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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1939, p. 7

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§AVE GDEK‘S no i "'.S“» § . APFG /‘ L iÂ¥ To a cupful of warm vinegar add a tablespoon epsom â€" salts. When the salts have dissolved, apply to the glass with a rag, makâ€" ing tiny dabs all over the glass. After this solution has dried on, vyou will be surprised to see that the glass bas taken on a frosted appessance. Total freight traffiec through the St. Lawrence ‘and | Welland canals was higher in 1938 than in any provious year due to heavy grain shipments, the Dominion Burcau of Statistics reports. Trafâ€" fic through the Sault Ste. Marie canals, however, was lightest since 1932. The Wellard ship canal handled s total of 12.633,093 tons in 1938 compared with its 1937 record of 11,747,950 tons. Barley, increasâ€" cd over 1987 by 293,899, corn by 1,344,769, and wheat by 781,029 tons and oats, other grains, flour, vasoline and sugar also showed substantial increases. Soft coal tonascgze dropped to 3,071,198 from 8.875,427 tons in 1937. Trafiie on the St. Lawrence cavnals totalled 9.256,.318 tons in 1238 â€" compared with 9,195,139 tons in 1987. ' Tro{fic Fer 1938 Higher Than In Any Previous Year â€" St. Lawrence Locks Gain Eut Soo Declines. We‘lland Canal Reaches Peark C program, with the air force re. ceiving the greatest attention, legâ€" islation will â€"be introduced to establish x defence purchasing board to protect the public from armament profiteering. The defence estimates for the coming@ fiscal year probably will be jumped from $34,000,000 to about $50,000,000 with most of the new appropriations devoted to the air force. _ The present perâ€" sonnel of about 2,000 officers and men may be doubled and fast new fighting planes will be purchased In view of the precarious state of international affairs, the Govâ€" ernment intends to continue its program of modernizing the deâ€" fences of the country to safeguard Canada from dangers of attack, according to the throne speech, To Buy New Fighting Planes In connection with this defence program, with the air force re. ceiving the greatest attention, legâ€" islation will â€"be introduced to establish x defence purchasing board to protect the public from armament nrofitearins C hnd id ns Aceii® wi l tss ccllna on the air force and a proposal to increase expenditures on public works to relieve unemployment are major considerations before Par. liament. It Is Proposed to Spend $50,â€" Canada‘s intention to expand its defence program with emphasig Fevep‘ Reie n AP td & Canada‘s At 14, voted to Air Force. 000,000 During Coming Fisâ€" cal Yearâ€"More Money De. She‘s A Genius purchased. Lord our God shall call unto him, The promise here relates to the gift of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is to be given only to those who have acknowledged the Lord Joesus Christ. uin Pivcs dent P P i 39. For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the 38. And Peter said unto them, Ropent ye, and be baptized . every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirvit. The answer given by Peter lays down two conâ€" ditions, and points to two gifts, Repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus are the requireâ€" ments. Remission of sins and the Holy Spirit are the gifts. "Repent Ye" Acts 2: 3741. 37. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart. and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles. Brethâ€" ren,. what shall we do? A sharp knife had been struck into their hearts as Peter relontless!y and mercilessly drove home the fact of thoir responsibilities for the death of the Son of God. They were smitâ€" ten by his words in the power of ten by his word the Holy Spirit. ard he concludes by showing the tremendors consequences of such a stupondous, foretold,. undeniable miracle. . _ _St, Poter dwells in his sermon, on Christ‘s person, his sufferings, his resurrection, his ascension, no longer indeed for the purpose of exâ€" alting the Jewish nation. or preâ€" dicting its «triumph, but to point a purely spiritual lesson. _ 86, Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly, that God hath made him both â€" Lord _ and Christ, this Jesus whom ye cruciâ€" fied.© What Peter appeals for here is that those who are listening to him, the Jewish people,. should know assuredly that Jesus was not what he was judged to be. a crimâ€" inal worthy of death, but the Christ of God. entitled to theivr worship and adoration. mon is the Christ. The tho prophecic prophesy, and yo see visions, and dream dreams: servants and on . those days will Sptrit: and they The main the mon is the resi Christ. ‘The apo 17. And it days. saith G of my Spirit your sons and prophesy, and 15. For these are not drunken, as ye suppose; sceeing it is but the third hour of the day. Wine was drunk by the Jews with flesh only, and, founding the eustom on Exoâ€" dus 16: 8, they ate bread in the morning, and flesh in the evening, and so took no wine till late in the day. (At the time this astonishing manifestatior occurred) it was only nine o‘clock in the morning, 16. But this is that which hath been spoken through the prophet Joel: _ The words which Peter quoies at the very beginning of his mossase are found in Jool 25 28â€" in all languages, for these works have been wrought for all flesh. 12. And they wore all amazed, and were perplexed, savying one to another, What meaneth this? 13. But others mocking said, They are filled with new winc. New wine was sweet wine, brt nevorthe. less intoxicating. Peter Preaches 14. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spake forth unto them, saying, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and give ear unto my words. Our Lord had told the disciples that they were to tarry in the city of Jerusalem until they should reâ€" ceive power from on high to wit« ness to the great truths which Christ came to establish (Luke 24: 49). The latter part of the chapter preceding our lesson showed the disciples waiting in an upper room for this new enduement of power, They had been waiting for some ten days, from the time of our Lord‘s ascension to the day of Pentecost. Pentecost is the reversal of Babâ€" el. The gospel can be told in every tonguo that men can speak, and they who have the Spirit are bound to utter the wonderful works of God in all languages, for these works have been wrought for all flesh, Fidt@eâ€"â€"Ihe city of Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit fell upon the disâ€" ciples @athered together in an up» ber room. The sermon was preachâ€" ed in some large outâ€"door area, where many people were able to assemble together to hear the word. THE LESSON IN its sEeTrinNe Time-I’eMecost, May 28, A.D 30, Golden Placef'l‘he ¢ity ot LESSON v1 © PETER PREACHES atT _ _PENTEcoSsT Acts 2: 5â€"18, 3641 Iden Textâ€"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts. Zech, 4: 6. Sunday School ind rest LQSSOI\ i0d, I upon l vour shall be ur y our 18 my | will p all fle daugh roung ‘ old i in if poti & m« me and t ind on m maidens i rth of m: prophesy eter‘s ser sh 1 forth And shall shall shall 1 my 41. They then that received his word were baptized: and theore were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls. the children of Israel; .but those whom Peter spoke of as "afar of( must be the Gontiles. 40. And with many other words ho testified. and exhorted them saying. Save yoursolves from this crooked generation, When Peter says that these were to save themâ€" selves from a "crooked generation" he means that the time â€" would come when the wickedness and crookedness of the world in genâ€" eval, already manifest in his generâ€" ation, would be judged. and men would be saved from such judgâ€" ment only il they wore sate in Jesus Christ. George Jacklin, a fatmer just a few miles west of Chesâ€" ley, shot a large timber wolf near his home. The animal weighed about 40 pounds and Mr. Jackiin shot it when the dogs, which were running rabâ€" bits, chased it. ‘The wolf had been seen a few days ago in Brant Township, elose to where it was shot, at Monk‘s bush, near Mr. Jacklin‘s home on the 12th concession _ of _ Brant Township:. A bounty will be placed on the animal. Fortyâ€"Pound W olf Shot Near Chesley year a 40â€"acre veyed and sul OTTAWA, Canada â€" Yellowâ€" knife, Northwest Territories, was the most actively prospected gold area in Canada during 1938, acâ€" cording to the Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa. More than thirty mining and prosâ€" pecting companies were active in the Yellowknifc area, as well as scores of individuals, syndiqates and groups. Some 3,500 claims were filed during the year, bringâ€" ing the total number of claims in the Yellowknifc region up to about 5.500. 3,500 Claims Were Filed Durâ€" ing 1938 In Canada‘s Most Actively Prospected Gold Area. Yellowknife Said Growing Rapidly Th This twinâ€"motored bomber shown as it arrived from Califorma at Floyd Bennett airfield in New York is the first of 250 ordered by Great Britain for the Royal Air Force. The machine is a Lockheed 14, powered by two 1,100 horsepower engines and with a cruising speed of 0 ver 200 miles per hour. The bomber will be dismantled and shipped to England by boat. It is understood that Britain intends to use the American built machines for longâ€"distance reconnaissance work, POPâ€"Anything Salty Goes Over Robin‘s Left Shoulder )0( en IM VERY _ SUPERSTITIOUSâ€" The United States Is Building 250 of These Bombers For England any other words exhorted _ them, elves from this , When Peter re to save themâ€" en of are but those "Archie", whose heckling of guest performers and accounts of goingsâ€" on in "Duffy‘s Bar and Grill" have made him a standâ€"out on the CBS series, "This is New York," is realâ€" NO ROLLING STONE. HE Frank Munn, tenor star of NBC‘s Waliz Time show, is far from being a rolling stone. Me has been on the air for 16 consecutive years, lived in one place for over 20 years, and eaten at the same Manhattan restaurant for some 12 vears. f /(«r‘ M"‘. f * C S | % % C . k > f 1 :. Inain . l 1 TRe _ & ¢ * M ) l 8 % COs Te . lt M he admits o .selling. "com clals". ds 00 A ( m o re â€"due: John Conte _ than selling ttas",~ Besides, he claims. meet a better class. of peopl« Oven to 6 A voice that. once" earned. 20 cents a night selling mewspapers is now announcing the new "Sereen Guild Show," heard over the Colâ€" umbia network every Sunday from 7.30 to 800 pm., EST, It is that of ‘J8hit‘ Conte, the 23â€"yearâ€"old anâ€" nouncer, who also‘ serves on the "Sitver ‘Theatre". programs heard over the same network from 600 "EXTRA! EXTRA!Y" ANNOUNCER Gandhi is still the beloved leader of the Hindus, Miss Batlivala (be lioves, and his ideal of nonâ€"violence has not lost any of its force. 300,000,000 people may â€" eventually displace the balance of power dn Asia and in Europe. Is Boycotting Japan "In the middle of February, the Aliâ€"India National Congress, which governs our internal aiffairs, will meet for its annual session near the town of Jubbalpore," she said, "It always meets in a village so as to be nearer the people. The federaâ€" tion of all India will be the main point of the agenda, although the delegates are also bound to speak of the international situation. India is the country which has the most effective boycott of Japanese goods, in protest against the aggression in China," In the present undeclared war of democracies and dictatorships, Inâ€" dia, with one fifth of the globe‘s population, is clearly on the side of the democracies, Miss Bhicoo Batâ€" livala, an altractive Indian girl who has come to this continent on a lecture tour, said in an interview. Miss Batlivala is convinced that India will play an important, role in international affairs in the near future and that the weight of her India Is On Side Of Democracies May Swing The Balance of Power, Native Girl Declares On Lecture Tour of This Continent n Conte, the 23â€"yearâ€"old an r, who also‘ serve§s on the ‘Theatre". programs heard ae same network from 6.00 p.ut., EST, on the same day mexes Conte is a native i)) of Palmer, Mass., * but received his . w9 schooling in Los Angeles; that‘s : the place whore * e he used to be a Â¥ newsboy. While b & he says that sellâ€" yB‘ inz newspapers is excellent training {f orâ€" sunouncing, he â€" admits â€" that Are You Listening "ARCHIE" WHENEVER L UPSET THE "comme» is â€" much Iucrative By FREDDIE TEE of he ntiall you 1939 at surprisingly néew Jow prices. The advantage of jtst pressing a button and having a station respond instantly eliminates the necessity of the driver taking his eyes off the road to have to turn & knob to tune in. Every Motorola 1939 model has this new pushâ€"button antomatie. feature. Â¥ The Canadian Radio Corporation Toronto, announce an assortment of outsianding automatic pushâ€"butâ€" ton Motorola automebile radios for 9e E; /' % ~, his Boâ€"plece or: *Â¥ /“g chestra‘> and the fl( ‘.}' Lyx MurraÂ¥ Chorâ€" w Momena us. Different Ed, Gardner â€" suests, both promâ€" inent and otherwise, but all closely identified with: life in New York, appear on the program, cach week. The series is heard every Sunday over the WABCâ€"Columbia notwork, 800 to 9.00 p.m., EST. °. .. \ l ’ the .c f clals 4 cont it o role. x4*‘ how ( T t * M becam | NP 9e Apigml . chuic." T * 3 W ul ar ~ wg pert _‘9 & ‘. ? c o *This ;;‘; 5 York" * se . Leith : e *A ns c Frnpdiait . *‘ chest: k k. ’ Lyx M e *Â¥A NEW MOTOROLA AUTO RADiO Iy jEd. Gardener producer of. the program. When fhe show tas still in rehboarsal formy; Gav‘rhwr_su:glfl.â€"t- ed "Archic‘ as one of the program‘s characters. There was na‘ actor avround to read his lines, so the proâ€" ducer read them 1iimself.~ He did such a good job that a clamor.imâ€" mediately wentup from the rest of gs> “"'i;‘i the cast and offiâ€" t cials that Gardner continue . in . the role. >And .that‘s 108 how Gardner also % s .. f ~ became Actor"Arâ€" NE K ~jeel chic. . Other rog» 3 L" 9M uJ arly featured w p e i t g rmers on e wE > "This Is (New P e ? . your" A nelud e * . . Leith Stevans and Mises Helen Winthorpe Weyant, a chorus girl in several Broadway musical shows under the stage name of Winthrop Wayne, will reâ€" ceive an outright bequest of $300,â€" 000 and oneâ€"third of a fortune esâ€" timated to amount to _ between $30,000,000 and $70,000,000 acâ€" ecording to the terms of the will of Col. Jake Rupert. late owner of the New York Yankees. Miss Weyant, a striking brunctte in ber late thirties, is pictured _ in . her home in New York. More rigid grading and holding off the market apples unlikely to give consumer satisfaction, was one More Care Needed In Grading Apples Heiress To Millions L THROW IT OVER ~. (Copyright, 1034 by The Beil Syndicate. Inc.) winning. 56 Made of .. . antelope. 85 To depart. oatmeal. 8 Female fowls 36 Astringerit «_ 58 Thosée. that 10 Poersia. ... powder. & regl. .:. A1 Genus of frog '3’ Pertaining to ©~59â€"He likes 20 © 12 Bad soft coal _‘ Alps.. â€" / Aâ€"smew air 13 Note in scale 38 Springless . ~ _ routes as a ~â€"â€" fyer 20 God of sky. 21 Maintains. 23 Having markings like *~ letters. 26 Behold, 27 Yields. 81 Opposite of llt())RIZONTAl, Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Pictured _ , â€" A aviator, [ME}x]| | |COLJCTARDECN, Colonel E+R+N O|N, Dfif\ Charles â€"â€"â€"â€",. JP B All B _ B RIVU S 9 He was the PS RREID|| |C] â€" fAyer to _ M RiWRR O CBRE WWo‘n‘e B make a New Q’A:r Al A 4M 1 N G l A C York to Paris 10(M|| TRR[T NAIR AR\ H;f;h_;fx»‘am. 6 l?l:lA;C lA N A MB S A T 2 14 Surface C L/A TRA TJ_ measurement C t‘ EiA T Ub FICOAT 15 French Hfi&?‘%n T“yaé A No measures, 17 Branches. 18 Distinetive ‘theory. ; . wagon, A# 19 He started out 39 Mcasure of as a â€"â€"â€" flyer, + Arga. ~. 20 God ol sky. _ ‘40 God of war., 21 Maintains. 44 Aside. * 23 Having 46 To paint with of the recommendations made to the 79th annual convention of the Fruit Growers‘ Association of Ont arlo by George Wilson, of Simcos, the president, P Consumption of apples was deâ€" clining "quite rapidly," Mr, Wilson said, and it was a problem which ( Worip %’.;‘.'i".i.‘.."‘.!,. | This Curious W TCO C DCASOIMUZUSCUS JNSLRUIC Of Fechnology has made studies of highâ€"speed phenomena which disclose the curious actions of a golf ball in motion. At the moment of impact with tht club, the ball flattens, remains momentarily pressed against the face, then shoots nff into space. LEAVES THE CLUB Ar Q A sPEeeEp or aerour * e 190 FEeEeTr mm SECOND l at> WHEN HIT BY THE _:?.J a AVERAGE GoLFrEm. â€"~al@e> NEXT: Why go waltzing ..s'c:--:-;m‘? THE Massachusetts Institute of Technology has made ie oo e e n t CoRt EC TES t CAAAE EBPAALAL recommendations made to COPR, 1938 BY NCA SEAViCC inc. Famous Flyer gold. it s $ * 49 To lixiviate, _ 2 O'flent. i 51 Rock, > s 6 Wagon track 53 Wireless, " > _ MArks. 54 By. f 7 African 56 Mage of [« . . Antelope. oatmeal. > 8 Female fowls. 58 Thosé, that.. 10 Porsia. «/ trork. > .. A1 Genus of frogs M‘E%{[f [€ O*;A RD g.:N,A c R; NE 5 HJON: 1 22 7 P C aAIN!S lllllA‘Nn 3ufg' s1 ** a C y ~ ED)i |C TRRBO] «: T REKR O ERRON ERRAL) 2s + RIA!T MMW A q |M) I_ N 6 l A G )C it OM |TRRT NARARRARUM _ : L L/A CBWAINIARRIS AlTiAN) 225 E raSIL A T RMmARREP T o we U'J TR«E; A TJU. 7FE COATOF J‘ ‘ ME TD s OB ARMS OF| 32 Â¥ Amoo ns Bc ucy = 38 M MY LEEFT SHouiber! 16 Quict 2 Part of eye 3 Promontory u.upstcal note in seale. â€"> By J. MILLAR WATT VYERTICAL required mg'lp@édlg{;'fid;i;w attention of the apple grower, Jews in Palestine are paying voluntary taxes on cigarettes, bus fares, tickets of ‘admission to places of entertainment, and eveRr on imported vegetables, to. craist funds for security measuzes.,, ‘THAT EVERYTHING WwOUuLD BE ) SMOHERmED oc hut. s 52 Peak . §3 Railroad. | 54 Postscript» 55 Musical ngte 57 Northeast," surprise. 45 Monkey, > 46 Place whore a 47 In. 48 To ogle. 50 MiniAg shaft 44 Sound of 34 To scold. 3B Makes lace. 41 Wings. 42 Maxim. 43 To depart by : boat. J« SIM, 33 Wrath 29 To dibble. 30 Night befert . . displea¢ure. P94 Peanut., * 25 !{:‘?hus live in â€"â€" for 1 last 2 years 28 Snaky fish. 21 He won the â€"â€"â€" of the chtire world 22 To ‘Tee} * itce ends lived for the

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