Round Trip Bargain Fares from DURHAM February 3, f, to Toronto For m. Return Limits, Tmin Information, Tickets, coma]! amen Aunt. TMA CANADIAN NATIONAL M.G.OALDER, Twn Agent-PMOS DURHAM 8TATi0N--l Abo to Brantford, Charmin. Durham, Godarich, Guelph, Hamilton, Kim "dine, Kitchener. London, St. Oath nines. Sarina. Southampton, Strat- Tt Oahu". Bellevme. Kingston, Gtutanotttte. Bronkvillo, Prescott, Mor. Ibnrx, Cornwall. Lindsay. TYterrttoro, 'Penetang, Mustard, Barrie. Oritiia, “diam. Gravetthurat, Bramrbridge,Hunurme, Canander, North Bay, Bud. " Bar" I'll! I'll-L ACCOUIQI r333 VILCOII" " SAIITY DEPOSIT BOX '01 YOUR PAP"8"-4VrJbMrr id . Soc mdbllll for cannula list (I domination. BANK or MONTREAL .Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain . . . but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- perience. . .you save real money . . .you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. That's what we call a "break" for you readers . . . no wonder grandma "r--"You'vE GOT SOMETHING THERE!†Mount Forest Branch: E. B. YULE, Manager Holstein (Sub-Am): Open Monday and Friday. ----------Au.-rAMM OFFER------------- mus NEWSPAPER, , YEAR AtetdCTHREE MAGAZINES C) “CC'OOII'I Magazine (24 but») ' You. Cl Nooiml Home bluntly. I You. C] Comedian New“. I You. D Chohlaino, t You. CI Mendel Ruin. t Yon. LI Canadian Nrf'urWtrro and Home E I , . D my 'N. Cl Wu. 9390... ' Mos. CI Chi-0k- Horold. I " l Cl Wan-'3 Home Corn-pod... t Yr. 0 Colds. I Yr. CI m .01. t w. GROUP A PLEASE CHECK -THREE MAGAZINES DESIRED f. t W: IITAILIIIIID III, D Rod and Gun. t You. CI Silva Scrum I Yooh CI American WI Grower, I You. Cl 'onnh'. 6 Mos. Cl American Icy. I Mos. CI Chrlst'e Herald, ' Mat. CI Open Road tFor lays). I You. D In! and Gun. I Yr. Cl Silva Scion. t Yr. D "MCI hit. I W. D Antigen Freit Grow". t Yr. Cl Mien tef-m'" I Homo D USIQJ (B. 'orl. I Yr. W: l-h-r............ Ian eluding botrmtU Aeededesdkttb-r'oaseriMlr-p-. UM DSupodeuo D. I In a.............................................. I Yr. q HOLSTEIN LEADER " In: Halon Dimer In home from momma for a week’l hoiMars. Its my agent the “new Rev 3no. McKenzie preached inthe Fromm-nu Church on Bunny. Owing to the stormy day there were In" Hallo attended the Sub- Executive meet-mg at the Sateen Pretherlnl " the home of Mrs Honeymn in Durham on Friday the The Ladies' Aid will meet on Thursday, February 2nd " the home of Mrs T, J. Redd. Visitors with Mrs J. W. Bmwn last Thursday were her uncle, aunt and cousins, Mr and Mrs Fulton. daughters Betty and Helen of Har- Mrs R. Treleaven vieited friends in Palmerston last Thursday. Jean McGuire spent the weekend with her cousin Eileen Teeter In Durham . The social in the United Church on Friday evening was a great suc- ecu. The South and put Ott' the program and the North end put on}Mrs Dyer convenor or luncn num- the lunch. Mr Geo, Hunt was chair.“I mittee.Mrtt McGuire and Mrs Hustle man and the following program was;were appointed a committee to in- given. Solo by Blanche Cowan. Mu-itervienr the members of the Agri- sica] Travelogue by Mrs W. thetsarrettttuml Society as regards to a which was thoroughly enjoyed. ln-inew curtain in the Hall. After the strumental duet try Mr. Copeland and’roll call. the meeting was closed by son Cliuord. Solo by Gordon Cowan. I the singing ot the National Anthem. Wallace Adams read the newa itemstThe hostels and her assistants serv- Mr Orrie Hunt and Mrs Murrayged a dainty lunch. Bowling gave an instrumental duet.| ----_--- . Community si ng while the actors . in the play Wye getting ready. Title' DRGMORE ot play, "May and June." Lunch was: Mr Walter Renwick and son Cur- served and a 500W evening Wanience of Alberta are down in these spent. {parts visltng relatives and old neigh- The weather man is surely stir-$0M and BPe a vast change in the ring up a real old fashioned winter. l people. The most ot them have passed Duck for those who went south ttsislaway and a new generation are on year. ‘the farms. Mr Renwick has been a- The annual meeting of the Atrrirway for nearly forty years, and visi- cultural Society met in the hall on ted his brothers Will and Kit in To. Saturday January let with a good ronto and Robert in Durham and attendance. The committee appoint John at Dromore. The annual meeting of the Agri. cultural Society met in the hall on Saturday January let with a good attendance. The committee appoint- ed by the Women’s Institute; met with them and made a proposal that if they (the members of the Agricultural Society) would. help, Institute would put a new curtain in the hall. This was received guanim- ously by those present. The weather man is surely stir- ring up a res] old fashioned winter. buck tor those who went south this year. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ', AM. FOUR ONLY . an DWRBVBW Mrs Switzer read the Current events. Mrs Rude rend a paper, "How things were done in the Misl. ‘dle Century and Haw things are idcne May." The Institute At Home in tobe held In the Agricultural Hall ion February 16th. Mm Leith con- ;venor ot program committee and "Mrs Dyer convenor of lunch oom- ;mlttee.urs McGuire and Mrs Hustle ;were appointed I. committee to in- Oman!!! cm not tn tho ml day schoolroom of the United church Monday we Mu. The We reading was taken from Lake: cup-1 ter venu 40 to " and was read by! the m "The Boy In It. mum's Home." from murmur- Story at the Bible. In :31ch an a very tn. terestlng topic on "Boap." A paper was read by Robert Atterdein. Nora Shcrt read a chapter-1mm the book "Penmd Jabber." Denait Hm con- ducted a “an and Nee" contest. The meeting closed with the Nation. ttl Anthem. The Wanen’s lnntltute met at the home of Mrs Jno. Lelth with a good attendance. The President, Mrs Hustle, opened the meeting with the singing of the Opening Ode, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The speaker for the afternoon, Dr msrtrott was unable to be present terview the members of the Agri- cubtunl Society as regards to a new curtain in the Hall. After the roll call, the meeting was closed by the singing ot the National Anthem. The hostess and her assistants serv- ed a dainty lunch. Miss Muir of Ceylon arrived last Wednesday " B. B. No. " and is now in full charge of our school. we welcome Miss Muir to our commun- ity. Owing to the storm on Sunday there were no services held at Amos. Every one was glad to be near their own fireside " it was tt real storm. Over thirty relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs Wilbert Blythe gath- ered at their home last Friday even. ing " a surprise party end present- ed them with an electric tableinmp. Little Nadine Blythe of Durham pre- sented it. and Mr. Wm. J. Ritchie read the address. to which Mr. and Mm. Blythe mummy replied. The evening manent in games and ling- ins, will lunch u theoloee. Wilbert had hcuse and hem connected up with hydro power the any ttMore,--. While Mr Will Philp was chang- ing the sling chain ott, end putting the hay fork on to take off hay they were drawing' trom" the other barn, and being up in the peak of the barn, the ladder upon which he was standing gave way and let him down on the granary where he had some of his ribs cracked. We hope he will soon be back in his usual health. . The young people are holding their meeting to.night at the home of Howard Keith. Mrs Sun Ritchie of Durham spent last week with Mr and Mrs w, Rosie The Women’s Association of Var- ney United Church will hold their regu'm' meeting Wednesday next at the home of Mrs Wilbert Blythe. GG au -iiiliiiL The annual congregational meeting of Varney church will be on Thurs- day cvgnmz of this week at hem: of C. M. Leeson. . __ Me - _ 77., --ee -'""""""'" I. one “VI-J'- m province. leaving only 2096 tor mam nun». 3.000 munc- um; that 1- um um: um the 'nttniehmNttt " will - I tnWhsnttreg, fun family on prune) He II Insured of u out who all. vacuum In It. tax m “'0'" Nevertheleu, Immune mun-e 0m- 1e"'ttred_trt.','"t'th"i"tunuutoir,m,rithttoaerot mam. of C. ii. Leeson. _ He said: 'T do not target tonight, broadcast his own opinions; (2) No Miss Anna Ritchie of Durham and nor have i forgotten at any time in prodtmaking corporation my pur- Layman Ritchie of the Rocky spent my public life, that my own mother chase any network tohroadcut opin- the week end with Mr and Mrs Wil. was born when her tether we: in tons, and ttt Properly constituted hert Blythe. exile, at ntitne when her parents had societies my mmhnee network time The rumors] of the late Wm. Grant not the wherewithni to buy food aur subject to the iollcwing conditions: of Mt. Forest took Nice to llnpie- ticient tofeed their own funny." On (a) Accept responsibility; (in) Pro. wood cemetery Meadow nfternoon. the pause quoted, he almost chok- mee and concluie by enhancement Mr. Grant formerly cuccupied the ed m emotion or use: it when! making door the ell-piece. . tet No farm now owned by Mr G. Dttrroett. to tell which. it was dramatic. intertetcnce with normal C.B.C. pro We extend sincere sympathy to But it w punctured . bit, thenext mans: (d) Shihcient mum; MN. Woife “a P'"' on the death duty. by J. s. Woodeworth in m. (e) Within the wording mi winter of their father ttt M Mrerdn-Hr. speech, mug: "Whether the prime the maul-Mons and not in mm.- -""t""' - Minister’l madman“ were minis " “I! uw. The Dominion nod Provincial M- no great concern of this Home. but There ere verv strcrg “uncut: emuents heveconte to an mt we are concerned with the condition on both sides. be than: I “hem to ench my 409$ of ' no†in oettttrrettrrie I have woken at (60000 about the ccntmverny is the never. Miss Anna Ritchie of Durham and Layman Ritchie of the Rocky spent the week and with Mr and Mn Wil. bert Blythe. The tuners] of the late Wm. Grant of Mt. Forest took plwe to Maple- wood cemetery Wbdne'sdaw lfternoon. Mr. Grant formerly cmpied the farm now owned by Mr G. Dun-och. VARNRY Main and " Mt" MAC PHAIL'O Thu weekend, Ottawa is being trotted tom much-Wot Mal revue. “HM and Needles.†put on by the uncut when of New York city. In the beginning. it was staged for the amendment of themselves and their friends. but it m" so ex- cellent that it hit Broudwny and nu continuously Mr a Inâ€. Last night, I luv it played by the original cut. Ottawa City is neither industrially nor Micah minded, so the house was mil. but the select audience did include " least two mhinet min- isters, their wives and friends, so I was safe enough. in a series of skits, they portrayed the life ct the garment worker, at work and play; made fun of the up- per strata of society. the weaknesses of national politics in the United States. seamed Mu'ssollni’s poptthr tlon campaign and, but of all. brought down the house with “Four Little Angela of Peaee"--Chttmbetu Iain, Hitler, Muaaollni, end 3 Japan- ese general. The last was so subtly done that the script writer's Ideas on the crisis and the future as a re- sult of it were made clear to the endlencé. by pantomime. The only words were In a daring song, begin- “er little angels of pence are we Rocking with odor ot sanctity Though we slaughter the meek We confer every week And we talk it ever pencefully". . . Parliament. in the first week, has been ttrevue-o muons] revue ohm phases of Canadian life and com- ments on the international scene. The debate m reply to the speech hom the throne is wide open; any mem- ber can discuss anything, so longs! the language In parliamentnry. Dr. Monica's speech was eagerly awaited. The Home was anxious to see how the new leader would mea. sure up. Everybody realizes that it is very dittieult to iiollow the Rt. Hon It.B. Bennett, who had the rare oom- blnation of a tine mind and a great gift of speech. This made for em- pathy for the new leader. The gen- ial doctor (ashe issure to becnlled) made it long speech. in which he tel- lingly criticized government policy, what he could and of it. His chief attack was made on the inactivity of the government. He quoted at great length from the promises made by the Prime Minister during the last election, undoubtedly in retaliation for the hours of quoting by Mr King from the preelectlon promises ot R. B., and made etteetive tun of the "King or Chaos" slogan. Doctor Ma. nicn pinned on the government the increased unemployment. "tt they take credit when conditions nregood they must also shoulder the blame when conditions worsen." I thought the speech, to too great an extent, lacked constructive sug- gestions. But Dr. Munich certainly felt the weight of leadership on his shoulders and hi: neutral earn-ves- cent and rapid-tire style we: effect- ed. Time will remedy that. And it is possibly much better to have a lender who doesn't say everything in the most perfect fashion. His folio- were ere not then emit! to week. but are rather encouraged to, " I heard in the lichby: "Went see how a. burn being will shape up u a lender; we have had two peregrine.†There's something in that. Mr. King follawed. in n brief speech which he started in o. quietly nun- tive manner, telling of the visit of the King and Queen, the trade trea- ties but rose to great heights of cr- antory (the best l've heard him in years) when he defended himself a- gainst Dr Mnnion's barbed reference to his lack of experience with pover- ty and lack of knowledge of Candi- " conditions. TORONTO Clash in House r1- - II' .ii. WEEKLY LETTER Badmkmbw :greudul. an.†arm. tnmsmmmhw Luisottasa-tostttruo-re", d .mawymmmlgpyct W. ubmwmut been received. would the Minister m. dicate the attitude of the govern- imem in this connection." He reco- iived the reply: "No nonnation has been mule to the llama ot Nation. nl Revenue." Ho Indium! that it might be introduced by I prime bill but he had no knowledge of It. ,mntotretrrtttttrrth-. Iowan-pad. W1 “ Raven“, before the orders at the day were and: “In: more been“ application, or my indiaucn of n awuatlon. to the mnimr with re- speci mule curving“ United sum goods in bond by the lnterudonl Forwarding Company cwer Ontario highways t If such tn “mutation hu made . good speech. as he‘uwnys does. The youth of Cumin. he said expect more ttom Canada thnn the threshing of old ntnw. They expect problems thet face the Medium ple. He then proceeded to nuke a "ree'Be suggestion. It is that we keep the gold mined In Connie tor one year, add it to the reserve we have, and use this gold In . basis for currency issued by the Bank of Canada to the chartered banks. on the hula at one dollar in paper mon- ey for every any cents in tro'd. Tint new money would be increued by ten times through the lowing Mere- " by chartered hanks "Ott the bui- of our iinancinl set-up. u it wu de- scribed by the Minister of Finenee (Mr Dunning) last session. The banking system ot this country an and does, tend to make loom end investment: to the extent of ten dot. lars ttte every donor that they have byway of such liquid reserves. . ." from this 9“th pronoun which will solve. in I. deitgtitdt was, the Mr. Tucker suggests that u been! ct bank commlsaionen be let up tode veto) worthwhile mining broken In cooperation with geologists when†upon the feasibility of the develop- ment. The chartered - furnish the necessary credit, etch one sher- ing pm rate In the risk. 'The govern ment guarantees In return of two per cent. And, tor the part phyed try the government, one he." interest In the enterprise, when developed, would accrue to it. Thu seems advanced, but Mr Ttte. ker is a nound student ct monetary This seems advanced, but Mr Ttte. ker is a sound student ct monetary matters. The great contention this week is should Mr. MeCu11agh, editor ot the Globe & Mail, have been allowed to use the nationnl hookup to brand» cast his private opinions, or ‘should he not , Benton Haney my: helm no axe to grind for Mr. McCullagh. since the last time he did Must he attacked Denton‘. but he thinks Manning}: should be Illnwed to "tt" the network of nations. Tint: whn' Mr Bennett think. that's what Mr. Rowe thinks, that'. wlnt Dr lulu: thinks. But Mr. Howe, minister of Transport think: not. Mr. King thinks not. Mr Ccldwell think: not. The think» crowd tunes that tree speech ha been interfered with. that our liberties ire being under- m'ned, that ith Mr. locum to- duy and no telling who mom. But the think-not crowd argues that the radio its a new and powerful me dium, that we :11; Just thtding our way in the use of it, that the Cunt!- ian Brxhdeasttng Corporu'on is an nutoncmcuu body; it In umcnhle not to the Minister but tttthy to par- liament. The rulings mule by cm, C. ttrut Dee. 8th, lute: til No Indiv- ideal may purchase my network to broadcast his own opinion; (2) No prodtmklng corporation may pur- chase any network tobroadeut 'tpin. (It's twenty minutes to neven; Walter Tucker of Rocthem‘suk In order to get the Bunk credit out mun, _.r. we. - Minister ot National Am C. luck-ll. ( _ a“ iiairiaiGr ' nitial-m I- mu 'u'nu In " m you. am an Illu- ctuMdm. Add“ vowed In!» Mao-In. and - Township on tgegstaartHe' M, "" Md. and WSW-At. 0m sum Huh-v. not“! of Dtgr. m, where the on lived ttttttl his i luv Ptarutt newâ€. m, an um. a. 27, ac new In mu m In use i mu. nouns -Attttttt-. Mrs OM. at 3mm and lawn- ot, In. Thoma Reid. at loo-ooh). Sack, duo survive. The Meat! hook m on Walnu- church. The a" In Home": con- ducted the m. This Ilium - the It: toâ€: Stun. Mon. mm; Interment m undo in Maple. wood Cemetery In Normanâ€? Yowta. My. near MI W Mme. whit: Ink-Iced Inn. alw- “item! ed In the orttnnuatMe" In his mun! oipollty, I “cesium turner. and did much to foster Wave club: In and about Vanâ€. as m nonun- otthe that tux-new cooper-awe club and an: In I ml dune respon- sible (or In sum. He was terre- wry tor any you" and took prior. tn seeing that It we: always kept nest and pram. Originally Plum. he wor- shiped at Knox. Hmâ€, In which be than had . mu when“. um ct which he “I meter tor M, new. Deter he - the United Church on moving to Mount Forest In new“ be m at all times in candidate who he thought can best suited to serve the public interests. He was a true non ot Scotland. Nothing delighted him more than the and of (henchmen. as his fuller had been a. proficient piper in his lite-um. He was I. m of m principles, 1nd Itrict integrity, And his actions Were ever mounted by his opini on otwhuwu right main tio. public good . “Spllgtime in the Ruth" Two R. c. A. Stttmtt CANADA'S ROYAL NORTHWEST ADDED FEATURE ATTIACWDN - Your Wm Dali-door GENE AUTIV .-lq- ‘Hoart of the North' In In “noun-II. In was. Atrrrtr N mum will thrill your - “In! MON... TUEI. ONLY, JAN. '" 31 A Story of Canada's Nonhhnd "f"tut"tirtlt-eottech- "HAHN“? Ammmdll Mr “he County Claim" “YOIII Mu 'iiidr -----RtNrr----- JANUARY M, Compute M Nightiy: Math- My at 2.80 ECEW2ll MOUNT FOREST “about. am- an†Immune In "" MICKEY IOONEY mum “I. tet a btd r. vb â€we mm a VIII-nos. dot: of tt crumpleu than when t (he an m. mun: " in I In a considerably i than ttw Toronto In have been Beqertd I "e In! minding In Cheney .. lurk-n . Humor , Mme “'llkl‘non for In high “Mylar tt aneme Wu last Selsed Game from Klnurdlr M11 “cardiac Here trite ettortpimttthip, I mug hunch that it I vs. My In the m 01in to the “on My, it ‘u 10 to “IN dine m arrived t my. by which um at curd bu! um! 1 bad me home, all" The layover PM no, ad the all! "I not out till gnu It Vol. LXI, N “It, tut M (In! Mike) on M Cheney Iona“. [m of entering c. In the ma Icy who had no bu “not drum nuts-11mm â€anomalous“! (autumn-cw and when "ft on hueullodltnaoud mrdim xrol [can to in! berths. W Hanover look one. WSW! Purmtt due! in. "f this Int, B. But-hm Itnd M "ttt when ), hid. on w K pu a tau-nee m M Julius he Chase awe urban will: Puree MI mm or trt a a) chase a“! Mala admin" Cat Vitami 00th to count “u Du Dundalk When your diet " h. WV» Kntl Eula! tttr u hm (h rt goddamn! mart Low Price Durban ietet " I Inc Ill uIlm m TOBACCO Durban “V tttt ts " “WK": an not or we on " ly the Ion It