In! Ibo Now Playing is! with the lladii " Mar Am runway m. “thew!!! DE " iBRUARY l, Iâ€. plenty W! WUND vim France. on b. Velma do" I SAT ays Coodbye’ HEA "NT Matinee Sunday " I.†were king' (tXY hung a Allen at m m the VOOIOIIC with it? a Toma H 'enluro " me my scam. Acmeunull "' NEW on sun - N 'rghtty FOIIST - Family... tn .' when Andy West ville?! n. Forâ€! I. ntrer of but} FED. 3 l 6th R "“th )wndm m RS RAFFLE!) Buraueuq I fed a. you" returned to man ardon me! man in Tor r mum not dani- d home I! week will 10th, ttttt nlreturn ‘clock the apparel!!! Phone S untied the 'rant but wk tgt 3mm! Mar a would 9etetr “in: I mod uing. I " be: oorted which PM?! able strict 'e the ncent black l the Van nent both wat Sev NM 8th one In ttw all 01 M ot I-Vh Durham Won first Playoff 4-2, in Geanhe 3. Dmhaarr--'Neher 4. Durham-Mum (Tucker) 5. Durham-Ah McDonald (Lawrence) Third Period 6. Kinrardine--Butherhtnd (Capstick) 7. Kineatdine--3. Pickard x. Durham-0. McDonald 9. Durham--'nteker (R. McGirr) 10 Durham --G. McDonald Waw. lid) hillcaruulr - 12. Durham-Tucker (Moses) McDonald) Referee---'. Jones, Guelph. Durham-ft. There were only 5 of the McDon- Durham- G. ald clan in the mine, 3 playing tor McGirx) .. Durham and 2 for Kincardine. In 3rd Kincanline opened with 2 more. the last from a scramble, to come close. but Durham let loose with 5 more. and Kineardine's hopes were squashed. Tucker with 3 goals and I assist was Durham's leading Mrst Period 1. Iherhtugr--R. MeGirr (Noble) 2. Kincmtne - Caustic]: Second Period ll Having a margin on the play throughout. by superior speed andl I‘m-sly passing. Durham's Int. m team captured the itrtst of the play-i (if series Monday night from Kin-1 cardiac In the lakeside town by a' 4--2 score. The score wuagood in.' dication of the play, " Durham‘s speedsters. such an; Tucker, Moses, G. McGirr. G. McDonald, hwrence, rte. made last breaknwayq 1nd shaded their rivals. The evening was mild. but ice was good in Brtrt frame, became heavy in second, then so“; and very heavy in last period. Both team-3 showed some nice passing plays, but good goal tending kept the ..-'core to low "urea. The home team opening the scor- but Durham counted , In itrtrt period. and scored 2 to 0 In second. Kincar- 10 see. later Moses netted Tuckel’s rebound. " was a coatly penalty. Gor. Mrl’xnald banged in Law. reneeta rebound t'o give Durham P, 6-1 lead " end of 2nd. In 2nd Jack McDonald. Klnmrdine. was thumbod o" for high sucking and Durham Pinched the game when Tucker scored on a breakaway, and The superior speed and agility of the battling young Durham team told the tale. and gave them the Nike throughout. Though ice was somewhat sticky at times the locals were flying. and all played a barepup tune. Sutherland and Capstlck look. ed good for the vbltors. Dart-am opened scoring when Joe Noble rushed to near nets and gave R. lectu- I neat pass close in. Cap- stlck evened it up when his long drive trom centre Ice beat R. Me. hind, 4--3. " was then the ttood an“. bunt, ttttd the lakesideâ€; were are» out of the contention. cardjne Monday was never seriously threatened. though Kincardine tied score at l-I at end ot lat frame, and added , at start of 3rd to come close on the game, but still 1 be- Wtth the liveliest last period rat, ly seen here in years on Wednesday night. Durham's Int. B. hockeylsts ran In 5 goals in the Bmu 11 minutes ever Kincardine, to win the match 9 to 3, Mid the playoff round " to 5. The Mon] lead Rained in Kin. With-d Finish Beats Kincard'lle, 9 to 3 ' Vol. LXI, No. rt-nce BILE sums w.......... ....r..'...... 47c ownono ICE o..........."....""-. 35c can: SHAMPOO .... ...... tse, "er, 99e MILK or moussu nuns.» Ior 35c PURETEST HALIBUT LIVER on Capo..90c THERMOL WOOL ........ ............ 39c mummy mun mus m........'.'.. 50c I. o. D. can LIVER on. ........ We, 3103 an wanna ............ Mk, tm, $1.15 vnnus .... .................."""". B9o uunm A, I o a a vunummcu..uzs Durham-Lawrence (G. McDon- KIN-3’8 NOSE a THROAT YOUR REXALL DRUG MOORE McFADDEN, Druggist, Optometrist CIGARETTES, clans, 'mtratttta canny ..........".. so: POUND .... ...... tse, MM, 99e LIA TABLETS..85 for 36e UT LIVEROII Capo..90c ........ ............ 39c PILLS m............. 50c nozL ........ We, 3103 .......... Mte, Im, $1.15 'rorn Kin-I Durham having vanquished Kin- mn by aicardlne. and Chesley, Hammer, the agood ln-l two winners meet at once to decide Durham's'the group championship, grime: tol r, Mmses,ieount. Mrtrt game is in Durham' Lswrenee,1, rink, Friday, Feb. 10, second in eye and‘ Cheney. Monday 13th. It an even' 'ening was: break, neutral ice, brobably Walker- Itat tune/ton, will see deciding game. It will then soft. be a. hard fought round, but Durham lod. new team and has believe they have a' . nagging least an even chance to dethrone the dine scoled the only goal of last period when, as Sutherland was chm-kt] in a corner, the puck tlew up into the air, and unseen by troaler McDonald, dropped into Durham net, Hap McGlrr scored twice for Dur- ham, while Tucker scoxed unassisted and aided in another. Johnny Jones Durham: Goal, E..' McDonald; de tense. o. McDonald, Noble; centre, G. MoGirr; wings Lawrence. G. Me. Donald; alternates, R. McGirr: Tuck- er. Moses, Kress, Patton. Kincmdine: Goal, Riggin; defense, McNair, Plekard; centre. Suther- land; wings, Berg, J. McDonald; al. ternates. Thompson, Anderson, Cap- stick, Goodwin, Graham. of Guelph refereed well, giving two penalties only to each team. First Period Kincardine -- Sutherland (J. Chesley Plays Here Friday in first of Finals First Period Durham-R. McGirr (Noble) Durham--Tueher ...... .... Third Period Kincarmne --Sutheriand ......15.00 The village of Heathcote has just came tor gratitude to Mr S C Pent- land of Hanover, Inspector of Pub- lie schools for South Grey. Mr Pent- land was ban in Heathcote, 5 miles trom Thornbury, and his regard tor his native community was recently shown when he presented tour $50 cheques to civic and religious r owns in that village. Th'e Commun. ity Village Hall and the Skating Rink committees, the United Church, St. Auzuutine's Anglican Church were. the four bodies to each receive the welcome donation. The two chuxchcs will expend their cheques in the instaPation of electric lights. Chester champs . INSP. PENTLAND REMEMBERS HIS HOME VILLAGE Mrs J. Sutherland of Samia spent few days last week end with Mrs @112 Barnum Bttrititit 67tt ... ... ......... 9:00 McGer (Tucker) 16:00 McDonald (G. REX COLD, VANISHING or LIIQUEFY- me CLEANSING CREAM .......25c jar BRONCHIAL couoH svnup .......... soc on. BELL’S MEoIcAI. WONDER .... $1.00 ExcELsIon GttNtMWN POWDER, 25, so, tt SPECIAL HOGWORM POWDERS ...... 25c zev HEAVE MIXTURE ..........' Mk, $1.00 HOT WATER BOTTLES, guaranteed, We, 31 NIVEA ttREI................... Me, 95c NOXEMA can» ............ 15c, Me, 39: BAYER'S ASPIRIN ............22e, 39c, 90c WAMPOLE’S con LIVER ExqtRAttT.. 31.00 STORE PRICES 15:00 19:00 a trustee since 1926 and whose loyal- ity and faithfulness to the church was of inetuettiattie value. Mr. J. H. McFadyen 'WtMg electeg to till this vacancy. Auditors elected were Lorne Altcheson and Boyce Howell. The retiring managers are: Wm. McRonald. John MoEachern. Arthur Edge W. J. McFadden, John Alexan- der, Gordon Geddee and T. M. Me. Fadden. These elected tor a three )ears term are: W. J. McFadden. Wm. McRonald, John Alexander, Dr. Pickering and Arthur Edge, and those for two years were: Douglas Donnelly and Gordon Greenwood. A two minutru' silence was observ- in memory of members and adher- t-nls who have been called to a higher service. Special mention to Mr Donald McArthur who has been A vale of appreciation was expend- ed to Rev. and Mrs. Hirtle in their untirintt efforts, also to the choir and other organizations ot the church. ' Rev. R. Honeymal closed the mmting with the benediction. after which lunch was served. With Janet Robb, president ot the Literary ISeclety. in the chair, a successful High School "Lit" was held Friday afternoon. There were selections try the choir; a negro son: in costume by First Form boys; a skit "The Highwayman" by four older boys; spelling match, lst vs. 2nd Fcran, won by Ist; and the chief feature, a debate, “Resolved that Thilty-six were admitted into full communicant membership.. Thy rite of baptism was administered to ten children, and there were six wed- dings. one of the outstanding evunts in the history of cur church was the burning of the mortgage in June, at which Rev. S. W. Hirtle was assisted by two former ministers, Rev.B. D. Armstrong, and Rev. Daw id Gowdy and the Moderator and Clerk of Presbytery. BOYS WON DEBATE 13-9 world is now a better place to live in than it was in 1900." Muriel Gibson and Margaret Dewar cham- pioned the affirmative, while Keith Benton and Tom Firth upheld the negative. The Judges, Rev. J. T. Priest and Mr Irvine Sharpe, gave their verdict in favor of the nega- tive. Our budget allocation has been met with a surplus, thus making us the leading church in the Saugeen Prcctrytery, ot which Itrav. S. w. Hirtle In convener of the Budget Committee and a member or the Gwen) Board of Missions. Annual Meeting of Durham Presbytelian a, cl: Rev. S. W. Hirtle opened the amazing with devotional exercises and also acted as chairman for the meeting.. The secretary, Mr Gordon Geddes read the minutes cf the previous meetings. The reports ot the various organ- izations were received and adopted and indicated a favorable advance ment, especially the Sunday School which has had a record year, this being the best year since 1931. The annual congregational meet- ing ct Durham Presbyterian Churcn was held in the schoolruom on Fri. day evening, February 31d with a good representaticn ot the congre- gation. DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, I939 AT HIGH SCHOOL LIT WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED On Tuesday evening in upper town. the home of Mrs Titre Young was invaded by about sixty friends of â€w Porky Saugeen section, prior to her removal to St. Jacobs, where her future home will be with her son, Dr Donald Young. Eighteen years have passed since the Youngs came to this section from Hampden, and in that period have proven . them- selves tried snd true friends. Mr T. G. Lauder wss chm-man or the evening’s program and at a fitting time culled only! Joe Crutchley to read an appreciutive address to' Mrs. Young. Mrs T. G. Lauder and Mrs. L. McLean presented the honored lady with an electric floor lamp and magazine rack. Also on behalf of the U. F. W. o. Club, Mrs J. A. McCuaig presented Mm Young with a silver fern pot. Though greatly surprised. she found voice to ex- press her thanks. J M LATIMER The death took place in Toronto Friday last. ot a former Durham citizen, In the person ot J. M. Le.- timer, after an illness ot three years from a stomach trouble. He was 76 years of age and aunt'ved .by his, wife and two daughters, Misses Irene and Mabel. Approximately twenty yams ago the Latimer family left town for Toronto. Deceased has been back at intervals in the inter- eats of his property. Sub-Committees Named in Town Association The Executive Com, ct Durham Business Men’s Association met last wcck and appointed committees of three to be in charge ot dittereat branches ot activity, in the interests of the town. The tinrtattuned on each committee is chairman. A hearty vote of thanks waa pro- posed to the retiring .omncers for their excellent work. Regent. Mrs J. F. Irwin responded and wished the new onicera the best of success and cooperation as in the year ended. For Improvement "ot the'town park or tennis: camp: C. G. McGitlivray, B. H. Willis, C. W. Zilllax. Me'rchants Corn.: E. J. Bennett, D. M. Saunders. T. P. Home. Fish and Game Com.: Chm. Me: mum. Dr. D. B. Jambaon, Irving Elvldge. Sports Day: Dr. Burnett, R. L. Saunden, l, B. Weld. he Cundlsn Greys Chapter of l. 0. D. E. held their owl meet. ing on Tuesday, Feb. 7th In the Library. 15 members were present. the regent, Mrs J. F. Irwin in the chair. Sec'y and tress. gave full reports for the year. The members are to be congratulated on the won. derful work they have done during the year. Mrs G. McKechnle gave a paper on the People ot India, the different castes and their ways of living which was enjoyed by all present. Election of omeem resulted as follows: Regent, Miss Marion Cal- der; lat Vice, Mrs G. B. Kearney; 2nd Vice, Mrs J. Burgess; Sec'y. Mrs E. Schutz; Treas., Mrs J. B. Duf- field; Standard Bearer, Mrs C. Darl. ing; Educ. Sec'y Mrs G. McKechnle: Press secretary, Mrs T. Henderson. MRS THOS. YOUNG REMEMBERED BY HER FRIENDS Band Com.' G. R. Mela, W. A. MacDonltd, d. C. Webster. Com. to work with Agricultural Society to boost Full Fair: Harold Mekeehnie, Mull W1lson, A. A. Al- The Febmry monthly meeting of the Aarooiatioet will be held thin Friday, Nth but†at 1.00 pm. in Town Hull. Alt when Interested In the town's molten we requested Miss Marion Cak'er New Regent l.0.Ni. overntoswedn-urntau.orut tosonttsermmd,artdrto-tthe Durham team tn the In). of group. OBITUARY HOLOTEIN LEADER j A long life well spent came to a clcue Wednesday evening, when Mr. Robett Renwick Sr. died " his homt here, in his eighty-seventh year, " (ter being in declining health uinco gthe death of his wife Inst is". He has been eight years a resident or “when and tor almost sixty years. Emu cue of .Dromore's foremost cit! KNOX CHURCH BOYS ORGANIZE TRAIL RANGERS About-fo boys met in Knox Church Wbdnerday evening and orgnnized into a Trail Ranger group. Mr Douglas, teller of the Royal Bank, will be ieadir, end they will meet at 7.00 p.m. every Thursday in Knox schoolmam. Next week Initiation services will be held. Gamers elect- ed were: Chief ranger-Bott Braith. waite; sub Chief ranger - Jock Cain; 'rally-Ralph Wilson; Ctuthe-- Howard Chatrew. Mr and Mrs Vie Blyth, Accompani- ed try Mr and Mrs Lame Smith and Mr and Mn, Howard Skalec of Mt. Forest. left by motor for Miami, Florida, and other southein points. They expect to be away approximate ly 9. month. WILL SPEND A MONTH The funeral eerviee will be held Ir Durham Presbyterian Church ttt 2.30 p.m. Saturday. February 11th, inter. ment tobe made in Durham cemetery An obituary will appear next week. Robert Renwick, Sr. Passes on Wednesday THE LATE ROBT. RENWICK SR. IN FLORIDA Mrs W. Calder, 'who has been in Montreal tor some time with her tsitster4n-law, In. P. Graham. re tamed home tart week. lrsGralwm ~will urrlve in . week or so to Ink? up residence here. Mr Ernelt McGirr, principal of M agar: Falls Collegiate trttttitute, and son Narnia. motored up over we weekend on a vlslt to his mother, Mrs Thu. Meoirr. in as good dupe as possible tor this time ot you. The report of Dr. Burnett, M.O.H. stated no communicable :11st In the town. and general health autis- factory, Reeve Hunter gave tt brief talk cp Public School mum and intimated that I more detailed report will be presented the coming year. Ream-Ma for mum for Solution Army and Muskokn Hospital were tlied. The Reeve explained ttpt the County now given 1 Inner 1pm to Sulvnt'on Army which covers a]! nttrnietpntitiesss in County. Chuumnn McKay of Board of Works reported ul road: Ind walks kept A request from the [James-4 Mett'tt Assoclaum tor use of town hall tor meetings monttt.V, on moond “idly, was granted. With some 811.000 on 812,000 on the lint ot armor- of taxes. Dur- ham Council deems it too high. and connidered each cue individually at Hominy night’s session. Where the [delinquent is making ngular (my- menu. or making an effort. to pay. no action will be when. Council de- cided however, to enter suit Tor all trusittegug, taxes in arrears after March lat next, and to list all prop- ort'es with thiee years or more 0 taxes in nrrenrs.and arrange another] tax sale later in the year. f Town " Sue Town Bail, DURHAM Wednesday, Feb. ilith .. 8.IS p. m. were: mum" 4.- “Magnificent Brute" Added Featurette.. for Basics: Tami MW Weekly at 32.00 a year In advance. " Dual sum. 82.60 A you In Mm. Peter M. an»: 1 \K'oodomung outttt t - used Sleigh! l M Truck, alumni Ile" (on: 1 used Cadmium Mummy Smolder s and noun-d Cream kepamtors 6 Colts. rising , god ' years old 0 good Work Horses m2. con. 17, Proton. Apply John Aldoorn, Rat. l, Wotan. Ont All m “L! Lots hers Mm (H) and Fifteen ( In "e l'iru Concoulou Scum ot t Durham Road, in th, Townuhip of ‘lumlz, cat-naming Ons- Hundred (100 um and luvlm [lumen on.» 5 " 'one room hon-:- wjth nellu, I barn, (reliant. a spring and trout 5 mm. Apply to J. H. M HARRIS. Durham. Ontario, tenor for the. Admittistratris 'of PC“ Eda-t Wolfe Rsule. ADMISSION 25: AND IK. WANTED: I-TZXCI-I POSTS AND POLE-)8. 1* or dry. wan rm all partial: and mica. Over will hold a le of W - in; [lid new unemaon tea In C P. Ktnnee's V am More. Saturn) February Huh, mu ' to 6. h Tic ' Guild of Angik'ml Gulch will a St. Patrick In on March 17th. “can keep thin date in mind. u! partlculn and prices. Oven 12.000 Fence ta wanted shortly Write to hau- . MI". 555 Bel mom Ave., Kite. r, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT DURHAM MACHINE SHOP SMALL ADS. FOR SALE with 15qu Mum-r7 to