West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1939, p. 4

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o'Neir-- “mm: That Tacoma Hospital for Sick Children be givena donation ot 85.00. Carried. Wttltm_rutetttor: That he”. be authorized to accept $20.68. " mars of laws (1937) on tot t of Mt. rm, 1. no.3. and that the" said amount be "and from Arrears, od Turn book. Carried. The [allowing mounts presented were passed and payments made: Mu. nu-ipal World. ISIMIOI"! supplies. "ti.. R moles ot 'World’ for and members and Supt, Tress. & Clerk. ttr, Dept. ot 1mm. insulin acct. for Whitmore-- Grantley: That pay- ment Voucher No. 2, as presented by Rand Supt. be accepted and pay- umm made lccordingw. Amount $t02.93. Carried. CrutrhFy--0'Neil: That the Reeve and Clerk he authorized to sign tho petition (or ntatutory grant on ex- v-endlture on Township Roads "11938 Teytnt amount $11,858.97. Carried. Whitmore-Cru/tttery: That the au- Imors' report be accepted and am; they be paid 915 each for their ser. vieeq and ”one u. of 31.24. Car. artiet accounts were pamred total- ling tho sum of 8121.59. The second regular meeting was MM in menshlp Hall on Saturday. Petr. tth. All members present. The auditors. Messrs Joe D'Arcy and Pat McMillan presented their report which at Dee. El. 1938, showed as- rrcts to be greatnr than liabilities by "£377.03. Glam-lg Council Qw‘wwnsn MORE ANDMORE, Wives In tell- i'ttreadtehetttrntrdseemuessvarietrot iyeeaitduhedtateantteprerired rspaNe appetite-appeal 'rtakettmwrugtmnaV1amoeitieimrid oere60di_thirtdsotCasmdianristt -dst.seigiAateitruetorouatirsae 2rtgl 'att'.' T'g'rtrf,gt: or ... m ciyestouthysdtitamiitsthattmiutsp Slowing health-adamant]; semis}. severattienesareeeh.T, themtterttrand. iis7iiG'llG'c7graldri'fN'N,'n't FUttRecipeBooktet. . in 3 sets of 2000 yards each; work to commence not later than June IS, 1939. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for " per cent ot contract price. Tenders received to April let next and tobe considered at regular meeting of Council on April lat. Gravel to be crushed to three quarter inch. Carried. CA OF THANKS We, wish t express our sincere thanks to our ends and neighbors for their klndn ' sympathy and assistance durin the long illness and subsequent d th of a beloved sister and aunt, til late Mrs Nell Mchnnel. Atmrter ending Dee. 31. 1938, $5.18; Twas" long distance telephoning 42c; 'Ontario Aaa'n of Rural Municipalities membership fee for 1939, $6. The Council adjourned to Saturday March 4th. at 10 an. Whitmore--- O’Neil: That we in. struct the Clerk to navel-tile in the Canadian Engineer tor sealed tenders to crush and haul 6000 or more yds. of grave] in the Tp. of Gleuelg for the year 1939. Crushing to be done The Reeve was appointed a deb gate to the above named association and the Road Supt. was appointed delegate to attend Convention of On- tar'o Good Roads Ass'n. The Clerk was imimcted to write a letter of sympathy to Mrs Robert Lindsay. in the passing of Mr. Lindsay. C \LDER’5 DRUG STORE PHONE a Siuer. Niece: but nephews H. R. MacDonald. Clerk é'rhecounoylbnryuu omnoutes'tsittmoett-tuot an“ and I. n We omnrtiaatitnt' Nut week - County Hum-lea In ‘tiom any one tdttmer--ts smother m. , I (al improvements. l The results that have been " _ Now the folk school seemed to 3 ready been obtained elsewhere have 'answer all these questions. It Otter. I been well worth the "ttrt. They i ed a medium, which by its very func- l have shown that the silly old Baring, ‘tioning’. wculd break down the mph!“ around here in“ WONT read flene| follow!“ 'tee exch.m ot, book. at all Imehow" doegn't hold Tideas in thecultnral tttrid. Then with l good for, given the right books " a group, meeting together oontinu- the right time the most people will :cusiy for eight days it would give read tutd enjoy them. ‘sumcient time to diagnose tau-m eon-l Grey County_surely needs a County f ditions and pent to ways and means , Library, for as we have stated be. ifarm organization might materially tore 14% or the population using itrettefit both the buying or farm libraries in a pretty mall percentage _ necessities and the selling of farm tor I County of its else. Piece more 'produee. That there it, 3 re..,w3ken. boou within easier ml of the ine interest in tum people towards rural diatrlcts and there isn't s non sectarian in nature is partially responsT-ble for the first rural folk school in cm. Had. Mord Brianne). of Collins- wood will be tho mtqttitngtor. i Also the hope. that examples of iother communities may arouse in in; the desire for self help. Realiz- ing that our cubtural and economic iBetterment may be much ‘cioaer at ghand than Queen's Park or Ottawa. So the following preface ot the Brat .Rural Folk School in Canada held at l Park Head should coincide. " never hetero the Iyoung people have to face ‘new conditions and ideas in all aspects of life. Our old educational system has left the true interpretation of living so far be. hind, that Adult Education has be come necessary. The people must first be made aware of Intitteneet, which dictate their stsndsrd of lie ing and secondly to intelligenth give I lead in remedies which my tte, applied. With the advent ot the mo-i tor car and "(no the old hm tel-l lowship has disappeared and with it! much of the opportunity tor cultur-l al improvements. 1 When a mm] folk school we: ttmt mentioned in Ontario the questions that arose were-it, it neceuary? Is It feasible t What can it accom- plUh? First is it necetbBttrr.- Today In the last two nudes there have been suggestions and _teeh- niques of carrying on community gatherings. with the point in view or creating a more Intelligent, re- sponsive electorate. Next issue will contain an article WHEN A MINISTER LOSES A PAIR'OF GLOVEs The pastor of Emrth United Church in Kingsvmc lost a pair of stoves and Inserted an ad in the loo tit paper which seems to be worth repeating: "Personal: Will the person who took-by mistake-a pair of leather gloves oft the desk of the Kingnvllle post omee, since he In Irmywtt---to God-return them to the post once. He will get his rewttrd---in heaven. (Rev.) D. A. Cowan, owner by pur- chase.” Eye Inch-u Irvin. P. nuns: um and Wm: The - manned church Journal of the United church will be In future known as “The Observer" " In a combination of the "United Church Record and Illusion», Re. We are back into wronperoua times cnce more, Judging by the may reports of church annual meetings throughout the country. We noted only one church lamenting the fallen church attendance our. in the summer months. OOUNTY “DIARIES Neighbor Nights (by Arthur Haas) THE DURHAM REVIEW not realized better in the quiet com- er: of the lend than in entree of enemy when life 1: hectic end under Dr. Adam. Strolun uh: With the confusion and turmoil all about us might we not be tempted to at if tstandards of lite, m1 and ladl- Grey County__surely needs a County Library, for an we have Hated be. fore 14% of the population using libraries in 3 pretty mall percentage for a. County of its use. Place more books within outer we" of the rural district. ind than Inn't n doubt in the world that the percent- age would very soon be increased. I This is the way it works out. if F there were ten libraries members of l the Association and each one paid in $25 that would mean $250 in the 9 general fund. Besides this there r would be the two grants. it they a were received. Each library that , paid the $25 would have access to ’- at least $250 worth of bookte- that l. is they would receive a different box _ every three months. I As well as libraries belonging to ithe County Association rural schools !may also belong to it. A clause in ‘the Bill regarding the School Law A. 'mendment Act provides - “Subject to the regulations and to the approv- * al of the minister. a county library ". association or any municipality, , police, village or school section for , which a public library has not been . established may enter into an agree- ment with a public library services." , This would mean that it a county , library were organized any school , section could belong to the associ- ation and both Juvenile and adult books could be borrowed in the [ school section using the school as a deposit station it there were no library in the community. Just think what it would mean to dis- trieta ten or twelve miles from town to receive a box of books every three months , t Then too according to the Library _Aot--"sverr farmers' institute or lwomen's institute may ai'llliate with jany public library on terms to be agreed upon with the board Ind in the event ot web amiintion every member of tumors institute or wotn-, en's institute shall be entitled to use the llbnry on the same terms as} residents ot the munidpnlity in; which the library in situate." I Think what this would mean to' Wamen's Institutes which are too far away from town to use the Pub. tie Library. With n county library; organized which could be circulated among their own members. E The idea is this-a number of libraries agree to spend a certain a- mount of money each year which goes into a general fund. It the gen- eral fund receives a grant trom the County Council, the Provincial Gov. ernment will give a grant equal to the County grant-- not to exceed $600. The usual amount paid by each library is $25 but that amount may be agreed upon when the County Library is organized. A County Library Beard is formed-Hr member from each library forming the Executive with a Secretary liv- ing in the county. The books are eatal:G'tted by her and then sent a- iound to the different libraries every three months. in some coun- ties the librarians help with the work. The only stipulation made by the Government is that the County Library must be atraitttmt with some Public Library already established and which employs a trained librari- there is I community In“ or III“! who with to share In the begtotit of. receiving more book. than they ll-l ready have or for small entree which hare no mean to my library or one in which ‘they hue much a The cnly possible way tor these peoble to get library service is through a county "bury scheme. Since the scheme is a. cooperative one it does not involve any great expense to anyone. trtttaetfwt-rrsrrroi.to "r" a poor mrtment of book: the! might jun. u we“ have none. A. we stated last week there are only 86% of the [maximum m Grey why have noceu to Free Librnrlel and another 5% who have access to smell Association Libraries. That leaves 59% of the popuhUon of Grey County without any Library service whatever. . C anadian Consult Agents .-Ash for MW T. M. MePAWtEN, Mn Agent. . YO Chicago . . .SIZJS Detroit 6.00 Windsor .. 6.00 Simila- low but from nearby points GOtNG- Mrtst min from Toronto 6.25 p.111. Feb. 1001. RETURN- Lat train from Detroit, 3.05 mm. and from Chicago 11.59 r.-.” qq.N.F.N.9f_.v...i. -.._. - ......w... ”W At the Inklnlght hour Mr end In wed a. delectable luncheon. Byers were mounted with table --_------_ ---- silver by Mrs Osbornemdllngwhlle F-'""-"""-""'-"--'---- Mr Albert Kraft reed 0. very ep- IoInd Trip mom-lute eddreu. Both Mr and In Byers expreued their thank. to BARGAIN FARES their friends for the; remembrance. C d , _ Feb. 10, ll 22U"lfyt_ m mttorard tor, Mr. Archie Beaton. The Sunday School stair for the new year are: Superintendent. Mr. Archie Baton; Associate treasurers. Miss Blanche Beaten and Keith new ton; Teachers. Mrs. Henry Beaton. Mrs Archie Benton and the pastor. The pastor gave a brief address on "The man who did no mimele-BU'r" At the conclueion or the business. a social hour wan enjoyed. during which Miss Jean Priest entertained with piano selections and the hostess ser- ved a delectable luncheon. Dmons, Messrs A. M. Baton. Whi- ter Mug, R. J. MaeW1tivrar, Ush- ers. Messrs Archie MaeArttntr, Wat- ter Ewing. Charla Machrlane 1nd Robert J. Hmillimy. Organs“, Mrs Wm. G. Ritchie and [in Jun T. Priest; Auditors, Mr C. Imm- The otBeerB tor the new year are as follows: Church clerk, Mrs R. J. MacGillivray; Treasurer, Mrs Henry Beaton; Mntuteial secretary. In A. M. Benton; Trustees, Messrs. Henry TORONTO ANNUAL MEETING OF GLENELG CENTBE BAPTIBTS The Glenelg Centre Baptist Church held their annual business meeting at tho home of Mr and Mrs Neil Mae. Farlme, on Thursday. Feb. Md. Re. ports from the various departments showed that stewardship had "been faithfully rendered. The balance in each department was on the safe side. There has been a marked in. crease in missionary giving. KNOX UNITED Y. P. A. The regular meeing of the U.Y.P. A. Monday cpeued with " present. in the absence of the president, Mrs L. Whitmore opened the meetingnnd presided during the business period. it was then in charge of Miss Plots ence McLean, convener of Christian Fellowship. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Smith. George Prew read the scripture and Evelyn Alice read a paper on the scripture tending. Miss Florence McLean gave an interesting paper on the topic. The meeting closed with the Milne]: benediction. Groups were again formed. Mrs John Sharpe. Mrs Howell, Mrs Blair, and Mm Alexander were appointed leaders. The mlznh tremsdietitrn and tea concluded the meeting. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID HOLD MONTHLY MEETING The February meeting of the Tradies' Aid ot the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs Charles Moffat. Mrs Hangman. the president was in the chair. A copper contest was arranged for the next two months, with Mrs Cturrtea Mot- fat and Mrs T. C. Ritchie " CW toms. R. C. Eastman; Envelope Stewards. Miss Jenn Priest, Mrs John Pierson and Mr Reginald Rios; Trustees, Jnr and Charles Ritehie,and Allnn Bell: Deacons , John Ritchle, Wm. D. Er- win, Anthony Holmes, R. C. Eastman and Wm. H. Monet and T. MoNlece as Honorary Deacons; Ushers, Chas Ritchie; Aaron Rios. Reginald Ries, and Lloyd Erwin; Orgsnlsts, Miss Eva Redford. Mrs Wilfred Thompson and Miss Jean T. Priest Gunter Com. mittee, Anthony Holmes, Wm. D. Er- win, Mrs. Giles. Miss Eva Redford. The reorgtutisatitttt resulted In the election of the following an: Ch. Clerk, Wm. D. Erwin; Treasurer. Anthony Holmes; Funnels! Secretary “MOT ANNUAL MEETING _-- r...“ """-_---- Into Inger ones. The male was on B .. I plied by I has! at Ila-Mm of this "“1“.“ "ORT l . 'l1'l'1Ch22 i,l'2tt,r,',',,et 8-8. No. 2. BENT. & GLEN, Mr tttd In Byers m - ot m “um.“ Mittor, Freddie "n "teta m three “mm W m. om. Vl-Dorll Noble, Lay on the tuem.tauat mm the pm m Mme. Rttetrio Miller, Ver' by the I”. rather. the Into If v“. Grade "tA-Jeanie MrA" Thos. Brees, ""rrt.rdttrtr M .. lbur mm lei-on. Minnie Mol no and In one of the mm kill an. an“, lab. [baud Miner Gr In thie *teatttr to be menu In N H“ vm Vernal Mrcri' the M“, “I. M “W I“. my KONG - " ------..., - - . “\_~___ and. s-amiiiuiiT.Gr,,Ti"ii,'/,i) FARM I")! ttA2gB-ae was, and tam. thee, ha I“. Lloyd Building. ”an. aunt. in. b thee, lulu Mather. ' a... can. my and. Calla. I. on :1. Anna. ntt'oe. 2“ Rat. No. l. M. I‘. -'-. “WV” mm. mu at very - report, endured I pioprlute addresm. Both It and 1111 week when m ot Byers expreued their thank. to into the “able wh their friends tor the; membrane. annulu- to chop. Cud- and m.wm enjoyed mhdlodugmu until the mall hour- wu-e growing """-_-.- Into Inger ones. The mule In. up n"...- "- - 1' - - rards and dancing. The nan-1c wu was supplied by Menu Yandt lad Schenk while Mitre Glady- Bobcat accompanied on the gutter. It in lane "mtttr4ive you: ago Feb. 4th that Mr um Byers and Misa Floreme Mariette Antler-on. two popuhr member: of the younger set of this community were nude man and wile by the R". W. 1. Me.. Mr and Mn Milton Schenk were host and beaten on Wednudny. M. In to a Int-go number of this locum it being the occuton of that unn- teenth wedding nnnlvemry. A very enjoyable evening "I "tent with Mr and In Noah Monk were guests " the home of Mr George Paul! at Station! over the the week end. Mr and In Gordon Hopkins of Allan Park visited recently " the homo nf Mr The) Derby, Miss Daren; Busing of Hanover spent over the week end with her plants. Mr and Mrs atihn Billing. Mr Etmt Lin ot Humilton visited recently with his parenu, Mr and Mrs Norman Litt. Mr tyayton Diebel of Hanover in assisting Mr George Bull at present. Mr Steven Hickung of Walkerton In: spent the put week with Mr and Mrs E. o Hickllng. Visnors the ttrat of the - the president. I!“ Fisher in an ",. with "r and Mr- Neil McLean were The meeting was opened “in I Mr and Mr- EI'en Ritchie and "We hymn Ind payer. Minutes ts' . son. Mrs Archie WWW and Bruce Int meeting were mud and busy .. _ 1nd Mr and In Gordon HoCnckell. mm. In W. N.. Gamma and tuanilr. 7 [wound a splendid prom-am r-l Mr and Mrs A. D. Idntryre nnd son spent I few dart' with Mr and Mrs Ateheeon, Willlmford. Mrs A. Macintosh visited with Owen Bound friends recently. [in K. Bolen “I a weekend vill- tor with her parents at Keulhvorth. Recent visitors with Mr and In M, A. Vaaev were In - pu- enu of Kenthorth. Mr and Mrs J. J. Robertson were weekend vino" to man. . Mr and Mrs C. W. Brown of Chen- ley vlalted may with Mr and friends In planning a Nation We wish for them the but of every- thing in their new home. Mrs. Howard Smith. Donnell, m a welcome guest with her aunt. and ulster hen. nu “I U"iiiiGa-ee"it't't', In: many. Durham were whim this Mr Don weekend with Mr and In lulcolm of a". Old trlendl ad who“ “N The amt Sewing Circle “A” i_I were arm to hear ln Than. You!!! the home of Alan Anderson 1 A and hunter. mu Helen bu docld- scum!” atom. ed to lave our midst uni an up It and In Pete Hay and v, residence with her Ion. Dr. Mud we Dunn! of Durham, I' l-r", Young. mum. m-y. old their um um mum on M.” friend! no Manning I mm!” of this week. . mlwmm”. II! In. LTiiLiu-1te"""t1A'e, McKechnle . in Manet returned Mlver whim-try of the oc- ini In - um ' t "on”: who I!” - My Mend- of um Anni, with It Cooke kirk will be sorry to learn roar. 8.8. No. a. BENT. & mm. W ot Gmdrtrm-agus. rumor. man u m. and: VT-Nets, Noble, Lay .Ctmrts mm mm. Hum. Miller, m- a. Mr Vents. Grade "ra-g- an” a: h ttmr New In... Illnn‘n um an}: a. - on“ - and um-h. :ll' ad In A. We. t boll ll- Ku m of Bantam“ but not. the put mt with her ”a, :1 " can and m hon. '. It. - “' CI M. a. Anna. “fee, :01 'tin lulu. tucker of It“ I'Oek tttttttttur t quilt for 'p haw: AM of label; Baptist ch ,' v Mr Alma no”, we Ire norm , NM eqtdtemd a heavy loss I F week when - of " cattle hum-- Into the cubic when they hs're 1 Ike-solves to chop. bur of the ,'" _ ml. died u n malt. In Ben. Com-t. In Gonna t-'," r-f . M may with her (hurl-xv In Elmer Baker Ind dam” 'ts" [incline of Know visited I" 4:..- Int " the tone of Mr Gram ll 's'r" Ind Gunther Bel-um. Meg ’0. My - I ulcers!” “In!" a - blue on Thmw‘u: ot “It "ell tttttttttur . quilt fm' 'lr MC 0m. 'l‘helunch our "e tee I” u follm: cake. Mrs sd r'; mm. The meeting then tl. by tinting and utter grace was I delicious lunch wu unwed. yr, “I" “II " hold at the hon., m Getm. lighten, when M:- pawn; the creed. The roll can Ct? meted by mm; . membv: w Pun-meat in the Dominion m I", vlnclel House. Btusineso mm T were dicta-ed and also lam !.~ " upwechtlon were read from Mr Jr Hopkins, 8r. Mr Harry Mow _ Mr and Mrs Fred Torry, M, _ Silk. " "u decided to so" 15 , on a comfoxuble" which will b, v oil-play In Mr Rom. Burnmu ' mm In Durham. A short pm followed I'tt' ' In; of unanimity singing; rm ," try In Joe Power, In Wm, lr, . loch. In Hayden Rely. Mrs ' _; Torry. Song by If“ Edna I" Calm by In Porter. Mrs ' , IcCullocll, In Ton Hopkhm v winner- “ In G. H. Torry, Mrs Barter Kn Wen lie-y. Mrs. l ~~ Btu-targ ate wood is the n 'e of the day In our burg. Mr Sn». ... Milan: and in John Hodgson, " ,.5 the Jobs with their mohines. The U.l".W.0. met " the I. 'st ot In Jon-pl: Porter, Unlock v ' ',' most enjoin“. W. The meeting opened In the 'd .‘ mut- by Musing the ode and ' MacDonald and Km Bolton. l that “no In spent In Bible ' , After the clone 0. “Inch provide! I has her mm: from the sludv l, , and “u "that! by Mrs Jas Ir, Dual. Alma Anderson. Plot. . " If D. I. “Donut! via-1m! ct . tho bone of In. later, Mrs. W V t - - [mt lulu Elwood on Tuvsdu The result!- meeting ot tho lt' M. tr. wu be“ In! Wednesday P, H, the pendent. mu Fisher in chn, 're The meeting was opened “in " M - d with " grind“; ”a II m. It I” III Will Campbell 121.4: m ("on m Mm Campbell's pm at: In on“: our Sunday. In J. Wilton who " caring M. Mr Donald chochnle spent {1111“}. '.’.D.Mmlutuw¢ IIBRUABY D. I!!! M M It her hon: i,', _', Mr and Wells or spent spent 509m Hots that that the ed a: a of M of 9 ¢.Q hated. your I - mama! y Can We be or Collection MANOEV I L' MUS-bod him On J anus eutnt wrote “I would sun-l anyone I knov Terms Kelly Spring High Cl ll (mix Colle Tumom‘ Back: FEBR , The I; a go? subscnr And An 1'99! , 5.6 ce. Al PHONE " no Till am Kw _ all

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