he cried, "that this is the North Pole right here?" The Eskimo nodded solemnly. "it is," he asserted. Thu explorer waved his arms wildiy. Canadian National Railways Revenues for the con-expanding period of 1937, a de- crease of ..rt...........t... Q. How can I hasten the cooling of pudding? u. How tar? A. Thur-re is quite a (Inference be- tween the taste of a (real: coconut and one that is not, but practically the same delicious flavor can be had by steaming a dry coconut for about 45 minutes. n O W "Hooray'. Hoovay'." he shouted. The Eskimo blew on his frost- bitten tingcts. The gross revenues " the all- ineiusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 10-day per- iod ending December 31, 1988, were ..w..t..r_m'r_.."".r.._... $4,455,374 As (*nmpm'cd with ..m-t. 4,722,048 A. One method is to apply a tolu- tion of peroxide of hydrogen dilut- ed with one-halt water. Q. How can I freshen a dry coco- nut? Hitler is taking no chance: on messages or money being smug- gled out of Germany. (German holidaymakers visiting mother country are allowed to take only a few shillings with them; refu- gees--and may others who went to escape the Nazi "ginte--trttrst leave their money behind.) So the latest Kai edict pro- hibits the posseulon and 17mm of earrier pigeon, except by - cial pertain-ion of the Govern- Q. How can I save time when damning a hole in a garment? A. Cut a piece of mosquito net- ting to the. required size, and hate under the hole. Then dam in amt out through the meshes ot the neat- ting. WY 'tU] "Hello!" greeted the explorer. Can you direct me to the North A man's at old II he loch when he and: a shave; . woman an old u the loch right after walling her flee. "The Munich Pact was cer- tainly the peace that punch understanding." - Exchange "Oh, it's nevcr . matter of beauty or hum, Of learning, or cut of your clothes; To be really worth white, in to feel like a smile When somebody slop: on your loan." Pigeons Banned iu'itkl0 can I make my teeth whi- soo ........ S 266,674 Modem Touching In Blamed for Ball Figuring, Too - Fam. well to Three R’s The three R's, an educator lam. ented. are becoming a lost art In America, Paul Maser, Chicago busi- ness College head said. "It is no longer the thing in edu- cation to teach 'readin', ritln' and 'rithmetie' tor their own value, and " 3 result we are becoming a na- tion of poor spellers who can't write legibly or add. "One reason why people are be- coming such poor spellers is the way they are now taught to read as children. No longer is the alpha- bet drilled into children. They are taught to read sentences at a short glance. ln this way, they miss the letters in a word." Their invostiture as Boy Scouts on the site of historic Fort Langley, where British Columbia's first gov- ernment was instituted, and Bir Jas. Douglas sworn in " first gov- ernor was the honour that tell to three boys of the 34th Vancouver (St. George's School) Scout Troop. Judge F'. W. Howey, who had ac- companied the expedition, related the story ot the historic incident ot eighty years ago. Roports disclosed that the first supply of relief clothing to reach Fort Frances, Ontario, following the serious Thanksgiving Day bush fire in that district, was collected and shipped by the Boy Scouts of Port- age la Prairie. Appreciation ot the promptnoss ot this relief contribu- tion was expressed by the citizen! of Fort Frances. A blood transfusion service is be- ing maintained by Rover Scouts ot the Is: Mimico. Ont., Crew. Each member ot the Crew took a. blood test at St. Joseph's Hospital, and qualified. The service is given " solutely tree, as a Scout good turn. (‘hz'istmas gifts for 100.000 kid- dies who othm‘wise would have been missed by Santa Claus was BLOSSOM TIME DELAYED If spring arrives too late, the farmer this year can make his fruit trees wait to blossom until the danger of frost is over. This can be done with potassium napthalene nitrate, by a method of spraying discovered at the Boyce Thompson Institute for plant re- search. The spray delays the blossom- ing a week or more. It has work.. ed with peach, plum and cherry trees, which tend to "come out" too enrly in the spring. The same chemical will retard sprouting of potatoes so that storage is easier. ELECTROCUTE GERMS A new method of electrocuting disease germs with light waves is announced. Dr. Harvey C. Rentsehier and Dr. Rudolph Nagy, of the West- inghouse Research Laboratories, Philadelphia, report they have found one of the weak spots in the lives of bacteria. Apparently, each different type of germ, of which there are thousands, can be killea by subjecting it to a special intensity of light for a definite period of time. Robin Red-breast’s feather col- ors were given to white leghorn chickens in . new genetic experi- ment reported to the American {Association for the Advancement NEUTRALIZES MUSTARD GAS A new chemical compound for virtually complete protection for soldiers and civilians against one of war's worst horrors, the burns of mustard gas, has been discov- cred. "Mustard", 20 years after the Great War, still rates as the most effective poison gas. The new chemical, sprayed on clothing, is announced as protecting for months against the burns. RED . FEATHERED LEGHORNS _iriie, J] Mk iiiiiiii,l-i.lilis,c,-_?,s,.,, 999' What Science * Is Doing * 'iltiiif? Jew and 9% s-jj Vinishing Art i'jc"iii,iiikf' '§66UTS They Couldn’t Stand _ "Home SweetHome" Annie Laurie or the Dipsey Doodle is okay but it’s nix on "Home Sweet Home" for the chimes on the city hall It London, Ontario. A speck! request was made by I nearby hotel to the London hydro department that "Home Sweet Home" be not play- ed. Guests become too homesick. The chimes on the municipal buildings are the reproduction through loud speakers of famous carillon records. Since such re- cords are comparatively are those in charge of the programs use every record they could find. Now following the request from the hotel, the repertoire is one less. once again achieved by the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides ot Canada, working in a chain ot toy and doll repair shops stretching from the At» lantic to the Paeitie. The discarded or broken toys were secured with the support ot local newspapers. churches. service clubs. public schools and the radio. In many ot the places toy admission matinees were given by movie theatre mana- gers. Firemen in Saskatoon, Ed. monton. Ottawa, Chatham and oth- You simply say that every sing- er you hear Is Ott-Pitta. You will al. ways.be right. er centres shared in the practical work or making, repairing and also painting wooden toys. In many centres the toy dis‘ :- bution was made in co-opernion with the welfare organizations and service clubs. Scouts ot the needy districts ot Saskatchewan were as- sisted in meeting the heavy de. mands upon the Prairie Santa Claus by bulk shipments ot gifts from eastern toy shops - London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Mont- real and St. Johns, Quebec. Other toy shops mailed Christmas parcels to individual families in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Scout- Guide-Herald Sunshine Toy Shop at Calgary secured lists of children from the clergy ot every parish be. tween Red Deer and the U. B. of Science. Dr. Mary E. Rawles of the University of Rochester took from robin eggs a bit of em. bryonic bird that becomes robin's skin. She put it into a white leg- horn egg, placing it on n "bud" which develops into the hen's wing. The result when the chick- emi batched was feathers with white leghorn shapes but robin tints. NEW VITAMIN A SOURCE Heretofore considered useless and thrown away, the viscera of fish used in cod-liver oil manufac- ture has been discovered rich in vitamin A, a valuable ingredient in cod-liver oil, the Dominion Fisheries Research Board reports. Foreign Trade _ Shows Decline Decrease in Both Export and Import Figures for Canada Is Revealed in Report by Dom. inion Bureau of Statistics Canada wil have a credit balance on its world trade tor 1938 of ap- proximately $280.000,000, according to estimates based on Bureau ot Statistics returns for eleven months and Interim reports for December. Last rear the excess of the value of exports over imports was $316.00,- Mo. boundary. Credit Balance. Neverthelen Canada's exports this year ot do- mestic products will total around $922,000,000 and foreign goods ex- ported around $44,000,000. The im. ports will be approximately $8Me 000.000. Last year the exports were $1,1i0,000,000, foreign goods re-ex- ported $ti5,M0,000 and imports $800- 000,000. Canada will have a credit bat. ance with United Kingdom ot around $224,000,000 with exports " $345,000,000 and imports $121,000,- 000. Last year the figures were $405,000,000 and $147,000,000. YOUR INVESTMENTS Write us today for your free copy of our "Mining Manual and Guide to Investors." Mike a list of -roitririiiri0ohiiitjtu 1nd receive on! unbiased advice without obligation. E. M. 1Be1EAN & CO. " My Stu-t. Ton-h {like 408. Wav-hr "" TORONTO I. Is it proper to use I violin: and when sending regrets to " Invitation ' - . _. 2. What constitute: real social happiness? 8. Are menu curds ever used " a dinner given in one'- home.' 4. It Frnnk Invites John to drive out in the country with him tor I. day, and stop! to buy gasoline. should John otter to pay tor it? 5. May one-{Qua Tie lips with up: of t1ntrets that have been dip- ped in the finger-fowl? Pu. ... ...- -""'-_Pe_ -"- 6. When a bride has no father, would it be all right tor her mother er to give her away? - ANSWERS t. No. If an answer is requested the Invitation must be answered try a written response on personal stationery. 2. It has been said that social happiness is attained on1y through friendship that has no regard tor age, sex, or creed. 7 3. Not, unless the dinner is a very formal and ceremonial“ attain 'iFiiiiG Git' Hecessary. but John can otter to pay tor their lyncheon. tr. This is often done. but one should Ieartrto eat in such a way that the lips do not become greasy. The napkin placed to the HM should really be sumcient. 6. Yes. if she wishes. Planned for "39--Dominimt's Major Oilfield, " Miles Southwest of Calgary Twenty New Wells For Turner Valley With their greatest. you behind them, Alberta oil men are confid- ent that 1939 will bring many aur- prises. Eiloris are being made to improve marketing outlets and in- crease production and reserves. At least 20 new well: as planned for the Dominion'l major oil-Held. Turner Valley, " miles southwelt ot Calgary, and exploration in plun- ned or underway in 11 large are“. laid Herbert Greenfield, president ot the Alberta Petroleum Associa- tion. I New eqaipmen't accounted for $11,100,000 of the amount, and fuel for $10,000,000. From a survey ot present armor. won. or wildcat operations and in View of late 1938 developments to the west ot the Turner Valley, Mr. Greenfield stated “It is not unrel- Ionahle to expect that within the C.N.R. Is Canada's Biggest Purchaser Purchases of $51,600,000 were made from 8,000 firms in Canada by Canadian National Railways during 1938, Vice-President R. C. Vaughan said this week. He add- ed the amount made the C. N. R. Canada's largest purchaser of sup- plies during the year. 4 'lr, 1'it1At.fprer1eitr ji1',tft'2,lt/i'iill REFRIGERATION APPLIED R'EaMmttctTe If you "re sincerely ambitious and interested in making good in one of them: fastozrowiug fields. be sure to immediately inves'cU,otte our tur- ible training plan that will tit your circumstances. A plan for every man A ptun for those seeking immediate shop train- ing an well as tor those who cannot give , their prev-en: Sol. and in- come. or 34 yearn National brchttoin, a recognized leader In the field of Trade Education, has helped wide- auke tne_r1_to niece". Thin million dollar trod. school will supply you wlth I sincere. hon- out statement of not: of what you should do to quickly get into one ot there profitable trades. Money and be no obntule. Roxanne“ of pour condition, we can on our training program to your needs both on to metttoCtuld any t.iGtiiiFiki%iGtT. erle For Full Wk Let, us lend you our big Ilia-tru- ed school cataloguc, which [in- you nu the theta. Pleue "ate your ago. education and which ruining you Are interested tn. This intonation xiii ho um. to you without chug.- tli/ri. 11110:“. 10-001.: ur Vault. Igot _ , A HAPPY REMINDER! a.“ AND nII-zsnh'izsmxns 1mm: Axn TELEVISION Aut _Cr9N?rfrlr91Fhr1rrr, AND I-No.3-'3e wan ' "mm mm: NEWS A tec' tho mine: of Ontario and Que indicates 3&2“an healthy condition. with re v . ues of the senior golds on e thor- oughly sound investment basis. m the secondary producing group. where there is I combination of in- vestment and speculation. nine r._uu-..- man-Ant meek! com- next 00 days a new picture may be painted to Indiclte another largo Alberta crude area." Recent Crud. on Discoveries "What today I: a wildcat area, may be proven structure tomor- row." 2Gririra tir the folio! Central Patrick. Little L Preston; But going: Re. Omega, Aldemc Bathing but Malnrtlc und Slnden lulu-tic. _In the less advanced operations. mining new: nape-rs to favour--- Mnlurtic Gold elds. Francoeur. Barber harder, Martin Bird, Fern- land, Anoki, Augite, Kabob and Gillies Lake: . ' t t Recent crude oil discoveries in Okalta, No. 6, a mile west ot the present South Turner Valley crude producers, and at Home-Mlllarville No. 2, " miles northwest ot the main wells. are ot vast imporunce. Mr. Greenfield said. “The proven area. and field reserves undoubted- ly have been greatly changed. " UHIIES “be. In the Junior Juniors, from which group mines have their_be- ginning, {noun-Able indications nppear to s-iietit-Natrttrtal Maltr- tie, East Lacoma. Shnwmmue, Amity Gold, Wiltsey-Coghlun. Continental Copper. Joliet. Arnt- field, Pelamzio. Arion, Ornit. Lar- Add, Armistice, Tovarich. Rouyn A gray interroeatton-point in fur He leaps and scold: and makes a mighty stir That all this backyard world he used to know Should hide his nuts and not a landmark show. Just like him, to be arguing with snow! Lord Ravensworth said his cas- tle which is near Gateshead, Eng., would be pulled down and rebuilt in the form of 30 ideal homes. FUR ROBER BRAND NEW, FULL large standard size. full warm iln- ins. Ideal Auto Cutter. mod. $10.00 each. Brand ttrw tur guuntleu len- ther-Need, tun warm lining. $2.00 pair. Shipped "(pH-u. on receipt of money-order. Hulmerr, 688 Liver- {(001 Street. Pointe tet. Charles. onlreai. W wrote, TOUPES. TRANSFORHA- Nona. Switches. Curl.. Ind nit an” of nttetst quality Hair 0006-. rite tor illustrated union". Confiden- tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum- an Hair Supply Co., 52K “smut-at. Toronto. HIGH BUKJD Prttb'tWURE-WRtrE for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly we. cesaful hyblood treatment. Pedi- Rreed Products, 1itLthtttrrptt._trttrk. TWENTY. IMPORTED BEUHANS Home outstanding mare: and stal- lions at very attractive prices. Jets sey Honlth Farms. med., Ila Bl:- ard. Queber. (Near Montreal). QUIT TOBACCU. SNHPF'. EASILY. inexpensively. Home Remedy. Test!- moululu. Guaranteed. Advice Free. Bartlett's. Box I. Winnipeg. m 1??y.,1yAETt.N, ArsrErTroiirrT, romentlc 'widGiurri," iCjiiGitiCer. wrilo‘: Mary Lee. '4,5-0, Roo, uls- Iourl HIGH “1.001) PR EsleIlE The Squirrel Classified Advertising “All! 0000’ NR SALE I'RRSIDS AL “0mm: --Curles Mnlam Quebec's Main-tic mi promises to attain mgr {an}: 1989. But 1 o I an: rope rudy a gun»: ton with vast rulbilities Sladen I: we and Maudie. also in prodt join to the west. Other tn the can? are East la Hon-l Mn nrtir. “Ind in“. boom. Federal liirk. hnd, Chem“. Central Porcupine, Woco. Bobjo and Cromhore. Quebec's Mamie mining cam promi-es to attain Wan“) l',? an in 1989. Eat Inrtiie, " that I tttIN"'?,',',',",,',', is " ready 3 on“ J.on operation with TLtrteilik,tlt indicated. Sladen rtie and Canadian Wk Illa in production, " loin to the west. Other Properties m the an? up But Llcoma, Na. ttonnt 'Ka-mc. Rand Mulanic, Matnvtie Gotdftelds, Duhuixwm Gold Ind Sluwmaquo. Mulm'tw GotMetO will be the m-xt mum“ _ er. East Lacomn's first driilinp A;- known to be important. Ftvlh, " drilling plus are 'tttttouneed. 11W; lulu-tic have also obtaim-j V.“ " results. National Malanic lznw ftmuteintt arrangements undw an. cussion. Altogether. tho (In-TM for the amp is full of 1mm“: CONFINED ABED BY The New York Zoo has. n tir, which is the hybrid child of a Sibel-inn tiger and an Aflicun liov.. Acting on his principle of 'il:r:: you know I good thing tell ywux' friends obout it." a man Mm has had very bad tumbatro paint NY I iw , as f_olioiyp:---. _ _ _ Why is it that lumlmgm. 'm k. uche, rheumatism and inviim-ri q in many cases yield to l\’l'U~l‘feh Salts? Bennie it is a comhixzzmm. of several mineral salts that t. l' vital for lfour bodily well-lsr',, 'C. Each of t one salts has an hi" my of its own. Stoma~h. live 1-. klv’m' , and digestive tract are all its, . Med and toned up to a Liph :‘:.‘\,~ of emciency. N suffered from lumbazn. mm] for weeks could sandy mnu- in bed. I had treatment. but it mi not use the £nin very much. A friend said. ' hy not take hr». chen Salts? Take them UVt 'Y morning. and you'll likely w” .'r'.. lief from that win in your Inn-{J So I have taken them C1u'l.N' n- tt , - ine for some time And I am in fr. condition for mv Work :wu'n _"- thnnks to k'iasiliiien."-Ld.ii. BELL'tt HEAVEN! HIWLIl-ms Wl,1.r, flu immediate relief. tlimtrly tl, x J! Hone-f fed, d?tire_t' I'm-h a to.“ mun jcnrru's’rrxn ol u; AN UPI-1:" “I EVERY IN\‘I?'\"I" In. List ot Invention: Ind hm " A '.- mulon m" from The an>ny t' m- gnu. Rumored. New! AHurI.\}s. " Rank #3.. "Hana. Pan. ARE YOU m'PTt'RTP.irt I Comfort, Positive Summrl th .* advanced method. No via.', tAnderrtrat" or Red. Writ, Manufacturing Co.. trrpt. 2Hy, Afttt, Ontario. BEND an mun TRM‘THH M 'w “H to Ind Generator Ilepmrs. " .7 _ Ul', money. Allanmn A,rt,;.' V mm. " nny tet.. annnm IMPROVED EQUII'I‘I'ZD MAW Farm In Central mum-m AH. ttit In“. I’CHWIV village mu m an abundant water. elem I.' - Cllh In" din-count: no in" w»; tiring. no: N. Amirk. Alhrrln 81.10. PM! Paid. erh free hunk rn “Anlmnl Alimenn.“ Bell Av S. m. (Canada) Linnea. “aunt-u 'ur, '0 of Pa,tt'it Mediums. whim Que. new: ' Guaranteed Ftrmt MoruraRrs on rr", proved eity home» at r. and 7 Ivr cent. [mere-t. write u. for hm a _ um. "orange- purchnnd‘ I)“ I _ lubed so you”. A. M. Green,nw r) N Co., "' inure Street. anum.». te never before has mm” basis of r'i/rut'lf,,l't"lf,e, n we“ to the public. HUBNAGE IXWES‘I‘IIZVI _ Tn “mm I o-is'iii'iFi _ u Gb'mF,etM'ott mac-um In Pain for Weeks m"tttF.t, “If" litiA‘l‘S 'iarsii.Ti'i. ruin“ Ill I'TI'IIII iianciiT litt T. C. A Winter To Village i Amethyst ain Side U

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