West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1939, p. 4

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COUNTER CHECK BOOKS THE REVIEW. DURHAM C The alert reader will recognize of once that here is a golden tree:',.,',',"?,? to obiain the outstanding subscription bargain o the year. And Any Magazine Usterd -- fii'iriiiikmuitat, l Ter We supply them in any quantity at Both ior Price Shown. lowest prices " I nth):- ,tlitb An event thts summer, at Interest! placing men: on we -v--~-- to present nnd put pupils 01 s. Khan-tun number of Indian- will be No. " Enremont, (momma ammonium no protect the animals. Wttert in the reunion of its former sons' there is s standout number of hen- and daughters. The old school bell en in the much-luv. only Indian win never ring more joyously than tnppers will be snowed to hunt _ - -- "K--- In»... than a. careful Intact! will never ring more 101w”, u... --_,, -_ on this melon, for it spell. to old them, Even then, a weiul as well u to uheyoung, the culmim- will be ashamed to no t tion of years of service. Privilege: ere not “and. ' _ . _ ..--. an fur nmduction But more went on within the walls of this Egremont school than nonsense. tt has sent forth since 1868 a long line of odaeatioafsts and business people, who are tiWttg responsible positions in many avenues. One of No. 13's old have :hecame a universlity president. an’ .other is president ot a. preminent (mine in Ontttrio'tt northland, While _three of its graduates became min- alsters of the gospel. The rating or stenchers sent forth in veir high. yThe moral tone of the community Elma always been a subject for lauda. _tory comment. If anything. the section has been "over modest" in publicizing Its merits, so minimums ot this school section are be eongratuiat'ed in tak- ing stem to hold the that reunion. NO COUNTRY FOR ulna: Mm M W Mrs George Black, M. P. (Yukon) ex is not afraid to extol her country, tt the Yukon, when the need arises. In And she knows its moods, good and bad, (or she has been a resident is there forty years. They have their y slackers too, however, who carry a. m grouch and who think the country t owes them a living. One such men a ,czune m her door the past fail ask. t 1 in: for help. He did not want to i work his way. She told him he J {could not get anything tor nothing 1 _ in that country, to which he retort- g Itt "This is no country tor a white 1 ' man to live in-" l, Such a stcry she told her fellow members in Ottawa recently, as I part cf a lengthy speech in response Efrem the speech from the throne. iShe remarked that the words she hissed to this slacker, would be han- 'ined by the speaker in the House of ;Commons as uesht language. But hearing the close of her speech. iMrs Black hits a high plane when ‘she pays this tribute to her riding. the Yukon: 1 "The Yukon u a good rountrv; it _ is a cruel country; it is a kind coun- itrr, n in a wicked country. It ig a jcountry that you ctm love; It in a , country that you can hate. depend- Iting upon your attitude. I lave lived l ithere tor forty years: I hue 'travelled from one end ot cm. to the other, as wen as moan the United States; I have truelled or. ' er use but I have never in my life seen a. country that could thrill me as does the Yukon. We hnve our crueltleS; we have our hon-debit»; we have our gluten, and we hue B have our mtttrstitkettt some“. We have cur tlowers, our “mm”. our gold end silver, but ontr when we. work tor them. If we come down - here. it is became we have worked, not because we have not beck end t, playing hockey. on. not to was: played on the teacher time. 8. s. No. " is no er to the general rule in this and the tricks performed an" or THE sci-000:. BELL S. No. " is no ex- and then dram» general rule in this third in 1932. H tricks performed an" tor a pelt in 1936 are always memory higher than the , A WHITE MANI THE DORE“ REVIEW Grey wilt Spend $160,905) on dummy calls At County Council session Friday, requests were reeewed for Bruce Co, to snow-plow the Co. line high- way, Chssley to Hanover; .aisc from Wellington Co. to snowplow the Grey-Welingtcn highway, Mt Forest tot Conn. The Co. Roads Com. dc cided to ask these two counties to dt necessary work this winter, and Grey will my its share ct the cost. The commiee designated as a county connecting link. Queen Street in the vii‘mge of Neustadt. to join the uresent county connecting link county conned in the vintage the present a m Nomad! road m Carrie Inspection will be mane an occasion permits regal-din mg on road 10A in men recommended that no action en toward anow-plcwing t this winter. There will be now fences mused this :IReeve D. J. MacDonald n- on a. Road; Committee an uuvw__ __ this winter. There will he no more; snow fences pal-owed this winter. T There was a recommendation br. law: desitrntrt'mtr the streets m the various urban municipalities on which they wont their rebates spent be prepared, and the males of the street: he submitted ta the County Clerk Ult‘ln. The committee win purchase Adams power grader from the urban Area Commission at its l in value on . new machine. I the machine'l g-iation fund part payment. The committee will also pun an extra power "tradar aim“: the caterpillar grader purcl pl“. mun-w.-. The committee will also purchase an extra - grader similar to the caterpillar grader purchased last year, us smsintensnce whine. This was decided on after the cam- ty Engineer had reported that the mwnshlps were making requests for m use to a gmrett greater exten! than last year. L minted Always one at the future: of the Jamar! session ct the County Coun- cil. theWm-den'l nddreu was deliver- ed try Warden John A. Darts, newly acclaimed to that one Wed. after- - xt-R- 1-an hope that length was molt cum-us m“--. we“ um yum.-. -... ___ -V. _, 7 Grey Cutnty he felt, Wu scheduled read the Icrlpture lesson. um Geo. for areal!” successful you: "rieur Colllneon conducted a content. A tural prloel were movittg upwards donation wu md to be lent to to their old levels, and livestock the Memorlll mm of Grey County. price: bid been better 'apo. Community “was was entered. ul- County roads. he (all. should ttttt so a pleasing plum selection " Mrs be kept open m the winter. Th1s Bert hwrence. Mr: Alice lawrence work wu coating the commlttee in Anderson of Plenty. Suit, spoke of “use n good dad of money anmp the Homemnker'l clubs in that ally. and be suggested that this work loamy. when; well within the appropriation ---------' _-ee--" ,7 _ _-----------...- - { He urged full ooopertttionfro'n 4tverr FARM you BMar--toe am. good imember of the Councll that Grey Banding. and“ each. Bargain tn County might 911107 the best leash;- close estate. Apply Joule Calder, tion that could PM“! tre “mm”: R.R. No. l, Hon-tun. Garrick township. tion will be made as soon non permits regarding grad- road 10A in Egrenmnt. but ended that no action be tak- .-_.. ammnlcwing this road t, Wad; ”ammuucg South GleneIg ' Women: Institute ----- gathered In the home of Mrs Bert me at the future. of the uwrence tor the monthly meeting. "ion ct the County Coun- Mrs George Whitman W oonvener rden’e eddreu V“ deliver- " the group planning program and den John A. mm, newly lunch. Mm Geese Stewed end hire to that one Wed. and" Lawrence ()an shoved View: of the note cl Optimum and was“: Path and the Booby Moun- nns clear ttsroughout itg talus end told of the beauties ot ' molt enema-ash: indeed these two plum. In w. R. Weir my he felt, wee scheduled read the serhttum lesson. In Geo. ry mount!!! yell”: urinal Gallium conducted e contest. A :e. were may!“ utrwarits donation was voted to he sent to old mall. Ind itveetock the lemon-m Fund of Grey Ownty. wmiun Mdhe‘or M Sydon- mamolohnle 13.. The discussion with regards to - It was further “mm - I County Constables arose out of a re- County council should beaten" s t i . . i0 (W,) port brought in by t 113:?“ wasn‘t member ot the c "at, Cwncil we I " :6 f 3e gnarl]. l t try 12:83 ti on of the Ontario Eduostionsl l, . . . W i “as out that II',',',',','": Gre can: M"" council. and that Reeve Minus B. . . y Hunter of Durhsni be I deiegst* to steadily increasing. and it was felt the convention in FridaY. that now was the time tor somethinf' Dep-reeve mndle of Mouton! mg. :or Bruce to be done to curb this. Following ted the Co C outlet! do us trome line high- Mr. Noble's statement a recommen- tret' . . d t tho also from datio w in ted l to th munieipauO" have done: tt op ' n as corpora n e re system of having the farmers dong plow the rori that the County Constables br Janeen _ the highways erect the snow ' tit Forest retired and a commission compose l p ' see to it that they remain in one 5 Com. dc of the Warden, the Crown Attorney all winter tak e them down in the d W , It', "dl 1',1',,,te',det', 2"'te,tid"'2 "3"“. We and tttore them “m” the ' V no o appo n a new OWN summer. For these dutier, they were the coat. tor a term of one year. The expen Thr paid 81.20 per hundred feet. a ted as a an ot these Will he paid only on the tnatter It’ll be dealt with by the teen Street authorization ot the oommission. and C Gen 'd' another "sensibly it. to join they will be given mileage on the o acting link some basis as are the councillors ce County themselves. WALKERTON MAN I. l, Mr. Noble pointed out that at on RETURNING OFFicEI a as soon‘trme there had been three Provincial Norman Archibald at Wnlherton ding grad. Constables stationed in the County has been appointed Returning Ollie- exnont. but but when the post at Mentord wa- er for the Riding of ORGY-MOO tor ion he tak- done sway with, there had been only the coming Dominion election. A. this rand two left. and these were receiving in E. M'oore ot Owen Sound is R. o, no no moreiasttsisrtanee whatever trons the pres- tor North Grey. Already 236 Return Lis winter. lent County Constables. He stated in; ottleertt hive been ruined in " ndatinn trr-that this Intuit he explsined try the Riding: in the Dominion, and with sets in the fact that the present force received reports are current ot . general clot nllties on no pay for their services and susges- tion this Full. Jules Cums photos spent ted that a daily, or hourly system of 0“in eiertoral officer, sates ther mes of the psy'ing them be inaugurated. He hi is no special significance in tannin the County so recommended that a, program or them now. training and instruction be started The present sppointees ore I pug-ensue sn for the holders of these otBeesr. new hrcause the new Electoral At an the Sub- tgutsestantuthut OMoer Noble's state passed " last -'.ttet of W“ at it! ttrrm ments. former Warden Howard Me, wiped out WWW. syncinttnsnts. chine. tttting Cauiey of Pteaherton sated there ws! on fund tMt . s. well known bootiegger in Grey mm (My who was wearing the badge L 'tttpears i truer want! It the #J'WIIII. , um»... " “WWW COIN! IUCI her Ld,qpp,tiyt:t:,'t, 2t,tf their . one t _ l'l",'alurraaiiasi'lt.,i,pa. tiit'g,"a','"fp2l'i';'r')"lr'. - _ h. am My After -- mu Phil. 3, ttpd ,;A_ "- Iln MW. tnittutes o.eunnattsaoiroePt1't1'.',t, .. B."-'"" tr eon-nun In Gm my were m Emu-Id no atria-u- -. IMolntely inn-the and wondered no the (my Guilt! one“ OI - memos whotever In the New“: dar mint " the! W“ [or of the luv. moment con-able an. their mt _ at an out! " Noble, High Con-able tor the our! Home. In". Win. not of County of Grey, mm the Coun- men brought In the war macr- ty Council on Ttmrudar aux-noon and was - A will out In urged that lnunodhte new beaten been nude by Oven tgtterrad Odin“. ttt Qflpense with every county mm Among other other out; W fumble and then rehlre them tar per- qrere'. - for W of iodtt of one you at n tune, depend- Children's Shelter; 8500 and! to Dur- ing upon the degree ot “macaw hum. Honour and Owen sand tttre , that was forthcoming from each one, man; $300 to the “VIM may ; "The police work in Grey County Rescue home. moon: and 8150 for b is being dohe entirely by two por the Can. Institute for the Blind. i vincial ctBeerB, and some of the Co. " was recommended M the sum , coughing, who are 'tttnl listed " be- ot $30.00 be paid the Town of Dare 9 ing on the force are not even up“. ham, being n movinchl untold, re it le of standing up In court," said Mr. cewed try the County for m ttow 5 Noble. upon the highwny. chh mu p31: - 7---..- .n tor try the Town of Durham. A mi--. "‘""‘M ttrat tty Be of a. County Constable. to There had been 0. swam to ed name a. County Constable for the en. te. tire County of Grey, however on mo- m- don o! Reeve D, J. unbound. " the was decided that the Dept. of Prov. for Police be requeated to nation anoth- out or Provincial oncer at “oxford. SOUTH GLENELG INST-“TUE HOLD MONTHLY MEETING donation was voted to be nut to the lemon-ill Fund of Grey County. Community singing wu ensured. ul- Io a planning piano selection by Mrs s--------"' _-ei--" *‘ _ _-------------.- - President-Mm Ewen; Vice-Prel- FARM FOR BMar--toe was. good Ment _“n Thet-trt; Boereurr-- Buildings. spring met- Bargain to Vern Stewart; 'rr-r-MN Huh close estate. Apply Jennie Calder. MrDtrnatd; 0mm - Mm mum. On Juana Tth, 1939. a Toronto dam wrote m In part " follows: “I wound surely remnant! you to anronor-rttohaatttiut_ ieetttarammsmtfthsreotttseot" looted. your Comm! on do it. I unmdmgwu “ammun- Cannotmmmm? W18” Tum: Ntt43eimeturs--0toChe TORONTO Kelly & Aiken mn- - i were - -ortnl was "UIA'u-v- -. {no momma Willi 'i'aii.t-'IttfA'f'l,' meat day morning a they “that“ [or tht M at tt Hat- their tart mum: on the county taht. 'tntt entt W the court Home. Reeve Wu. not of Igtg - M "" mm... mm brousht In the bylaw unhar- CWI‘W tttnet - -1..n..- mm m the 76.1.. m, A..__ u... c 3.221 fii,i,.i,), ch“dm'. UBUIWI. v--. bun. Hanover and Owen Sound hos- pital; $300 to the sum Army Rescue home. Loud“; and ttto for the Can. Institute lot the Blind. It was recommended that the sum ot $30.00 he paid the Town ot Bur» ham, being I movlnchl nub-My re- celved by the County tor work done upon the highway. whlch mu pad for by the Town of mm. It wan further decided am the Coumy Council should become I member ot the Minty Council we ’ “Jun-“nag [1110' The regular meeting of the Knox- " Y P A. was opened with in“ Anne rov. Ritchie In the chair. Owing to the A ”not Mum emu-- --'__ an “and“ VII nun-[And by M " In Wm. miruttea amount! council.- 1h,'riiartLr?f,'h",tl,'1",f,tt"/'; my naming a they who!“ [or tht ,ihgtgrMA " tBe "er, In. Fm, 1dr tut scum a as can! an. 'tatrt enit ww, Mel-ed by par W Home. In". Win. not at Igttr I.“ for "30- Tin-bur" Mre mm brought In the mar want- WW thet on u report 0, J__ nm‘_ A 'isnt'" grant w the M. m, WM V‘s very “h _ ,_... and“. In mm. mm MW tion or Inc um..." W. - ecuueil, and tttnt - william B. w good. and tter etosed with 1mm.“ Hunter of Barium be I aetegste to We regret to lam: ct the dun“ tt the convention. In Wlll Livingstone of Inluhn: v. Detrreeve. ma“ of laden! mg- L. in a son of Mrs. and thl-huh- raw salted the Co. Councu do u We can. “mm. of mmwood. m. "“‘“"“ have done: adopt the When! u " Elm‘mod Mmmers' T T Hie “nun-3 .--"'""' E. Moore ot Owen Sound in R. o. ' ..a... -.-. "’ t for North Grey. mead-y m num- I" In the Durham Mus. Tuna“; in; Dulce" hive been and in mi“ tut week. Riding: In the Dominica, and w?tiiel " luck tgeuod We” last “”3? reports are current of . will doc with (dead: In Owen Sound and tion an. an. .1qu 'ii'2'ii'iiG,tee1rf: toMct elerotonl ofBeer, sum were I" “we Vaughan, Jr hay '.' is no special eignitleanedr In inning eeteed M a" her mother. 5'.r them BOW. 3’” ll mold! III with zen-w The present low” m ntl monk " her - In Betmorr n9“. ht‘cause the n" Etoetrteut Act “It may. “W. with M: .‘ i -tt1 " but an,“ of W“ In George man were Mr amm- wiped out previous .mlnmu. '6tsetertr.M d “M; Mr and Mr Archie MeAgthar and - and M annual meeting next Hominy even- Ing the next meeting will be held the {moving evening. The etudy period was In charge ot the convene: ot Christian Fellowship, Norman Greenwood. Rev. Mr Smith led In prayer. Cecil Greenwood mad the scripture end Nome» Greenwood gave 1 "per on current emu. prayer. Cecil Greenwood rend the ii; scripture end Normal Greenwood months. gave I - on current emu. The A Gortrtte Prev gave . - on C ettttr Namath-m end Velma Blythe I "i'.'., m Nationalism ma Velm Elmo I - on Kuhn and mum. The ttenedietiem. Tum-m answered the not] all. IURNS' CHURCH LAME. Attt AND W M O HOLD MEETlNO The Burns' Church tadtm' Aid meeting in the chm-ch on Jun-r1 - """"“" --'" mm. At the lunar AM meeting. '-..""“’ Mn Ewen led in prayer and and The W Women's I Palm M. After venom was new their hum-y new“ given - by Rev. mrtu dosed hon. of the gtemtident, Ira themeeung. TtevHrmgtuetesdqet. m,“ opened It W ed the election of once", met ode. 21 - of the 106m Inn-follow: mMMlnL-mb.5 S‘ImMne Committee-- was: M trtrrcettntt',ett, Ada Bunk- Und In I At tho W. M. B. meeting. palp- lure from Psalm. 100 was real by Mrs Truman. Rev Mr Htrtte led In carver. Yearly rem vere um and a MM bullion 4M held. The deem ttt other: rammed n “In": Md vteer.PtmMmtt--Mrqt turtle: Bec- McKechnle: or-trt-ver. Slaw- Welhn, B-tner-Mm It“: SI.- Xu-ti-thte-tttbe-at mmdluMQM. aid the Town of our» pmvinchl subsidy re- - mad te um um. my,“ County for work tttnte “M and 'rrovietm' minutes um may. chh In: paid roll all - “alluded to bya ' In: of mm. ot .eritttme. A Ida by Mrs 52. ther decided “at the 1’" wu enjoyed. Gordon MN on abound become u gead . - "Your aim for 1 we tyruntr camel! uec- "sd - gartita lighton Mt in it Ontario oueattoW Waive matting. A now" an: move mm s. Mr. tgautsdem “Aways mum“. W 3004. and he cloud with In Lt an M -.. -'_."' 'w.. M of I“ has for "so. Twurer Mre n - - Mm tun We I report of I - the you'- work, which w“ very on, ML M. In (MM tend 83mm] r grunt' - "A Not You”; In Andersen “An W of can: you”. Player by Mm Saund ---, an - “0 -tintt. Mrs. Tum. - ..'--."'" In and by m Davis. my. M demon and 'resvbte" minutes :uMHw roll all m mmnded to bya My. of m- A Milo by Mrs Sun: I ~QI'I m OW. Gotdon MI'IJH - - ---- “ler aim for 2w"- tut “no“! a. I!» Mr. June! Vaughan and son M..- and It M Dunn attended thr b non! of their uncle, Mr John Nii, In! In - Int week. We extend sympathy to Mr H y the in“: of their brother LWn. Kenny tt9 the birth of ter In the Durham Wu‘. got tut week. l In luck Hm UPON ', a in Hume Vaughn. Jr has l' caved won! (In her mother. Mr Ramon ll maul! III with mu: '6tetertr.M of “dick; Mr and Mr Archie MeAgthar and Nmiiy Inn“. M ad In Junk Bruin and {mum In can: of m Angela. (m ---n-n- I - month- w'th I. " It Edward was an?!” weekend In Owen Sound- In Tm mom, of 1lollt in Mteagdigttr . - with Mr C. mm Ibo Mr lichen I am- m Int week. It Gerrge in: In m Wu The er8Bter chad W's "tu nnd hay ‘v' gun was; tho WNW!" "Don't: for the that room “on drum:- vu taken. one um. _ to nuke some mm Ne an W} " was plunnw! magma-domain the rrh "iiuitiiGiG, - and ”pond atT w. “WWII“! and“: "ist- up,“ by at. In Davey 'so'" r' In"! In Mm m "Child Wr) U “a "Irtants GLENROADEN m g - lunch. m We u “M (LP-'- 'Bo - my on mm W and mu new; whfett ly n.- Molnee the tartad'm'n 'M"..' It. “w“h” . ral aset-oqm.meptttthod try ll" ts-g-s-e-arterial" will” uuw.m tart chm-In)? - “LIVE?! helpinvr m:' I.“ he em with ttrr'tyi' -a. we!“ x." WWW! 1mm": Mt Mr “up; lcClemt-r " led in the poem by mu Ia amt“ [or the wimrr r loo! a fir Myer lo mwered . caugh- funky Holland Sunda son Mr n _ " ther s Georp" m tin a Pralm ttutsstrtto a. .m- n Quet- “nation mom-5 hers wrmn F ttw 3 was th Behool I IM. by ml to Q edCt Thur days wera ttte Ivekvnd a In R. T. Rd "N Falls later, TSe mm“ Mr IS pie room M Mr TM with thl Mlse Minn I Beefy-Tw JANUARY an: At thr [If TM" Bmr “If horns ladle I) " to be thank m " SPECIAL PHONE M W Ar h he wnl rot "ft m “I'll!"1 Jana " ll M BE KING mar Durha M WW rdFI Tune M ZION et HE M WW suPPoRT I!“ OC Ball TA ig Ol " WAR tar

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