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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1939, p. 3

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Enjoy 1 Bess borough #113011 Leader pie Method loin a Few Minutes WI. irin" is Used b and Discomfort and , Accompanying Call- mod humanly IEVE PM! All MT OF l “ll tdtltt $2 trix I." Cis-c??; , mer am tr.' Comm tt acts In i, ol d mid. VeUim fa d A: vlant.ed in can ia all "all” with” mu 8 mm. at In 2 t relief throat easiest. ll l Dov. 12n- viii d. " He " M's M to " V) 1);:lmark has honored its great sculptor. Bartel: 'rhorwaldsem v.lo died in PM.l. by issuing three warms two of which bear his por- trait and the third a statue of Jason. his first important work. Mos from the small or trivial thins of "to. This tenseness or worry about ulna" things is using up the roserve forces we may need to race the big things of lite. I have always attributed to their ha/dt of eating more meals (not more food) than those in the Unit- ml States or Canada. I felt that tho "contettted" expression was due to a satisfied or contented stomach. ll'm'vvor. William James tells us in Reader‘s Digest. that "the duller crrtititettant',','8 of the British people bunk/en a better ‘scheme of lite' --they wages: Stores of reserved tut-mus force to fall back upon it the occasion should require it." It is only too true that in these days all of us must be “up on our toes" in the battle of life. but then- is no need to be up on our In other words, these normai. in- telligent people were worrying - “aim, up their stored nervous en- pry-about things that were most. ly unimportant. Stan Up Nervous Force- Most visitors to Great Britain notice a calmer. "smoother" ex- pression on the faces there. which A newspaper feature in which the Inquiring reporter asks tari- nus people of all walks of life about their ideas and thoughts recently naked the question: "What worries you most?” The answers from in- telligent human beings. some of whom were ashamed and others amused at their worries. showed that often the moat unimportant things were causing them daily worry. thsical And Nervous Energy Needed For Future Years ls Being Used In Worrying About Todar's Unimportant We're Burning Up Too Much Reserve During the year loans name 'am proved in 124 additional communi- ties where previously thdre had been no Housing Art loans. Coat, munllles in which loans have beon maulo now total 293. vim 34.352 in tssi, Ann Rutherford chooaea a. tweed nut. Itary reefer tor nippy days. Double. breasted. navy velvet “among the button trim 5nd turned-down coll". Plll~box blue with lrt-culornd trim in none: or red and navy accessories an notes of than“. Darius 1933 Adam. To That Among-l Were Made to Home 0m: in Canada Housing Loam Total $14,641,949 was $3,538. compared Mrs. Sarah Adcock, of Wooton, England, 105 years of Me, took her first trip in an airplane . few weeks after her hat ride in an automobile and her iimt talk on the "t"eterrhotse. a round table with chin and not: under a Lenbach portrait of Bite marek. The desk Is " the other and. A bust or the late President Paul ton lundenburg is in one cor- ner. Nine pencils in tiitttrrént Colors lie on Adolf Hitler‘s iesk in his new" Chancellery study. probably the lar- gest study maintained by any ruler, There is also a large magnifying glass. indicating intensive study ot maps. There are no pictures but tho books for daily use including Herr Hitler's own “Mein Kampf," Hans Frank's "Book of German Law." directories of the Weiehattut, government oilices and youth groups. and - topmost - a volume on British and German lines in the World War. The room is 88 by " feet and " tet high. At one end is Walls Are 32 Feet High in the German Fuehrer’s Otriee - No Pictutu, Few Books Hitler's New Study Thirty Yards Long THE WEEK'S QUESTION: What does the Federal Government's new relief program involve? Answer: Starting April 1 the Dominion will pay 40 per cent. of direct relief payments (instead of 30 per cent). Each province will be required to pay at least an equal 40 per cent. and the balance will be paid by the municipalities. Under the proposed agreements the Dominion Govern- ment will provide for a sharing of the cost of aid given to transients on a 50-50 basis with the provinces. Ott the strangth of the program newly announced. Canadian cities have already started feeding the jobless single within their gates. FALLEN AMONG THIEVES: We '.P' <sml the opinion last week _ Ct' tVance is wriulnly In for it. " hir' simuzhold ot lllm'ly and m m urm-y an the continent ot Humps; is gradually behtg tstteircted hy it ring of thieves and black- mailprs. The day will soon arrive whom her position ig intolerable. At tlio moment. France is report- vd lo have agreed to do nothing to mew-1m: a Fascist victory in Spain win exchange for a German pro- mise to dissuade Italy trom taking slices ot France‘s African empire. What a promise and what a bar- gain! Czechoslovakia first. France next will be sold down the river. But she will have helped to sell herself. GREEN LIGHT: A Canadian judge rccnntly ruled that a pedes- trian who starts to cross the street when the light ls green has the right at way till he gets to the minor sidn. regal-dings of whether the light oranges to red in the manmimo or not. That's one to re- nu-mber. motorists. But if pedes- trians Mum] ton rigidly by their riuhla‘ in tho, matter, Hwy are likely to run In‘n mum . ' . ' or bu run ESCAPE: We next to impossible for a German to get out ot Ger- many with enough marks in bi: packet to start a new home in an- other country. He's allowed to carry abroad just enough money for a good holiday, no more. Now comes to our ears the story ot a clever man who outwitted the agents ot Hitler and escaped from Germany forever, taking all his money with him. How. did he do it? Ho sold his properties. pur- chased bonds (negotiable in Great Britain) with the proceeds. made a record of tho numbers ot the bonds, thnn took a holiday trip to England. In London he confacicd a firm ot bond dealers. told them his story. The '1rnt asked toe a duplicate rerun! ot the numbers ot the bonds, saint a lawyer hock into Ger- many with our clever man. The numbers checked. our friend lit a man-l. to the bonds in the presence of the lawyer who later eertified who: they had been destroyed by lire. Over in England again, the triumphant fugitive was reimbursed Ill the total amount of the hands. Ami "trs Menu anew. FREEDOM’S A GIFT hlitst, IDOM’S A GIFT: "I have In Toll for democracy" last chum! former Czevh Ambas- n. Grant Britain. Jan Mas- I'rot 1'znvltoglbvakia's foun- d hi‘! not billm' at, the fate hwd country, he has come without to do' his part in aha! is lett- of Ilnmncrnvy in id today. He is devoting of his lift) to s"wuh'.t the , fyp_tytltrm. Thu only orld now Liam] Hm I'. I Tu Jll V C mm .nulivnce hint: that can t to make peo- trccdom is a. do everything Three million dollars is being spent this winter on Northern Ott. tarlo roads, chietly on the Trame Canada Highway from North Bay to Saul: Ste. Marie Ind roads run- ning north from it, Ontario High- ways Department ottititla report. Ottawa is Paying Half the Cost Of Work On Northern On- tario Highways This Winter --.'rr-Canada Links. Three Millions Being Spent On Northern Roads Of all living creatures, birds possess most active respiration and require the most oxygen. The reh- son is that the air they inhale is sent from their lungs into pockets surrounding their internal or- gans. and even into the inside of some of their bones. Consume Small Creatures As many as 3,000 skulls of mice, rats and gophers have been found underneath the nests of barn owls. These birds consume small creatures in their entirety, latex coughing up the bones and fur. Half the weight of a bird con.. sists of the muscles that move the wings. Owls slip up on their prey on silent wings-the feathers being fringed with down to render thom noiseless. Once the bird': strong talons have secured a grip on an animal's flesh,- the t'rctttutt sel- dom escapes. 7 Birds are ablv to see at least 100 times as well as can human beings-yet they cannot sec the color blue. Once the Bird's Talon: Have F astcned On Its Victim There Is Small Chance of Escape. Owls Creep Up On Their Prey Back on British soil following a daring flight into Rllssia to bring home his wife from whom he had been separated for. four years, Brian Grover is pictured here with Mrs. Grover as they reached London. Grover made headlines a few weeks ago by making: an unauthoized trip to the Soviet in a dilapidated old plane. He was detained for six weeks and after paying a fine was allowed to have the country accompanied by his wife. born a Russian. 1lirovev met his wife while doing svientifie work for the .'c,vvet"t1rty n; of I'ucisia, WONDERLAND OF OZ The owl-man‘s round ("you blink- " fiercely upon the intruder. "What are you doing here?" he demanded. shaking his club. "i’ve come to see the First and Foremost Phanfum of Phantnstico." replied the General. He did not like the way this crea- ture looked at him. but still was not afraid. "Ah. you shall no him." "I. man said with a uncaring iaulh. "Phe First and Foreman shall de- wenupon the beat may to punish Daring F lyer Returns With Russian Bride v, . __ r, ,.._V_..........‘. n... bk' u.» old plane. He was detained for lux weeks and allowed to Page the country accompanied by his Grover met his wife while doing seientifie work BY.," e The doctors, therefore, feel that people, whether they be grown-ups or boys or girls, should make a practice of sleeping on the side which they usually favor. When, in the course of oxperi. ments, sleepers were asked to go to red so many nights on their habitual side, it was found that they trot to sleep more easily when on their normal side than when they were in the unusual position. Careful experiments which have been carried out recently show that this is not really the case. When 150, right-handed persons we're Itxarnined it was found that 'there was rib great preference for sleeping on one side or the other, although in the case of 1eft-htinded people the majority preferred the left side. It was long held that right- handed people generally sleep on their right side, while left-handed people go to sleep on the left side. You Can Sleep On Either Side Clearing and grading. involving the elimination of hills and curves. wnstitnte the chief works under the ngrt-mnents with the Federal 1lnvrrnuwut. An mlvaut:irre of do. ing this work in tho tv'mtrcy is that cleared brush can be bnrnml with. out danger of (-ztnsing int-est fiytrs. No permanent surfaces will he laid in the winter months. Clearing And Grading The Highways Department esti- mated that upwards of 100 miles of the Trans-Canada Highway be. tween North Bay and the Boo is ready for permanent surfacing any time, a tirtst class roadned having been laid. No decision has been made on whether any paving is to be done this year. it was stated. agreements 1rltlt the Federal Gov- ernment covering winter relief work up to that date. Completed March 31 Most of the projrets are under way. All mnst be completed by March tt 1|ndm',lhe terms of two " W IE fwmtmwummh' W str' I .%;;_ Ilia (ali,, KI "ttIii i Ji _ . s; [til Eli g , , t, y = t F. , Bi Iiilllg Ftai ,. r“, 1til.C) a lilel& --_--w. $rC,5C, , Fr_r---_w- Bill fi?,', V -tiiltl.Mftlti,!iiliill Al' "He will not punlsh me." returned no 1h. calmly. "tor I have come here to do him and Mn people a rare Inv- or. Lead on and (Ike me directly to your master." The owl-man rau.. ed his club with I threatenlng gel- ture. "It you try to “an." he nld '/trewarer'u-.. but hen the General interrupted hm. “Stan your threat." he nld, "and do not be Importlnenl. a will ban you nov- tht',,', punish: be“ on “a loop I en . Chemical experts assure the British Government that if the worst came to the worst the people could be fed on tablets which would provide everything necessary except bread and water. ried women. The year 1988, when 489 persons over 90 died, was typical of thnt total: 154 were men and 335 were women, 213 of them married. l'or 24 Seals, C. G. Gabh has been keeping: a record of the death notices published daily in The London Times. During that per- iod, reports Gabb, 9,781 persons passed 90 before dying-and most of the nonagenarians were mar- Juvenile crime in Lethbridge has diminished perceptibly. This war there have been only 20 ju- veniles in court so far as against 58 last year. This, we have no hesitation in sayingjs greatly due to the encouragement given boys by the facilities provided by com- munity playgrounds and skating rinks and the interest taken in iu- nior Hockey Association, the ex- ceutive of which is composed of 'tdulis,--Lethbridce Herald. SPORT AND CRIME "We received a call from the night watehnutnibout 4 o'clock. and he said, 'You may not ber here it, but a deer inst Jumped through the window of the " flee,'" stated Sergeent Percy Last. P.C.’s W. Clipperton and Charles Shipley were des, patched with the black maria to remove the frightened deer from its new found sanctuary. it required four men to capture it and piles it in the police transport, in which it was taken to Pond Mills and released. BETTER LOOKED AFTER A very potent faet which re- strains emigrants from leaving Great Britain to risk \‘cnturcs in the Dominion, is the soeial secur- ity measure in effect over there. Unemployment insurance and old age pensions are the main bene- fits which are not offered in all British Dominiomc---Branrton Sun. Police of London, Ont., wore called at 4.30 one morning lust week to arrest a new Lind of. burglar, a 125-pound deer that leaped through the office win- dow of the Leonard Foundry, when startled by only morning“ noises. It may be surprising to learn that drivers who fall asleep ttt the wheel are the cause of more than 70,000 automobile accidents annu- ally. It pays to have all senses alert when in charge of a motor cat',---'; News. Deer Leaps Into Office. By Window DRIVERS WHO FALL ASLEEP As the public accounts of Ontlr- io are not distributed until the Legislature meets, and it will as- semble late this year, the accounts will be 11 months old before any- one but members of the Cabinet see them.-Wodstoek Sentinel-Re- new. AND THE DOUGH'S ALL SPENT A Toronto ivoman has written to Vancouver for a husband. The situation in Toronto probably is the same as in Guelph-the dear lady has found out all the nice men are already nuwried,---Guelph Mercury. TRY THE RURAL AREAS A farmer's wife, after looking over a new recipe-book. expresses the opinion that it is possible to make almost anything out of eggs, except money.--Nonetor, Tran- script. . _ EXCEPT MONEY Nonagenarians Thin mum wax really n Hover m- ' . 'itli 1','h,? scams a 'ld have: '0' .ornxo custom t v . accomplished much.- He l MAW“? t: that he had [an 't'/,"et','ct'otttgie , geroua posit 003w com! " to ml." 'f drudful wounlmn. but he also knew " he showed fear he wan Ion. m aunt‘tm'ted a 32m mlnner l" 'hit a on“. e wig“). ." PM: in noon evid. t. .Wr It,itri in!" with the own hum turn. tf, and ted the way up the noun- I. ' “Why “(ch uh the mind on. . . . It'll muse you look ullu.‘ LIFE'S LIKE THAT In 1936 the highest t1ood ever known in the Tigris delayed work. Laborers worked under condition varying from freezing in winter to 125 derreos in the shade In mid. summm'. Hundreds in Berlin wore waste- paper baskets over their beds on "Pedcsttans' Day" to draw atten- tion to the carelessness that often )catls to fatal accidents.' ' Work on the project 1m started in December, 1984, with construc- tion of workers' camps and nctunl building ot the dun and reservoir begun in June, 1935. As many n 2,600 Arabs and Kurd: labored any and night removing 1,4t00,060 cubic yards of soil from the reaervoir and placing more than 260.000 cu- bic yards of concrete in the giant forms that shaped the dam. . Dim Acm- Tlgrio : A 1,500-toot dam new“ the Tim: will send-Inter down 3 2% mile canal into the t3ltatGeMharrat riv- er at all sea-om of the yen. In addition lock: will permit velaell to Raise along lite Tigris between Baghdad Ind Bunk. “white of the land from'wh]éh Adam and Eve were expelled, was completed New Year's eve. The Kut Dam lrrjullon project. (It-sinned to bring under cultivation a great tract ot land between the Titrrit and Euphrates rivers, trad!- Wendi "alga may pick ap- ples ortU)ttoriht the Garden of Eden wIi'elj'hur no“ .ittto the and couutrt,rrostra,etat reservoir built by 1mtuhiiutaeers. Garden Of Eden May'Grow Apples New‘Hope'l-‘or Arldi-m hulls 1pQtdlhftt', _3rr.Bmuhttuliie. ' sc,. ", i,i,_it,'jii,ii."elfi'l Illttl ROLL YOUR OWN ,<}::::- V/ 8 BETTER CIGARETTESIv " f, _ , I I " F I tl , 1% 4 % anht u I" ’ t ia I ll I f .. P w: 5%. 'i, V 's . " u I , ll A - _ Irie/lice': " _ Bt' _ "r " IIB' a'tT.i'. -~ it"s-T ', tt' "hrrHy,f/tinA?li,, .. " , mr Mit §m.f.;..‘:4 8 M _ . " BETTER CIGARETTES .' IIB' a V . a! , I , , ' LT El ' I.., " . . . . ,. .5 " ($2leij Ll, " " ' " g: (ay, 5, . lllllllllir " f ”gt: .. fr vif1l 3"“.3 v MllllllN ,” "__." Mgt ', I; ri1rfis?1C"r7.t.ti. . ' " IN lei' 1'iifrg 3. g81llli, , 'Vr?u'UT: 'Cs." WtRTiiit, “a - , Citi'. ";iis:i,r,rTrl'ir _ ' / cr,,,!,!,:,!),,-.';),,!)""' :i,r,ri'cCi',ltfi.i . alllit . ". "a _" .I’. " TfikiiMil F Iss- 'CC". " rT . 'j'ic 'tl. " " _ ., 'jl"f,l'j'j V _ (il. "A“ a. Mi?))) .32.} if F B' Illlllil W 577"»,1.f‘ a Mres wt , Il1llliiI _ ht: (f ' 1'eG u tr: ' .'5t:. !l,T,_ifii'jiij',rii'iv'" . t':»:5‘:¥:~‘;< ONTARIO ARCHIV‘ At the wry hm of It" with win at level plain "90% which were homu- ‘vuf not that u: ret Khulna weaned Jul but on looking closer Guph MrtT"eTkeki that than “le hum. were dwv-Hlnun. tor and: had an up- caning. Not " person I!" " be "rtt nutsido the T/t Imam“! Ji'" un- e f . ow -nan t a way t"Jkhihtte dwellings to nae man‘- in: m me venue. (Matilde (in en. trance [tts and,“ can: a low In“ JAM all: tied fato-'Hw-Ah.'" “The old and new world hug “ken noun-Ion of “IBM accomp- lishments and beuettt therefrom." Goebbels sold “the world of to” la not imulnnble" without Ger-In- ltamn "eotnpiishtttent.. “Not laughable" Without The!!! “Books and newspnperu an be printed because Gutenborc Innat- e! the art of print“. The Ill.- leu tor all, time is connected with the nu. or the Inna. Home“. The Brst combustion motor. we" made by the Germans. Ben: and Dllmler." he summarized. Prom“. [hunter 2hlt tn an exposition of Gem- u mun contribution to world no- greu this week "If!“ 2t away living oblerven who In. t and criticize atgtttttrMrintt W that "Attsertea Will discovers! by an 1min." Goebbels spoke before . mt lttaugttratitse ringer radio cocoon- tion with Fuel-t Itatr-thgt “II-t Berlin tatdio “is" n he out R. world's record for model planes. At the Conadion champion- ships in Toronto lust Septem- ber his outdoor stick model stayed nloft four minutes and twenty-two seconds. He lop- ped sixteen seconds off the, world's mork. The Federation Aeronautique International of Paris has now recognized this " an Haida} wurld's l'u‘ul‘d. Sets World Record With Model Plane aeroplane desigsivt. and builder. has been advised he broke a By L. Frank Baum John T. Dilly Galt, model By Fred Neher

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