Rusuia estimates exports tor the nu 1938 will exceed 31.500.000.- The gun in that if you do any of the things in the man's way, you are not a hundred percenter. It seems that a man stretches out his hand and looks down at his nails. A woman turns her palms up, and curls her fineers in. A man strikes a match upwards, a woman downwards. A man looks straight round at the mention of an 'tttraetive woman. might even say "Where T' A woman hesi- tates. gives a slow, long look over her shoulder, pretends she hasn't looked. A man came up to a woman at a party and said, "Here's a little test game. Look at your nails, please. She looked. He handed her a box of matches and said, "8trike . match, please." She qtrueis. He said. "Who's that at- tractive man over there?" She turned her hes l. The man said, "All right. You. r't a hundred per cent. feminine." After watching Saunders demonstrate how the ratchet arrangement worked, Planner permitted them to be futuod on his wrist, only to learn-after they were securely locked that the boy did not know how to unlock a... Captain K. J. Spooner. D.S.C., who will be in command of the (mixer EMS. Repulse during the voyage next May which will brine King George and Queen Elizabeth .0 Canada for a visit. Here's a New Robert Pfanner. a student at the Kitchener-Waterloo Colleg- iate. spent most of his morning elasscs one day last week wait- intt for members of the Kitch- ener police department to free him from a pair of police hand- tntiis which he had voluntarily permitted to be locked on his wrist. The cuffs, picked up on the school campus by Harold Saunders, a school mate, had been lost by a member of the pdise foree recently. Sugar And Water Set Sweet Curls Sydnay Guilarotr. Montreal-born, who has reached tttt enviable posi- tion " a lair-dresser. used In: Claire to demonstrate how a woman --any woman-Can keep curls in her hair at a total cost of perhaps three cents I week. Handcuffs Trap Collegiate Pupil Gul1aroft laid the trouble with curls In that they won’t It†put. "Particularly in damp weather," he continued. “the curl comes right out unless you take drastic meas- um to be.) It in. Some women use may and expensive lotions which dry something like glue. Act. Like Lacquer "So I tale a glass of warm water not! dissolve in it flve teaspoons of granulatwd sugar. I dampen the hair with this mixture, make the cult. and let 'hem dry. “The sugared water no†almost like an Invisible lacquer. No am- ount of “lawless in the air can min a curl in with ft. There's no reason why any woman couldn't roll up tter hair on curlers. with "weaned water to set it. and ach- bve pence! rt-suns," Miss Clair “is. Haitdresser Says They Won't Cm Out In The Rain To Command Royal Ship Game to Try mice, the hers sound speech tones. Its name is the Vader and it is the first machine in the world to ereete speech. There is no “can- ned" talk, no recording. The Voder resembles an over- Iiu typewriter. with a pipe emu keyboard. A But instead of lauded A machine that speaks, forming its own words in imitation of hu.. man tones, wns shown to scientists at the Franklin Institute, Philadel- phia, last week. MACHINE CREATES HUMAN VOICE Chief problem of "canned" or storage blood for emergency in- Jection into patients' veins has been its preservation. Costly re- fritteration and elaborate tech- nique is involved. But this new machine dries the blood and preserves it for instant use when mixed with distilled wa- ter. FOR STORING BLOOD A dehydrating machine which will permit the safe storage of huge quantities of powdered blood for transfusions is being experi- mented with. The device he terms a "eoid coil" generator "resulta in instan- taneous transformation of water into steam." By condensing the steam and using it over and over, he hopes to operate ex ei. airplane engines without a boiler. Glenn W. Watson, of Detroit, whose radio typewriter is used on Harem hattieships throughout the world, claims he has invented I steam power unit that would drive airplanes across the country on a quart of water. Lambeth shopkeepers in London are protesting against “grocery casinos" where women gamble for tea, sugar and other provisions. The official report on the loca- tion and capacity of flour and feed mills in Canada in 1938 cov- ers " list of 401 flour mills (with a total 24-hour capacity of 102,- 992 barrels) and 943 feed mills. Ontario is the leading provincc- in this industry. Thirty-five per cent. of the flour mills, 59 per cent. of the feed mills, and 47 per cent. of the flour milling capacity are located in Ontario. Quebec ranks second as far as numbm of flour and feed mills is concerned. but in flour milling capacity Saskatchewan is second to Ontario, followed by Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba. The Mari- time Provinces and British Colum- bia have a small flour milling ca. pacity. STEAM POWER COR PLANES “Are these the largest oranges you have?" asked Mrs. Brown of the fruit store proprietor. "Oh, no. ma"am." was the reply. "those are only the 'large' size. We also have the larger, mammoth, giant, jumbo. colossal colossal sizes.'" SISTERS UNDER THE SKIN The bunny and the lamb are shorn And combed and dyed, so. when they're Worn By tashionattlea, they will teel Akin to Denver and to seal. The skunk In dyed to simulate Baum marten whose majestic fate It ls to masquerade as mink, And so It goes. although I think, The little creatures might prefer To stay exactly as they were. "You look very doxrneast." “Yes, my wife has been away for six weeks and I wrote her ev- err week and said I spent the even- ings at home." "Welle" "She is back now and the light bill has come in--it's tor 5f)e'." " was a reunion of old friends and, as a bit of fun, the guests were each asked to bring something to the feast. The Englishman brought a bottle of whisky-the Irish- man a tin of biscuits - and the Scotsman his brother.' "What did you give your baby for his first birthday?" asked Mrs. Richards. "We opened his money-tsox," replied her friend, "and gave him a lovely electric iron." HAY? "I'm quite led up with this place," said one convict to an- other. "Just because I hit the warder with a shovel the gov- ernor won't let me attend choir practice." What Science * Is Doing * More Feed Mills AEXRD 10" and super :'tiit,tll,ttl!t/ttyt Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ont. Minister of Agriculture, will address the an. nual dinner ot the Ont. Sheep Breeders' Assn. an Wednesday eve- ning. Feb. am. At the annual meet- ing following the dinner, J. A. Tel. fer will report on Grading ot Ram: in Ontario for 1938. Homer J. Mar bee will discuss “experimental car- cass grading of lambs" and G, E. O'Brien, Manager of the Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers' Ann. will talk on "Wool marketing in 1938 Ind prospects for 1939â€. The Ontario Large Yorkshire Club, The Ontario Berkshire Club and Ontario Tamworth Club are all meeting at the Carl: Rite hotel on the afternoon ot Monday. Feb. Bth, with the annual dinner of the Oat. Swine Breeders' Assn. at 6 pan. Toronto will be the Mecca ot live stock, sheep. horse and swine breed. er: the week of Feb. 6th when organizations representing various breeds will hold their annual meet? lugs at Toronto hotels. Special speakers have been secured to talk on subjects close to the hearts ot the Association; Toronto To Be Mecca Of On- Breed Meetings Programs Ready A. It is better to allow the house cemlpedes to go on their way, as they are really helpful. They feed on roaches. spiders, and other pests. A. Wash in warm water and pure soap suds, to which has been added about one tablespoonful ot house. hold ammonia to a gallon ot water. Rinse and stretch to the desired size to dry. A. How can I rid my house ot eentlpedes'? A. Probably nothing will clean the tile hearth any better than a cloth dipped in turpentine. Q. How can I wash a suede jack- et? Q. How can hearth? A. llttt the "W11 part from a stale loat of bread, and place it in a clean cloth bag; tie the bag at the mouth, and rub it gently between the hands tor a few minutes. Q. How can I make bread crumbs nusily and quickly? Q. How can I remedy curtains that have shrunk in washing and are too short for the windows? A. 1.01 out the hems and make smaller ones. Then sew cotton fringe on them. This is not expen- sive. and the curtains will have a more attractive appearance. Q. How can I preserve cut lam. ans? A.' Smear the cut surface with ei- ther the yolk or the white ot an egg. then set it aside to dry. }in'o is the battle cruiser H.M.S. Repulse in drydock at Portsmouth undergoing extensive alterations and renovations in preparation for the May sailing which will bring the King and Queen across the Atlantic for their visit to Canada and the United States. The "admirul's quarters" in the stern of the vessel are being elaborately redecorated to form the royal suite. iiiia, 2:13 CitihCe','C',' Week of February Sixth. 'Twill Bring the King and Queen To Canada it gently between few minutes. I clean the tile ANSWERS 1. Yes; this is really the only thing one can do to avoid embar- hassment. in case John cannot ae. cept the invitation. 2. One should avoid the phrase, "let me make you acquainted with." Merely, say, "Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Brown." 3. No; one should not do this. 4. It is the most gracious thing to do, even if one is not partial to some particular dish. 5. Between three-thirty and tour-thirty, except when calling on a woman who announces a day at home during other hours. 6. No. This phrase implies one’a ettort to force compliance. 5. What are the hours for formal calling? 6, Is it good usage to say in a letter, "Thanking you In advance for this, eta?" 4. When dining in a friend‘s home, should a guest take a help. ing of each dish, the tirst time it is ottet'ed't 3. Is it proper when eating to stack two or three dishes. in order to make more room on the table? 2. Would it be all right, when in. h'oducing two persons, to say: "Mr. Smith. let me make you acquainted with Mr. Brown"? GOING TO TONI? 1. When an invitation has been extended over the phone, is it all right for a wife to say: "May I ask John it he has any other plans for Tuesday evening, and then can you back?" Dr. Monro said the smallest infant to survive previously re- corded weighed 2l.16 ounces at birth. He said the North Syd- ney baby, identified only as 'Baby MCG", weighed only 14 ounces a day after it was born June 6, 1907. 28-year-old mother's third, was two months premature. Dr. J, S. Monro of North Sydney, N.S., writing in tho current issue of the Canadi: " Medical Journal, says the sm il- est baby born that lived is alive and well in a country district near North Sydney. Smallest Baby Born Canadian I-serv,--'" TIRED "" Sm Woolly. Remember I. at. your to" of tht. The hen, bred and owned by Mr. C. C. Mann, of Renagour Poultry Farm, Aberfoyle, is a regular layer of standard 2-oz. eggs. That's viii ft EST-dc? rarrag ta -better than tt 21i,ttte,tl mul- tard ttf,.",; um meta th', minn- tuyup6thets, ittt. Mt Ill MN" [on] wasâ€. tion 'i2llflllh'lk'li www- fot80 R b thing m . {Amie ll no , w well into your chmthmt. Muster-ole is NOT just a "Ive. It’s I “em-m" 'i1S.1i,'f"'g old-fashioned cold remedieg oil 0 mustard, tad other valuable Ingredi- en.tty in} den} white ointment. It is believed to constitute . world record. The previous best in hens' eggs, it is stated, was one in the region of " 025. with only two yolks. Two Canadians are aviators for the Ellsworth expedition. They the L. H. Lymburner and T. R. Trevicc. A millionaive's breakfast-a 7%. oz. 4-yolked egg-has been laid by a young White Leghorn at In Aberfoyle, Scotland, poultry farm. [i2lEijEEllii1il He said that "although snow- covered today, the area I saw in my flight of discovery might in some years hence become snow- free and dis:lose rich mineral de- posits for, on the coast, exposed surfaces show much evidence of mineralization." He told how he flew south from the fringe of the Antarctic to a point "from where I could see to Lat. 74:30 S. from my position on Lone. 79 E. and I could see It least 150 miles on each side of the plane." _ Ellsworth said he had claimed the area for the United States. Lincoln Ellsworth Comes Upon 80,000 Square Miles of Und In Antarctic Never Before Seen By Human Eye. Lincoln Ellsworth, leader of I fourth Antarctic expedition, said in a dispatch from the motor ship Wyart Earp to the North Ameri- can Newspaper Alliance that "80,- 000 squares of country never seen before by human eye has been added today to the known area of the world's suvfaee." Explorer Finds TORONTO Would Be First Hm of tack ln War on Empire, C. A. Officer Declares. Canada is the "lotrieal" place of firigt attack by a nation making war on the British Empire, ?INor Nowadays war was no'. declared and there was nothing to prevent an enemy nation from sending I number of ships 01. I "goodwill" visit to Canadian water, so that they would be "within our own borders" when that nation decid- ed to strike. An airplane carrier has titty planes and "these planes could ot- tack the centres of Canadian in- dustry in three hours and would not give us time to get assistance from the United States or Eng- land," he said. The most that could be expected of ttnti-ttimzaft defense was that bombers could be brought down after they had done their work. P. A. Todd of Ottawa. Officer Commanding the Blst v'ield Bat- tery of the Royal Canadian Artil- lery, declared in an address " Ottawa last week. _ If any European country tried to force its will on England, the firs': thing it would do would be to eat off her supplies and Can.. ada, as . main source of supply, would be a logical point of attack, declared Major Todd, who said he was speaking as a private individ- ual and not as a military repre- sentative. Average Savings of 1/3 to 1/2 of renal» prices E. HERMAN & CO. lad. 700 BAY ST. TORONTO WHEN IN TORONTO, SEE F our-In-One Egg Fur Coats “meal Target FACTORY SALE New Territory of "In" mum _Pt.eEtet911tRu-tvtttTE for tree booklet and tatt particu- tare regarding our amulnlly MIC- cenful hyhlnnd "ointment. Padl- greed Products. Saskatoon. Bunk. WIGR. TUUPES. TRANRIWmMA- tinnn. Fwnr‘hos. Pnrls, and All when of “was! quality "Mr Good. Write for Illuatrntod random“. ContMetw tlal Germs nrrnnwd. Toronto Hum- an Hair Supply co. 528 Dmhurn. Toronto. NEW FARM TEAM HARNESS $26. New Int-nvy harm blankets with aurolnxlc Mtnvhod 82: m‘w ninth: humzy bur-non SIB: used buggy harness 815: used ninzle Walton harm‘s: $12. In: collan: top bull- in' 830: cutter :20: wanton wheels 'c1dt1rrh;gy.tsp.t.utr ‘13:;an 835. SHIP YOUR FL'RS TO THE OLD established house. Over forty ymxrn in businen. Irwin A. Jones, 139 Tulbnt St., bu. Thomas. BRAY DAY-OLD CHICKS LN FOUR- teen pure breeds. also cross-bredr. available now. Prompt delivery. Order your Bray ohirio, today. Bray Huh-hwy. 130 John St. North. Hamilton. "ntarlo. BUY “RAY CHICKS NOW-HAVE more big egg: to sell next Fall when prices are human. Write tot. free catalogue today. Bray Hatvher.v, 130 John Street North, Hamilton. Ontario. SPEND THREE CENTS AND OR. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR 1939 GOV- ernment Approved Chicks. Leg- horns M, Barre-d Rookie. White Rod". Nrw Hampshire Roda 95c up. Write for complete prlve list ot pullcts r-nrker-‘ln and mixnd chickn. nudrn Eiectrlc Chick Hatchery. Limited. Baden. Ont. icle. His last issue carried this full page advertisement sponsored by local firms: “Wanted --A good soaking general rain that will co- ver Kenty county." Soon after the paper hit the street it started to rain. It didn't stop until 1% inches had been recorded. Dairy cattle need dental care as much as humans, Dr. S. N. Wood, of the department of animal tum. bandry of the University of Brit- ish Columbia, said last syett. "nétBId jirmers of the Fraser River town of Ladner that atten- tion to the teeth of their dairy Dairy Cattle Need Fillings In Te Editor L. P. Wndc. of ’IM. Texas. - what he is hiking about when he argues that It pays to udvertiu in his Jayton Chron- der your vhir‘ks by Mail and save the Agent‘s Commission. We sell direct and have no mums or minn- men. Brown Leghorn. White Leghorn)! $10.50 per hundred up. Barred Rocks. White Rooks. New Hampshire Reds. Hybrid: $11.00 up. Send tor 1939 catalogue and rompieie price list of all (trades. Day old chit-ks. bullet! and cork- arc-ln. Twaddle Chick Hatcherie- Limiled. Fergus. Ontario. "Advirtising NW', whom." ttid "Cliiiifire EET'I'EFoHK IIIGII NIANIIIV 'N"BMtt'ttF. " homo. Rummï¬ghhflw $1- aa, =la'lrdthtfhiiiiiiiii )"l'Mte,y'"i"ii'r Classified Advertising "Attt c"tcK%' "All! GINDIIH FOR "ear. Ft "5 â€0 Gc.'eh7i' atl.t: ‘ IMPROVED EQIIIPPED NEI'TIUN Farm tn Font"! Eastern Atttorta girl: not. rnllwny village one mile an “amour water. clear line. all on": large a mount: no (menu: le. anâ€. Bott H. Anni-k. “harm PRum'rttt. [TCHING OF' Ahis. rectum. ete. My lrommrnx In.» proved auccouml. Ittehpotv.ivr. Particulars w. Lucas. 325 Itanc. hurts Ave.l yEniziCvvi',bi.'F. SEND I'R mun THAI'THR MAHNI-z- to and Genernmr Ronni" Ws, “V. U,,", money Allunsnn Ammun- nnfr.. 855 Bay tet., Toronto. OWNER'S HOXE. " ROOMS'. ALI. rented. Inmme 8180140 rent, sr-I- no monthly, Sell 81,200.00, " You†BL. ottice Mo. QUIT TOBACCO. SNIW‘I". EASILY. lnexpenslvely Home “(-me Twii- monluld. liunrnvulemt Advice In.“ Bnruettu. Box I. WInnim-u FREE ENLARGEKENT WITH FA', ery roll tttm developed und ' hwh Illa-s prints 2be. Reprint' sum: Prlvo. a enlnnzcd prints 2.3.x {rightliug tiudjt,_roronto. ARE You IKUI’TCREI)? urn-1. Comfort. Positive ttuttttort with our advanced method. So Mastic or Imderatrupa or meet Write, Smith Motutsetirrtntr Cu.. Dom. 219, Prus- ton. Unmrjot [F YOU WANT AN AFHFy"NyNATl romumln 'rweethenrt. with mum-\- write: Mary Lee, "G.0. Itnll‘u. Ir,-, court. U9AN Yarn t4L'ItPLL't4 Fl NUS UN Guurnnloed First Mortgage! on un- proved city homes ttt 6 and t ml cent. interest. Write no tor full u, . mill. Mortgage:- purchaned. IP.stnb. llshed 20 years. A. M. Greenawu) a; Co., [6! hinge Street. Toronto. AN "I’VE" Tet EVERY 'NVHh'Tolt. but of Invention. and ml! intor. mation new tree The (Mummy Ctatt.. puny. "emulated "tstent Allurnm's. 27x "ttttit tlt. "guru. van. cow. would often reveal the source of with in will; enttle. Dental are of domestic animals is fast becoming a major branch of veterinary practice, Dr. Wood Lindsey (Ont) Municipal Couneil bu taken steps to pre- vent recurrent infestations of the Town [an by jitgerbugs. Police Chief L. Lewlor cum- phined that when the jitterbug. got "in the groove." the lamps In his ground-floor omce Were shattered, the wells shook and the ceiling trembled. The council ruled that hence. forth the lull" second floor my not be rented for swing- dlncing [Jamel1 men-.Tmu tr,' Hull'l'ln‘Ah'l-I tht I'Z‘T‘IT\'I _ T“ M 71'0“ I AGVI-I'I‘IO A _ " “ENE“ AN"! “RF A t " ‘ WESTERN CAWAIIA "'OP I'lm'rmm A "" t I'l‘illh’uh’ " ttt Pwr" " RIMDII\l-' r5112“ i I'M " "N ‘Il . Scboo __ IT Leads Chiidre Hitler's totieette- AndMnke¢ Aids htttttes urns lk.cfii3 Tn ur-" tottr CI!