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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1939, p. 5

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. Atwra.ee att'ee. 26.t Dir-“n Smith. teach" RI'ARY 9, "" TCh moan visited but '0‘ . .,v his aunt and In]. (ERS ttl of Han-rug. wk with her Bar. “Olson k, Chen!” gm hor pining, It Twamley BPMtt h his MW- Campbell m 'on lmn‘o Mol- Miller Gr C n MrCrao Ray NON. ma Noble. "ntthotrs unday . reie met at mlerson I... M r 4 caring [or room new» wr home tn Freddie 'ble. Lar Pr, Von " Mehr. Mon _ the order Mr Stewart am tie Wells of most-s nt Mr and at; spent daughter. daughter. Ml Friday rat “'18. M not-095ml Thursday Annie Hob learn that hope that for tho town-ch. sorry u as tart te brolo m Pains, the am. Mr. , business Campbell 'cram tab Me sandy home of Mrs S. be tho commit. rs Seth : sand. Viaited at 3. W. P. Tuesday, the W. May with in charm. with a ms of tho he 1 closed " as tr an; March Jan Me “New 3 and Mrs ' visited Monday M aber Lloyd an all lent g doing ved u hon home 31L book loo st re 1| " n of by " 'l‘ Cotteetittrt Special”. ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO Established 1890 anms: No Co11eetion---No Charge nu January 7th. 1939, a Toronto clrint wrote In In part as follows: "I mum! surely remand you to anyone I know who tttttg bill- to col- hwt as I am sure If the, an becol- lected, your Company an do it. I am sending you “other note here. with." Can we be of similar service toyou? Kelly & Aiken High riser Cable spring Mattresses Reg. I4.75, Special $9.95 l? only Cotton filled Mattresses Spring filled Mattresses rznxuaxv Mattress Sale Feb. tt " Feb. 28 Collections FEBRUARY 9, 1m THIS NEWSPAPER, t Year And Any Magazine Listed - Both for Price Show C The alert reader will recognize or once Aat here is a golden 1ggt,','lt fo ohtain the ouhtandirtg subscripfian bargain 0 tlte year. Home Futnishcrs, Durham PHONE 41 W " BELL & BENNETT Good solid construction Containing 19) oil tempered coil springs, all new first-grade felt and sical fillini, Belgian damask ticking, roll edge and ventilators. Full M) lbs. new soft cotton, covered in attrabtive art ticking, roll edge. Reg. 6.95, Sliecial $5.75 Reg. 0.25, Speéial $4 85 Mrs Tom McCartney of Holland Centre spent a week at the Meloshe homo. Miss Beatrice Kenny is spendiDq a few weeks with Mr and Mrs Will Kenny. Mr and Mrs Barry held a party last Friday evening in honor ot Mr Barry's amer, Mrs Cain before leav- for her home in Catitornia.. Miss Margaret Kenny has secured a position for some time in Durham. Mr Joe Keillor accompanied by Father Ryan of Durham, visited the tormer'a father who is quite ill in Walkerton hospital. Mr N. Melcahe and son Wilfred spent a week with friends in Owen GLENROADEN WE DELIVER Mr. Bob Stephenson. Markdale visited Friday with his sister, Mrs Wm. Hincka. Proton: Goal, Elgin Buckburn; defence. Hodgdns and White; cen- tre, Earl Blackburn; wings. K, Sims and L. Sims; alternates, H. Sims. Lockhart, Hergott and Hallway. Mrs J, J. lanes, who broke her hip in November, has been cared for at the home of Mr Wm. Beaton, and on Tuesday was able to go to Flesh- erton to visit Mrs Cargoe tor a- while. Born to Mr and Mrs. Henry Tue. ker a daughter on Friday, February 8rd in Mrs. Nuhn’s Private Nursing Rome, PPsherton. Miss Nellie McLean visited Nred. nesday with Mrs D. Campbell. Mr and Mrs Chu. Tucker and family visited Sunday " A. L. much. Mr. David BineU went the week- end with friends " Arthur. Thet w.M.g. and W.H. Societies will be held on Tue-d”. February, am. at home at Mn Sutherhnd. Tonic Margaret New. “not: .Hnlliday counted for Proton on a pass from Blackblirn in the tlrtst period. In the second period Price- ville tied the count, Bell scoring on a pass from E. Turnbull. The final period saw both teams going full out. Pricevllle’s goals were scored Pricevllle: Goal; McMeekin; de- fence, Frocks and McLean; centre, Bell; wings. D Turnbull and E Tum. bull; automates. Odell and Burnett. First prize was won by Jae. Oliver who jocularly made the old remark, “He had carried home the bacon" (a good sized chunk of pork.) Mrs J. P. McMillan was first in ladies. Consolation prizes were won by Miss Marga-net Nichcl, and her cousin ilionnld Nichol . Had we been play- iinz the latter would never have got the "booby" prize! In tueknowledge. 'ment and appreciation of their soci- ety, and its public benetieiat work, we attended by way of encourage- lment. The play (euchre) itself is 'aa .'"rtat a mystew to us as ever. A vote, ot thanks was given to Miss Mather for the open house given. An appetizlng lunch was served at the close by the hostess, and her many assistants. by McLean. E. Turnbull, D. Turn- bull and Ben. Proton’s goal came from the stick ot Hodgkin. Mm Sarah McLean, colloquially, ktrre n M (Sarah Douaall) (to better distinguish .her from the many other M, . 1‘s hero) oelebrated her 913i birthday on F'Aday 28th January. She is diligent in knitting and other “ark at the hcuse, and all without glasses. Congratulations ! iete Mr. 3nd Mrs June: Oliver. It is expected two sleigh: will so trom Elbe muse. All who enjoy cards are cordially invited to join tt merry Ivan-y going to this hospitable home. , St. Column W.M.S. and W. A. will hold their regulur meeting on ‘Feb. 15th at the home of Miss Eliza- beth Mather. Mr Arthur Bell, Principal here, Igot a very sore optic, by running a- gainst the puck at a recent game! but a cure for sore pyes arrived an the Mth when Mrs Bell presented him which a brand new baby girl. All's woll we hear. Congratula- tions and best wishes. Very discouraging to the hockey boys, one atorm after another, with the formation ot lee. Then a blanket of snuw on top, no chance to prac- tice, yet they are doing well. " The Women's Institute ot this town and neighborhood held a large successful euchre party on Tuesday night at the home of Lig. zie Maths I'. It was to have been held on the Monday evening but the storm prevented, How the 43 who were present from distances out knew of the ehantre,-- search me.' Ten tables were in constant opeaticm, with thrre onlookers. Corrrratulatiomt to Mr and Mrs Arthur Bell on the birth of a little daughter on Jun. 30th. Mira Margaret Fergusson of Yeo. Til spent a week at the home of her aunt, Mrs P. McKinnon. Under the MEDICM of the Women’s limiting. u popular community enchro party will be held an Friday evening, Mm 10th at the home Referrer-- E. Johnston of Flesh- PRIGEVILLE or sleeping cur accommodation. ROUTEs---Tietteu good going via Pt. Arthur, that. Armstrong. Ont, Chica- Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Par. lor and t"andy'd..N"pintt can also available on ”punt of nightly high- er passage in", plus prlce of parlor GOING DATES Daily Feb. 18ttt to ' arch 4th Return Limit: 45 den. go, Ill, m Sault Ste Marie, returning via same route and line only. Gen- erous optional routinga. BToP0VERtr- within limit of ticket. both going and returning--- " Port Arthur. Out., Armstrong, Ont., and west; also " China», ill, Stunt Ste. Marie, Mich. and west in Accordance with tails of United sme- lines. There passed away " her home in Detroit, January 16th, Mrs. John Warrington (nee Pearl MeKeehnie), eldest duughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McKechnie of Windsor Full particulars from my wont. T. . MoFADDEI. Tm Mom. Deceased was in her 44th year and lived with her parents for sometime Mrs J. C. Cook left Sunday even. ing tor Chesley after receiving word that her mother, Mrs James Allen, had taken a serious heart attack. Mrs. Allen has not been enjoying good health for some time. Mr and Mrs Carman Baker were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Herb. Allen on Sunday. was hrirrbtened up by the presence of school trirkr--Missses Betty Wat- son. Sarah McMillan. Isabelle, Sheila. and Marie Weir, who sang a. group of songs. A social time was was spent and tea was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs McLean and Mrs Mather. The Women's Institute held Its regular meeting on Feb. 2nd at the home of Miss Belle Weir with a good attendance. Mrs Wm. Moody president, was in chair. Mrs Malcolm McLean gave a paper on the motto, "A stitch in time save-s nine." Mrs J. P. McMillan's paper was on "BNng good neighbors and home makers." Miss Margaret McArthur gave a review or current events and also told of incidents of the cconvention in Toronto. which she attended as a delegate. The program A surprise party was held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Mex. McEach- ern, 229 Garden Ave, Toronto, in honor ot the bride and groom, Mr and Mrs. Bert Irvin who were mar- ried recently. Mr Murdock McLeod played the bagpipes as Mr and Mrs Irvin entered the house, accompanied by Caleb Marshall and Mitra Jean McLean. About seventy guests a- waited to welcome them. Soon the music started and all were happy, and the evening was spent in old- time dancing. Before lunch was per- ved, D J Gillies, a past president spoke a few words. An address was read by the president, Alex. Dobson and Alex. McEaehern, honor. sry pres, presented the bride and groom with a lovely Aladdin lamp. a gift from the Pricevll'le Old Boys and Girls. Mr and Mrs Irvin ex- pressed their appreciation. Mn Bill Williamson on the 0.D.R. passed “my Monday noon. Deceas- ed has been in tailing health tor sometime. She leaves two sons to mourn her loss. Mrs C. A. McLean and non, Innis. visited Sunday at Mr Allie McLean's. Number of people in the vicinity have the measles. t, " ..,.((( PRICEVILLE WOMEN’S INST. HOLD MONTHLY MEETING The assessor, Mr Bound of Van. doleur. ba maul: his mum] calls and spent Monday evening at Alex Canon's. Bride and Groom Honored Mn Allie lichen visited Wednes. dar with Mu A. L. Blacks. . Mr Grunt Muir spent weekend whim; in Toronto. McLean, and In Elmer Wuhan. Mr Art Lem new Dromore bought Mr Duncan summe- hm. Special Bargain EXCURsl0Ns Canadian 'lhutitiet TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTERN CANADA TO ALL STATIONS IN q'H1ilrmRHAMrtmmiNir zrnN All) VICIIHY n n "" We sre glad to report that Jimmie Ferguson of Normsnby who bu been assisting " brroher4n-iaw, T. Me- Nallv cutting wood for Mr M. Mc. Ginnis. is recovering nicely. White telling a tree last week, he had the misfortune to be struck with a limb or the tree, breaking tbur ribs nnd causing other bruises. The W. I. Grew mom: he'd in the different homes last Friday even- ing were quite a success ttttd all who attended enjoyed the evening. but Week's Item Mr and In Joe Porter of unlock were guests with Mr end Mr: Herb. Allen one day Int week. son Glen of Canton! men: the week and with Mr and In C. McClocklln. Bu bundle of am tt'rtrtetm qt It Review 0mm t _ ., u‘btlnl ttret tour your. m to Mr. Wan-lam Ind line. that time Ian and on Berg Rd.. Detroit. Mich. She leaves to mourn her Ion. her Nahum and tttsrrnomdtoWindatsr, when he lived ttrttt1thettrneMhsr nun-lace " ...now I call them every evening.' " "Why don't I call them up? Bytmiag tmeNiahtRatestaNa applywqywaiualwid " day Sunday). and M by LONG DISTANCE "s-tor-tttth. Somehow you are attracted to I man who says thin. In those few words he tell. you mud: about himself and his family. He an un ample by “Going home" every e.ealng-- then he'd may know how nun-II it mean. to his funily. when he call. from I Ilium“ Yes, why not? Haven‘t you often started a letter when your thoughts went {wondering --annde you Win! to talk nther than write . . . and, then, within a minute, you heard "Dear Marr"-uter own familiar voice. And here's 7J8". Watch I child's face when he hears Daddy'l voice. You wish Daddy him. self could nee it-. V...‘ Johnny! l?" t" ’95 " "m Se We Ire sorry to ttear that Minn Beul- A. “Mr. the eMeient Ichool teacher at South Bend, In: misn- ed from the position. I Mr R. M. Tribe recently bought a steer from Mr Henry MeDoutattl that was a totrnotcher The animal which was a year and nine months old, weighed 1190 lbs and u. 8%e. © lb. netted the owner more than tloo. An interesting social event took place in the home of Mr and Mn: John MeNatty, 16th con. Proton when their dnurrhter, Edith Moe, was united in matrimony to Mr Neil B. Cnmpbell of Fhrctway, Alberta, form- erly of Swinton Park. Holstein corn: Mr..Matheatoet, wu inducted u min- iu'tor of th's charge and during this time he saw many old and young to his great lorrow, Md In their resting places in different grue- yard; in this locality. Mr. Matheson's change ls lk' miles trom one end to the other. Henry Hooper of Top Cliff. sold a steer to cur general buyer " this pace which named him the sum of $116.00. Bo It pays to nice good steers. 'the Presbyterian congregation in thh town is In gocd sanding u was shown at the minus] meeting held lowly. It will noon be ska-en "bars sinre the present pastor. Rev. "Which is the more bemoan. Travel or Literature" was argued pro and can by High School bays and {His Wednesday and ”mature upheld by the boys' side, won out. These were Nortmut Uttattan, Theo- dore nun-e and Earl “one. while the girls were [my Findlay. Edith Edge and May Cliff Prttteeitie corn: Durham in the Dominion estimates pranentnd in the Home In! week, is down for $25,000.00 for a Post (mice. The amount is creeping up.. Mrs R. MacFarlane 1nd Mra Ar thur Jackson went to hear the Men, deluohn choir In Tomato. the week and. R. J. Bull, M. p., stopped over in Durham Snturdny. and 1mm no exciting nnd strenu- on: sitting: much u occurred int year over the any bill and closure net. Work on our new pout-0mm Mr Ball states, in to start in the spring. We were pleased to are in u re- cent Wilkie paper that Mr. Dan Me- Kinnon of town, son of Mr Minn Me. Kinnon, wan elected Vice-Prelideut ot Bd. of Trade in that growing tovm. Mr Jim R. Gun left co Tuesday tor lawman where he hopes that in the ambitious city he will find more room for expansion Hill! is possible in his native town. Mrs Gun follows in a few dun. IN DAYS OF VORE (from Review Me lob. 5th, "u, The Iceman or the “In School ”VWOM home from Ottawa over trRutaiFit"r"7i"i'iE'GiG iiEiiihii out“ and Phys“ “an. - Cour-u for named m be!“ Hand Culture an! Ar- “. It gluon I would”. Km method fort-mum a -.HotttuttoB..rn. Pttt0 “Parnell I“. A. A. C. O. Ountrlo & Dominion [and In". Bolt-urea Mallow m no. and Ultra “an Inn. Boo your local CUM Duet arranged u Ben“ 060.. AL dulk. also through Durban w. and “sanction Adana. Go. I. DURHAM C NOLI‘I’EIN Phone " PM , Dublin Dulce: [Ounce Bulldlnl Licenced Auction.“- for any Com Prompt. courteous a olden! lento Honor 6mm Tomato all“, Graduate Royal Coll. Donal Sm . M. cannon, A. A. o. I t one. How: “out”... tuning“. boom to a“ n. B-.. x RAY GAB EXTnAcfu W. C. PICKERIIG. tttts US one. and Residence: 0n“ O. can and mm m. I)" Olin. hours: ' to u A... I.” a 0 all» 7 to O a... In..." m c. 6. AND t. F. GRIN]. 0.0.8.. Lat.: W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and [did Flt-hid Col-damasm mum-Jana.- Am-mumuwu Chain-No. Thick. M mundane-u... label-en's [dim and SON, at. - who. ulna at We... comma Boudoir Slippers ate. but who! Tho. an CAIN Pilots. REPAIRIN- " use“ O QIII'. 'CL& 0......“ COIUIIIIIV. .00... "e I... "q"I-" CIV- “I I." no can. "" O " "" V... I. on" - --a.. 1'08“.“de '.eamee'Wrt'tgreoe$te6eeae CUMMI- GEORGE E DUNCAN l l MIMI“! Winter Good: , tt MCOUAWIF..8.A. T tt. SNEATH. 31.0. F. . EAGLES” t Over Ron! Bulk Dun-n. CHIROPR ACT" BESS'E tftei(tlUtu a: ,

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