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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1939, p. 6

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"The extent to which female la.. bor is employed is best conveyed in the expression that 'even the msuterwotisen no men.' " " Domestic service is performed by males, I few women being em- rlnyed as nursemaids. although the service is usually performed by males." the upon an. The native men of Zanzibar hm usurped the women's most “manly occupation - minding the baby, the 198T report of the I'roreetornte reveals. Men Mind Babies And Keep Home Other holiday, and anniversar- ies matlcd in some manner dur- ing the your fall on the following dates: th. David’s Day, March I; St. Patnick's Day. March 17; St. George‘s Day. April 23; St. An- drew's Day, November M. May 2n comes in the middle of the week, on a Wednesday. and the day set aside to mark the King's Birthday. Nay 20, comes on a Saturday. August and September, of course. have long week-end holi- days as the first Monday in each of those months is a holiday. Civic Holiday falls on August T and Labor Day on September 4. The l.tst long week-end holiday comes in December. Christmas Day is on a Monday. Amniotic: Day Saturday There will be another long week-end for those who observe November ll as a holiday. Novem- ber ll falls on a Saturday this war. The long July weekend holiday comes on Dominion Day, which falls on a Saturday, leaving the holiday makers two full days be.. fore they have to return to the daily grind again. The first weck-end holiday is Good Friday. Some people get the Saturday off too. Good Fri- day comes on April T this year and Easter is April 9. Th, your 1939 promises at least tive long week-end holidays to thaw who are in . position to lake advantage of them. The week-end holidays come in April, July, August, September and De- camber. Dvrin: 1939 There Are At The Least Five Long Week-ends lnclgding G_ood Friday-Eas- Holidays Fall On Week-ends Supine ml of an an made her d Cvetr/ed At D, tr Wet " you wear glasses. beware ot elaborately veiled or lavishly trim. med hats. Too much trim-nu plus your spectacles ts likely to give your fare and head a cluttered look. Narrow mints whlch do not was! a shadow across the glasses, plain turtrans of stunnlng tabrlcs. nun. but not severe tin-arm's and ter Sundav Period. Long Face, Round Face. Be- ware of Choosing the Wrong Headgear The Right Hat n moss Hello Rosonkratz. the mum of Baron Rostenkratz, “mud. Denmark. and scion I arwicnt Danish family. who her filthy to Lord and Lady xfsmuir at Ottawa last week. b ll For Your Type mwing Room long. look use which Plea-e address your Tedd“; Barbara Lynn. Room 421. " West Adelaide Bt., Toronto, Ontario. Next week's article will continue this Beauty Stocktaking. In the meantime. wrlte me about your per- sonal beauty problems. You can ob. tain any ot the following interest- ing 1eatlets by sendlng 8e stamp tor each one: Facial Care, Bust De- velopment. Underweight. Superan- on; Hair. Hand Beauty. Glamorous Hair. Slimming. Feet Care. Fascia. ating Eyes and Reducing in Spots. Do you bite yo: r lips. or do they chap easily? The biting cold of our winters plays harm. wlth our lips. but a lypsyl salve will smooth them and keep them lovely. What kind or face powder do you ttse? Are you using a coarse powder that tarnishes the skin. or do you wisely use the delightfully smooth ahspun powder that warms the skin and gives it a youthful ap- pearance'.' It the signs me only taint. get to work on them. It will save lots ot trouble later on. Deep furrows re- qvire constant and patient care to etudipate. Uus (lemming cream dar. ing the day and. at night. massage with a rich tissue cream. Leave this cream on overnight unless you have an oily skin. ls your skin clear and smooth? I am a firm bollover in the habit ot taking a (lawn ot fruit salt in a glass of water every morning on arising. ll lwlps internal cleanliness and keeps spots and pimples away from the skin. Have you any "aging" lines or wrinklrai‘ Look especially around the eyes. mouth. chin and forehead. STOCKTAKING! The New Year is a good time to undergo a Beauty Stocktaklng. Con. sider yourself trom head to toe; weigh up your good points and those that are not so good. Resolve to make the most or your appear. ance during the coming months. And break all sour other New Year resolutions. it you must, but per. svvere with this one! wellN hat left his Mad as though wiped off by some invisible hand. The next instant he realized that this, chap was not the Cust to P.uslrlng for the 92129 bm'ore that flux: catastrophe. " was a huui. rml yards that seettretl nesetucnd. ing. His great fear was of n Rhee: of flant- that would burn them all to a crisp and prou-nt any inter- {cum-o. any saving, of life. It did not come. In the (lying light of the flare which had st: "ck ground somewhere, C'olwell saw a form trawl out. “Slick 'me up!" he shouted. . We Secrets tail looks r! The. man did -.-- but with a gun in his hand. It laneed fire. Col. -gririji'rmii"iiiii!" “He's got to come down Y’ The words wire scarz'o'y tut cf Colwell's mouth before he and Quillen rose full height with a jork. Lofty gave an oja-ulation. ":m's jaw mugged; he was speech- less. His eyes h"," agatcs follow- 0'1th srharp swmp of the aircraft. mm- fun-most, but sile-r.'iom'nrr. hadlv GIVE YOURSELF A BEAUTY _f)ivsso= t-ees:. Quicker of whim: for _ "Sportsman Flies High" Ir g ire ALMA SIOUX Smacuw g Auth., or. “on Sh." Not love. The Gloom I” Shy. ck. . ('ulwcll was; ship before that “Wage , by Lawrence Keating The story of a girl who was at the end of her rope, dangling dangerously . . . but a twist of fate swung her up to safety and happiness; Next Week in This Newspaper side-s.'; . Ve ppmg From New On Dan straddled Otto Graber. He clouted him with his own automat- ie until Graber slumped uncon- scious. Then Colweli, very un- steady and with warm blood tricka ling down his shoulder went tmeer- tainly to the fellow that Lefty had tussled with. Horace Vael was bad- ly mauled and weeping drunkenly Lefty Quilter). knifer of two men Dan knew about. gave way at the knees. A dot blackened his forehead and an expression of bit- ter surprise stamped his Nee. Re uttered a low moan-then folded in a heap. Dead. Otto tuumpled. He twisted and wrigglod on the ground. while Col.. well slowly collected himself and stood swaying groggily, forced to cling to the open cabin door or to fall. Graber's writhing hand paus- ed there on the dark ground. He raised his arm suddenly- "Look out!” Graber grasped it Just as Lefty Quillen limped up. Dan reached out and with a kick at Grnber's arm tried to dislodge the gun. And the first shot did go wild. But the second took effect. It was a scream uttered close to his ear. vcmomously he swung that cold thing, swung it at Graber’s skull. And it landed with a low, hollow sound that thrilled one clean to the pit of the stomach. Something cold came into his hand. "Dan'. Dan'." Otto howled. Colwell tried to wrap both arms around him to bend him back out of control on the floor of the cabin. Graber side stepped, and his terrific blow to the temple stunned Dan. He was aware of shots a distance oft and of Lefty Quillen’s scream. And that he himself was weakening, that Graber was more powerful than he ever had estimated. Desparate Fight He punched again with both his fists and suddenly grabbed for the gun as it swung nearer a line with his face. Their bands struck; the weapon slipped; it was gone. tha. her, panting. jammed Colwell on hack. His head hit an iron support just inside the cabin. Things got foggy . . . But it didn't land, and Colwell put new savagery into his attack. Graber's gun exploded upward - and again. In the darkness they could scarcely see each other; there was only feeble light from th. wing lamps. They stumbled back against the metal stirrup at the open cabin door. Dan's lucky right flattened Graber's bie Ger- man nose. Blood spurted from it as water from a fire hydrant. His stubble of hair felt hard as the bristles of a brash to Dan's hand. They mauled and punched and grappled for the guns. Col- well's twirlcd from his grasp. It hit wing fabric with a ping. Otto (Ember got in a murderous left hook that grazed Dan's paw. Had it landed all would have been over. 'iii" _ 7, _ W. ....._,... {ion at knowing they had outguess- ed him to arrive here first and that now he battled the last time, to win or lose. Tiwy sir-wk. Both heavy, the terrific impact merely jarred them. Grabor's square face was mntorted into hate and rage that Dan never had seen there before. Perhaps also there was despera- Dan moped on Iii: knees, shoot. ing. The second man to alight Rave a yell and toppled. Dan saw Quillen locked with the other chap Vael. He rushed for his own quar- ry. The fellow lay still . . . but when Colwell got within ten feet, his figure dim in the half-covered ship's ground lights Mill burning. (Ember! he could. As he struck grcund Dan realized that hMa Dorm was on the floor of the partiai'y demol- isheci cabin of tie monoplane - hvlp'css though she sqvicnuul and Luttlul her bonds. Lefty Quillcn’s forty-four roar- ed. He_wtys tlosing in as fast as light. The first fellow was hidden iv'otd the crumpled wing and had opened fire. Outguessed “var, ... n... . . 'u'kr'rrfc'ci',1t' i, Stains from candles dripping on table linen occasionally resist or- dinary laundering procedure. Use a dull knife to scrape off as much " possible without injuring the linen. Rubbing lard into the spot often loosens the tallow trumeient- lr, so that the ordinary soap and When preparing dates for add- ine to hrcads, Puddings, ete., cut with ssissors or put through a grinder that has been dipped in hot water until completely heated through. They will cut easier and stick less. MILLIONS aim” -- " thi- Co-ma “I 'gttatmtft,d,tti ttltC,t [that ad Haiku. Mu that: {we at. run-5 co- and a. .nrat thru'T " t,'t, was: blu- that lilti- tt,ttrar,,it via; my? u at an... arld'l'Q 'l'.'-ffft wounding snuxf Then 1tite"oofiiim%Fii,ii “you mod n a?! mud qrutmn tol-ltr" uh “not: did R. Hanna's Ltttet, Cou- nund. Iktttrnrtiaaiauir' andtoou . . 'fftp,t,YN','Jf 3,...” ','.tg,ti,%tt; no. . no not. My 'td',',',) " "Nu." Ind (in I'mmxpm nu. - __ - IF vou FEEL SUNK w flak and chom- up To dry wet shoes so that they will retain their shape and not become stiff and hard, stuff with crumpler paper and allow them to dry slowly. Never dry them near a hot stove or radiator. Pol. ish thoroughly as soot. as they are completely dry. If the family tires of cooked cereals, dress them up a bit by adding chopped raisins. (laws. figs, prunes or apricots. Enrich your table with this lovely cloth. A large hook - two strands of string make this 68 inch cloth grow quickly. You can crochet a 40, 46 or 50 inch cloth from the same pattern'. Pattern 1837 contains instructions for making cloth: an illustration of it and of stitches; materials. required; photograph of cloth. Send tsyis.it/ityrtsrir'i'Gfris'"istii'iiii.i, cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write plainly pattern number, your name and address. "It is then I talk to him about the trivial thinzs that are import- ant to me," Mrs. Black said. After dihner when friend hus- band is smoking and quite placid is the time to talk of clothes. "I don't think George would notice mine unless I spoke to him about them," she said. That was the advice given at Winnipeg last week by Mrs. Geo. Black, member of Parliament for Yukon. Advice for married women: If you want your husband to say something about SOUP! clothes en- courage him to nitieelthem. Household Hints Colwell considered a moment. He was growing faint and weak- er, "Sure," he said, and with a great effort chuckled. “I do. You know that! I-there hasn't been mur:h--chanee to say it. But-" He struggled for breath to go on. "There will be. lots of chance. From now on '." Make Your Hubby See Your Clothes She nestled closer "Loved me." "What?" he asked wearily. Col. well folded the girl in his arms and inhaled the fragrance of her hair. "The snow's in there, eh? All of it? Good. Graber said he'd kill you because I - what?" "Be meant to kill me. Vael was a little afraid, but he was for it, too. Graber said he's do it be- cause you -" "Yes. Oh, Dan, Dan, I -" And shuddering she shook her head. "How did you know? How did you guess they'd fly here? How did you come so fast? We were stall- ed-motor trouble. He nodded. "Their belts - will do. Until we--ean get rope from the cabin. You-all right?" he panted. less Dan Etched back to the cabin. He had Irita free in a matter of seclmds. Pft'se got to tie them'." with tht ragga rhétixxas' in highly con. nu. unbucm “and. me. JIFFY CROCHET CLOTH Pl Ycu'll Be Proud To Own This I Jiff y Crochet Cloth THE END to him. WMn” 5 simple, direct, Ind time-woven In]. Insert a little Merttholtrtiurt well the nostrils. It: numeric “pours a quickly ' to the ”thatch-pu- mtes...tight the lurkinggenm... clear your nose sud help Stfie, clear. Geti89oent3ubeoriirot euthan- thp‘today. thysrr.sntdod to bring quick relief or' itioaee back. At. the. tirtt sign ofyyyold, treat it in FIGHT COLDS The longest name of any organ- ization in the world is that of the Ceylon body, the Sri Gnanawimal- aitunanustmu'antl Samitiyia. When making berry pies, mix with the fruit measurement for one pie about two tablcspoons fme quick-cooking tapioca to make a clear thick juice that should not run out during baking and that will serve neatly. water bath removes it entirely. If it is still stubborn, try a reliable dry-cleaning fluid. Salmou Pill“ W!!! Rice 2/3 cup rice 1 tablespoon butter li cup grated cheese 3 tablespoons chopped onion 2.1,ig cups canned tomatoes 1 cup Canadian salmon Boil the rim until tender, and drain. Rinse if desired. Brown the onion in butter and add to the rice. Heat the tomatoes, sweeten with bi, teaspoon brown sugar if desireJ, and add any seasonings you prefer. Stir in the grated cheese. Saute the salmon in but- ter, removing the skin, but keep- ine it in as large pieces as pos- sible. (This is nest done if it has been previously chilled). Com. Pilaffs are Tutkssh in origin. They might be compared to our Canadian fish cakes or hamburg- ers in popularity. Originally they were very highly seasoned. but you can suit yourself and the tastes of your family on this. As we have given the recipe it is planned for the whole family, which means the seasonings are simple, " chil- dre n and elderly people. may put- take of it. Add a bay leaf to the tomatoes, or a teaspoon of curry powder, if you want to make it more exotic. SALMON PILAFF AN EXOTIC TOUCH TO . EVERYDAY MEALS Sometimes even an interesting name for a recipe adds a touch of the unusual, but when you have an interesting name, plus an unusual but delicious recipe, you have something that makes your family come back for a second helping and ask for repeats. TORONTO Issue No. i-lui . Of Interest toWomen . Readers . Longest Name PATTERN 1837 .1 " Wheeler This way. you won't have a red hat with which not a single dress you own can be worn. Or navy shoes when all of your (rocks are black. Be Crazy About Your Dune: Seldom is it advisable to buy any- thing hurriedly. And remember the dress. which you don't like or are Indifferent about until a salt-swam. an tells you how flattering It Is and .that you certaluly should buy it, us- ually is a dress that you won't like and wear tor years. improve. nuuhlnl. Mrs. Mnurlce Tobin. " Frank St., Pentium). (inn. an: “following motherhood I drvrlnptd Inward Wuhan that pullrd me cumplch-ly down in health. I an weak, [and palm in my sides. my "ck tehed and I wu very nervous. An" "king live banks of Dr. PierccU Favorite Prrsrrituion my new" mm In good condition and I bad [nlly rec-Incl my hum: nnd nm-ulh." Auk your titanic! lo. day [or it in liquid or tablets, After Motherhood Max Hinel, of Boston, ale 75 eggs in ten minutes-raw. Keep a small wire suede brueh, a regular shoe brush, a box of polish and an extra pair of ties for your shoes handy. Make it a rule never to put on shoes which haven't been brushed or polished. Press ribbon ties often and substi- tute a new pair as soon as the old ones begin to show signs of wear. And get new leather lifts as often as necessary. Make it a rule not to take lay costume that you aren't simply crazy about. Being a polite, consid- erate customer. doetut't necessarily mean a wislty-washy, easily can Vinced one. Your Shoes: Give Them Daily Care If. somehow or other. your ward. robe always seems faintly disjoint- ed and you constantly are ttred of about half the items In It. perhaps you ought to make a shopping list every four months. actually buying clothes only four lime: in your. m. slend of whenever you happen to see something you think you like pretty well. The woman who is determined that she will be more attractive " the end of 1939 than she in right now when the New Year is so very new ought to resolve to study her type more carefully and learn ex- actly how to buy clothes which are truly flattering. Every Woman Who Wants to Be Attractive Should Buy Only the Clothes That Are Flattering Learning Type Most Important Follow with a salad of shredded cabbage, or serve with chopped spinach. Then with I fruit dea. scrt and a beverage, you're all get. bine the rice, tomatoes. salmon ond salmon cit. and season if no- cessary. Serve at once. my. .' -. g. “C GREEN 'iiriirilC3 " " nervous. or have backache, sidcache or headaches due to organic distur- bances, you will find Dr. Home's Favor. ite Prescription beneficial. It tones the female organs, calms the nerves. you are weak, _ 'rmw -‘-- mum. m dim” “V VI; 'btovrsmd.' In: an a "lWtlttti" l W"" H”. - vvv - “brunch“: ht min/u actual. ----r--aL.U=il'f_el 'tii", BRING RELIEF ACTS FAST Mrs. Daniel Dodge. former tele- phone operator of Gou- Bay. Ont., and widow of the youthful motor heir who lost his life in an nevi- dent last summer. will receive an atttyItrt_reportrd from 32.000.000 to $8,000,000 from his an“; ac. rording to the terms of a settle- ment Immum-ed at Pnntiar. Mich. Peatered by deer which nibblel nightly at fruit trees. Aunt Pflaum and C. B. DeGolyer, tu- mers, near Dale, Nt., tried every- thing they could think of to keep the animals away. Finally they hung moth-balls on strings from the trees. Not a deer has shown its muzzle in their orchards since. [hf - 'm‘ I h nail; 'hfers't'att','Atl,,'l't'. FREE sum/$193112 iiiaii, iiiiiri,ojifirrri.iirt"hsTCeqir'iVtGr'i'Gt 'rEstedsqudtttaat'stsiueisaitdaTiGiii. [ally regular from johnny to early (ecu. IT I L M This Simple Way hm Pain and Dim-fort ated 8m Tim! Accompanying Gold: with Inning Spud Hie: rpfGrireG7ri%iTirlri"er;'.= elf; nude in!!!“ .sp.e.ciatie made In rcarjee.frtetiiu. chiidren. for man Hkh'uuu a. ie--0.ieq. 't."toaiiiiiiiiii"iiii [mu-1.“, Him: t 1:1. ml” Widow Gets Millions Mothbalh Mnlhr-l F ’Your Child "Hume! \O Noted " m Ii: mark Rnido I Minutes trfrft " "

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