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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1939, p. 7

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our To remove old tea stains may take a little patience. Try soaking the cloth for an hour or two in glycerin and water, then stretch the strained pans over n basin and pour boiling water on from a height. Authorities of Nazi-controlled Danzig have notified all Jewish doctors in the Free City they will have to cease practicing by the end of this year. average stoek, the animals varying from young lawn: of 1938 to ani- mals several years old. This herd ls being loaned to the natives until Inch time as it has increased sub. stturtially in size. when it will then I). decided whether a herd of 800 will be taken away to Hart a fresh cum-prise la another suitable lo. cation. The first native reindeer herd to be established in the Northwest Territories is now moving eastward to the Anderson River area, accord- ing to radio advice received by the Department of Mines and Resourc- es. Ottawa. This l50-miie overland drive ot about 800 reindeer away from the government herd near the Mackenzie delta is being carried out under the direction ot the chief herder at the government reindeer station. and marks another forward step in Canada's plan to establish reindeer ranching among the nat- ive population. Upon arrival " their new range, the management of the native herd will be entrusted mainly to two Eskimos. Charlie Ru. in. and Rufus Kaiealuk. who under departmental supervision will be given an opportunity to demon- strate their ability to herd reindeer. The younger of these natives. Char. lie Ruins. has had about three years training as an apprentice with the government herd. - Established in the Northwest Territories; the Animals Will Be Entrusted by the Canad- First Native Reindeer Herd George :22i:.iLu. rri)-.vccr-s 1'! TH- rm.to newsboy. said h. would pie I free new'spapt-r for life to the person who wouH advance him 821 for a trip to New York to hear "Don Giovanni" at the Met- ropolitan Opera House. Learning of the offer Edward Johnson, gen- era' manager of the upon). made him his quest and Richard Crooks paid Maloiko's railroad fare from Toronto to New York. iitiUrise herd consists ot good France plans trans-Atlantic ma can Airways ot the United State: would be ready to start its project ed grrvice at the same time. France plans to sum ttswlat Permission to [and i has not been granted, t any deelared it was He u pprmit to extend t New York and expat by the time service I Two flights weeku planned later in the ', Imperial Airways' tuned to say what The British company announced that " was ready to begin the ser- vlce with tour specially airengthen- od 24-tnn Cabot flying boats, tyavel. ting via Foynes. Ireland and Bot. wood, Newfoundland. as soon as the notwood harbor Is clear of lee. Regular u‘qekly trans-All airmail servicé. forerunner of hour England-New York pass“ service. will start before between Southampton and Mon lmperlal Airways announcer London. England, last week. Expect Regular Weekly Trun- ntaUntie Service to be [nug- "rated by Then iyt Governmént. to Two Newsboy Is Opera Fre, Before Summer start before Jine ampton and Montreal " s Pl tp, n: announced at spokesman de. " Pan-Ameri- Uniwd States ny announced begin the ser- Jy tttrengthen. , boats, tyavel. and and Bot. Pd to have " tt New York ttit the comm gotiating tor Psorvice to ans-Atlantic er ot a tl Passenger pr I'vgular It 1040, A movement in Eniland neck: to curb the "ittflttx ot torein doe. ton.” Butter. salmon and sardines are good soui'ccs, too. A little. not very much, of this vitamin neces- sam- for good hone and teeth de- velopment as well as the preven- tion of rickets. is contained in liv- or, cream, whole milk and oysters. Calcium, Phosphorus, Too No amount of Vitamin D can build bones and teeth in a child's body without the help of the "building stone" materials, cal- cium and phosphorous. Plenty of milk is essential to supply these minerals. And a diet well balanced in all respeeu--plenty of fruit, fresh vegetables and eggs, as well as cereals and meattr-ig always a boost toward the desired goal of buoyant health through childhood and on into adult life. Vitamin D is the "guard" father of children in winter because it guards them while the sun is wan and clouds and storms sweep over the nursery. It is most abundant in fish liver oils and egg yolks, particularly so if the hens have had a diet high in Vitamin D. Growth of Teeth Depends on Food Vitamin D ls Necessary If The Bones Also Are to Develop Properly THE WEEK'S QUESTION: - How much has Canada been spend- ing per year since 1929 for relief ot unemployment? Answer: 8100,- 000,000 approximately, on direct aid, works and projects for unom- ployment relief and agricultural distress. THE DRIVE EAST.. White liihsirtl in m .;:l Uunikll who I: .. ' tr-l,' salt Ire would not. fight r"'..', ~t h s rountr)‘, "white ot. ", I'". l-jwws something of Adolf Him-1k- plans for the near future. lie knows for the simple reason that Hitler wanted him to help him “ith them. it, now .lt(‘(‘0nh§ apparent that the details of the German push to the past (Ukraine) have long been in the minds of Nazi leaders. (‘zecho-Slorakia's capitulation pro- vile the machinery foe putting it into operation, and Poland', abrupt swing from a pro-German policy to co-opctation with Russia shows that the move is now in high gear. Diplomats expect the Uk- rainian drive to be intensified early in February-when Musso- lini's campaign for more power and territory in the Mediterranean basin is keeping France and Brit.. ain occupied-and finally come to a head in March, Hitler's favorite time of year for springing a “sur- prise". __ -- “a“, tions that the 900,000 licensed drivers of the province undergo a strict medical examination before being allowed out on the roads, Ontario's Attorney-General Con- ant answus that the Government could not consider such a program. It would mean, he says, a tremend. ous cost to the taxpayers. DRIVERS CLIN‘I_C3 A To sugges- By iiiiibiiriiii1, News Parade my would really go mt. Ciicvhoslovakia. 'itm'iul guarantee by THY: . . . . the mags- 00k” points nut that re about to be quiet- Every indication is nd Home will refuse t"df “doc t m-ith to do l Gov Cl' the loan odds are will he, refuse new C ndon _\'.hing Collections in detail were: in- come tax, $129,197,426; increase, $21,806,594; customs duties, $61,- 273,765, decrease $11,956,976; ex- cise taxes, $121,493,786, decrease $14,849,895; excise duties, 40,- 812,515, decrease $936,652; sun- dry collections, $512,812, decrease $62,037. This compares with $(h50,310,. 269 collected during the corres- ponding period for the previous year and is a net decrease of $5,998,965. The National Revenue Depart, ment collected a net total of $353,320,304 for the nine months ending last December M, through its three divisions of customs, ex- cise and income tax. Dominion Has Revenue Drop Customs, Excise and Income Tax Down Last Nine Months Many a livestock raiser has learned that quality should tome before quantity. When a given line of livestock has demonstrated its usefulness on the farm, the temptation is to increase that line to a point where the profits will show up big. It is very easy, when operating with this idea in mind, to overstock the farm. We mean by that, to gather more livestoek about than the farm and its equipment can economically han, dle. The result, too often, is slow- er trains, scant pastures, disease and parasites and, in consequence. less profits than were formerly made with half the stock. The best and most successful farmers and stockmen have been those who operated on a moderate scale, raising only such crops IS they could take good and timely care of, and keeping only such live- stock around as their feed supply, their pastures and their barns could safely accommodate. In ex- panding our' livestock operations, it is well to keep in mind this fundamental principle and remem- ber that enthusiasm cannot make up for lurk of good judgment. WONDERLAND OF OZ Quality Comes Before Quantity In Livestock Raising - Do Not Overstock Your Farm Not How Many But How Good Prime Minister and Mrs. Nuilie Chamberlain seem to be about the only people in the park as the premier braved a recent London storm to take his daily morning walk in St. James Park. No one can say that Guph was not brave, for he had determined to via- it those dangerous creatures, the Phantasms who resided upon the very top of the dreaded mountain of Phrfataitieo. The Phanfums were herbs so dreaded by morul: and by immortals allke. that no one had been near their mountain home for several lhouund years. yet General Guph hoped to Induce them to join In his work Again“ the good um! happy 0: people. Mr.ChamberlnianhAbroadlnThePnrk 134' "But it's not much of a bargain if they won't Inst longer than that." LFE'S LIKE THAT New Guinea airplanes are car- vying native passengers by weight, the charge being from 10 to 25 cents a pound, according to the distance travelled. vases, the home life and experi- cm-v of his earlier years. She really needs no text books with big words. Fun, happiness, gradual training in duty and re- sponsibility; this is the best buck- ground child could have. Con- geniality between parents makes the best basis for all training. The adolescent will reflect in most Children young and old have to learn how to live and get the best out of life. This takes guidance, and nearly all children get it. The mother who reminds her children, explains why they should do their best, listens patiently to their problems, and teaches them order- linesss and courtesy, is training her children admirably. Children Reveal Home Training 37579193 may Cuph knew very well that the Phantasms were almost an danger- nus to the gnome: as they were to the Ozites. but he thought tumult no clever that he believed he could manage these strange creatures And make them obey him, and there we. no doubt It ell that it he could en- list the service tr of the Phanlumn. ttllt%1girtpdty Jung. unlined to e n rengt o e row e Tot. end the cunning of the When-lea. would doom the Lead of O! to an. Into destruction. .e WHY CANADIANS FLY One guess is as good as another to prlain why a Canadian takes LET'S NOT BE OSTRICHES Canadian readers will note there is a Canadian Chamber of Com- merce in Shanghai; and that it has joined like organizations rep- resenting seven other countries there in lodging protests with their governments against the plans to make China a closed are: to non-Japanese foreign com- merce. Canada is no longer 3 her- mit nation. The war in the far- off Orient is something of direct and practical concern to us.--" monton Bulletin. TAKE OUR OWN MEDICINE Before we worry too much about what English people know about us we might Worry more about how little we know about each other. There is a long way to travel before the Canadian peo- ple think as Canadians and not as provincial isolationists, and my move to remedy that should be a sound investment. - Hamilton Spectator. CLOSE SHAVE During the recent blizzard a chimney was hurled through a roof at Ridgetown into I barber shop. Luckily no one was in the bar- ber's chair at the time or he might have had a closer shave than he bargained for. - London Free Press. Before leaving their Des Moines, 1a., home, Prof. Her- man J. Blackhurst and his wife hunted everywhere fot his glasses. but couldn't find them. Later in the morning, wlil ad- dressing students at Drake Uni. versity, the professor ran across the glasses in his vest pocket. Interrupting the lee- ture, he absent-mindedly called cut: "Here they Ire, Mabel." LIKE MOST OF US Some resident of lambton cuunty has already reported hav- ing seen the first robin of 1989. Get out-it was a 1938 bird which had not been able to afford a trip south.-Petcrborough Examiner. PERMANENTLY? As one wit wages“, the world has been much quieter since Eur.. ope swore off the brink habit.-- St. Catharines Standard. "Absent" Again By Fred Neher So the old [name trudzod along the wild nub: until he can. to the big gulley that enclrclod the moun- tain of l'hantutico. This 'tuliey w" filled to the brim with red hot mol. ten lava, in which swam fiery ur- Pentrt and poi-anon: salamanderr. The heat and the gelatinous smell which arose from t in were both no untenable that even hide hesitat- " to ftp over the full”. but circled around it.a11 llv n: thlnn kept “ray trom the mountain. winter given them “main. and the summer the chance to camp out "on their own"; where the ideal in Action. not words. to the lit like a duck to water. The remit for‘eupmucy might be traced to the environment of a Canadian town, preferably a small one, where the boys play hockey to develop quick thinking, easy belunce end initiative; where the "V V 'iGaiiii WW...” Wm Dir-. Main-l. may. a. "to. t"u3ettMhutimttothePeosio.tFurtd Society.,.... tt=1,t't','t'Srt,'ltett _..........-. dMu-ndtouarried forward...” APPROPRIATE!) AS FUJDWS. Dh'ldmdNo.Mlntl‘” pamnum............. DividendNo.NJotl "mum............ DIWNoJMuO '_uett.,...o....,. Di‘MNO.2“ICI, '8.r.8toum,............ - AND L003 ACOOUNY Balance of Ptorrt and Lo- Account, mm November. t93t...,......,.,.,..,.,......,'..1..", _.p.r. S 2‘315J76J. Profu- tor 'em and-d 30m November. 1935. uncr providing or Dominic-I Ind Provincill (mu-m- m an. -oesetdrtg to Cl.20l.7bs.36 and after making "gl'grtae'.',',it to Lom' cy Rescues. ooeerrotif+ mums-ion 'll allbgdand 'AmArefutWhtah-imode./..l.-y..C..r/.-. 2rr9tr_.'iJt,h W. Canada. December to, H38. To TE": SKA-Slim TI] Bow: BANK or CANADA We have ennui-d an unv- Sub-amt of Unhilni.- Ind Aw“: " a! non. Not ombrr. was. with the book In! man at Thu Koy-l Bank at (jun-m. ul Mud other. and . M n.- "Stihl Mum- trem the brands». We have check-d thr can and the mwttrititm ropruwulu‘ I'm nur- hvau-lm - " the Hand one. " the door or the rural Wor, and u van-HM lee 1ttherur.rr In. the about“ It. at and investment Iecunum at maul ot an Ian]: g-siren, at no: man than cost Bent “an och- gha- hunk mm .%-.R_F%.%.Ml....+B.- -..........,_.....r.._...._,.., -44 ttyf m and. acceptance 5nd Irun'i d cred“ m er-_........................,.................... '_..... '"tT.T,h"GTaru"ll"AhlllJlr.Trr'tu%'rfr"lrd unmuofnou cumulo- .tS.qtVthet-tit_autgmt....,.../."./.iu......i' mgmwhcm - m. "I.“ 'oHPro09C0For._. , . II“ "" “H 1/ 1at-"rtovinciNGo-eotc........._._, ' 1.159.796le laun- m cities, Wm. "torticipeh'tieo and uhuul dh-...'.......".........'...-...... ..rF . Ml,Mlt,3S64S Cum ”In. Ind 'isa-e. (lumber: an" an _ not «In». included. minute-s Ion 'rt-er.................,..,'....., .v. "ytArtqNts.30 tsurf-eo-ttr-to.. provided (on... . .. 2.701.216,” --tti..,......l..V.l..l.T7..T.lr.. .t.?e-hvthyruuisrtotiirtriiiiidAktll.C'. Mu the “Mk lac-ring lam. Min; - 1tfau'tttath2rtett2ggt..ttte.i.i. -e'b.u'..Ml.R..V_W..q-i............ M:- 2at Ind-non duo to other dunes“ MW. by 2ireticaicisri,isii,: a“... 9%"A."r.0%.-%l-............ Suhaidi coinhddclctwhan.. 'r'lrd"lNg','tlu'"c1UW.'.'.T.:. 'teroeitqwtthB.ohodC-, Ftest4oehercttretee-oks Mu with and balance. due by other chartered M beete.-td I corre-tderttseuewhcre Dominant 'et4 Ptov.in.ciat Covmtr direct and otha- BaaaarGa -irtUviiitTiat" iiiGiGiGi' hang} and ”ranted .ecurities, not cum. make: cetaTCGiGiiiiii honking; In}: 'inic'aiiriiGidii,ie' muse wag. i,iiar' dun "gang; 'noi '1qu (are. a t ' not . . . 1UkTl'vuT.T1".1T..1".'.tC'.'.".'r"f.'l.T “‘ Call A“ "hot (an encoding so day" Iognu Ill THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 'h-dt-tdb-d-toth-ni-Gov-. Muted: id ............................... Ichpf§_g(mc carried foam-rd u pct PtMt and Call and than toot Win: so dn '1) bun m Manhood» debentures. Muwmhw cecal-id“ of a aomcluot nurkctlblc val»: to Ca" oetdahttettrtoe exceeding Jud-u) loam (lac- uhcn than in Canada on bowls. debenture; .iodtidottter-ietesot_hcievtt market.. "h.v.haetoeover.,,................,..., Dtel4e.tiaexculmed......,,..,..........,o...,.,.. ""ee2t led" 3% per annual). payable "t Corretst M._Il_l‘ “new“! in Canada. not other- Nor..-.". In”! M of Cumin trranero In: bore, hmorporurd under the luvs “he! would“ til “an: at the Bank in Pam. Ind the In". And Innlulmm at ftt Mal pupa d cMu- (Fr-nee) " indudod In the thaw Gem-l hulumunl. '. WW. Ptesideot all Manning Director. AUDITGIS' REM? General Statement, 30th November, 1938 LIAIIUIIII 'llGiiiiiiiiciriiiiciiaiiaGi'y.y.:r. "tttye while not Included ands the In. 1tyiietyriiu' Hahn; 31;; nou' AothertGiiaaiiai (168'. Earn: GV, f. TTTT. tangy; l? 'ARIO ARCHIVES can'dm‘mipm, A u. r“. Now Gum- mla heard durum: an. Ion: life time many lulQu " there dreaded [Mann-uni so he Ind loud " "tere harm-r. of melt“ tttva. He had also been told that than mm a narrow bridxe extended acron- the molten law In an: plum. by whieh on. ruuld broil over to ttre Inuumaln, to he walde alooq tho mite until he found the mm“. " was a Mush- nrrh 'f {my Hum: um! ”hrs tlat upon tttia ridge Wu a 3.1414. all”; 'rot', .U-nlulngly tart “loin AIOIT. -L-C.-..- 321.545.200.17 "e-ou-rut-dr..... "763,923.“ m Sixteen Dutch "len',irt. are touring South Atria. At any rate. Canada is the only place in the Empire (outside of Newfoundland) where hockey in a natural phenomenon. This may explain why Canadians are better natural flyers than such tsp-Ind- coming folk as the Auaxraliana or the South Africans. - Winnipeg Tribune. (',j'ii7i/lCl'),r/ l (r, rar"; By L. Frank B: ' 700000.00 700000.00 700.0004» 700,000.00 ' 1.1300000- 300,000.00 300.0001» 2.721.009.“ C ”.970." LSMJJO. It 313A79.“ 3.0“."057 l2.”3.077.7§ “‘90,.“ .65 t .17). “15." 21.93.5115.” ' 16,394.93.“ ' N.M.W.N 1.7” .H." ' 22,ret,0M.Bt 16.3".“ oe,N0Mt.06 14.35.7815 $.13. 'ft .Ml.2“,91 ' $s,02i,M02 I (Jill M." “154.7! I at ” 3101391036.” I ”In-.. ' 50.00.141.U 7.65Iv625.31 'MSJJTJMMU tt3 30.92.30‘.“ 3.019.951." 2313.10.“ It!!!“ "r" _ is: 310616 “up: .u J,7I7.IOI.M 1,475,000... "t,0trt .lb 1.551151loi $53,715.]. “new.“ 290.225." ‘68.)“. all?“

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