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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1939, p. 6

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M mod show. too. But if economy 1mm l.' p!‘:lf‘ll(‘Pt'. how about no ning tttin/s up a bit. habing fewer ftcials and better shoes.'" . When your teot are particularly Vim! and aching. try this simple treatment: "Simuy soak tvet In I pan of wry hot water to which a pinch of salt has been added. Then soak mom in wry cold water tor a few minutes. The hot water I!" draw out the pain and the cold water will aaniata the slightly swollen condition caused by the hot. After. Want. appty root powder and put " Dash workings." situ I ial fr S!riro. Poor Shoes TFey.. Don't Fit Ski? J. 'tost an hom. or at least halt an hour each day depending on the number of members itt the lamlly and Four general health. 2. Are you ot normal weight? If underweight and tire easily. on: n light lunch between meals and a hot food at this time when doiug heavier work. . 3. Remember that stair climbing use: up fifteen times as much an- "r" as walking. 4. Too much Hum lulu-rd “A MC mum Feet Tht tlvVe Ere, ll from d -d and Wt on i. Has Ms f9-ytrw-old Edith Turnbull. whose fume has spread beyond her an- tive shores of England. is the only girl pipe major in the world. She will shortly visit this contin- ent to fill engagements in the trnited State, and Canada. She i' head of th" famous Dazzcnhum rhl piper". and with them may ix Surggczticm For Combat! Crset of Tiredness In The Home n brk the Milk i :t-om ‘quenl 4orrsewifo. Can Outwit Fatwa; In huttwt which allows :1)! New: and other tla. Cttt'.y "ailments but teens Imying really good shoes." "nip singer: "The idettt wank! be to have the h- othvr treatments Ind the ms. too. But If economy uranium. how about "a 4.; up a bit. hail»; fever d w work. . member that stair climbing . lineen times as much on- walking, '" much light (glare) and In light (eyestraitty can u {anus early. we good shoes and a good u are in one or the other our hours a day. od daily bowel movnm-M- Follow A outlining :xrh day, con fusion Ot P harm-mat r is nullim n In articl Hrrtttetnake Overfallgu ‘(c-r's worst Only Girl Pipe Major Tr k now u bein izes In The Face 'varre4 ta Uncom- lllgne ons and tire easily, eat wtwecn meals and mo 19 "lasts of individuxdn I c or tiredness is due f in: constantly on the i r to the Wife, mother. of the home. Some physical and mental n-mnkor has to cover unlined by Lou Trp. arliclc enrilud "Otrt. -makers' Fatigue" in {ammo is one ot the worst enemies. A “System" ing the work to be . light (glare) and (oyestrain) can awN movements Lizzie. Establish hulo two mut- izs in tho day‘s dam Jill 'd "system" pre. and confusmn ooner. some ot outwit fatigue silly. poorly 'aiet: allows , Bot1gitresn non orches- titre lines In I to aching. tn to any to Any- gm as Try having this reeip by Chicken Maddie, that inexw Take one breeze. to put it mild- ly. from the cold north, add a flur. i) of snow and a sudden drop in the tcmporature and you have all the makings for a gram. appetite. So along comes this Scalloped Canada Cod to make your menu making easy. and to keep the fam. ily nappy and well fed. SCALLOPED CANADA COD 3 cups cooked Canada Ct d ', cup grated ehecse 5 cup buttered bread crumbs 2 cups hot milk :3 tablespoons hutuu 3 tablespoons flour. Seasonings Melt the butler, blend in the flour and add the milk, stirring gradually until well blended. Add the grated cheese. Place half the cod in a buttered glass baking dish. cover with half the cheese sauce. then a second layer of fiah and the rest of the sauce. Cover with the buttered bread crumbs Ind bake in a moderate oven Mo to 400 deg. P.. for 20 minutes or until golden brown on top, and bubbling hot. W J e v _ , Ji-i-it-Car'""'?"'""" ,i," I $41 a; tlie Ott tstef' i I,"'-,":';?,,,,.,,,":..?) bt ALMA tuux5eaaaen'iv. 0f INTEREST to WOMEN READERS SCALLOPED CANADA COD Hits the Spot on Cold Days Mb a way story. How he I from h's farm 1 graduating from college. and tleto at the portals of no gm a thanee t one who would :ri tunity. Hut aside nut. he know she must be fam, ished. She looked so small and weary. Jed wondered who she was and where she came from. and would have liked to ask, but he was too well-bred to pry. Warmed by the coffee, Malawi began to talk. He learned that she had spent months looking for a in!) and that 'rowhore in the city did there seem to he a place in an offiee for a nincicrr.vearuoid girl without experience. Finally. we Lad decided the only srnsible thing to do was get a job in a 'estaurant. At ttras- you were Sure o'? eating. But it seemed too many othrtr girl: had the male idea. AM tin-re “no no vrocavries. Trying: To Muse B-oadway Jeri told very much the name story. How he had saved manor When the coffee was ready, Jed brought cups and saucers and set the bag of doughnuts beside Mol. em on the couch. Then he pulled his chair closer to the fireplace and sat down. “Feel drier'."' He put sugar in her coffee. Moleen felt tears stinging her eyes. She swallowed. "I feel-like a queen with ttll this service. You’re so good." There was no mistaking the ehildish catch in her voice. Jed thought she had looked deeply troubled and in need. Seeing the hungry way she bit into the dough- nut. he knvw she must be fam. ixhul. She looked so small and weary. Jot] wondered who she was ‘1 Sod la to tal father :91) sl: younm n.'.wt' broth” P on a trip. and pt the uncle in My las Tl CHAPTER II tt' For. k are Jed ' by Using inexpensive tt had f or le d saved m r R yea: ( mum Kent mined to in Broadway I sing foe s. . him an Oi', mm pr. mic it of lea of her. earned mall, u't W ned. had ll, There Pat, who N no one n Brook- Invented. 1; she was " mm tire o ‘d It money after Huck; hatter unti: Nvrrt' u Jo , 1” luet to not rad bi ll {I n V - -___ vv :v-sl I")! WI lumber how to go "uni"- Pinkhau'u Coatpoiind-dia' it _ -- ---_Mr "w.- nu, swim I”)? and take . rplhble. time-proven medicine lik- lunous Lydia E. Pinkham’: Vegetable Com- Potmd-asiade (woefully for 14mm trom whole- Iovne herbs and roots-ret it help Nnure tone up your syltem and than all: iotgty nerves. Inner: din-es: {rpm {nude {national chor- de: and make We worth living. A. nun-- on “Mr - Don’t take thee,' ”which wh ch you Semi for 'U00 Tempting- Fish Reeipes." The Department of Fisheries. Ottawa, wilt send you a copy for your own use free of charge. All you have to do is write and ask, and state whether you would like the booklet in French or English. Instead ot making a white sauce, on days you’re rushed, use a tin of thick prepared tomato soup. Other flavoutvs can be in.. troduced by using crean. of celery, pea, or any other cream style canned fish, packed in Canada. Or Salmon, that adds a touch of col- our as well as an individual flu- Your. Instead of making a NERVOUS Moleon looked Flown at her wrinkled old print dress with dis- taste. his hair. "But don'tle you. I meant to waken you’d had , “We nap." and the nik top o' th; O'Dare y' "Oh."' ? the couch Do This If You’re V. owning: ments, I The l (HT the slee thought nowhere her hav roused centre l over by , W -...._,. Moleen, who knew little about musi.-, knew that it was not just a voice. It was a wonderful voice. A rich. mellow soothing baritone that went straight to the heart. strings. Jed's long, lean fingers brought such melody from the old banjo as she had never heard. In a little while the blue eyes closed. Suddenly, from her meas- ured breathing, Jed realized his unfortunate little guest had fallen asleep. For a time he went on strumming- softly. Then he laid Tillie down and scratched his head uncertainly. It seemed heartless to awaken the sleeping Moleen. Suppose, he st__, , - . ‘. V h mid A Wonderful Voice Curled up in the blanket, with her hair drying in a riot of curls, and her small pinched face faintly pink from the warmth and the coffee, Moleen looked like a sleepy child. Jed lifted his banjo and, strumming softly, began to sfng. First, "Sleep Kentucky Babe." Then. "Mah Curiy-headed Baby." Don't I ht '." um not I ‘5. Then rumpled . her from " just u I o' the x "Oh, anything. Something Mu ." I'n t "You bet."' he accepted the in- vitation with alacrity. "What would you like to hear?" ran hair bitterness, and enjoyed the usual experiences of unloading a few of her troubles by eonfiding them to a sympnthetic listener, Moleen re- laxed. Jed was glad when she stopped staring into the dying embers and smiled. "Would you sing for me, Jed l'" she yawned sleepily. 60 your: ,Griara, bu told r to 1ta'1etylycilirii5'lirt"t1 ts, he. too, fell he morning sun window when M Ois. For a few lance: on banana! opium ind Ir:,": know nothing Ibout. Us. 't St? 93',” PM Mr, "lor, um by the afraid longs, J her. I ight r the unhappily, the girl had to go. At least he'd let tt a good nap before he her. Jed turned out the ight and pulled his chair the reading light to look Help Wanted ads of the paper. And in a few mo- v. too, fell asleep. morning sun screamed in ow when Moleon opened F For a few seconds she Mol unhappily, to go. At a good 1 er. Jed tl PM and m For a few s remember l I she sat up Jed smiled l n his chair. woke up my mmmin' to look a fright! I'd eon j "Why Jen SK) jumped finite m y:wlf to yo u J e d let the - least seconds where er: 'd up f stayed , in alarm. uncertainly , yawncd "; through F it worry you after from I all The M iss she she , he had ailments that look weeks. to overcome can be helped touch more qmckly. If you have varicose um! or bunch“. Mart and.“ to bring.them back to normal lite and if you ore me you will do Bo. Just get an original. bottle ot Moon's Emerald Oil " any dimming platinum 3nd apply it night and morning to the t larged veins. In I short time the vow: should begin to grow smaller and by regular use soon approach normal. People who wont to reduce varicose vein. or "onions. should not hesitate to try a bottle at once. " in so pettetratin and eco. nomxcal that o “all bottle Inn. 1101:; time. . The world progreues. Today many minor 'i1ttyer.tts 3hat todk weeks to overcome can Varicose of Swillen 1hiias--llkdl "Icon Illtst!lfai llhlltathas you "lt is all right," Jed assured her. “But you mustn't take any other man at his face value. Some. times it doesn't work." "Don't I know ity' Moleen said grimly. "I could write a book." They were dunking their dough.. nuts silently when the knock came on the door. Moleen's hand went to her mouth nervously. Jed jumped up and turned the knob. A large red-faced woman greet- ed him with a burst of indignation. "I thought I heard voices!” "Now, ptuaion me, Mrs. Loomis, while I explain," Jed began quiet. ly. But Mrs. Loomis pushed him aside and strode into the room. A Simple Home Treatment “Yes. Fairy Godfather." Mol. een sat down obediently. "Funny, it seems as though I'd known you all my life. I ought to be terribly embarrassed because I went to sleep and stayed here all night. But it seems-all right." Fairy Godfather "That's the trouble in big cit- ies. But listen, little lady, it's not going to do you any good to go over all that. It's past. So you just drink some coffee and let's forget it." or bring any unhappiness u your parents. I can't say as mueh for my brother Pat. He was always getting into some kind of mess, and poor mother never knew what was going to happen next. The kid didn't mean any harm. But he had to run the streets while mother worked." Cs surprising how just a little stitclic sampler. Use colorful threads! Pattern em of a sampler 12 x 15 inches; a eolo: quired; illustrations of stitches. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps canno to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., " West d plainly Pcttcrn Number, your Name and Jed nodded. h: "The" best lit'tl World! She's big like, you." V _-_.. “unusual: “If my kid sister. and you remind me a lot of her. By the way, I've got five sisters and four brothers." "That's nice." Moleen went over to the sink to wash Her hands and face. "And I’ll bet you have a lovely mother, too." ,7".-- _--vu. '"" EU. "Oh, no, Jed." Moleen shook her head. "You've been too good. I can't impose on you any more." "I'm adopting you for my mas- eot," Jed grinned. "And all mas- cots have to be fed. Don’t thank "There ere a couple more doughnuts left. We might as well have breakfast Perot} you go." pot. ‘CROSS STITCHSAMPLER never get a Job looking " though a steam-roller had run over me." Jed got an to put on the coffee Express Hospitality With Laura nave to be fed. Don’t thank I've beer! lonesome for my l_it_tle mom m the as a minute - a llttle stitchcry can make so In-J-' " AI --- v ,,.__V .4“ -.. Aycnlvc . '.' Pattern 1712 contains a J/i'iii17r' pat- 1es; a color chart and key; materials re- rmps cannot be accepted) for this pattern " West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write Name and Address. iirtttti. WM Jiiig", Pow1tmtg "='2urh,fe2e.trsi.nieLCir. "Now where are you going, cen l"' - -- V-.. ....e "ts"'". Moleen helped him pack his few belongings. Out on the street Jed stood looking down at her uncer. tainly, Tillie under his arm. id tk Jiraraai 1'03"" mu. = 'ii'i'ii 'lllidt the T,2h'Nl unripe: will It; often the .23.. of ""eiah. ma... AermrrdruiiiueV. " For FREE my”: and boom "Don't worry about me. But I could kick myself for being so stupid as to let this happen to I kid like you." She smiled through her tears. "As if it matters.' I'm nobody. She’ll never see me again." (Iron. M feverish-ante" the “do . . ' . “I ' tiii'l?:fjfti'i'itfi,,ri,'i 2,ttltit2 WI! ore (onion than 100 "nel-. W ---.i9rr.. - ”w. "Oh, Jed, I've gotten you into trocble.' And you're broke too. 1'm--so sorry." Jed crossed and tilted her chin with his hand. She went but and banged the door until the chandelier shook. Quick tears came to Moleen's eyes. (KAI. . , _. TORONTO "Hints to Mothers" write John Steedman & Co.. Dept. is. "' Bt. Gabriel St., Montreal. MN The Rent Money "I suppose so," Mrs. Loomis sniffed again. "It's your living. i'll never get my money if you don't have it." you've paid me the three weeks' room rent you owe me, And take your girl friend and find another place to stay!" ch’s face whitened slowly. "Very well," he said quietly. “Will you let me take my banjo t" . me .VOU'Ve paid Issue No. 6--'39 "You can say whatever you want to me, Mrs. Looms, but don't insult this girl. She hasn't done anything wrong. I can explain." "No explanations are necess- ary," Mrs. Loomis sniffed hateful- ly. 'Wm no fool! Pack your things and leave them here until Molcen got up slowly, her eyes wide with alarm. But before she could reply Jed broke in. "You've got I nerve, Missie! What kind of a house do you think this is?" PATTERN I712 ‘. Toothlng _'.',, Time? t!tlrll?!'tt, IT'S A cucuw nus BISCUIT son A _',,irr,(' '_,,,':...),,.-,,:,,:),',,"','-,.. HUNGRY W A YOUR BABY expressive a transfer pat- materials re- ', Mol. i,::':',,)'--?'-,':--, Mom lets me I am repeating the treatment. First wash the affected parts thor. oughly with palmolive soap and water, then cover the area with I towel wrung out in hot water. or steam the face over a basin ot hot water. to open the pores. Washing the face tends to ce. move some ot the oils that are in. herent in the skin, so i advise the use of a palmolive soap, because it contains lubricating oils and thus actually helps the skin. Readers constantly write for ad. vice about removing blackheads. so , -.-- ____ A. Cleanliness is the basic remedy --both internal and external. in- ternal cleanliness is essential to I clear skin. It the system is disor- ganized. it quickly makes Its mark on the skin. so don't neglect the simple precautions that ensure in- ternal cleanliness. Make " a habit to take 1 dash ot fruit salt In I glass of water every morning. External cleanliness calls tor tre. quent washing. Sounds simple. yet so many women misconstrue it. Cream cleansing is not a substitute tor washing. " is necessary to cleanse the skin with cream quite otten, but soap and water should be used frequently. too. Softer: your linger-tips with lit women. In addition to spoiling our beauty, they create a feeling of ity feriority. Yet, in most cases. they can be avoided. or at least quickly eradicated. (he .95}creis Good looks As they parted. t faintest idea where going. Around the stopped uttecrtainly pletcly lost. Skin TO AVOID SKIN BLEMISHES "It’s a date." Jed hold out his hand. "Eight o'clock. July Fourth. So long, Mascot. I believe you'll bring me luck!” Wm H "i've an engagement to play at Coney Island in the afternoon. I'm going to make twent) Aive dol- lars. Will you have dinner with me and we'll celebrate?" "Oh. pest." Moleen said happily. "Where shall I can for you Y' Moleen thought quickly. "Meet me right up the street here, in our doorway." (CONTINUED Moleen shook her head, smiling faintly. "Listen." Jed looked worried. "Are you doing anything on the Fourth of July?" ly. "To my uncle's," she lied brrve- blemishes " are a tragedy to NEXT neither had the a he or she was corner Moleen 5‘. feeling com- ISSUE) "V ti. ‘m‘w your (cam. He ',Itet [i1k'fLtiiihiii'iitfii 31" to 'l'll'JWsil'tte,t, of a mu. (ittiiitli!liti,!?"ii,fii',i'i, b Eden. tificautiG ty, i'i'i'i'i'i?, y nted 1iiit,jt'fli.,iiii.'iiiiii15'ti'i1e L'it','s'f fell, yel'dlt'd A; yet dinmvued: N " ttat "RH.“ " , Often to“ Pea, amd dha. WL." h' S!!! .31.!"90 It Your Son. my Tim! tham "OI I thw-N, can "mm lit! 9'!!!” by this RAW THROAT tummy. menuwmum is a simple, direct way of treating mall cutarrh. This healing balm is no Booeterinserted in the nostrils than the nnliaeplio vapours begin to penetrate to the farthest nasal Sange- . . . relieve congestion . . . ginger-ms . . . retard gathering of mucus . . . clear your nose and held keep it clear. Get a 30 rant tube or in today. A ply it regularly. Mentholatum should "llQJo'l, who! . .. " it has relieved millions . . . or your money will be refunded. u This is quoted from inst one of thou- sands of earnest testimonials praising Mentholatum. All over the worl millions of Inca and women ue mwgul If. this "t9ese.oved f.amily truly again . . . mm“ from the clutches of t)hulltlltllll" INK-aux It "At last I can bundle Get Up at Night? Please address sour ton Barbara Lynn. Room "i. 7 Adelaide St. Toronto. Oat Write tor cattttdenttat advice in your personal beauty problems. You can get any ot the following Interesting leaflets by lending a 3c. stamp tor each one required: Fur, ial Care; nun: Development; Sup. ertluous Hair; Hand Beauty: Un. derwolxht; Feet Care; Reducing In Spots: Slimming; Fosclumfng Eyes; Glamorous Hair. tie pads of cotton~wool and gently squeeze out the blackheads. Change the wool pads often. becume they become infected. Slermzo the parts with a lottou ot peroxide and hot water. “any. nun-ed me no murh Inn’- xrredo- pun-ed loo (mar-ally and d all burned. Mr luck would to you It line. I tau” hardly ("I I. let lulu ‘A-mu-lc' I wu mun-l7 teo llne direction." Auk you-(drunk: e'l A-lun'c today. A 'iiillii tt our back is lame ll so", you may get relief by taking Dr. Picrre's Amurir. Mrs. T. Higham, 532 um lit., London, Ont.. meal tinieguv mat. if you experience hunting 9nd soreness. IF your sleep is du. turh.ed.by getting yt' mule , lelrllv od All ”dry ha tettors to: t. 73 Welt ima- runny Huge In} through tl the skating “but swir 0‘th (v); Water near M1 by 1 Brod 0t l a Pro: M: Al tim list, 9.0 tttO m an ab k it h Ne Needs work lam Du met Growing Seed Mo, Of Prod: ham: II to the t ever For m. for tial Me pht In: the ? Appro- With 1 Ill 8 tribu ("may try in liking! Odour; ON um during Art A Arrhiteet G Ink: Up Kine Deve uh tier " fr H lop

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