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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1939, p. 5

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CARY M, 1m mm Ladies’ All Ian I“ [Iv-'XDK at the in. ‘h '. In an attendance " St. "cre wading. ml. s. m up: t‘rcklngton. ttMrttate. to M»: LHita Mttruera. I. -. of rho sec'y, In. N ',' P', . answered by N '.' 'C,'t Treasurer In, 'rr'?? gavo I "not! " " w, whirl) was vary 9.. St.: I. bbons read upon -- Mrs Anderson "Aw tr, |_‘vr." by Mm MM supposed to have a t“ lair mvn aurported by Bo. nas. and if any spee%t ft. to be conferred. I'll! - you») railway ? MULOCK Shulburne 26m rave! can. . ;- this: spring will I charge ereGate- Dons ted in - :ng Rom. w. 1-15 Davis. Eric An- Us minutes and the man! to bylvmo r, by Mrs Sam- tzojvlon New mr aim for 1939”. lyhtnn trad tn the ting ed l DEN ne. Mrs. 1'", " a dainty“ In: of the B.Y. " .man And to" wood for Mr. Mm E. Roux room." Quot- T one question some 'gtdt0" $34 planned to I m the Dew \dmission "e. hsh pond at" r had current Dad from tho v singing “I '. thoy - I Mr mu": Institute acting at the Mm 6W 1 it with the ' lusth Psalm mb. Sun-Nil. ms were ttlw answered by Mr and In th of a dam- n "Chitd Wet. ntl assistant. ht-Ipinx out" , with punt. F the death ot 1 London. Mr 1 "WIRED Ma!- mwood. no romelery M h the " Paul'- R. M a mulling hr. home of Wednesday. won by In wishing the Mned in dun- At midnight “mum lunch. nt last week I Sound I“ to Mr Hugh MeClemct in Mr tutdMra Mr and In; mily and Mr " family. Mes. Cal. In I If"! - ml brothel“- as, Tuesday and ‘: “up , son John ded the tu- Jchn Vaug- Jr has re. other. In with pneu- lmoro. th Mr and is subt- I? winter which u Can-dun peat the Sunday tqt a Inc yer loot Holland M r and by Ari, 1) C" There was no service in Zion Unit. ed Church Sunday on ”count ct the condition of the weather and roads. Mr and Mrs Stew-rt Jackson re. turned to their home " Gtantits, Thursday otter spending a few dun with Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook. ' There at e at" men wot-Hug on the summer house " Haywards Falls remodelling and making " larger. The lumber is being Brought by trucks from menus. " far as Mr W. J. Mohrlane's slderoad and met there Mitts sleigh: and brought to the Falls. The annual meeting of Zion Unit- ed church was held last Friday even- ing in the church, Rev. Mr Smith presiding. 'The different reports were read and Bnaneia1 reports given. with a balance on hand in each re port. The otBeem of last year were leelected. with the exception of Mr It. T. Edwards, who resigned " Sec'y-Treee. of the Cemetery Board. after forty years of service. J. C. Cook was elected to fill the vmcy. At the cioee ot the meeting the ladies served lunch. The monthly meeting of Zion Brunch of the Wbmen’e Institute was held Ttumrdar, Jan. 12th " the home of Mrs Herb Allen with 27 ladies meant. In Bush McArthur presided in the absence of the Pres. Mn W. J. Ritchie, who was unable to be present. There were letterl of thanks reed from those receiving Cherie Atkinson of Owen Sound is at preront assisting Mr Hugh MeArthttr with his work. Mina Gladys Arth spent a few days with friend: in Durban Itttst Miss Elsie Merkle of Durham spent the weekend " the home of Mr and Ihott'tmitethisonporturtit.vtoeompus" ly furnish vnur livingroam for only 15 piece Living room Ensemble 79-75 SPECIAL FOR m WEEKS ONLY January 26 to Feb. llth PHONE 41 W Let as supply you with New Life ttog Concentrate. Pig Sinner. Cattle Mineral and Lay Mash, and realize more profits from feeding. . Tune in " C.K.N.X, Winglmn, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at II s. m. For One Hour of Male, Nova, and Helpful Hints. brought I you by R. Placenta a Sons, Maker. of We I.” carry OOANADA, PRAIRIE ROSE, PEERLE" KING EDWARD, all It prices you ean't Award to Mic. SUPPORT COOPERATION, - OWNED BY YOU DEAL AT Durham Farmers’ Co-Operativc THE BETTER FLOUR FOR BETTER BREAD Bo mm to Buy New, and get your FREE COPY of the New, JANUARY 26, "a: t','.'rl'/l;'/t,l2,')'"li0v'iti,uJrib',',t,,o $2? 'dit" 79.75 BELL & BENNETT Old Colony Flour ZION Old Colony Cook Book HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: HOUSEWIVES I Home Furnish”. Durham CHESTERFIELD .. .. CLUB CHAIR ......r.. OCCASIONAL CHAIR. LAMP TABLE ...... END TABLE ........ BRIDGE LAMP ...... TABLE LAMP ....... MAGAZINE RACK .. SMOKER .. ........ FOOT STOOL ........ MIRROR ........ AXMINSTER MAT .. TABLE RUNNER ... CUSHION ...... .... CUSHION .. ........ Xmas cheer. In the course ot the business part of the meeting, it was decided to entertain the com- munity in groups to meet at diaer- ent homes. Mrs H. Williams who was a delegate to the w. I. conven- tion in Toronto last November, gave a. splendid report of it. At this time the meeting was taken over by the young married ladies. with Mrs J. C. Cook he convenor, and a good program wan given with a song, and paper: on the history of ehinawttre, which was most interest. ing and prciltable. Mrs Cook had re- ceived some cups and Baueem and taner plates from the Canadian' Pot tery in Hamilton, which were dis- played at the close of the program. Mrs A. McNab exhibited a blue piate which came from Scotland and was over 100 your: old. Mrs A An- derson also brought along an old wit1'cMdtttern plate. Mrs Allen and assistants served lunch at the close. The next meeting will be held at the home ot Mrs J. C. Cook . All ladies are cordially invited to at- Teal. Mr Wm. McNally of Lumaden who has been visiting with friends here for a few weeks, left Dunham Thursday for his home. Mr Findlay McPhail. Toronto, an- nounces the engagement of his only daughter. Delia Berneice, to Mr James Herbert Irwin, son of Mrs Ir- win and the late Thomas Irwin of Ceylon, Ontario, the marriage ttt take place quietly the latter part ot A severe earthquake in Chile has caused widespread damage and pan- ie,, with at least 14 deed. Walnut ... $92 43 ENGAGE" ENTS 855.75 3.75 WE DELIVER g A Joint meeting of the two Y.P.S. "ntownmeton In%tationMigt. An. ;dreu's. in which church the. newton has held on Jan. 17th. The meet- ;lng was opened by singing "What a .Frlend we have in Jenn" snd Rev. Mr. Taylor cf the church led "tt prayer. mu Huger-ct McArthur ’presided at the opening. Mrs John Whyte gave the scrum lesson. iMrs Willred Watson then took the ichsir and called upon Mrs J. C. ll-larrlson tor an instrumental selec- ftion. Little Betty Whtson gave in 'ttru, voice. a reading which was fol- :lowed by a bmipe selection In good 'time. by Allan Cameron very emol- (entry for one so young. An address "by Pres. O'Dell was given and repli- Ied to by Mrs J. C. Harrison. Mrs' .(Rev) A. R, Muir gave an elocution-' [my number, in true keeping with} (the subject. Mrs J. C. Harrison 1gave a shcrt synopsis of various Authors. selections being given in between by Robt. Whittaker. and Stewart Muir in recitations. A voc- al solo by Mrs (Rev.) Sutherland (self-accompanied) was given. The theme of the refrain was “Follow; On." After which contests of an tV mus'ng character were held. A bountiful lunch was then served. A pleasant srcial intereouse was Ihad between the two associations. 1 i, PRt‘GEVILLE' The funeral of the late rhuxtahar McKinnon. was held on Saturday last. Service was held in St. Colum- ba Church where a large turnout of rtympathizitttt neighbors, friends and relatives, bore mute testimony to the worth and friendship that exist- ed towards the deceased. Rev. A. It. Muir conducted the service. assis- ted by Rev. Mr. Taylor ot the Pres- byterian Church of which the de- ceased was caretaker and where he sustained the fall, that inter result- ed in complications and finally death. Pall bearers were Robt. Pan slow. H. B. McLean, Dan Campbell Colin McLean, Ray McLean Elmer Watson, Malcolm Mdnnes. Alex. Carson. A rich display ot beautiful tiowertt bore silent tribute to worth and friendship of deceased. The contributions to the Bible Society in this neighborhood, with- out any very special effort, amount- ed to $21.00. Without any boasting. yet we are proud. This is better than more pratetttious places. We ccuid wish it better still. The last monthhr number of "The Bible in the World" is the moat interest- ine of any yet received. The hookey boys did not fare so well in their recent match with Dutt. dam last week. Their defence man. Mr Art Bell sought to stop the puck with his left eye. unfortunately. and now has a very sore optic. St. Columha W.:M.-S. and W.A. held the first meeting of the New Year at the home ot Mrs H. B. Me. Lean, which was well attended. Mrs A. R. Muir led in study of chapter 2 ot “The World in Canada." Mrs G. Whrte and Mrs J. C. liaison supplied music on violin and piano. The oneert, elected for 1939 are. with a. few exceptions. the same " last year. A sociel time was spent st the tea hour. The next meeting will be held on February 15th, at the home ot Miss Elizabeth Mather. A tine coating of ice has been formed in our open air rink here Now various depths of snow covers It from the sun, after the storm of Saturday. Very discouraging! Musings of Rev. Wm. Allen over the radio on Sunday at 10 pan. prov- ed the most touching and interest. ing we have yet heard, of the many fine ones, in his tribute to "Bobbie Burns" on his approaching birthday, January 25th. Miss Nellie McLean was hostess on Tuesday attemoon to the W.M. B. and W. H. Societies. The new Pres. Mrs Jack Whyte was in the chair. The roll call was answered bv your membership fee. A letter from Mien Elizabeth Brown was read In appreciation of the lovely Bible the Smiety sent her " Christmas; Readinza were given by Mm J. A. Nichol. Mrs Dan Campbell land was Margaret MeArthur. Mrs Sutherland presided over the W.M.S. after the usual opening ex- erc'ses. Read!“ were given by Miss Mary MeEachem. Mrs John Nichol, Br. Mrs D. L. McArthur read a chapter from the study book. Lunch we: then served by the hou- tess end her mutant. The Feb. meetingwmheheld uthehaneot andMann.M. tumult! Nita Prim Nut-Ins Homo, u “and”, Jan mu m Mr Mr and In Alex Knox and Mrs. Harry Pedlar. Toronto. visited Satur- day with their parents. Mr and Mr: Alex Caz-spa. and attended the tan- eral of the late P. McKinnon.. Mrs H. Richardson, Thronto was a visitor here Saturday and attend. ed the funeral. members. their husbands end tam. urea ot the noun» U. P. W. o. Club enjoyed n node! evening tn Ceylon Hall on Tinned-.1 night when the am part of the evening we: spent in progressive euchre. he ladies' prize went to Mn. J. Kennedy and the seat. mum Plen- ter. Lunch we: served end the re- mainder ot the evening he spent in dancing. Friends here were very sorry to hear of the death ot Mrs McCannell who died on Saturday in Durham. Interment was made in McNeil'a cemetery, Price'vme. Last week Mr Grant Muir was in. disposed with totalling but glad to report he is better. No service was held in St An- drew’s Church on Sunday morning as the minister was unable to get through on account of road being blocked. , On Wednesday. Feb. 8th, the Holdta-st U.F.W.0. Club meeting will be held at home or Mrs. Met, Hcttanth, of Ceylon, when a debate v4111be given on the subject, resolved "That Cauntry Lite is more Prefer. table than City Life." The a'trmnatNe ls upheld by Mrs Dan Campbell and Mrs Edgar Ptgttetttort. The negative try Mrs Smellle. and Mrs J. K Me- Mrs Arts Hindu visited Thursday wlth her parents and sister, Mrs Wm. Hay, swam: Park. Born, Jan 13th . to Mr and Mrs Will Bturreek, a. son. Mr um 11th of moaned, mo Mann nun. but Mm tspent the weekend It the former- my cm in the poop]. during Mr and Mrs Chester Fawler enter- tained the young people of United Church at a crokinole party last Friday evening. Miss Jean Mchsgan spent a few days last week with her grand. mother, Mrs George Shad. Sr. Mrs. Will Ridden “singed for a. few days at the home ct her bro. ther, Will Sturrock. V Mr Ed. Scan. spent a week with with his sister, Mrs Thom Wiltshire helping at the time of death of her husband the late Thou. Wiltshire. .Thls week we inthe Park are feel. ing lonely and sympathise with the bereaved ones in the death of Mrs. Jennie Mchnel of Durham; also of Mr Farculnr McKinnon of Price. ville. Both were well known here and highly respected. We of the Park always looked forward to meet- ing Mrs McCsnnel at church here some ttne Sunday afternoon each summer. Wille we regret her pass. ing, we will always remember her klndly and cheerful disposition. " so Mr. McKinnon, who was a. close neghttor for several years. But as other correspondents will be refer- ring to these. we will refrain. We also think of Mr. Robert Lindsay. whom we knew years ago as asmsrt energetic mm. Truly there is a har. vest that always seems tobe sudden- Ir cut down by the Reaper. Death. Mrs. Ed. (Mikes; Mr Vernon Chris- tie and Mrs Will Scott are among the number laid up " present. We hope they nocn win be back to nor. mal health again. Milne Bessie Wale, Durham, wax: home for a short visit last week. The storm during the weekend put a pudden stop to the neighbor- hood activities. The highway on Sundav was almost deserted. It will be a fem darn We there wilt be much motor trattle. Mr Malcolm McPhail and sister Mina Lena entertained neighbors and friends at a house party. Jan 13th. Every one had I. good time. Again the weather he been cut- ting up a bit. No services in either Salem or Swim“: churches tut Bun- dey. The dey was very had. yet the med: ere not Moeked. The young people hue enjoyed some very good skating on Willinm Kinsm'a tuid, when a. trttttdasised rink was cleared of the snow. amn- were anxious on Sunday lost it be It fairly clear. All the nmw Incident! salary was no: " w cu. Intern. are than " nights. Phil’s, ”that. Wand wrn.Wnsrnnnamtl" O'Neil-murnmnuuud unlm.ndthqntcnhysm.m bqattthtttehed tam Imam pouch: at Mmdméluwwm Mr Donald Gum and MI Maudie nan no. Tinn- ”(mum- SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE but the “no: wind hem A " "can , tat-s cur tow-outbound“. ot "ett-e-mr-eaatqdttqtH" Houseman”. We 'tstittWaa40md.a_mr.'nru0tme orttorrsNMtwttme-arrmdid elected tor 1989, met at the Tm- ship Hall on Monday, January 9th at 11 sum. The mar! declara- tions were taken, after Which they took their seats at the Council table and are: Items John IleGirr. Reeve; Joseph P. Crutchley, Geo. Whitmore, John O'Neil and Herbert Tinnitus, Coutteiiionr. After a very brief addrees by the Reeve, the min- uets of the Dec. 10th meeting were read and peeled. Letters were read from Alex. B. with & Co., Certified Mlle Ac- countants. Toronto re auditing for 1939; From Unemployment and Re. lzef Branch, JYom secretaries of B. B. No , and Union B. S. No. " stating that Ratepayers at the annu- all meetings in each case had voted against the prcposed Public School Areas as advocated by Mr Pentium, inspector. From Ontario Association ot Rural Municipalities and pntario Municipal Association soliciting mem- bership; Department ct Highways, re annual conference of Superintend- ents; From Jae. Watson re Reforest- By-law. No. 843 providing tor MP pointment or omclnls and conthartirur same was alledin alone“ sandman- ted: Auditors, Joe D'Arer, Patrick McMillan. Board of Health: The Reeve tex.otheio), Henry Benton. member, Dr. Royden Burnett, M. o. H. at 8100 may, H. H. unburn- oi, Secretary; Sanitary Inspectors. No. 1 Div. John new”. No. 2 H. Benton, No. 8 R. J. Torry. Sr. No. 4, Wm. Ellison; No. Ir, John Me. Grath. Meetings of the Board to be held on the lust Thur-any ot Jum- sry. May August sud November. Assessor: Rom. G. Pent " sum-y or $100. Weed Inspector: Frank Meagher " " cents per hour for time employed at duties. Caretaker: Donald O'Neit st sandy ot $20.06- School Attendance Oftteerts; W. A. Lindsay for South side and Waudby Baker for North Side td Townshi: at M) cents per hour for time em. ployed " their duties. Crutchley - Whitmore: That Rs lief accounts be mid u follows: Kenneth Vaughan, groceries, 814.50; P. G. Karatedt, clothing, 87.81: J. E. England, groceries 818.03; D'Arcy Bros., milk, 82.52; H. Lever. meat, Oct. Nov, Dec. $9.97: Geo. Collin- son, groceries $8.63, pontoon. 83.20: ttour 3.95; E. J. Schenk, moat, Nov. Dee. $8.00; A. A. Auoe, , cords wood, $6.00; milk, 85.58; J. Nowell. rent $6.00; Roy Brown. 4 cords wood $7.00; milk, $2.70; A. D. McIntyre. Groceries, Nor Dee, 823.87. Carried. Whitmore- Crutchley: That Trees- urer be authorized to accept the mr lowing sum: than Trees. of Holland re relief, Oct. $16.25; re relief, Nov. $15.39; re maintenance re Glenelg Municipal Telephone system from 4 lubecriberl in Round, 830.00. Curried The following “counts were mid: True. Merkdnle. Division Court fees for 1988, 89.36; Trees. Durham. Di. View Court fees. 1938, ".60; Bank of Montreal, collection chug“. $5.35: Merkdeie swam. advertis- ing ecc't.. $10.00; True. County of Grey 55 cost of account: re patient: in mule, 8122.13; Cleric register- ing 7 birth, 1 marriage, " deeds: in 1938, 85.25; Completion of , old age pension epolientionn. 84.00: County Tron. % County Mate for 1938, $4525.00: Reeve, telephoning. Meeatea. Road voucher No. l for work on roads, $356.27. 1 Special Bargain Unbound, who twat-d. After a three month'- mncy, the Baptist conception here Int week extended e cell to Rev. Mr leAlplne of Delta mr Brnckvllle. to become their pastor. " is not yet known whether he bu accepted. Lad! 1,nyo.:ma.mys.mu1 dart, A“: I. but. 2, Oct. 1. Nov. In the that game of I. short series Durham put it over Walker-ton Int Thursday night hem by ' you: to 2. Jim Menuhin referred and kept the game clean. The Iocnl line-up mu: Go0-49tmnd; point. -Elvidge; cover - George; t9ver-- cum: cenuFBob Saunders; left wing--- Mack Saunders; right - At. tary ot the Durham lulu! Society “The longest latte bu I turning" and the longest lite can“ to an end. Canada's “Gland Old Inn." Lord sum and Motutt Rani la dead am Wednesday morning, me hungry. He was in his 94th your. I. am A“ (From 1uview tru, In. and, 1014) Our seven or eight High School pupils have resumed their studio: and ere doing their belt to upheld the reputation of the nection. It ev. ery salmol section in South any sent u may pupil- to Durham u Verney section is uni In. been do. ing for n umber of yet", your new HitghBehttetiwitt needto be quite e. um one. IN DAYS OF YORE GOING DATE Daily Feb.l8tl| to March 4ttt Excuralon new - In Tout-lat, Par. lor and standard duping can also available nonpayment of alightly high. er pauaoa fares, plua price of parlor or alumna car accommodation. 1tlyU'rEB--'riektrta goodsoIng via Pt. so. m/or Built Ste hum, returning vi: lune mute Ind tine only. Gon- eroul optional routing. BTOPovERtg- mm limit of ttthet. both going and mutmhttp-- " Pug st Mow on". Just the tuna to: was“ Winn-“I'm nu particula- tron any - r. M. MOFADDEN. Tm “on. west; m n Chicago, m, Sum Me. Mute. Mich. and was! inward-no. with mm of United sum lines. WWW-mm... " male of old not“. only " Canadian Paetittet TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTERN CANADA EXCURSIONS To ALL STATION. IN Return Limit: " (Ian. ONTARIO ARCHIVES J. L. sum. n.8, n.c.. as. ommm: we... mamas-mm.“ shaman: gulls-”1.3%! p.n.,1u0p.-.Iuhnm Honor Graduate Tum "UV-I". Grunt. In!!! Coll. m .- mum: 1....me}; Rm: Own-tumour... titanium“... W Cmmmmmm HauclnmudAr-M. b damn-mutt. 'thw-tan W. c. moment-e. 008. I! Prompt. courteou- & on“! m DURHAM a “CLOTH" Dates-dntBemHotBtm,gt- dau, also chm-(II Durh- In“. thtutrtoaDmrttt'tttetund.rr- What-denim InJlmualton... -a'td1tttmtfhheqnge. '%errturitteatChie-t.e.. Tough”. 8t, mNbiteNmett_.A.A.C.et. tt RAY m “mm once: mu sum. DOW, on. “and Autumn- he My $$m"tq I. I. CHAILTGN, A. A. I. I ' I. F. WIT. Nu.. LBJ. Ilia-en's like“ - ”I. " but - III!!!“ of - CWHM‘ Nahum-c8115 .e%.-deisetdn'u_er," “tiny-lulu!” “Blunt. 7|!be M ”emu". Boudoir Slippers “Wu-"beta! do. In "to“ The. no can we“. IEPMION. " 0.0“ W. PIERCE ELLIS WWW-'7 mad-0. “may and C. a. AID t..ae_stgg.trnahteh.ae can-sunbu- l S. IclLRAl'l'll Whoa...“ GEURGE E. DUICAI J tt MWARRIE.8.A. I ”OI" 'Clpt ”I...“ -"o". I00... I” - '0qi-a. Cl" - - n m "" I I. t.“ ”I. m - " cum-.- T. It. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLES“ BESSUE IcGILLI "

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