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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1939, p. 3

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A‘ h” g»! nc bugs “It. ch ‘! " School Teacher Aids Democracy Leads Children, Helping Them to See Reasons for Behavior And Make Own Decisions The teacher in a School democ- racy is a guide, not a boss, says the Christian Science Monitor. She leads the children, supplying them with the Nets which they need to make their decisions. " Hitler's Moustache Turns Whimsical pu erakt' layman would swear wearing: a mink com." Ot Claimed. The l'nloratio Fish and (lame Commission announced that in the interest of science it would spon- ,ol' an effort to catch a fur-bearing trout. The ormmission will grant inwmission to Wilhur B. Foshan ,iiretae.v of the Salida Chamber of Commerce, to cast out of sea- son in the now icy waters of the Arkansas River. Salida citizens claim trout grow fur in the winter to protect them hom the cold. Fred Orsinger. director of the Uniccd States Bureau 'ot' Fisheries Aquarium. explains the Colorado "fur-bearing" fish mystery. 0r- singer said he'd seen hundreds of so-t‘uiled fur-bearing fish. At this tim, of year most stream fish are extremely lass, he said, and fun- uus gets attached to them. "Why rt: sec-n some fish that the av- Il I: Has Changed The Cut Of It From Year To Year, Pho- tographs Show h lir Fur-Coated Fish "if Hitler has t his famous m lit to a photog m (Etut.y Daily Shines At Ottawa u obs of hair, stril. with blob betwee n with nkvn a Muni TI 0 mto Thr " I) n has cha d n a M h ml- were Orsianr h " til LESSON V PETER DECLARES HIS LOVE John 21: 1149 Golden Text--" ye love me, " will keep my commandments. John 14: 15. TPE LESSON IN ITS SETTING un Ind H Sunday School ll Christ Knows Ou Jun 'di: 112-] I. 12. (.1 tltt ht 0 "Lovest Thou Me m will fol ith unto tr lr It Is The Lord tt Lesson n 'it-e and I'opontant‘e self-will and of self.. t'nllowr in her train. Ito him, Yea. Lord; that I love thoe. No tk this way to the H nu trt his own heart the Lord, and, Vince-(1 he does I convinced that [ loves him. He 'ood my lambs. d Christ's sheep would not seem at of the world. ? to fetal tho Sh: n isiLc Gospel drawn than seem, where ' less bewil- presence, sat simple break- h r Needs n n V 0 lint s" who he knew him another, road and nith unto mon, son me more a before I that he a in} time Ll to the " US 1d, full (I and I there initia- Clwi V ( risen vious 'cfor- “My each f. (1mg that him, here :hep- l’ C hon ~sus any 1'0- af th it Watch Out For the Peril of "High-Heel Hobble", Brti.. ish Physician Warns. From a study of waitresses, a prominent London, England, doctor has deduced that vanity and too. high huols are ruining the {wt and gnu-o ot British women. In a lvttur to the British Medical "Follow Me" 10h. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me, During the Lord's earthly life following him implied the abandonment of previous occupa- tions (Matt. 9: J) and duties (Matt. 8: 22), attendance upon him, perhaps in disgrace and dan. mt (Matt. 10: 38). Now to “fol- low Christ" required coming to him ns a sinful creature, and find. ing one's whole salvation and hope in humble reliance on the merit nf his death. Then we. may follow him in obedience and imitation and glad communion. High Heels Tire Feet and Body Nagayo Moloori. u a Japan, urges a boycott music. “She t-aunot get away r tact that, to keep hm‘ foe! she has to buy many Inm'c the fact that Peter Visited and suffered the martyr's there under New, probably (it Al). A course to stimulate interest in the home and communitv arts of Canada is being planned at the University of Toronto. In the photo above urv seen some fine samples of wood carving executed by Canadian handicraft students. Expert craftsmanship is revealed by the pottery fip:uve-; and the exquisite pier-es of hand-decorated tile pottery. rym Rabbit Waits Till He Gets Shctgun tale of an opti Charles Victor, a the Oshawa Sire an early run t They had rabbit pie at the Victor household in Oshawa last week, and thereby hangs the tale of an optimistic hunter, home, Mr. Victo ments to have h able at the co run. As soon duty he rcturnc the road Unwilling to take advantage of the rabbit’s trust in safety, the "hunter" roused him, and as he bounded for safety took aim and fired. ing ot' t' C Tl POP--. , Mr. Victor made aria 3 to have his shotgun a at the completion of As soon as he was he returned to the lali he jack rabbit still sl d body. Abnormal Strain p.qycholttrtical dun: University Preserves Native Canadian Crafts run to Oshav noticed a large oping on the si near 1ng in H wily the n ., he says, think that itle king mpnse l' " ol toroiga Nash de. lch heels Os} m th my Home (loath about “as S. -on- jack u 1wa iing YOUR BATH, SIR 9 he t' to p. ll FOR (it-mm,- Murphy. the young Motor who rose to his prosvm mummies in the films after sessions at Yale University. a Ford factory. a coal mine, a real estate office and a night club, further demonstrates his versatility as mush-r of core- monies for the new "Srromi Guild Shows", to be heard over the Col. umbia network awry Sunday night (WABC'-CBS, 7.30 to 3.00 11.111. EST., Murphy has berm seen as actor and dancer in the Broadway hits “Good News". "Ot Thou t Sing". "Shoot Thirty-one permits involving building operations to the value of $19,130 were issued in Banff townsite in October. These three Canadian digni' tries of the Roman Catholic chum-h are pictured as they sailed from. New York for Rome. Italy. LEFT to RIGHT they are flishop Ar 'ttse Forget, of St. Hvccinthe. Quebec: Auxiliary Bishop Alphonse B. Bosch-amp, of Monuoal: and Hi: Emel- lency Rodriguo Cardinal Villeneuve. Canadian Roman Catholic Prelates Sail For Rome GEORGE MURPHY, m.c Are You Listening') Murphy, the young actor auwuy hits “Good I Sing", “Shoot Iold Everything" a nd "Roberta". Among: the many pictures in whim he has had major roles haw- hem] No'. L HAVEN'T GOT MY CLOTHES ON YET! By FREDDIE TEE M Canadian Hens Head of Poultry Department at Macdomld College Says Av. erage Production ls Now Less Than 100 Answelly Per Hens In Germany must do their best for the Nazi regime. Regt. mented birds are expected to In. crease their annual production ot eggs from SO to 90 apiece to 140 apiece a year. That's an order, ac- cording to Canadian poultry er. perts. While it may be quite an order. unregimonted Canadian hens are expected to do their full duty. While the average annual produe tion per bird in Canada falls under 100 a year, Canada is aiming at 14t a year. So says Dr. W. A, Maw, head of the poultry depart- ment of Maedonald College. Can Do 177 tn Contest: The average production at the Canadian egg-laying contest: is Iii' 02,25. Macdonald College dam: (won better with its seieued birds-iM, it was last year. But it took a University of Saskatchewan hon fr, much the high spot mm 5259 wags in one yvm'. Eat More, Lay More The Nazis say the mun-asp in oggs among German Imus must be brought about without increasing the feed. Dr. Maw says the more hens lay the more they eat. But it is nnt the rating that lg important Italians want mot-v Axum-hum swing music. says Max Jordan, NBC ountinental European reprt» ssentativo, now in this vauntry. They love swing and enjoy dancing to it. he said. and to moon this demand the NBC and the Italian Radio Co. have arranged tor the rs-brnndcast of two swing prngt'umc " month throughout Italy. Frank _ deny that. has Just and from Wisconsin "Officer Clu', an druwe s ll ll' MAR h 'ancl wl (o-Squlm ptsnsi0lo new ly09 Aim To Produce 144 Eggs Yearly le couvtutriettee of the famous cFurest (‘I'Oslvy Slopin: Tuning unol which prtrvides “N0~Stoop, o-Squlm" Tuning, must be re- mnsiblu for the popularity of the PBr 1939 DeForest Crosley radio odels---as it has been rated. In a agazine survey. the most popular unadian made radio. suln Most Popular Radio (mn'c-nimu-n of tltr Italians Love Swing Il That Mm tlt 'tg The Truth ”HOUR ll m tto Inher urlln; tot". He nhershlp rllugton, reading, m Liars' n of evi- ll”; in laying more eggie-it's the selec- tive breeding. That Is how the Canadian Government have: to la- crease the egg production in all flocks throughout Canada. Gold production in Canada dur.. ing the tlrst ten months of 1988 totalled 3.871.956 ounces com- pared with 8,380,735 ounces in the corresponding period of 1937. this (-uuntry‘s president 12 Sea eagle. 13 Gloamodv 15 Moisture. " Schemes. 18 Social insert. 19 Tricks, 21 Barks. 23 Decree. 25 Transposed. 27 Eggs of fishes " Unit. 30 Morindin dye 31 Rodent. M Supplying heat. M Era. " To leave out 39 Hair " Unit V J '.' . " Point. 2 Shaky fish. fl £53?“ d, e, " Plural , Roentgen my : pronoun, 4 Interior M Supplying M Animal or ' heat. human being. 5 Bone. " Era. " Encountered. 6 To peruse. " To .leavc out. " Cutting tooth. , Poker stake. 39 Hair 56 Lunar orb. 8 Musical note. ornament. " Pedal digit, 9 To evolve. 40 Cuckoopint. 58,59 The L-... 10 Birds' home. qt Purple --- River it Reverence, tlowered shrub forms one of 14 Possesses. HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Coat of arms of -- pictured hm I) General Lazaro --- i [K I?! DJ 5? ll possum: BETWEEN ANY TWO Pow-rs cm was man-1's SURFACE, ”IN A t SWAIGHT LINE, IG APPROXIMATE.» ”3,500 MI! :2: / THE earth's greatest diameter is 7923-7 miles; which gives it . errcumterence at approximately 25,000 miles. Therefore, in order to reach a point at the opposite end of the earth, we would need to travel only 12,500 miles. DISTANCE NECK BETWEEN HIS CHEST AND HIS 354K. THIS CURIOUS WORLD gr2 HERON FOLDS up as " NEXT: Is it true that all babies are new mm blue etest esirtiiiii.iei,ii/Crss, " "y, ii'ikAs. A l '. M National Insignia 44 Devil, " Bed la 47 Point. 48 Plural ONTARIO ARCHIVES I" Ll rt(i,iii',)ziiiill?)trr,,sse _ g, - Ct: _ EARS 199:: Mr. George anky. tree-teller, Chertscy, England, fell seventy feet trom tt tree and I'll unm- ed. Twice a truck in which he I“ driving: overturned Ind he map- ed. Blasting powdér exploded pro- muturely and only his hands wen biumcd. His house caught fire and he and his family usurped through a widow. VERTICAL By J. MILLAR WATT ITS AWFUL HAVING To SAN somewms BILLY EVERY Momma! concern. " Cubic meter. " Five and tive " Gott professional " Halt. tit Deeds. " Consumed " Also. 35 God ot war. 36 Work of skill " Powder By William Ferguson 40 La va. " Feeling 16 Important industry in this country " Opposed to ingredient

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